Immature things Adults Did

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immature things adults did according to reddit number 15 when i lived with my mother my chore was to clean the kitchen every day fine fair enough one day i didn't get round to it by the time that she got home i can't remember why she just goes nuts full on rage she's shouting so i shout back i was a grown adult and the one time that i didn't do it and gave her no right to scream at me in this manner it pissed me right off so i said when was the last time you came home and it wasn't done and she just looked so damn happy and proud and triumphant and said today then proceeded to act like she hadn't just been screaming at me for five seconds before like i should just be happy for her because she had a good comeback when i was shaking with rage i swear if it had been around back or i swear if it had been around back then i don't know what that means she would have dabbed oh meaning if dabs had been around back then i'm still pissed about it well [ __ ] you living in her house so get the [ __ ] out of her yeah i mean if you don't like the way your mama gonna be treating you and you're an adult get out of her house it's the natural way it's the way of things that's the way that parents of course are obligated to be to get you on your merry way you know she'll miss you when you're gone but don't think that she doesn't expect you to find your path oh mercy lord child find your path now child as we continue to number 14 about an hour ago i was helping my father work on his truck the truck fell off the jack onto me but luckily i was okay outside of a decent gash and some bruising the entire time i'm trying to get out from under the truck he's just standing there screaming and cussing at me that his truck might be damaged even worse now never once did he ask me if i was okay he just kept screaming at me telling me that i owe him whatever it costs to fix what i [ __ ] up wow these are these are some parents boy after the fact of him being confronted by my mother telling me that i need to move out because neither of us will ever be happy living together well it's probably sound advice my dude so it's just a few more days until i get the inevitable please don't go i need money you pay me for rent to afford my medicine from my dad i'm not even mad or frustrated i guess the best way to describe this feeling is a very deep exhaustion there's only so much of your heart and soul that you can pour out to your abusive parents before you don't have anything left of yourself well obviously but you seem like you're trying to convince yourself so why don't you act instead of just talking about it without the money that i give him he can't afford his insulin well maybe he shouldn't be treating you like [ __ ] if that's the problem stop shouldering everybody else's burden and allowing them to act however they want because if you do they'll never learn as i said last night people will do what they believe they can get away with and when they get away with things they'll continue to test those boundaries to try to get away with more until you stand firm as opposition you're gonna be a [ __ ] doormat you [ __ ] loser writing these goddamn paragraphs because you're trying to convince yourself my dude act do or do not oh my god i'm so tired of waking up in the morning and the defeat is the very emotion i feel when i open my eyes kyle you're such a monster do you think you should die without his insulin if a truck fell on you and your [ __ ] parent was like you may have damaged my truck yeah you're so you're supposed to just just deal with that you know heroically silently you'll die and in three days people will forget you existed is reality tasting good right now live your life you only have one of them you only have one of them and i'm sure that the dad's had his back up until now kiss my ass dude you know last night we were reading an entry where uh the mom was like strangling the kid and the kids still like reading emails from them we've all had situations where our parents have almost killed us right so it's like you know you cut him some slack if if they apologize and it was unintentional because surely the amount of times that they have kept you alive outweighs the amount of times they accidentally almost killed you you know what i mean [ __ ] how many of our dumbasses would have wandered clear into any body of water or across a street without looking both ways or not put on our seat belts and that would have been the end of it come on man we suck we were clothed we were sheltered we owe our parents a debt of gratitude but it's when we're used as a punching bag because we are their outlet and some of them are lonely and alone and miserable if you allow it that'll be your [ __ ] lot in life stand up for yourself stop making excuses stop giving me [ __ ] to read here that i'm not going to enjoy because i love you i love everybody listening to me and i don't want to subject you to somebody's like sob story my dude jeez nothing wrong with going through some [ __ ] but when that shit's your fault [ __ ] you doing this do yourself over and over pandaren master hello linda hello julie hello pistachio dia dilts cheyenne from iran cheyenne from iran oh belle and serafin it's nice to have you here number 13 says that the boyfriend that i had at the time was in his early 20s and we're at a hotel for a tattoo convention he slightly disagrees with me