Scary Experiences

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[Music] scary experiences according to Reddit number 15 I was living with a few of my friends a year and a half ago and were all pretty religious at least two of us work in religion we were walking and talking about how we didn't believe in ghosts or demons at least in the sense that we couldn't see them if they were real we started talking about how if we saw one it would change our perspective entirely I say out loud if something is here I wish it would just show us two nights later I am sound asleep and have the most vivid brutal nightmare that I have ever had long story short I was in my childhood house we were getting robbed and the robber shot my father only it was me I was the robber my father and I had a very strained relationship and the detail of shooting woke me up in tears I mean I was sobbing I looked at the foot of my bed saw a man sitting on his heels staring at me it looked like he was 80 years old but had never hit puberty that's the best way that I can describe it his face looked kind what his eyes looked wicked it struck terror into my very soul he almost looked curious but morbidly so he was wearing clothes that looked like he was a newspaper salesman from the 1890s New York I only saw him for a split second and then he was gone the wild thing is I got all of that detail in a split second like he wanted me to remember him and here's the crazy part so I was spooked right I went into our living room and watched YouTube and some twitch streams for a bid until I convinced myself I was just half-asleep and still spooked I lay in bed and the moment my head hits the pillow my roommate's it's straight up points at the foot of the bed and says my name who's that he asks I lost my goddamn mind I literally drove home at 3:00 a.m. told my parents through tears that I wanted to stay home until summer I stayed at home for a week or so and then went back my roommate started having night terrors after that but we moved soon after I've never been so scared in my life damn PETA Thank You calli Klugman for that loud loud subscription [Music] and hello to everybody here's hoping you're having an interesting week evening morning or whenever you choose to watch this my necks been killing me so that's where I've been number 14 on this creepy list just after high school maybe six months or so after 9/11 I was a van driver who drove the meals four wheels on to a place where they get packaged and then taken home for delivery anyway the delivery van only had am/fm radio and I was listening to 92.5 FM when all of a sudden the station cuts out and a transmission that I can only describe as an American version of a number station begins to play it was seemingly random numbers followed by a long period of the same phrase repeated over and over again the phrase was they took the crosstown bus they took the crosstown bus they took the crosstown bus over and over again none of the other drivers heard it but mana was creepy to hear eventually the regular radio station resumed and they never mentioned anything about it interesting interesting for those who aren't aware of what a number station maybe there are still active radio stations that go back a genuine decades as far as how long the transmissions have been active where the station's just reiterate the same numbers over and over and over again many people have speculated that these are stations likely used by other countries to to dictate let's say code that wouldn't be easily deciphered by people listening that don't know how or have the language to decipher what that code may be many of the number stations people just assume are early in our recording that is being replayed over and over and over but some radio stations have been proved to actually be a live person that's constantly reading that out it's just a lot of speculation and easy to make theories and conspiracy theories surrounding know but as we roll up to number 13 so I was getting on an elevator in the metro to get to the train platform to the main platform with the turnstiles and the exit you have to get to get to it via an elevator so I got on with an older gentleman who is just us too on the elevator I glanced over and this guy was watching me pointedly he was smiling but not in a nice way not in like a welcoming way you know the cliche creepypastas where they talk about the monsters that smile unnaturally wide smiles that's exactly the kind of smile this guy had and I look away from him because I thought he was going for easy or something but out of the corner of my eye I saw him making these weird gestures all over his chest it almost looked like he was making the sign of a cross or something finally the elevator doors open and we both get off and walked towards the turnstiles I swiped my card to exit and then turn around to see if the dude was following me and he was gone gone gone there was nowhere else he could have gone he we were there at the exit of the station unless he turned back ran and got on the elevator in about four seconds I don't know I don't know where he went anyway I'm a I'm a girl from a small town and sometimes weird things happen in the city that I don't quite understand but I just chalk it up to me being practically a redneck but this was really out there and it's been bothering me that's all [Music] a little hummingbird wolf um Linda and Danica hello to Jade as well sorry if this is too late for you but again these are up whatever people can find a time to slip them in no need to experience them live if you have something to do in the morning pray for my friggin neck man listen you know it's debilitating pain I've taken medication as far as pills to relieve the pain I've tried you know heat I've tried cold and it's been this way for about two days now it's not looking particularly good two more days of this and I feel like I may need to go get it looked up scary number two [Music] +10 I guess this isn't scooper scary and I don't know if it really fits but it still weirds me out and my friends just think I'm crazy could it just okay back when I was a freshman in college I went out with a friend of mine he ended up dancing with some girl so I went and grabbed a seat at the bar ubaydah the girl came up to me and bought me a drink because she liked my style and introduced herself as sapphire we chatted for at least an hour had a few drinks and at some point she asked or said that she had to leave so I asked her for her number she scribbled it on to a bar napkin but then we ended up chatting more and one thing led to another and she invited me to her apartment we go there start hooking up and she asks if I've ever tried acid and if I wanted to do some I said sure after it kicks in we go for a walk we were talking about the constellations and space for a while but then I noticed she gets quiet I had my eyes glued to the sky for the entire wall so I look over she's gone I freaked out and start retracing my steps to get back to her place yelling her name checking the bushes my high ass assumed she was just peeing in a bush I get back to her apartment knock on the door and some guy answers the door keep in mind this was like 4:00 a.m. at this point and some guy answers and asks and I asked if if he knew sapphire and I described her he said he had no clue who I was talking about and that I should just go home so I did I ended up crashing at a friend's place because my trip was going south and I knew he'd be able to calm me down next day comes and I'm still trying to figure out what had happened I called a number she gives me it was disconnected I went back to the apartment the same guy answers still no idea what I'm talking about I even knocked on some of the neighbors and tried to the same room location on different floors nothing talked to the security guy at the front desk said he remembers me coming in a few times but never saw me with a girl called up my friend who was at the bar with me and asked if he saw the girl I was with he said he never saw me with a girl according to him I was sitting at the bar alone had a few drinks and left after 30 minutes I have no idea who this woman was or if she even existed but I remember her so vividly I can't believe that I imagined it she just vanished I have no tangible proof of her existence and it freaks me out to this day that I spent an entire night with this person who didn't exist I still don't know what happened that night who [Music] it's been so long I can't even remember the names of my songs that's my own fault and I'll deal with them I know one is entitled lost frontier and I believe the other is called thunder dreams there it is forgive me Donovan kate says finally caught this live damn pile your videos get me through papers seven nights a week I'm glad you have a place for them I'm sorry they aren't at the normal time I've been struggling as long as I don't die hopefully I'll be alright number 11 I woke up to something sounded like a door shutting at first I thought it was a dream because I could hear it in the dream as I was waking up kind of like when someone calls your name when you're dreaming but then I look at my cat his hair is completely standing up and he was beaming at my bedroom door this was the moment when I got really scared because I know animals can pick up on [ __ ] and I thought he might know that something's wrong my cat doesn't do this type of thing unless there's a dog in the room so I look over at the door and the only way that I can describe it is that it looked like it was swaying slowly like it was breathing like someone was standing on the other side trying to hear if I was awake the swaying was accompanied by a shadow I don't mean a supernatural shadow but it looked like the shadow