School Field Trips Gone Wrong

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school field trips wrong speakers i hope that that's not an issue ariana let me know if you can hear my voice well and if you can hear the music well okay because i just heard obs through the speakers of the computer and that could mean problems okay number 16 a girl on a b-e-t-a club trip thought that it would be funny to put a bomb on board in the window of the bus the interstate was shut down the bus was pulled over and swat team raided the bus the bomb squad was called in to sweep the bus even though the girl admitted that it was a hoax she didn't go to jail somehow white she was also popular cheerleader and didn't get the disciplinary action from the skier well your tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen you know i feel like i need to turn up the sensitivity but if i do then you'll be able to hear my ps4 a little bit too well you know it's not my fault feedback coming off that thing is astronomical i should put some kind of sound absorbers down there that i will ariana says wave which um i will reflect back at her as a hello hello to pandaren linda seraphin and pbnj number 15. it happened right before we would enter the bus my students had been waiting for a few minutes and some guys were messing around i warned them to act normal but i let them out of my sight for one minute to grab something from the postbox in that time they pressed the fire alarm the whole school was evacuated around 1 650 students and we had to be evacuated to the parking lot where the bus was also waiting it was not my favorite morning well kids gonna be kids huh kids gonna be kids you know i mean i mean who can say that they haven't been on a bus and written bomb on the bus and putting it in the window putting it you know so that the people around would see and assume that there's a bomb on the bus and then they call so that the bomb squad has to come right the damn bus on a field trip that some of you are probably looking forward to some [ __ ] had to ruin it with her cheerleader lifestyle where she was probably already popular as you can assume by her not getting in trouble for it uh you know after she did it damn but if it was your ugly boring loner ass you you dweeba what do you what do you go home and get on the computer or something what a nerd now show me how to fix my computer because i need you because you actually are useful in and know things that can be practically applied see me i just get up and look good said the cheerleader you know the difference between me and you i make this look good here comes your leaders in black no cheerleaders wear black why racist number 14 when i was in the americorps i was a tutor at a school where a popular 7th grader drowned on the class end of the year field trip let's try that again less aneurysmy all right i was a tutor at a school oh we we left so we don't cry because the aneurism could happen to any of us that should have funny and scary that's scary damn nature i was a tutor at a school where a popular 7th grader drowned on the classes end of the year field trip to a lake at a state park the summer before i started what a doozy of a sentence there was no lifeguards on duty he was in chess deep water when he went under in the lake and just never came up his friends and chaperones tried to find him but at the by the time they did it was too late there was an underserved school in a really rough neighborhood ruffed damn so rough they got a tea according to the teachers things were getting better at the school but this really [ __ ] up them kids it was a very challenging year for them [Music] i'll shut you down this time ps4 it's not like i can actually get the stupid gear that i need to get while streaming you know as we continue up this list we arrive at number 13. here's hoping this list really hits the spot whoever for whoever may need it if you do need it why don't you leave a comment alright if there's if there's something going on if this list is hitting the spot or hey yeah tell me what's going on in your life 13. you know how it goes two or three people go missing and suddenly you're irresponsible and criminally liable i don't know why anyone would get into this profession you want me to watch your kids why is a field trip even a thing i'm not your parent i'm not your substitute parent for for the day that's why teachers are so cranky tony turtle says kyle knows all the spots to hit yeah the a-spots nah b-spots c-spots you know you don't want to see spots you need to go get your eyes checked d spots which spots these spots over here or d spots you see what i'm saying espots that's what's on the internet f spots no but g spots ooh caill rocks the g spot you know i'm good at sex you're bad at sex i'm good at sex you're bad at sex number eleven i am a teacher my dad you are my enemy i am a teacher but my anecdote comes from when i was a kid back in the mid 90s we were visiting some museum in louisiana losing was i going to say louisiana i don't know we were visiting some museum in london and we're traveling on the train and the tube with teachers y'all just can't speak [ __ ] normally can you they're on a subway train you [ __ ] ugh on the way back some students didn't get on the train before the automatic door shut and the teacher in charge yelled as loud as he could see you back at school lads and we just went home and the teacher waited at the school later on the sh and sure enough about 40 minutes after everybody else got back the remaining kids turned up if that happened to me now as a teacher in 2019 i'd be fired probably out of a cannon into an abyss marked r.i.p my career they'd cancel your ass on the internet so fast it didn't make your career spin [Music] hmm hmm well number 10 i went on a class trip as a chaperone to a science center i was in charge of a group of eight boys one of them goes missing i asked the others where he went and they don't know either he's missing for about 10 minutes until a security guard from the center comes up to me with him the guy asks is he one of yours and tells the kid to open his backpack when i