How Many Rockets to Make an INFINITE ROCKET PLANE!

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welcome back to the channel and today I'm going to be trying to create the infinite rocket launcher uh very much inspired by the infinite bomber concept that I've uh did here a little while ago where I timed all of the Bombay doors so that they haven't never ending cycle of uh bomb dropping with no recharging in between uh so that way you just have infinite bombs that never stop but I got a lot of comments on that video asking me to do the same thing but with rocket launchers and rocket launchers definitely behave a lot differently than the bomb so I'm gonna be curious how devastating of a thing we can make with the rocket launchers so let me go ahead and respawn here there's actually something else I gotta show you you may notice that my character looks a little bit different now and that is because an update was actually very recently introduced to the game that brought a whole bunch of new skins and outfits and stuff so I thought that was pretty cool and I've decided to change up my character's look so this is what I look like now so anyway as far as the infinite rocket launcher concept goes I think bombs were a lot easier to walk work with and the missiles are going to be because the bombs it doesn't really matter where they are necessarily as long as the bottom is down you can just kind of put them all in the line and then just have them drop it consecutively one after another until the first one is all recharged and the other big difference is that the bombays drop four bombs at a time consecutively so that actually takes up some of the time of the recharge whereas the rocket launchers they only will launch one rocket and then there's a pretty hefty cooldown period so let's figure out what we're working with here and we'll do some testing and then once we have a functional prototype we're going to build a plane and then wreak utter havoc on this map which by the way part of the update that recently uh got introduced it has a peaceful version of the map now which means that you can actually spawn on this map with no enemies around so that might be actually be kind of nice to have that option okay so first step to uh figuring out the programming for an infinite rocket launcher is to determine how much time in between Rockets there are if I hold down e two three four five is it five seconds again here I need to actually get a stopwatch instead of using my brain believe it or not my brain doesn't keep perfect time okay ready and start two three okay so it looks like this one has a four second cooldown now we just gotta figure out how many Rockets do we want to fill in that four second cooldown and one of the things we have to consider is that the Rockets pretty much uh they're gonna have to be side by side or vertical which makes a lot less sense for a plane but we can't really I don't think we can have Rockets like this actually let's test this out real quick will this rocket destroy the one in front of it okay also why didn't the rock gets fire at the same time okay that time they fired at the same time okay how deep can these Rockets go before they uh they hit each other and I'm not gonna be using any glitches where things are like welded into each other I just tend to want to have a nice non-exploitative build whoa okay can I rely on this though like I'm I'm getting a little bit concerned on whether it's gonna be literally hit or missed when it comes to these Rockets uh firing into into ourselves okay there we go so now we've determined that four Rock oh see that time it didn't hit or miss that is a hit or miss situation here what okay we do have to consider the aiming once the Rockets lock onto something they could aim down through here instead of firing straight so this might not be something we want to rely too much on all right so let me confirm the four second uh timer just make sure if it really is four seconds and that means each one of these should get uh delayed by one second and this should be equal time between all of these two three four back to beginning why does it seem like it's not equal all right let me let me let them cool down and recharge two three four okay they've definitely all had time to recharge here we go two three four one two three four one why does it feel like it's like a tenth of a second late I don't like that okay so if we want this to feel like an infinite stream of missiles so then let me mirror this over here so then this I'm gonna have 0.5 1.5 and then 2.5 so now I actually go one two three four five six seven oh there needs to be another one all right so now we're getting closer to filling the gaps let's see how this feels this feels really weird this like you can hear it's not a consistent Tempo but they're all half a second delayed from each other so it should be a consistent tempo in theory it's good enough it's just these minor inconsistencies which I don't think are really that important is this enough to be considered an infinite uh rocket launcher though like does it really feel like we have an unlimited stream of rockets right now I feel like there needs to be a little bit more I think we need to go to a quarter of a second in between so here's what I'm thinking I want to create like a V shape and I don't know if this is confirmed completely but I've heard that the lock-on for the Rockets is a 45 degree angle so if we just go on a 45 degree angle on these Rockets then they should not be able to aim into each other so now if I copy this and duplicate