Who Should you wish for in Patch 4 6 Arlecchino, Lyney, Wanderer, Baizhu

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genin's 4.6 patch brings the highly anticipated arlino as well as reruns for Linny Wanderer and Buu and while some people know exactly who they want to get a lot of people are having trouble deciding that's why in this video we'll go over arino Linny wander and Buu's strengths weaknesses team viability and overall value that way you'll know if one of these five stars is worth your Primo gems after I do a brief overview of each character I'll tell you who is the best value for you and give you a proven strategy that will help you get the characters you really want in the future each of the five stars on this list will receive a grading from bad to great in several categories including personal damage support capability team flexibility and free-to-play friendliness I'll also recommend characters that would make good teammates for these five stars since you often need specific characters to really unlock the power of a limited five star but as always if you know who you want already then just wish for them this is a guide to help clarify what the patch 4.6 limited five stars can do well and what they struggle with that way you'll be prepared to solve any problems that arise as you play them and just know that arlino is a new five-star character so we'll still need to test her out fully to understand exactly how good she is but based on the information we have we can still give her a proper evaluation with that said make sure to like this video to receive the blessing of shark luck and don't be afraid to share it with with anyone who you think it can help let me know who you're pulling for in the comments below and we'll start the grading with the newest addition to the genin cast The Nave arlino arlino is an onfield pyrro damage dealer who uses a bunch of random mechanics to make her normal attacks much stronger I covered her kit in depth in my previous video discussing her value and play style compared to nalette so I'll only cover the basics of how she works here otherwise this section could be quite long if you do want to know more details about her I'll have that video Linked In the description but here I'll give you an overview of the most important points aro's play style involves using a slew of mechanics to enhance her normal attacks giving them a big damage boost and also a pyro infusion AR Lino's skill deals AOE pyro damage and serves to apply a mark called blood debt to enemies this Mark deals pyro damage every few seconds but what's important about it is it records how long it's been since was first applied to the enemies and arlino can use a Charged attack to absorb the marks from the enemies and create a bond of Life the longer the enemies are marked the greater the bond of life she receives but luckily you only have to wait a few seconds to get the maximum value from this ability the bond of Life prevents her from healing from everything but her burst and it also gives her a big boost to normal attack damage and a pyro infusion when the bond of life is over 30% of her maximum HP P during this special State arlino not only receives that big boost to normal attack damage and the Pyro infusion but she also has increased resistances and each normal attack will reduce her bond of Life while also slightly reducing the cooldown of her Elemental skill as you can tell it takes arlino a few steps to get to her enhanced normal attack State unlike wander H tell iyo or Y mia Who simply have to use their skill to enter a similar enhanced normal attack State you also have to manage AR Lino's Bond of life because every normal attack she performs while in this enhanced state will reduce her bond of life and you really want to keep it above 30% so she can keep her pyro infusion and normal attack damage bonus AR Lino's Elemental burst deals AOE pyro damage removes any remaining Bond of life and heals arlino based on the amount of the bond of Life removed plus a percentage of her attack and most importantly it also resets arlino skill cool down allowing you to use her skill Mark enemies absorb The Mark with a charge attack and then use her special normal attacks once again immediately after her Elemental burst the bond of life that she places on herself and the fact that the only way to heal her in combat is by using her Elemental burst make arlino a character that is very frail despite having increased resistances this downside can be mitigated with shields but that ends up being a sizable damage loss whether that's worth it or not is a personal preference as some people may like playing arlino for maximum damage but with a higher risk factor of her being knocked out and some people would prefer to do less damage but have protection from damage and Interruption that a shield provides so how good is arlino is she worth burning your Primo gems for or is it better to remain fatherless for this Harbinger it's time to give arlino a rating aro's personal damage is good to Great arlino has all the tools to be a great onfield damage dealer but there's a high degree of variability for how she performs