over something and then just keeps arguing it was a matter of opinion so i didn't even bother arguing back he gets up opens the closet walks in shuts the door i assume he expected me to beg him to come out come out of the closet which is funny because i i i didn't realize he was a huge homophobe and he stayed in there for 20 minutes he came out still mad gave me the cold shoulder for the rest of the weekend i'm going in the closet i'll bet you all about the closet [ __ ] yes stupid [ __ ] get in the classic come out of the closet come out of the closet somebody said lmao these are killing me acting like a literal child in the closet i wanted chocolate milk you said that i could have orange juice but i don't want orange juice right now or chocolate milk ma'am oh boy want chocolate milk goddamn you look at me holy [ __ ] number 12. number 12 a guy sitting at the bar of an upscale restaurant took a bowl of hot buttered popcorn that the bartender had just set out for patrons to enjoy and put it between his legs on the barstool no one could get to it without reaching between his thighs somebody said personally i'm not touching any food put out on a bar like that the funny thing is everybody was living a real fast and loose life before the stupid-ass pandemic and now it kind of makes you realize how used to being nasty everybody was but um this one was disarmingly ridiculous because this whole list is about immaturity and so far we've basically had people complaining about their parents that they still live with or some [ __ ] like this or um what was the last one already out of my mind dude went in the closet nah man [ __ ] r kelly [ __ ] homosexuality as being referred to as being in the closet you know that always is funny to me and not in a good way not a good funny that's a red flag do you isn't it you got a boyfriend and he go in the closet because he mad and he expect you to like beg him to come out or something is that like a is that like a um i believe the implication with him doing that would be to make you believe that he's gonna do something to himself in there be like if i went and shut myself in the bathroom right and lock the door really angry what i'm calling the cops and if you don't see no damn cop you know [ __ ] you gonna call the cops you gonna call the cops [ __ ] i'm not in charge [ __ ] i'll kill you i'll kill you i will kill you you hear me i'll kill you i'm kidding it's a joke it's a joke i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna kill her also you better not call the [ __ ] police you calling those murderers to this house you want us all to die oh if i'm gonna if i'm gonna die you don't want to be alone right you go call the police to finish the job number 12. it's funny and sad because it's true number 12 a guy sitting at the bar of an upscale restaurant took a bowl of hot what you just read this sorry this one was so disarmingly childish that it almost like you ever read an entry and forget what list you're reading the list is immature things that adults did this guy literally just put butter in in between his legs and was like want some popcorn guys as if uh as if any self-respecting woman wouldn't just be like oh [ __ ] popcorn you feel god can't have nice things unless he was hot in which case all the girls were like oh my god do you think any guy would do the same exact thing and you know not be disaster for being a [ __ ] child literal [ __ ] hanging out talking to me what the [ __ ] the uh this is a christian bedroom i can't believe you're tackling that this dude changed his name to harry penis you know this isn't this you know he come into the immaturity list with that you know what i mean was he made before major erection yeah even better just better and better john um last name says you really avoided saying that last name because okay uh john says oh [ __ ] i made it to a stream for once you did it this stream takes place every day at around this time you can join the discord um to get notifications of when these streams will go down and if you want you can also suggest um lists that i'll read in the discord and if any list gets more than five reactions from different people then i'll read that list yeah interaction lame all right so number 11 my mom refuses to ever apologize to me for the simple fact that i am her child and therefore i'm always wrong well at least she's up front about it that kind of that kind of like refreshing bitch-ness is what it's all about you know you put your right foot in you put your right foot out your mom's a [ __ ] and that's what she talking about you do that grow your eyes and walk out of the room can't deal with her [ __ ] see the problem is walk into the closet that's not funny i shouldn't play that for laughs especially if somebody in here is probably dealt with that if you in this stream have had a boyfriend or a girlfriend because i'm even part of this club unfortunately that has locked himself in the bathroom or the closet and been like oh you know i'm gonna take these pills i'm so tired i'm gonna run away even if they haven't said it out loud you know that that's what this theatrical performance is about them running off you know if you have dealt with that let me know in the stream i'm so sorry you've had to put up with that i doubt that the titties were big and nice enough to even tolerate that kind of stuff and i hope that you've gotten away from it and that you aren't still with that person and if you are