of a person behind the door I was paralyzed and fear I lied there for five minutes and naked watching this door I considered yelling and trying to scare them away what I was terrified someone might respond I legitimately thought that this was the moment where I would have to defend myself or be killed I don't own a gun but after 10 minutes or so I muster up the courage to check every room in the house I checked every corner - but there was no one there I don't know what happened but my evolutionary traits kicked in and I completely believed someone was outside the door oh yeah you know for creepy stories these aren't very funny as we continue up to number 10 not sure if it counts as creepy your overall scary but it was weird back in high school I lived in a large apartment complex it was maybe around 8:00 to 9:00 at night completely dark I was with a group of friends four or five people we were talking and messing around with a friend's pair of walkie-talkies as we decide to look up at the sky as two fireballs of what can only be described as fireballs just appear in the sky they slowly move in a line just as that happens we start getting what sounded like military communication over said walkie-talkies it was really static but words came in every now and then about ten or so minutes in the fireballs disappear and the communication cuts out there was absolutely nothing about this on the news the next morning and no one ever believed me well weren't you there with your friends Luke Air Force Base well there you go well there you go you know it's a shame I would have assumed that we would have had something devastating in the way of a of a definitive UFO sighting by now but instead we haven't gotten anything definitive and that hurts you know it sucks number nine in the same room of my old house I have been seeing a convulsing face floating outside my window my brother has also seen it too I saw the same face over a number of periods and it would do suff like smile and float closer and further from the glass our youngest brother a few years later complained that he didn't want to play with the boy in his room anymore as he was getting too much blood on his toys this was the same room this neck is destroying me the floating faces convulsing getting blood on the toys de magma over here says BRB I gotta brush my teeth like he thinks we're in some sort of AOL Instant Messenger conversation jaysus it's okay I know you have somebody to hold if it gets too scary you'll make it through this list I promise you but will you make it through life number eight not quite sure how young I was at the time but it was probably between five and eight years old I was in my babysitter's bed at the time in her trailer park noise it was 3 a.m. and I had woken up because I had to be when I woke up I looked down the hallway to see my babysitter leaning against the wall like one of those stereotypical cool guys in a movie I made eye contact and felt my body go cold because she was still sound asleep next to me in bed I went under the blankets trying to hide when I looked back she was gone I didn't want to sound crazy so I never told anyone I just sat in her bed watching infomercials until 6:00 in the morning when she woke up never even thought about sleeping there again I honestly forgot how much this affected me until I started writing this it really freaked me out man but then who was bad okay my neck Jesus Christ sorry you're hearing the bag of ice what to do it's such intense pain it's such intense pain I've never really had a laments before where I go to sleep and wake up and they won't be like a little better I'm just gonna have to ride this out and see what's up what's that at the top of the screen I see black words could it be D live what's the one that handles the gifts let's take a look I'll use this one doesn't pop up so is it even working it will that Bob down Linda asks how did I hurt my neck I don't know I just woke up in vain I want to assume that it's because I didn't have proper neck support when I drifted off for a small amount of time but you know I couldn't have been asleep too long to wake up in this much pain so could I've torn a muscle did I did I pinch a nerve all I know is the pain is radiating throughout my entire back and it's less than amusing but what will be amusing is the completion of this list number seven footsteps and banging in my attic for about two frigging months almost every night I'd hear these banging from my attic the steps are only like five feet from my room small taps or footsteps then it gradually gets louder to the point and it sounds audible like a foot was being pressed on wood I told my dad and he told me it was probably an animal that got up there the thing is my sister heard it too as her bedroom was in the same hallway as mine my dad might have been right as it was completely gone after about two to three months and right now at 2:00 a.m. I don't hear it I swear to God if I hear it after I post this I'm actually gonna piss my pants [Music] jaysus out here building the the the Kayal channel lore with made-up bullcrap as usual you got to make him juicier than that I know you play a lot of destiny so a real story with shock your balls clean off okay but it could get a little more interesting than that try to avoid try to avoid strangulation you know ninja jutsus or voodoo dolls azor azor as a reason as to why my neck may not be well you know that in like eating [ __ ] avoid all of those and you'll have a you'll have a good story on your hands or at least a story that you know subverts expectation make it something people can't just think up on a first draft no [ __ ] no strangly no jutsu no voodoo no jutsu no voodoo Kiowa no jutsu number six I was at the scene of a suicide and a guy shot himself with a shotgun right under the chin when I walked in a black cat was sitting in a pool of his own blood not his own blood like the dude blood and he was staring at me that's a lynching [ __ ] right there I've seen a David Lynch movie and now I'm going to say [ __ ] like this on the Internet can you believe animals and blood what has that ever even happened before how do people UNAC Lee be this [ __ ] basic my dude you don't blew my mind today I think I was on all reddit are all that came across this shitty meme that I've seen about a billion times before but here's the funny thing and this is what you're gonna see separates a normal person I guess from a person who like reddit's or has been on the internet and it's the amount of cynicism involved in their life okay or it's thank you Lord to changa the amount of cynicism that goes into scrutinizing like a very normal image this is a deviation deal with it okay so someone posted this meme 59,000 up votes and it says the truth exposed so somehow says tell me something I don't know you know you could be like a [ __ ] the sky is blue look at her what did what does she know moving on right somebody writes scooby Doo is basically a show that teaches kids that villains in our lives are usually not strangers but rather people we know and trust how many times have you seen this not just like as a concept that you should already understand about Scooby Doo but how many times have you seen this actual thought on saw on Twitter on on tumblr on reddit on Facebook in a YouTube video you know what I mean where somebody's dropping at thinking to themselves oh yeah I'm such a deep thinker I'm for deep I'm fourteen years old and the is deep okay now that's not the scary part the scary part is when you look at this you should recognize that this is probably you know what I would consider this person trying to get their own face out there but realizing that nobody cares so they're just gonna package it with this you know what I mean and and I this could all be artificial it was probably not even a real you know exchange that happened okay and if it was we'll see we'll [ __ ] see so as we continue downward here's the scary part to me we get these comments right and there are other people just going it also takes a timeline oh it also takes place in the timeline where an economic depression occurred giving all the abandoned houses and figures of high esteem risking everything for money right so here's another one somebody going holy [ __ ] he never even thought about that I'm sitting at Starbucks right now and I can't even believe it and somebody else is like Holly [ __ ] hi gwon oh yeah it just gets better and better right this this is like Facebook on Reddit okay I love it I freaking love it so someone asks is our woke a thing because if it's not this is gonna be like the first thing I post there bro what world are you living in on the Internet where woke has good connotations still what so somebody else is like shower thoughts is basically this it really is it really is the type of vapid like realization that somebody comes to you about something that already is is blatantly apparent to everybody there aren't a lot of good shower thoughts not anymore let's go there so I can illustrate at that point and if you don't think this is scary then what you need to understand is that people like this are all around you the top thing on the shower thoughts right now says grass is [ __ ] weird it's a living organism and it's everywhere there's so much of it and it will probably never go extinct it's so common that its absence would actually be more noticeable than its existence nobody ever thinks about it but it's even weirder if you think about it longer not really okay not [ __ ] really do you I'm saying now the fun thing about shower thoughts is that I feel like sometimes it's pretty much just like a STONER observation page do you get what I'm saying it's sometimes just like a stone or observation page and in my opinion