Pilots building Home Flight Simulator Setup I dreamt of as a kid + Giving one away!

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I watched that video last night and I haven't don't a whole lot of research yet but how are the steam gauges (6 pack) setup? I have a decent gaming rig but wanting to price out yoke, pedals, throttle box, and setup basic 6-pack for now. I have an oculus rift but wanting to sim with it and traditional setup with my 27" monitor.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hugocraft 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Could anyone ( /u/Schteevie )? shine light on why he used the GNS430 and the Logitech flight radio stack? From what I can tell on the aircraft I've loaded up in X-plane 11 they seem to be an either or situation not both, while most have the GNS530 as well. Preference? Only using the one actually on the plane? the Steam Gauge Display seems to be running on a monitor affixed to the back and running Air Manager. Beautiful setup though, I'm quite envious.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alsidprime 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Who's that debonnaire dude in the backround? ;)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jiva602 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay so in this episode we're gonna cover the process of building this ridiculous home sim that I've been wanting ever since I was a kid honestly you know we built it to a budget but we put money where money needed to go so starting with kind of like I think the most important bit of the rig is we did put in an RT x 28 ET I suppose she'll live very nice if we pull off what I think this setup is gonna be like yeah this is like the fantasy that I've had as a kid like having a ridiculous awesome setup in my house so pilotage is what made better play and show up for me in the game and the sim right I don't mean to it can help me don't get any kid this is not gaming oh that is pretty fun Borden my third flight in two days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 20:03 service the yakima highlite in 44th 25 days i got a zillion boxes they've been arriving over the past couple weeks I've been piling them up I haven't at times even open them yep we make what I think we're gonna make here this is the dream so it was enough to inspire me to tear apart my office the last couple weeks have been a little challenging yeah it was definitely a pretty aggressive time schedule lacking alive flexsim TV is huge and I'm trying to convince more real pilots to take a serious look at flight Sims so it's pretty cool to see what's going on with this community look at the size of the crowd in this room this is bonkers I'm getting a little bit used to doing these things but I'm gonna admit when I see a crowd this big none of us B could get nervous [Music] as Keith we are miking up for the flights in Expo talk so these are components for a over-the-top home sim sort of bit off a little more like a chew here but luckily I got a lot of help and this is gonna be pretty cool so it's gonna help me with flight test prep for the instrument rating and B tell me the proficiency after I get the rating let's build this thing okay so you know you start any PC gaming build or any PC build really what kind of like what is the mission profile for the system right and when somebody says I want a flight simulation rig I kind of cringe because all flight simulators are just built kind of from from a performance optimal optimization perspective they're just not that great very single threaded meaning they don't you know or they don't leverage the use of many CPU cores very well and they're not very well optimized in general so you know we built it to a budget as you're aware but we put money where money needed to go so starting with kind of like I think the most important bit of the rig is we did put in an RT X xx atti and we put in a really good version of the RT X xx atti so that is a an asus rog strix OC edition they're really quiet and I know you said you wanted something that wasn't gonna be a noisy card like this thing is currently crushing time spy and you really can't hear it it's going well but this is a very intense benchmark what I do is I've accrued experts to help me ink with stuff so here my sim guy expert I guess I don't know what the Connie yeah how do you describe what you do yeah I mean started as a little little side gig really wanted to enhance my my flight training at home combination avionics combination of an actual panel set up I started kind of on a journey I don't know a couple years ago trying to do this and and realize that to do it I kind of had to start building my own panel the way I wanted it configured was just to be close to a replica of a g1000 but obviously to be able to do it affordably with off-the-shelf components that makes it simple to get going all right we've seen include the viewers in this for a second this is real okay so it's gonna be my first radio check used in pilot edge for real talking to an actual controller sitting there at North Bend ground in Oregon all right that's where I am all right North Bend ground this is Charlie Fox Fox kilo Oscar looking for a radio check please yes thank you all that is so cool dude you see how quick he responded that was like real Wow whether using pilotage all that's amore I do any of those networks are actually great for learning radio communications different networks have different pros and cons but generally speaking if you're doing any kind of atc interaction then your simulator I think we agree that's a great place to be the cpu in the system is an Intel 8700 K I'm sure people are gonna ask why didn't put a 97 entertain it that's gonna be the first question mostly cost but also overclocking overhead so we know