Social Justice Weasels
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Sargon of Akkad
Views: 318,625
Rating: 4.753304 out of 5
Keywords: Social Justice (Political Ideology), beta, mangina, funny, annoying, feminism, privilege, idiots, Crazy, Silly
Id: WhmOx0zThGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 05 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Fucking GamerGate. I'm starting to hear "men are obligated to include women and create safe spaces for women in which men are unwelcome."
lost it at "i can be relatively sure my thoughts about video games won't be dismissed or attacked based solely on my tone of voice, even if i speak in an aggressive, obnoxious, crude, or (? have hearing loss can't discern) manner"
cause no one ever makes fun of the little fuckheads who yell and swear in the games voice functions... that never happens, nor have we ever dismissed fan bases of games for their unnaturally huge collection of said individuals.
I agree mostly. Though the personal attacks don't always help.
On an unrelated note this sort of gamegate thing is getting annoying to talk about with a few friends of mine. They tell me they agree but to be careful about where and when I say it. They're worried people will mistake us for terrible people. I suppose having freedom of speech also means having the freedom to not talk as well eh?
He makes some good points, but a lot of his retorts are just boring personal attacks that sound a lot like, well, vidya trash talk. It's not a very good method of argument, especially when it's used to replace actual points that could be made.
I can vouch for the point he made about his friend switching they're picture with a female, and getting gifts because of it. I play WoW, and, for the most part, I have male tools. This isn't because I dislike playing as a female (which I some times prefer doing, actually), but more so out of pure chance. When my friend's game time ran out, me and her downloaded a private server to play on. I ended up making a female toon. I hardly ever play as a female, on multi-player online games, so I wasn't expecting to get showered with over 1000 gold, within the first half hour of playing, by total strangers. My friend ended up calling the 3 or 4 people who friended and kind of stalked me my sugar daddies, which I had a laugh about. All in all, it worked out surprisingly well (for me), because I got rich, and all I had to do was deal with some slight creepers.
TL;DR: I became a gold digger, on a WoW private server. 10/10, would do it again.
Edits: fixed auto correct' stupidity.
SnapShots: 1, 2, 3 [?]
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This guy is a total asshole, and I don't agree with all that he said, but he's funny so whatever.