it's at its best when it's like that you know it's at its best when it's just like a a genuine like you're just standing around having a dumb thought you know that you're gonna share not when you're trying to like be philosophically you know capable of an observation that you think is so unique and original that nobody else has ever had it did you know there's a mouseka we do yeah because it was blatantly apparent how fast you go up the stairs is a good indication of which mood you're in no it isn't no it isn't if there's a fire but you're trying to get away from you know go up the stairs though mm-hmm what if somebody's uh what if you've heard somebody fall you know don't let me poke holes in your stupid-ass observation my dude because if it's that easy to poke holes in it then maybe it's not that great maybe it's not that great serial killers have a net negative carbon footprint oh okay that's what maybe if they're killing babies I don't know you don't invalidate what a person does in their life by just taking it you know you invalidate what they do in the future but how do you how do you how do you calculate what a person will do in the future you absolutely don't bizarre bizarre you know you wanna you wanna you want to lose your mind go go assess some of the thoughts on shower thoughts for just an evening just an evening it's so easy to you know make a drinking game out of that if you find the shower thought you can't poke a hole in no no the the point of a drinking game is to get drunk so if you can find a shower thought that you can poke a hole in then you drink yeah because the the goal is to get sloshed so here's hoping that you guys don't encounter anybody as scary as these in your life these basic [ __ ] they're coming to get you they're coming to get you and sometimes you won't get lucky you know with them you know being a victim of a killer I'm kidding sometimes I wish somebody would just kill my neck right now boy the jaysus not right my story with the stipulations that I made clear of course he didn't that destiny playing mother ajaces I remember you finding monster hunter too complicated why don't you download Dauntless for the ps4 it's free and it's like a Chinese knockoff of uh of Monster Hunter consider it Monster Hunter Meets fortnight it's it's got the same you know business model and everything they want you to buy that battle pass and buy some emotes and and that's how the games gonna thrive I mean it's no different from you playing that stupid-ass destiny game that keeps nickel and dime in your ass for like you you know a thimbles worth of content but hey maybe we can keep our chin up and hope that Dustin III will learn from its mistakes and I do kiss my ass I can't wait for III 2019 we should talk about that at the end of the list why are you excited Butte for III 2019 chaos as the alienated his audience my neck is killing me number five I saw a panther sized black cat darting out of the water retention / artificial forest near a school in the desert this is a this is a sentence okay this is a sentence Danika says dauntless was a horrible why did you recommend it to me it's not that bad you got a um you got a play through into the Monster Hunter parts it's it's totally cute it's totally charming ok gamer Haven says bruh destiny is pretty good in my opinion it's mediocre at best destiny is the type of game that somebody would say is good if they haven't played any other games you know it's kind of like people saying fallout 76 is good fallout 76 isn't that bad but um that's not how a good game performs you know and that's the bottom line Jesus says not too complicated just feels kind of boring maybe it'll be better in the future if I get into it I mean boring this sounds like somebody that has an ax played through it if you can end that game and consider it boring you're lying because many as many portions of that game I remember seemed impossible to do on my own and what sucked is that I knew that if I got more people into my party it would inflate the health of the monsters like it would scale the difficulty based on how many people were there with me one thing that yeah you know what I just realized and this is not I mean no rudeness when I say this jaysus understand it but know that there are different experiences for different people I think if you find monster hunter boring I think it means that you're not into it like the concept of the mantra at monster hunting and that it's not as like quote like artificially action-packed as a game like destiny might be and I think the difference is literally like a movie that is just like atmospheric and paced and doesn't have anything really happen in it you know or maybe it has one thing happen at the end and compare that to a movie like transformers or anything by Michael a where it's just explosions and chase scenes and you're in a car and you're diving out of a helicopter and [ __ ] like that whereas you know unfortunately Monster Hunter is really just about you spawning on a damn map and finding that one big-ass monster to kick your your ass you know or if you're capable you can kick its ass baby and it is a grind it's more of a Japanese game than an American one so a lot of people are invested in the American type of games the Call of Duty's the oh boy man Call of Duty is like the Michael Bay of video games - when I think about it and that's that's more what Destiny's trying to be as far as like pulling some of the RPG garbage from other games but at the same time remembering the core gameplay that is uh that loop that gameplay loop of you blowing things up throwing your brains using your powers your parents whereas um even though it's still like a bullet sponge based game where as Monster Hunter you know it's the same thing but in some cases you have swords or hammers or axes or mallets or whatever it is so it's like a sword sponge game I don't know it's different it's different Jesus says the fighting mechanics seem very sluggish Oh bro I'm not gonna lie to you I don't want you to talk about things you don't understand you know what I mean because the thing about Monster Hunter is that it's excessively technical um too technical if you were to if you were trying to make the point that Monster Hunter has too much going on kind of like warframe I would agree with you there because I remember when I wanted to get good with one weapon in Monster Hunter I knew it wasn't like a game the game sucks problem it was like an eye suck problem you know you know like Dark Souls you know people accept that it's a great game and if you can't perform in it it's not that the game sucks it's that they suck what sucks about Monster Hunter my dude is if you want to get good with one weapon there's like a 17 minute video out there about how to use it and that's not just some youtuber making a big-ass video for the sake making a big-ass video I can show your ass right now if we go to youtube and we're like hey monster hunter hammer you know tutorial or some [ __ ] like that to tour real let's see how long these videos are ma'am that's a 15 minute video for a hammer that's a 15 minute video for a hammer my dude this is another channel and he got it down to 10 minutes 12 minutes this one's 20 minutes what the [ __ ] this is like an overall weapon tutorial no no this is another weapon this is another weapon now jaysus tell me that these games are like you know all the weapons are sluggish they're like over 13 types of weapons in the game one of the weapons are actually a twin blade I don't think you've ever used the twin blade the twin blade is the that you know you got a weapon in each hand type [ __ ] that's the last thing that you would call sluggish and monster hunter use that it'll make you feel like an anime character if you can master it if you can master it and that's the thing jaysus it's not gonna be the type of thing where you you put a gun in your hand you pull the trigger and then you're done you know Jesus say you only done one mission so far dan shut the [ __ ] up you don't know that he's talking about wit monster on a dude of course it's gonna seem boring man I played this game's tutorial yesterday and it was so boring bruh if when you decide you're gonna invest some time in monster hunter that's all I really need to say to you chase us is that there's over 13 types of weapons and it's not like they're two different types of like oh you got a shotgun you got a pistol you got a sniper [ __ ] like that it's not like a you put gun in hand you ain't business end of gonna enemy and then you pull trigger these weapons are very unique right and you gotta give them some time because some of the weapons are all in the combos and this is what I will honestly say is what makes Monster Hunter so great is kind of what dauntless doesn't have the Dauntless game is like the new version of the monster in a game and what I love about Monster Hunter is that you have like a bunch of different calm to exercise different attacks you've got like your jumping attacks right you've got attacks where you're running up walls and then jumping off of that to hit the enemy with it you have these attacks that are sweeping and uppercuts and you bring it down from the top and you can slide with some of your attacks you know what I mean like you can run and charge and then it's nuts it's not there's different like I don't even want to get into this I really don't want to get into this but what it is dude it's a real life fighting game if you've ever if you've ever seen a fighting game that has like a shitload of combos and you really got to hold the button for a little bit of time before you go into the next one and you can chain those combos right one after another brah it's Monster Hunter and that's why I can honestly