Why I’m dropping Genshin Impact for Wuthering Waves

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] Papa tell me that story oh yes son I will I can't do this [ __ ] anyways let me just tell you how genin was pre-released right so when genin first came out there was really no competition the only thing that it was being compared to is breath of the wild at the time and makes sense you know the cartoon aesthetic the paragliding the fighting stamina the climbing it was just like damn like these [ __ ] really just ripped off Zelda like that but me personally I was going to try regardless cuz I liked breath of the wild I was fresh off that itch of breath of the wild I beat it already I was like I need something else and it was going to be free to play so I was like oh [ __ ] maybe I can make content on this and actually try it out and so I did but yeah at the time there was nothing really against it think about it it was if anything it was prime time it was like the California Gold Rush and no one else is there but you you're like I can't believe no one else is doing this right now [ __ ] we were in the pandemic a bunch of people who are working just got a bunch of free money like we were just sitting there like just itching to buy something or do something so genin said hey let's make a gotcha game in the middle of the pandemic with all this free money those [ __ ] got rich these [ __ ] got rich and kudos to them you know right time right place type of [ __ ] you know so now a lot of these other companies that are seeing how much money they made they're playing catchup right now now they're trying to be the next genin so to speak but they're not going to be the next genin they got to be the themselves so that's why I'm hoping weaing waves is going to be itself so now with weaing waves release coming up in a little under a month from now how is it stacking up how is it being compared well for one everybody in their mom is comparing this genin me personally I'm stacking it up against genin just because we already know this is its direct competitor I want this to be so good it makes moyo or hoyo verse have to try now generally speaking moyo doesn't have to try just because they have the market on un lock right now you [ __ ] are going to keep coming back and summoning every single new Banner that comes out that's all that's all they have to do they just have to throw it in an AI generator you [ __ ] are going to come back with your wallet in your hand and just give it to them that that's it and until someone else can make better looking characters or something that can Captivate you guys you guys are going to be stuck on the genin until until you're done so to me I say it's good because it's always good to have a little competition now there are other people out there there trying to say oh weathering is going to kill genin it's going to it's going to end it genin's done for pipe down [ __ ] pipe down little dog genin's not going anywhere despite how you might feel about genin despite the practices mooya might do about genin into its fa it it's not going anywhere genin's here to stay until mooo pulls the break on genin so if you think this game's going to kill it it's not if anything it's going to take a dip into molo's pockets for sure they're definitely going to have to look at the release and be like okay wait a minute we might have to fix some things so as of yet right now I can't see it completely destroying genin but if it does and somehow it's the number one game for a year like when genin was doing that it just back to back rewards oh man Moo's going to you guys going to be getting them free summons it's going to be it's going to be a crazy year for the gacha community so we going to see honestly the game developers are Make It or Break It For Me through the experience with genin I can realize that hoyo does not give a [ __ ] about us not give a [ __ ] about you guys they just want money and they're going to keep giving you guys content and that's it but they're not going to make things a better situation for you let me explain there's a lot of things in genion that just makes it a general chore to continue playing this game like there's mobile game systems in this game but just stretched out to pad time and it just doesn't work in an open world game built like genin like for example you know whenever you log onto a mobile game you have to do your daily missions right you get your free crystal so you can summon it's nothing crazy but if you finish all of them you get to do a single summon or whatever right yeah genin you can do that too but it's hey we need you to go talk to this person for 5 minutes then we need you to go travel to this side of the map go do this Mission boom you're done hey go kill these enemies for us real quick okay boom you're done okay now go do this now go do this thanks now do it again tomorrow you're like okay after a few years that gets tiring when that's literally the same thing thing over and over again and there's no way to speed it up or Auto do it or maybe just speed it up you know in a mobile game it's fine to do that because it's like okay I just click a couple buttons I'm at the mission already and then let me just beat these people up okay I'm done but in genin you got to run there you got to talk to a person that's unskippable then you got to go do the actual Mission