Scary Personal Experiences

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scary personal experiences [Music] according to reddit number 16 i was in a bus that crashed into a house i was trying to nap after a late night flight when suddenly the bus shook so i opened my eyes and saw us going off the road we knocked down a small tree and then collide with a house there was a strong smell of gas so we believed the bus was going to explode we all had to get out through the fire escape window i cut my hand on broken glass thankfully the bus did not explode and everyone got out with only minor injuries nobody was home so i guess that's good [Music] damn just hoping nobody in here ends up in something as terrifying as a collision followed by potential explosions [Music] number 15 [Music] six weeks in an induced coma i woke up six weeks later in a strange hospital but i couldn't speak or move i thought i was in hell holy [ __ ] it's like a creepypasta somebody asks what happened to cause this and he responds a horrible virus like covet but deadlier damn baby do we even want to know that one seemed kind of short i'll go down to 17. a bird built a nest under the roof above my room every day you could hear baby birds chirping while trying to sleep as time went on eventually the chirping stopped which was great finally i can sleep wake up days later to find your room infested with adult bird mites they're crawling over every inch of your body extremely traumatizing i bombed the room several times and had a fear of birds ever since since the guy didn't specify what he means he means of course he bombed the room with pesticides you know gotta get him the hell out of there birds are just rats with wings i guess it's easy to forget number 14. when i think of the scariest event a lot of things come to mind but one of the things that scares me to this day was in first grade i'm walking home and my family and i live in an apartment so my bus would drop us off and we'd walk to our apartments from there i'd gone into the building from the most convenient door and climbed the stairs to the second floor i had to cross to another side but as i was doing that the door opened to this old man out of nowhere he started talking to me asking me if i liked fries he was asking me if i wanted to come inside his apartment to have some fries thankfully i was weary of strangers and i just told him that i had to get home [Music] when i told my mom she started crying and hugging me i never realized that could have been my last day as a free man anyway he would have used you [Music] i hope nobody passing likes fries look at this [ __ ] over here talking about [Music] as we continue to number 13 40 years ago i get home very drunk it's late at night the police had my house staked out waiting for me and tackle me in the driveway and take me to jail for burglary and attempted rape i spent three days in jail before they figured out that i was innocent and just cut me loose about an hour from my home without my wallet which they still had at the county jail that i was originally booked into i didn't have a cent on me but i was sure happy to be out oh my god i don't think there is anything scarier than just having the bullies that call themselves police show up and apprehend your ass with no evidence it's pretty hardcore huh take everything you got put it in a box too stupid to even transport that that that box of belongings with you when you go to a new facility and then they toss you out onto the street no phone no money no care where's the love oh damn police scariest thing on the entry already damn number 12 confronting a guy that was literally trying to break into my apartment we scuffled for two to three seconds and luckily he fled boy i like to think that some people who break in are extremely brave because they don't know what kind of surprise is waiting for them surprise [Music] a hello and creepy welcome to queen the scariest person in the stream so spooky [Music] number 11 i came home one night after hanging out at a friend's house a few years ago after i was sitting in my house alone for a few minutes i heard screaming and crying coming from the neighbors apparently their teenage son heavily overdosed and they found him dead on his bed with foam coming out of his mouth the ambulance came and he was pronounced dead at the scene i didn't know my neighbors very well but it was a pretty chilling experience damn number 10 getting the phone call from my partner's best friend that he had been hit by a car i lived on the other side of the country at the time but luckily we had already planned to visit and i was getting on a plane to go there in a few hours his best friend was on the phone with him when he was hit managed to figure out what had happened what hospital he would likely be taken then he contacted me picked me up and took me to the hospital i can't imagine what he heard on the phone but i'm so glad that he has such an amazing best friend yeah yeah some people don't survive car accidents i hope everyone understands how lucky they are here's hoping everybody's having a chilling evening i know just the thought of some people might send a shiver down your spine they could be out there they could be in there no no don't touch me there this is no no square big titty action galaxy star says i remember when i was over my big sister's place her her kids and boyfriend walked to the carnival i