still with that person then i hope that they have legitimately changed maybe they were just in a dark place and that they're out of it now you know let's get through this list i want to make it clear to you i'm in love with every one of you listening to this and you know you mean the world to me like the damn video you pieces but um at the same time i don't stream when i can't find a good list okay so get into the discord um start suggesting things to me um you know right now i'll leave it at five uh reactions if i can get five reactions on some of the things that people suggest that'll be what i read that night and that way it'll be your fault if we get a bad list you know what i'm talking about sounds wonderful to me less work looking for a good list and knowing these people it'll it'll be all not safe for work entries that you that you find and you're like hey do this one number 10 bluff to check the security cameras after being accused of something and then throwing a tantrum after the video cam footage was damning evidence and storming off to his room let me read this again you're telling me that it seems from this reading that the father bluffed saying we'll check the security cameras then after being accused of something and then when the person did check the cameras the the son or the daughter who may be writing this i'm gonna assume son because their username is fat boy or fat boy ate you it could be a girl too who knows um but the father bluffed saying oh you should check the security footage and then when they did and found evidence of them being the one who did what they did they stormed off yes this was my dad for those who want details my mom lectured him saying he shouldn't wear nice pants when doing yard work he wouldn't admit that he wore the nice pants for the life of him this is when we bluffed and told this is when he bluffed and told me to check the security footage in the dad's defense it seems like a really stupid thing to give you know what a family i want y'all to know that while some of y'all are struggling worried about where the next [ __ ] paycheck is going to come from worrying about whether or not you're going to have a job at the end of the year or going into next year you know worrying stressing anxious that these white people chilling in their crib talking about you better not be wearing them nice pants while you mowing the lawn i wasn't doing it you [ __ ] check the cameras i will check the cameras i ain't got a damn thing going on see here in the past i can't believe this [ __ ] checked the cameras i'ma get a slim jim and go to my room you heard it here first these people love slim whatever and jims submit your stories y'all could submit it in uh in general you know there's not a lot of action going on in there unless people would prefer they don't submit it to general because i don't know general works you know general works yeah just a clean link whatever but wait what if some people don't want to know what the list is before yeah which is why i'm like should they put it and submit your story oh that's so weird because i know some people don't want to read the list before but some so if they don't want to know what the list is about they can just read the title of the list and then you know kind of guess whether or not it's interesting enough and then vote for that and then they don't have to spoil it for themselves on the chance that i do read it we'll come up with the system will evolve over time i should have been doing something like this years ago can't get a lot of interaction that's a problem some of you guys are just like yeah you're amazing keep doing what you're doing and i'm like hey what can i do and they're like what bye number nine my stepmom used to bully me just because i was a child can you imagine popping out that womb look at this stupid [ __ ] look how little you are do you even lift looking back i realized she was on pills and probably extremely frustrated that she had to take me in when my mom died it's still no excuse to pick on a seven-year-old yeah well she was willing to raise you i guess some of us ain't gonna get it the the nicest but it is what it is mighty quinn says i have a habit of saying the wrong things at perfect times yeah i watched a show called the life and times of tim and all he does is do the worst you know possible thing ever dia hates the show one cousin who has alopecia got married and had a baby i saw them at the wedding i pet the baby on the head and was surprised to feel hair i said wow she has hair oh no a little later i asked him if it was gonna fall out though the life and times of tim music started playing in my head just now g van arsdale says sometimes i watch a kyle vid based on the title i like that he don't run [ __ ] t's thumbnails yeah my thumbnails are all just stupid insane almost you know this one's just a picture of morgan freeman and sometimes sometimes you know you know i get away with oh like oh maybe the maybe his facial expression because it looks like so you know frustrated it fits no i just i just wanted a picture of morgan freeman it just so happened to kind of look you know like it might be an um like it might be associated with this list [ __ ] number eight we were renting two rooms from my mother-in-law when things went south long story basically after a long string of issues she ended up assaulting me we found a new place to live in the same day but came to an agreement that we should