flight simulators are not great at leveraging multiple cores the 9700 K is an 8 core processor it does overclock fairly well but it doesn't overclock quite as well as the 8700 K and we have this particular 87 on her KD lated with liquid metal so basically the interface material between the top of the CPU and the actual die of the CPU the 9700 K is soldered old-school they went back to the solder which is a great transfer mechanism these CPUs for the last six or seven generations we're using a really crappy thermal compound so it didn't matter how awesome your cooling setup was the dye couldn't dissipate the heat into the shredder on top of the CPU so we popped the lid off of that thing you can inter cut some pictures I did I did give you this picture so that's got a liquid metal interface material in there and our temperatures are awesome we're cooling it with a 280 millimeter radiator block with two 140 millimeter fans the CPU you know you want to get really nerdy that's an Intel i7 8700 k d leaded liquid metal interface material and it's running at a 5 gigahertz overclock on all course I like the idea of a thing that can help with both training and proficiency it's not gonna exactly match what I'm going to necessarily fly all the time which is fine because I'm jumping into so many types anyway you know in fact we're gonna configure this one to be a twin yes because why not make it more complex ready for what I do at home a nice little made in USA there it's pretty solid I mean that feels like a panel all things considered so yeah this is very perfect so the real swim gear gns 430 yeah that's awesome so while buttons dials push all this my issue is that I jump in and out of so many types I need to learn the Garmin 430 physical unit with the knobs and buttons and I can't stand using a mouse for that stuff because in the real plane as soon as you turn the knob the wrong way when you got to quickly dial in it you're instantly flustered so that to me is what I got the sim for was the button ology I want the physicality of it I want to match up what I'm gonna do my a flight test in I guess it should be squawking 1208 yes okay you are ready to cold ground my friend scared should be yes that is freaking real so I should try to call him now like a chance yeah and North pin round it's Charlie Foxtrot Foxtrot kilo Oscar ready to taxi at the FBL ramp near alpha one probably should have ate it huh there's no way to say this just a minute whether we'll see see how we do it'll be R only 3-1 via alpha 4 foxtrot-kilo-charlie-sierra which requires me to just head there and turn right I spent so long wanting this type of setup but not having the time of the energy to get it set up I was inspired to renovate my office and put like a really solid purpose-built sim into the wall and we flew it for the first time like two weeks ago right so I was not going to come here and not have done it and it was you said there's gonna be a moment where you think of this in the real plane right what we're saying it up and this is like what we're dealing with driver configuration and setting up things and this is not a plane this is a computer and tripping over set up the configuration and then we went through that joke with like the callsign needs to be okay okay real callsign cool and we've got four flight working on the iPad like I think when I keep the mic and had someone answer me and give me a taxi clearance I was like wow like I think I say that like that that's possible right there's really a guy there waiting for me to get the hold short line and I started taxing and I saw the airplane movie had and I was so excited by that that was this guy for a second filmmaker guy I started filming the iPad and I taxied into grass and in the airplane actually got stuck I'm like oh this is friggin awesome well I've got one on the grassland pay attention I think I just broke my airplane I was trying to film my iPad on the chair and I just went on the grass and that stuck and at that moment what you say take the end I'm like I would not have done this in a real plane like fill my iPad taxi to the grass so at that moment I started thinking of it as a plane that only took minutes and then we did it part really it's a formation flying and it felt very real in my office it's a pretty good airflow design in here I may add another 120 back here but so far it's been fine so it's drawing air from the front and there's it looks you know like it's choked out but there's a huge amount of space here and there's a filter here too so it's filter there it's drawing the power supply's drawing from the bottom and exhausting out so this is not actually contributing any heat or cooling effect to the computer so basically it's all air in through the front out through the top and a little bit out through the back via the graphics card but mostly the CPU is pushing all the air out from the top and they remove the filter from the top since you don't want to filter outbound air it's gonna restrict airflow no what's our score it's finished over here 13 K that's that's pretty awesome honestly it's not running the 4k version of that benchmark right now that's another thing is I guess it's really important to note some flight some guys would say a 20 atti is overkill except you're building this for VR right and we're talking about the option yeah next generation VR especially to because we're talking you know the new oculus or the vive pro you need frames per second to make that experience enjoyable and while a 20 80 TI is not necessary for flights having a couple 1080p monitors it is gonna be necessary for what you want to do to get that really immersive experience where you're getting 80 90 frames a second in each eye at high resolution you need this graphics card to drive that kind could we have done it with a 2080 or 