she's a pretty frail character because of her mechanics and she's also highly reliant on her supports for damage and her highest damage potential will not use Shield characters like Jang Lee playing arino also requires managing her bond of Life in Her enhanced State and timing it with your rotations so playing arino well takes more forethought and skill compared to many other characters in genin impact and because skill is only about half the equation with arlino and the other half is making sure you have the right characters and offensive supports for her aro's damage will fluctuate quite a bit between players if you have the support she wants and take the time to learn her best rotations then she'll do quite well but if you don't have the support she wants and just try to spam attacks with her then she'll feel mediocre at best AR Lino's support capability is is bad she is an onfield damage dealer and if she is not on the fields dealing damage then she does not contribute anything to the team this is typical of many hyper carries because you have to build an entire team around them and if they're not on the fields they just simply don't contribute anything to your team AR Lino's team flexibility is okay she has several different teams that she does very well in but they often require fairly specific supports so they're not always the most flexible teams for example arino does quite well and a chevis overload team but to play that team you only use pyro or Electro characters so that limits your choices quite a bit however she also does very well in a standard vaporized team with jincho or yolan sucros Caza and Bennett and she also does pretty well in a normal attack hyper carry team with yunen Bennett and Jang Lee for a little bit more Comfort however characters like finina are not a great choice for arlino because the HP that her skill reduces plus the Bond of life that arlino puts on herself and can't be healed by any means other than her burst make arlino super squishy with finina and the timing and consistency of farina's hydro application with arlino are a lot more difficult for vaporized setups compared to yolan and jincho so while there are several different types of teams that arino can be used very well in the characters in those teams are often very specific and there's also certain characters that she just does not want to be paired with so her team flexibility is just okay AR Lino's free-to-play friendliness is okay she has decent free-to-play weapon choices but really wants good supports and good teams to really show her potential while her signature weapon is undoubtedly great for her and R5 white tassels a three star spear is just as good and even outperforms several gotta fourstar weapons so she actually has a good free-to-play weapon option but with without proper support characters she may look amazing in combats but her damage might be a different story so while she's very free to play friendly with regards to her weapon Choice her Reliance on specific supports for specific team setups make her less free to play friendly AR Lino's overall rating is good arlino will be a solid character and I feel like she is mostly an indicator of the strength of your account overall what I mean is that she alone will not elevate your account to a god tier level but if you have several highly in demand support characters then she immediately becomes a lot better and if those support characters are well built then she will feel even stronger so if you can make a good arlino team like a vaporized team with Bennett and yolon or shincho and an overloaded team with chevis and Fel yiko or B arlino will scill very well as you build those supports but if you don't have any good supports to make a cohesive arlino team then her damage will really suffer and it's probably going to feel a lot more frustrating to play her then it is fun for these reasons I would not recommend arlino for brand new players who likely don't have the support she really wants and speaking of supports recommended teammates for arlino include Bennett jincho yolan kazuwa sucros chevis fishell B yiko yunin and Jang next is the Magnificent magician and Cat in the Hat Summoner Linny Linny is an onfield pyro damage dealer whose play style revolves around aiming charge attacks with his bow and yo-yoing his own HP up and down a good way to think of Lenny is like tanari mixed with Hut you're mainly dealing damage by using your special bow charge attacks but you're also constantly reducing your own HP and then gaining some of it back to deal more damage and if that sounds a little risky it definitely is but some people playing might find this high-risk High reward play style very appealing it's also important to mention that Linny is massively incentivized to play in a monop pyro team because of a passive that increases his pyro damage by a ton when you have multiple pyro members in your team and you're attacking an enemy who is affected by pyro so how good is Lenny is he an absolute Beast even if he is a glass Cannon or do these magicians tricks fall all short Len's personal damage is good to great he is an onfield pyro damage dealer with the potential of