it and then turn it upside down and then make all of these the quarter of a second interval in between we should have a really nice continuous stream of rockets all right so this was zero so this is going to go 0.25 this was one so we're just gonna add 0.25 to each of these ones and then also add 0.25 to uh each of these ones so this would be 0.75 and 3.75 so now every quarter of a second we are going to have a rocket launch all right let's see if this thing works as intended this is not working as intended hold on a second here maybe I didn't let them all charge up first let me let's look at what's going on five six seven okay two of them are firing at the same time which is not good this is 2.25 that is also 2.25 I think this is supposed to be 3.25 okay I think I fixed it I mean it's kind of working right but I mean when we're aiming at something it should be fine this is a lot this is a lot of rockets I think quarter per second is good enough I am a little bit I am a little bit annoyed by the inconsistency of the sound even though everything is a quarter of a second off from each other it does not sound like an assistant quarter of a second intervals but the program that's what the programming is so I'm just gonna stick with I'm just gonna stick with it now what's interesting about this I'm trying to think of how I'm gonna build a plane around this and this is kind of looking like a mouth to me but this is very large and let's check the aerodynamics of these uh things okay the aerodynamics of the Rockets themselves are actually pretty good so let's figure out how do I build an actual Plane off of this this has to be the front of the plane so we don't shoot ourselves now obviously we are going to need some aerodynamic blocks coming off of this so I'm gonna go with the most aerodynamic blocks the four by one wedges so I'm just thinking this is gonna be a lot of weight at the front see I'm thinking there's definitely gonna have to be a flap Wing up here oh what if I build like a hammerhead inspired thing cause I'm just thinking if I try to build out around these dimensions that's just a really really big and heavy aircraft but if I try to make this hammer head style so it actually flays out at the front here that could be more interesting all right this has been an interesting design process so far I think it's actually starting to look pretty cool um I've built out to somewhat of a tail I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I'm Gonna Fill in the body but I also just realized I haven't put propulsion on this thing yet and I'm definitely going to want a decent amount of repulsion so I'm going to see if I can fit these large jets in here because these Jets as far as the uh the bang for your buck goes like these have a tremendous amount of power um but the question is can I fit this thing on here because it has to be like this I mean maybe in the back like that actually doesn't look too bad in the back I'm kind of a fan of that the only problem with this is um is it gonna put a lot of weight at the back so so I am probably going to move them down a little bit just to be a little bit more aligned with my center of mass if I add some lift to the back we should be good I don't actually have any elevators in the back yet so there's still room here okay I filled in the body and now we have a clear lack of wings in the front that is going to you know what I'm gonna go buy plain design up in the front here I'm gonna put these up here I know I should have more but I don't want to stick out too much but this will at least uh increase the amount of lift that we're ha that we have going on up here all right so now you can see my center of lift is still pretty decent behind my center of mass um so let me add a little bit more modular Wing right there let's take this thing on a test plate I just got to make sure all my controls are good all right maiden voyage is this thing actually Gonna Fly there we go okay yep so my center of mass was in front of my center of lift and this thing definitely noses down I think my center of thrust is also still slightly above my center of mass okay let's look at the forces here you see Center of thrust is going just above my center of mass if I move these down it's going to look terrible isn't it it does not look that great but that probably would honestly help just a little bit let me add these in on the middle here they don't technically provide lift but they might actually add some stability all right now with the center of thrust slightly below the center of mass is it going to feel any better all right still noses down a little bit I'm gonna move these Wing pieces up by a block because I can that's that's their last connection point right there all right and my last idea is I'm going to change the interior body a little bit right here by filling this in instead of having these wedge pieces like this I'm going to have these blocks like this and uh it's kind of hard to see right now but here let me see if I go inside here you can actually see I do have wedge blocks all on the interior that are oh I gotta put which blocks right there actually these are designed to cancel out these aerodynamic pockets on the interior of the plane so I maintain good aerodynamics all throughout so here you can see if we look inside the plane here um it's all green arrows so that should make us pretty aerodynamically efficient but the whole purpose of that was so I can move These Wings forward because I really need to create a center of lift uh more forward all right now where is it showing