This Week in Stupid (13/12/2015)

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hello everyone welcome to this week in stupid for the 13th of December 2015 if you find anything you like seeing this week in stupid please tweet using the hashtag twis or post to arts sargon of akkad so this week we will be dealing with some serious business but before we get into that let's deal with something that really matters they are apparently making a movie of Stephen King's epic book series The Dark Tower and for some reason the main actor being eyed for the lead of the gunslinger is Idris Elba I really have to ask whether the people casting this movie have even read The Dark Tower series because in it the main character is roland deschain the gunslinger and he looks like this Stephen King has made no secret of the fact that the gun sling is based on Clint Eastwood's character the man with no name from the dollars trilogy it's but not only that his race becomes a point of contention when dealing with a crippled black woman with multiple personality disorder called Susanna death or Odetta Holmes take your pick each one has a different name Deathwalker is the aggressive psychotic personality in Susanna's mind she repeatedly calls Roland a honky [ __ ] or some approximation thereof it's constant she is always going on about how he is white and how this is a point of contention verb because she is such a bitter racist person that it is the first line of attack she uses how exactly the people casting this film think that interest Elba is going to be able to fulfill that role is beyond me this is [ __ ] and I've got no objection to the man as an actor I'm sure he's a fine actor I don't think I've ever seen anything with him in the problem frankly is that it's simply not going to make any [ __ ] sense Oh Idris you honky [ __ ] doesn't make sense why would we say that what we're gonna have to rewrite debtors character we're gonna make her white is she going to call him a [ __ ] I mean honestly you haven't [ __ ] thought this through and before any [ __ ] progressives jump on this and go I knew it stop calm yourself you're an idiot the issue is not that they're making a white character black the issue is that they are not being faithful to the source material that is always the issue roland deschain is an established character we know who he is we know buddy looks like stick [ __ ] to it so instead of being pissed off I think I need to be grossed out how about a series of photos that beautifully demystify the fat body under huffington post's art and culture section so what you're about to see is either art or culture or possibly both trigger warning so substantive Jones that's an amazing name substantive as in substantial as in fat is the photographer who loves the Eddie positivity project Ali positivity as in adipose adipose tissue fat tissue the fat project the fat positive project from substantial Joan's amazing you couldn't make this up the mission of the project I'm such a dick I don't care right I don't even care I'm a fat guy I can do this this is how this works that people can mock other fat people so I'm going to she says the mission of the project is to combat sizess tiger tree and weight related misinformation I love this and to promote body love and the recognition of an individual's body autonomy as well as promote critical thinking about the role that commerce plays in the dissemination of medical science and health reporting that's very interesting because I'm here to promote mocking people who are so [ __ ] fat that they literally would lose weight by not doing anything and yet instead they decide to continue filling their fat faces and take photos of their naked fat bodies because for some reason they think that there are other people on earth who are going to want to see that I know this is me just being a complete dick I know this and I don't care I really don't care look look this why would you do this is this art and culture to morbidly obese women having a hug in a kiss that's culture isn't that that's not fowl or anything is it I mean oh just go and do this in the privacy of your own home why is this being given a platform why is this a thing I love this it's no secret anyway you look you see that photography is a commonly used tool for creating body shame how you mean for taking photos of fat people creates body shame maybe it's the people who are ashamed of the way they look but I like to subvert that tool and use it to demystify the fat body demystified that's honestly what they have written here well this isn't very a D+ this seems to be a fat woman with a thin man what where's the ADI positivity where's the fat man come on - huge Chavez hugging each other naked while being photographed that's what we want to see and here are our models being released back into their natural habitat Thank You huffington post's art and cultural section for presenting this to us this was so culturally enriching doesn't captain Sweden look proud of the death of standards another nail in the coffin of Western civilization just like it Yale where the faculty member of the center of the protests will leave their teaching role Erika Chris Tarkus the Yale faculty member who sent an email defending the students right to our potentially offensive Halloween costumes such as turbines or blackface as an expression of free speech has decided to leave her teaching position I have great respect and affection for my students but I worry that the current climate at Yale is not in my view conductive to the civil dialogue and open inquiry required to solve our urgent societal problems for those of you who don't remember Erica Chris Marcus is the wife of this chap being lambasted by the students in this clip like sending out that email that goes against your position as master do you understand that no I don't agree with that position because I don't where you I have a different