dealing tremendous damage but you really have to work for it using aimed charge shots on bows is naturally harder than most other play Styles your field division is narrowed allowing you to be hit by attacks much easier because you just don't see them coming as often and your movement is also a bit limited making it harder to dodge attacks while still firing to top it all off it can be a lot easier to miss charge shots altogether when fighting small enemies or enemies that jump all over the screen and for these reasons I want to note that Len's potential for damage is very high but he does require a high degree of player skill in order to really maximize that damage if you can solve all these problems while also lining up all your party Buffs just right and then rapidly fire off his special charge shots his damage potential is very high in single Target but if if your timing isn't nearly perfect or if you have to dodge attacks or the enemy is moving too much then Len's damage potential will decrease dramatically you could mitigate some of this trouble by bringing a strong Shield character but maximizing Len's damage will still require more skill than the average play style Len support capability is bad he is an onfield DPS and doesn't benefit the team if he is not on field dealing damage he has the typical hyper carry syndrome meaning that you have to build a team completely around him because he doesn't offer anything to the team if he's not blasting away on field Lenny's team flexibility is bad Linny really wants to play In Mono pyro teams but he doesn't have to play in monop Pyro Team unlike a character like Neu who you have to play with only Hydro or dendro characters if you want to use her Unique Mechanics Lenny does not lose any Unique Mechanics if you play him in other types of teams he just loses out on a ton of damage that being said he is likely going to be able to do much more damage in monop pyro than he can in a typical reaction team so if you want to maximize his potential your team flexibility options are quite limited and you'll probably see a lot of Linny plus two other pyro characters and sucros kazwa or Jang Lee running around Lenny's free-to-play friendliness is okay he really wants at least two other pyro characters on his teams to maximize his damage everyone get Shang Ling for free and she pairs very nicely with him even if you do have to play a little bit up close in personal with her on the team he also really really wants Bennett as the healing and attack buff are massive for Lenny and he can also use C4 yon as a shielder Tomo however is not a great choice because you have to use normal attacks to keep up the strong version of his shield but you can also use chevis and Bennett with fishell or yaiko in an overloaded team with Linny this takes advantage of lenn's passive to increase pyro damage but it also may cause more problems the overloaded reaction causes an explosion that knocks enemies away making aiming your charge shots that much more difficult this is definitely still a good team option but it certainly does have its difficulties he also has decent free to playay weapon options like the Prototype Crescent or song of Stillness so it's often easier to get a good weapon for Lenny than it is to get him a great team Lenny's overall grade is good his personal damage is quite solid and he has some good free-to-play weapon options but his play style squishiness and desire to play in a mono Pyro Team or in a chevous overloaded team may turn some people off Linny requires a higher level of perception and awareness in combat compared to most other characters so he may not be a great fstar to play if you can't judge when an enemy that you can't see will attack you however you can play him with a shield and that is a great solution even if it does reduce his damage potential but hey you can't fire your bow if an enemy is constantly knocking you out of your charge shots recommended teammates for Linny include Bennett Shang Ling kazwa sucros C4 yon for her Shield DEA chevis in an overloaded team with fishal or Y Miko and Jang Lee the next five star on the list is a sojourning hat guy that everyone has garnered a lot of hype for in the past it's the former sixth fouille Harbinger and God wannabe scarmo or as he's known now Wanderer Wanderer is an onfield Animo DPS whose special mechanic involves channeling the powers of Zahir to float in the air and shoot wind blades at opponents his skill puts him into a floating State and in that state his normal attacks and charge attacks are enhanced and he can use charge attacks without consuming any stamina he does however consume kyoku points which are basically just a floating meter that shows how long you can stay airborne he can move freely in his floating state but if he ascends or dashes his air time decreases much faster as noted by his floating meter Wanderer does have a passive talent that allows him to get a free Dash and shoot some homing wind arrows when he performs Dash but this free Dash passive procs randomly and it's therefore inconsistent and shouldn't be relied on his burst is just a big extra stomp of damage that is really satisfying