Answers for GamerGhazi

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Sargon once again delivers some incredible content.

It's sad how much of this goes over their thick ghazelle skulls.

I'm sorry, ghazi, but the narrative that you guys are presenting is so amazingly stupid and ridiculous, that you honestly believe that 14 year old boys calling girls sluts is a "terrorist" act.

There is no war on women.

We aren't going to take away birth control.

We aren't going to take away gay marriage.

We aren't going to outlaw abortion.

Calm the fuck down.

You are a ghazelle. You are living in a first world country, and you have more access to everything in the world than 99% of the population.

The internet is not an actual warzone.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lolpomoz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Redz0ne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
in this video i'm going to be responding to a thread about me on gamergasy it's probably going to be fairly self-indulgent and it's definitely a waste of everyone's time so if i were you i probably wouldn't watch but i can't resist they they are so stupid so so unbelievably oblivious and so misinformed and willfully ignorant that i just i don't think i can stop myself so to start with ghazi i can't believe you got rid of your lord and savior anita i'm disappointed so gay mugazi is a tiny community of 6 370 trusters otherwise i can't believe you guys have changed it from cultural marxist destroying video games i don't know why you do that and apparently when i took this screenshot there were 172 verifiers you know ghazi i don't know why you don't have 6 370 listeners and 172 believers so someone tweeted this at me so what does sargon do again my entire reference for sargon of akkad hf nimrod which is fine that sargon probably was the inspiration for nimrod other that was naram sin but uh yeah his anti-feminist ranting gear without any self-awareness i figured he was just some guy i am just some guy rank and file capital g gamer who got high up in gg for making content i am in fact level 37 in gamergate just shortly below milo yiannopoulos and adam baldwin if i keep grinding i will actually overtake them and become the king of gamergate but in zoe's recent post about a significant other's cousin she says this well hang on let's let's have a quick look at this post it's an ask fm post responding to are you alex's first girlfriend i only asked as his cousin made mention of him being a bit eliot rogers-ish oh really i don't even find that funny she's like okay so this horseshit has been floating around like an unflushed turd what alex live shits that's a horrible way to respond to you reply to your boyfriend but she says no i am not alex's first girlfriend have you seen the guy yes zoe yes everyone has seen him which is why they're asking are you his first girlfriend because he seems a bit elliot rogers-ish i'm guessing what you mean is have you seen his father's bank account so she's referring to a post on ask technica's forums by d diamond 84 who says hey i'm the first color cousin of alex live shits and his response is how are you such a huge entitled [ __ ] alex and says my cousin accuses me of misogyny all the time i'm not surprised i bet he accuses everyone of [ __ ] misogyny he is weaponized beta this isn't the same thing as being a misogynist pretty simple right i was posting a facebook status about the 2012 election and my cousin arrogantly decided to wade in and call me a misogynist well i never i i cannot imagine that a base of mangina would do that i i just can't believe it he's always been comfortable carelessly accusing anyone he's got a problem with his being a misogynist or any other label he sees fit if only people could see his own old facebook post about how entitled he felt to girls but they always chose better looking [ __ ] over him it was elliot rogers-esque but no one knows about their stuff and it's long gone now oh lift [ __ ] if funny had made some youtube videos he goes on to say i don't care about gamergate or anti-gamergates i've never used the hashtag but again alex says whatever he wants to say it's one of the weirdest issues i've ever seen but i do support 100 support anyone else who sees you for the huge condescending phony prick you are wow that is tens of thousands of people as well he says i think it's worth knowing that while alex is grandstanding all over the internet he's actually a slimy awful person in his real day-to-day life and it's pretty infuriating that him and zoe call themselves homeless have you ever seen a homeless person getting four thousand dollars a month people can give money to whatever they want but claiming homelessness is very insulting to actual homeless people he says alex didn't tell his parents anything alex ran to his brother slash daddy and asked them to write to his parents something yes irreverent tough guy alex lipschitz ran to his daddy his very very rich daddy who sells weapons if i recall correctly who composed an email to my parents presumably threatening to bomb them i they didn't know what the hell gamergate is and their response was this is really stupid and annoying just do whatever his dad's asking so he'll leave us alone and then his dad threatened to sue me or take me to moon court or something so i'd like to formally go on record and say the rumors are true my cousin alex is a huge [ __ ] and he's fully deserving of any criticism that may come his way that has come this way in the past year just don't go too far or he'll tell his daddy on you and he'll threaten to sue you to take you to moon court i don't know what moon court is anyone who's got any other questions about alex and email me happy to answer questions well if i had this person's email i would email him and ask him more questions i'd probably get him on a [ __ ] stream anyway after looking like a total bell end zoe finishes a post by saying people like that are no condition to be calling anyone