say yes probably two hundred dollars worth of stolen stuff in this kid's backpack he spent the rest of the trip just right next to me you gotta keep an eye on this little klepto you know how much is enough dudes y'all steal some [ __ ] you figure boy i gotta get out of here what if there's cameras you just keep going where are you gonna pawn this stuff you know you're at a scientific place i mean i don't know man maybe pawn shops just don't ask questions but you would figure you would need to be over 18 before a pawn shop well i don't know you know where i'm acting under the assumption that all pawn shops are respectable and asking people for their identification i just know that the times that i've had to go in there not for me but with other jerks they were really carded and signing things and all kind of [ __ ] like this that them pawn shops weren't playing you know they were gonna get you maybe you could have a fake id and go in there i don't know kyle channel does not condone the act of faking an identity and then going in and committing fraud to sell your wares this shit's hot i gotta liquidate these assets said the man as he walked into the pawn shear up i should write really relatable young adult novels bro i could be the next stephanie meyer just write a really dumb [ __ ] you know and people read it and go you know what i don't really care for this story but this really is a dumb [ __ ] this dude really knows how to write for a dumb [ __ ] but what if i'm not some sort of genius that can just really get into the shoes of a dumb [ __ ] what if i am the dumb [ __ ] and i can just translate that to carrick to the page you know like what i'm understanding of stephanie meyer this this lady really knows how to write a dumb [ __ ] wow how she just i just don't understand she was born with this gift this is a gift you know move over hemingway number eight [Music] in the kindergarten field trip that i was on we had the parent of our most challenging student come along as a chaperone her group was her son and a very sweet and obedient girl let's call the girl shanja no shan duh that's a really whack name you could that's i don't i don't want to be the guy that gets bent out of shape over really stupid [ __ ] but i'ma say it to you like this if you are making a story and you are deciding to give the girl a name of any you you are creating this name is shonda in your top 10 who's named shonda i'm dead serious chat you pick the name of the girl she can be mary stacy uh carla tiffany what any number of i would say over 10 to 20 names could come to you before shonda does well here we are so i i didn't think that that could get under my skin as hard as it did until i saw it it's a really weird and silly thing for me to take issue with but the fact that that's the name they chose for this story it blows me away somebody really likes the name shonda out there you know suddenly it's i'm understanding why some people get named the way that they do and it's because some people really are not just like insane but like they just have a a preference for a certain thing you know you you see somebody named like tapioca or you know mercedes or some [ __ ] you know you just figure okay their parents are nuts simple right they're far off the the cliff you know there's no saving them but some people are just in the middle or they're like you know what i really like like the name charissala and you're like why can you explain that sharisala dia i hadn't realized that this was the that you were reading like a thing and you weren't continuing like you're just oh you thought that this was all on the page they thought i was reading everything i was just saying no that that was it but that was the story and you were just ranting about the same but no what's the end of the story where he start as he goes well and we'll call her shonda and that was the end of it why do we have to know their names if he's already at the end of the story [Laughter] you were just tuning me out man listen in kindergarten on a field trip we we had a parent of one of our most challenging students come along as a chaperone her group was her own son a very sweet and obedient girl and i you know honestly the men aren't even sexy enough and needs a little more skin somebody just left that on one of my videos as a comment why open it up i was trying to get there i won't let me go that's life so look we're gonna call the boy jim we're gonna call the girl shonda typically we teachers set up a base camp while the parents take the groups of students through the park we do a scavenger hunt the parents bring us their cards for a stamp as they go through each section the first time the zoo employee brought us jim he said that the boy was in the monkey exhibit trying to climb over the fences luckily he had a school shirt on jim was brought right to us we called his mother's phone but she didn't answer about 15 minutes later the mom shows up and says jim how did you get in front of us we were we i'm sorry it says we we're we we where we are we we are that's what it says and i'm like my brain is like okay walking together just a minute ago the teacher explained that in fact jim had been with us for a bit and the other zoo ranger had brought him over no real response no real response did jim write this jim from the office were being pranked no real resp responsions from the mom we asked her to turn on her phone they went off again the second time that jim was brought to us he had gotten into the fountain it had taken several employees to chase him down as he ran and giggled same drill we called mom no answer jim and his sopping wet with gross a fountain water ass he did not seem too concerned the mom did not show up for 45 minutes and again she goes jim how did you get in front of us we were walking together just a minute ago this time i was watching shonda and the look on the little girl's face said it all the look on her face total amazement that an adult was lying they went off again to walk into the picnic area yes the third time the zoo brought back little gym it was with a police officer oh my god it really is what i would consider