then you got to go do this then you got to might you might have to go turn it back in as well like and that was just one Mission when you're like okay three more to go like there's a lot of things in gen that if the developers just added it it could improve the quality of life very simple things that now they've recently added but it took you 3 years to add it like I was watching one of my old videos right and I got a genin ad on one of my own videos mind you genin don't [ __ ] with me but I got one of I got a genin ad on one of my genin videos and no knock to bro get your bag bro get your bag but this [ __ ] told me about the quality of life changes I was legitimately complaining about in my video do you see this here's what I'm talking about right here and then this [ __ ] talks about oh they fixed it finally after a couple years what these are things that could have been in the game already and been fixed but yeah you can just tell that mooo is very on their type of timing kind of like some apple type [ __ ] like you know oh we want things done our way we're going to do it our way and until we see a reason to do it your way we're not going to Meanwhile with weaing waves at least the devs have been pretty open open about everything they're doing and they take player feedback now I'm not saying I want devs that are just like pushovers and do whatever the community says no that's not that but if people have gen genuine like concerns then that should be a thing like for example I was watching someone uh stream the game right the closed beta which you shouldn't be doing allegedly and I noticed that the sword sounded really flat right I was like uh I hope they fix that in the full game and they are other people had the same sentiment saying like hey you know the swords actually don't sound that good like the weapon it sounds very flat it sounds like a piece of salami slapping some cheese it was like uh like it doesn't sound good they fixed it it has a a bigger mph to it now okay it seemed very minor other people would be like no they don't need to change no it matters it's something that it doesn't sound good same thing with other things people didn't like the story they changed 90% of the story to make it better it seems like they're like really in this people didn't like how some parts of the world felt very dark and drab like it didn't seem like enjoyable to walk through and so they're like okay we'll fix it and they fixed it it seems like they're genuinely taking player feedback and like okay we're going to give it to you guys so you have a good time not to mention there's a lot of other quality of life that just is improved that genin doesn't have for example genin you still Sprint and you run out of stamina dumbest feature of the game now you sprint you don't run out of stamina you can infinitely Sprint in weaing waves the only thing that cost stamina is when you're running up walls mind you you can run up wall walls you don't have to regularly climb them and when you do a speed Dash when you do a speed Dash is only when you lose stamina but you regain the stamina pretty fast so it's like basically don't and you can do air dashes and other things you can zip line so it's like traversing to a place isn't a chore as much as a chore as it is in genin like what do you mean Jong Lee has stamina this [ __ ] can summon a meteorite but he runs out of breath then get your fat ass out of my screen I ha I hate it I hate traversing in that game and you might say like oh but they have tons of fast travel markers on the map don't you think that's an issue if I don't want to explore the open world you made if you made an open world but I have to I feel the need that I have to fast travel everywhere that's an issue that's a flawed game design like I can understand if I don't want to Traverse from [ __ ] I I forgot the actually it's been so long since I played the game I don't even know the [ __ ] playes Le away to [ __ ] um twink Castle I forgot his name so if I don't want to fast travel between these two places that I understand but like I shouldn't want to fast travel from the front of the gate to to this Tower to this archon Tower like what but I understand it's cuz moyo locks their quality of life changes behind each character which we'll get into deeper later in the video as much as I might [ __ ] on genin I do love their world I don't even have to sit here and Yap to you guys cuz no one wants to sit here and hear me Yap I'm actually just going to show you some of my favorite parts of genin's world with some music behind it so you can see exactly what I mean I'm actually not going to do that because I would required me to download that game and actually play it and record and I'm not doing that [ __ ] man so instead here's some pictures and here's the Wei theme music there you [Music] go now that's the same thing with weathering waves it's kind of harder to get some clips of the open world since the game isn't out so instead I'm going to just leave a link or actually put a card at the top right of a video I think you should check out of weathering waves super cool you get to see a good idea of what I meant by the game is pretty but in a different way so go give that video some love now this is probably going to be the longest part in the video I'm going to be talking about the game play which is the combat the traversal