it okay it's getting a lot closer it's actually surprisingly still not matching the center of ass but let's see how it feels now at least this is oh I'm still nosing down way more than I want to why I mean it still it actually flies really nice let's try firing look at this this is just this is actually pretty awesome I need to give this thing some landing gear too that actually might help this thing actually feels pretty agile as well considering its size look at that there's just missiles everywhere this is awesome okay I'm gonna try to come in on a landing here even though I don't have any landing gear I think building landing gear in this thing might be worth it uh okay there we go I actually do have flaps uh toggleable flaps that I could probably use for landing and take off but I will experiment with that a little bit later all right for the sake of balance I'm gonna try one little thing here and that is to just put a weight in the back and now it looks like they are all aligned so let's see how this goes I put some landing gears you can see I have a little bit of whoa hold on I have a little bit of a wheel sticking out of the back or a couple Wheels sticking out of the back and then some Wheels on the wings they are not retractable but my uh trajectory right now feels really good let's see I mean I don't know if do I need more thrust I don't feel that fast but maybe I don't need to be that fast so now when I come in for a landing I'm going to activate my Landing flaps you'll see on the front next to the uh the head on the sides as soon as I press q and three two one you can see those flaps activate and that allows me to get a lot more lift add much lower speeds allowing me to keep my nose up as I come in for a landing and that looked amazing and look at that that back wheel just narrowly keeps my body off the ground this is actually I'm feeling really good about this I think it's time to paint up and put this thing to some battle tests it is battle ready but not battle tested so let's do this all right I have finished painting this thing up and I've had some pretty fun details in there in the back here in lieu of gills I added the three slash marks which I thought most closely resembled gills out of all the decals up on the front I added a goo decal to the teeth and just painted it red so it kind of looks like this thing has already had some dinner um put some eyes up on the head and then on the bottom Arrow if I go into build mode here I actually have teeth on the bottom so if you're looking up from the bottom it looks like the mouth of a hammerhead you know because their mouth is actually like underneath uh the hammer even though this is also technically looks like the mouth and I painted the Rockets to look like Teeth it's not the most anatomically correct part of it I also added a shark fin to the back here because I realized I don't actually have a shark fin it's really actually like a tiny little detail tiny little decal there but I think we are all set to uh go and start wreaking havoc on this place and see how effective this thing actually is when it comes to um an infinite rocket vehicle I guess I'll just activate the Rockets now I hope it doesn't slow me down too much it's actually feeling pretty good um I'm just realizing that the smoke streams are kind of annoying but look at this so far now the big question that I'm gonna have on my mind is what are the chances of me shooting myself I don't know if I built this thing in a way that I'm immune to shooting myself or if it is possible that they could the Cannons could aim at each other but I'm actually I'm starting to think that I'm safe all right here let's uh get close to this guy up here I don't even know how many rocket shots it takes to kill things like this aim at that one down there that one's dead see this is actually like this is really really overpowered like look at that I'm just blowing things up just by flying near them pretty much like this might be one of the most overpowered Creations even more so than the bomber because the bomber you actually kind of have to uh position yourself correctly and aim but this thing oh no this thing you have to be able to apply you have to be able to control it at least all right I think I fixed everything I think it controls pretty well now so now let's test it against uh every type of enemy we've really already done balloons and um whoa did I just get hit by something something out there I don't know well I just destroyed a whole bunch of stuff we've already done balloons and flat cannons let's avoid that black now I definitely want to test it against other airplanes and the speeder testing it on a ground vehicle is going to be really interesting compared to the bombs the bombs was actually super hard to do the speeder with because I the speeder kept speeding up whenever I got close to it oh and speaking of other enemies man look at these missiles I could accidentally hit something without even aiming at it um let's try these ground bunkers as well I think the missiles can just oh yeah look at this this is this is actually so easy and then we can get this anti-air over here yeah he is done every quarter of a second we are just tossing out destruction all right get these guys oh boy what's happening with my controls not nearly as agile as I was meaning to be all right well this is interesting oh I'm taking some damage oh that damage actually looks kind of cool on the back there all right now that we've aimed at that that should be done right I'm having trouble locking on this one guy at