stay with my s sister-in-law i don't know and we had everything out by thursday we ended up getting everything out on tuesday and on wednesday night she decided to come back down and take her entire trash can split open the bags and leave it on the front yard she also busted out her front window and claimed that we did it the upstairs neighbors at our place verified that we were in fact over at the new place all night better yet the mother-in-law's neighbors verified that we had not been over since tuesday and the yard and window were fine then best yet a nosy neighbor saw her pull in the driveway that night stay there for 15 minutes or so and then peel out in the end she ended up costing herself a 300 littering citation and a new window 300 is all surely lying especially probably she was pray probably a big enough [ __ ] to lie to the police when they showed up too that's gotta be that man they need to start nickel and diming these people dude because it was a black dude they would just shoot him you know what i'm talking about charge these people i'm getting so tired harry says what drew me in was the font go grab yourself a good sammy if only i lived in a place where we were legal i'd just buy tons of that thank you um john i'm not gonna say that word thank you john you are uh you're an angel appreciate you i would grab myself a sandwich dee and i wanted to get some subs from this place called charlie's which is new near us yeah they were closed right when i was ordering well that's [ __ ] up that's what happens it's life sometimes you know wanna get a sandwich can't get the sandwich you know what if i put that five dollars towards the 400 i'm gonna need for a freaking ps4 jeez man why is it that expensive 350 and then you'd end up paying close to 400 with tax anyway so we're gonna be paying close to 450 for this [ __ ] can you believe that [ __ ] off ps4 showing me a harry potter game coming out sometime next year what happened ps5 whatever number seven i knew a girl who cooked i knew a girl who kicked two of her bridesmaids out of her wedding last minute because they weren't able to pay for all the exorbitant [ __ ] why are you making your bridesmaids pay you broke [ __ ] then she proceeded to replace them with two broke meth addicts because she burned every other bridge so wait the meth addicts surely couldn't pay so why the hell you know i kind of want to read a response here somebody says i have an opposite version one of my wife's bridesmaids had accepted the invite that a month before the wedding she backed out saying that she couldn't afford the 200 trip um plane ticket because no she couldn't afford the 200 round trip plane ticket back to our home state we knew her job did not pay well so we had already paid for her dress her hotel room and would have agreed to cover the ticket as well for her to attend she was a good friend to both of us and we wanted her there within a week of telling her telling us her social media has photos of her at a rather expensive concert two months earlier she'd also spent money to fly across the country for four days at the year's star wars celebration so it wasn't hard to figure out that she that we just weren't a priority for her the friendship ended there as it should that's so sad i don't think there's anything that's a bigger deal that a person can invite you to as a friend than a wedding you know yeah ugh number six my grandmother was telling this is just what it says you know people omit words it's what they do my grandmother was telling that her mother-in-law was one of those people who needed attention constantly on them at an important dinner with dozens of people people were talking to her son and not her she hid behind a pillar and would occasionally exclaim since no one is listening to me i guess no one wants to see me at all wow a grown woman a grown woman whoa how flat-chested must this woman have been to literally a grown woman to say something like that out loud and to move like a child out of sight behind the pillar and exclaim since no one is listening to me i guess no one wants to see me at all this is crazy again it goes back to that boyfriend's story can you what if you were among acquaintances at a [ __ ] dinner and somebody got up and did that you would first think they're joking but if you realize they were serious would you pull out your camera if that happened now but not back then oh my god what's cheyenne talking about when i was in tehran for a biology course we needed plato for an embryology course but the dorm supervisor would not let us go to the store so we had to give a formal request that was signed by everyone to the university administration for her to buy plato for us she proceeded to make fun of us for being children for five minutes yup god forbid everybody live the exact life that you live in i don't know why it's so hard for some crusty old lonely and sad people to embrace the idea that not everybody is like you the world doesn't move to the beat of just one drum what might be right for you might not be right for some and the funny thing is if people aren't hurting someone with this issue why in god's name is it a problem for you no one's getting hurt here just allow it you know big [ __ ] deal i think some people are just sad and they need to share that misery with everybody else it's sad it's truly sad this [ __ ] got nothing to do with shroud wow mighty quinn says i was there in the early 70s it was so awesome