The Top 5 DPS in Genshin Impact

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Fontaine has absolutely changed the game when it comes to how strong that we expect our main DPS is to be and with the release of arlino we have a brand new Contender for the top spot so we're going to go through my picks for the top five main DPS in genin Impact to help you decide which one is for you welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build I recently participated in one of the biggest events that genin impact has ever had and me and my team were able to take home first prize in this $40,000 tournament and now that it's all wrapped up you my community will have a chance to win some of that prize money thanks so much to Samsung Galaxy for putting on this amazing event and for sponsoring this video this event was of course the grand finals for the Galaxy battles genin impact where myself and some of the biggest genin creators competed in various challenges within the game to score the most points over the 3-hour time limit thanks to my amazing teammates volti and bra ofone we were able to take home first prize and that means that you will have a chance to win one of the very same devices that we competed on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra as well as $850 of cash prizes simply by clicking the link in the description this new device features an incredible processor and Screen which made it a joy to play on throughout the event I encountered no performance issues over the 3-hour event super fast low times and it was just an amazing device to compete and play on this amazing phone also features a number of Galaxy AI features one one of which being the not assist with Galaxy AI which smartly allows you to organize your notes which I even personally used for my recent guide video make sure to click the link below to learn more about the phone enter the giveaway or purchase it yourself so that you can upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra of your own and start gaming like the pros now before we actually get into the list main DPS has in the past been used as sort of a misnomer because of course what we think of is that the onfield character is the one that deals the majority of the damage but in gench and impact a a lot of off Field characters such as finina yolon fishell Etc do a large portion of the team's damage from off field and depending on the team sometimes it's Shang Ling sometimes it's other characters even the off Field characters might do more damage than the onfield character so in the past main DPS has been a bit of a misn where you don't just have like a main DPS and three supports however times have kind of changed in more recent years hyper carries are becoming more and more common and becoming a better and better play style and yes off Field characters like f and yolan will good damage and there are teams that take advantage of that but the onfield character these days especially for the characters on this list are really really good on fielders and do do a large portion of the team's damage maybe not hyper carry levels maybe not all of the damage maybe they do have very strong sub DPS is but they do a lot of damage in their own right so I think main DPS although it is still the name that most of the community uses so that's why I have it in the title but just so you know we are talking about onfield DPS as a bit more of an accurate title now let's get into the [Music] list starting with number five I am honestly going to do a bit of a cop out because it's really hard to choose I think that the top four are very very very clearly defined but the top five is so so difficult all four of these characters I think have a shot at being number five Linny has such high theoretical damage and if you can play him or reset properly or just play play Godlike or just not get hit while you're charge attacking Lenny does Godlike damage higher than some of the other characters that are even above him on this list so I think that there's definitely an argument to be made for Lenny being number five but for me his gameplay issues just in practice don't work out for most people so I don't really feel comfortable just slotting him in the number five spot I think a lot of people just will not be able to or don't want to play with this play style and it's not practical or consistent to have him do the clears that you see on speeduns or in the I think Hut has an absolutely great claim of this number five spot both if you do have her C1 or if you have her shenyun plunge teams the damage is insane her AOE got a lot better she has different double Hydro teams honestly some of my very fastest single Target clears have been with utau and her AOE performance as long as use cazo is not bad it is serviceable um I think utau is a really really strong character and just more consistent than Lenny for me although her damage is a bit lower the theoretically in practice myuta almost always clears faster the other character you could absolutely consider as a top five main DPS is Ryden now Ryden does have driver roles where she drives finina yolan shenyun but she also has main DPS roles that utilize shev Bennett Sara fishell Shang Ling some combination of these characters and these teams do incredible damage especially front-loaded damage in a short DPS window where you can very often just one rotate bosses or boss phases or even multi-wave scenarios and just tear through them really really quickly it falls off a bit because her Partners such as changling and Sarah have longer coold Downs than her so there's downtime in the rotation which make her actual DPS numbers lower and her personal damage especially without very expensive buffers such as chevar C6 is substantially lower however she does have a huge amount of quality left life with her energy recharge as well as her infinite Interruption resistance that just make her of a favorite choice for many DPS is out of these four characters she's the character that I would actually recommend to most people as a main DPS even over some of the top five just because Ryden is so comfortable and easy to play and if you are willing to invest in her teams and or her constellations I'm just considering constellation zero five stars for this video I think she would have a much better shot at actually me putting her in this top five spot if I could reasonably assume that more people had chevo C6 that character makes a huge difference and the C6 Buffs really really help Ryden her damage scales very well with those Buffs so if you don't have those Buffs it's hard