least long enough to get a uh a good shot on him for some reason all right what about now there we go we just gotta turn around nice and quick all right then how many shots it's gonna take to get this thing oh wow it actually takes quite a few shots that's interesting all right this should be it come on oh oh this is bad all right keep going keep going keep going keep going whoa I didn't know if I was gonna be able to pull out of that one that was actually kind of crazy all right now for the planes this is where I think it's gonna get a little bit more interesting I'm definitely feeling the slowness as I try to go straight up all right there we go let's get a nice oh all right there we go he's done okay that's a new thing by the way the fact that they spin they do a death spiral after they uh explode I think that was part of the latest update instead of just going straight now where are the other guys I know there's like three around here I got one I may have accidentally got another one without even meaning to and he's almost gone all right come on there he goes oh that was actually kind of easy and is there one more did I already get them looks like I may already get them all right now let's find the speeder oh that's why I'm having some trouble controlling I had to accidentally pressed q and it was giving me way more lift on the front and slowing me down a lot okay yeah my Landing flaps were activated for some reason okay so somewhere around here should be a speeder uh near the spawn point in this direction yeah if I just fly down this road I'm gonna destroy so many enemies oh no way did I actually these things can really aim and I haven't destroyed myself at all even on those sharp um aiming angles so that's really encouraging all right but where is the speeder oh there he is I just found him okay here let's do a loop around here here we go so I have never destroyed a speeder with um missiles before so I don't know how resilient he's gonna be but here we go oh look at him speed up look at him speed up he is a speeder after all right I'm gonna engage my Landing flaps for this kind of trajectory here so I need to go a little bit slower but it is harder to say nose down oh boy it is hard to aim my nose down with the landing flaps up come on there we go oh no oh boy okay I can I can do a mid-air repair there we go this is actually kind of hard it's kind of hard to drive slow enough okay come on come on come on come on come on there we go there's some real damage oh we got this he's almost dead he's almost dead one more hit oh he did a sharp turn here I forgot about that sharp turn look at that one more hit we just gotta lock on and is that it what oh those missed okay all right come on come on here we go here we go and that is it speeder has been down I'm leaving those chirpos behind oh you know what this area right here this is a great area to test out infinite missiles because there's just tons of balloons all lined up for you okay here we go how many balloons am I actually gonna hit oh the problem is that it stays aiming at one until it gets destroyed but I gotta be honest we destroyed everything but two of them so I said that's a pretty good pass let's see how fast we can utterly destroy Pirate's Peak here we are gonna have to take out the bunkers first though I forgot about these danger level extreme they're talking about me they're talking about me there the infinite rocket Hammerhead is danger level extreme all right no aim at that thing aim at that thing there you go no problem I'm just destroying everything I'm not even I don't even have to really pay that much attention to be honest I just gotta casually it's gonna go for a nice Scenic Drive just make sure I take in all the views which will then be destroyed oh look at these planes these planes they're gonna get to jump on me nope all right there we go and is that it looks like uh looks like the mother ship is exposed so definitely just gonna head up here and aim for these things all right there we go there's that one there's that one there's that one uh looks like there's just a couple more left I just gotta turn around real quick oh boy I'm getting shot at don't worry why is it saying mere projectiles won't do any good these are not mirror projectiles these are actual Rockets and the mothership is destroyed that took like what 15 30 seconds all right so now all that's left is to come in for a nice landing and I think I see a nice Runway right here for me just waiting for me I'm smoking a little bit don't worry I'll be fine okay I need to lose some altitude real quick so I can lose some speed the only thing is I don't have any air brakes okay let's activate my Landing flaps all right and come on in look at that that felt great I felt actually pretty great and look at that we actually stopped I'm impressed with this thing all right that is the hammer ahead with infinite missile teeth you guys asked for it and now you got it let me know if you guys enjoyed that build and uh what you got what you guys like to see next in future Trail makers videos let me know down in the comments below if you guys enjoyed this video you'll enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time bye thank you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 160,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers rockets, trailamakers rocket plane, infinite rockets, unlimited rockets, rocket launcher, rocket plane, hammer head plane
Id: DmcKQKg_89I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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