Sir This is a Wendys Moments

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[Music] sir this is a wendy's moment according to reddit number 15 [Music] not a worker but a hapless victim of my own drunkenness my wife and i were walking back to our hotel after a meal where i had about four extremely well made margaritas i wanted a mocha milkshake for dessert the following occurs i walk up to the counter employee what can i get you me i will have a mocha milkshake employee we don't have it here sir what kind of arby's is this sir this is hardy's i completely blank out wife can you mix some chocolate and vanilla shake together he's too drunk to notice the difference if this whole list is just gonna be people too sloppy to [ __ ] get their [ __ ] together it'll be really funny man you know is that is that the list this may be a prophecy i'm not going to be amused by that kind of list so here's hoping reddit has been up upvoting something a little bit better than this ariana danny linda and diltz hello to all of you number 14. back when i was in fast food i had someone who wanted me to remove all of the sesame seeds from the top of a bun [Music] the answer was no can you imagine i would imagine that if i ever asked somebody to do something so specific with my burger that they probably do it with their bare hands you know what i mean and i'd be too scared too scared to ask for some [ __ ] like that i usually do order my burgers all kind of weird and you know varied and but that's just to remove stuff that hopefully they would have had to put on it as an ingredient in the first place so that's like less work for you yeah man less work for you number 13 damn should i just keep scrolling okay thank you this happened at an actual wendy's but it's a bit long but it's worth the listen i once had a woman come through the drive-through and try to order a macaroni and cheese i politely informed her that we don't have that but she insisted that we did i told her that yes we did wait i told her we definitely didn't and she got angry and yelled that yes we did i told her ma'am i've been working here for three years we've never had macaroni and cheese it's not something that we serve would you like to order something else she says yes you [ __ ] do i can see it right on the menu board it's right there right in front of me on a menu i tell her that i'm really not sure what she's looking at but we don't have mac and cheese and it does it really does say mac and cheese on our menu board then that means someone vandalized it she says no it's definitely part of the menu and it's real and we do have it [Music] congratulations she said she wouldn't be leaving without her mac and cheese cue quite literally 10 minutes of this back and forth all while she's holding up the drive-through line and i finally got to the main sorry i almost read manger i finally got to the manager to come over and deal with it after asking him for the 15th time because they don't pay me nearly enough to deal with that for that long huh the woman absolutely refuses to accept that we do not have mac and cheese she also refuses to order anything else and won't move her car until we give her the mac and cheese that we don't have i think i'm i'm starting to lose patience for this you know i'm starting to lose patience for this she points and confidently says right there there it is on the menu with all the conviction of somebody who is absolutely sure that they have proved uh what a big dumb idiot somebody is and that they're hailed as a hero i look and i see what she's pointing at i sigh heavily as a bit more of my soul dies i compose myself and say as politely as i can ma'am this is a picture of the orange slices that come with the kids meal the funny part is she probably drove there if she in the drive-thru and she can't tell the difference between what is clearly a bowl of fruit and a goddamn mom and some mac and cheese like for real it's not cute it's not funny do you get what i'm saying this person is on the road and they might as well be drunk so the first century frustrated me because it was just a story about some idiot being sloppy drunk oh you don't know where you are and this one's even worse some dumb [ __ ] is in you know what's what's worse to you the idea that some woman is in a drive-through and she can barely see enough to differentiate mac and cheese from of sliced fruit or the fact that that somebody that went through this experience wrote this much to articulate and listen to how close i say this i was going back and forth with a hoe in the drive-through who kept saying we have mac and cheese when we don't so i finally go out there after 10 minutes and see what the hell she pointing at it was a bowl of fruit can you imagine me needing to write all of this for that and then edit the post because people upvoting it means that i need to go holy [ __ ] my inbox thank you so much oh my god you guys i wanna tell my mom that jesus the these lists really do make me sad they make me sad man it's a good thing you guys are so cool you know you keep me pretty balanced out if it was all yang on this list and no yen [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] but you guys are the yang i appreciate that you knew as we continue we arrive at number 12. nice hello to linda's mother i worked at the concession stand at a movie theater in high school this guy orders a popcorn and a large diet pepsi comes back to the counter like 10 minutes later complaining that the soda is carbonated oh um you know that's what that's what that's what soda is that's carbonated i explained to him that all of our sodas are carbonated and he asked me if we had a microwave we did so he wants to go into the back and microwave his soda i need my soda piping hot what bro are you sure do you know anybody who microwaves their soda yo he says he wants it warm but not too warm went to the back had to pour a soda into two different cups because the original one wouldn't fit into the microwave truly a bizarre experience ladies and gentlemen this is the type of entry i'm looking for and a thumbs up like to you sir for this is what i had in mind a little xnd says kyle my wife is getting a brush reduction what are your thoughts blasphemy yasha both be ashamed hi everyone my man mr ryu kage once again what the hell hey style long time no donate sorry for being poor you don't need to apologize i love that you're here and that you contribute in your own way i uh appreciate you going