stayed at the house to watch some anime like a nerd i kept feeling like something was behind me i turned but there was no one there it felt uncomfortable a bad feeling a moment later mom called to tell me that my step-brother auntie died i'm so sorry step brother on time holy grail number nine my now deceased father pointed a gun at me when i was a teenager and we were arguing sounds like a really stable individual it was over a dog that kept getting out anytime someone got close he would run even faster when we finally got him my dad pulled his pistol and pointed it at the dog yelling about how if it doesn't behave that he would just shoot it i challenged him and he pointed the gun at me it was the longest moment of my life on the bright side as a 120 pound woman i've never been more scared of any man than him and he's dead now seems you had the last laugh he'll just rot in his cold cold grave if you'd like notifications of when this stream occurs join the discord links in the description below number eight when i was around 11 years old my dad brother and i were hanging out at a neighbor's house my brother was around nine years old the neighbor's girls were probably around four or six and their dad was quite the alcoholic and drug addict i was downstairs watching tv with the other kids when we hear a huge slam on the door and welcome to the jam according to my dad at this point the girl's father had grabbed his wife by the hair and dragged her across the floor being who he is my father intervened i remember running out of the room where we were to my dad and this guy is rolling down the stairs what he kept rolling rolling rolling rolling my dad was able to pin this guy to the wall his face was covered in blood and he screamed for me to get all of the kids and get out of the house now i was petrified especially after seeing my dad's face with blood on it it was pouring rain i grabbed my brother and the girls and we all ran outside no shoes nothing their mom was nowhere to be found but there was a cop car sitting at the top of the driveway the kids and i all ran up there and got into the back where the girl's mom was waiting just bawling her eyes out we're waiting in the car while my dad was almost shot trying to explain to the officers that he wasn't the guy that they were looking for [ __ ] is a good thing he wasn't black because he would have instantly been killed that's the [ __ ] right there what do you mean you see blood on him blood just shoot him i'm sad i'm kidding after the arrest am i kidding after the arrest was made my family went back to our house to sleep at around 2 am my dad woke up my brother he wakes me up as well saying that we need to go because our neighbor was released from the drunk tank we all jump into the car drive to my grandparents house two hours away and then we moved after that only going back to the house for our belongings not much compared to some of these but it was a lot for an 11 year old like me to handle now the terrifying aspect of this story is that these people wrestled in a struggle that potentially could have led to someone's death and if you've ever been in a fight to the death you know what it's like you may be a good guy and decide you're only going to incapacitate the other person [Music] but sometimes in the midst of that action you are fighting for your life there is no oh i better be careful not to knock them unconscious because if the police show up they're gonna think one thing you fight for your life and you handle whatever the hell comes next later the scary aspect of this situation is they released a bastard and you have to wonder did they call the dude to give him a heads up to say hey we're letting him out or did the guy have to keep calling to make sure that he was still there only to then find out that he had actually been released and then using his brain he decided to scoop up his his little kids and leave it's crazy to think how many scenarios probably end in the police coming and picking somebody up only to let them go later so that they can go and finish the business that they started be careful justice doesn't usually have a way of being served number seven saving a woman's life i was walking past buildings and the building's pool on the way home from the parkade when a guy flags me down and yells i think she's drowning i remember very little of what happened next but i pieced together that i ran like hell to get there i jumped in fully clothes phone in pocket grabbed her from the front hot tip don't grab a drowning person from the front front they will climb you and got her out of the pool i was in no danger but after the crisis was over fear washed over me like i could not believe i cried in the shower for an hour until i finally calmed down i do it again in a heartbeat what a hero selflessly diving in to save somebody's life to save someone potentially in danger what they don't tell you about saving someone who is drowning is that they are drowning they are frantic they are terrified they believe that they are going to die and much like a person trying to catch somebody falling out of a tall building if you try to catch them just like if you try to save this person drowning it's a big chance that both of you could die be careful number six my six foot two three hundred and pound now ex-husband decided i wasn't allowed to leave him for reference i'm 5'4 and 155 pounds i'd been out with my