say I've been playing with the hammer for a long time and monster honour and I know that I'm not as good as I could get you know I know that it's not as good as I can get Danika says Monster Hunter seems fun I mean if you're interested we should both probably dive back into it but then it'll make me stop playing yeah yes that everybody's playing cuz it's free you can't agree you can't argue with that the fact that it's free and the fact that it's cross-platform I was playing that with stripes and she seems pretty excited about it but don't don't don't think that when I play it I just don't I don't go man this is a joke you know cuz Monster Hunter and this is not a point in monster hunter's favor unfortunately I love Monster Hunter but this is the truth you can fight one monster like ten times and not get the drop you're looking for to make whatever piece of weapon or excuse me gear you know for your armor and that's by design bruh that's Japanese as [ __ ] it's a grind you gonna have to keep fighting this dude and hoping for that drop so that you can get this thing and maybe that you know inflates the artificial rareness of it so that you know only people who have grinded for this crap will get it but at the same time it's like man my time and in Dauntless right now dude you fight any monster twice it drops whatever you need you can fight a monster like four times and there's make the whole set that comes the monster it's like come on now I remember um I remember when I first started playing Monster Hunter I was trying to get some of them badass gear sets dude we were a plea were playing that same monster over and over and over again and there's nothing more fun in Monster Hunter than when you're fighting one one monster and like two more show up and we're like please no please we can we barely get in the open and miss it is okay oh no oh no but Jesus I keep telling your ass you playing a game with yourself and not making a personal tutorial you need to play a whitby baby I'll drag you into this with some [ __ ] that'll make you feel inadequate okay because that's that's where the real game comes in is feeling like you never had a chance you know I think the best way to explain a situation for me is um sometimes I like my games to be not punishing but damn near impossible and I think that's why you guys see me still playing overwatch isn't that scary isn't that scary Jade says she used the switch axe that's complicated do you know how complicated that is sweetie I don't think you're not complicated the switch axe is this girl put me to shame the switch axe is too complicated for me I'm not saying that you wouldn't be able to use it because it's all about learning how to use it but the switch axe is like you got to manipulate charges and [ __ ] like that I don't need that kind of math I don't need that kind of leg oh my god hold on hold on hold on really quick because I fire if I recall correctly the switch axe has different modes that you can set the axe into whilst both axe and sword modes are important you'll be dealing most of your damage in salt mode and they switch to axe move mobility and switching the max mode from mobility so your slow is [ __ ] on the sword mode your slow is [ __ ] sword mode and then and then I remember to upgrade trees in this game let's not get into it let's not get into it this is the most technical game in in its field and I'm excited to get back into it now because I've been playing dauntless and it's just like oh I forgot you know you know it man it is a fighting game with all the damn combos and crap how did I forget how did I forget brah [ __ ] this list we need to be more thunder nobody's gonna play with me look whoever wants to play whatever when I'm done i'ma sit with my back against this damn Oh ice and I'm just gonna I'm gonna play look remember this list do you remember number 5 I saw a panther sized black cat darting out of a water attention slash artificial forest near a school in the desert logically it shouldn't be able to survive there but holy [ __ ] I saw it animal control wouldn't let that exist there isn't really enough food for it and the summer's get dangerously hot if you've got black fur must have been 4 to 5 feet long it didn't make any sense what a hundred percent saw and so did the friend I was with Jesus yeah we really got to play together if you're awake now then you know get through the damn tutorial so we can actually beat some [ __ ] up because in the beginning of the game they don't even pitch you against anything interesting as a matter of fact I think your whole first playthrough is like a [ __ ] joke you know it's only when you start fighting like the gangster variations or the enemies because the game demands that you get properly SPECT otherwise you'd be swatted in an instant and the whole game is pretty much you still getting swatted in an instant you're not gonna like take more than four or five hits and then not be dead yeah Stephen says how come stripes never comes on stream anymore it's where she lives dude there's constantly baby noises and [ __ ] like that in the background and she's always on stream if you're actually here let's be real I see stripes more than I see you Stephen and not just in the stream chat I mean like in the physical streams but maybe not everybody's here all the time so they can come here and say stuff like why don't you live stream anymore Kyle isn't this a live stream yeah got me [ __ ] up you could get me pee yeah number four all right when I was around nine or ten years old the sky who looked about 40 just kept being you know every single public place that I was in damn it's like they running out of extras with my parents or not he was there at the store he was there he bought everything me and my family bought there is no way in hell there is no way in hell he was buying the same [ __ ] that you and your family was buy Brahe how do you I do you look in school yes he was staring at me on the other side of the school gates take pictures what year was this in the city yes he's following me in the streets I told my parents so many times and they just ignored me and said that I need to stop believing everything my brother says okay one day this guy just disappeared the next thing I knew was that one of my friends kept seeing the guy everywhere she many times pointed the guy out as being outside the school gate watching her I never saw him on the other side of the gate then she told me the guy disappeared a few weeks later and then this other kid started telling everybody about a guy following him after seven months passed I moved at it out of town to another town [ __ ] still gives me the creeps so what was it like a real man or like a ghost just jumping between you know delicious children like what's the [ __ ] what's the [ __ ] Kayal who is playing dauntless or animal crossing with me after this because I won't ignore that dauntless is adorable since it is trying to be the fortnight of monster hunter experiences they don't like what people don't understand these days is that free is a very good price tag dude it's a very good price tag and you know what you end up with people in a situation like they are with destiny the weird parts about the people who are still playing destiny is that they're not playing destiny because it's a dope or incredible game or a great experience they're doing it because they've already wasted so much time in it do you get what I'm saying so because of that they feel like they need to continue to justify not only the time but the money that they've thrown after it to keep playing it so you have games like fortnight where it's honestly fun because they're [ __ ] upgrading or updating that [ __ ] every two days with some new [ __ ] that people can go no I hate it no I like it you know and move forward boy that John wick event was crazy son let me talk about it very quickly there was a John wick event in fortnight recently where you basically um play squads which is like four versus everybody and you guys need to be the last one standing but in this John wick event everybody has three lives and towards the end you have a bounty on your heads and whoever has the you know the number one um towards the very end of the match wins the storms closing down etc only have three lives blah blah blah blah blah the way to play this game type dude is to wait when you first spawn you get that year you don't engage you wait until you see some of the people who are in third second and first place because it marks them on the [ __ ] map and then you go for that kill you kill them you get their bounty so you know figuratively you know um in theory you kill the Pearson in first place right before the end of the match you are now in first place then you win simple as that but I would keep landing because I don't have friends especially that play fortnight especially that play fortnight and are good so I would land they would immediately jump into a fight with some other [ __ ] like this is just any game type and we would lose this was a big deal for me because what was on the line was a black umbrella there's no other black umbrella in the game homie and that kind of fits my aesthetic do you understand so I needed that black umbrella what did Kyle have to do I had to jump on Twitch and find some tri hearts to play with and we won the first [ __ ] match because it wasn't about skill it was about understanding you don't need to engage you don't need to thirst so hard that you're trying to fight everything that moves dude you need to wait and you need to wait for that opportunity to bust somebody in there [ __ ] well maybe when maybe right when they're done fighting somebody else like yeah I gotta you're just like wow I mean done done son I barely got two