damn groovy is that groovy it's gotta be groovy yeah it's groovy that's lsd groovy what you mean the 70s mighty quinn how wait a minute you you have a lot of weed in lsd i thought people loved me but then i realized they're keeping it all for them that's how they bought their houses they're sitting on their empire you know they're sitting on their empire son of a [ __ ] mr knight says my grandmother has to yell if feels her point isn't getting across the first time listen man in my literal experience i have found and come across old people who legitimately do not like their descendants it's one thing to hate normal kids [ __ ] them kids they're related to you why do you have to care you know what i mean kids in your family you gotta tolerate those bastards whatever you know what i mean yeah you doing in school hope everything's going well oh you got it up yup mm-hmm here's this positive reinforcement oh my god community chests collect twenty dollars my man turned this all into a game of monopoly all right i to be that little car you see what i'm saying the thimble's the weird one you're a very interesting girl you don't even you don't even like knit or anything you know i want to be the car is that a sexual thing like i finished fast is that is this a joke to you vox roamer i want to thank you i appreciate you for your contribution this night not only is it above and beyond not only is that a fraction a hot fraction of what um you know people apparently are going to be spending on their 50 000 [ __ ] ps4 damn it ps5 uh collection right but you have instantly and effortlessly become the stream boss vox roamer if you want to choose a gif i would appreciate that the stream would appreciate it and they would be forced to check it out because as stream boss you run the show you know where to go hip hop hooray hip hop i mean wait hey ho hip hop hooray there you go there is an iron in monopoly oh i forget about that is there a hat yes hmm there's a hat hat and monopoly mighty quinn says i was seven it was groovy iran was one of the no iran has these awesome sweet shops it was cool i bought ice cream but i'm not even feeling the ice cream i feel like i need to get some sherbert or something like that there are a lot of things that i like that i haven't gotten because dia doesn't get into them but i need to just start getting them for myself with my fat ass maybe i shouldn't be getting them what get that happened we've gone to the store and i'm like hey you should grab something you're like no what do you want i'm like well damn it yeah i can't even really properly joke with you because some of the things that i would say you'd probably take mad serious and um you know i wouldn't want that you know i just joke i tease i'm a [ __ ] but i don't want you to take the things i say cereal it's not right you know done kyle on stream so was he yeah real hilarious anyway um number five oh no i hate this i caught my ex cheating on me and i confronted him mind you i was the only one working for the entire duration of the relationship he got kicked out of this house how hard is it how hard is it oh he got kicked out of his house for not having a job and never contributing about a month into us dating i stupidly told him he could live with me if he found a job this dude was living with his girl cheated on her dear how do you do that why would you do that and we and we'll never understand that mentality it's it's so crazy it's a different they're they're different people from us if you can even call them that they're monsters you're not paying for anything someone else is taking care of your needs you're not paying you're living here on under somebody else's roof they're paying for everything your food probably your phone and anything else that you may need or want and this person threw it all away for a quick linda's like did you just throw a plate at dia again can you not like i've done it before because you want to know the beauty of our house we don't eat off of plates it's like a two-time a month thing when we're out of paper plates that's a lot of [ __ ] cleanup homie that shouldn't be happening with me yeah i would be terrified to know how i live so that i can daily bring you the content that you deserve because i love you you know i mean in the [ __ ] and between the titties vox roamer says okay cool thanks but as usual i will leave the choice up to you kyle you have an interesting choice from the past sometimes i type random words into the internet and then i put gif behind it see what comes up this is kind of cute it's not that intense it's just kind of silly i'm gonna go with this i know it seems kind of normy but i appreciate the message and i hope that you guys enjoy it too simple simple let me get that dougie out of here he's been overstaying and welcome say goodbye to the doggy man y'all are getting lucky i can't find that dog worth a damn is that him okay okay so we continue as we continue with this list um this specific entry i caught an ex cheating on me my god oh thank god she says and i confronted him forgive me the way that i'm realizing it or thinking of it it seems like you know they got walked in on so to speak and i don't really like that so as we continue about a month into us dating i stupidly told him that he could live with me if he found a job surprise surprise the job never came anywho i found out he's cheating on me because of one of many side women found out he had a girlfriend and was