elliot rogers-ish well i i think this still applies to lift shits though doesn't it and yet again we see people with no investment in games just like most of gigi's figureheads milo cernovich sargon etc whoa whoa jumping on a moron's bandwagon to get in some cheap shots at people or concepts for simple petty revenge zoe you haven't wronged me you i don't need revenge against you but what i would like is some ethical standards in this [ __ ] industry but more to the point what do you mean i've got no investment in games here is the first thing i ever made that seemed worth showing people yeah it looks like [ __ ] don't get me wrong you know this is obviously way way way alpha sort of footage of anything like pretty much everything i made up until the current game i'm making but it's still a million times more complex than [ __ ] depression quest pumpkin but honestly that was really a learning experience i'd made kind of fundamental errors while making the game and so i started on another game called drones which is like a double-blind turn-based tactical game where you place the orders as you can see here and then the uh well the drones in question execute them in real time with each other so you need to plan ahead you know there's some sort of tactics this is a scanner that you can see it's just obviously it looks [ __ ] as well i know the graphics on all of these look [ __ ] because i've never tried to make anything that has gone past an alpha stage yet but i tell you what after i finish the current project that i'm on i'll be going back to this because this was a hell of a fun game to play i absolutely loved it and again all of this was a learning experience i'll be remaking this you know from whole cloth because again you know when you're when you're actually learning to code zoe i know you don't know this but when you're actually learning something you end up and i i literally just sat down about seven years ago now got a copy of unity and just started going through tutorials just like fanning around just seeing what i could do and when you're teaching yourself how to do anything you end up making not mistakes but you don't do things as efficiently as you could do yeah it's a lot of waste of time but you end up learning a lot doing it and i really really enjoyed doing it as well it was a good hobby i was working at the time obviously and uh yeah it was really really good hobby really really enjoyed it i don't know how many countless hours i sat staring into a 17-inch crt monitor learning how to program but i mean you wouldn't know about programming either would you because you use twine twine zoe as i was realizing that i didn't really have the expertise at the time to finish up drones or had gone too far it would need be redone i kind of had an idea for a game involving wizards i don't know i know you're thinking oh my god that's [ __ ] sad and it is i i love it i absolutely love how [ __ ] sad it is i literally can't tell you how much i love this sort of [ __ ] so yeah it looks like arse because this was just a proof of concept really and just to test out the mechanics to see how well they worked and they they worked pretty well it was a lot of fun but again it's one of those things where it was more about circumstance than anything else that prevented us from going through with this but it's on the back burner i plan to get to it you know there's no hurry i could actually sit here and talk about this game all day the the casting system is so quick and intuitive i am just honestly i'm so pleased that obviously it's multiplayer because there's nothing making a [ __ ] game that's not in my opinion why would you um yeah it's literally just controlling that power this was just the beginning there's going to be a hell of an array of spells when i get around to doing again it's just about time really that's all i mean you can't tell from the video but those villages in the background yeah they kind of at the moment they randomly generate but eventually i will have a sensible procedure for it anyway and now i'm coming to the end of development cycle of necromancer which is a game that as others will point out in this video i ran a kickstarter for and it was successful thank you mainly to my friends and family because the video game press wouldn't talk to us they simply didn't care they give you and your twine game plenty of coverage though didn't they maybe i should have sucked off nathan grayson i mean if i'd known that was how it was done yeah i'd take one for the team anyway returning to our gazelle they say i never really questioned his gaming credentials man's gamer cred taken as default shock horror so this is news to me is he another opportunist for one reason or another that i was unaware of or was it just a one word flub on zoe's part it was a one word flub on zoe's part because if we're going to consider who is invested in games here it ain't gonna be zoey quinn because she hasn't actually made a game yet she has made an interactive novel so the funniest replies first he conquered a large portion of mesopotamia and founded the acadian empire actually it was about ethics in the ancient near eastern military activity wow there really weren't any ethics in ancient near eastern military activity so tomtom94 decided to do a reasonably fair analysis of my channel he um he said you know does do i get an unfair rap and i probably don't so i joined youtube about a year ago apparently and i had two videos about neet sarki's in at the very beginning of my channel there we go investment in gaming [ __ ] off phone one with 8 000 views really well i'm almost sixty thousand people i did not know that any of my old videos got anything like that there's also a video about the gdc with any suckies and as the thumbnail so i assume it's about her it is and this was pre-gamergate with about 35 000 views then he did two let's plays both after game game starting started of oppression quest and depression quest which is how i know that depression quest