and the day to day that you'll be actually experiencing it so for one we're going to start off with the genin because that was the first one released we're going to talk about that now genin's combat if you haven't played that game it's more of a team based game in terms of building your team out and making them synergize with each other so that's one thing that is cool so if you just get lucky and get all the best people that run with each other you're going to have a great time especially if you're able to spend that time grinding them out you're going to be hitting big damage numbers you're going to be stun locking people it's going to be you're going to be destroying all the G enemies right but if you're a person that likes to have fun you're not going to have fun genin is not a game to have fun in it's a game to just kill time okay that was being biased let me explain I I thought of the most Perfect Analogy to explain the combat between genin and weing waves okay so I'm going to compare them to like subway but instead of sandwiches we're building Burgers if you went to weaing waves right and said I'd like your signature burger please they'd be like one signature weing waves burger and they'd have all the essentials they'd have the meat they'd have bread they'd have ketchup mustard cheese and pickles now if you just said e to any of that you need to grow the [ __ ] up and increase your pette you little toddler and you're like wow this burger looks pretty good and what else could I get on it and they're like oh yeah we have tons of other flavors if you pay extra you can get barbecue sauce you can get bacon onions relish or whatever else we have in the next coming months you're like wow but if I just decide to eat the signature Burger I can get a lot for my buck right and they're like yep but then you go to genin right and you walk in there's bugs crawling on the ground and all right let me let me stop I was a little biased okay let's say you go in the genin right and there's one bug crawling across the ground but you go up to the cashier and you ask for a signature burger right you're like hey let me get that signature genin burger and he says one genin coming up and bro brings you a meat buun sandwich and says order up then he throws it you're just sitting there staring at it like that's it and he goes oh no of course not my bad you can add a lot more there's a whole assortment of extra ingredients but you have to pay extra for every other ingredient you're like bro you're having me pay for ketchup and mustard separately that's like a main Burger ingredient that's the difference between the combat all you can do is regular attack heavy attack and a ground slam like you jump in the air and ground slam and then they have their character specific abilities but again there's a lot of movements that are just missing from genin that could make the combat way better typically you're not on one character for more than maybe 5 seconds in a fight 10 seconds if you're lucky you're going to be constantly switching between characters so if you like to have a seizure I guess you can play genin but typically I like to have a character and play that character that's why I have my Ula team and I have my EO team because most of the time I have them but they're only out for about 10 seconds at a time I'm never able to just play as them like the entire time because no matter what I'm going to take damage and yeah sure you might be able to dodge but it's not even a real Dodge it's you manipulating the eye frames by sprinting like there's not even a real Dodge in the game like what the [ __ ] so it's very Bare Bones and then there might be certain characters that Implement a Dodge like Kaza being able to propel himself in the air but if you don't have Kaza you don't have access to that and then there's you know Jean Lee making a shield but it's like if you don't have Jean Lee you don't have access to that it's like they have crucial things that are locked behind a specific character orbo being the only character in the game to Parry and she still takes damage in her Parry I like what the [ __ ] the point versus weing Waves everybody has combos everyone has access to normal attacks heavy attacks aerial attacks and I don't mean just a jump and a slant I mean legitimate aerial combos like you can you can juggle [ __ ] in this game if you are familiar with Devil May Cry Bayonetta near automata any of those games you're going to feel right at home here because there's characters in here who feel like a Dante that feel like a 2B that feel like a 9s they legitimately made the combos to like oh yeah if you want to juggle a [ __ ] juggle a [ __ ] like it's it's good it's great and it's not it's every character it's not like oh I have to have said character to be able to Parry every character can Parry every character can block every character can Dodge every character has a combo some characters have longer combos than others but that's fine there's a trade-off some characters deal more damage they're easier to play but that might be your cup of tea you might not want to learn all the combos of a said character you might want to just be like I just want to do high damage and just hit a few buttons and they have that and that's perfectly fine I like that but in genin it's just hit switch hit switch hit switch it's like [ __ ] bro [ __ ] now