an absolute angel and told me that he was set that he told me what was up sent me all the texts this [ __ ] even sent her pictures from my laptop while lying on my bed in my goddamn minor threat t-shirt you're clothing him as well so i confront him and instead of taking any accountability he takes my phone from my hand throws it on the ground destroying it so now he's destroying your property he tries to get into my face but i'm not about it i have some man i'm not about to have some man-baby intimidate me so i tell him to suck on my taint and get the [ __ ] out of my house this [ __ ] throws himself on the floor like a toddler screaming kicking the whole nine and then finally leaves i pack his [ __ ] throw it on the porch and change the locks i don't i don't know how to react to this like is it you know that do you know what the scary part is dia the tragedy is that some of these people may be like leprechauns they're like living leprechauns where they emanate luck and they just come across people who are willing to situate them willing to take care of them willing to do everything for them and they can be as childish and stupid and weird what if dia they're just attractive what if they're just attractive that could be what this is i'm not even gonna get into it they could simply be attractive because you know it's like a mystery to me where i'm reading this and going how in god's name could he get away with this you know how can he act like that and it's because wherever he was he was not paying and getting away with it they kicked him out and somebody else put him up somewhere and he was getting away with not paying and just living number four when i tried to explain myself to my father and he kept interrupting me and mimicking every word that i said like a toddler he's 60 by the way sometimes dads are gonna do that stupid [ __ ] you know that's why you go to your mom so she can judge you sometimes it's better to be mocked than judged it's funny it's funny isn't it it's kind of funny it's kind of funny it's not funny funny you know especially if you you need somebody to talk to you but you go to your dad and he mocks you you go to your mom and she judges you suddenly being mocked ain't that bad better better to kind of look at it with a bit of levity than to be like wow you you [ __ ] i mean it makes me want to pull my hand back i wasn't trying to compete mom you know what i mean i was telling you because i have a [ __ ] problem and i want somebody to talk to you oh like it's such a big deal you know when i was your age i was pregnant with you and you're you know i had so much going on and it's like all right bro my you know my bad for even bringing this up my bad so stupid why don't you talk to me anymore i'm here and you don't talk to me you know how many people would be dying to have a a parent that they can confide in huh when i was your aide i was talking to my mom about everything oh why are you holding a knife i don't know where this came from it's like it just manifested my head oh mom what's and then they'll happening of like how you aren't even like stabbing you can't even stab right you idiot i when i was your age i stand with the best of them i could do this blindfolded i heard that nancy has a pretty strong kid you you know if i were killing date everybody be hearing it they'd be like oh my god but you're gonna get caught i wouldn't get caught number three i walked past the two mothers all right man i walk past the two mothers pushing prams all right we already gone overseas with this [ __ ] entry because we we don't call them that we call them strollers you understand did you know that did you know that another [ __ ] uk term coming at you yeah i know with the car parks and the the kilometers and the and the tube that's on let's hustle on down to the tube i'm at the pub [ __ ] me um since forever i walked past the two mothers pushing prams one of them having a second child walking alongside them and upon seeing me a man with dwarfism one of the mothers starts laughing pointed at me going look look at the funny little man to the older kid clearly within earshot of me and when i heard the kid say what is he she said he's a [ __ ] felt like i got transported back to the 1800s or some freak show era or some [ __ ] i just look back to stare at her with an appalled look on my face she didn't respond to me at all it's like she didn't even acknowledge me as a person great attitude to instilling your kids ah imagine being black and dealing with this [ __ ] every day imagine being anything imagine being anything other than white yeah pretty much yeah look at this guy i bet he thinks he's people hi how are you doing yeah yeah hi oh so you saw that basketball game last night why because i like basketball i'm so sorry you know what i mean and to a further extent a rich white man because even as a rich white woman you don't you you still aren't really looked at as people you can't even bury me right mighty queen says a guy down the street me won mega millions last night all of it all of the money doesn't it doesn't it doesn't it you better get right to building a bunker you win the [ __ ] lotto you know what i mean they coming they covered go into the witness protection you go you gonna realize overnight that your your family knows exactly where you belong where's the money what about me i'm your best friend your best friend look how funny i am they show up dressed like a jester i need you to