isn't a game anyway so he says so he doesn't really talk about gaming and that's nonsense tom i just don't talk about gaming all that much on my channel because i i have other places that i do prior to gamergate he's literally nothing more than thunderf00t that's quite a compliment really and nowadays he only talks about it in terms of the gaming press or feminism but gaminggate's not about ethics right he does a handful of history videos most of which he uses to push his anti-feminist stance on history how are they anything to do with feminism and which hannibal 1310 has pointed out full of errors and yet he won't ever tell me any of the errors he'll just say oh that's full of errors i mean i'm not going to address it full of errors they also have far fewer views in the rest of his videos i don't care i don't care i'm still going to be doing them in fact i'm i've been reading a lot in fact i ordered a bunch of books at christmas because i wanted to do some good research on the good christians which will be the next historical series i'm going to do honestly i think it's really gonna be [ __ ] good i've been working very hard the problem is with the history stuff is it takes a long time it really does because i want to get it right i really do and so it takes a lot longer than most of the other stuff i do so i can't just bang them out unfortunately perhaps the most interesting thing about going through his channel is any increase in viewership thanks to gamergate seems to be fairly minor uh this weekend stupid from the 20th of july last year is 56 000 wow and this weekend stupid from march is 64 000 views well i really don't think i need to actually make the point that just because one of my old videos has more views than or almost as many views as one of my recent videos that's got anything to do with gamergate but um yeah it's it's nice that you make me look popular thank you i guess so xander kilch says he tried to claim i was reducing women to just agenda when i said he was a woman-hating jerk folks shouldn't listen to so he searches for his name being discussed apparently no i actually don't people actually send me this stuff so i can mock it like now but let's have a look at um when you called me a woman hating jerk so someone had posted my debate on the monroe's channel with the feminist about change the cover and the person had been like well it was an interesting debate and this and zand was like sargent nope because that's how ghazi operates and then they're like yeah but he's a dick so nope and the the person who posted was like well he did not seem like a dick on the stream and even changed some of his opinions but that's the problem i mean changing my position on things is one of the ways that i can be a dick i mean i won't just stick to my guns blindly but zand kilt says this is true but he picks on women very often and is known for having a very poor attitude towards women just be wary of him is all you know what zand i'm not afraid of criticizing a woman because i think women are people and i think people are all deserving of criticism even me and someone had sent me this conversation so i said do you really think it's appropriate to reduce an individual to nothing but their gender because that's what this person was doing i was criticizing an individual for having an opinion which i didn't agree with and in fact i did in fact change my opinion as they already stated but there no no he has a very poor attitude towards women he picks on women they're nothing but their gender so i asked him do you think it's inappropriate to reduce an individual to nothing but the gender and their response was hilarious from a well-known mra sympathizer and gamergate talking head which as i then go to point out is an ad hominem so that person really showed me and danny lectro here says i've come across him commenting in just about every critique video that mentions him or other critical members of gg including videos making fun of the sarkeesian effect jacques how could i possibly go on the internet in a public space and comment on things that interest me i just what a [ __ ] [ __ ] why would i do that i i don't know why i'd do that the guy's an internet feed who just needs to make sure everyone knows his opinion so gigi can upvote it regardless of whether there's a decent point in it or not just like gamer ghazi everything you idiot say is true about yourselves and then have you seen his comments defending irini i watched a clip irini made hidden on his channel which someone recorded and deposited which says some racist [ __ ] and calls today's women the most decadent [ __ ] since the fall of rome the video didn't even touch on gamergate and sure enough sargon's in the comments with 30 upvotes trying and failing to defend this [ __ ] okay well let's have a look shall we so the video itself was the video of an angry young man who had realized that he has been forced into a society that has no use for him and does not care about him and he's just beginning to realize it i don't blame him for this video i didn't see anything racist in it at all and the focus of the video was as the comment implies when i say blunt i'll give you but the this is only monstrous if you're a sock just brainwashing victim who sees masculinity as an inherently bad thing which they of course do because the video was a defense of masculinity do i agree with everything he said in it no am i obliged to agree with everything he said in it not even slightly does that mean i think he deserves to be condemned for sharing an opinion no do i want other people to give a damn or like him or anything like that no this is my favorite comment though they must have absolutely dumbfounded them well according to the neo-nazis in gamergate sargon of akkad is just a social justice warrior who hates women they found andrew anglin's article on me [ __ ] wonderful neil is saying none of them replied to this i guess they didn't really know how to take it but i love that the the andrew