kills before we wasn't that damn match but they were on people with a target on their head they were the bounties and I got my umbrella it was a fun game mode it was a fun game type but it's already gone is my point these are all limited time events so I imagine in the future dauntless will try to you know be this hyper uploaded up upgraded or updated experience mag masks and the real question is do you play regular animal crossing or new leaf kale new leaf boy how would you what it's like people don't even watch the videos on this channel okay how do you not know what that was such a recent thing on my channel - I will agree that it was probably not named properly so it would be crazy for me to assume that people should watch everything on the channel that might be a little nuts where the hell is Animal Crossing switch was that the most recent time I played let's take a look I'm probably deleting a lot of streams lemons 900 says gotta say man you've got a hell of a voice well thank you shut up cut will happen if it says place on wall oh look stripes is in the stream for whichever jackass was the wall on a canvas on a canvas yes but I will I will let it slide since I'm supposed to assume that you're not watching videos on the channel can you imagine it's my plant room look at saying this we're talking yeah you all right there that's art don't be jealous he's mad you guys mad about the art you know that doesn't like take up space in my inventory that'll be ridiculous did I finish the sunroom modern wood flower why did I why did I envision this room with the bed it I think I didn't finish this room I will do my living story jokes to you it's lame I don't know what's going on in the living room so we'll fix it later did I get into the kitchen at any point can I can you go in there you go in the kitchen trying to show off the kitchen it's not relevant you know yes I'm getting animal crossing is the answer to that question let's finish this list it's supposed to be creepy oh my neck it's killing me so but here we are okay number three I had my laptop wait who sang their play with me Oh Danica said she'll play Dauntless after that's good good we'll see if stripes as a week and then we can play dauntless of TNG and beer oh sure she probably did never mind because it's yellow you wait yeah because it's uh her thing is not green as it should be whatever unless Jesus trying to play [ __ ] Monster Hunter I'm talking about I ain't make it past the tutorial but I'm bored I'm bored you know what all games need explosions in the beginning the game starts you're on a plane but oh my god the planes falling from the sky your pilot is a terrorist and he's mad I really just hope right now and whatnot while you're on board and you take your your peanuts and you ask him hey do you have any allergies and he says just the peanuts and you throw your peanuts at him oh no that planes going down are there any parachutes onboard guess not just gonna have to jump it yeah if you jump at just the right time then you won't you won't be damaged Wow now Jesus says give me a few weeks to a month to get good no Jesus just play with me dude stop stop you're not gonna get good to my dude like I said there are multiple weapons there's you just need to take it a step at a time but it's gonna happen by you actually playing the game we play destiny with you and jaysus my girlfriend needed it she hated it dude she needed destiny and it wasn't like a bias that I had imprinted on her like she probably would have loved multiplayer cuz she plays overwatch I wake up and catch this girl playing overwatch do you get what I'm saying and she's not mad she probably would have really liked the multiplayer if that game had its net code in check dude it really does not it really does not it really does not and I don't know where to begin No okay you're going through the wrong speaker oh god I got my own background feeding into you now were you asleep yes I wasn't trying to wake you up I was trying to see if you were awake the weird part was I only sent you a message so how did the message I'll wake you up it was here in January February March April May June July August September October November this is the later video and it's it's my man talking about destinies a bullshit-ass netcode and why the game's garbage and why the game has no presence in the [ __ ] multiplayer scene and it's because it's a pile of dog [ __ ] man well god forbid and it what's weird what's weird is you [ __ ] made [ __ ] halo yeah I don't care yeah I don't care no more yeah I'm just gonna concede defeat and let call a duty than an battlefield and counter-strike just be the games that people actually give a [ __ ] about it's not about y'all not having to eSports uh you know focus it's about this game being unplayable in an eSports like nobody be interested nobody'd be interested so just wait until the next game I guess oh boy so look um Danica is gonna want to play dauntless because with when am I gonna play with Jade Oh Jade doesn't want to play with me what yeah okay well she messaged me earlier today like the first private message she ever sent me and all she said was that she hates [ __ ] the apex and she's gonna go play overwatch this is stupid did you just say apex sorry whatever the game is the disciple or whatever disciple you guys are piece of [ __ ] number three I had my laptop in bed just because I was going to sleep and stuff that says before I made an offhand comment on some website about how I wasn't scared of ghosts and didn't believe in them I then turned it off and went to sleep with the laptop beside me in my bed all while the ghost train approached next morning when I was trying to power it on nothing happened ever closer grew the ghost train but the laptop feels unusually light that's when I realized the battery had been physically removed and placed in the kitchen I was alone in the apartment and do not have a history of sleepwalking at all she said I'm doing so much Sarika video I'm having so much fun playing overwatch I love fear over watches what where did she get that game is she playing on police station for I don't know maybe she just has $60 laying around shut the hell up Danica that's all she cooks so I don't know yeah she's blackening it she normally makes that where's J I do want to play with Jade if she doesn't disappear but it's late I don't wanna keep Jade up all night so Jade and Jesus I can play monster hunter with them since since since jaysus obviously has some kind of info and fury already complex I'll just play with a weapon I've never played before so we can all be trash and learn from the ground up can she play with anyone that has a ps4 or PC so basically anyone Jade says she's here but I'm at work no no no that's dauntless I'm talking about real monster hunter cuz Jade and Jesus have Monster Hunter but Danica you and me can play this because it's like cross-platform magma says did you know there are games inside of Animal Crossing you can play oh dude yeah I played on um what was the one that I like to play a lot it was like a puzzle game or something are you are you alive right now yes I didn't know you just thought I just started reading a scary story out of nowhere about the ghost train and all this [ __ ] yes god damnit Jade Jade has it on Xbox so we can't play tomorrow that sucks that means you need to download dauntless so we can play cross-platform dauntless the water down Monster Hunter myself really constantly interrupting you thinking that I would reaches on that [ __ ] right sorry true Silver Wolf says I have monster hunter on the ps4 but I haven't touched it yet well add me and then we can play with jaysus so that he doesn't feel like he's you know inadequate the guy that we got to make Jesus feel confident you know and then Jesus also needs to download dauntless the Monster Hunter knockoff you know what download dauntless Jesus and play it and then when you see how like bare-bones that game is and how like simplified it is it'll make you really scared of how intricate wants was because because my god that game has a lot going on that might be too scary I don't know where oh you think I'll ever make it as wild as monster honor I think oh they can really do is keep adding monsters right no they can make it more intricate and have like you know more things in the the upgrade trees and more things to craft than just you know head torso leg and and arms I think in Monster Hunter you have a belt like a little waist thing you know that armor truly is beautiful it's a shame that we can't play that cross platform because I get that for you on PC and then we just played her brain well I remember really like in one of the like armor Danika calmed down what you don't know yet is that there are combos in dauntless and that they are not exactly intricate but executing them on a moving monster is it's a lot of calculation of trajectory how far you are from the enemy and then guessing if the enemy will move into your into your basically like attack range so don't think it's just one button for primary attack and another button for an alternate attack there you know there are move combos I don't know what it is for you guys on on PC but I'll just say like a lot of my combos basically have moves where as long as you have stamina it will let you keep attacking like with the twin blades there's this one where if you set up I think it's like square square square triangle so that's primary three times and then triangle um you can't just spam it real fast like pop pop pop pop pop right um you have to you know watch him do it pressing it one time each and then hold it on one of the times to make him keep like I don't know what to call it like wind milling the blades into the enemy but a lot of the way the