Wholesome Stories

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wholesome stories according to reddit number 12 i was in london and was supposed to be flying home that day walking down the street with my two suitcases towards the tube nice and early on my way to heathrow with plenty of time silly me didn't realize that when the signs said there is going to be a tube strike on the day that you fly home that means that the tube is completely closed just in addition for anybody watching in america you know people called the train station the tube over there and this [ __ ] couldn't help mentioning it three times i guess huh tube tube tube tube tube killing me huh that's what i mean what did i say like above ground train yeah no did you train like the subway you know forgive me frustrating anyway the whole subway is apparently closed so i thought it just meant delays or something i don't know so i start walking towards the bus station a few blocks away desperately trying to come up with a plan b a young man comes up to me and offers to help carry my suitcases he asks where i'm going and i say heathrow which is an hour away at this point um and at this point my flight is you know the time between me and being able to catch my flight is running short it begins to rain he says you'll never make it there on on on time on the buses he calls me a cab then finds a little awning where we can sit and wait for the cab and stay out of the rain he lets me use his phone to transfer money to pay for the cab mine didn't have any service outside of my home country we just we sat and we chatted for 30 minutes waiting for the cab he made me feel so much less panicked i couldn't believe the kindness that he showed me a random person on the street i've never been able to find him again though or even online to thank him well just pay it forward you dirty [ __ ] why is that even appearing for everybody else huh all around me are familiar faces here's an extra entry because that last one pissed me off so much it really did the most wholesome and memorable experience was in a crowded new york airport with an elderly lady i saw her crying and looking bewildered as she sat alone in the main concourse so i sat down next to her and asked her if there was anything i could do to help she said she was going to a family member's funeral on the west coast and had never been in an airport the lady was hard of hearing and the loudspeaker announcements just compounded her confusion to the point where she was physically trembling jesus christ man yeah i couldn't know that your your old people would have difficulty flying at that point as i once noted here on ask reddit i guided her through security and directly to her gate asking the attendants to give her special assistance especially with her inability inability to discern broadcast announcements as an attendant escorted her for her boarding the lady turned waved and blew a kiss in my direction to this day i can still picture her vividly what a nice story about nice people giving you a bit of faith in humanitarian because most people these days [ __ ] they would just they would just ignore that old lady she probably got the virus i'm kidding but you know what i'm saying you know just because she's an old lady doesn't mean she's not a karen in disguise karen formers oh my god freak out in disguise you've fallen for my trap and she whips off the old lady of the skies it's really a karen under there number twelve mayanness one see because i read that one i was in a walmart one day and some dude was blocking the aisle where the item that i needed was located some of her i then heard him ask a walmart employee where the cabinet liners were she proceeded to say that she wasn't sure and started to send him to the wrong location i nosily piped up i know where they are if you want to follow me i will take them or take you to them because i just bought some last week the man says oh ok thank you he followed me to the opposite side of the store and i showed him where they were he thanked me again and i hurried back to the other side of the store to get what i needed five minutes later at the checkout the man shows up and i saw him just hanging around with his bag of purchases on his arm when it came time to pay he stepped up and insisted on paying for my items i thanked him profusely at the time i only had 35 dollars in my bank account and was trying to purchase food for the week we all know what that is boy 35 groceries you gotta make damn sure you getting enough of the weak baby noodles it ain't noodles if you know what you're doing remember at walmart we can get like a big ass bag of chicken for like six to seven dollars so you got 35 buy some rice you want some beans buy some chicken you know what i mean get some seasoning on that ass assuming you don't already have seasoning at home you know you you could buy three bags of chicken listen listen listen you know what it must be it must be really hard to eat uh well for cheap if you don't like chicken chick is the one thing that we're like farming like crazy or br what's the word breeding like crazy to make sure that there's a do you know a ton of them mmm there's large sugar you can do stuff with beef too [ __ ] beef is just too greasy it's something about the way that we prepare the beef that makes it come out too greasy or oily no but think about when i make um yours no no think about when i think about think about when i make um curry chicken if i'm not really careful with the curry that'll come out oily too sometimes i've had to roll up paper towels and dab that [ __ ] to get all of that oil out of the um and i'm only putting in like a small portion bobby said boil it in water well you know seems like we got our own we all got our own you know go-to solutions for the problems that present themselves but all i'm saying is yeah we can make 35 work at the grocery store this man who was so annoyed oh no the man who i was so annoyed with helped me so much i still tear up when i think of his kindness i am a single mother of two wonderful kids and this was my miracle oh my bing bong you know what i mean i'm glad that people can be touched by one another you know that they can be each other's angels and do some touching and do some touching dia touch i'm an angel so i can touch they made a show about it dia have you heard of the show no i wouldn't call that watching that was whack you know i think if you if either of us would have to would be forced to pay attention to an entire episode of touch by an angel that we would literally with a part of our brain would just die forever you know like it'd be up there and be like i'm not joking if you keep doing this i'm gone i'll do it wow you'll do it brain like a nice girl or something like it's in your brain it's like i'm not playing around number 10 okay my last job was working for the tsa can you imagine some jackass [ __ ] writing an edit that big i kind of want to see what he said after this too my last job was working for the tsa it was a pretty miserable job and most people just didn't like you i was just having a horrible day filled with personal issues and work issues and this nice older lady asked if i was okay i had the standard yeah i'm doing fine and she asked if i could use a hug i had a blank stare for a second and then just hugged her probably the nicest thing anyone ever did for me when i worked there the world needs more people like you i mean her sorry thank you for the kind words i think that makes my most popular post ever this makes it my most popular booze ever ugh truce over kyle when okay when will you do the scp readings [ __ ] when you don't expect them oh my god justin