a child protective services issue at this point your child gets away from you once damn little bastard that child gets away again all right [ __ ] once you keep an eye on this little bastard three times hey [ __ ] you that's your fault now we're not sure you're not trying to abandon this little bastard if anything it seems [Music] i just had an idea for a weird little animated video i'd have to manifest good banter out of your stripes with it i can't give the idea away it's going to be good come here now the third time that the zoo came back with him it was a police officer with him and apparently the zoo was watching the cameras and the minute the mom was out of sight she let go of jim and basically ditched him it's almost like she wanted something bad to happen to her kid yes i just said that i think that even she didn't want the little troublemaker let me tell you something as a mother unfortunately as a mother unfortunately and i've said this on dozens of occasions and i don't need to get too grim or too dark on this channel um these types of thoughts are gonna cross your head you know it's messed up but that's the way that it goes but i will say this if you had a goddamn brain in your head you dumb [ __ ] there are so many places involving bodies of water that were you to just accidentally misplace your child for a while they'd definitely come to whatever accident that you were hoping that they would come to why you [ __ ] around at a gym and then ditching this little bastard multiple times all we can do is be thankful some idiots are so stupid that their criminal [ __ ] is captured on camera because honestly what are you [ __ ] thinking leaving your kid like bro the it's like it'd be like it'd be even funnier if like she walked right up to like a gorilla or a lion enclosure or some [ __ ] where it's like a big ass ditch and a little concrete wall because you guys may think it's dark oh kyle you're being excessive trust me when i say that there have been daily iterations of people just bringing their children that they didn't want into the midst of harm and then walking away it's so [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] specifically because i believe that parents have to make it to a certain i don't want to call it a threshold but let's just say a certain age for the child if they reach that age and they're still going strong they can pretty much power through the rest of this [ __ ] ass preg not pregnancy but you know you know uh parenthood right but some people are not going to reach a certain age before they go [ __ ] man i can't do this [ __ ] so either the spouse got to come take care of this and they can be so you know they can be the one with custody uh maybe my parents need to deal with this [ __ ] maybe imma try to have this kid adopted or of course the grim shirt we talking about right now where they reach a point where they just like man i can't do this [ __ ] so something gonna need to happen you know what i mean oh i'm gonna mess this kid up and say something some black people came in you know as a black man trust me i see so much [ __ ] on the internet it will blow your mind dio was telling me dio was telling me today about how some people tricked a pregnant woman over to their place um they threw her a fake baby shower and cut the baby out of her ass with a box cutter you believe some [ __ ] like that now you could live your whole life and probably never see stupid [ __ ] like that as as evil as you can imagine like that like horror movie evil but that's what i believe that we're reading about right now in this list where three times in a row at a public zoo some [ __ ] left her special needs kid to the point where when they came back and the woman was lying the [ __ ] could see it in her her daughter's face wow mommy's lying you know what i mean huh oh the other girl wasn't her kid oh boy and these kids are in special need the the kid is just a little [ __ ] that's it he's not special needs i don't know why i read challenging and assumed my brain really just clicked it into him being you know special forgive me i think at the end of the day it doesn't make it any less sick thank you for correcting my mistake um it doesn't make it any less sick because this is a child and as an adult for you to abandon them in a zoo where at the end of the day many of these animals as small as we may consider them and as weak as me we may consider them have what it takes to rock us or [ __ ] us and right in the in the be in the headstock in a way that could if not injure us for life could potentially kill us yeah you know we look at little animals and think oh they ain't got that kind of strength [ __ ] they got enough they got enough to build some momentum and rock your ass you understand and if people can fall over and hit their head on a curb and die animals can make some [ __ ] happen oh my god is that major erection himself wow keeping it nice and monetizable i appreciate this you know you're a hero man thank you my man thank you yeah can you imagine rest in peace harambe he bringing that up like it's a conspiracy like a woman went out there was like i'm tired of this little kid get down there get down there what mommy shut and then they kill the girl and it's like this huge thing on the internet can you imagine what she must have felt like she must have been like oh my god did this gorilla save the president or something what the [ __ ] um if anything everyone can pinpoint harambe being the pinnacle point where all of the timelines split and we're then the worst one when you say [ __ ] like that it makes me it makes me feel like you because of your wholesome [ __ ] like if you were to crank out your own youtube channel right and then like just literally take only the most wholesome things you consume from like people you watch from like uh shitty vines and tick tocks that you see from um reddit you know only the wholesome things and just regurgitate your beauty your idea of the the love and the joy that should be shared of the internet it would be so to to a person like me it would be so potent that it would make me choke just trying to watch it