moves work is if you don't land the final hit then it doesn't give you all the damage that it would like okay can you help me with because I feel like I'm not using it correctly the gun Yuval you've crafted and started using the gun well there are three pieces or four pieces right because like I've only made three pieces and I can't get this on what's it called this mission done because I don't think the gun is complete but it's still a gun I should definitely have finished this list this is not gonna be what somebody's in the mood for when they uh when they look number one plus one which is do you I was walking to class from the dining hall on my campus when I saw a lady yelling for help and banging on a window of a nearby building sorry I need this thing closer to me good lots of people were talking and walk II [ __ ] through lots of people were walking past but I was the only one who seemed to acknowledge it I went to the window to help and she told me that she was locked in a room in the building and that she needed me to come in and help open the door now I have no idea the layout of this building and where she was located so I decided to call campus security for help despite her pleading with me to not call them and just to let her out I called them and when I hear them coming I go greet them so that I can take them to the window I leave for maybe a maximum of 15 seconds and when I return with campus security she was gone we can't see her at the window and the campus security goes inside to double-check and sure enough there's no trace of her campus security definitely thought I was crazy and I'm sure my professor thought I was full of [ __ ] when I explained to him why I was late no one seems to believe me that this happened but I swear it did you know what really sucks about scary stories these days is camera phones exist dude and I want some [ __ ] proof dude oh yeah I gotta do is take a picture even if it's a picture where you think to yourself that could have been anybody you know what I mean I could have been his friend on that [ __ ] download dauntless Jesus because you're telling me that monster hunters too scary through you oh let's play the baby version Jesus it's a sandbox godless babies no monster hunter baby how can you like say two things like you said to Danica it's more complex a she can secure the chlorine it's true it's true it's true because no monster hunter is a way more complex version of dauntless but that doesn't mean dauntless is only a game with two moves she's totally confused that she's totally confused that you girls without on the surface only look at it as two moves but like there are moves that and I don't mean this in the rude way that I know you guys won't be able to pull off even watching a tutorial because your target is not stationary my dude I'm sorry your target is not stationary so pulling off the majority of your quote-unquote moves which have their own place in your [ __ ] you know menu when you open your menu you scroll all the way to the right it'll show you some moves I'm telling you for some of those weapons that's gonna look like [ __ ] hieroglyphics you're gonna be like how does this connect you know because what you're gonna need is somebody probably taking a video on YouTube and showing you what these moves look like in action right but the hard part is not gonna be making the move happen it's going to be connecting that move with a moving target your enemy is not just stationed like moving your enemy is attacking you're gonna be interrupted in the middle of your combos you know what I mean and that's the fun of it you know that's what it gets right and in trying to be like monster hunter is that connecting with a lot of these moves is impossible but you know what Monster Hunter has it has a lot of jumping attacks that make it so that you can literally run charge at your enemy with an attack you can jump up into the air get over your end in come slamming down with an attack there's not a lot of that in this game there's not a lot of that in this game there's no oh my god um some of the some of the some of the weapons I think there's one called the glaive which is like a spear that allows you to like triple jump with it and the glaive is like very weak but you're supposed to be like the acrobatic class where you're jumping over the enemy and messing with it like a mosquito to keep its aggro and keep its attention and then if you get at it just right you can ride the enemy for a while which really sets it s sets its ass up for a lot of damage from the rest of the team because after you're done riding it you can usually knock it over so that it's on its you know side for a little bit that's why I'm working on the hammer in the game because I want to be able to stammer stammer stagger my enemies stammering is what I'm doing when I'm speaking right now mmm how about that so eater of children says WSP klq and then he says hello okay and then he says I'm and then he says in my room and my name neighbor sensor light just went off and then he says and it's 102 where I'm at you know I'm gonna go ahead and warn you that with five back to back messages if any of my mods were in the stream and they timed your ass out they wouldn't be wrong for it you should try to condense all of this horseshit to one message my man I know it's not popping in the stream chat but please understand there are 39 other people in here and they're not doing this in the chat so exercise some of that restraint I'm sorry that a sensor light went off but hopefully we won't see any more comments from you and we can all surmise that they got us did us a solid by taking care of you or maybe they just walk in and stab your keyboard and then and then you go oh we all pump a fist and go yes at some point you were like this in the stream chat there's no way I think if you wrote three messages like this you just stop WSP klq like you just slapped your keyboard with your hand right and then you go hello and then you go I'm what I'm you know did this dude need to press ENTER after like every word what's wrong with you what is wrong with you even ding-a-ling 4:20 it's more restraint oh my god that's this is a comedy stream now number one on the list of scary experiences ain't nothing gonna tap I have an eater of children in my chat number one are you so yeah I used to have a buddy that lived in the same neighborhood a few streets over oh yeah one night we were having a couple of beers in the back yard were playing cards I had some things to do the next morning so just before 10:00 I said my goodbyes and shoved off it was a short walk maybe 15 minutes stewarded or so I never drove oh yes eater of children is saying more things okay someone's salty cuz then we have 32 views on a stream with barely any comments and you're one of them [ __ ] are you doing here if you yeah you think I'm salty about it you think you're just an idiot that wrote five back-to-back comments that really looked like you were just I don't know smacking your frigging phone with your face dude I'm not salty about it I'm literally in awe I'm shocked by your existence I think you're stupid right and I really don't want to give you any more attention than your parents do so I guess unfortunately we're gonna have to hi now while you can still hear my voice what I want you to do is embarrass yourself by making another YouTube account to get around me banning you so that you can come in and then demonstrate to everybody that you don't care because that's what making another account to come in here will show is that you don't care it's not that I'm salty it's that I am genuinely scared by your stupidity thank you for coming in here and giving us our own personal scary experience according to the Kayal stream you know what I mean well you know what they should have done is is eaten you when they had chew or just giving you to something to eat you because you're probably still a child so maybe maybe the meat will still be nice and pudgy you know what to Hale number one all right I used to have a buddy that lived in the same neighborhood as me a few streets over and one night we had a couple of beers in his backyard and were playing cards right had some things next morning I needed to do so around 10 o'clock I said my goodbyes and I shoved off booj shoving off the way that eater of children had to shove off he's got his stepdads character slur you can't see that stripes what are you what do they say stop calling your stop calling the people who commissioned you they're commissioners are they I don't know they're that Commissioner is like I associate that with Batman his clients better greetings yes anyway it was a short walk maybe 15 minutes so I never drove anyway it's a nice night an uneventful trip but when I got home my roommate was coming out of the front door coffee in hand and dressed for work he gave me a funny look and said that he thought it was I was asleep since my truck was in the driveway okay I told him where I'd been and asked why he was going to work that's when he kind of laughed and asked if I was drunk we stared at each other for a minute and then he told me that it was 5:00 in the morning and he was going in just like he normally did for work in my entire life I'd never felt confused more than I did this moment I could tell he was dead serious but I knew that I had just left my friend's house so it was missing time between 10:00 at night and 5:00 in the goddamn morning I paced circles in the living room for a bit then called my friend whose house I just left he groggily answered and confirmed that I had left 10 at 10 the previous evening I have no idea what happened during those seven hours of my life brah do you believe in uh alien scooping your ass up no I don't know known