above and beyond with the support i love that i couldn't even thank you know ryukage before i needed to thank philosophy so i guess it's my philosophy to live up to what you guys have established in the way of generosity kindness and not being the person that's long-winded about a macaroni and cheese story on a friggin list you know what i mean my god it's like somebody took out a knife and was like [ __ ] this video and i'm usually the one to do that you know let me sabotage my own video please don't compromise the momentum in a way where it's like somebody comes in and they're 80d and they're just like i can't pay attention to this so seriously um to to respond to the initial oh what are your thoughts on the breast reduction i think you know you just want my bobble head i can't believe that you guys are doing this you guys are diminishing something if she's reached a point where she genuinely is following through with the reduction then it's something that she really wants to get rid of you know what i mean it's not like a lot of kids that are at the wrong age and they're super impressionable and somebody's like hey man you should just live your life as the opposite sex and they're like oh yeah i'm gonna get right on that it's like as a woman you know what it's been like to deal with this back you probably hate you probably hate five dollars gang rise up well first of all i want to say thank you for that uh donation but more importantly uh i appreciate the five money that y'all are hitting me with in a big way okay [Music] but the idea that somebody says that they're the true five dollars like all the other five dollars before him are fake that really makes my day it makes my evening in a big way oh snap they'll go to true five dollars i want you to say it like that i want you to say true five dollars and try not to raise your eyebrows when you say it oh my god that's the truth try not to raise your eyebrows when you say true it's just so organic it just comes out of you anyway thank you to mr ryukage i appreciate this 420 plus smoke weed every day [Music] i can't believe i've been able to pull off not coming off like a loch ness monster this long it's been years i'm good at what i do couldn't do it without you guys but uh you have to admit pretty uh pretty convincing stuff on my own on the road again so one more time love you all and oh my god bell is becoming a disciple now damn wait isn't it yeah it's supposed to slap some toast when um when that happens i wonder how long i wonder how long that notification will take hmm i guess i'll just go on to the next entry and i really do love it a microwaved soda entry that's my favorite so far thank you again belle and i'm sure the notification will cut me off as i am starting number 11 i worked at a wendy's an actual wendy's wow what a veteran i had one guy try to order mcnuggets over the speaker you know that everywhere every second of every day someone is trying to order mcnuggets from somewhere other than mcdonald's and it's like okay i get what you mean if y'all have nuggets and y'all serve them but imagine if you only have like boneless wings or you only have like chicken tenders like chicken strips like chicken fingers um and then you have to like actually go like because because some idiot in the past has actually said nuggets then they got the tenders and then they were mad so now every time somebody comes in and goes hey can i get some chicken mcnuggets you have to go look i'm obligated to let you know that uh these are not mcnuggets they are they are not shaped like mcnuggets know that took a really long time to go through all right you know i try i try to i try i try i'm kidding i love you guys okay and maybe this entry should entry this whole list should have been like 10 entries because you know you ever just have a day and it's rough and you're you think to yourself god damn they lasering captain america like a slave in this game right now not that i'm paying um wait not that i'm playing i am paying utter attention to you guys because you deserve it but i can't help but glance up to go with the tv and just see the the reckoning this person worked at wendy's and somebody came in asking for mcnuggets fine fine fine fine fine i'll take a whopper a whopper a dave's double or a baconator needless to say they screamed at me and zoomed off into the smog set worst year of my life that is so sad that somebody you know they were just in a position where they had to make that money however it was available to them that sucks but that's the way it goes hey would you blow me says thanks for being the hookup my serotonin five money gang all right number 10 i used to work at a target and they hired a new girl didn't they the new girl previously worked at a walmart and now at a target to work the fitting rooms and by the default the intercom system a few days after she started she was to make an announcement over the intercom and i guess habit took over because she started to announce with attention walmart shoppers she realized her mistake and made a good recovery with you are in the wrong store i'm not sure that anybody listening to her would have liked either of that like if you if you accidentally said walmart you know you could just be like oh [ __ ] it was a mistake but then to then tell people that they're in the wrong store it's like you don't know how stupid some people who are who shop here they might just hear something like that and think it was their own voice in their head telling them that and just leave oh [ __ ] i came in the wrong store i understand why'd you make them old too kyle not just old people are crazy we can all be crazy together i'm crazy about you guys thank you again bell thank you again mr ikage thank you again true true five dollars and philosophy cat i'm so loose tonight man it's a nightmare number nine i worked at a dairy queen and had a lady saunter in all frustrated bag in hand whipped out of her receipt without giving me much context and said that's supposed to be a baja blast i told her ma'am this is this is for taco bell she quickly said my bad and then sped out the restaurant what the [ __ ] into a dairy queen where y'all where we are next door to one another i have never seen a dairy queen attached to any other building in my life not even in like a do they have dairy queens and plazas i will google this right now dairy queen plaza you know dilt says ours is so you have a dairy queen next to something that's interesting oh wow