you should make content dia and like i think it would make my blood boil watching you not because there's not love there just because like it's just it'd be so candy-ass and then with those titties wait until the women find you they're just gonna think you're fake there's no way that they can think that you're just like this you know what i mean that's why girls hate you that's why it's because girls some girls really are airheaded and just dopey and ditzy and fun and not smart you know and it's not a rude or bad thing they're just kind of airheaded and light and they do what they like and what makes them happy and they're gonna try to make other people happy and [ __ ] like that my dude but other women they have to put that on they have to really shift into that gear and it's all an act and they assume that other girls who are acting like that are putting on an act as well so when they see that of you if and they know that if they were to come off like that it would be with a lot of effort they assume you're putting just as much effort into the deception and they uh make snap judgments it's pretty tiring that crazy make me like just thinking about having to put up an act of a part of me that isn't even real i don't know i don't know how people do it i don't know how people just fake people have to fake it because of two things excuse me some people their whole goal is to be recognized at all and they understand unfortunately that then the actual them is something that way less people would be interested in so out of necessity they do what they do because they recognize that that person versus who they are would get a lot more attention other people are not even like the attention isn't enough they need like everything they need all of it you know so what they do is they emulate what they see perhaps some people are into and that over it just like it just it just it's right it's laid right all over their own personality to the point where it doesn't exist and i mean i don't want to say like a a short point long we all know what the hell is going on but it's just amusing that you know some women because that's not who they are they assume a lot of who else is like that must be faking it too so i mean you saw it and well hilariously enough uh started online where you know a very well endowed very attractive woman was super jealous we're gonna stop talking about sword online i think we're gonna have to end up making a video because you know you're very passionate about breaking me into that and then i'll i'll don't you worry and i will just allow all my thoughts to fall out jesus says kyle we getting that tony hawk pro skater one and two remake of gameplay gameplay indeed uh yeah i don't know man you know i i've only on a couple of occasions played those old tony hawk games so i can honestly say that i have never really shoved myself oh my god oh gosh [Music] oh god i'm sorry no [Music] i'm sorry about that okay shut up right i'm legit sorry because it wasn't even as manly and badass and girthy in the pee pee as it normally should be [ __ ] yeah like i want yeah yeah when the burps come out they should make people go like they're in they're on the fetal position like you know like it just it like it entered them a little bit yeah so the bottom line is um yeah no sorry jesus you know i'm balls deep in this uh in this um marvel's game right now and i'm just wanting to get the men this is going to sound so insensitive it's going to sound like i'm such a up my ass bastard but thor hulk captain america and iron man that's the only characters i want to get high level right now i'm over 100 your score with um with hulk and i want to level out those other bastards and just leave the game alone because right now we got black widow who's actually pretty dope no disrespect and we have miss marvel who is only op because they're trying to force everybody to use miss marvel so here's the funny part uh the game was planning to put black panther in but they believe it's the wrong time following the death of chadwick boseman so instead of black panther being placed into the game soon we're gonna get kate bishop who is an archer and the problem with that and the problem with that is that we were already gonna get hawkeye so the next two heroes to be placed into uh marvel's avengers are gonna be archers and it makes me feel like i'm genuinely not gonna give a [ __ ] about the game after i level up my characters until spider-man [ __ ] has find his way in there next year like the beginning of next year at which point you know what i also think that they're going to have to uh because remember they said that everybody who bought it on ps4 will get to upgrade to ps5 for free so when ps5 comes out they need to grease that to make people who don't already have it want to get it and they need a hero like doctor strange like scarlet witch they need somebody to really make people go oh dude man whatever why does linda say sniper rifle um that's what she would use in order to have you know harambe survive so that we don't spiral into this horrible abyss that is that's what they thought with jfk and they still couldn't save him more than one shot find out the truth time the second time that they brought us no the third time that they brought us jim was with a police officer apparently the zoo was watching the cameras and within the minute of the mom being out of sight she let the bastard go the mom got a citation for failure to maintain responsibility for her child and a one-year ban from the zoo the police that's how bad the zoo was doing they was only going banner for a year the police officer we'll see you in a year okay the police officer accompanied her and jim back to the buses and waited with them until it was time to leave they did not participate in the picnic yeah shonda had the best moral of the story no wonder he is bad his mom won't even keep him safe when there is a tiger around bruh he is now a very troubled 4th grader he doesn't get on field trips without one on one support from a school staff member that is so sad i wish all the big titties in the world can just balance out some people