traversal traversal has been a big thing for me that is one of the reasons why I stopped playing genin once you have an open world but it's not fun to Traverse your open world you [ __ ] lost me now the engin has tried to REM to this by adding certain areas where you can like zipline to it but that's [ __ ] boring it's just a long zipline and then it shoots you in the air and then you just Glide it's super [ __ ] slow to Traverse anything in this game why why is the game this slow the fastest you can move in this game to my knowledge is yon when she Sprints and uh little little girl little saou I think her name is when she rolls like you can better have a full Animo team and roll a saou 3 years four years since this game's come out and it's still this [ __ ] slow why as big as this map is I still run out of stamina when I'm sprinting the fastest you can do is doing that that glitch where you have to run and jump you have to Sprint jump like why do we have to break the mechanics to get anywhere fast it feels like a chore to play your [ __ ] game not to mention if you want to get on High Ground have fun climbing [ __ ] you're about to climb that mountain for 40 minutes you better not run out of stamina [ __ ] god of gods but you have to climb dumbass system dumbass system it's so stupid bro but in weing waves you can run up the wall just just Sprint you can climb too as well if you want but it's like why you can run up it not to mention you have have a grappling hook and you Glide and when you sprint you don't run out stamina you just Sprint you can do a speed Dodge you can do a air boost you can do back flips you can do a lot of different things that it's like wow they actually understood that traversal has to be fun in an open world game that's like playing Assassin's Creed but you can't climb or do parkour like what's going on here buddy why is your game so boring again games are just being big for no reason and how big genin is it's like what the [ __ ] bro why is your game 100 12 GB of boring [ __ ] you I'm sorry I'm sorry I I just oh it hurts my now the day-to-day aspect again like I was saying um genin felt like a chore to do anything it was a lot of systems and menus and stuff it's very it's built very mobile gamees uh mobile game but padded time because you have to run to the place now and then cooking just why why is the cooking there why can't I just cook in my menu it's there's a lot of things in this game that's just so just there needs to be a lot of quality of life changes to it like I should just be able to at this point because I have pyro characters everyone I I promise you everyone in this game has Shang lling shanling the the little cooking girl everyone has her once you obtain her you should just be able to cook from your menu she should just grab Gumby whatever that nigga's name is and just cook that's it that's there's no there's no reason for us to have to go to a menu to cook anymore we shouldn't have to go to a set place I bet you every genin player has her at least at least cuz you get her from the story mode for free so once you obtain her you should be able to just cook from your menu there should be a lot of things like when you get sucrose and or albo for example you should be able to just craft from your menu there should be no reason that I have to go to a crafting table and craft you more this [ __ ] is dumb now I'm sorry it's it's there's so many Q's that if they just added it I might be able to stomach genion I'm might be able to play it for more than 5 minutes a year that [ __ ] dumbass game [ __ ] hate it it's so annoying dude it's it's such a disrespect to your time your dayto day is a [ __ ] you that's why it's it's a it's a whole just a middle finger they lick it they spit on it and they shove it up your that's that's all it is it's a huge [ __ ] you they waste your time and then not toin it's a gotcha so like [ __ ] you I know you want the new character but [ __ ] you maybe gotas aren't for you buddy maybe maybe moo doesn't want how to make a good [ __ ] game you know what that's what's crazy that's why a lot more people like Star rail than they do genin nowadays isn't that crazy because you know why cuz star rail is linear it's because there's not a lot of padding yeah you still have to Traverse somewhere but it's not as back breaking as this one a lot of the [ __ ] you can just do in a menu I hate genin with a passion oh God oh God oh that's another thing genin you have to have a good team build you can't just run whoever you want to run you can't just run Amber duuke chongyong and Jean Lee just because you like them just because those are your favorite characters you can't run them that's not an optimal team build now me personally if you asked me I said I wouldn't give a [ __ ] enjoy who you enjoy but genuinely from the gameplay standpoint you're not going to have a great time you're not going to maximize your potential and that's one of the issues with me with genin versus in weathering waves it seems like it's not necessarily about the team build there is certain things about the team build like obviously you want like a DPS you might want someone who's a buffer like someone who gives you Buffs when they're on screen and that the stay off screen um but it's necessarily like if you want to run three DPS is cuz you want to OAB boonga you can and it's not going to really