friends one night and had two out of touch and was too out of touch for his liking i came home to ugly accusations and verbal abuse unfortunately i didn't or jesus i decided in that moment that telling him i wanted a divorce was a good idea as soon as i said divorce he escalated i still don't understand how but i survived strangulation smothering dragging and all kinds of other physical assault while our kids slept in the next room thankfully my neighbors heard me screaming for help and called the police he went to jail for three days and is still in deep legal [ __ ] but as of last week my divorce is finalized nearly a year of nasty legal battles and ptsd and panic attacks and single parenting and i am free 2020 has been a hell storm one after another but it's also given me my freedom for kyle the scariest part of 2020 is a lack of good weed and the fact that everybody's getting paid but me baby why can't i get unemployment so scary number five i've told this story before like we asked i was home alone ago that's right age 12. playing video games in our garage that we had converted into sort of a chill area i hear my brother calling out for me from the attic he's doing so repeatedly so i go up the ladder mind you he sounds panicked after i get up there i locate his voice coming from a box it's just a yak back which has got to be some kind of walkie-talkie [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is a yak back i'm not googling that scary [ __ ] i figure he must have pre-recorded it and it was malfunctioning it was then that i realized my brother had been dead for 15 years i'm kidding then i feel because this kid's only 12 years old can you imagine your brother's been dead for 15 years you recognize his voice he's calling you by name what's really going on how could he know oh my god that's my brother's house how did i know that this is okay i feel a sense of dread like i'm about to die and then the light bulb pops almost broke my leg running out of there i sat in the driveway until my parents came home my brother swears to this day he didn't even remember recording it i mean it's all easily explainable coincidences i'm sure but that's the most terrified but that's the most terrified i've been and i've been held at gunpoint in a gas station in a gas station holy [ __ ] that's scary gunpoint most places okay shut the hell up [Music] while driving down the highway says what this is with my friends we were clipped by a car changing lanes we were sent into a spin and ended up in the fast lane facing the wrong direction i was in the back seat and still remember the sight of the cars coming to a sudden break to prevent us from being in a head-on collision glad that they stopped was just as served for the bastard who clipped you someone responds i was actually in something very similar to this was clipped on the back bumper and it sent me spinning into head-on traffic and was hit head-on on top of the hill [Music] my sister passed away in the passenger seat while i woke up outside of the car laying on the side of the road with all of my front teeth knocked out and a broken femur and jaw the lady who hit us head on had internal bleeding and the man who clipped our bumper actually refused treatment and later killed himself because he was drunk behind the wheel and killed a 15 year old girl well as they say in my language back home [ __ ] them you know what i mean it's one thing you're running into people in the back and causing the death of a bunch of people but you're drunk too jesus christ [Music] this person died in a drunk driving accident and he was the drunk driver look how his family chose to bury him it's not funny it's not like haha you know wakka wakka you know you know you know does he do does he deserve a burial does he deserve attention i know that's your family member and you know i i doubt that you guys just want to burn him up or something but maybe that's what he deserves maybe i don't even want to see this picture you guys making a joke making a meme out of this [ __ ] who got into a wreck here's only hoping that nobody else was harmed but we shouldn't like celebrate the life of some [ __ ] boy because the pride that the tree that had to be felled to make a coffin for your [ __ ] ass the money that was spent on you could have gone to a charity if not you know some kind of rehabilitation program that helps people who are struggling with being an alcoholic come to terms with that sick and the world we live in as far as the society in america it celebrates these people people get into drunk driving situations they they're under the influence and you know what our system gives them a slap on the wrist and tells them to take a class and get back behind the wheel you're fine you're fine some people have a collection of drunk driving you know infractions but weed is super illegal i'm talking schedule one serious burst [ __ ] these people if there's one scary thing i want to pass on to you in this list it's that you rub elbows with [ __ ] like this who are so selfish that they will without hesitation jump behind the wheel after they've had anything to drink and [ __ ] them continuing up we arrive at number three [Music] i'd gotten my first apartment back in 2006. it was a one bedroom upstairs with a side entrance that had steps leading up to my door you had to walk through two doors to access it a private entrance if you will access it a private