2070 we probably could have done it but it wouldn't be a sweet what wouldn't looks cool in PC gaming is like they want you want to show off the hardware I know you had like no interest in that but how sweet does that look yeah that's pretty cool so this is currently the fastest thing I built and I'm happy with it so a lot of buildings being drawn out here and I'll be honest pretty smooth and these shadows no way the anti-aliasing max I mean I think it's maxed isn't it let me see this is this is yeah wow this is pretty impressive I'm not gonna lie when this all started when we just made the decision to pull the trigger from going I was gonna have a super low-profile teeny tiny little sim yeah almost like a phone in setup honestly in the amount of space that I had so when we decided to do this I texted Chris like you son-of-a not like I texted that literally because if this guy his fault because I saw what you guys did and then we got to talking and inspired me it's like all right I'm gonna go all in with the home soon why not we went all in I think this is a decent balance there are obviously more things higher end things more premium things that you could add the example of getting a two hundred dollar yoke versus a thousand dollar Yoker the goal with the panel is it's really that integration module that integration piece where everything comes together and ties together alright so we're gonna we're gonna throw the 430 unit display right onto here basically pop this guy out we're going to push this button right here it's now gonna be called a window but you see it's got this white bar yeah we don't want that white bar to show up on the actual unit what's your dragging in weight so sue me that's you dragging about the song so you're dragging them off the screen yeah and then you're starting to drag it over here yeah and now you can maximize it and voila that was really cool like they'll be dialing the frequencies and playing with actual physical buttons so I can see how for me is using it as a procedural trainer immersing myself into my workflow like put your new board where it goes right your clearance is down on a pencil do it all in real time don't taxi into the grass because you're filming your lab yeah I can see my stand I don't think that I would have treated it like a real plane if we didn't have toilet edge hooked up with the controller waiting for me knowing that if I sit here taking forever the guy who just gave me clearance to get to the culture Alliance me like where are you if you didn't have an ATC system you would have started on the runway with the engine running you would have hit the gas you'd have done a high-performance takeoff turned around and started doing loops and rolls over yeah that's what most people were doing a similar problem yeah the whole idea of having to look at the airport diagram and process a taxi instruction that's has tremendous training value if you can expose yourself to 100 different towered airports during your training then when you go to fly the 101st Tower Airport on the long-distance cross-country it's no big deal so I mean that's a great way to be learning for flight on the ground safely ok in the comfort of your own home versus trying to learn for flight while you're flying okay so just a little safety tip out there so here we are we're coming in to 6:00 I'm gonna get into talking a little bit about real sim deer as well so Jarrod over at real sim gear is an awesome partner into this whole piece as well that was probably yeah absolutely I'm not working with a Garmin 430 in the airplane that I'm going to finish my training and do my instrument flight testing so that without the idea that I can have a unit that actually matches the blood neurology is amazing because that's something I always trip hours ago I pressed it now my cursor is gonna twist now all the big one so there's those simple things like that if I can do that dozen times at home like it look like that there's one less thing to trip over this is all fantastic so if we paused actually and actually went with over YYZ good so let's just go like YYZ [Music] okay so now community I mean obviously we're here right but it's nots gonna start giving me some distance and whatnot yeah to the whole thing and here we are we're setting up both laugh all right so it's telling me I'm on I mean this is this is really cool I think it's all cool I'm even working with infinite flight dealing with their you know mobile app sure now yeah of course that's limited right yep there's good compromise is based on the interface but it's portable man like I can't yeah I'm traveling a lot the idea that I can pull it out real quick just just play around do some procedures or something like that just get my head in the game mobile that's got a place too yep so I want to tell like the whole spectrum of stories with simulators and applying it to my real world flying so I think I think it's gonna be a fun side mission to tell this type of story and I do feel like it's a thing that has been missing in my world for a long time from where I'm sitting in the right seat somebody watching people spend thousands and thousands of dollars in real flight training there's tremendous value to what Keith just said getting a taxi clearance looking at a taxi diagram and processing the route is arguably more important than being able to hold the taxi centerline on the simulator
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 489,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight training, VFR, flying, landing, aviation, IFR, ATC, air traffic control, flight chops, Flight VLOG, VLOG, pilot career, pilot life, Flight Sim, 7800 ti, PC build, VR, over clock, overclock
Id: w-sDGbA-EOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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