to argue that she's really on par with these other characters um I don't count that against her this is a team game that's what ginin is but to argue that you have a c0 ryen with a C6 chuse at this point is very very unlikely as chus has only been on one Banner so I can't in good faith just slap her on this list above the other characters but I think that there is an argument to be made and and I would recommend her to a lot of people finally vying for this number five spot is Xiao Xiao has gotten insane Buffs with farzon and shenyun just absolutely cracked and with finina as well so all together xiao's teams are better than they've ever been and it has really put him some people would argue that he's easily above the other three characters on this list and that he truly just belongs in the top spot um and maybe above some of the other characters that we're going to talk about today I personally still don't quite think so actually similar to Ryden where he needs a dedicated two dedicated five star supports and a C6 fourstar that's never appeared on his Banner granted it was on Shen yun's Banner um but it's still a pretty tall ask and even then I don't know that he passes that he fully passes all the DPSS on this list I'll be testing him more I have tested him a bunch but I'll be testing him more before my next tier list and I'll get you a better read on if he really is a top five DPS but for now I'm going to say you can pick your poison for these four I really think that all four of these characters deserve the top five spot now let's get into the really juicy picks let's give you number four the fourth best DPS in genin Impact is Navia Navia is a wonderful character she's the first Geo character that I genuinely was super excited to play she's one of the most fun characters in the game she's very easy to play she has a huge amount of front load she works with a variety of Team comps a lot of people talk about how she's tied to Bennett but actually her best team is herself chiori finina and Shen Yun and you do a Navia plunge team but Navia Bennett team is very good as well which use almost completely different characters you can use three different Geo characters you can use Jong Lee albo or chiori you can use two different buffers finina or Bennett or both and you can use shenyun or yaiko or fishal or yolan you can choose a lot of character as your Elemental applicator or finina of course when you pair with Bennett and overall her huge damage like these frontload these nukes are really really good at bursting down enemies bursting down phases her damage does scale with personal investment like investment into this character so having say the battle pass weapon or just really cracked out artifacts well-built supports she also totally doesn't mind switching off field if you need to she's totally flexible to different waves of enemies you don't need to refresh any Buffs she has very flexible field time and I think she just has the potential to get even better in the future Navia is an incredible character and arguably could be higher on this list but I think right here is about right because the top three DPS actually could you argue that she's higher I don't know the top three DPS are really really good it would be really hard to knock one of them out of their top spot maybe if she gets a more dedicated support maybe if you have chiori C1 maybe that could help but as is I think Navia is solid as a rock number four and we'll go into number three which of course is dendro kaching your beloved alyam and although I don't often talk up this character because hyper Bloom is such a strong reaction at a baseline Alam has gotten even bigger boost as of late with the Advent of finina making his quick Bloom teams even stronger and his damage has always been insane he's always been one of the top DPS if not the top DPS in the game he has two two to three different teams whether you count hyper BL bloom or spread or quick Bloom different teams but spread is also a very good choice if you have more heavily invested into five star weapons or Nikita constellations the teams are made up of such great elements for different Elemental checks he has very good AOE not insane but good AOE and very very good single Target he also has pretty flexible rotations and things and creative things that you can do to maximize his uptime I think there would be a number of people that would actually argue that alham is the best best DPS in the game and I think that you can make some arguments for that and his DPS is really really good but I think that the number two the top two characters really are A Cut Above and that's just because they're Fontaine they're built different but before we go into them let's talk about our honorable mentions NE is definitely an honorable mention cuz she's not really a DPS I guess I would call her a buffer or a support but she really is the central focus of the team so like she could definitely be on the list if you considered her a DPS but she's not really so eh I think Risley is a really really great DPS I just feel like his teams the damage isn't quite there and his teams like he doesn't make the team he just functions very well with good characters to make solid teams so I definitely think that if you especially want to lump him in with the four characters in the beginning I think there's an argument to to that I think Talia also has a shot especially if you want to again lump him in with those four at the beginning of the video I think he's a really really great character and you can do some insane clears with him but he's kind of similar to Linny where I don't really think it's practical I probably realistically should have included him in the four below I think that there is an argument to be made that he does belong in the top five I just think his stuff is tricky and difficult and I do you know I do I do make I do value him less and plus he's not he is an on Fielder but he's not quite an onfield like DPS he's doing DPS but Shang langing is doing more DPS since he's enabling her to vape I still think he's an insane character and if you really want to main him and master his techniques I just think that it's not worth it as worth it compared to the other characters that can get more for Less work if that makes sense like sometimes International still has some of the fastest clears for for speedr running and his AOE is just insane so like he does deserve it to an extent but it's just so hard man and yeah skill issue blah blah blah but this is my list you can make your own list there's other good DPS but if I keep