GIANT ROBOT THOR - VRobot Gameplay (VR)

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okay I'm starting to think that I'm not actually the megazord and instead the thing that the Megazord would come to fight because I'm giant evil robot Thor right I could just summon the power what's up guys and welcome to be robot now growing up with the Power Rangers surprisingly I wasn't all that interested in the kung fu fighting spandex wearing heroes oh I wanted to be the Megazord I want you to be falter on I wanted to be Gundam I wanted to be a giant robot that would fight with giant weapons and be a giant badass and as far as I can tell that's what this game is so my inner child is currently freaking out so far they've given me a pair of giant robot hands so it's a start and speaking of my inner child is that you and her child's oh okay now I'm a giant why would I be baby size can I go bigger No okay so this is as good as we can do and I think I get to work my way through these towns and work my giant robot magic so let's start over here get max score in a minute thirty oh okay I am so big this is a very different perspective for what I'm used to in V I look at these little guys what are you up to sir just going about your day making your deliveries to the death stir actually hold on here I might be able to help you with that more not first time being a robot sorry about that so what exactly am I supposed to do I got score for whipping that guy into this building he still is he still around oh that's my bad my bad I was just checking to see if that guy was okay I didn't I didn't mean to do these things first time robot guys I'm trying my best what's wrong with those bill what's going on over here the inner city we got some basketball and we've got glowy buildings why Chloe buildings I feel really bad but at the same time this is fantastic look at the little people hey you're a little robot oh my god you're so cute oh that's right I've read about this game that apparently smaller robots and self-driving cars took over the world so they decided to release giant robots like me to take the world back it doesn't seem like a great plan right it's kind of like the snake in the Mongoose if you have a snake infestation you've released a bunch of monkeys then you have a mongoose infestation what's gonna stop me from taking over huh you I don't think so now I don't feel nearly as bad if they're self-driving cars they're taking jobs away from hard-working robots I guess what's playing in the cinema over here I'm sure I can grab you a simple Western coming soon to moon near you oh my joke look at these are the robot jerks they didn't take over the planet and make it into some kind of dystopian future they're just living the lives of humans and you know what I don't appreciate it because actually wait a minute I'm a giant robot was that an office chair that just flew out of this building okay you know what doesn't matter I don't like little robots so I think you guys want to go for a swim that was anticlimactic I'm doing a pretty good job being Godzilla I wonder if I could pull a King Kong I don't really want to touch this cuz I think it'll explode but maybe I can him even climb up it okay oh oh a plane just flew through me and I think I'm gonna throw up I can feel the sweat underneath my feet oh VR Heights are gross stop doing that flames are I went down I went down I went down where are the little people people I want to grab more a little robots I can't find them because I'm terrified hello little one doesn't matter well the size doesn't matter does it that's what she wants you to think trust me dude your processor size definitely matters I mean look at me I'm big and I can throw you in the ocean why are the buildings glowing I think I get extra points if I crush them maybe I can actually shake stuff out of them that's amazing what did I just get out of this oh it's gone it looked like a little pinball machine and some washers and dryers and stuff I've made a bit of a mess sir sir I wanted to apologize sir sir sir please sir let me apologize no I don't want to put you back I'm gonna grab you right between your eyes and apologize to your face okay I'm sorry for destroying everything that you love can you forgive me look how about this I found you a lovely lady bot and you guys can just there you go you see size doesn't matter look robots look see I know how to have fun right why won't you guys love me why do you need a drugstore if you're all robots good drugs do this was fun but I feel like it's been way more than a minute and a half what was I supposed to be doing again there's a door over here hold the door I can't there's a green screen oh I'm leaving okay I see so each one of these is a different stage and I can go and try to get a score so this one was a fifty level what are you some kind of cannon cuz I like cannons get max score in two minutes and potato Iron Man is looking over me whoa that's not my hand oh yes please zorp sorry sorry still getting used to the whole new hand thing this is amazing man I swear I'm not doing that a perfect God every time I pick up a tower a plane flies into it I can launch stuff but and pick stuff up oh this just makes life so much easier screw all your little robot so I'm just gonna keep bashing them off my hands it's a nice little suburb you got there it'd be a shame if somebody launched it