who've had a really triggering and sad traumatic you know negligent um upbringing it's tragic he may beat the crap out of him no i don't mean like he deserves that he need you need to earn big titties sometimes man for real like like big titties can can really balance some people out and you know they should i don't want to say people are entitled to them but everybody should be graced by them at some point but um a pair of titties that you know you can effectively call your own or rely on periodically or and in and in like a frequent and consistent manner you need to earn that and i feel that you know as terrible as it is to say regardless of what this little bastard went through yeah some of these cuts they cut deep and they scar in a way that's never going to go away but when you grow and you live you need to recognize as a [ __ ] that the situations that you go into and the places that you go they're full of people that don't know you or your story and they're certainly not going to be giving you a pass because of something that potentially happened to you that they definitely don't know about and this is why whenever we go somewhere we should effectively be on our best behavior you know it doesn't matter how bad our day was or you know it somebody could have died yesterday if we go out and just start yelling at somebody that may just be doing a bitch-ass job selling some clothes or you know passing out food something stupid you know we're not gonna be judged based on the turmoil and the trauma that we've been through recently we're gonna be that crazy [ __ ] that was out there somebody gonna have a camera and that's the only part that we're gonna see is this [ __ ] going absolutely crazy and maybe she starts yelling and even incorporates some of what she's been through there but still it's not everybody else's problem that's your problem so with this kid and everything he's gone through dia he's gonna need to learn to treat everybody the way that they deserve to be treated with respect with grace with um class and with a little bit of delicacy if you're dealing with the right sex you know he wants to go find a man and he doesn't need to be too tender that's fine there are women who don't need it to be too tender you know often but just because you've been through some wild [ __ ] does not give you some sort of in-cell free pass that's the type of insult [ __ ] that they they believe that they're entitled to i'm a man so i just get to make the choices and the girl better be like this and like this i'm going to show you a picture of my anime waifu and if the girl does not match her then her and i cannot be together but what about what she feels can you bring any of that to the table no but that's not oh it's because they're objects it's weird some people wild baby it's [ __ ] up what people go through but we got to put it all in a box i like dr sleep for that reason because it's just this dude shutting away a bunch of badass memories like look this stuff happened let me put it away let me put it away jesus is like i don't think i get into the avengers game give it time jesus i think it's very easy for you to get into but i will be real this game broke as hell right now you know and yes we have a hell of a lot more fun than we do experience glitches you know let's say we spend an hour playing and like 10 minutes of that is us going what the hell is going on here um it's still a little bit buggy for launch and i think the blur is a problem they try to hide a lot of the fact that the game doesn't look too good on on this generation's consoles by putting this blur cinematic [ __ ] on there and it is unacceptable and i would compare it i would compare this game right now as being in a state that is not for the ps4 and the xbox one [Music] the thing about destiny is when you were playing that back in the day on 360 and [ __ ] ps3 it was all right you know there was really no issue and it was only when you you upgraded to ps4 or xbox one that you were like oh [ __ ] look at all these crazy ass graphics right now in in marvel avengers i hope that if i ever get a ps5 and i play it on there that it will properly put me to shame because it's so beautiful that's the way i felt when i played it on pc that it just looked very good but right now right now on ps4 that game looking like some vomit suit baby is it fun when it works yes but i think the roster is a joke right now you can't have six people in the game yes it's very intricate and varied and the gear gives you perks that [ __ ] matter you know towards the end of your uh leveling up you don't just have your abilities you have like masteries and specialties and you can swap between all of these different uh aspects of the tree it's very it's it's it you're getting your money's worth when you get this stupid game and to know that they're going to be dropping in heroes very very cool but if i had to review this [ __ ] ass game i'd say wait till next year wait till next year when there's a bunch more heroes in there and you can play somebody that you genuinely like because right now i don't know you know miss marvel kate bishop uh which i gonna do next throw some other [ __ ] we don't like in there you know you playing with the avengers you can have wasp scarlet witch doctor strange here come black panther oh [ __ ] it's a wolverine storm what did he say oh something about not having their mcu faces makes me feel weird man [ __ ] all that you know mcu is like lame it's dope but you know you don't need to get too caught up in that you'll be staring at the back of the head anyway hulk i feel you know is almost is almost identical to what we regard hulk to be um captain america looking like a bargain brand somebody's dad cosplaying for sure um everybody else just kind of falls into the background iron man's always in a suit oh you know what it is um if you're the type of person who's interested in the single player of the game i definitely understand where you're coming from i just wanted to play the multiplayer and thank god that that game allowed me to jump straight into that when the time came sorry for anybody who is not interested