Who is Killing Video Games?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Sargon of Akkad
Views: 208,988
Rating: 4.9085264 out of 5
Keywords: video games, vidya, gaming, gamer, gamergate, GamersGate (Business Operation), Video Game (Industry), Video Game Culture, Games, Gameplay, Reborn, Computer, Mmorpg, Role-playing Game (Game Genre)
Id: X0EZl2Aq-8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
"I have no idea what you are doing, but you are wrong, because of my feefees!" There you have it, folks. That is all you need to know about Sargon of Akkad.
Let's be honest here - who's surprised? Sargon is pretty much the flagbearer of the conspiracy-ridden anti-feminist majority of gamergate and there are very few if any within the movement who won't agree with every little thing he says.
In many ways, he carries more weight to them than TB does because he's far more "based". This of course will help to solidify how the rest of the world sees gamergate - when its loudest voices shoot down peer-reviewed social science studies because... they don't like the results.
They're already an industry joke, let them keep making a joke of themselves to the rest of the world too.
His followers love these videos because they don't understand how wrong he is. So they feel he dares to speak truth to power. The thing is: he speaks common misunderstanding to the least powerful discipline in academia, gender studies, and he supports it with the cultural marxism conspiracy theory. Then he shames the people who talk back, particularly if they are female.
From my understanding the main issue in this area of research isn't confirmation bias but publication bias. Studies that find a significant effect size for a given media effect are more likely to get published than a study which returns a nil result, because the latter is unsexy. This probably has the effect of exaggerating average effect sizes when people do meta-analysis.
I probably shouldn't post this because it will only give these idiots ideas but i can't help it because /r/iamverysmart.
"I don't know how your studies are wrong but they are not adding up..."
I turned off.
Love that quote mine of Adrienne Shaw. They really do just read until they find something that fits their narrative. The very next bit of that paragraph explains that context of the game the player is placed in (NPCs, narrative, environment etc) has a greater effect on identifying with a character than what the playable character looks like alone.
That flair is very necessary. Ideally we could put the video behind a few warnings of "Are you sure you want to to this to your YouTube Recommendations? Cause I don't think you do."
This guy understands social science the same way creationists approach evolutionary biology.
what a boob