i just wanted to say hey you're a hero justin i don't even i really don't even know what to say because you're a hero this day special thanks to justin the hero the saint the stream boss and the instrument of the completion of this goal i must have set it to 600 because i know i'm gonna have to end um i really thought that that couldn't be uh that couldn't be reached in my face well done justin well done everywhere oh my god i love you guys so much and justin's gonna make my heart beat out of samba in here so we better keep going we gotta keep going up this list boy boy ask dia i was i was listening to some really upsetting scps that made me lose faith in people as writers no i'm talking about some of the ones within the one that i liked within the one that i liked after a while i was like this is trash this one is this one in particular is trash and the the scp that i liked left enough room for you know people to jump into that universe and [ __ ] around that some of the people that came in thereafter were making it too complicated and it was all i have to say is justin you're the best okay you're simply the best better than all the rest which is a song yeah bobby baird says time to deliver a pizza ball i don't understand i feel like that's something you said in the past have i really i feel like you did i don't know though i google pizza ball and it's um eric andre how do i know how do we not remember this wait oh my god that's not funny that's why i don't remember it that's why i don't remember it i need you guys to understand something very important about eric andre okay is that when he is on television and he has you as a captive audience member the joke is at your expense sometimes he is making you watch him and his stupid pizza ball and this [ __ ] is like we can't escape it we can't there's gonna be more timid uh eric andre soon jesus lord i can only i can only be thankful for justin the human railroad tracks that keeps me on a reasonable path because otherwise it'd just be a pile up i'd set myself on the path of the biggest city if i were a train is that something is that like uh does that make you feel like i'm unstable do ya one time kyle said if he was a train he would go to the biggest city and just derail just derail the biggest city oh no because i do that while i do list that's not true you can't name a single time i've done that number nine i guess this can be perceived as pathetic by some people and that's okay you know it's it's okay that it's pathetic to some people but i used to go to school with a bunch of horrible people i'm disabled so i look and walk weird like that i'm disabled every time that i go out for lunch to my favorite food place and see them they'd hurl insults oh great i have to explain myself now because the world's so like easily triggered i am not making a joke at someone's expense um as far as being disabled is concerned there is an episode of a show called the i.t crowd and on that show um there's this wonderful episode where they need to go use the restroom um in the middle of like a musical or something but they couldn't they couldn't use the restroom because there was a dude in there you know like sometimes some bathrooms have like a dude that will like i don't know you know dry your hands or something like that and you're supposed to tip him well they went into that bathroom and he couldn't bring himself to go because of this man that was in there staring at him so he goes into the disabled bathroom and when he's finishing using the bathroom he reaches out to do what he thinks will flush the toilet but he actually pulls a cord that is for help so people come into the bathroom and he like throws himself onto the floor and is just like i'm disabled and they're like where's your chair and he's like i they attacked me who attacked you kids punk kids i'm disabled how are you disabled it's just insane this is the stupidest episode of the show ever maybe we can get the sound bite okay you know use the disables you're not disabled you'll get in trouble it's it's it's it's not a big deal so he i love the reveal like he gets up he's like where's the he's pulling this thing and he looks up [ __ ] all right give me a second and they're outside like trying to bust into the door and [ __ ] someone's had an accident well you better keep going then oh my god what happened i fell off the toilet i fell off the toilet i'm disabled oh what how are you disabled leg disabled nice nice i'm getting struck for that dia how are you disabled leg disabled oh yes all right anyway it actually says anyway i was standing in a long queue and they were behind me there was an old lady maybe like 70 to 80 years old behind them they were making fun of my walk i sort of can't walk straight because i had a stroke when i was a kid and the old lady called them a bunch of cruel [ __ ] it was really kind of her to stand up to them and i will always remember that that's really cool you know there was like a walking dead moment for that guy inkymink says sorry kyle for what happened recently i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on with me or why it happens but i'm glad i gave some form of entertainment who the hell is this you forgot what are you talking about what are you talking about who is this you know what it reminds me of it reminds me no listen i yo if this is gonna be a bad stream tim it reminds me of when tim goes into the boss's office i think he's like demanding a raise or something and uh the boss is like who the hell how did you get in there oh my god so i hate to just storm in here and lay down the law like this but uh there's no two ways about it i'm i'm due for a promotion and i'm uh here to claim it nice i'm sorry how did you get in here who are you i'm sorry this list is compromised now this whole list is compromised this whole channel is compromised but you know what you don't have to assist in the compromisation listen i will continue onward because justin deserves more oh well the bigger i can make this you can see that i tried to make the background of it oh like opaque you know what i mean because the actual gif has a background so i had to try to like you know thumb what's the what's the name of that drop tool like the thumb [ __ ] i don't know let me open up photoshop and see if it tells me it calls this the eyedropper tool okay so i try to use the eyedropper tool to match the color and then um isn't that interesting guys isn't that interesting number eight when i was 18 years old i had a friend in the hospital with brain cancer his time was limited i visited him when i could and he was kind of a hippie alternative punk i wore a leather jacket and had long hair and i walked to his room and a nurse saw me without saying a word she walked to me and gave me a long comforting hug that's how i knew he passed dude i mean i guess that's kind of cool remember um inky mink says remember last stream you know the one about people getting offended for no reason was he in here saying something offensive trying to trigger people or something they said they commented on that also saying that people shouldn't be easily offended but then but then there they were the one that we were listen i was beginning darling i love you you know that my my mind is like 80d central and this this kind of goes into the fact that i don't remember this person and it sounds like you don't too well either and it's probably for good reason no i think they're the ones that we thought um didn't know how to write in english or understood oh maybe they were drunk or something i i vaguely remember that laughing at somebody because they were just typing something and and like i'm you know it seemed