hurt you as much if that makes sense like it's obviously not effective to run four pyro characters and genin versus might be able to run three DPSS in weing and be fine you know so that's what I like it it seems more like oh I just want to run people I like and I'll be perfectly fine I respect that more but yeah um also in wether games there are different game modes they have Rog like game modes if you guys don't know what a Rog likee is it's basically like a presely generated like world that you can go into right and kind of just play into your heart's content the bosses the enemies get harder they're all swarming you and you're just fighting until the end through missions and you a chief stuff so you can use a lot of different characters and just test things in it so that's a game mode I'm going to be trying a lot um they have a bunch of mini gamess they have puzzles that you find out in the open world as well kind of just like genin um and I imagine they have daily missions as well uh or commissions so again we'll have to see more once the game releases but that was my little 15 minute spiel about why I think genjin sucks ass anyways the gotcha system but pretty much if you've played genin you're basically playing the same thing in weaing wayes they have a Pity system they have a 50/50 but the only difference is that the pity system is 80 instead of 90 like genin so yeah I wonder how it's going to be for free-to-play players I want to try and be freeo play as much as I can in this game just because I don't want to keep spinning on gotas anymore depending on how the game is and if I really like I mess with the game I will spin if Kuro games can make an amazing game that I mess with I'm willing to spend money now whether my budget will allow it that's a different story if I like it I'll support it but if I don't like it obviously not going to support it you know so we'll see we'll see what it's like in the game if they're very generous in the open world or with missions and such or maybe they're just going to be generous because it's the you know when you're first time playing and stuff like that we'll see how it goes as of now if you play genin it's the same [ __ ] genin's fan base oh boy you guys tend to linger in the OverWatch community and in the valerant community now whether if that's a good thing or a bad thing it depends on who you're asking one thing that's in common out of all you guys that you guys are horny little demons and it's gross now weathering waves I wouldn't say they have a generalized fan base as of yet the people who are considered the fan base I would say includes me as well and I've seen a lot of people who are like-minded as me and what I mean is they're on the more mature more laidback chill standpoint I know I just raged about genin but that's because like shut the [ __ ] up anyways it's they're more chill in that regard where they just like oh I'm like excited for the game I hope it's really cool um yeah I'm ready to try it out you know type that type of thing as it's been getting closer as there's been more advertisements for the game more people have been hearing about it uh some of the people from other communities whether it's other gacha games whether it's just people just like this might be their first gacha or people who have heard of genin before like all these different types of people or people who've even played genin are starting to come in and so you can tell who's really like just wants to try it cuz they despise genin or they're tired of genin versus being actually interested in C games as previous games or like being interested in it because of what it brings differently people are actually trying to play this game because they [ __ ] want to stick it to genin like they're like [ __ ] you genin I know that's what I sound like but I I'm I'm purely okay not playing gacha games I stopped playing genin and I just left it like that I don't have [ __ ] genin videos on my channel I'm not like that it's just at this time I'm actually speaking my mind and this is what I've been holding in for all this time genin I will say it they waste your time and that's why I don't play that game anymore but the fan base it seems like it's a mix right now we'll see once the game releases who stays who sticks and who leaves I haven't I already imagine it's going to be a lot of the genin fan base they going to leave um not to mention there's a lot of people who were previously in the genin community who are going to skip out on this game because of how much time they spent in genin and how much money they've spent so they already have this kind of like [ __ ] this not another gacha game type of situation so we'll see if those people come in later on as well but as of right now fan base is very mixed but generally speaking I think it's on a much more mature audience now this is one of the most interesting topics I wanted to talk about with this is the content creators for weaing waves now I was a genin content creator but I didn't like being labeled as a genin content creator because of the interesting remarks and the community like it wasn't as bad as being called a Minecraft Youtuber but it was kind of in that middle between Roblox content creator and Minecraft Youtuber you know what I'm saying like it was if you were like I'm a Content grator like oh like what do you do and you're like oh I