medical conditions that would have caused me to blackout I just don't know what happened during that time bruh someone says that's amazing I had a similar but much milder story when I was 8 I was standing by the window in my bedroom watching the sky get darker before bed then before it got completely dark it got lighter and lighter and it was the next day I really don't think I slept a full night standing upright at my bedroom window and the transition from evening to morning was seamless now this is interesting look boy I hope none of you get abducted except for that one dumbass from earlier ok just kidding he's not he's not interesting another side to him you know nobody cares that's his whole life nobody cares ok [Music] mmm we out here post and run the jewels videos on reddit Big Boi destroys classroom oh and the ratatouille videos like the the B movie videos where it's just cuts ratatouille yeah is that what you said no well what did you and now for a public freakout with creepy music oh my god his racist stepfather for calling his friend oh my god yes in this before wait why did they say Arthur was not having it today do you think there's gonna be a hard mark in this video that's a big dude that's a big dude who that is a big dude oh no don't ruin my paint job oh my god what are you doing get off the car [ __ ] oh you're not gonna stand on this car what's wrong with you the [ __ ] off the car you standing up on the car for oh my god not that that's okay boy I don't know is that do dress up like a nun who's dressed up like a nun dude from earlier though standing from the car they're all dressed ridiculously but it's like a car show so what would you expect you know they got to be the loudest one there I just thought it would I think this chicken wins what the hell kind of ugly ass pattern is that our clothes unbelievable look before it gets any more violent we should just go to roast me and make it seem as if we're mean-spirited people maybe we're nice people but we live through mean comments on the Internet oh man bye children eaters okay so here's this one chick um for some reason for some reason somebody posted this and says my work friend says that she's unroasted Oh light her up okay so look at that face stripes look at that face this is baby dude this is bait why would they believe why would they believe why would they believe that their unroasted oh that's there's no way there's no way there's no way so now we do is I want you to make your uh tiny titties you know you know want to be fit lady but looking like she's probably thirty something nothing wrong with that but why are you posting some pictures of your 30-something mural ass on [ __ ] to roast me anyway what are your predictions of what are gonna be in the comments section [Music] small titty no Doody magma got it d magma got it that's the first thing that you're noticing about this woman is that maybe when she goes to get groceries she don't need no bags cuz she got that under control so that's what I'm expectin in the comments section okay strokeface ain't a bad one what is jeiza sky L you will never guess who this is who cares I don't do you know you right Jesus Craig guys guess who I am how many times he and then he said KL guess who it is my god somebody wanting attention that's gonna get hidden because you know nobody cares how many times you get ignored what is sad existence you must have if you can still hear my voice loser how sad must you feel that you can say that so many times and no one cares and now I'm done caring bye so in this comment section dude you already know that it's gonna be about the stroke face as we saw as if we saw and we also go see these bad comments you know it so here's the top one the texture of the skin under your eyes is the same as my ballsack what does mean stripes that it's like stretchy and [ __ ] is that really is that what ball sacks are like what it would an innocent comment from an angel yeah no wonder everybody likes you I mean I love getting different - she looks like one of those teachers who who you find out is banging seventh graders oh my god somebody said read the leaflet behind her what is this what's the leaflet behind her say what the [ __ ] why is it calling again it says stigma behind her state there's somebody gonna make a ligament somebody says stigma stigma dick in any ass but hers she works with some sort of clinic oh she works at some sort of clinic um Jesus is saying zoom in like I think it's just a stigma there's stuff it's just a Sigma one see everything I says sexual so my god that's [ __ ] up she's like jumping to my ice axe that's not funny Kyle stop um somebody said biggie smalls disaggregate he she has the skin tone of a well-worn leather sofa a leather sofa you wouldn't sit on can you guys not that's her skin that poor woman she looks like she loves carrots and getting her hair brushed stripes they callin a lady horse-faced look at that long no that's enough that's enough it's only good fun what okay you want this girl look at that she looks kind of cute right you know you know you know in a kind of insecure way notice I'm sharing know disagree with that and plus it looks like she's at least got like D cups in there look wouldn't turn her away that's for sure what's the most that's why she's putting herself up here cuz she wants that she wants that sweet attention so if you go to her like tous history probably find a new to her nah she's not she's probably insecure in a way where she's seeking validation from the wrong types of people if she does have nudes on her [ __ ] it probably wouldn't be on this account that she's going in on roast meat with a but I mean I will go in for your sake too just a lot of comments in here not a lot of posts you know you see let me see if I sort by top what we can do nope it's just this one posts and one other post three months ago on atheism here's one that says what's the rudest thing a houseguest did in your home my boyfriend and I have a friend who is really more of an acquaintance now let's go it was a war robots ok UK weird so now we need to go to you should tattoo a rebel flag on those tits because those boys going south they don't look that bad people make it seem like every titties are saggy that's funny though somebody said they also look like Moses visited them as they parted them you came to the wrong place your tits clearly need a more supportive environment oh my god yo no oh bra size 34 long what the [ __ ] is just titty comments say it looks like Luna Lovegood crashed the scooter into the cosmetic counter oh [ __ ] [Music] I've seen better-looking national Geographics elderly natives with a better goddamn did use a garden slug as a stencil for those brows bruh bruh [Music] it's a cute face man it's the it's as jaysus and I would would would would we know you know we'd fist bump and say it's the kind of girl you did gzip on you know maybe with protection you know she's a little too passively cute she's like the type of cute that most guys would look at and be like oh yeah and that's the problem you know you want something that's like I don't know how to describe it with they're posting teen girl squad videos cheerleader bra Jesus says she looks like she's hiding much more with that angle Kyle know that she's cute from most angles it's just you know there's something about her you know okay now here's what here's what's up you know here's what I'm saying and I don't know this girl so I can't speak from experience but um there's the types of girls who post on roast me for a laugh and there's the types of girls who post on roast me low-key for that validation of knowing that they're pretty because here's the thing read it as a place filled with lonely dweebs right so for every roast that you see there's about 50 comments of guys thirsty to be this girl's girlfriend and since she's from paged on the stupid ass site or the stupid ass page I should say she's got about a hundred dudes and probably money rolling at her from guys that are just like girl I could do what should be free to do girl hey you know some nice titties nope it's just a stupid top and you know she's hiding some of that figure with that crap to you here who are you fooling woman who are you fooling with that and look at that awkward pose as if to show off that tattoo you that's an awkward pose it looks like a lasso what no [ __ ] the tattoo in general and I'm like it could be some kind of weird infinity symbol that some some her and her family member got you know what you got a tattoo and you gotta explain it away because it's like ooh some [ __ ] but the problem is Amy let me see something here I she looks like somebody but I can't remember her name am I thinking am I thinking of Chloe grace Moretz I don't know who that Chloe is this girl couldn't get more than 37 dust so sad nobody cares it's like it's like maybe people do care and out of the kindness of their heart they were kind enough to downvote her so that she wouldn't be massacred you know yeah Jesus said I was thinking that too kick-ass it's like it's like a I didn't even call it a discount version we're like a dollar store version you know I'm talking about not even a great value version just like the you at the dollar stove you at the thrift shop that's about to spoil oh my god Chloe disgrace Moretz oh [ __ ] we all had the same thought then the face says 110 but the hips say 180 oh no what's wrong with that god I like a low I like him think you know what's the problem what's the problem Oh somebody said no dude passes on a sure thing now listen to me now listen to me this is my point okay this is my point no matter how tore up or heroin addict D some of these girls look when they post here thank you for taking me here oh this is the type of page