like they did they didn't even know what the hell they meant maybe they were just drunk you know we leave it where it is it's not worth talking about you know this kind of reminds me of when some people message me on snapchat and then they go remember me kyle and i'm like um who are you and then they name themselves and it's a name i've never heard of or seen straight up and sometimes i press them and i go should i remember you were you did we play together did you comment often and sometimes they'll say dia i [ __ ] you not listen to me carefully no i never comment in streams or on videos i lurk a lot what what so then i like take a picture of the the the the conversation when they ask remember me kyle and i go you know what i mean how would i know who you are how you know hey are you supposed to be like telepathically being able to like know who is here at all times you've never seen me before but do you remember me do you remember me number seven boy a few years ago i was experiencing deep depression my life it was a mess my apartment was a mess i was a mess for a moment i decided to just go to the park and sit there for a while as i was really at the end of my rope and had zero idea on what to do out of nowhere a kid possibly about three or four years old comes up and hands me three yellow dandelions and runs back to her mom boy if this happened i'd feel like i was being selected by a politician for a ritual and i'd [ __ ] run the child has selected the black one begin immolation oh my god it burns to the touch they're all chanting around me i don't know why but i'm sorry about that i yo you know why i picked 12 for this list because i felt like by the end of it i would i would be bored with wholesome entries i'm a son of a [ __ ] and that's not okay this list is for you anybody who doesn't get down on the type of garbage that i'm normally choosing so this is for you a wholesome list i don't know why but i always remember that day i went home cleaned my apartment made it more tidy i wouldn't say that my life miraculously changed but i will say that one moment of kindness that neither the kid nor the mom probably remember was one of the most memorable moments in my life i'm gonna gamble that justin may or may not be in reach of his keyboard if he's still here and say this he's the only one that has the power to make me share with everybody what made me cry earlier today and not like a boo-hoo [ __ ] cry but you know like it did bring a tear to my eye because it was so sad to me why is he the only one that can like get you because he's the only one he's the only one dia the chosen one if you will you know maybe i would hand him the three yellow dandelions and run away you know he's the one number six boy all right when i was 16 years old i'd taken my mom's old pontiac bonneville to the movies and i was in such a hurry that i forgot to turn off the lights when i came back out the car was dead and someone left a set of jumper cables on the hood with a note that said i hope you make it home safely i've never ever forgotten about that since then i've tried to pay that kindness forward any way i can how could they know that the person didn't have jumper cables you think they were so ditzy and fuckboy stupid that they also left their trunk open and the guy was checking to see if there was jumper cables what an ultimate good samaritan no maybe they were just sick and tired of their dad hitting them with the jumper cables you know if i this guy this guy he always takes the jumper cables and tries to give them away because if he leaves him at his house then his dad will beat him with a pair of jumper cables you know what i mean the real the real idea is like wow these seem pretty expensive who would just give these away i can't imagine a scenario in which someone would just give away these jumper cables and this kid's at home just like another one where is he keeping them all how does he have enough money to keep buying jumper cables if you take my cables again i'm gonna give it to you and you know what i'm gonna use it's your endless supply of jumper cables what if the dad in that story is an scp and he can manifest jumper cables in his hand you know out of thin air dude scp you know 8008 jumper cable dad or we could just call him dad yeah you know why i call him eight zero zero eight you know why why someone tell me in the stream why i call them eight zero zero eight dia doesn't know dia doesn't know yes that is a parcel tongue for let me stick it in between and and glaze it with the cream charmander as we continue up this list we arrive at number five right the stream knew the stream knew i hate you on my honeymoon in greece we nearly got stranded driving our little scooter back from a day trip finally found a patrol station in this village but it was during afternoon like siesta time everybody in greece just goes to sleep at a certain hour they just take a nap during the day that's like a normal thing everybody does huh they do it in a bunch of um european countries intriguing but is it it's it's not like a tea time it's like a nap time yes like everything shuts down for a little bit while everyone else i'd be using that for fap time oh my gosh or could fap could turn into a siesta you know what i mean you know some people wonder about you know if they fall asleep after they fap if people will come in and find them in this really compromised like leg spread you know phone on their chest gross position but what if they die in the middle of it dia and they find the corpse having fired off their final you know salute-worthy um nut into the great beyond you only have five more to go kyle you can do this the guy obliged but looked a little annoyed you skipped something important we apologized as best that we could for the little greek that we knew the guy obliged but looked a little annoyed he casually asked if we were from or where we were from and we told him new zealand his face lights up and is amazed because he had never met someone from new zealand before he asks us what we're doing so far away from home and we tell him that it's our honeymoon he tells us to wait there and comes back with a bottle of wine that's obviously worth more than the six pounds of petrol that we were buying he refuses for us to round up or for us to buy anything he just tells us honeymoon is honeymoon be happy and go hands down one of the best highlights of our trip it's a very sweet memory a wonderful memory indeed you know and that's what's up as we continue we arrive at number four crouching tiger hidden dragon had just come out in theaters do you know anything about crouching tiger hidden dragon dia do you i feel like i should but but the answer is no crouching tiger hidden dragon is this badass movie that came out circa 2000 dia that's when the matrix was about you know on top of the world because i think the matrix was 99 wow typing in the matrix wait why did it give me related to crouching tiger hidden dragon what the [ __ ] was on just because i just googled that yeah the matrix came out in 99 crouching tiger hidden dragon was this movie where it was basically real life anime you had a bunch of people with swords bouncing up in the air and jumping from tree tops and [ __ ] like that it was like a real life naruto it was absurd it was properly absurd crouching kyle hidden dia did someone say that seraphin can we have a stream where we watch kyle sleep yes boy if i could get away with that i'd be making only fans money do you get what i'm saying what if you do do that what if you open up these fans and it's just if i could get away with an only fans i could get away with just streaming around the clock um my mind is