vision back down if that is what you think about being a dad you should step down it's not about pretty intellectual space it is not you understand that creating a home here so after sending the dreaded email saying that maybe it's okay that people wear Halloween costumes hundreds of members of the Yale community called for her resignation and recently more than 60 Yale faculty members found their spines and decided to issue an open letter defending Christakis which is great but where was that when this was first going on it's all well and good defending freedom of speech in month after the fact after there's been a mass public outcry against these students terrorizing their own [ __ ] teachers but why don't you stand up when it actually [ __ ] matters apparently miss Christakis has made a voluntary decision not to teach in the future according to a statement from the University on Monday I yes that's right the same kind of voluntary decision that Jim sterling and Bob chippin said that the developers of video game Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 because of the backlash and outrage of liberals trying to encourage them to not publish a game in a certain area means that it's not censorship because they're choosing voluntarily not to sell that game in that market Erica crystallises resignation is being whitewashed under the same principle no they resigned themselves out of their own free will despite the fact that they were clearly under duress and just like almost every other accusation on these universities like say I don't know the racist cult having a meeting in the speaker's square or the unmarked van that's going around shouting racist slurs of black students yell finds no evidence of housing party racism oh what a surprise another made up example hey this is just like the time that the presence of Mizzou ran you down isn't it Jonathan Butler just like that so for those who don't remember this was another one of those contributing factors to the student protest Yale University's Sigma Alpha Epsilon faced national scrutiny after the viral allegation it had held a white girls only Halloween party essays president temporarily left school due to the backlash and said he was spat on by a fellow Yale student black members were reportedly taunted on campus with the epithet of Uncle Tom students rallied and raged behind SAE supposed racism as emblematic and larger problems of discrimination and injustice at Yale however following an investigation into the Halloween allegation that evolved in few SAE members and party guests Yale University announced today that in a school wild male there was no evidence of systematic discrimination against people of color as in this has been made up apparently before the party became crowded all students including men and women of color were admitted on a first-come first-served basis and yes we are actually talking about a university party as if it [ __ ] matters the closest they seem to be able to get to universities in America being racist are things like oh I don't know Lebanon Valley colleges Lynch building being questioned amid equality push as in they think the word lynch is racist students have demanded administrators remove or modify dr. Clyde a Lynch's last name as it appears on a campus halt due to the Associated racial connotations what what connotations that only black people can be lynched the demand was made at a forum on campus equality issues held Friday capping a week of demonstrations calling for changes at the predominantly white institution in that time organizers including members of a Black Student Union group why do you have a Black Student Union group why do you allow that I thought that the problem was discrimination based on race so to have a Black Student Union group really rather seems to be one of the things that is part of the problem rather than part of the solution apparently Clyde Lynch led the college through the Great Depression in World War two helping to raise over half a million dollars for a new fiscal education building which was named after him following his death the student activist who made the demand said that they'd be willing to settle for adding his first name and middle initial to the building instead of removing it altogether well I personally would encourage the administration to tell them no there's no reason they should settle for anything there's no reason that this demand should be entertained it's a silly demand especially as they acknowledge that there are no known links between dr. Clyde a Lynch and the practice of lynching especially as apparently the term lynching has its origins in the war of American independence more specifically with Captain William Lynch of Pittsville Virginia who headed a self constituted Court with no legal authority that persecuted suspected British loyalists so dear black students please stop culturally appropriate cultural inching is not anything to do with black culture it's in fact what white people do to other white people when they have disagreements about taxes the New York Times ran a piece analyzing the demands of the protesters from the 70 or so universities around the United States and found them to be as vapid and unmerited critique as one would expect 79 percent of them demanded greater faculty diversity not better professors but more diverse professors 50 percent of the time they demanded greater student diversity which I'm sure is entirely down to racism and not other socio-economic conditions but this is the really important part 88% of petitions demanded either changes through curricula or departments for example requiring all students to take course in ethnic racial and sexuality Theory or diversity training for example mandate sensitivity training for all faculty to reduce incidents of racism sexism heterosexism classism ableism by faculty towards students these are the demands of the students