in this marvel [ __ ] it's just you know what's consuming me right now number seven i took three classes of sixth graders to visit the los angeles museum of art we came from about an hour and a half away and the kids and other teachers on the buses but since i was hugely pregnant at the time i was allowed to drive my own car it had been raining and i arrived a bit ahead of the bus so when the kids got off i was there to lead them into the museum as i began walking to the kids getting off the bus i noticed a lot of papers on the sidewalk suddenly i realized that they were an assortment of extremely pornographic pictures i stopped to try to gather them up before the kids got an unexpected and completely inappropriate sexual education lesson and we'd already had a big talk about being mature when we were viewing classical art because there would be nudes and statues but they were definitely not prepared for the most lurid porn that la had to offer unfortunately the rain had plastered the paper to the sidewalk and the sight of the very pregnant teacher scrambling on hands and knees sent the chaperones and teachers rushing to my aid with hundreds of kids right after them no matter how urgently i tried to wave them back it was memorable them kids must have been like oh [ __ ] damn that there's girls with that whoa oh my god the hair what there's a monster on there i i want to touch that dog is that what she got under her hey mrs mccleary that's what you got under there huh hey everybody everybody look everybody and everybody's like comparing awful awful it's a pretty impressive impressive uh tale i like that one number six i was a new teacher when the whole grade went on a field trip during the first week of school i was so new that nobody not even my colleagues noticed that i wasn't on the bus so they left without me fortunately the destination was only 15 minutes away so it wasn't a big deal for me to just jump in my car and follow the bus there [Music] hmm i remember when i was young i was so scared of being that guy you know i don't necessarily want to be the center of attention at all times or any time but i definitely didn't want to be the type of guy where people couldn't remember if i was there you know what i mean i've said it before because it's something that i feel in my heart i do not want to be somebody where y'all gotta go was kyle there huh i mean you know even if he was he's just the kind of he just kind of blends into the background i can always see him just there with a with a piece of cake near whoever's got the biggest titties i mean this guy man and then they'd have to you know they could they could do investigatory work they could be like who had the biggest titties at the party that's me oh snap desiree desiree was kyle at this party of course he was he was trying to dive into my cleavage and i kept like like drinking stuff and like getting some on my chest acting like i was drunk you should have seen this boy he was losing let me text him right now i bet you he respond and then i don't respond because you know my phone's always like that would have definitely not been anywhere near you in school just because of that one instant instance where i squeezed that girl's titties come on dia so i just feel like we wouldn't have gone along why i wasn't always surrounded by people no okay i was working on my dragon ball z fusion techniques with women via their lips okay but it never worked thank god and i got to keep my my full form if i ever if i ever perfected the fusion technique with any of these women i probably would have grown up to want to be a woman like a lot of what we're seeing on the internet right out of now be a dad yeah that's the wrong kind of fusion technique girl i ain't trying to create no baby in there i'm trying to become kyle and whoever you know we fuse our names huh look it's because we haven't reached it yet i hope that in my lifetime people will record a video like goku did when he was teaching everybody how to fly [Music] i tried that and it didn't work sierra says if you're standing next to the biggest titties that's basically a cloak this girl hitting us with the dungeons and dragons knowledge okay you know you might as well be wearing a full camouflage ghillie suit next to this woman okay everybody everybody you know it's like a perception filter if you used to watch old school doctor who people's head will just be gravitated away from where you're standing it'll make this noise i feel like i can see something but i can't focus number five we went skating and one of the students fell smacked her chin off the ice and somehow got a skate blade to the face jesus christ she needed a bunch of stitches [Music] and was able to stick her tongue through the hole in her face [Music] someone says that's just her mouth silly goose how bad like my god don't imagine it because it'll gross you out number four kids were going to a conference for a leadership service oriented club they got brought home early because the chaperone found an orgy in one of the rooms that had just been pre-planned in a group chat that almost all of the kids on the trip were in what a [ __ ] storm well yeah those kids were going to link up to get that orgy on baby which i wasn't invited to that hard dick and orgy it's probably a high school thing though so they're fine when y'all go in the corner court conferences [Music] high schoolers there were about five of them who's calling five people in orgy i've been in a five people scenario that shouldn't origin dia come on why are people so you know what maybe maybe you shouldn't know too much about who you were as a person back in the day would you be who i was like i'm some kind of deviant or degenerate you know me you know me i know you now you you say you don't know you you say you don't know me tomorrow then huh you don't know me six minutes from now oh my god like i just drink alcohol or do some new drug every day i just don't know who you are anymore number three i didn't know who you are now former ass of the teacher here we were on a sixth grade field trip [Music] we were on a sixth grade trip to the franklin