pay for this outfit please i got it for you oh my god why does it make us so sad quinn to know that they got all that money yeah it hurts it hurts to know that they got it but you know what they played okay you know why it hurts a little bit can i be real i don't know how to play the lottery i know that and i've thought this for years that i need to set aside some money and take my ass down to a casino and even if it's some slots man just sit the [ __ ] down and [ __ ] around just make sure that i have budgeted myself and i'm not the type that's going to spend up more than like 40 [ __ ] blocks at a goddamn casino but i'm supposed to try because every time we see something like this we go man that should have been me that could have been me but it really can't be you if you never [ __ ] try but how am i supposed to try and go to [ __ ] grocery store i go to [ __ ] gas station and i'm looking at i'm like hey can i get a lottery ticket and they're just like which one you know maybe i feel like a fool but with when it comes to this particular thing i am ignorant i admit that i don't know and i need somebody who knows you know and i'm thinking maybe i should get scratch off tickets you know because i feel like that i'd have better luck than trying to guess some goddamn numbers [ __ ] whatever i've never been into gambling and maybe i should stay out of it you know if i were gonna gamble maybe i should be [ __ ] around with the stock market that's how a lot of people are keeping their [ __ ] ass money you know what i mean and doubling their freaking money shut up kyle why you bringing that in here bringing us all down you know i can't you know it's like i feel like an anime character right now being drained of all my color it's like a cloud over me number two i work in retail and it amazes me how quick grown-ups devolve into children when there's a sale or doing doing or during the weekend rush they mess up the whole store with the two to three staff members who are free during closing have to clean it up because they're just going to do the best they can in the 15 to 20 minutes that they've got i've had customers throw all shame i've had customers throw away all shame over not being able to get their shoe size that was sold out throw away shame i've never heard of it like that i mean yeah some people are without shame but some in front of their kids and you just stand there wondering you really want to teach your kids to behave like this in public they don't care these parents don't care these parents have lo the the second them babies came shooting out the [ __ ] womb didn't matter if it was their own womb or their wife's womb my dude they are just ready to be crazy and those kids better do what they [ __ ] say do as they say and not as they do they're adults and they're always going to be adults and you it doesn't matter when you become an adult you're going to be just a stupid kid always and forever you're just a stupid [ __ ] in the eyes of your parents ooh so what you made a little money you're still just a dumb [ __ ] in your parents eyes sorry you're still you're still just a dumb [ __ ] at your parents in your parents i am i'm only singing songs that clash so hard with my background music and i think that's the that's the real comedy dude also this audio is kind of unusable you know like if somebody wanted to turn it into something musical but the boom boom in the background we've made it to the end of the list ladies and gentlemen i hope you weren't enjoying this because if you were then the fact that it's about to end you know what i mean what are you gonna do with yourself and the list before you start reading and looking stuff up on the internet you idiot what okay fine number one on the list if you guys are gonna miss me when i'm gone when i'm gone you're gonna miss me when i'm gone your cup floweth over you mean the cup i knocked over just now knocked over number one this woman and her husband confronted me and tried to start a fight for unfriending her on facebook we are in our mid-30s and have never interacted on facebook and we haven't spoken in five years and her husband dia imagine that imagine you and i going to someone's place and being like you unfriended me how dare you and you're like yeah how dare you you friends are right back right now so you unfriended my wife i guess you've chosen death i mean you know what are you saying you don't agree with with her with her status updates what are you one of these i can't i can't because that's exactly the type of crazy person that's on facebook that would go approach somebody and be like oh you unfollow me huh people running around in target without a mask coming talking about come on everybody they must have thought they were going to create a freaking parade huh in their mind they thought that going into the target with no mask was gonna start a stampede of people going throwing off their masks and going yeah i'm sick of it i just want to be able to live this virus isn't real said these people oh you know what i read the people that went to like some like branch of the military's wedding they um the the guests that went there seven people that didn't go to the wedding that were like that came into close interaction with the people that went to that wedding got coping now how do you feel about that i feel that if anything that shows people that are like oh we'll be fine and you know everyone be damned i'm gonna go and do whatever