for the ideological control of the university to make all of this mandatory to make social justice the lens through which all other university issues are viewed it's the framework they want everything to take place within and there were some monumentally dumb thing as well 26% demand the University take action not just all students or faculty but towards the broader community for example by raising staff wages or divesting from the prison system Israel coal and 18% demanded reform of local police forces listen you [ __ ] idiots this is way beyond the power of your university faculty to enact protesting against them for this is really [ __ ] dumb but the denial amuses me more than anything else the media has really taken a liking to the narrative that protesters seek to be coddled if anything the reason black students are protesting is because they've been the opposite of coddled they've been ignored silenced and hurt by people and systems at the universities no they haven't that's literally factually inaccurate the only thing that we have any evidence for was the puh swastika that any of this is being given any attention or credence is evidence of the remarkable coddling students at university have been receiving it's insane and it has to stop what's really interesting though is that apparently 65% of US universities are unable to successfully teach their students maths economics government science or literature the 2015-16 edition of what will they learn a review of 1100 colleges and universities has just been published by the American Council of trustees and alumni the study shows that most institutions of higher learning are allowing students to graduate without a basic grasp of many key subjects which is wonderful I mean if you're going to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for your degrees you may as well not know [ __ ] at the end of it but I bet they're experts in identity politics after the 1,100 colleges and universities involved only 24 2% were given an A grade for requiring six of the seven essential subjects unsurprisingly this lack of a good education is making American Millennials [ __ ] stupid they are some of the world's least skilled people a study has found fortune reports the Generation Y Americans those born after 1980 lagged behind the overseas pairs in literacy numeracy and problem-solving and technology rich environments 1980 onward seems a bit broad doesn't it but okay we really thought us Millennials would do better than the general adult population even compared to all the co-workers in the u.s. or to the same age group in other countries but they didn't in fact their scores were abysmal the study concludes that a more expensive and expansive education may not hold all the answers yet maybe it's not how much they've learned but what they have learned personally I'm of the opinion that kids today need to learn that words cannot hurt you there is no chance a word can do you any damage so for example Google won't be like we need a spell checker for hate we need to write algorithms that will go through everything that is said online and prune out anything deemed to be hurtful god forbid anyone's feelings are hurt on the internet god forbid they read something they don't like I mean you're gonna be recommending something stupid next like troll insurance of course they're offering troll insurance of course they are why wouldn't they apparently claims are up to fifty thousand pounds can be made for counseling relocation or time spent off work steady on ladies that means you're going to be fighting your insurer to prove that you have been cyber bullied or cyber harassed or whatever whatever claims you're making basically what I'm saying is they're not going to listen and believe they are filling a hole in the market they aren't one of your disciples so you might want to think twice before you sign up and on that note a tyrannical cyberbullying law in Canada has just been rejected a judge struck down a Nova Scotia law inspired by the death of Reiter Parsons on constitutional grounds on Friday ruling it violates the charter of rights to freedom of expression and Liberty Wow it's nice to know that there are some people with power who is still concerned about things like freedom of expression and liberty the crown which is the people proposing the law said the Supreme Court of Canada has recognized freedom of expression is not absolute right and some limits must be placed on fundamental rights when social values conflict which is pretty standard SJW rhetoric when attempting to curtail someone's freedoms however the opposition pointed out that the law didn't clearly spell out what is prohibited and simply gives the impression that thou shalt not hurt anyone's feelings online which is precisely what they want because ultimately what this will mean is don't you dare disagree or else you're going to be in a lot of trouble which is exactly what happens to Gregory Allen Elliot's a Canadian man who was dragged through the court system for three years and get this banned from using the internet because he dared disagreed with a few professional feminists online there is a link to his fundraiser below if you would like to help donate to his legal costs when it reaches $75,000 I'll be dyeing my bid pink I really wish I'd said I'd do this when it reached a hundred thousand because it's getting ominously close to the 75 thousand mark and I can't be bothered to dye my [ __ ] big pink I have to bleach it first and then dye it and then I would have to look gay for ages so anyway what has Donald Trump been doing this week well to start with he was declared the gamergate of Republican politics which I found very amusing because it's not entirely wrong the article spends a lot of time detailing how Trump is not politically correct and then says each of these outbursts was hailed as the certain end of his campaign now the coverage has