institute in philadelphia so at the time one of the attractions was a sort of centripetal force machine that you can sit on and it swung around poor explanation but imagine the gravitron only smaller and faster with seats and no walls i googled it but i can't find the ride guessing it was swapped out for something else well one of the dumbass kids thought that it would be funny to show off and see what happens when you undo your seat belt while riding naturally he got flung out of the machine at roughly half the speed of sound i wonder if he saw how it all began if he saw it then he'd understand and if he saw it then he'd understand and broke his fall with nothing but his [Music] face glass busted massive concussion totally wrecked there was a whole investigation and the teacher in charge of the kids group had to actually defend himself from accusations that he could have somehow stopped that level of stupidity sadly i didn't witness it but i did hear the impact from one room over pretty interesting day hey man watch this i ain't gonna wear my seatbelt dude he's just like flying out of the seat in slow motion that'd be a sick ass thing to make a video um a music video out of there's this meme where these people have these cats and they're holding them and making them dance and india just calls it animal abuse and it makes it kind of funny because we're cuz humans are so [ __ ] stupid that we're gonna like grab a bunch of cats and even though they're just like oh i don't i hate this we're like nah [ __ ] that i play this piano oh my god we are the problem we are what's funny number two i ask my students to be respectful of other pedestrians while on the trip because some people want to enjoy nature and they want to do it by themselves one kid saw a woman with her service dog and tried to pull on it because mommy would let me have it we had to leave because of that he ruined the entire trip for everybody well kids are cruel so here's hoping they made sure that he remembered that for the rest of his existence and that hopefully just hopefully his daddy didn't have some tools that he could bring to school and make it make a nightmare for everybody you know what i mean oh no oh no number one my boyfriend was a teacher and his students went on the annual dc trip it was like two kids to each hotel room and there was two 14 year old boys that shared a room one of the boys jacked off into a pillow and then hit the other kid in the face with the [ __ ] pillow well that's read it for you that is reddit oh boy you know we came really close to a non-fecal or bodily fluid type [ __ ] in a list and the top one mod approved meme i want you to know how fast they killed the avengers subreddit on uh on reddit because they wouldn't allow us to use memes and naturally you'd be like okay there's just going to be another subreddit that gets made but um jolly rancher virtual reality commercial from 1993 oh boy what a world we're all living in i'm sorry it seems that maybe you know you haven't gotten enough of me but vice versa is true too think of how you have yourself to blame okay captain america's frontline skin facial animations are messed up [Laughter] yo i'm trying to use that skin then oh i have that skin we all do i think it came with our pre-order the ugliest captain americas sierra miss says i took a class to france and two boys from a different school were going into a hotel room to tea bag one of their classmates that were asleep turns out it was my french teacher's room poop you know doesn't get much gear with white boys white boys are so sexy sexy sexy sexy skin as smooth as me i love those spray on tra ha ha hosa sorry what the [ __ ] someone liked a comment of mine on my own youtube video what are you thinking i love you guys you guys are incredible stay amazing special thanks to all of you oh i just i can't you know the major erection i appreciate and welcome you as a a hot boy sponsor special thanks to all the sponsors and to all of my patrons now i really want to apolog people really are liking comments i really want to apologize for whatever foolish noises that i may have made tonight you deserve better and you will catch me soon i'm going to be playing a hell of a lot more of that stupid marvel game but i feel like i want to max out one character and then jump back on um as another wait riddle me this if it hits close to home who opens our borders but closes their own is the riddler gonna be in a new batman properly i think i think the batman with uh twilight robert pattinson is going to have the riddler in it who's the riddler going to be then it's funny to think that the last riddler we had on film was jim carrey back when we were really taking serious serious like superhero movies it's a real serious business get jim carrey out here right now what happened you know the funniest part about uh tommy lee jones's two-face is that that could have been a kick-ass serious role or a funny role too and it kind of rode the line it was like in the middle as you would expect it to be with a character like two face it could go either way what perfect casting arnold schwarzenegger is mr freeze i gotta watch that movie again baby now that we are in a post superhero dominated era where fortnite's got the marvel in it marvel avengers is out now you know the most liked tweet in history is is unfortunately the statement made when chadwick died that's [ __ ] up that is [ __ ] up this dude this dude didn't stroke his own freaking bing bong with the fact that he had cancer he was out there making moves putting smiles on faces and visiting patients in a way where only in retrospect does everybody see oh [ __ ] this isn't just a nice charitable thing he was doing it was layered yo did you hear that john boyega has [ __ ] to say about um um ryan johnson and his [ __ ] ass ruining you know everything that perhaps could have been anything that's a shame i really want you guys to think about how funny it is that they handed over the star wars license not just to people who didn't care about it because a lot of people don't care about things but they will they will hire people who do care because they care