We Made Our Very Own 'CUSTOM' PAYLOAD! But Whose is Better? | Trailmakers Multiplayer

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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to the channel today I'm joined with down online and Overlord Batman hello hello and we're actually going to be making our very own custom payloads so as you can see I have this little doohickey little plane here that I made and underneath there's actually some space for us to go off and add our very own custom Halo We're All gonna be trying to sync this little Patrol boat here with our custom weapon all right let's get building all right guys so we've had about 15 minutes to build our payload is everybody finished yep all righty okay who wants to go first uh should I go first yeah you know what Dan let's see what you built what I've got here is uh two sort of like floating bombs um they use like a gimbal to stay up in the air for a little while oh wow they each have two rocket launchers just like firing from above oh God that's really small it goes around and just keep firing that's a really unique kind of payload so what they'll do is just like kind of hover over the Target and then shoot rocket stuff I hope so I hope so all right you never know how it goes you know yes that's true well very interesting very interesting should I go next yeah Batman let's see it okay so I went for a interesting design I created binocular bombs binocular binoculars yes right yep let's I'll put that on the plane here and uh they're basically just unguided bombs that I'm gonna drop from uh inside my plane and hopefully they do a lot of damage oh yeah they look uh they look quite deadly very unique design for a bomb no special features or anything you're just relying on explosions I'm just relying on pure skill and explosion power they do have sensors so they will explode I can guarantee that they will explode when they get to sea level but uh still need to hit the target alright well really nice here's mine I have built a torpedo that is a big torfield yeah gimmicks something cool no it basically once it sees or gets close enough to the boat it'll just explode yeah like that nice beautiful that just evaporated yeah it is quite a lot of dynamite in there I do want to do a lot of damage but yeah that's pretty much a torpedo all right okay so now that we have built our little custom payloads now we actually need to test them against the target so one of us is going to go down there to the ocean spawn and spawn in the boat ready for this and I guess we just do this until we sink the boat and I think the least amount of tries for somebody to do this with their payload will be the most effective right makes sense to me Dan you're down there yep I'm already down there okay well uh Overlord you want to take it away we'll see how good I am at eyeing down the target okay are we ready yes we are ready the boat is in position the landing gear up yeah oh here he comes oh holy smokes are quick you're really fast whoa but yeah we'll see okay yeah it looks good oh that looks real good all about the AIM now and oh well the good thing is you have an air repair there you go line up for a second round that's right you can get your bomb backed really quickly come on hey you hit it yeah a little bit off a little too early keep going until you sink it how are you doing Dan this hole in your hole you're fine it's it seems like it's doing fine all right still floating all the whole blood here he is here he comes very menacing yeah I know oh oh it's gonna hit me that was way too high on that one I just seen a pair of googly eyes coming into my screen here he comes yep it's still damaged a little bit you need to get like a direct hit yeah yeah you have really good hit for it to do like a little sandwich it's quite difficult it's time to be a little afraid my mom's not going to work closely yours have a little bit of Auto aims I'm feared yeah oh oh wow the thing exploded before it's actually like explode you knocked the top part of his boat off oh yep that's sinking what I've uh I forgot how many attempts are on so editor if you could just put that on the screen exactly someone from the back now oh a new line up a new approach let's see yeah this treats me oh you should just drop it like two seconds before you think you should drop it yeah I'm gonna miss like that yeah all taken off from the beach okay here we go it bounced off him initially it's like a throttle control there's like a like a bedroom and stuff in there definitely handy having the altitude sensor for you to explode the bombs on the impact of the ocean that's really smart that was really good today here we go a little bit more damage the boat isn't looking good but it's still not sinking it's got a rocker blocks quite difficult to sync you need that golden shot you know you need that perfect yeah maybe you can count for when the seats are destroyed or something [Music] I should be saying yes it's working in my favor I guess oh yeah this is the one I'm doing confident he's feeling confident guys this is the one I got it the binoculars coming in for a nice low swoop bombs away [Music] damn yeah I'm not feeling too good about uh on my ranking here oh oh yeah that's so much damage that's a lot of damage there he's missing the entire front part of his boat how is this still float oh it this thing has so many buoyancy blocks that might be a problem that's that's significant damage though I think one more hit like that and it's done for if if he hits the seats if he hits oh there we go a little bit with this yeah yeah yeah the uh the bridge of the boat is underneath the oceans yeah I have no idea how many runs that was but uh I'm not feeling that that was quite a few uh should I go next or do you want to go easy ah you know what Dan you can go next all right guys so up next we have Dan online with his um rocket propelled bomb things a bit tricky on her I'm actually I'm actually really excited to see how these things work you know yeah I'm a little scared in this boat yeah I really hope this works oh nice and high I really like this idea so oh oh oh a little unstable oh there they go oh I dropped them way too early what they miss but they work they missed but they were they actually launched Rockets okay that's this might be very interesting