all you storm [ __ ] you're in gaming game now because anyone who isn't a social justice warrior is gamergate or an mra which is ironic social justice warriors because you know what i to them i'm a social justice warrior they lump me in with you because you guys are the [ __ ] two sides of the same racist coin you [ __ ] morons good shaft says his shtick is anti-feminism as far as i know he's never shown any interest in gaming outside using it as a vehicle to attack feminists who exist in that space well that really shows how much you know doesn't it but this guy does get persuaded around to concede that he was a gamer pre-gamergate and then someone says you know he's an indie dev right they then go on to discuss my kickstarter which i've already mentioned but i'll go through it they say um that kickstarter looks rather odd actually it doesn't look all that odd there's only 77 people who pledged raising a total of 8 000 pounds this means the average amount was almost 150 pledge per person yeah it wasn't we'll get to that kick track suggested the project was only funded thanks to 5400 pledge on the very last day seemingly from one or more existing pledges pledges who raised their pledge as there were no new pledges on that day so someone must have really wanted that kickstarter to succeed i wonder who oh the guy below has got it his parents paid for it well then well actually it wasn't just my parents it was mine and the guy who i'm developing with and a few of my other friends they all kind of upped their pledges out of generosity i'm really lucky to have so many people who care about me but i love this i remember ouya had to cancel their will meet any fully funded kickstarter goal program because creators were able to fraudulently pledge the difference i wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened here i would be maybe there was a thing in his local newspaper about it being mostly funded by friends and family oh turns out it's not a secret oh but no no it's fortunate fortunately funded by people making donations to a crowdfunding campaign but i tell you what is interesting right my parents aren't rich my dad was a sergeant in the raf before he left and now i can't i can't remember exactly what he wants he works for the army cadets in cornwall it's it's not a job that earns a lot of money but it's a job that is he enjoys you know he allows he he can do some good is basically the reason he does it and he's got an azariah pension now because he's left the uh left the wrath and so him pledging any amount of money to help us succeed in that kickstarter was a lot more of a big deal there's a much bigger gesture than say if alex lift shits were to do a kickstarter and his dad helped pay for it so they end up conceding that yes okay he probably is a gamer you know all that gaming running his own gaming channel making a game having spent years practicing how to make games [ __ ] maybe he's a gamer maybe it's a tiny tiny mistake on zoe's part but she's a bigger gamer no of course she's not but i like this i i know he plays 140k i actually don't anymore i used to play it [ __ ] religiously [ __ ] off phone but i i don't have the time anymore but um i like this petition for games workshop to excommunicate him from the 40k community why because you don't like what i say you want me banned from playing warhammer 40k but i like this games workshop can't control who plays warhammer you can almost hear them going you [ __ ] [ __ ] although the latest pregnant business practices i wouldn't be surprised if they try to no they love these regressives um i think they've uh they've had a bit of a problem with social justice warriors in tabletop although i'm not in tabletop so i'm kind of out of the loop uh-oh looks like gamergate have got on this board libra libertam sargon is a game dev and a player of games the latter should be investment enough which i agree it should be and then why don't you just address their points revenge for what people try and [ __ ] up an industry they enjoy with anti-fun cultural marxist ideology i can't believe you haven't been banned mate i agree with you completely i just can't believe they haven't banned you and then someone else katie spliffing this this was interesting sargon frustrates me because he does seem like a genuinely intelligent man i think you are committing heresy by saying that on gay mugazi but his videos are so obviously skewed by his irrational hate that he cannot be reasoned with uh are you serious i i mean what i would love katy specific right i would love to interview you on my channel we don't have to have a debate i don't destroy you or anything like that i would like to interview and see how you would try and rationally change my mind because i do consider myself to be a rational person he's just another jerk pushing anti-feminism and mra bs but i don't doubt that he's definitely a gamer and having sadly watched a couple of his videos we shared a distaste for our niece sarkeesian but even then all his videos do is attack her personally which just uh well no that's not true if you look at my early videos i was attacking her arguments but her arguments are so paper-thin and there are so many people attacking her arguments and she isn't listening to any of them it doesn't seem to be any point to continue to address her arguments because no amount of addressing her arguments [ __ ] matters i have done it lots of other people have done it and yet no changes no no no no even introspection nothing absolutely nothing nothing but i'm being threatened but i like this i wonder what his mother did to make him this way she raised me as a normal thinking healthy human being she kicked in on my kickstarter she does anything i ask her to do which means i try to ask her to do as little as possible because i don't want to inconvenience her because my mother is a wonderful person a wonderful sensible thinking person the manager of a mental health clinic who is very much against feminism but i like this never