about money and money is making sure that the people who are interested in your property don't see the cracks you know gotta make sure them cracks are are nice and hidden at the very least even if this is an illusion even if you're like if you put somebody dancing near it you know what it's like you want to hide the cracks some people spend a lot of money um getting rid of the cracks like redoing everything so that there are no cracks some people spend money treating the cracks you know and then putting a finish on it so that you can't see it from the exterior but some smart people just you know they get a big pair of titties and they they station them titties not even in front of the cracks dia but off to the side and when when people are done they'll go what cracks do ya whip cracks for them titties i love you all i hope you have a wonderful night this is where i'm ending my list noah get the boat a couple throws a fake baby shot whoa this is it yo this is it mom killed one unborn baby cut from her fake oh my god jeez like that woman didn't deserve that but she did it it's honestly a horrifying word the reason the school friend had killed her was because she suffered a miscarriage earlier in the year so this friend was jealous that she couldn't have a baby so she go and cut this girl's baby out and kill her after the quote-unquote baby shower she was seen leaving with someone else after the host of the fake baby shower led her to an abandoned alley she proceeded to hit her on the with a brick and stab her after the death the woman proceeded [Music] no no no no this is proper movie tear sickness it happens often we live in a world where this sort of thing happens yes but in my opinion dia in my opinion we hear and see and read stories of women trying to steal babies post birth children post birth and it's easy because people really underestimate how small the amount of time is necessary for some people to simply pick up that child and fall into the the [ __ ] they blend in like it's an assassin's creed game dia they just turn their back and they're away you know they turn their back and they're gone but there's something properly sick to me that i can't decipher the reasoning and ra i can't rationalize you cutting this out because i i have i have known women who have gone completely hostile in what i'd call a nice girl fashion where if they can't have what they need then no one can and their their fury is what i call directionless but this dia if you're taking the baby you can't possibly think that it's gonna survive when you're box cutting it out of a woman it's insanity it's it's a proper mental sickness this shit's scary as hell to me because you know is that all it took women i'm not saying it's not something that shouldn't shake you and rock you and sadden you and depress you and maybe to make you want to consider taking your own life but my god you have a miscarriage and you're so off the edge that you look at somebody else and see their baby and go ah little cutter preview and now i have you it'll be okay man i guess everybody just going to the hospital just because like it's more comfortable it's more chill it's really just an excuse for some pregnant ladies to get a bunch of drugs man you know she could write she could fart that baby out and be fine if she wanted to all this hospital [ __ ] is just you know that's all media that's all fake news you don't need that i could get that baby out she left with the baby her intent was to steal the child and raise it as her own how crazy was she beforehand you know after her miscarriage she continued to tell everybody that she was still pregnant hmm over at my com bottling plant you ever see six words that intense over at my [ __ ] bottling plant dia yeah bottle to [ __ ] who's providing it all why would you need to bottle it you know [Music] to preserve it for potential people but surely they just do that at any clinic where people go in and do it why do why does why is there like an extra it gets sent to a plant now are you sure this isn't this this man's small business over at my [ __ ] bottling plant we had to use a suction cup to draw sperm once the vacuum was accidentally set set too high and ended up destroying the subject's genitals kinda reminds me of the baby being cut out sir this is a wendy's at my calm bottling plant look man the last time that i heard about this it was like some 19 20 year old girl i think who had like a neighbor who she was friends with like her family and her were friends with was saying oh hey come over to my house and i'll give you some baby clothes and that's where they killed her and took her baby but she was pregnant oh my god like my insides are shaking like am i gonna be okay [Music] uh i need to get away from this [Music] like i felt like the evil was in the room with me i'm not joking what do you mean [Music] imagine your tax tax dollars getting spent on strippers inmates in a south african prison where why treated i don't understand this man is eating from a bird's mouth okay what is this dia is this where they're spitting on a dude oh no oh no it's worse it's worse ladies and gentlemen we don't even want to see where this oh there's more people can i just skip to see if now listen i know it's hard out there for little titty women i should end this list kyle has nothing to say about the stuff that we see noah get the boat noah get the boat yo yo listen i'm sorry for what i've shown you today i'm sure i love you get a hold of me if you need me the discord link is in the description join the discord you'll get notifications of when the streams are live until then i will see you again soon it was lovely spending this hour with you you somehow got you harvested an hour out of me how did you do it bye
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Views: 807
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, funny stories, teachers, students, school, high school, cringe, women, girls, prank
Id: 1PmNU0_QLNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 36sec (3876 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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