slipping we gotta get through this crouching tiger hidden dragon just came out in theaters and i had been planning to go see it on my day off i didn't have a car so i relied on the bus the day the movie came there was a snowstorm i walked downtown to get the bus there and there was a sign saying all the buses were cancelled because of the snow i was super bummed out and walked over to a loki call loki loki is playing with my mind i was super bummed and walked over to the local coffee shop and i ordered a coffee and was telling the owner how disappointed i was that i couldn't go see this murby there was an older woman sitting in the coffee shop and she overheard us she looked at me and said i really want to see that movie too let's go i'll dry so that day me and a perfect stranger went out to lunch to see a movie together you got into a car with a woman that you'd never met yeah people are brave and lucky brave and lucky this is this may be the first reckless one that we've seen on all night though so okay about a year later i started seeing this guy in town and his downstairs neighbor was the lady who took me to the movies all those months earlier we had stopped by her house for her to get a sweater before the movies and i told the guy me and your neighbor went to see crouching tiger together he was like that was you she went on and on about how cool it was to go to the movies with you that poor lady it's so sad that some people can be so lonely that they'd reach out to a stranger for companionship when in reality you know that if they're that social that they probably [ __ ] [ __ ] up in their past that led him to being alone now is that [ __ ] obviously there are exceptions to every rule and some people end up alone that don't want to be alone and have done nothing to deserve being alone but you know that there's a large portion of people who have been pushing [ __ ] away for their their whole life and then when they're just like wait a minute i'm alone it's ridiculous i think i posted something like that on my snapchat did you see that somebody earlier today okay um yeah i already forgot what the tweet was let me pull it up the tweet said how do you get people to text you again after being the i don't text back friend for years and then i wrote how can i get more than i give like what's wrong with you people pikachu face the human and then belle says a concept and only fans but it's just kyle telling jokes with the yoda puppet oh my god has that been done i don't think so you could look it up and see if anyone else is doing that but i don't think so not an only fan since it's a you know it's a it's a new but it's not yet it's like it doesn't work like that where you can like i i should probably just start a channel or you know what you know i could take suggestions i guess for like erotic role play and then just do the yoda voice the whole time oh my gosh you could also um post those videos up bro 666 money bro he gave you 34 money what you gonna do bro bro ynk listen thank you justin y and k thank you you're at each other's throats you can't just let each other live as the boss you know honk honk be damned hank [ __ ] hunkler that was a wild couple of months dia for real and it was so fun you know nothing to bother us nothing out of control hadn't you know broken into 2020 properly yeah what bell says throw it back you must oh my god how does little white girl belle know about phrases like throw it back do you think she's ever been i could i just covered my mouth and not to beatbox i cannot believe like i i honestly your mother no seriously i wonder what filthy things come out of some people's mouths when they're in the midst of things because if we were to if we were to like you know listen to them and judge whether or not it was like politically correct for them to say things like that would you consider it cultural appropriation you know probably throw it back hey listen i'm sorry y and k y y y y effortlessly slaughtered justin you know he had a he had a rain that was worthy of justin but justin deserved a longer rain purple rain even though you want me to wake up the dolphin you know what i mean you want me to wake up the dolphin look i i just wanna ynk justin want to thank you both in my heart you're both stream bosses so both of you need to tell me what you would like for um you know for a gif because you deserve that and from now on whenever whenever justin or ynk hit me i'm gonna give him a hong kong erotic yoda puppet only fan startup that's really funny to you back there you're such a [ __ ] dolly you laugh like a freaking uh you like like a like a like a pup like a doll that i shake around like a are you laughing at the shaking aspect of it just imagining you like shaking me like stop laughing oh my god listen bradley thank you you tickle me elmo yeah that would be pretty dumb if you responded that way like a doll tickle me elmo wait what was i watching where ah where someone stopped moving and like somebody was like what the [ __ ] and then they started moving again and they were like sorry i just do that to freak with people sometimes do you remember i oh my god hp re-up this dude is out here refilling his own hp like this is a pokemon battle you're getting destroyed out here guys i want you all to know i'm not so reckless that i would throw your hard-earned cash at something as frivolous as a ps5 so it's all gonna get reinvested back into this channel but i need you all to know as a family we do need to figure out the best way for me to earn some hot ps5 dough and and if i believe in bradley i think that this uh this yoda only fans may be the way to go why are you seeing why are you saying oh oh yeah because of the pug because of the dancing pug okay okay listen justin y and k bradley thank you all right scaring me i can't believe i'm gonna have to come up with a scenario i feel like what do you know this means i'd have to do research i don't know what you mean about what like to make a good only fans i'd need to see like what what a good only fans looks like and then mimic that but with a yoda puppet i'm probably going to have to get like you know lingerie but for a doll god that's got to be weird that's gotta be weird whoa boy you guys are making me sweat so if i don't finish this list man i'm just gonna aspire a lot of control i think you guys are the only ones that can make me feel like high without doing anything number three you know i had a knock at my door and when i opened it there was a stranger with a gift card to a local garden store for me sounds like a murder plot apparently her kid had been pinching tulips from my garden every day to give to his mom and they wanted to pay for them once they figured out whose garden they were coming from i had thought squirrels were doing it and had regretted planting them the year before not being able to enjoy them i spent the gift card on more bulbs well that's sweet you know most parents certainly wouldn't care if their bastard kids were picking some flowers because most parents are are karen's you know and even if the even if they caught their kid doing it even if the person reprimanded the kid in front of the mom the mom the mom would probably be like they're just flowers what's the big deal you know ignoring the fact that it took months for someone to cultivate this thing from the earth when it was nothing to care for it to nurture it and to have it grow other people's things like not only my stuff but don't touch other people's flowers because it takes time haywood said try googling that without my agent raising my eyebrow dee and i were uh were let's just say taking a deeper dive into the bay of pigs that we didn't um because