to use and has also awakened some odd feelings about wanting to be stepped on at least according to many players Twitter accounts but there's a couple really important things to note about Wanderer number one his hurt box is deceptively large when he's floating it extends all the way to the bottom of his feet which just so happens to be the same height as a tall character this means that Wanderer is actually a lot more vulnerable in the air than he seems and that he will get hit by attacks that it looks like he can avoid while you can Ascend Wanderer upwards to avoid more attacks that reduces your floating meter by a lot and it also severely cuts down your damage window the second important thing to know is that he has no interruption resistance while he's floating so how does the angsty electr Animo hat boy Stack Up and does he truly earn the nickname that I gave him let's give scarm Moosh The Wanderer a rating wanderer's personal damage is good to great he is a hyper carry so that is to be expected but what's not to be expected is how he achieves his damage Wanderer needs a lot more investment than other hyper carries because he isn't relying on any reactions to amplify his damage instead he's relying on very good artifacts weapons specific characters that can buff his Animo damage and and attack speed as the only real sources for buffing enimo damage are farizon and buffing attack speed are either Ula signature weapon the song of broken Pines or ma he doesn't have access to a lot of the things he really wants at least compared to a lot of other characters wanderer's support capability is bad he is a typical hyper carry and thus has hyper carry syndrome if he isn't on the field doing damage then he is not contributing to the team since his entire kit is only meant to work on fields and he doesn't provide any form of buff sustain or other Advantage for teammates wanderer's team flexibility is good despite his best teams being quite Niche you can use wander in pretty much any team that you would use sucrose as a driver in I.E vaporize freeze taser and so forth his personal damage is good and running him with off field damage dealers makes the team feel a lot better just note that you really don't want to build him with elemental Mastery for swirl damage you just want to build him with lots of attack and crits he also has a unique problem in that some forms of off field damage particularly the types that follow your character like ka's burst will follow wander as he floats making them completely Miss enemies unless the enemy is just massively tall Wanderers freetop play friendliness is okay to good he has a good free-to-play weapon option in the flowing Purity a fond main craftable catalyst and he feels pretty good to play in the Overworld but he feels much stronger in the early and mid game than he does in the late game because he needs a lot more investment compared to other characters to really shine this means you'll end up spending more resin and wishes for better artifacts weapons and teammates for him compared to other characters especially because he really enjoys several supports with high constellations like C6 farizon Wanderers over rating is good his damage is good and he's really fun to play in the Overworld but he feels quite bad in several domains and the abyss if you don't have a shielder or a highly invested team setup while his floating mechanic seems super fun and really unique you soon realize that it's really not that special and actually it causes more problems than it solves if you had innate resistance to interruption or the movement speed and range equivalent to nalet while floating he'd be so much better but with his capabilities being what they are he's still a solid damage dealer just not the absolute best recommended teammates for Wanderer include farzon especially at C6 Bennett Toma Jong Lee fishell B jincho yolan finina MAA and Lila the next five star on the list is the good doctor who treats people's maladies even at the cost of his own health baiju baiju is a dendro catalyst user and healer his skill sends out a serpentine spirit that hits enemies before returning to heal your whole team his burst puts up a very weak Shield that is meant to break because when it does it heals you and then it refreshes a few seconds later while every once in a while dealing dendro damage to enemies close to you baiju's skill heals a ton and while his burst provides a shield that is pretty much only good for blocking one hit until it refreshes so enemies that are super aggressive or attack mult multiple times over a few seconds can easily knock you around baju was always a pretty decent character but he was Often overshadowed by ya Yao a four-star dendro healer that is nearly as good as he is so how does the sickly doctor Faire these days it's time to give BYU a rating vu's personal damage is bad he has low range and low AOE potential especially for a catalyst character his damage scales off of attack but his heals scale off of HP and his multiplier aren't high enough to justify building him to totally deal damage and sacrificing his healing capability baiju's support capability is great his healing