WHO IS CAPTAIN SALSA??? - Hello Neighbor BETA 3

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neighbor neighbor oh there you are what do you were you doing on offense did you get stuck oh that's perfect actually do I still have my umbrella yeah okay now I'm coming down to you don't worry buddy I'm on the way just just just hang out right there there we no no no what what's up guys and welcome back to hello neighbor now since last episode I've spent a little bit of time roaming around the neighbor's house I haven't actually accomplished anything you guys ever miss out what I wanted to take a look at all the new rooms and new puzzles and try to really formulate a plan for this video I have some idea what I need to do but it's important to do that now because this update is a massive it is so complicated it could easily take a dozen episodes to cover and I really don't want that to be the case I've never wanted to milk hello neighbor for views just spreading it across a ton of videos I want to show you guys as much as possible in an episode so I'm not going to waste any time before we get to that you guys have been telling me in the comments that apparently we missed a new youtuber Easter egg in the protagonists fridge a very important youtuber now has an Easter egg in here captain salsa who's captain salsa did I miss some kind of memo am I gonna have to sue somebody for trademark infringement why would tinybuild recognize this captain salsa and not me okay I'm joking I know this is for me how freaking cool is that I have my own youtuber Easter egg now it's the same font and colors that it's got my little dude on it oh man it looks fantastic I wish it could be part of a puzzle but I know that wouldn't make any sense okay I'm going to keep it in the fridge because I don't want it to go bad you could just hang out there I love that I have one in the protagonists house but the protagonist has a bathroom never even thought to check around his house yeah because nobody else has one here right also you guys were telling me that I need to freeze his globe apparently if I put the globe in the freezer that'll do something if it freezes I can use it to freeze the water I think I have an idea where I need to put it it looks like there's a globe stand in the middle of the neighbors weird open access living room right there so if this actually does freeze cool okay okay hold on so before we do that I want to check around my house because I haven't actually spent any time doing this I think somebody said that oh yeah there's a switch behind my house what does does uh I don't know what would that do did something change there's something different in my home now captain's also still there yep he's still good hmm I don't know what that switch does exactly but it's there good to know okay so let's get the frozen globe I'm going to assume that this thing is going to thaw out if I'm not quick so we're going to close the fridge we don't have salsa to go bad and then we need to make our way up there which is probably fastest by going through the blue locks door across from that right so whoa looks like the cameras are back up and running good for neighbor we go over here and up around here it should be yes this one this one this one okay hey I assume we can go here right that's not an upside-down table that is I don't know I didn't hear anything okay let's go check on the water maybe that did something I'm gonna have to go down here and then there's my window breaking Ketel got there should be able to take the elevator Strether's the elevator people will take this straight up to the top floor and then the water might be frozen again this is what people told me from the comments and from my observing in between episodes I don't know if any of this is actually going to pan out hmm nope we still have water here it's a globe file out I don't know even if it didn't work I still think for right because the only tip that we have in that water room is a picture of a frozen map which seems pretty clear that you need to freeze a globe right that's the only thing I can think of so maybe I put it in the holster wrong or I need to put it somewhere else or I wasn't fast enough I have no idea either way we have another frozen globe gotta close the fridge and then we are off to the races again so I'm not going to waste any time I'm just going to take the most direct route possible right I don't know where the neighbour is I'm triggering a lot of cameras and running around the house very loudly and I'm not seeing or hearing him okay you go there right still frozen so now we're going to go down and then down and then straight over here this is the quickest possible route if it doesn't work it's not a matter of time it clearly got to be something else because there's no way I could have gotten here any quicker oh it worked oh man yeah you see frozen globe it's a great hint okay so why am I am I here oh do I have a limited amount of time is that why there's a clock okay I can I can parkour on this stuff now I take this a weight that I think I can't take that so I just see that yeah why do it that's the only reason I came here was you get a gramophone ooh I don't want to sync with the grant what's what's a gramophone [Music] [Applause] [Music] it plays the neighborhoods changing you music why now I don't want to say that there is a second captain southeaster egg but there is a lot of tomato plants growing all over the place and I don't really know why they seem to be blocking some kind of door I want to get to that door so I need to get a way to get rid of them there's a flame thrower or something like that I wanted to see if we could find a neighbor to play the chasing music for him but I can't find him I don't know where he is I think my game might be broken for better or worse because he