yeah i'm seeing one that's like a storefront next to a subway okay i mean it's not too hard to believe that there's a potential for that to happen but you know we all get caught up i guess [Music] um i'ma hit y'all with these uh pictures by the way because every dairy queen that i know is like because they used to even be in shacks back in my day you know what i'm talking about let me hit y'all with this let me intro with this um condensed images with your [ __ ] ass you see that i'm trying to like okay um let me see let me see let me see let me show you old school here's what an old school dairy queen used to look like and it was really just like a lot of these no even this is too big imagine if uh where the white wall in the back starts that's where the whole shop ended you know what i mean i knew dairy queens that seemed no bigger than four broom closets together and uh the real mystery was how any of that was kept clean enough to um to serve people and i think the answer is that they didn't keep it clean and if people get sick then people get sick and now we're all sick as a nation as we go on we remember standing shoulder to shoulder with no masks on i remember that do you remember that someday once again i guess i don't sit near deal with a mask on yeah yeah privilege privilege okay number eight [Music] yeah give me the germs all of them i worked at a small roadside produce place my boss had a few different stalls so i was often left to run the stall myself i remember this lady walks up and goes do you have any tomatoes sorry we don't but the place down the street has them then go there then go there i went there go there again go there now this time i don't know about this time you gotta know man poor people working in a store that got to deal with people coming in talking about well the other place got it like this then why are you here man allow me to solve this problem for you in a way that must not have occurred to you go there wow you know you can have a you can have the you have the words go there under like a under under like a blanket and then you just whip the blanket off for the reveal [Music] go there number seven i used to manage a dell taco during my high school teenage years we had an older man come in once a month and drive straight through the speaker to our window [Music] meaning like he drove by the the speaker i don't like the phrase drove through it come on man you know it's not the end of the world you contextually understood the [ __ ] they met so they drove past the speaker without ordering and came straight up to the window at the window he'd look at me until i came over and then start ordering starbucks midway through realizing it was a dell taco and then drive off once a month every month for two years it's people like that you gotta wonder if they're going back in time or living some sort of groundhog day but like they wake up and just think it's one day and it's really vivid you know who knows what some people are going through [ __ ] sounds well it's just so scary as hell you should be trying to get that guy help dude look this has been happening for at least a year and we're worried about you we all saved up from the last time and we said if he comes in again we're gonna give him this money and tell him to go get some help we have a recording of you for the last three times that you did it just take this to whatever therapist or psychiatrist that you want to go see we really want to help you we really want to know that everything's fine there may be some sort of co2 leak you know and we we it would just give us a lot of peace of mind to know that you're okay nobody's gonna care about me the way that they probably get freaked out by that one guy showing up to the drive-through once every two months talking about where the starbucks at and you know the weirdest part about this story to me is like did this guy frequent a starbucks in his past that didn't have a drive-through speaker intercom because like why else would you drive straight up to the window are there some people who just need to order face to face wouldn't that be annoying like the speaker is there to make this whole process seamless faster they get your order you know they start making it and potentially if there are more people in line while you're waiting on the thing that they're making they can also take somebody else's order it's a process you know it's not rocket science [Music] it's a wild story buddy crms says i love when people threaten to or threaten me to bring their business somewhere else as if that affects my pay yeah that's a really interesting thing that you just said oh no you know you know i didn't get paid on commission out here is that what you thought get out you know what i mean get out of here true silver wolf says i'm imagining the guy driving through the window dukes of hazard style just like oh man this guy came flowing right through my [ __ ] bra oh my god whoa there go down balls again says at mcdonald's old man pulled up to the window trying to get his prescription meds and i didn't even have the heart to tell him sir i know you got a fifa and the only prescription are these mcdonald's fries right yeah yeah he's loving it hey would you blow me says lmao i quit my job a few days ago such a toxic place and i already feel a lot more mentally stable i will tell you guys a secret it's this cartoon that i've been watching that dia does not care for at all and it's so amusing to me because i like awkward bullcrap um and i i don't even want to share it because it's almost like a guilty pleasure where i admit it's not the funniest but it occasionally does make me laugh and it's mildly improvisational like you can tell a bunch of [ __ ] were just in the studio you know recording from some notes and they let themselves go on a little bit like have some fun like make some [ __ ] up and then they animate it after and animate is a word i'm using very loosely because this show is like scribbled dude stray scribbles on this show dia i'm gonna go ahead and give you the opportunity to voice uh why you consider this show as mediocre as it is please so tell everybody right now hit him okay i don't know i don't find it particularly funny i don't like maybe maybe it's just a personal preference but i don't like a show where the people that surround the main character are absolute [ __ ] who are just you know trash trash people now listen i wouldn't say that i regard specifically the people around tim as the