is amazing and will be more useful with characters like Vina his burst gives a little bit of interruption resistance as well and while it's far from a perfect Shield it is plenty as long as you know when you have to dodge unlike me who just face tanks everything his passive Talent also Buffs dendro reaction damage when he heals you and while this is not a massive damage boost it is still nice BYU can further support the team with a prototype Amber for more healing a fonus codex for team energy or a thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers to massively buff one character's attack but normally you'll just stick to either the Prototype Amber or the favonius Codex baiju's team flexibility is great as a djo character baju is welcome in a ton of different really powerful teams knoop Bloom teams aggravate or spread teams and Hyper Bloom teams all really appreciate BYU just note though that he is not great as a Solo dendo character like Nikita is because his skill and burst don't apply enough dendro consistently when he's alone and you also don't get to use his skill that often in your rotations but when paired with the dendro traveler and especially niita his weaknesses become much less apparent baiu can have very high energy recharge requirements especially if he is the only denjo character on a team and we're talking upwards of 250% energy recharge or more in some cases but you can solve these problems by using a second dendro character in a team or giving him a favonius codex or high refinement prototype Amber and if you do that you can splash him into a lot of teams and make them feel super comfy baiju's free-to-play friendliness is great the Prototype Amber and thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers being easily accessible weapons for him as well as many different team comps he can be in allow Buu to be a great free-to-play option for a ton of different players but his damage capability is quite low and he's not going to feel great for people who struggle to defeat enemies but damage dealing characters are quite common and good healing characters are not meaning that baiju can be valuable for those who want him for quite a long time as long as people don't expect great damage and dend application from him they'll find his medicine is anything but bitter baiju's overall rating is good he has ratings of great great in several categories but it's still hard to fully endorse baiju he's always been a valuable character but yoyo was often more than necessary for people who wanted a dendro healer now baiju has become a character that has a lot more to offer especially in teams with finina as his skill healing the whole team will charge fina's Fanfare Stacks faster and he's still just as valuable in the same teams as he always used to be even if Yao yo can often be a good substitute for him I would personally recommend trying to get Yao yo instead of baiju if you want a dend Healer but baju is still a solid choice and there's nothing wrong with wishing for him if you want him recommended teammates for baiju include Soo Ayo Neu finina spread aggravate or hyper Bloom teams and pretty much any other team that wants a dendro character and a Healer so now that the grading is complete who should you wish for in patch 4.6 well my personal recommendation is is not to wish and save your Primo gems this patch unless you really want one of these five stars all of the five stars coming in patch 4.6 are pretty good but none of them are without an alternative or replacement there are plenty of onfield damage dealers that reach these same power levels as arlino Linny and Wanderer and baiju can easily be replaced by Yao yaow we also have not had fen's rerun yet and she would be a much greater benefit for most people's accounts and if you're not in love with a character or just unsure about them it's often best to wait and see who will be coming up in the next patch before you make a decision that way you'll know if the current or upcoming Five Stars will be better for you and if you don't know who would be best for you you are welcome to come by my twitch stream and get my personal recommendation you can tell me who you want who you have and I can give you my recommendation on who would be best for you and your account I stream daily in the mornings Eastern Standard Time and you can catch me live at twitch.tv/ shark heart that's shark h3art I hope this review has been helpful and clarified the value of certain characters for you please let me know which character you're going for and don't be afraid to stop by on Twitch and ask me for my Shark blessing 50% of the time it works 100% of the time I love you stay jawsome and I can't wait to see you in the next one
Channel: SharkH3art
Views: 46,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, is arlecchino worth it, arlecchino review, lyney review, is lyney worth it, arlecchino vs hu tao, arlecchino or wanderer?, arleccchino or lyney?, how good is arlecchino, how good is wanderer in genshin?, how good is baizhu, is baizhu worth it?
Id: uS0jIpiVWN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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