into itself I want to get a tower to do that actually sorry sorry sorry hold on hold on there we go Canadian robot right we still need to apologize Boop a little bit high we can perfect it though don't worry we just got a we just gotta aim down okay we got plenty of attempts here there's a whole lot to work with yeah that's the stuff are you proud of me potato Iron Man papa look I waxy planes out of the air I wonder if I can rapid fire pull them out of the ground I don't even need to move level complete you record oh that's what the door appears when my time runs out I see well like that's no fun so we had the Death Star now we have potato Iron Man can I can I grab you no can I sacrifice something to you poop oh is it gonna get there ah little shorts man if he's that far away he must be huge I was about to leave but I'm kind of curious if I can grab that boat I mean I'm sure I can grab you the police boat you can just I was gonna let him down and let him float away but I guess screw that can I get the oil tanker Oh baby pig is huge oh come on I was having fun this thing is so unpredictable listen little guys I really didn't mean it and I passed the voight-kampff test is that the test where you throw somebody into the ocean because I'm pretty sure yep yep I think that's a pass all right well I'll see you guys later so I played through a few more levels with my fists and the tractor beam and it was pretty much the same thing not really worth showing to you guys but this is definitely different get max score in a minute 30 and um what are you exactly I can make tornado I have a tornado face this is wonderful oh yeah I don't even need to do when you work really let's just head over toward the middle of town you have some nice tall buildings get a little higher up that's what I'm talking about notice a guy oh no oh no you guys really don't want to make a run for that bridge you don't want to make a run for that bridge I got two little robots come to me oh okay little premature sorry about that sorry about that you know it happens to the best of us sometime oh no the building P says this isn't what I wanted little complete your score not so much I made a beautiful mess don't get me wrong it's really something else and I managed to sweep some people off their feet but it's not quite is destructive we've done giant robot fists we've done tractor beams we've done tornado attachments now we're moving on to a giant hammer get max score in a minute what are you kidding me our giant robots Thor okay I'm starting to think that I'm not actually the megazord and instead the thing that the Megazord would come to fight because I'm giant evil robot Thor right I could just summon the power my god yes and it comes back to me what if I actually just throw it though what if I okay this is dope I'm crossing so many things off of my childhood to-do list oh no I don't care about my score I'm here to blow stuff up we need superhero VR games I need to be Thor I need to be potato Iron Man I just need to blow up stuff because um yeah this this is real effective sorry about this guys I got a little bit carried away there's a whole lot of rubble and not a whole lot of buildings we could still go over here though right do you guys like to get blown up oh yeah I want to say that this is super super illegal you copyright infringement but at the same time I do not care new life goal we're gonna hit a plane with Thor's hammer it's gonna happen we're just gonna laugh oh god it's so awkward okay first time giant robot and superhero just give me a couple of tries here you can't escape the power of Thor of what he'll come on mule near work with me here her is it possible for planes to laugh at you because I feel like this plane is laughing at me but it doesn't even realize that I'm worthy I am so worthy work with me here okay I can't have you be thrown this way why are you red that was weird but sometimes you all do that and you'll go over there what do you do going over there the plane is over this way okay we're just gonna come on dude don't argue with me here I may or may not have found the place weakness yeah that's what you get from flowing close to traffic okay that's dangerous right you can't be dangerous in a city like this but I think that's gonna be it for this episode of V robot guys and you'll have to let me know if you want to see a second video because there are a bunch of levels that I haven't gotten to and I do think some of them have me fighting off against another robot which would be pretty cool you know I know this isn't that much of a game right it is in development and it's just kind of a screw around in VR experience but that's all I've ever wanted from VR like I just want to be behind the eyes of something that I have never been before and in this case a giant Megazord Thor well it's never gonna get all the things weren't watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,073,055
Rating: 4.8604951 out of 5
Keywords: vrobot, vrobot gameplay, vrobot vr, vrobot thor, vrobot funny, vrobot funny moments, vrobot walkthrough, vrobot playthrough, vrobot update, vrobot ep 1, vrobot episode 1, vrobot part 1, vrobot game, giant robot vr game, htc vive gameplay, vr robot game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Jlj0p3RSecQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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