problem i would say that tim is almost um cultivating a environment that is conducive to [Music] him being able to be tim without issue so i said a lot of words but the the smaller amount of words is i think everybody around him is an [ __ ] because tim is an [ __ ] you know what i mean and tim may be a good person deep down but i think through a combination of laziness and inaction when it matters tim is is almost fine being portrayed as the villain in many situations simply because he didn't put his foot down and i guess a great example of that dia would be if you were caught in a compromising situation that genuinely isn't what it looks like but instead of actually opening your mouth clarifying you know proving that this isn't what it looks like you just kind of rolled with it like an anime character maybe you just started like going oh oh it's not it's not like it's not what it looks like what oh no oh no and instead of just like you know settling this all putting it all to rest it is what it is the name of this show ladies and gentlemen is the life and times of tim and it's gonna sound like there's some information about the life and times of tim it's gonna sound like something i made up bro but this is tim and i've been watching this stupid show this is [ __ ] on it and uh not proud but it sums me right up doesn't it um gotta put your foot down man it's pretty ridiculous ladies and gentlemen as we continue this list [Music] number six look it's it's you're not ready for a wood you're not ready for tim it wasn't me you got to look at that and wonder how i found that you know what i mean how did i even find that ah dill set i thought you were talking about tim and eric go to the mayor shut the [ __ ] up you're about to piss me off in this in the heat of this night there are two different shows okay one is called tim and eric awesome show great job alright and i need you to get with that program tim and eric awesome show great job is its own show and there is another show believe it or not called tom goes to the mayor do you understand that they made before tim and eric they were truly feeling the waters of what they could get away with revolutionary television show you know if only tim high decker wasn't a piece of bing bong that dirty [ __ ] trying to screw over i love it when you google tim hi decker the first thing that comes up is his wife because the wife screwed him out of a lot of money tim heidecker sucks man he came after sam hyatt he was mad boy sam hyde is a piece of [ __ ] everybody everybody everybody that i want to say aspires to be famous has to be a dog to a certain degree you know they don't have to treat everybody like dogs which is why we can like some some celebrity or some knife do you like that one but um yeah no most of them got to suck to a certain degree to make it you're not just going to end up like some kind of nice guy you know name name five nice guys what uh mr rogers steve irwin steve irwin only got where he was by putting his life on the line people wouldn't have paid attention to him if they didn't think that he was gonna get bit or eaten or stung and then die and then what happened you know what i mean steve irwin was a living potential [ __ ] nascar wreck and that's the only way reason people paid attention to him it's me i'm [ __ ] crocodile look at him look at me and him and people are like oh my god you go bite your face off it sucks the way he went man life don't give a [ __ ] you know i should make a list of sucky ass people dying by some [ __ ] coming in at number one chadwick boseman of course he chose chadwick bozeman like there's no other people what's the problem why you have to be so racist i'm kidding that's how they come at me um when i hate kamala khan in this game they're just like you bigot you don't like women nobody could have any opinions without it being about race or gender damn it [Music] can i get out of this list staring at pictures of tim heidecker it must be a really confusing list for somebody back to tim okay just kidding just kidding back to the back to the uh is a picture of a dairy queen yo i am so happy with my bizarre search results you know must really it's just going to be a really confusing little track record here number six dia it wasn't me involved okay but i witnessed it do you understand i witnessed it i worked at a burger king when i was a teenager we're short staffed one day and the girl in the drive-thru was on break so our manager stepped in to cover for her he was pretty old and didn't have the best hearing so most customers were pulling around to the window to talk to him you know personally as he was struggling to hear through the headset anyway this one guy rolls up to the window and shouts i want a large big mac give me a coke too is that so damn hard hey he's old come on jeez wow come on jeez come on my manager calmly says my apology sir that won't be difficult he leans out the window points down the road and says there's a mcdonald's about three miles in that direction they'll be able to help have a nice day sir then he just closes the window and walks around the corner out of sight i laughed so hard well i guess when you're the manager it is your personal privilege to be able to tell people to [ __ ] off you know to be honest if if you're an employee and you're being treated like [ __ ] by some bastard um you should be working for the type of employee that'll come by and have your uh have your back you know what i mean because most people only gonna um you know there's not gonna be an issue unless somebody is really just being excessive which is probably happening way too often because of um because the cove these days people coming in here trying to make a scene because they're lonely and [ __ ] miserable and the idea that the your manager is just going to bend over backwards not even worth working for oh my pring prong guys so we continue and obliterate the remaining entries on this list number five reads dude comes to the driveway through and i open up the window sir how can i help you i'm out of checks i'm not sure i follow you i'm out of checks he says again more impatiently right i heard you but i don't know what you want me to do about that you you can pay with cash or card too dude gives me a weird look and says oh just right the bank and then peels out away from the window i'm a pharmacist [ __ ] will sound like he needed to be prescribed something you know you know what the saddest part is to me i can just