entrance anyway i'm living alone for six months before my fiance moves in was working two jobs to maintain rent etc started noticing my door tommy you named your door my door tommy entrance would be left open despite being locked the apartment had also a basement area carpeted that served as a sort of laundry storage room about three months into living there i kept hearing footsteps at night i couldn't explain it i'd be woken up by the door creaking slowly i thought it was just being paranoid until one night i looked out my window and saw a lady standing in the parking lot staring at my window i thought nothing of it like maybe she was looking for the person downstairs or something you know no big deal long story short my landlord never changed the locks or gave me an updated key this woman was the prior resident i woke up one night to grab a gatorade to rehydrate when out of nowhere someone sprints past me from the kitchen shoulder checks me and bolts down stairs i thought nothing of it i'm kidding no i had no camera no footage so i didn't call the police but i immediately called my landlord and demanded the locks to be changed oh yeah now you know what i mean you're really putting your foot down now you know what i mean i explained what had happened he apologized profusely even sent me a fifty dollar gas card and a hundred dollars was off my next month's rent the locksmith cane interesting name for locksmith comes the next morning whilst at work landlord leaves a note explaining this remember the side door downstairs that i told you about that leads to a laundry room oh yes the door that you named tommy well the prior tenant was a 29 year old woman that was actually living downstairs and had been sneaking into my apartment with her then working a key every night stealing my food and even sitting in my couch jeez you think you're getting a place to stay without the other person leave you you just need to steal their food what kind of small titty [ __ ] is that [Music] y'all girls need to give some damn some sensing here i found this out because the landlord found her in a storage closet she tried running past him and he tackled her to the ground as a 30 year old woman she was the one who got spooked when i awoke suddenly and shoved me to conceal who she was scariest [ __ ] ever [Music] i don't understand how y'all don't walk from room to room with a weapon when you find somebody in your crib you don't check the locks check the interiors of the closets somebody just in the middle of the night stealing your food and chilling in your couch and you don't notice it's like you don't even live there why even get a place with a bunch of rooms if you're just gonna be in one all the time number two the birth of my stepson no wait it says son sorry i don't so i guess it was too scary for me to read properly kids am i right my wife had to have a c-section when our oldest son was born so she had some complications with the pregnancy when she had my son one night she comes out of the back after dinner and says she's bleeding call the doctor and the doctor says no more monkeys the doctor says to get to the hospital as soon as possible i dropped everything i was doing and went i dropped my wife with the nurses at the front of the hospital and parked my car by the time i made it inside they had two lines in her and was prepping her for emergency surgery i was able to walk with her to the door of the operating wing but they told me i could not come i spent three hours pacing in the waiting room when a nurse finally comes out and told me my and told me my wife died on the table twice the complications caused her uterus to rupture during the c-section and she lost seven units of blood they more or less had her stabilized after removing her uterus and she was in icu recovery still could not see her i asked about my son he inhaled a mouthful full of amniotic fluid on his way out and was in the nicu under observation jesus christ they don't tell you about the amount of complications that can happen this is crazy a couple of more hours they finally let me see my wife because she was partially awake and screaming for me the idea that a person can't even see someone they love when when the potential isn't strong that they're going to blink out of existence it's a reality because maybe oh maybe it's already [ __ ] happened but they can't be there she spent two days in the icu four days in trauma recovery five in inpatient while she stabilized my son was okay after four days in the nicu her doctor told us flat out that the trauma her body went through was equal to being hit by a train all in all she had nine units of whole blood eight units of plasma five units of platelets transfused because or before she was finally stabilized saw the doctor last year as a customer at my work walked over and gave her the biggest hug in the world and thanked her for again giving me my wife back i'll never forget her and will always be thankful for that amazing woman and here goes some dumb [ __ ] on on facebook y'all should just have a baby in your in a in the pool in your living room now come on you ain't a real woman unless you're having a baby in an inflatable pool in the living room that's how i saw on youtube you could do it the scary part is not only is she flat chested okay but she absorbs everything that she hears based on a podcast from a woman that has a [ __ ] stamp no disrespect ladies but