Top 5 Most Powerful Primarchs | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal if you're feeling a little bit of deja vu right now then it's not just because your sanity is slipping a few years ago i made a similar video to this one however as old major kills a bit too much of a tryhard edge lord who had no concept of actual humor hence just tried to say the most outrageous things possible for attention that video was removed by youtube probably not the worst thing is when i made that video my knowledge of 40k was actually quite poor and the list probably wasn't very good it's the same kind of issue that occurred with my top 10 space marine chapters video where i had no idea what i was talking about and i listed the custodies as the number one best chapter god damn i'm a [ __ ] sometimes hence i thought stuff it let's remake the video armed with way more knowledge a little bit more maturity and an extra 10 pounds of muscle before we get started i just moved out into my own place and i need your help i want to buy the most gimmicky but actually good [ __ ] ever so far i've bought a galaxy projector and i'm trying to convince monster to send me a branded mini fridge where i can store the slab of monster energy drinks that i just bought but if there is something you have that is random but awesome maybe a really cool liquor cabinet then shoot it through to me and i might just buy it being in my own place means big upgrade to the production quality of these videos is on the horizon and i'm very keen to share them with you today i will list the top 5 most powerful primarks the primarks will be compared at the peak of their natural power so if lorger's on this list he's not on this list then we would look at the power just before he became a demon prince also power isn't only defined by strength or combat prowess giliman is a lesser fighter than angron however his impact and power is significantly higher due to the power that comes from his organizational skills that as well as the fact that anger is a walking abortion advertisement let's get into it our number five place goes to my personal favorite primark lionel johnson when i first heard about the lion i thought he was black l johnson sounds like a hectic basketballer name so i was pretty surprised to learn that he was one of the widest primarks there was mr johnson is both a brilliant commander and swordsman while suffering from arguably the largest case of asperger's out of all the primarks i genuinely believe that chaos couldn't corrupt him not because he's super loyal but because he spurred brain couldn't be cracked by chaos what makes him so powerful well unlike most of his other brothers the lion doesn't have like a special ability he can't move [ __ ] with his mind like magnus or [ __ ] chihuahuas like lehman i mean he probably can but he chooses not to the lion makes up for this by the fact that he is just so damn excellent at everything else except for his social skills his commanding skills were legendary with the dark angels being one of the most successful legions during the great crusade his mental willpower was unbelievable with him easily passing any test cast through him as well as being able to overpower a million year old super zeno through sheer mental might or maybe that was just the spurginess either way still impressive not to mention his swordsmanship was legendary he was so good at swordsplay that when he was fighting conrad curse he was able to win despite conrad being able to see the future this is because a the lion was able to subconsciously change his attack mid-swing hence messing with conrad's foresight and b just because you can see something that's about to happen doesn't mean you can always stop it if stephen hawking foresaw that in 10 seconds the rock would come in and kerp stop the [ __ ] out of him he's not going to be able to stop that same thing here the lion was the second pick for warmaster after horus he might have even been the favorite pick if it weren't for the fact that the emperor knew that whoever became warmaster would eventually fall to chaos and finally the dudes are [ __ ] space knight hell yeah on to number four we now have the cooler emo each [ __ ] conrad we have corvus corax primark of the raven guard i would say corvus is easily the most underrated primark around due to the fact that the raven guard were one of the loyalist legions to get sodomized on istavan 3 and corvus attempts to rapidly rebuild the legion resulted in him accidentally creating a bunch of feathery abominations cheers for that one alfarius however these circumstances if anything prove that he is easily in the top 5 most powerful primarks the fact that out of the three loyalist primarks on istvan he was the only one to escape should really speak to this unlike the lion corvus does have a special ability well now he has like 10 but we'll get to that corvus is able to make himself invisible kind of whilst machines can still detect him he can make it so that living beings cannot see him even if he is right in front of them on top of this corvus seemed to be one of the few loyalist primarks to truly embrace his war powers as he gained the ability to detect chaos and also turn into a demonic bird entity which now just stalks lorger yes i'm not joking corvus can turn into a demon without the help of chaos or requiring him to give up his soul even without his demon form corvus was one of the greatest warriors out of all the primarks lorga was warned that he had to avoid corvus at all costs otherwise he would die lo and behold dumbass lorger ends up fighting corvus after corby started killing his favorite sons like they were terminal chemo patients now when primarks fight often one is the better warrior and will win however it will always be a good scrap when a wounded gilliam and fought a fresh berserk angron he was actually able to fend him off for a little while however when corvus fought lorger he bodied the living [ __ ] out of him it wasn't even close all lorga did to corvus was break his nose which corvus actually let happen as a way of saying [ __ ] you to lorger in return corvus disembowelled lorger and 70's spine lorger only survived that because conrad intervened at the last moment with his legion shattered and only barely escaping in his life corvus quickly regrouped and went back on the offensive sabotaging trader supply lines and doing the damage of a legion with only a handful of troops after the horus heresy he vowed to hunt down and kill his