think of it as just like a common mistake imagine like a person has a bunch of places to go today you know and they pull into um somewhere thinking this is this place but it's actually next in their stop and maybe they're so awkward and anxious that they're um let's say that they're kind of running over what they're going to say in their mind before they say it so that it'll you know we all do that to a certain or lesser degree kind of practice what we're going to say hope that it all goes smoothly you know we wouldn't want any outbursts wouldn't want any suspicions of us not being human you know got to keep our head down they don't need to follow us is there a friggin mosquito in here man i'm not sure but i'm like scratching portions of my body that may um let's say you know have just been bitten but i'm not sure i'm not sure if that's the case so we'll have to see [Music] as we continue we arrive at number four oh yeah first off [ __ ] you op for making me relive this like you didn't want to type it and get all of the experience what's the word experiences of the word karma that's what they call it here nice i'm working into mcdonald's every single day and at the same time 16 or 1600 hours this old guy would come in and order his food most people knew that he was us he was wanting a special order over the cook the [ __ ] out of the patty sorry you you moved the the like a dyslexic so his special order entailed overcooking the patty like burning it i don't think i've ever heard of somebody saying that started up right when i started up right when he walked in anyway that's not the problem that was easy the problem is this dude was forgetful as hell and would demand a ceramic plate to eat on every time but but you work at a mcdonald's you want them to burn your patty and you want a ceramic plate [Music] so that's when we would explain it to him dude this is a mcdonald's we don't have plates and he'd be like oh right but sometimes he would just rant about how we should have plates i saw him absolutely flip out because a girl stepped outside of the break room with a plate of food she brought it from home i knew you bastards have plates he was freaking out and could not convince him otherwise ever after that keep keep it in the break room is the moral of the story is it really is it really like if if some idiot is too stupid to assume uh i don't know that that [ __ ] exists outside of work and that there was a chance that um she could have brought it from home wow this is really tragic to me hmm [Music] this is exciting someone named dingling420 in the chat is saying i'm not stupid you know when you have to say it that you know you kind of put yourself in that situation didn't you dangling what rule did he break hey kyle is very creative he reads reddit threads why and then you're asking not to be silenced [ __ ] you're the one in here so i don't know saying fam twice boy i think we're gonna hide you just for that one i think that's i think that's the one again you're the one in here i want you to think about what you've done in gay baby jail think about how you are at the mercy of a man's thick [ __ ] in your mouth you stupid [ __ ] that this is where you are [Music] unable to talk unable to talk in the stream of a much greater man than you you know creativity or no my dude you're here do you think about in your life the things that you'll do that'll ever draw an audience of someone like me the answer is nothing nothing [ __ ] you know and i hate to treat you like your parents and just forget you exist but this is where it goes from here it's not our fault don't blame us you know what i mean you got to be miserable you just leave us out of the note do you get what i'm saying you got to be miserable do you you know don't die in a way that's like spectacular and trying to drag other people down with you and i'm not just saying literally die i'm not wishing that on anybody but like figuratively you're dead inside you know what i mean we can tell and that's okay but don't don't assume that that's how we live and [ __ ] baby i do apologize for the hum of the ps4 in the background d and i are doing what i would like to call uh multitasking in the way of taking advantage of uh marvel's avengers while it's as broken as it is we're just maxing out some of our characters it's truly a joke truly easy simple as that princess pumpkaboo says kyle i haven't been to a stream before but i want to say i love your content and i hope you have a great night broski well that's so sweet what a kind-hearted and uh excellent expression of your uh feelings you know be kind to one another be excellent and uh just spread that love spread that love i'm not sure how i feel guys i think obviously the my favorite on this list is uh let me go back when the dude wanted his coke microwaved i think you know that i like it when people mess with people in ways that will make them think and remember this for the rest of their life and they'll definitely remember a story about a guy coming in when they're working at a movie theater and asking for them to microwave their soda because they need it warm but not too warm you know it's that kind of [ __ ] where you wonder okay there's nobody else with us so nobody's like recording this for the internet maybe he's got like a microscopic camera on him like a a camera on his shirt or something like that maybe in his glasses or something like that but if you assume that he's not being recorded then is he just doing this to [ __ ] with you it's the type of thing that gets in your head and you know that's my favorite type of [ __ ] but everything else on the flop was like okay i do like the old guy the manager giving the dude you know a piece of his bing bong i was i'm charmed by the one where the dude comes back every two months that one was crazy too so of of this list it's the one where the guy keeps coming back and are ordering like it's a starbucks and what was the other one um the hot soda [ __ ] me number three i work at a panera bread and for those who don't know what a panera bread it's like uh quiznos and for those who don't know what a quiznos is it's like a subway which is just like a sandwich shop you know a guest calls in from the car several people in the background they all give orders for a pickup the first order is fairly simple the next uh order includes an item that we don't carry a salmon dish of some kind i know there are some regional panera breads that have or have had salmon but we are not