shifted to marveling at the way Trump's campaign keeps rolling on despite moments that would be deadly for any other campaign and they even identify why Trump is successful there are broad templates for Trump's rise in both American political history in American popular culture and there have been more recent and specific cultural signs that Trump's coarseness would be the key to his success rather than the definitive weakness that brings him down take gamergate and the sad puppies and rabid puppies controversies over this year's hugo war and you have to love the lie that they will tell themselves both cultural movements were responses to gains that women LGBT and people of color made in mediums and dramas historically dominated by white men it sounds like they're being kept out it sounds like they're being deliberately excluded but of course they weren't both were animated by the idea that video games and science fiction and fantasy writing had been corrupted and damaged by the increasing prominence of these new constituencies no no nobody said anything about the increasing prominence of anything what they're complaining about is the corruption and damage that is being done to the media not by women and people of color but by social justice warriors who are basically just political activists that's what they are they aren't lovers of the medium they are people with a political agenda but they are willing to lie to people and say that the problem is with women and minorities instead of the way these people are going about their daily business but they are at least in one respect correct gamergate like Donald Trump is a response in part to cultural authoritarians who have been dominating the discourse telling people what they can and can't say what they can and can't do how they can and can't think the mainstream has become an insufferable and a liberal place where people cannot express themselves freely which is in my opinion why Donald Trump is so popular this is why he's doing so well or at least was doing so well because on Tuesday Lord Trump decided to say this show read you the saben Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on you have no choice we have no choice I love it when Donald Trump is speaking his mind I love it when he is just saying what he thinks and does not give a [ __ ] what the progressive meddling authoritarian [ __ ] killjoys have to say about it that's when he's at his best I don't think he's at his best when he's proposing things that can't really happen I mean there is just no way Muslims in general are going to be banned from entering the United States now I'm not advocating that Donald Trump actually cares about what other people think about the things that he says but I do think it's worth bearing in mind that saying things like this is probably going to put off a lot of swing voters and saying things like all Muslims are going to have to be registered in a database can easily be parlance into you're going to force Muslims to wear a special identifying mark which then makes it quite easy to compare you to Hitler so I'm just saying but what really annoys me about this is that more than half a million [ __ ] idiots have signed a petition to the UK government to block Donald Trump from entering the UK why because they don't like his opinions they don't like his politics and apparently they're [ __ ] stupid not realizing that they're trying to ban him from coming to UK which is the same thing that he was trying to do with Muslims going to the u.s. on the plus side there is a counter petition to not ban Donald Trump that has 36,000 signatures it's nowhere near as many but how the links in the description if you feel like signing it you know if you happen to think that Britain is better off as a liberal democracy instead of the sort of authoritarian country that punishes thought criminals by preventing them from entering it and don't think he won't be banned either Tereza may has a habit of banning whoever she [ __ ] likes a to anti-muslim bloggers for example I loved it when the White House press secretary came out and said hey Trump's plan to ban Muslims disqualifies him from the presidency everyone can relax yeah I'm sure it's your decision mate and naturally progressive activists have their knee-jerk response and decided they're trying good Donald Trump fired after learning that Donald Trump owns everything because he's a [ __ ] billionaire they then decided they were trying to cost him millions because he thinks differently from them this week has made something abundantly clear Donald Trump is a bigot that isn't too surprising given the fact that his father was a member of the Klu Klux Klan who was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent to black tenants I agree that's not cool but should Donald Trump be paying the price of the sins of his father but until now there's been no way for the public the public to check Trump's bigotry in a way that will make him stop and rethink his words because that's what they want they want to force you using social pressure to not say the things that are on your mind I mean they might be horrible things but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be free to say them and what I love most about this is that all of these suggestions basically involve millionaires don't live out or visit Trump's properties as a general theme running through it and you know I'm not a trust fund kid so I've never been anywhere near Trump Tower or anything Donald Trump owns I don't think I could ever afford to but I'll be sure to pass along this advice to Jonathan Butler next time I'm waiting is tables you
Channel: undefined
Views: 260,474
Rating: 4.8412457 out of 5
Keywords: funny, stupid, feminism, mra, news, comedy, politics, hilarious, Stupidity (Quotation Subject)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2015
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