STORY SECRETS - Hello Neighbor BETA 3 Cheats

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but that doesn't look super finished whoa is this now we're talking is that a missing kids poster what's up guys and welcome back to hello neighbor and for today's episode we're gonna be cheating I tend to do this at the end of every update where I download the trainer now I can fly around I can ghost through walls we move around unhindered to just see everything that they've been putting into the game except apparently they don't want us finding this stuff that was my biggest surprise for beta 3 is that it actually has anti cheat measures if you try to fly or ghost or anything like that your vision goes completely white and you just start falling infinitely so the reason I'm not following right now and I can see anything is because the trainer has updated to remove the Hat so we've gone from cheating to anti cheating - cheating over the anti-cheating I don't know why dynamic pixels would do that but it's interesting it kind of reinforces the fact that they're putting this stuff in the game for future updates not as Easter eggs for youtubers which is definitely cool so we're gonna start off by going over here and uh laughing roof neighbor is still hanging out and laughing really weird I still have no theories no explanation why he's there I don't think we're gonna find anything else out in the city because there aren't any cutscenes or anything like that and I've spent a little bit of time just kind of floating around to see if anything is different what is this this looks kind of different random Square with the nothing inside strange okay so then yeah over here that's our apartment with the door and stuff like that and then this is the intro scene so we should have one half with the neighbor and he was hammering up the door and then the other half was the basement that we saw in the intro below we have our apartment and then below that we have random fridge door okay so nothing has changed here nothing dramatic at least so now we'll move on to the mid-tier the tutorial I want to go through all of the different stages so we're gonna go from intro to tutorial - the house - outside the house - the basement so this is the first tutorial house and this was by far the most interesting part of the beta one update for me because we can see the photo in our apartment of what we assume is us the neighbor's son and the neighbor sitting on the front porch of this house not of the crazy dr. Seuss house with all the stuff all over the place because this is reality this is what the house looks like it's what it's always looked like the house that we do all of our puzzles in with all the stuff above it it's just the memory of a child that's what the house looked like to him that's how he remembers it it was all gigantic and amazed and so much crazy stuff all over the place is a kid's imagination but there isn't a whole lot going on here right now as you would expect but once we move in and go to sleep then we should get put next door and I want to take a look around that version of the house we've got some childhood trauma of whatever he remembers having happened in the basement ever returned to the house for the first time in a very long time this isn't actually happening the door isn't opening there isn't something terrifying inside of it but it is interesting I remember one of the past alphas it was actually us falling asleep and then the neighbor attacked us when we were kind of dreary and and half dreaming and our next door I don't think I've actually shown you guys the updated version of this for beta 3 I don't even know if I've watched it before actually so the neighbors struggling chasing around something trying to keep what sounds like a kid in the basement strange that it's locked and barred and he needs that chair we do see that chair in the game that was one thing that was different for beta three okay so now I don't necessarily want to go in there I want to just blow it around get to you whatever we want hooting break stuff okay screw it so the neighbor should be over here somewhere deeper where are you no oh there is he's actually moving around why are you whoa why are you actually patrolling this is supposed to be a cinematic that's really weird yeah you see now the house is all like he doesn't actually have a trained driving around the outside of his house this isn't real but it's still super super strange so let's walk again and then what's going on do I do I hide they screw this up why is it different and now he's not actually catching me which isn't supposed to happen right hi you know you restarted that was up floating into it wait a minute so the tutorial just ended that because I was in the wardrobe and he caught me like it was supposed to end but we didn't get the cinematic of him running down the hall and stuff like that that was super weird okay so we might have screwed with the game a little bit already let's see what's going on over here one thing I've wanted to check out is this stilt platform because we can't get out to this now you can't actually parasail from the roof you don't need to cheat to get over here there was always a code over here and now there isn't there's another bear pelt which we've seen one in the house a thing in there really so there's just nothing here something inside the bear pelt and if code underneath the bear know just what looks like the inside of a bear face I don't think that's what the ins out of bear faces look like I mean don't get me wrong I have been inside too many bear faces but weird so what was the purpose of that code the entire time don't get it okay so I guess I could roam around outside I'm probably not gonna show you guys much because I've done this three times now but if anything different pops up we'll cut to that I just remembered that I can change the speed of the game with this Draenor okay nevermind we're gonna take a look at everything because you take no time at all to get to it so we still have the monument the mausoleum whatever you want to call it it still has no textures which is strange and