one of them so i let them know hey i'm sorry but we don't carry salmon maybe and the person on the other end of the phone cuts me off and starts getting really aggressive and goes yes you do you do [Music] but i don't we don't so then i'm like hey maybe you're thinking of another chain we're very similar to and as i start to list off some of the other locations they cut me off again and start going i know you have salmon what the [ __ ] i hate i just hated the other day and at this point i'm just being honest with them and saying hey man i don't really i don't really need this attitude we do not have salmon here i can't make the dish for you you have confused us with someone else there's a long silence and finally someone says wait this isn't some random place that's not panera and i go no yeah and then everyone in the car starts yelling at each other and i hang up customer service boy ah did this dude just ask what a panera is when i was trying to yeah look you got me looking like tim right now okay not pandaren panera guys hanera you guys you're getting mad strong deer taking them on by yourself in time you'll be unstoppable god damn they strong so strong goddamn some people like it like this but i want you to be weak [ __ ] all right um i'm trying to figure out if there is like a video because i'd actually be interested in throwing that your way if there's a video that somebody has made that is effectively like the fall of of um panera or something that would be a cute thing to do on my twitch and see if we could get away with that just watching a video about um oh my god i typed in panera and of course nico kato avocado for anybody who knows this idiot is like crying while [ __ ] shoveling all this garbage down his face you believe that dia i don't i don't want to know i don't want to know these people dia i would prefer to stay as old man as possible as it comes to these people i can't believe you corrected me like you're proud of knowing the [ __ ] name of this wanker some [ __ ] who just eats online and then cries because he knows it'll generate [ __ ] people watching him and he's right man sometimes i wonder if i was just gonna slap my dick every day so hard that it turned red and then fell off if it was worth like becoming famous over guys you know is it is it worth it half of us treat our rpps that hard and we're not even getting anything for it that's the way it should be do ya we did it because it was fun not because we needed something out of it but i do understand i guess when you gotta get the burner so how much money do you need to get per stream to start like crying and eating you have gone too far you know i'm not interested in anything like that oh my [ __ ] my god i had no idea so wait panera is going strong then that's why i looked it up because i wanted to see like fall of panera bread or some kind of video like that the untold truth of panera bread it's not like a quiz nose let me see if i typed in the fall of quiznos if i get a video the decline of quiznos there it is this is why you don't see many quiznos around a well i guess i'd rather watch that then the fall of quiznos what happened you know wow continuing on ladies and gentlemen here we are at number two i work at achilles and when i was hosting old people would constantly come in and talk about how weird it was that we redecorated so suddenly and where did the salad bar go they thought that we were sizzlers which was two buildings away from us it happened at least four times these people are driving dia these people are driving old people coming in confused that things have like changed so much and they're in the wrong damn building yo yo major erection said is that the mexican place that had the herpes break out you really got me googling some right now buddy i don't think i've ever heard something so appealing that it made me google it immediately recently um mexican mexican herpes are you gonna type it in kyle mexican herpes like it's a special strand okay mexican restaurant [Music] herpes okay is reeling from a hepatitis outbreak [Music] herpes outbreaks puts phoenix racetrack under quarantine people who ate at a mississippi mexican restaurant exposed to hepatitis my god holy god oh no you know oh no can we get like a mariachi band but in a minor key dia is that is that tasteful let me see if i can get it in a minor key i just want to see if that's something uh i put it in a minor key mexican acoustic [Music] that doesn't sound down enough i need it to really just sound soul-shattering you know what i mean yeah because of the herpes no you would enjoy this if it was like a a kenyan joke um says my friend showed me shoe nice on youtube and it's the worst thing i've ever seen shoe nice is prehistoric shoe nice has been on the internet as long as i have you guys should be ashamed of yourselves you guys gotta remember i'm from the zanga [ __ ] angel city like angel fire days of the internet you know we didn't we weren't myspace and we were live journaling i was on the avant-garde [ __ ] boy portions of the internet you understand me people talk about something awful and all these other gay boy uh but i was truly boyzanga [Music] i've never seen degeneracy in humans ever since and i know some of those people got together you know i like to think of like dean and i have started watching sword art online and by watching i mean putting it on while i play video games and what i like is that the main character has a bit of knowledge in the game because he was a beta tester and i like to regard the people on the internet before all of you other ass clowns that think you run the show now um as beta testers in the internet and those are the people who who honestly could start uh not let's let's say it wouldn't be as successful as facebook but it would definitely gather as much attention from people who are you know how like the people using facebook are gonna use facebook till the day they die or something's gotta out popular facebook before they grab at it that's what's up that's what's up right now with um a lot of these uh apps coming up that have the same spirit and i like to think of it imagine if uh if facebook had read its amusement or entertainment factor but it was truly limitless in the way of like how little they were gonna uh censor what they were gonna allow for whatever amounts of time so like i guess as entertaining as reddit as as absurd as 4chan you know as cult-like as what's cult like anymore do you nothing nothing on the