trader's brothers which you know pretty much every loyalist primark did to be fair hence he went after lorga at this point loga had unlocked his power and even became a demon prince he was significantly more powerful than he was when he first fought corvus when the brothers once again came to face lorger got raped even harder than the first time and ran away like the little kitty fiddling [ __ ] he is hell yeah corbis this next pick will be controversial as everyone including me has put sanguinius as our number one most powerful primark at some point however this just isn't the case he's number three it's true that as a warrior sangee's power is on another level he held back the entire army of chaos at the eternity gate by himself and he has bodied the best greater demons around other combat primarks like lehman have said they wouldn't stand a chance against sagi and lehman was able to beat a chaos empowered horace the only reason why sangie died to horus and current law is because he was exhausted from more or less taking on casp by himself for a bit that plus horus was basically just a meat suit for all the chaos gods and his power was a bit silly by that point case in point sanguinis was incredibly powerful but only as a warrior in terms of his ability to organize command and outplay he was pretty lacking but major kill he was able to turn the blood angels from a group of savages to a legion of noble warriors shut the [ __ ] up timmy you plump little [ __ ] being able to discipline your children isn't an indication of supreme power in all other aspects bar being a pretty little angel and being great at killing [ __ ] sanguinius falls short the angels did not have a particularly impressive record during the great crusade and sanguinis was generally following his brother's lead rather than leading on any joint campaigns that they did now i'm not saying he was a shitty commander or leader that title goes to angron no he was okay and the fact that out of all the primarks he scores a third spot is such a [ __ ] massive testament to the impact he had as a single unit dude takes down titans like damn he also has the ability to see the future which probably hindered him more than it helped considering the future of 40k is always incredibly depressing if sangee spent less time sulking about how his kids are [ __ ] little vampires and more time learning war tactics beyond flying at the enemy with a big ass sword then he easily could be number one it's no coincidence the majority of primarks on this list have been loyalist after all even with the three loyalist legions deleted from the get-go with another three unable to properly participate in the horus heresy the trade is still lost however you have to give credit where credit is due horus is a beast he was similar to the lion in the way that he did not have any spicy superpowers but instead he was just great at everything it was always a close competition between the lunar wolves ultramarines and the dark angels for the title of most planets conquered during the great crusade and horus was named warmaster even if the emperor did this because he was willing to sacrifice horus it's still a massive testament to horus's power after all if the emperor just wanted to neck whoever became warmaster i'm sure he would have just put anger on a logger up there horace did have a unique gift however a gift that allowed him to nearly destroy the galaxy he was unbelievably charismatic he could read people so easily to a point where he convinced half the primarks that selling their souls to hell would be a good idea legit like morty [ __ ] hated the warp [ __ ] hated chaos and thought psyches were gay as but horace still was able to convince him to join the side that has the warp chaos and a shitload of psyches without this charisma he would never have been able to secure morty pertharabo or fulgrim meaning he would have just been stuck with the super ship primarks like angron i do want to note though that horus wasn't just the commander the dude was a mean fighter he loves to [ __ ] people with his claws then bludgeoned to death with his fuck-off huge maze russ held horus in very high regard as a warrior he's pretty much the jack of all trades without the spurginess of the lion which is why horus is the second most powerful primark time for number one who is the most powerful primark who has the largest impact who could build the best sandcastle none other than rogel dawn i honestly surprised myself by putting him as number one but the more you think about it the more sense it makes people think of roguel and they think of a good defender but he's just so much more at a base level roger was a god tier swordsman he killed alfarius amigan in a straight up jewel and was also able to easily beat the demon primark foreground in a fight as well considering fulgrim had previously killed ferris in a fight and were gone to put giliman in a coma this is a big achievement but it's not his underrated sword skills that got him to number one it's the fact that roger was able to successfully coordinate the defense of the imperial palace against an enemy army with triple the numbers and firepower he was able to make each of his astartes worth three of the enemies every meter of ground the traitors took could be measured in their own blood in terms of his abilities his superpower isn't wild on the outside but when you think about it it's actually very impressive that power being that the warp literally bends and suffocates around him despite the fact that he isn't remotely a blank he is able to overpower it through sheer will alone like house didn't even try to turn roguel to their side because they knew it wouldn't achieve anything considering that they attempted to turn the lion who as we have established is way too spurgy to fall to chaos that is a big deal with his legendary swordsman skills god tier commanding abilities and his unbreakable will rogueldorn is the most powerful of the primarks if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more prime content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace go to me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 357,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, Superanchors, mad, angry, why, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Space monster, Xeno, Assassins, Dynasty, Lion, Sanguinius, Horus, Corvus, Rogal
Id: HIIKQeOnm18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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