maybe just maybe you should have better sources of information nice as we continue we arrive at number one i walked in on my father strangling my mother in the living room after violently struggle snuggling her and beating her almost unconscious both were naked so that was especially unpleasant i was 14 had been at my friends and they'd been divorced for several years apparently he was banging her around on child support again and he'd blackmailed her he'd give her money but only if she banged him i ended up having to shoot him normally when he was beating her i could just go next door to my aunts and she could get him to stop but i wasn't sure my mom would have been alive by the time i got the on over this time had it been over the guns i okay had it been one of the guns i was used to i would have gotten him in the back as i'd intended but the closest one was an older gun that i'd never used before and i ended up shooting him in the thigh he didn't die unfortunately but not for lack of trying and why'd you stop i bet the daylight oh i beat the daylights out of him with a brew let me say something you know i i forgive me i'm trying to you know dedicate myself to this list in a way where i'm getting through it so that if somebody just wanted some spooky bing bongs blah blah blah now if you walked in on your father who has been divorced from your mother you know strangling your mother it's time for action baby it's all action time you know what i'm talking about the first thing that you're going to say is jesus christ this is this foreplay you know what i mean and if your dad don't loosen his grip then get ready it's it's go time do you know what i mean when it becomes clear that this is not something that they are both consensually doing maybe just maybe it's enough you know you ain't gonna stop to be like let me go get my aunt to handle this you need to neutralize the situation do you want your mommy to live or not and i know the world is funny you could probably be in a situation where you saved a mom and she's still mad at you because let's face it either you're living in a dream world where you have like a perfect mom who's somehow reasonable and logical and happy you know what i mean or just maybe you have a typical mom who's going to be mad at you regardless of whether you do the right or the wrong thing so why not put this dude down you out here shooting one time in a leg okay the kyle channel does not condone murder but it does confirm condone defending your family against aggressors because this is wild because this is wild terrifying and sad terrifying and sad against her will terrifying and sad slapping awesome until my aunt available me it sounds really shitty but not shooting him again is probably one of the biggest regrets in my life you damn right homie you know what i mean you damn right so here's the bottom line i don't know if any of you have been in a scenario where you've had to defend yourself against another human in a way that you know was what's the word how do what's there's a word for it there's a word for it the word is what do you call it when you make another man feel like less of a man you are somethinging them what's the word like when you reduce another person in a way where they feel like less of a man emasculating thank you joshua i appreciate you now i've been in scenarios where i have emasculated other men to the point where i knew that i need to make myself gone in a way where they never see me again i need to make sure they never find out where i live because they will live their life trying to feel better than the way that i've made them feel in this moment there are scenarios with other people where things have gotten so bad where if you don't take care of this [ __ ] you will feel the anxiety for the rest of your life that you need to essentially be sleeking me sleeping with one eye open now your mom she's still [ __ ] with this dude you know what i mean she got guns but she hasn't used them this guy has come back she knows what kind of dude this guy is and she most certainly has had the opportunity to defend herself against him but she hasn't maybe it's just not in her heart because she's an emotional broad and doesn't have the the heart to do the kind of thing that comes with standing up for yourself and defending yourself against somebody taking advantage of you in a way where it is not consensual and if they don't if they disregard your you know um what you want your desires in a way where it's it's like you don't even exist because selfishly all you exist as is a way for me to feel a certain way bruh it's not gonna get better so if you're gonna shoot him why not finish it it's people like this that just are looking to die now the dude says that man he is dead now thankfully was a monster and the reason i'm super thankful that the guy is dead is that maybe just maybe he would have come back to finish the job do you know what that would do to this guy this guy is already the type that is abusing women physically my dude this is a dude that doesn't take no for an answer and of course he's going after women because he's a chicken [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] he's getting away with it with your mom because she's not going to stand up for herself she has weapons but she refuses to use them he's doing this with her because he knows he can get away with it you stood up to him whether you're a girl