knows surrounding clues as to why it's here and then holy crap I'm Sonic and we have the Golden Apple the Golden Apple still looks the same bunch of gobbledygook on it the YouTuber Easter Egg is gone the mask that was here and then still nothing in side okay coming in through town we still have the gas station sawing the cars are sped up okay let's be careful and not cross the road anymore it's better the birds I did not think that was how this worked it's sped up literally everything oh there's the mask now okay so it's been moved over here which is strange that we still have the easter-egg of the shark the torpedo shark okay that's pretty cool nothing different with the hospital or it's incredibly barren surroundings which surprises me because around back there still should be an ER entrance right and that's the kind of thing you would have if it's being used for a cinematic like there wouldn't be a back entrance to the hospital if it was only meant to be seen from the roof of the neighbor's house even then it's a little bit too detailed to be just seen from the roof of the neighbor's house so you would assume there's gonna be a cinematic here the fact that they have a front of the hospital to show that it's a hospital and then an ER around back because somebody had an emergency they need to go to the hospital we've theorized that it might be the dead mother or it might be the Sun the shadow boy we really have no idea was this weird-looking oh I remember this this was we found this a beta one it was a giant random geometric shape right now it's uh I don't know police station you guys have let me know what that translates do I know it doesn't really translate perfectly it might say lacy or something like that but it should give you some kind of indication I mean if you're playing a SimCity game and you plop down a blue and white building with a sign on it it's a police station right I'm gonna slow the game down so we can see okay so it isn't physical and I've talked about this in the past where usually if it's gonna be there for a cutscene or set-dressing it wouldn't be physical because it's just there for us to see it we don't actually need to move around on it we can't move through it's that kind of thing that's why all the houses around the neighbor's place are physical but most of the houses outside the barrier you can just walk through them there's nothing inside that there is set dressing it doesn't have an entrance well I can't walk up because it isn't physical but that doesn't look super finished whoa is this now we're talking is that a missing kids poster ah so wait I can pick it up that is really weird because like I said usually if this is just gonna be actually no that that would kind of make sense because like I said if it's not physical it would be a cutscene we've seen in the intro that they do kind of manipulate real-life objects from the game so he will pick up the note and lay it down he will open the fridge door which is why we see it underneath the map that kind of thing so the fact that we can actually interact with this means that there probably will be a cutscene here and whoever is here will either put up or take down and look at this missing kid sign if I put this down as it gonna no it won't disappear okay so we have a girl and a boy and clearly they want us to know that this is a missing kid sign is the only thing in English this is the kind of thing that I'm gonna go into great detail for a theory video whenever I can get around to doing it okay I know I'm super long overdue for a theory video they take a lot of freaking time I'm trying to give you guys as much as I can right now but this is really interesting there's a boy and a girl because maybe the shadow boy isn't a boy maybe it's a shadow girl because it does have very fringy crazy hair and it does kind of look a lot more like the girl here than the guy in which case the guy could be us but that doesn't really fit in with the whole us being the neighbor's son if anything it might fit in with a theory that we've had before of the fact that the neighbor dresses up like a clown he's had all the circus stuff we do think or at least idea rised that he was some kind of circus worker that's abducting kids keeping them in the basement that's the yellow that we hear that's what he's kind of locking up in the basement could be these kids could have something to do with all of the live burials there's so much stuff going on in this game that does only little tiny hints too but this is awesome this is definitely the best Easter Egg that we found yet why are there boats here now they weren't here before right it just used to be the empty lake below the factory now there's a sailboat a little rowboat and a couple other row boats these ones look uh and a beat-up kind of sunk whoa oh right shark anything else underwater nothing going on in the water right I feel like that might be a bit of an easter egg but this is a crashed pizza truck that is so weird never seen this before either so again oh this one's physical hmm or whatever that's worth so that's really interesting because that's the second time that we've seen crashes right I've been talking about how somebody went to the ER somebody's going to the hospital there's a graveyard and part of the church where there's gonna be a cinematic he would assume so somebody died we have the neighbor's car that crashed in in front of his house and then there's also been some interesting art I'll put it up right now where the neighbor I'm pretty sure he abduct somebody whose car broke down or something like that it was something that wasn't really released to the public all that much it was a part of their Kickstarter way back when I'm pretty sure and now we have this which again looks like somebody crashed somebody's going to the air something bad happened really strange very very strange and then we still have the factory which I can't oh there we go now we're moving all right we still have the factory we don't have a mini game for it but we had some kind of indication of one because in the game files it was called Fear Factory and then there