surface internet is like that man tumblr wishes my dude tumblr is just like i like to think of tumblr in a high school as a table that nobody wants to sit at and it's full of the people that have no other people they can associate with you know what i mean and sometimes you get a breakfast club badass scenario out of these kids that are honestly untouchable and isolated right but there's nothing cult like about them they were the ones who were regurgitated and are there because they have nowhere else to be cult like dia is when everybody elects to be part of this specific thing [Music] and much like a true click club they almost want to protect they want to establish immediately the boundaries of this [ __ ] they want to bar and limit the entry to their group now it's wild as wild their lines are drawn in the sand and i can't keep up anymore because i'm not trying to i'm not trying to do that on the internet but i do love the old days and that's all i have to say and it's a shame it's a shame because now now these days we're all walking into achilles not understanding it's not sizzlers see what i did there do you remember that story was it too long ago it's too long ago i've been talking now yeah like i'm in a rocking chair you guys should give me a rocking chair and i'll go oh let me just tear you a chapter what is he talking about number one i was a shift manager at a mcdonald's in the middle of the mau a guy walks up to the counter with several mcdonald's bags of food my wife came through your drive-through and you messed up this order ay are you sure she came through our drive-through yes she told me she came through the drive-through and that she got home and realized her order was wrong y'all need to give us our money back and give us the right food so i'll start looking around the mall and ask did she drive through sears or jcpenney to get in here the guy looks around and finally realizes i'm in the middle of a mall so he grabs his things and goes [Music] mighty quinn says my time was bbs and irc i remember the first pick i saw on a computer blown away boy gratitude is yours i don't know how to describe how much hours i spent on msn messenger and how many like wives i was clearly getting mixed up in you know what i mean wives who had like nothing going on but their husbands money and whatever technology that you know they were willing to buy with their cash like i was seeing the titties of ladies that were just bored at home dia and it was blo it was like what is this place and you learn dia that people are trying to estab you you know those houses you hear about like everybody pretends to be a final fantasy character or you know it's like a it's like a druid house and i'm i'm other kin and i'm a tree and i'm reincarnated as a tree and we live in this compound yeah the internet was this place where at the time nobody was hiding the fact that they were effectively recruiting you know what i mean recruiting for what god only knows but they were genuinely trying to get people to go out and join up with these places and it creeped the [ __ ] out of me man because nowadays on the internet people know better um than to be a certain way like if if today my uh goal was to entice somebody to meet up you'd have to do it via catfishing or you know you know to try to be safe right you're trying to do it via like a tinder thing or some kind of app where you're trying to meet up or some [ __ ] like that you get what i'm saying but like back then you didn't need anything you didn't need pictures all you needed was the uh the capacity to convince whomever you were talking to that a you had enough in common and this was something that they would genuinely benefit from or be dia they would beat people down the way that religion kind of does and says you know you're doing nothing now you're amounting to nothing now but if you only adopt and embrace this this is the way you know then you'll be great then you'll accomplish you'll be rich you'll have this you'll be taken care of blah blah blah you'll be happy i miss that internet and maybe the internet's been made less dangerous and that's good for everybody but real life isn't any less dangerous so it's almost a trick it's almost like it's almost like the internet is becoming the new tv nice and polished and sterilized and oh my god those titties get those off of the screen god [ __ ] forbid titties be shaking all over this site that's what it needs to be because it's human because it's natural it's not inherently sexual though how could i what do you mean i wouldn't be able to get attention i would select my favorite breasts right and then i could use those and then i i would be you know what a lot of people when they get on the internet dia they search for things that they like things that they're amused by and then they end up saving it they may not even have a person to share it with but they save it they save that little gift that meme that dumb little picture that comic strip that they like right um me i saved titties dia and if in the future titties became fine and i could just uh i don't know feature a different pair of titties in each thumbnail i'm going there right um how would that how would that be like a competition obviously i'm not gonna directly compete with some girl sitting in a live stream talking about well you know how today was and look at these right but why why couldn't that work yeah and people as much as you would want to enjoy that sort of thing it would ruin it for everyone in some way it will ruin it for the men or all of us all of us i said in some way it would ruin it for everyone because there would be too much of it it would be everywhere so there would be too much so no one would really get anywhere i mean i guess in that sense it would be beneficial since no one would be popular for this one thing that you know other sites don't have there's like a thrill to the fact that you get to see tasteful cleavage on twitch versus porn there's something so delightful about that there's a thrill to the tasteful cleavage on twitch you're saying that if titties were allowed it would effectively manifest a twitch situation everywhere and that people wouldn't be able to compete i think people like variety and that's about what that's what the internet is about here yes but i mean if you have twitch youtube twitch twitch then there wouldn't be that much variety because there wouldn't be a site just specifically for you know watching content i i think you're