Who Truly Deserves Fairies In Fairly Oddparents?

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who truly deserved fairies within vad parents well the criteria is simple if their life is relatively miserable to the other kids then they are eligible for God Parents so let's start with the man that kicked this off in my community post Chester mcbadbat lives a very interesting life and there's a lot of evidence to lead you to understand why his life may be so miserable to deserve god parents but before I get to that for those who don't know Chester already had godp Parents once within the episode it's a Wishful life in Ultimate Reality where Timmy was never born it was shown that cozmo and Wanda would be in Chester's possession and he would use them for selfless purposes cozmo Wanda come on we're late for our shift at the senior center we're going to wish up pre-wed Stakes for the toothless what a great kid so selfless and wishing for others while very generous I do want to stick to what happens in the main reality of the show within foul bald which I spoke about before Chester would play baseball to bring honor back to their family name as frequently the their mailbox is destroyed because Chester's father was that hated as a baseball player however as we' learned through the episode sleep over and over while he doesn't necessarily enjoy certain things in his life like his TV going out he's very happy and grateful for where he lives and has a great relationship with his father in fairy Idol this is strengthened as when given magical powers VI Norman to Genie he uses his first wish to spend time with Timmy giving both of them the best day ever yeah ooh he'd use his second wish to restore his father's name to Glory rather than to shame finally releasing him from hiding his face towards the end of A Fairly Odd Movie joran makes a rule that Timmy can keep his God Parents only if he decides to do good things with them and I feel like Chester would only do good things if he had God Parents in this reality as his soul is very pure however since that rule only applied to boy's name Timmy Turner Chester's life is not miserable to dimsdale standards even though he does get bullied gets fs and fought a coyote and now you're going to get your beaten by a Chester badge Bring It On Wy I don't believe that he necessarily deserves god parents but if he did have them that'd be cool speaking of kids with fairies let's speak about a kid who has fairies within the show while we know he has a God parent ju Deo magnifico does Remy Buck of Plenty truly deserve God Parents we meet Remy in the episode Fair fairy Quite Contrary where through his money and influence he's able to outclass Timmy in a wide variety of things ranging from buying up all the movie tickets for himself beating him at an arcade game and being Crimson Chin's richer and better counterpart don't worry CCE I'll I'll save you way to go cleft rich boy chin wonder when Timmy finds out about Remy's Godparent he'd later learned that the reason Remy has won deimo in the first place is because his actual parents are neglecting F and he's quite insecure about that Remy Rides Again is the next time we'd see Remy bucks of Plenty this time without that one Deo because he would lose him within the prior episode and he orchestrates an entire plan to get Timmy's life so perfect that he doesn't need God Parents anymore which includes using his limo to go into class five-star meals and bribing Trixie Tang to go on a date with Timmy Timmy this is the greatest night of my life and I get to could you lean to your left spend it with you well in the real world someone going through all of these links to get back at someone does make them miserable on the inside within Fairly Odd Parents all I see is a kid using his near infinite amount of money to wield the world as he wishes without god parents because remember he lost the magical duel in the prior episode if he doesn't need Wan deimo then he doesn't need fairies in fact this will become more parents in operation fun where Remy would again orchestrate an entire plan to lure Timmy into a military boot boot camp bribe the lead officer into making Timmy's experience extra miserable plant a butterfly net on top of coso and Wanda to prevent them from fixing this and nearly blow them up not even thinking about his parents so much as the first episode would imply giving that they ignored him on the island on that deserted iseland father discovered oil and Mumsy opened a Seaside luxury resort pretty soon they were busier and richer than ever before so in my opinion Remy doesn't deserve god parents because his life fundamentally is not that miserable even without the lack of a parental Aid Trixie Tang is a peculiar case because there's a lot for and against her having fairies she's the most popular girl at school as shown multiple times of many episodes dedicated to how multiple guys especially Tad and Chad together want to date her within just the two of us we learned Trixie has a major insecurity that's been built up over the long period of time that guys chased after her to the point where she can't be in a stable relationship because she enjoys always the amount of guys that admired her weird huh it's like we're the last two people on Earth but that means there are less people around to adore me I need somebody to adore me I'm here okay don't ever leave my side not only this but she's been magically altered to like Timmy multiple times which within the context of this being a wacky 2000's comedy show isn't anything to worry about but from her perspective is at the very least a annoying within love Shu it is implied that Timmy asks Trixie to be his Valentine every single year and thus she has filed a restraining order after the last time while she seemed to change her mind in this episode Timmy has earned being too obsessed with Trixie over the course of the show within Class Clown had Timmy not wished to be the funniest kid on the planet he wouldn't