underestimate the power of a british accent oh i'm looking forward to a stephen fry quote where anyone with a british accent can be dismissed because of something stephen fry said lo and behold optium what are you doing here i didn't realize you went to gazi do all british accents sound pretty much the same to people not from the uk i mean sargon has the least intelligent sounding british accent ever he's either obviously cloying or being a patronizing [ __ ] look how i have to explain things to option but she uh she doesn't say sargon just sounds like a home county's village idiot that's been kicked in the head by a horse no it's it's a forces accident option sorry i wouldn't say it's quite that bad says katie specific he's clearly the last sane person on game of ghazi but even even in like the tiniest shortest conversation option manages to contradict herself when i listen sargon i can hear incredibly repressed rage and impotence in his voice only slightly masked by desire to sound reasonable i know a lot of people from the home counties and none of them sound like him so do i actually sound like someone from the home counties kicked in the head by a horse or not genius but katie specific actually uh white knights for me and says no that's intellectually lazy his arguments are sophisticated and he's articulate he's still wrong which okay great i'm you know i would love to to talk to you about this katie i really would clockwork online it isn't intellectually lazy to treat him like the joke he is clockwork lime you're on game of gazy you've got 6 300 people you're known to be a cesspool of hate just saying maybe you're projecting i like this though he's an intellectually dishonest man child who gets off on pushing over shaped straw men name one name a straw man that i've created feminism name on how have i missed how have i misrepresented feminism how am i intellectually dishonest i list all my sources so people can call me up on where i am making mistakes or to check my work and they do check my [ __ ] comments if i [ __ ] up one of my sources my subscribers are on it instantly they are on my ass if i [ __ ] up basically but casey's well on a way to get himself banned by saying it's intellectually lazy to pretend he's not intelligent though and they're like lol lol okay uh also i have literally no idea how this is relevant because i acknowledge someone i hate might be smart it's like no no katie you can't do that you can't do that if if you hate someone what you have to do is make childish puns out of their names that's the mature thing to do i like this one the most though this is this is the best bit of this whole forum people have different standards don't they i think he's in the same category as bill maher he knows his audience and he plays them like a fiddle but he's utterly incoherent to anyone else actually i don't i have absolutely no [ __ ] idea who subscribes to me i have no idea why they subscribed to me and i have no idea what they want which is why i so often get flak for criticizing israel or criticizing i i don't know i can't think of any other examples of top my head but i always get flack for criticizing people who i i don't even think i'm gonna get flak and then some you get someone in the comments like right i am angry about this and i have like 300 up votes i'm like [ __ ] i pissed off a lot of people with that but i mean i guess they're not unsubscribing so that's good oh vladimir putin sorry yeah no russia yeah no i don't i actually don't pander to my audience um i think i think it might piss people off but i i think that honestly right i think that people are well aware that i'm doing what i think needs to be done i'm discussing topics i think need to be discussed then i'm putting forward my views on the facts and the reason that my comments are always open is so people can put forward their views on the facts and the reason i read my comments is so i can see their views on the facts because otherwise i mean i learn a lot from my audience this is the thing i don't actually pander to them i don't need to pander to them because i i don't know what they want to hear and i look forward to them putting me at my place but katie finds neither incoherent she can understand what they're saying and she did use sort of like ma when she was younger i knew it was a smug [ __ ] but it made me smile sometimes yeah but i like small care i don't understand what they're saying therefore they must be wrong they make allusions to weird things and tend to be random in what they're addressing we don't [ __ ] an example would be the whole sjw thing i don't have a damn clue who or what that is referring to god damn it and that makes me angry angry and stupid it only makes sense if you share the same ideas the interlocutor does but that's not me that's i i'm amazed that you can be so brave as to admit to the world that you don't know what the [ __ ] everyone's talking about and yet you still think it's wrong that's that's brilliant that's absolutely incredible i would be unable to do that i think that if i really didn't know what people were talking about if i didn't understand what was going on around me i would say and go well i don't know who's right i i don't i don't really have an opinion to be honest i'm i'm i'm of the opinion that my opinion isn't really worth much because i don't know what's [ __ ] going on jesus christ get a grip gazi for any gazelles that have made it this far i'll tell you what i do i am a full-time youtuber i am a part-time game developer and that's pretty much all my time eaten up but um katie specific if you ever want to talk at some point i'll leave my twitter handle at the end contact me we can we can have a reasonable polite discussion that might actually be quite productive you
Channel: Sargon of Akkad
Views: 133,802
Rating: 4.9188848 out of 5
Keywords: gamergate, gamerghazi
Id: kTfVwZiebRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2015
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