we weren't super familiar with what the hell was going down and i knew that for the most part many of many of the incidents led to the cuban missile crisis but i did not think that america was as sloppy as it was that was not a couple of lifetimes ago my dude it was very recent and all you need to know is that the people at the top of this country was like acia go out there and break them off a piece of this kitkat bar and they went out there and they failed my dude failed so hard they couldn't even hide involvement now bruh all i know is for a com a country to be as up its own ass as we are and have such a messy aspect of our history right the [ __ ] out there it's pretty impressive why in case it's true silver we gotta get jorge and justin in here can you can you please can you a mad no man i'm not trying to i'm not trying to like heart attack you know what i mean guys you gotta know that sometimes when i'm in a stream with you guys you guys are like this list every day you're such a wholesome story for for me to tell when i lay awake at night and just you know just think hey i made it through another day and i didn't do anything awful you know didn't sharpen the knives or or tighten the nooses or anything you know everything's fine because you guys are the best i'm kidding but um but i do have things that i do to practice putting my heart to the test through strenuous activities sometimes i watch bad tv shows sometimes i play bad video games like marvel's avengers okay no no no no no oh my god i just coughed and felt it in my balls that can't be right that's not something to laugh at what do you mean what are you whoa you're you're right on the balls get it you didn't miss a balls i'm sorry listen dia did not miss a beat and she said hey you know that reminds me of what did it remind you of dia let's hear this let me tell you something last night last night dianna and i were on the internet and we saw a compilation of norma mcdonald as a pigeon now a lot of y'all are probably too young to know who the hell norm mcdonald is i think the most famous thing that he did in in like recent history was played death on family guy and that isn't recent it was perhaps the first season of family guy and family guy's got to be like what 20 something years old now so i saw i s i went to hulu because that's where the show is and we watched a show called mike tyson's mysteries or some [ __ ] like this where a pigeon oh my god no money guys what the hell the dolphin okay you had to go for that you know hey go go to sleep damn it now bradley ynk justin y'all gonna make my heart splash does it make sense of course not because i think blood has left the brain this is what you're doing you're gonna make you're gonna i can't believe i felt a cough in my balls the reason that i brought up this whole stupid before i forget mike tyson show with a pigeon is because towards the end of the episode a dude explodes oh [ __ ] sorry oh no jesus okay listen thank you so much all right look man look i'm i have to be very careful with the way that i'm breathing you know uh ynk bradley justin i want to thank you guys for your hot contributions this night you know want to throw some thanks back to diana because she was donating for for for for dia specific you know what i mean but um y and k bradley you know specifically uh y and k listen y and k i think you know i don't think you know what we need baby and uh this is coming back at you i'm dead serious ynk bradley i really want you guys to tell me what the hell you'd be interested in because seriously you know because you know i've been looking at scps and i think some of them are nice i've been recording commentaries for simpsons episodes but you can't use simpson's footage on youtube so i've been like commentary over uh pictures like a slideshow as if i had anything to do with the show which i didn't but look i just i released it as something you know maybe people could listen to and go to sleep to because you guys are making me like panic you know because i'm just like hey look this here's the thing that i can do listen bill you know the the last thing i expected was to see gilbert godfrey's name out here you know hashtag keep going oh boy bell says i remember seeing a gilbert godfrey narration of fifty shades of grey maybe do that but with a yoda voice if you guys find me something that you can all agree and by all i mean what like five of you agree that it's dumb enough for me to try to narrate as yoda you know on camera with that puppet you know i'll make that happen but fifty shades what happened you're thank you what did he say this man was very very sad that he couldn't that he couldn't indulge himself a little today whatever do you mean what yo hey dude he said he gotta hear the yoda voice before he subscribe didn't what was the last thing i did with yoda dia probably some stupid little singing thing oh no you did uh you did uh naruto music uh you saying pay attention to me over and over again while crying as yoda that's what you did though that was the last thing i remember you doing with it i thought i remember doing like this um oh my god here's one with you oh my god of course you're all in it damn you look tiny dear sorry what are you saying sorry for it like i didn't pinata you oh pinata you good that my immortal fan fiction pls you know it's really funny that she says my immortal because you know i sang my immortal with the yoda puppet did i i did so in the night shut up does she mean the fan fiction or does she mean the song oh she means the fan fiction with the harry potters hold on hold on yeah now this is what i'm talking about yeah i don't know how you weren't like wetting your pants at my talent look at you in the background yeah i wish his pain you imagine somebody walking in your room right now and was just like what the [ __ ] is this you know what i love more i let you know what i love absolutely more than maybe somebody young watching this and it's going through the speakers and their parents walk in i love the idea that a grown man you know loves my [ __ ] and their wife you know just vaguely tolerates them in this [ __ ] but then it gets into stuff like this and they're like oh my [ __ ] god i'm so sick of this man seriously ynk hit me up because we gotta take over the world you know what i mean i like the way that i say it like we're gonna we're gonna go we're gonna go sacrifice some people you know i got the statues you bring the virgins blood altar you know what i mean ceremonial daggers okay only the biggest titty dia now if you were gonna be sacrificing some chicks okay as we continue if we continue up this list we arrive at number two no way i can finish this list it should just all be thank yous okay can i finish it why because it's wholesome bell bell i appreciate you my immortal fanfiction isn't my immortal long though is that what everybody wants i don't think you'd have to read all of it or something they get to pick which one yeah they're picking it so y'all and then ynk's like i trust you oh no oh no system of a down i sang that too oh i think they're just naming what i did no why in case you watch domination bro it's coming back it's coming back to you okay it's coming back to you it's necessary it's necessary and then because you know what else i i think i work better i think i work better when i'm up there as far as editing is concerned you know that well yeah because i can put myself in a trance as opposed to going 80d and just you know dismantling the sometimes when i do these lists i get so antsy do you think it's just the heat listen ynk i don't know enough languages to thank you properly for all of this okay so help me i've told you