giving honorable mentions we'll just cover every single DPS in the game really this list should have just been top four because I was so undecided for my top five but I think you guys can understand at least you get to hear me talk about the different characters right you guys want to know about all the genjin characters not just see a top five list in list format right you want to hear the nuances so that's why I did four at the bottom really the list should have been top four but that's okay we're in the end game now [Music] the top two DPS that I have yet to decide on who is number one and again it's my list I make the rules arino and novlet are the top two DPS in genin impact and I'm having a really hard time deciding which of the two is actually better noet obviously is way easier to play he's way more comfy if you value quality of life which I do value quality of life you just put nalet higher probably however arino does have a higher DPS ceiling than novet in single Target and her AOE is absolutely incredible as well she does have more downsides not being able to be healed losing more team damage when wielding a shield whereas Jong Le gains team damage when using J or sorry novet gains team damage when using Jong Lee so overall like novet is my most recommended DPS but I think that AR Lino is the best at doing DPS so who is the best DPS it sort of depends on your definition and I just personally haven't played arlino in enough abysses to really tell and yes I could wait until more abysses come around and we can do more testing but I really wanted to make this video now because I wanted to give my two cents on the debate before our Lino Banner ends I think that AR Lino is cracked I think that she's crazy um and I think that as people actually unlock her talents and can actually build her properly they will see that she is tied to Bennett so if you don't have Bennett or your other deep other team really really wants Bennett then her value can definitely be lower but she's not tied to finina whereas novlet is very tied to finina yes he can work without finina but it's basically the same situation as arino without Bennett all noval let's best teams have finina all our Lino's best teams have Bennett potato potato not every team uses Bennett these days and a lot more teams use nolet these days or use finina these days so I don't really think that you can say that her Reliance on on Bennett is like that much of a negative because she does have solid teams without it in the same way that novet has solid teams without finina they're just not their either of their best teams by any stretch obviously novet healing himself and arino not being healed if you I mean arlino can heal herself too she just can't be healed by other party members and it can make her trickier to play so a lot of people also off the Hop will have a harder time getting used to her I guess I should talk a little bit about why arlino is so much better than Hut or Linny or these other characters that that I put in top five or I put in the fifth spot she does more damage and she's very easy to play as much as you need to not get hit it's very easy to actually get Max damage with arlino the majority of players if you learn to dodge you can actually just get Max damage without crazy animation cancels like Linny and Hut require a very mechanically intensive combo game as well as not getting hit to really Max other damage where AR Lino you just need to not get hit you need to Max Mash normal attacks and not get bonked by the enemies so for that reason I don't think that her skill like her there the skill expression is different than the other characters and I think it's a more fun skill expression at least to me than doing annoying cringy attack cancels like sure there's definitely animation cancels that you can do with arino but you just need to not get hit novet does have some gameplay issues if you're not using a shielder because if you don't you don't have a C1 but but most people are going to be running Jang Le or baiju with him so they're not really that's not really a huge deal His Highest damaging teams do run Jang Le or baiju you might say that nolet's element is better Hydro but neither of these characters really use their element they're both just also how cool is it that both their animations kind of match Eh this is like on purpose or something but anyways both neither of them really use their elements like yes AR Lino Vapes or uses shev and novet electroch charges I guess but Nei but both of them are essentially just damage element you just run characters to buff their damage Noth that's not really using the hydro reactions for freeze I mean you can use Charlotte sure and you can use hyper Bloom but you're losing damage on that you're both of them really just want to be buffed like hyper carries and I also think that both of them do have some potential to have future characters that will make them even better like arino has to play in circle impact with Bennett which can be annoying that's definitely a pro in nolet's favor but I kind of feel like you do so much damage that it doesn't matter AR Lino has a much bigger front load which is a big deal so novet does have higher sustained damage but arlino does so much damage at the beginning of her rotations that if you really invest into her talents or artifacts the team you hyper buffer you can really get some insane clears and her sustain damage is still good um both of them have really really incredible weapons and constellation ones their constellation ones are like 25% increases to their damage and arino gets both of them get Interruption resistance these are the top two DPS um arlino is a little bit more high risk High reward noval let's a bit more safer and mashy but I think that depending on how you value like arlino is mashy too and she's pretty easy to play too it just depends on what you like what you value and we'll have to see in more abysses as well how are Lino fares over time those have been the top five main DPS in the game let's see if claran can come in and power creep Ryden and join and knock the others out for the top spot I think it definitely could happen and you'll find the conclusion to that in my tier list so make sure to subscribe and see that tier list if you want to see my full arlino guide that I break everything down I tested 30 plus teammates with her it is right up there so go check it out take care bye for now
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 237,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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