have been able to give Trixie a plant that nearly killed her not only this but she'd have a major identity crisis where she loves boy stuff but couldn't come out publicly to say it because herself self worth hinges on our popularity I like you for who you are blah blah blah blah not for what everyone expects you to be a friend to you oh my gosh that is so sweet but uh that's what I have girlfriends for security if Remy buck aeny as rich and influential as he is can have fairies with this miserability Factor being his distant family then personally Trixie having fairies because of her identity and personal insecurities is just as valid but what about her best friend Veronica is best known as Trixie's most likely best friend she appears within a wish too far where she's skeptical of Timmy's new found popularity Timmy Turner mhm no it's a trap no kid could get so popular so quick my spasmo friend does have a point Trixie that's wrong you can't say that you're going to get me demonetized anywh who Timmy responds to Veronica's Justified skepticism by blinding her and yes she continued to be blind for that day she's implied in more than a few episodes to be on the lowest part of the popularity quartet that is Trixie Tad Chad and Veronica receiving quite a bit of slapstick such as in class clown where Timmy dramatically trips into Veronica as they fall into the fountain she'd be tackled by AJ within the episode hailed to the chief which I want to note because whatever AJ did off camera gave Veronica a black eye but most importantly or weirdly she is shown to be oddly attached to Trixie and to a lesser extent Timmy the former she'd want to be like within information stup Highway she'd claim to actually be Trixie and within Mind Over magic she'd imply that she has a crush on toy but let's see if that's how she really feels why is this loser talking to me why isn't that loser talking to me with all of that said Veronica is quite crazy but her life is not miserable she's just not the most popular one of the group so she does not deserve god parents but what about the rest of Timmy's friends AJ to me is a very open and shut case he's considered very well off if you've seen his home and his inventions he's built a lot of Contraptions including an older brother with an old brother that for one time made Francis afraid of him great child release the Creator hey he also has a pretty solid friendship with Timmy shown as early as Powerman but they've had their problems too within smarty pants AJ's gloating goes too far and Timmy wishes to be smarter than him leading into a power struggle with who's more intelligent even though Timmy wished for it AJ is legitimately smart but it also comes from his close relationship with his family within the episode just deserts it is shown that he sits down with his mother and his father and does math problems instead of having a conventional dessert yay dessert a math book it's Tuesday on Tuesday we multiply fractions for dessert nothing is sweeter than knowledge his friendship with chester is unrivaled within the show show arguably closer than Timmy's despite their problems as well such as in sleep over and over where Chester and AJ argue over who's better between Crash Nebula and the Crimson Chin or in the episode Remy Rides Again where Chester uses a lot of slang that annoys AJ for being used awkwardly you are wiggity wiggity whack G I asked nicely while Chester was more of a tougher case AJ's life is not that bad for dimsdale standards and he does not deserve fairies Sanjay is considered Timmy's third best friend who also suffers within fairly OD parents but does he deserve God Parents his friendship with Timmy also isn't that great and has worked against his favor such as an escape from unwish Island despite not being close enough with Timmy to go to his home he'd be kidnapped for Association are you friends with Timmy Turner well we kind of hang out together but I've never been to his house close enough within power Pals he was shown to be another victim of being taken advantage of by Timmy he doesn't seem to to take this to personally within the show and maybe it is for the best given at sanj dreams about Timmy rescuing him on a white horse I'm having one of those dreams where I forgot to wear my pants sweet and I'm having one of those dreams where Timmy saves me again but where is your White Horse He also appeared to be taking a date that looked suspiciously like Timmy to the school's romance dance his family from what we've been shown is unlike most other kids within the episode old brother he shown to have a happy and supportive relationship with his step brother Sanji let me give you a lift to school you have a big brother yes he is my stepfather's son and not only is he the greatest big brother ever but look Juicebox little bro because of his seemingly healthy relationship with his brother and lack of true resentment for Timmy he doesn't appear to be miserable at least not enough for God Parents even with the bullying from Francis Elmer is an interesting case but it is quite clear if he deserves god parents or not he is the biggest nerd at dimsdale Elementary School and is Timmy's backup friend regardless he seems to have a good friendship with Sanjay picking him as a lab partner within the episode Most Wanted and having fun with him at the beach within Beach bummed he's confirmed to be the fourth closest friend to Timmy and was given an opportunity to change that by being a decoy within the episode no substitute for crazy little is known about him besides the club he's a part of called future Flemmer Society he's also known for its boil which has a mind of its own as shown within M over magic luy cheater I hope nobody notices my boil has a mind of its own silence you fool wait turn your head turn your head well it comes up mostly for comedic effect what's more surprising is that within love Shu and just the two of us he had a girlfriend with all of this said I do believe he deserves God