that that emoji looks like two asses touching yes and i can't see it any other way i'm very sorry that it's elbows but it doesn't look like that to me it just doesn't it looks like two dudes hunched forward with their asses out it's stupid but that's it guys you know if you don't watch it i will have two asses touching as an emote and hope that i don't get in trouble i'll have to call it something else so you will because it probably gets reviewed first well my ham emoji that's what i call it the pressed hams as if no one would be able to i would actually spell depressed like sad depressed hams depressed you didn't even finish telling your mike tyson episode thingy all right yeah so back to mike tyson mysteries y'all don't think i'm lying so it's very important that i have some visual aid uh mike tyson mysteries it's really not funny you know i've almost like built it up to a point now where it's like it's a show with mike tyson to be honest the funniest part of the show is is them getting usable takes out of mike tyson and i'm going to literally say it as blatantly and as unfiltered as i said it to dia when we were watching the show yesterday what i said was is mike tyson's an awesome dude and he's a great fighter he was and he still is but i would imagine mike tyson wasn't all there upstairs even before he started taking brain damage worthy hits to the [ __ ] head so the real comedy and you know worthy of being impressed aspect of this show is getting usable takes to put into a narrative from um mike tyson i stopped the show to say that to dia okay and what i said was i'm really going to be impressed if they can just get mike tyson to read his lines well not saying he's a bad actor just that you know a bunch of fists over a career as healthy and insane as mike tyson's has scrambled this dude's brains and i'm glad that he can actually hold a conversation these days long story short the second that i unpaused the show this dude referred to the do you see this little asian character next to him that's supposed to be his daughter in the show and her name is young and he called her yang and they left to take in the show and they even had the girl go who is yang you know what i mean as if they were like playing a joke on the fact that he couldn't even do it right now the reason um diorama was reminded of the leprechaun was you know in the at the end of the episode a dude bursts open and is a leprechaun but that's not dumb enough okay it's not dumb enough for a man to explode and reveal that he's a leprechaun on the inside for some reason dude was a mexican leprechaun and he was grabbing a whole bunch of the gold and saying el oro esmeo el oro esmeo to the gold over like when he was picking up the goal and it was just like it's one of those things that like happened and it wasn't funny to me at the time it was just like it almost made me a little bit mad where i was like what the [ __ ] is this why does it need to be a mexican leprechaun now too a mexican leprechaun and as we passed that portion i no i think dia then dia goes um i was like i'm sorry i cause earlier in the episode a mexican man came in and said something ridiculous right no mike tyson went to to a bar and he said you're a leprechaun i saw you you were dressed in green so you're a leprechaun and he's like no dude they just told me to wear a leprechaun suit because it would be funny because it was in patrick's day that's another thing remember he was talking about how there was pink everywhere and all kind of [ __ ] it was green everywhere and people were pinching people and he thought it was valentine's day what the [ __ ] because i'm all the green i'm over it i'm over it look yeah i don't know if you've ever watched something or seen something that's made you angry until you just started laughing because you were pissed you just couldn't even handle it i i'm i'm feeling a lot of feelings right now you know you're very emotional we had wife beaters for you to just lay around and wear people be trying to wet you up if you walked out in the street like that super silky now listen ynk we need to uh we need to come to an agreement what's a mexican leprechaun sound like he was just yelling el oro es mio el eloro esmeo it was it was so dumb oh boy so number two okay i had just lost my job and my dad had his card stolen he was waiting on the bank but completely out of food and living in an old run-down rv i would have figured something out i'd die before i'd let him starve right as he's almost in tears as he talks to me about it someone knocks on the door a lady had food for someone in an rv but those people had vacated the parking lot and she wanted to know if my dad needed any there was everything from canned goods to fresh meat milk pasta everything she had brought it with her own money or bought it with her own money and didn't want it to go to waste i'll never forget the timing or her generosity [ __ ] like that would make me feel like the universe actually has my back you know what i mean not to say that it doesn't but why thank the universe when i can thank bradley ynk justin and bell you know what i mean he shoots he ynk scores what does that mean did you guys agree on what the hell i'm supposed to be doing as opposed to like you know going to bed anxious and and sweating waking up going i gotta do something for the channel and i do something and everybody's like this is lame major erection says i gotta i can't believe i yeah he says i like norm mcdonald on this show i do too it made me cackle because i was happy that i could listen to norm mcdonald again after all these years and he he referred to the asian girl as like a homeschooled freak or something like that right good i think you use the word weirdo instead of freak my my asian daughter you know if i got that will people assume the worst what are you talking about if i acquired that's the wrong word too your mouth what's wrong with the word adopted you you're the one what's wrong with the word adopted yeah it's your fault i wish you had better banter with me okay it just feels like you get increasingly pissed off talking to me which is great on one hand but if if you could if you could out weird me at times then we could animate this whenever we aren't live so it's true it's true you only out weird me when i can't capture the footage no there have been times where you have yeah sometimes i go in the living room and catch d on a unicycle what about this i'm like what the [ __ ] i'm wearing a green leprechaun suit as a mexican apparently does dia after bursting out of a white man where am i um i have like these uh animated stills here they are on the desktop so no asian child money oh my gosh you don't want to see that number y and k did you see it y and k why what listen listen to me here okay thank you doesn't cut it bro what do you think what am i sup what what's going on here yeah yeah yeah like let me you want me to clear space on the ground here you know dia and i were watching something earlier ynk where some [ __ ] oh my god where some [ __ ] made out with her dad for like 500 pounds or something and of course something like that begs the question it's not enough you know it's not enough and then we got context all i'm saying is you have y k i don't know how to thank you here but we're gonna have to figure that out i want you to be the instrument of us figuring that out because you you have scared me you know you you make me feel like i should adopt an asian child you know ooh almost said some [ __ ] just now about what i could buy with that money for the asian kid nope nope nope not gonna say it hey a nice pillow for them to lay their head on yep that's what i yep holy [ __ ] oh my god that's a clean hundred that's a clean hun a hundred towards the the my god did you see that yeah why didn't very scary that was like a really delayed even even hunkler scared you know even honkler is scared oh my god you did it yeah how do we even you know what do we do for y and k what would here do do you give him a virtual hug ah i really do like um stripes as doodles they're wonderful yay i should be standing on top of you we should make a thing where we go to a bakery that should be the first episode of the show yeah i'm telling you go to the bakery but what's going to be the plot what's going to be a plot of the bakery episode i don't know you said that we were going to wing it the promises we'd go to a bakery but that the magic would happen that's where that's we're making it i should like adjust the audio right now so that if i press that hong kong button we don't end up [ __ ] our pants and okay here it is hong kong it's still too loud i'm sorry i'm sorry that didn't help anything maybe this is the button there we go guys i'm really saddened that rhea isn't still here because aside from ynk and his love of the honk button the only other person who's had so severe a reaction to a sound effect was rhea who absolutely hated this noise hated the whip crack and it's a shame that none of you have stepped up to hate it as much maybe you think you're smart and you know you hate it just as much but you know you wouldn't want to say it because it would only make me use it more but what if i'm reading your mind i'm reading your mind maybe maybe i'm dying to play games with ynk but we gotta clear his schedule you know what i mean he can pick the day in the game ynk has been playing games with with me and my heart okay but i don't want him to quit you know i want him to keep playing games with my bell says i love hamburger if only i could find some of these noises quickly see if i turn it down it's it's not loud enough i really gotta adjust the audio on that hong kong and then just re-upload it baked beans all right guys guys i'll say it to you like this depending on whatever you guys decide upon we're gonna go ahead and move forward with it i know some of you are looking for the scp i know none of you are interested in this uh commentary on the simpsons but it'll be a great thing to fall asleep too trust me i love you i'm scared let's obliterate the rest of this list i cannot believe i played all of those videos in the middle of the list because now this is this list is hot compromisation number one i'm a wheelchair user at a baseball game a little girl came running up to me and climbed onto my lap her mom was apologetic but i told her it was fine no worries looking at the girl's face i could tell she had some kind of developmental disability mom explained to me that the little girl's grandfather used a wheelchair and she missed him whoa i rolled around a little to give her a ride she giggled and had a good time and then she climbed off and went back to her mom i want you to know that it's so cripplingly sad how many wonderful experiences we may miss out on because everybody would associate it or assume that it's meant in a creepy or weird way you know but that's the society we live in i guess pretty messed up the brazilian funk button the brazilian funk isn't a button it's uh it's what people get for following on twitch no i think if they just follow it plays that because i'm an idiot yeah i put it simply for subscribing jelly bean oh [ __ ] didn't we get corn from mom yes it's in the fridge this is really jelly beans right it's got to be it's funny that they actually got me because i can kind of see like hair coming out of it so it made me wonder or it could be they're just saying that it looks like jelly beans is it possible that it could grow like this and look all weird like that or is it possible that they could inject it with different colors no idea i don't know how corn works we don't know how corn works you must be the finest farmer in all of candyland who needs candy island we're safer at the docks somebody said god i wish this is what candy corn was isn't candy corn awful is there anybody here that likes candy corn the only person i'm liking candy corn for is ynk they need to make some candy corn animals that would be the best hiding spot in the world for [ __ ] oh my god dia because who's gonna come in and go oh i love candy corn it'd be like if i had black licorice sitting around you want some black licorice some people are crazy like that bruh come on man y'all cannot have bell likes candy corn belle does not bell candy corns like the [ __ ] what's the name of that cake that's really tough and awful for christmas is it a fruitcake yeah major erections just clowning y'all playing it's a fruitcake yeah um candycorn is the fruitcake of candies she says she like fruitcake too you know this is the same girl that said throw it back throw it back you you should say that let's see it say what that but listen i want you to know i'm ready to record a hot erotic scenario you know what i mean all you gotta do is name name the place and i will make an asmr of yoda trying to pick you up in this place and you're gonna be the girl getting picked up do you name a place first person to name this place man if it's not y and k tootsie rolls are the fruitcake of candy some people like tootsie rolls some people really do ugh isn't that weird they were putting tootsie rolls in the middle of um perfectly good lollipops this dude said the world trade center like we're doing improv and i'm like can we get a location you know what the crazy thing is i've seen a lot of yoda content on the internet and this fits so well in with that yoda content because it's all excessively edgy for no reason you know is that is that what somebody wants ynk you know seriously bradley bell justin chime in here forget about it but never forget forget oh my god you know there's a character on the show lost named um oh i can't believe i forgot his name penny and desmond his name is desmond okay and i love desmond more than any of the characters on that whole fuckboy show i really do like desmond and i like the plot and i love him and penny and i loved it and it was hard and i just love it one of my favorite videos on the internet because desmond's woman's name is penny my favorite video on the internet dude i shouldn't show you this yeah i love you penny i've always loved you no matter what i do charlie he sounds just like that he goes charlie you're you take the thing and listen to it i'm gonna play the rest of this thing for you you think i'm i'm like being excessive listen no matter what i do you're gonna die yo now that's comedic you know i'm really sorry and i apologize and you know you are the real hero for tolerating me and dealing with all of the terrifyingly stupid [ __ ] that i find absolutely hilarious much of which is buried in contextually like relevant you couldn't enjoy it unless you knew exactly where i'm coming from and maybe that makes it great for the for the people who do know what i'm talking about but for everybody else it's gotta just be like i don't get it i don't get this man and he's so amused he's looking at corn but it looks like jelly beans i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what you but what about did and k what about his desire to hear the story ynk's sacrifice ynk is heroic and unstoppable you know him and i together are going to save everything that needs saving the postal service netflix from itself with this whole cuties thing man just don't do shows with kids how about that mm-hmm could that be over yes sir you know just i just want to stay away from kids oh just waited