i think you're thinking that the variety will suddenly be stripped just because i'm not saying it should be pornographic i'm not saying that either but you know how people abuse the system well by people i mean girls the problem at the end of the day would be the girls because they'd uh you'd have you'd have cases like but on youtube i mean it's already that bad on youtube though you know but you know it's not like everyone is bowing down only because i would imagine the website itself is working against that do you get what i'm saying i bel yes i believe youtube works actively against um you know allowing that kind of stuff to their algorithms think about how many pretty tittied young tight little [ __ ] that fall into a lot of people's demographics are making content on youtube right now they could easily pose in a little thumbnail with them and maybe like a low-cut top or whatever maybe they just have a super cute face and that's that they could just pose in their dumb little video next to um i don't know an emoji or whatever the [ __ ] they want to uh sell this video and immediately dia have a more appealing thumbnail than the most popular bastards on this channel like the 20 top [ __ ] boys on youtube you know whether it's whatever brothers or whatever [ __ ] making makeup tutorials or some some dude that's like really flamboyantly gay to the point where it's a caricature and he's almost embarrassing himself but everybody loves to watch that and go oh hey girl you know what i mean like it's a damn sitcom from the 90s whoever it is when you look at their thumbnails flat they're nowhere as appealing as some of these girls can be just by sitting in their [ __ ] bedroom and that's what i call the twitch factor in the way of appeal where you just see them and you go oh [ __ ] that's very clickable that makes you go what's going on in her room what's going on with this chick and a lot of people can't compete with that but you don't see that floating clean to the top of youtube all the time it's mad content you know better content is better yeah yeah not that i consider a lot of [ __ ] that's on the trending page of content out yes but nobody no one really goes through the training you know no one really goes to the trending town no one cares about [Music] leveling up a hero i don't use [ __ ] oh my god it's just laser beam city as soon as this begins it's almost like is this fair come on is he blowing up what the [ __ ] [Music] so who's left nobody's left how did how did we do that much damage that fast whoa that stupid homing missile corkscrewed around me and then look we're done here then wait there's a big one on me intriguing well there was what the [ __ ] is this y'all can't you son of a [ __ ] in the back look how look you're like frozen you're frozen on my screen looks like you're riding a bike [ __ ] game dude never ends okay ladies and gentlemen i love you to death thank you to linda who has posted the uh discord link in the description if you join that you'll get notifications on whenever this stream is going down i love you to death i don't know about this list tonight but um it was an opportunity for us to spend time together and you are a pleasure to be in the midst of so i hope to see you later um special thanks to my man ynk as usual um ryukage philosophy cat true five dollar which is probably haywood and belle thank you for becoming a member love you guys and you'll catch me again tomorrow stay out of trouble and here's hoping we can make it just another day bye rusty says i don't know why this game is getting so much hate oh boy do i have a video for you you know many hard crashes and glitched characters and out of like they they glitch you out of the map and like d is stuck inside of something and can't move and all kind of crap boy this game right now is eating our patterns to make um to make skins you know and in a game where it's selling you skins for 15 naturally when you want to um when you want to be able to you know earn skins in game and then use them when the game's like oh no no actually we just lost that pattern that you had that's pretty funny it's a great game buried in here it's not going to reach its true potential until doctor strange and scarlet witch and a bunch of other [ __ ] get added which will be like next [ __ ] year you know that they're putting in spider-man but what was that march yeah we don't even know if we're going to be alive then so i think you're confusing that furniture i didn't want to pick [ __ ] iron man for this cheers no i'm trapped oh man i'm gonna [ __ ] iron man um let me see if my laser ability can make short work of these freaking robots man it really shouldn't take any time [Music] oh sorry i needed to be on the uh okay [ __ ] whoa because i thought i had the damn lasers though we get it of course it's the big guy that i focus on first what lik he just walked over thin air where do they do that the one adaptoid's recharging on the other end of the room let's do this did he disappear again son of a [ __ ] he's dead but he vanished on my screen i think all of that went into a wall so you know is there even anybody right here i don't understand look let's get out of here we're only doing the first wave as a means of leveling up our characters get to level 50 people are crazy so you guys i love you i'll be back with this game when we're doing less grindy stuff it'll definitely be fun to actually play through entire missions but right now we are gathering materials until they patch it oh video games you so crazy so i love you i'll catch you guys soon um true silver wolf says damn is the hulk piloting the mech suit no that that's from the movies it's it's called the hulk buster armor it's armor that uh whoa it's armor that stark designed to fight hulk um if [ __ ] got real so in this game you can actually deploy it and um and then have anybody jump in it which is cool i don't like your calling card for uh you know like the little name plate for thor yeah we need to unlock some but thor right you're thor yeah or i keep calling everybody everything i gotta get out of here all right guys love you take it easy
Channel: undefined
Views: 855
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, funny stories, teachers, students, school, high school, cringe, women, girls, prank
Id: 0NvBseCrIFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 44sec (4124 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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