writing this story whether you're a man writing the story you stood up to them and you are in more ways than your mother and equal for him that shouldn't just piss him off it should terrify him and he'll take advantage of that and i'm surprised that you made it out alive you can't wound somebody like that [Music] because it'll make them crazy and they'll come back for you this isn't a movie you know there's no moral high ground here where you're just gonna he's gonna learn a lesson from this learn a lesson [ __ ] you walking on somebody strangling and beating somebody after having physically abused them and you're just like let me wing them why you stop that's my paw my god the guile channel does not condone murder but watch yourself man some people do not align themselves to morals and ethics the way that you do you know it has nothing to do with them all their some people are just living waiting for the opportunity and when they when they get it they gonna take it when they get it they're gonna take her this boy is lucky i wonder how he died and i'm kind of curious and i i want to see if somebody asks you know it may be kind of what's the word personal hmm black blackest hearted is their name hiding that are you standing over somebody beating they ass and you ain't worried that they coming back for you you know how you standing over somebody that just messed with your mom like that and had their their throat in their hands you know because if you had the courage i guess you're a little kid whatever get over it kyle that's the end of it i just hope that it's not the fact that they're a child that they were scared i hope that it's not the fact that um that they thought they might learn because some people are past learning look boys marvel's avengers had a patch that everybody thinks is gonna save the game they think it's gonna make the game less broken the biggest issue with marvel's avengers is that they thought they could get away with five avengers and that was gonna be the end of it hulk thor black widow captain america iron man is that enough i don't know but maybe just maybe we wanted ant-man wasp scarlet witch vision doctor strange who am i forgetting bro maybe quicksilver that'd be hilarious whatever maybe in a year this game won't suck balls but if you look at the patch notes which i'm going to show you right now i want you to see how many times the word fix is in here fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed pretty sure the word fix is in here more than like 50 times baby it's nothing but fixes imagine releasing a game not broken oh what a world for the world what a world ladies and gentlemen i hope to see you again soon i hope you have a an explosive night hope things make sense for you hope you stay out of trouble it burdens us all to know that uh our supreme court justice has passed but some people have probably lived a little some problem some people have probably lived their entire life having nothing to do with the supreme court justice and that's pretty messed up this is a video video of my roommate after she put cat poop in my wash washer and poured litter all over the house after i reported her for foster kittens that she was not taking care of she's evil and i hope she gets famous oh my god jesus christ you put cat poop in the washer this [ __ ] crazy why i get crazy roommates look how look how beefy she is my god a big girl just steal flat just just the worst combination what's happening this this this lady look gargantuan got the crazy ass of course she a cat lady look at you about this about to start crying you yelling you putting cat poop in the wash damn built like a lion backer what you gonna do come this way not today look i hope she gets drafted for a good team you see what i'm saying ah jesus what harry p harry penis says that's the girl that killed joel yeah that's the inspiration dude are you guys having a good night do you do you guys enjoy you know a little bit of the and and just and just let kyle take you away veronica says i literally only found out a few minutes ago when i opened up instagram every post not a great time you know what i found out today so just to add a little bit of levity that i heard tick tock is getting shut down on sunday how exciting is that we did it guys we did it now these kids won't be able to shake their [ __ ] titties around when they're below the right age damn it what are you doing these kids are inspiring people to jump up and be like i'm gonna make cuties on netflix what the [ __ ] is wrong with you people and i've said it before and i'll say it again okay if some crazy ass 11 year old [ __ ] wants to jump up and start [ __ ] shaking around like some [ __ ] she saw on a [ __ ] you know video oh my god terrifying enough okay but if you pick up a camera and start recording her [ __ ] yikes my dude but when you start distributing that you better be a woman trying to get away with that oh here come all the kyle's misogynist comments only a woman could get away from with some [ __ ] like that a [ __ ] man could never record these little kids and then be like i'm making a feminist movie [ __ ] off [ __ ] off disgusting my dude you have to wonder if somebody paid netflix to be so stupid just to make a spectacle of itself just to sabotage itself shoot itself in the foot my dude i was telling queen earlier today this is like michael jackson dangling a baby off of a balcony why are