is just completely disappeared so there's another gramophone over there maybe I need to collect all the gramophones a little Pokemon ok ok so we have the red one and now we also have a green one oh this one plays nice music took the introduction so that one nice music green red music bad ok so we have two gramophones now what do I use them all huh what's in here ah am i right now I'm somewhere deep in the house oh the day-night room I'm wonder what the Easter egg in here is now because it used to be August something or other when debate it was coming out a thought but the xbox version or something like that and a couple other random little Easter eggs now as soon as the day door behind that as well okay we can try to get that done eventually yo yo ho neighbor neighbor oh there you are what do you were you doing on a fence do you get stuck oh that's perfect actually do I still have my umbrella yeah okay now I'm coming down to you don't worry buddy I'm on the way just just just hang out right there there we go no no what I've tried to play both types of music for the neighbor now and it turns out neither of them have any effect the only real effect is that it's incredibly difficult to get the gramophones back after it resets you this is new right since when do they have a way for you to climb out this window okay so maybe there's something of interest out here we're just going to first that window and walk up through here let's just out on the roof interesting interesting so that's the Attic that used to have the crowbar and then over here okay so it doesn't really do anywhere that interesting a crap going a burkha way way away looks like the graveyard is back in front of the church which is interesting we still have alpha three high school or whatever it was called at the time over there I'm not really seeing any other major differences with the city okay let's not get hit by the train I always want to keep an eye on I will do a cheat episode eventually I usually like to do it after I've beaten the game fairly but oh we're actually really close to getting on top of this this is another thing that I need to figure out all right let's uh okay so how do I get in here I'm willing to bet it's like I said at the end of last episode if I can turn this off that's going to give us the key card to get in the basement which doesn't really help us all that much because we still need to get the powers from minigame so I need to do for your darkness I need to do for your school I need to do for your supermarket for a second time because they've changed that the wire goes into this room I get into this room I wander nope nope nope nope okay let's see if we can get into that room another way oh here we go okay this might work I'd say I can probably make this jump yeah there we go Oh was I supposed to actually like open a gate to get in here screw that all right we're in so the wire leads to a metal plate on the or why it's with the metal plate this is a really interesting room though right because I've spoken about this one how it looks like a kid how it looks like a kid's room all right I wonder is that thing still here yet still under there weird okay I'm just having a bit of an epiphany right because I talked about in the first episode that picture over in my house it looks like a picture of this room without the metal plate there except it had a guitar and skate board right at a skateboard like leaning up against stuff what else did it have oh I can't remember now oh it had a hat maybe oh yeah hat there we go okay um oh crap I can't remember any of it was there hello it was definitely electric guitar I don't see you left your guitar anywhere so maybe I need to find that somewhere there be one in here with that too easy hmm heads vo but there was a flashlight remember that okay so that went like up here somewhere hmm and will electric guitar though so I would imagine that if I recreate this perfectly it'll end up opening the wait a minute who knew no we did open the Tobin Doh doh-doh let me die oh crap it worked though I didn't yeah it's vase I recreated it almost perfectly I didn't put the pillow there and I couldn't find an electric guitar but I think it's a open is it open it looks guess it looks pretty open now there's a thing on the front that I can jump on I think I can do this so if we land right here yeah now you're off which means the fridge should be off so I should just be able to fall not to my debt and if all goes according plan and neighbor won't be here and keycards stalling okay so we have our ticket stamped to the basement right I already got all that stuff done wait what why does it just I never even thought to try why does it just open I haven't actually used the key card he's don't want to really crap job okay no hold on if I use the key card does that change something I'm so confused right now why did I try to get you at all okay basement I have a key card there we go now you're green and you open still and if I I can't lock you again on to the basement even though it's like I said it's not really going to do anything because we need all of the whoa we need the powers right that's a different looking version of the of the basement entirely of the shadow boy yeah there's definitely something going on over there but we're not gonna be able to figure out what it is just yet because I can't actually do anything I need the double jump I need whatever other abilities you get so I guess we can just open the door and leave really weird that all you need is the crowbar to get in the basement wish I'd known that before the beginning of the episode so now we got that out of the way all we need to do are the three minigames and figure out what the hell the gramophones are for I'm such an idiot I literally picked up both gramophones commented on the tomato