Parents given his lowest rank on the totem pole the freaking bullying by Francis and sometimes Timmy and his boil which we'd learned that Timmy's responsible for in it's a Wishful life however Timmy would gain another friend before the end of the original show to those who don't know Chloe is a character added to the 10th season of Fairly Odd Parents she's instantly loved by all of her classmates for pointing out that they shouldn't even be at school liked by Timmy's fairies because she's a nice human being on casual terms with the president of the United States to the point where he cries if he can't call her loved by Timmy's parents because she made Timmy's father rich and gave Timmy's mother a makeover instantly loved by The Neighborhood because of the extravagant party she throws and given fairies by jorgan on her first day in dimel without explaining why all in the first episode it's explained that while she has great intent her well wishes lead to disasters you really get me and now that my foot is healed I can destroy the city man see I tried too hard to fix things and I end up annoying people destroying cities and then no one wants to be my friend the first episode does not show Chloe's life being that miserable so much as it shows Chloe is just too nice for her own good sometimes while that seems like a flaw on paper with the context that Chloe had to share fairies it makes little sense why she was the first pick if she's not that miserable compared to her peers without fairies it seemed like she already had a good heart and wasn't particularly disadvantaged besides a few moments before so in no Universe would Chloe deserve fairies with these circumstances but the opposite is true for this next person toti is generally known for being overbearing and over emotional within the show always chasing Timmy and constantly being tortured by Vicki but she doesn't have god parents within the show funnily enough toy wasn't always this way in the OA cartoons era of the show known more as season zero toy was chill and her crush on Timmy wasn't exaggerated in fact Vicki was also quite nice to her sister which is such a stark cont contrast to the main show hi Timmy no I'll pick you up later sis have fun however in the main Show starting with the episode boy toy she's actually not that liked the episode makes it clear that Timmy Chester and AJ don't like her at all pelting her with water balloons but Vicky doesn't like her as well ruining her toys and making toti do her chores in fact Vicky would have a very negative relationship with toti punishing her as much as she punishes Timmy to which we don't know she gets paid to do so every time Vicki would ruin every single birthday party toy had because no kid would want to show up if Vicki was there we'd also learn her parents don't show up for the exact same reason hi honey sorry we missed your birthday party Well we'd have been there but we were too afraid of Vicki in fact my biggest point is that the show even confirms through Cosmo and Wanda that toti is twice as miserable as Timmy which allowed Timmy within the episode birthday wish to loan out his fairies to toti Timmy according to the rules you can only loan your fairies to someone who is twice as miserable as you [Music] are happy birthday to you happy birthday to you well that settles that to me it is an open and shut case that toy probably deserves fairies the most out of anyone on this list but this episode also shows us why she doesn't have them one of the rules of having fairies is is that you can't tell people that you have fairies tuty cannot keep her mouth shut even for one night T I knew you'd come Jimmy meet my fairy princess not another word regardless if we're speaking purely in terms of who deserves them not who can keep them then even with that massive flaw she still deserves fairies and probably just needs to be told to keep her mouth shut more often you might have noticed that I was keeping a giant secret on this last box and and it is because it is a character that a lot of you might not know so Hazel Wells at the time of recording this is the main character in the upcoming show Fairly Odd Parents a new wish an early copy of this episode has made its rounds throughout the community and I figured to put her through the test as well she's recently moved into the big city of dimad alphia and has to fit in with the new kids including Doug dimmadome's grandson Dev Dimmadome who gives her a hard time now without spoiling too much the show has made it clear that she doesn't have friends and resorts to using Pet Rocks as a coping mechanism for the pain she has of missing her brother despite this she does have a somewhat positive outlook and a healthy relationship with her parents relative to the other kids in dimad Delphia she does seem to be the one having the hardest time in this world Cosmo and Wanda don't have a God child so there wouldn't be any sharing involved and based on the leaks episode she comes across as someone who deserves fairies and I can't wait to see what the new show offers especially after the live-action reboot went nowhere got cancelled and was scrubbed off of Paramount plus and if you haven't heard about the liveaction Fairly Odd Parent show Fairly otter you should definitely check it out in this video here
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 252,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fairly oddparents, nickelodeon fairly oddparents, nickelodeon, fairly oddparents show, fairly oddparents reboot, fairly oddparents a new wish, fairly oddparents leak, fairly oddparents tootie, fairly oddparents chester, fairly oddparents rant, fairly oddparents review, fairly oddparents da rules, fairly oddparents the rules, fairly oddparents trixie, fairly oddparents sanjay, fairly oddparents fairy world, fairy world, nick fairly oddparents, fairly oddparents timmy turner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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