that could get me in trouble and they they're all electing to be roasted so it's fine but is it fine man she got a chest you could iron a shirt on oh it's so rude that we got dia rolling through dolls like what's up Jesus Christ Jesus look it'd be fairly pretty look girl looking for attention online who told you you were fairly pretty how do you promote yourself like that why do you do that get downloaded that's it that is it yo we we go should we should I even read it yeah yeah that's how somebody's [ __ ] starts let me see here oh my god dude oh my god do you know the only person God thanks for turning their back on oh yo you look like you can you can bore someone with it I can't tell what's bigger your glasses your nose or your penis they were deleted you wanted to know yeah let's see you wanted to see fine genius someone just says are you sure it's a chick damnation I don't like that mm-hmm brah one of them says can't make up my mind what I want to to do pick your gender first okay that wasn't as exciting as X I didn t because they wrote that in the title I can't make up my mind what I want to do and they said pick your gender first somebody else just says quit breathing all our oxygen okay do you know what do you know what sword or sheath is it's a subreddit where you know people who can't pass as the other gender go Pat a couple still around what do you mean there's always gonna be a new incarnation to that yeah there's always gonna be a new incurrent we need to get out of here roast meat I mean it's funny because this is supposed to be a creepy experience thread and hopefully somebody's having a scary experience just uh just rolling through this uh so reddit you know well ya know girls if you're feeling insecure and you want some attention but you want to make it seem like you don't want the attention just go post on a roast meat you know and for every 10 comments you get if some guy going look at this fugly ass [ __ ] you'll get 50 comments of guys being like you are so gorgeous and many of them will be coming at you because they think you're insecure and that you know they'll stoop to because you're insecure your stoop to their level but uh oh my god why why is it uh why is it a big body one just give us the face it's like yeah they're trying to distance us from the face and some about those teeth are in roaring oh she's in like a work station those teeth artificial is [ __ ] why are they so long those are some long teeth right not her teeth done recently wait wait whoa whoa whoa but why are they so long why is it she posted a whole pig sure her like she's really proud of this figure but then she wearing a big long shirt this is the type of shot that you would see from somebody who used to be fat and now they're like losing a little bit of weight but this isn't the top that you wear to accentuate that you're losing weight why is she in a shop you know taking this kind of picture like instead what do so people know that she is an engineer or something bra what is what was it even titled this just gets weirder and weirder it says don't hold back you know says don't hold back somebody said that's one weird-looking kitchen and this is the most bisexual picture I've ever seen for tools in the entire area and they're all covered in dust except for the dip are they you can't well you can't really tell from here bro it's a good joke nobody even cares yeah that's the problem what we're gonna do is search based on the top things cuz we never come here so it'll be amusing I want you to I want you to choose the last one we're gonna go into okay here's one of a guy you know he's just a typical looking Chad strong structure in the face wouldn't call him pretty you know but he looks he looks uh he looks fit and confident confident enough to try to get away with hair like that so you know I don't think there's really much to see here again you're gonna be the one to tell me what we go into um you know board girl long face understands that she should put her hand on her face because if we were to see it without it that would be quite the shape for a face stripes if you were to just to draw a line around the outline of that long face this is a big long face ooh boy ooh boy she's not unattractive it's just a different structure for a face than I've seen in a long you know what it reminds me of Skyrim you're not telling me to go in here but I need to go in here to see if I can find any Skyrim references for this face dude she looks like a Skyrim person so okay the the thank you for that follow-on deal I've the weird part is it says roast me harder than my Turkish family already does on the daily for being unwed at the ancient age of almost 30 okay your Turkish okay so someone says no because even if we completely annihilated you with this roast your Turkish family would spend the next 90 years refusing to acknowledge this genocide get it because they're turkish so wow the roast is at the expense of Turkish people hmm someone else says I can tell you right now that you're gonna need to settle for an unwed Turkish goat you're obviously not worth the two chickens and the go everybody's just going in on the Turkish part if you're faced with the Hong Kong well thank you for that follow frits dargas what if your face was any clearer the US Armed Forces would be trying to bring democracy to it don't worry look I'm just gonna control the sky there's no sky rib and it's too late for you to be the one that's the POTUS so much too late I never comment on anything somebody says unwed you're not entirely unattractive so you must have an awful personality that's funny hmm look that makes me upset that there was no like elf comments Hong Kong well thank you again for its why I don't know something to do with look is this dude's eyes really looking in different directions dude how cost Hong Kong thank you for all these follows this is getting pretty gangster hmm but I wonder if they can keep it up for 50 how come 50 accounts 50,000 accounts can you do it can you beaut beaut - PewDiePie this one says this one says Hong Kong Hong Kong he just wants the Hong Kong's I'm sorry your wife divorced you but you shouldn't have been seeing someone on the side get it cuz look at his eyes at the same time Hong Kong wait I didn't picture what says how are you sure you're looking at the correct profile to ban it says good thing he finally got that dual monitor setup oh my god Hong Kong Hong Kong well I think he's really done about four or five because it's Vincent's Prince's birthday today you and words will be the death of you Frank's Hong Kong what the hell I feel like I have to keep this thing up now to get all of these hot follows dude to get all of these spicy Hong Kong spicy fault even though he's probably only got like seven of them to go though you know that's the bottom line why are people retracting messages I wonder what they say hmm message retracted is this that one guy baby eater most likely you know look tell me tell me which one to go in and that'll be the last one all right so you don't like that do you like one of these yes show me you tiny girl I really like the tall girl though who couldn't who can lie that's like a manly dude you know maybe she's not even that big maybe she just looks bigger next to the short girl I think oh no it's dia no it's do go in on it what's going on boys all right here we go I can't believe that first guy already ran out of counts typical and I thought he'd be able to do it for 30 accounts I still appreciate it though for it's the gender swap app is just getting creepy now it is ma'am those hands could could wring the ink out of paper holy [ __ ] God look at her hands this is scary something scary about this this is like your creepy yo I can't use that for creepy that would be rude hmm key imagine though if it was just like she has can't man hands George she looks like she gave the world's rough okay she just mashes it words can't hurt her but her man hands short good [ __ ] up someone says looks like someone just painted Batman's mask flesh skin toned and stapled a wig on it somebody says this is so out there it's amazing listen yeah das prepared my food whoever is still alive and wants to play games while I nursed this terrible neck pain let me know in about a half hour you know send me a message on snapchat or on skype or you know it's probably just Annika wait is your plane with us yeah might be time for dia to crank it up okay then that's just one person you can invite so no I think if well Jade when she wait jade has a [ __ ] xbox so when no yeah it was just be Danica for now until somebody else decides they're interested so guys um I'll catch you guys soon sorry this list was weird I don't know what do you expect we expect out of me you'll get better lists when I'm streaming at the normal time when I'm not nursing this ridiculous uh neck pain cuz this is outrageous I love you I'll catch you soon very sorry for missing the window of the normal stream but it won't happen again um thank you and I'll see you again soon I hope you don't befall or wait I hope no scary experiences befall you because that the better way to phrase that oh boy take it easy guys you know but actually I should hit you with something even scarier very quickly before we had to hold on and here's hoping nothing shows up in you get him Panos okay
Channel: Cyael
Views: 2,508
Rating: 4.5500002 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, brainydude, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, brainy dude, cowbelly, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, trending
Id: sd1vGbA5dEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 29sec (6329 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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