make Roblox content and you're not 12 to 18 you get side eyes but if you were like oh I make Minecraft videos people would and if you like oh I make Minecraft videos and you were older than 12 and 16 people look at you again uh so it was kind of just like just like that you know what I'm saying um and I'm I'm not like that plus I already was getting tired of the game I already was like I just can't like do it I'm tired of making content on this game I just can't squeeze it out anymore pause so I just left it um and yeah that's another thing a lot of the fan base has grown up I've seen a lot of maturity um there's I have a Discord if you guys want to see my Discord you can join as well Link in the description where a lot of you guys have grown up you guys have matured more you guys still have that weird quirky personality but that's just you guys a lot of you guys have toned down a little bit and I respect it um so I can just tell that gen just came out when you guys were really young you know what I'm saying like you guys were really young I'm still immature so it's fine now it seems weing waves came out in a better time where everyone's kind of just still like in different parts of their life so we'll see now the content creators again I was talking about content crates holy [ __ ] well you know what's going to come best four stars best five stars to use in wondering waves best party must use party and weaing waves best artifact best Echoes to use and WEA all that shit's gonna come that's that's in every single Community it doesn't matter you can be in Call of Duty be the best weapons dud your best weapon it doesn't [ __ ] matter um you're going to see click baity titles you know I can't believe they're doing the weaing waves is going to die this is going to happen if you don't play We ring all that annoying [ __ ] so just get ready for that um I'm still going to be doing me rocking me uh I don't know if I'll be doing those type of Click baity titles uh that [ __ ] just don't rock with me but it sucks because that does that is how the orith [ __ ] with it and that's what people tend to click on and that's why they do that but again I'm still going to be me I'm going to try and make as least click bity like it might be click baity to an extent to get you to click on it but it won't be a bait because it'll actually happen in the video so we'll see what that means uh but yeah I hope to see a lot of fun content uh there's actually a couple content creators I've seen already that I would actually recommend if you are trying to stick in or if you want to just see more about weing ways but you're not too sure yet one I would say it's free so there's no reason not to give it a try if you have a a phone and or a computer um but if you want to learn more about news at least um there's rate up radio they used to be called weathering waves radio but now they're called rate up radio pretty cool um I love their commentary their funny aspects to the videos it's all the news from like devs to the game to changes and stuff just in a more funny digestible palette so like if you are into that you can watch their Channel I'll leave a link to them as well in the description and then there's this guy I don't know how to pronounce his name but there's this guy he's he's pretty cool I've been watching his channel too a few videos about um just weathering waves news he's more of a indepth like I'm going to break it down for you you know like this this this this this so if you're into that and you like more in-depth con like talk about it there you go um and if you've never seen my channel before I'm more of a yapper I'm more of a medic yapper I'm going to be making funny videos I'm going to be just talking ranting and you know having a chill time at times playing the game as well because that's more so my personality I'm not more of a news channel I just break down my thoughts and just have fun and then hopefully highle gameplay because I'm a [ __ ] G at action Adventures I promise you my skill does not shine against you because that game [ __ ] sucks but when this game comes out [ __ ] I'm a Devil May Cry Final Fantasy Bayonetta [ __ ] neon Thomas man bro I I I just wait bro I'm going to swim in the the the the metaphorical P of this game it's so good so anyways if you like this video and you want to see more weathering waves content in the future and more gotcha game future uh content in the future CU I do want to cover project mugan as well whatever whenever that game comes out you should leave a like And subscribe for future content other than that my name is Jordan [ __ ] please don't forget me and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: JordinKun
Views: 39,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact vs wuthering waves, genshin impact, wuthering waves, wuthering waves vs genshin impact, wuthering waves gameplay, genshin vs wuthering, wuthering waves trailer, wuthering waves reaction, genshin vs wuthering waves, genshin impact reaction, genshin comparison, new player genshin impact, wuthering waves beta, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves combat, wuthering waves characters, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves closed beta, wuthering waves overview
Id: 8tWKNI4CP94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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