you doing this did somebody tell you to make a make a scene you know to get everybody distracted we got an election going on and it always seems to be about right now when things just get so wild you know eve hollywood wild hollywood's gross producers money people with wealth they're disgusting and they're not just like normal depraved testing the boundaries of what they can get away with disgusting they aren't just like sick kinky bastards that have to break the rules to get off they're the types of gross that has been carried down for generations via tradition and ritual where you're putting on robes and you're going out into a [ __ ] you know with the woods and and participating in these sacrifices and you're burning people and you're and you're [ __ ] these animals and all kind of stupid [ __ ] like this like it's it's just it's it's never enough it's never too much you can't imagine my dude you can't imagine all i know is you don't have the sensibilities for it you think you've seen depraved you've been on a deep portion of the internet so you think you've seen some [ __ ] boy the types of things that people do then put on a suit and rub up against the the shoulders of other people like they're normal the thing you should be scared most of is the world in which you live boy but if we're all lucky we can keep our heads down and live a long fulfilling life without it being robbed by some [ __ ] who's had too much to drink by some [ __ ] who's fling and poop into a freaking laundry machine and kyle is too real to get anywhere on youtube i think somebody earlier was like and can't wait to see kyle get to 36 000 subscribers that [ __ ] ain't gonna happen homie and it's because as far as the internet's concerned this channel doesn't exist and that's that's fine with me i'm not trying to be in the eye like some facebook instagram you know loving person that's wasting time asking you to like this video or you know share it or here's my sponsors and oh my god oh my god it's an effect this is a 3d effect it's been painted onto a flat wall the picture doesn't do it justice um it would be better if somebody were taking a video standing in front of the wall you have to wonder if that kind of thing is available in the comment section [Music] oh my god five times three money damn it ynk i want to restore this money to you so that so that i i need to send ynk something special a big container in which him and i can build our future i wish i could send him like a uh let's say like a project for a 3d printer that can build like a space shuttle and then it'll just fly to my house you know i'd be pretty pretty gangster do you think if we ever try to because here's the thing i've always had questions for people with drones and it's like how do you go anywhere without being scared that you're gonna violate certain uh airspace you know because you know first of all it's not saying like you're going so high or that you're doing anything illegal illegal or that you shouldn't be anywhere but the police they do have a stick up their ass and they're not the types of people to see anything and just be fine with it so you need to really be in specific locations where you're trying to get away with using a drone because yeah it seems like you can just get away very quickly right but i don't know how do expensive drones work dia what's the range on some of they can these the type of drone that would need to be able to go as far as we'd need for it to be able to go would be so expensive that we might as well just pay some [ __ ] to go out there you know i mean like [ __ ] and they're not just small either they're like man sized we might as well be the military trying to get away with this ladies and gentlemen i want nothing more than for us to prosper to be safe to reach the next level let me know what you're interested in let me know what you want the discord link has been provided and i hope that you guys are eager for notifications for more because i'll be here he says this week's been messed up i hope that it gets better and i hope everything makes sense again it is good news that tick tock will be shut down it'll be interesting to see what the the next tick tock will be maybe i'll jump on that so we can take a look around and oh man see if it gets as gross as quickly my god ynk says fight reviews i wish dude i wish youtube will jump on and say oh you're condoning violence you know which is ridiculous but if you do want fight reviews i could mix something up and then post it over on bit shoot so um let me type that here is this go follow this if you aren't already and i'll look some stuff up she find something that i have actual reaction to and post that over there and i hope that you guys will enjoy it inevitably i'll post it in the discord as well guys take it easy stay out of trouble and i hope that i can do the same i love you i'll talk to you soon shout out to my man ynk special thanks and a shout out to the queen the queen in real life and online here's a bit of a little bit of emoji with bread some kermit the frog a little bit of lisa simpson you guys take it easy bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 885
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, funny stories, teachers, students, school, high school, cringe, women, girls, prank
Id: kTeMK4gtP68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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