you know it's like even if you don't get sick you're gonna come in close contact with someone that you love and care about that will get sick because of your selfishness oh sweet god i'm logged in on the wrong name no wonder everything is ridiculous and not safe for work i am logged in on the wrong oh we saw this earlier this is hilarious guys you ever feel like you don't you just you just got to figure out how to park it sometimes mom oh yeah the video that i showed you yeah they almost got it you know oh my god oh [ __ ] me jeez whoops oh cheyenne says this is the first time i've ever made it to one of your streams since it's early in the morning here but since it's been so much fun i'll try to attempt more of these these will be up on the stream as video on the stream on the channel as videos so if it's at a time that is inconvenient for you i apologize um but you know don't don't screw up your schedule if you uh if you can manage it jared says some guy at my job got the uh the thang and i just got tested today and i hope everything turns out okay i hope so as well and even if it's not okay i hope your body just pushes the hell through that because this is nuts do you what wow bro bro you just want to see how you know is there an overpass behind the house dia this pole this pole is that is it was you can't even visualize it oh that's why everybody's just like oh bruh listen shut up we can only watch this stop motion before they uh before they they date before they bing-bong the hell out of this video but we're going to figure some [ __ ] on our own point can you get this stupid annotation out of the way youtube you're the worst for years man you just make yourself wars every day calm your old man vibes jesus christ put up with this [ __ ] all right so somebody was driving behind them and thank god they somehow had a dash cam so here we go wait no they just they just appear on the thing oh my god it's like a [ __ ] movie dia the back just popped the [ __ ] up it seems like the the truck is dry man what are the odds that somebody behind him just had a dash cam anyway the car the the truck kind of goes off onto the side of the road you have to wonder if this [ __ ] fell asleep or some [ __ ] you know so the car the truck goes off-road and and as it kind of [ __ ] with that ditch the the the back cab pretty much launches up into the air and just neatly situates itself right on the house you know what the tragedy of this is dia someone could have been hurt [ __ ] the fact that somebody could have been hurt my in my opinion even if nobody has been hurt even if nobody has been hurt you have to think to yourself look at the footage okay we're gonna go ahead and scoot over to the right side of the screen so you guys can see a little bit better and as we move along you'll be able to see there wasn't exactly a lot of [ __ ] over here you know what i mean there's nothing but like green and trees but right when they reach that first house this dude [ __ ] body slams this house this poor house oh good vibes ain't going it's a it's a miracle it's you know what i mean it's like the type of um you're about to call your insurance and being like look man truck landed on my house i got the pictures i did not do this you know help me help me my dude that that person's career imagine hearing some crazy [ __ ] and thinking to yourself does somebody crash outside and you walk outside and okay well i hope you guys have a wonderful day i hope nothing is insane as this happens to you you imagine a guy crashes and then he's just like [ __ ] me and then he gets out of the car just open the door i didn't do it holy crap cheyenne said the driver's ping was too high now that's a really it's a really well executed joke there you know because in gaming dia i'm kidding anyway um hope you guys have a great night hope you guys take it easy i hope nothing like this happens to you linda wants me to link the video here you guys go you know me i don't really care too much about the striking even though i should avoid it it's when um it's when they remove the video so people who may want these on a daily basis can't watch it because youtube nuts like that and they're just gonna remove the whole video they'll mute the whole video youtube crazy youtube is crazy so you guys have a great night i'll be back when um when i'm done doing a lot of grinding and you know i'm harvesting a lot of clips in marvel's avengers because there's so many glitches i just want to document them all there's supposed to be a big patch coming out soon and i want to see what is and what isn't patched so that when we do get that update i can uh i don't want to say put this game on blast but [ __ ] it's glitchy as [ __ ] so maybe i'll put that footage out there whatever see you guys later have a great night take it easy love yourself as i love you you imagine if i sang that every night thank you john for your contribution and a special thanks to vox for his contribution this night i'll hail the stream boss vox i'll find a better gift than good vibes tomorrow i promise later bye bye
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Views: 709
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, funny stories, teachers, students, school, high school, cringe, women, girls, prank
Id: 5_2ofjU_k5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 20sec (3500 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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