was that weird one that I showed you guys in beta one it never actually came to fruition yet but there was gonna be some kind of minigame involved in a factory and yeah we have a factory over here again nothing going on inside of it but interesting to take note that the more busy side of it is facing away from the neighbor's house the neighbor's house is over there we're actually facing the edge of the world why would they put the entrance and all of the important or interesting stuff facing away from where the player would be able to see it so there has to be something going on here I've slowed the game back down to one time speed because I think I just noticed something out of the corner of my eye this is really interesting most of the cars that are driving by our cars but every now and then you have a pizza truck like the one that we saw that crashed I don't know why I've never noticed that before the cars are nothing special do you see them all over the place they're in every parking lot but that Pizza truck I don't remember being in the game up until we just saw that crash so it might be unique to Bay 2 3 so something's going on with a pizza truck very weird we haven't seen a pizzeria or anything regarding pizzas at all so it must just be like truck related accident related have no idea so returning to the church this place has changed a lot I remember an alpha 4 there was a very thick graveyard of thin gravestones all over the place I think beta 1 there was nothing here it was just barren and now there's gravestones again they're much more spaced out there's nothing on them but there's also this strange little home with m13 written on it I don't know what m13 means it's physical which is really weird can I go through it I can and going on inside it's kind of like a grave diggers spot maybe so maybe the crash did leave to somebody going the hospital dying we see even cinematic where the grave keeper comes out of his little weird home it's just really weird that there would be a house on the front lawn of a church the church isn't physical there's nothing going on here I don't get it there's so much weird stuff going on with this game they've changed the water tower as well but not really dramatically like the style of it now fits hello neighbor and i Athiya rise for a little while that may be this is the kind of place where an accident happened you know somebody falls off the water tower that kind of thing but it doesn't really look like you especially because it's just barren around here again right lots of green I would assume that where you see pavement that's where we're gonna see cinematics a lot more often because that's where it's more finished everything else that isn't really refined is off in the distance is just set dressing to be seen from the house to give you a feeling of there being stuff going on so is there anything going on in is this my house this is my house so nothing going on in my attic those skeletons in my closet kind of thing no okay how about my neighbors and going on over here a lot of people wondering what's going on with this I don't know what that is there's a switch back here when you flick it it doesn't really do anything I still have no idea III got nothing oh we should check underneath the map I never even thought about that okay so we got my fridge underneath my house which again is kind of interesting because that was underneath our apartment as well and our house is designed exactly like our apartment so there is that Segway still happening there we have this is always here I've never been one for water it is I think it might just be the working versus the non-working version of the windmill maybe and they get replaced stop running around up there neighbor you silly Billy going on and then down here we still have and we solve the gramophone which is weird because yeah though the rooms outside aren't here anymore can I drop down in here I wonder are we good yeah we're good I don't think this is actually in the beta right now because the gramophone in the grass is missing you still grow the Golden Apple but I've never seen anybody or managed myself to put the Golden Apple and the gramophone and get down here again but you're still pulsating here and hanging out right like it doesn't look really male or female would be either I guess super weird yeah like you clearly you can't get down here right now in the beta 3 because you could just see up underneath the map that wouldn't make any sense I think that's gonna be it for this episode of Hello neighbor guys I honestly wanted to get through all of it today I thought we could get through all of the mini-games the basement the ending final boss fight just cheating flowing around looking at all this stuff but we found more than I kind of expected you know nothing super major except for that new lease station slash orphanage with missing kids sign but it's still been really interesting to just kind of float around and theorize with you guys I know I might have spent a lot of it talking rather than showing you new things but people want me to make a theory video and this is kind of a half theory video so hope you guys enjoyed it and again if you want to see more if you want to see me do the minigames and find all the instances of the child and the basement fly around down there and the mini boss or the boss battle or whatever you want to call it let me sure to leave a like on the video let me know and maybe I'll do one more beta 3 video I think so much watching these video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 356,293
Rating: 4.9021206 out of 5
Keywords: hello neighbor, hello neighbour, hello neighbor beta 3, hello neighbor beta 3 secrets, hello neighbor beta 3 theory, hello neighbor theory, hello neighbor beta 3 cheats, hello neighbor beta 3 mods, hello neighbor beta 3 trainer, hello neighbor beta 3 ghost, hello neighbor missing child poster, hello neighbor update, hello neighbor hidden area, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 2pSNI5ey8to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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