plants and then went about my merry way I've been recording for an hour and a half and I never thought to put two and two together if you put down the angry gramophone and you the angry music it makes them shrivel up in terror so you can get past I don't know why that makes any sense but it works for me so now we can get in here which leads to nothing Oh eat somewhere okay no no don't no don't don't worry we want to go down there protagonist we got to go we have water the light bulb which I can't take he's already got too much stuff in my inventory well I don't think we're going to need the key card ever so we'll take that light bulb what do I need a light bulb for and water maybe if I find that pipe outdoors right there's usually one hanging off the side of the building if I turn the gasket it might release all this water and then there'll be something down there weird there's nothing else here though so clearly this is an important light bulb we're going to hold on to that I might put it in my suitcase with the wrench and all of the other important things that I found that I have no idea what are used for so now I should try to get on the roof are you throwing blue at me for whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa since when can you whoa put the water user aggressive see you later no I'm going to mary poppins my way out of here so it looks like the game is cru me over a little bit there used to be like a hundred boxes here they were blocking all of that way I had them stacked up so that we could get in there because that leads to the electromagnet now all of the furniture all of the boxes everything is disappeared I can't get up there I'm going to go downstairs and get stuff and bring it up here to build but it also means that I can't stop the train right here and then build up in front of it and climb and climb it's not going to work so I need to try something else and what I'm thinking is if I go over here when the train passes by I may be able to jump on top of it and ride it over to the roof because my best base is now a good time to mention that I have no idea if this is going to let me on top of it or if it's just break my bones Oh nailed it okay so now I can on the roof all thank God it's way easier than jumping on that stupid pipe oh yeah oh what why does he have a giant tomato plantation up here oh wait it doesn't matter right I still have angry gramophone yeah screw you guys I'm just a oh my god I can walk with it can I chase the neighbor with this now that it mean so good get out of here playing get it get off my roof I need to get oh I need to break it with something though I don't have anything that I want to throw in there oh it's shrinking the trees no I think they're just moving back and forth in the wind that was going to take this is some very sensitive trees out there yeah I should be able to throw I don't know an umbrella or something we'll figure it out why didn't I think of that before hey what is all this then I should get up there now you had to cheat to get up there before right mmm-hmm something up there for me to throw in here so you stopped what's going on up here ooh don't kill me Hey nope we're good whoa does not get up here before still still can't get up here okay we'll go around this way here oh yeah and you get as you jump to get over there without cheating now as well they moved it closer to the house I noticed that why is there a bearskin rug that's the kind of thing that we're going to answer with a cheating episode because I'm not doing all this the fairway I'll wait I can't climb up here on the other side of the oh don't tell me I need to jump wait no I just come up like this stupid okay so this is where the intro happened and the neighbor was freaking out and praying or something like that hey so why did it want me to get up here it must just be to make that jump right I'm not making that jump right now I want to get the key I don't know if an umbrella is gonna fit I really hope I can find another one but I can't lose the gramophones if they're gonna be important to the actual Oh what are you kidding me right now you keep playing unless I turn you why not okay all right just go there we go we got there all right so now I just need to get down without breaking my legs and we'll be fine I think that's going to be it for this episode of hello neighbor guys I still have no idea how to get the red key I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out there are a couple of rooms that I've seen that I haven't really been able to answer yet but if you guys want to give me some hints I would definitely appreciate it and again even get the green key right now because the game screwed me I'm gonna go downstairs and get boxes frame them up and stack them what answers get more boxes bring them up and stack them but we have all of the puzzles sorted out so hopefully we made enough progress and next episode we get to check out new fear darkness new fear school the new fear of shopping whatever it is and then the entire basement because we have the door unlocked so it's going to be a weird fear filled episode thank you so much watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,386,994
Rating: 4.902298 out of 5
Keywords: hello neighbor, hello neighbor beta 3, hello neighbor youtuber easter egg, hell neighbor captain salsa, hello neighbor funny moments, hello neighbor gramophone puzzle, hello neighbor tomato plant puzzle, hello neighbor plant puzzle, hello neighbor globe puzzle, hello neighbor water room, hello neighbor beta 3 gameplay, hello neighbor beta 3 guide, hello neighbor beta 3 walkthrough, hello neighbour beta 3 playthrough, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: esS4Y3Wap88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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