y and k said something about fruit flavored tootsie rolls i think i remember those i remember those i i had yeah i don't know anything about winn-dixie boy you know they had just like big ass bins my heart is still racing i love you guys my heart will go on tell me tell me a song to cover is yoda tell me a place to pick up dia as the yoda puppet they can be like an ongoing series of how to pick up ladies that'd be so great with with yoda that'd be [ __ ] amazing because i'm so skilled and yoda can use the force to make women do what you know they they secretly want to do you know but they don't know how they're just too shy he's just helping them with a little push a little force push that's good i should save that that's going in you know sometimes you need a little push sometimes you need a little pull push and pull in and out there's some there's a song i'm gonna show you my lightsaber i have the low ground now it's treason then oh my god you know dean and i have stayed nice and far away from that wap thing and we would like to live our christian god-fearing lives yo this may be the weirdest thing anyone's ever suggested man bradley's a special one isn't kirk franklin a gospel singer and not the type of gospel that like whitey can get down on but from what i understand he's like a black gospel singer that sings songs that you would expect to hear in like a baptist church right what's kirk franklin's like top song because i know his name from back when i was attending church a lot you don't want to know true silver wolf my brother can't you see did he do stomp he did stomp my brain knew that he made this song called stomp dear holy ghost are you with me my brother can't you see i got the victory said stop but but you're gonna you're as yoda restraint and not play this alongside everything else from this from this stream right look i i didn't want to tell the whole stream but my hand hasn't been on the mouse this whole time it's been my other appendage okay listen kirk franklin stomp let's look up the lyrics to that the lyrics to stomp if you will lately i've been going through some things that's really got me down i need someone somebody to help me come and turn my life around i can't explain it i can't obtain it jesus your love so so amazing it gets me high up to the sky and when i think about your goodness it makes me want to stop the [ __ ] you devil stop what happened this maniac put kirk franklin into my mind why would you do it bunny subliminals herself bunny subliminal sounds like a really hot porno man bunny wait no they'd make it weird with furry action i don't want furry action back door action no thank you sapphire says the times i jump into the chat are the best it makes no no ynk did this you know and i'm gonna return you know ynk releases a lot of creatures that you know they they they bring kyle to another level but i'm gonna i'm gonna gift i'm gonna gift a pokeball straight to ynk he deserves it i should really 3d print something and send it to somebody but what could it be what would what would what would be kyle enough ladies and gentlemen at the risk of anything more terrifying coming from oh my god really really really like in my stomach you guys are whoa you guys are amazing you're more than i can handle so at the at the risk of overstaying a welcome want you all to know i love you endlessly the string boss should of course be ynk do you want to see for your own eyes be holding tell us what you'd like to see i'm sorry about the kyle india tower that shit's hilarious to me belle says 3d print a yoda puppet for your puppet bell you don't know it but you know we have baby yodas in the house and i wanted one for me and dia so one's in my little cubby hole that's supposed to be behind me when i stream on camera and one is in her room for her to like put amongst her pikachus at some point and my big pikachu the best pikachu in the in her room buddy the big pikachu is the best one i can't believe it sometimes heywood says i'm sure you can make 3d images to print with an xbox kinect sensor wide as ynk says i know you got those good gifts let me see if i can look up a gif that is safe for work not that i'm you know downloading nazi for work gifts where would i where would i show those off dia have i downloaded any good gifts recently i'll show you i'll show you two because i think they're really the only ones that i have okay so here's one can't use it it's not transparent background look at that that would be my walk animation if i could handle it a lot of hip action though man i'm not sure i can manage that i only wish i only wish you may not like it this is peak physical condition dear if not that one i for some reason have a well of course not that when it's not transparent here's a character from um well actually i'm just making sure that she don't whip nothing out can you imagine she whipped him out i'll be like oh [ __ ] i'll see you guys later you know what i mean but you can't use it why because it's not transparent and i'm not i don't need this you know i'm not the type that needs that i don't even know why i saved it huh why did i save it if i can't use it look at this thing i just like the little animation of it listen i'm gonna i'm gonna ask you guys a serious question okay i've seen some people stream on twitch and they have this thing where like gifs are running around at the bottom of their screen and it seems to correspond to people donating and following and i'd love to know how that is so if you can tell me i'm gonna set that up for in here so whenever people you know subscribe or donate they'll have like a little dude running around and i'll just keep it like that for probably like a week or something you know what i mean but i don't know how that goes you think i'd be able to articulate it well into the internet but what is dark somnium the dark somnium is a youtube channel a creepypasta narrator so wait you guys are wanting the cps why is he bringing that up kind of name is the dark somnium i guess when you make up a name all roads lead to you huh that's good that's good all roads lead to you ah ladies and gentlemen i love you you can't get enough i will see you guys tomorrow and maybe even sooner linda you're right thank you i need to hydrate and if you guys are looking to you know piss off dia she's going to be streaming soon um you know remember you got to ride that line real careful because if you say something too weird linda's in there she'll probably just ban you there's a bunch of you know feisty mods god damn those things are gigantic dia i can't believe it so there's dia and i am going to take a well needed shower and think of you guys you're incredible all right special thanks once again to belle justin bradley and ynk thanks for being heroes you'll see me again sooner i'm gonna record i'm gonna record the first part of the scp that super interested me and um i hope to get that out by tomorrow so look out for it stay out of trouble and you'll see me again soon bye love you love you love you you're insane you're insane let me know what the hell i can do go to the discord you know drop any suggestions whatever's coming to your mind that you'd like something you've always been thinking about oh i'd like to hear this just let me know in the discord you you deserve it please god i'm sweating i'm kyle sweden bam
Channel: Cyael
Views: 522
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, funny stories, teachers, students, school, high school, cringe, women, girls, prank
Id: v6OtgX0fHUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 23sec (5243 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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