it's a bit tricky keeping the plane steady before the weights of it though it's it's like 200 kilograms each or so does the uh the rocket recoil on those bombs not affect the trajectory yeah it kind of does I think that's wrong they seem to be working though when you're above me I can't see you I just hear the uh yeah I don't know what's gonna happen let's get some more altitude I haven't really tried these too much let's try a lower approach maybe no I don't think it's going to work here we go here we go oh yeah they move a bit too much and then they go down a bit too quick that's cool that's one of them actually hit him okay there's some hope for this there is some hope I know what's going on there um they were targeting like the other Rockets um [Music] yeah they were talking to each other it's a bit of a problem with these this is difficult I can see how it took you so many tries here we go they're coming down oh my oh it's still got a hit that's good dude these Rockets just fire so much coming over these are really difficult to aim actually it's just more difficult than I thought it would be I really hope the ultimate would help me a bit I think try come in for a lower approach I think yeah yeah it's quite difficult to get like the low approach going but without them like uh going into the ground before they can actually fire because they fire after like two seconds and yeah so I guess yeah this might be the one you're guaranteed hitting him if you go from his angle I think come on dad mom's release oh no oh yeah oh yeah okay I see I see what you mean they take a second to get working yeah that's kind of what I was expecting just release them uh earlier there we go if I release them like right over here oh oh oh oh maybe oh there's some damage not so accurate but they still actually yeah expect someone to do a little bit of it yeah they're going towards the general direction which is what you want you got they're a bit too General I'm mostly surprised that it's not completely bugging out I should have given given it some more Rockets just Spam them more yeah maybe there we go there we go there we go this looks good this looks good oh oh oh oh no oh this is so funny there's so many Rockets the tracking uh when detached might also be a little weird so I don't know how that exactly works oh oh I direct it nice that didn't work that made a difference I think he dropped it at the perfect time there as well yeah that does definitely help it's just much more difficult than I expected nice and high up dropping the bombs oh they're coming in oh they're just like not hitting you they're hitting so much everything but you ah oh I was watching your rocket maybe I looked back in the boats upside down what's going on nothing nothing I'm still floating wow well that was an attempt uh Let's Travel coming in hot yeah that's it that's it that's it oh oh control that work I I don't know why it's also cheating but that's that's besides the point you know it might just explode myself actually that's all right we're already committing War crime we've already coming yeah here he is yeah I was gonna I was gonna say he didn't drop anything I forgot there was still a delay on them yeah that wasn't very smart it's kind of late oh oh there's some damage there is some damage he's just shooting them he's not even dropping the bums he's just shooting the Rockets now the viewers don't know the viewers don't know they definitely know they're not stupid oh those are uh very quick bombs you know as the new um supersonic bombs I haven't qualified too bad at the game you have a fastball me in school I didn't pass bombing school but I'll stay here you see you want to head up to the top see what you can do yeah well I guess Dan you had a good attempt there but uh unfortunately the boat is still well it's still a boat so Mission failed to be fair if this one makers you got holes in the hall so I would say maybe in an hour the boat will sink if it was real life physics yeah good attempt Dan all right thank you you guys want to see my torpedo we want the CEO torpedo all right let's do it I am in position and I have my torpedo bomber ready let's see it okay let's go I think mine might be the most practical I drop it like right now if I were you honestly okay here we go oh do you know what it bounced it's going to miss oh no I'm saying no but I actually mean yes but hey I mean it works right the more he misses the better for us right yeah it does work besides the point um I don't want to talk about it okay well coming in from Ice sorry Dan I'll put you up to be out of my misery there needs to be like a certain angle I need to do this because the bomb just hit the ocean and bounced away yeah you wear rolls a bit I think you're like perfectly like level with the scene then go straight oh I don't hit that oh that was close Okay nearly had a major skill issue okay this is it that's it surely surely oh that that's the angle oh no don't do the balance this is not looking good oh guys Goodbye Oh my gosh I think I capsized we need an in replay of that I think we need like a slow motion goodbye I think he is one yeah like I think it was like fearful four attempts well I think we know who the waiter was congrat's Dad online oh don't rub it in good game the boat's fine we're we're no match for for the mighty usually yeah all right well we're off to do some more dog fight so I can win again yes well I think to make this a little bit more interesting since I got that done so quickly uh I think this time you two should uh be on the boat but driving the boat this time I'm moving Target how's that sound yeah it sounds good all right one final rounds one final round Reflections once more one final round with a moving boat this time okay is there two boats there's two boats oh okay more boats to sink this is good my Torpedoes are actually quite slow so if you're moving I'm gonna have a hard time hitting you if you believe yeah I think I could Dodge it if I won't let's take this let's take this are you going for me oh uh between us wherever the torpedo hey oh I'll catch it we're driving Batman you're supposed to be moving forward let me hit you we can make the decision to not go forward right you guys are break checking my Torpedoes I I flipped myself here we go oh straight out there okay well now I'm gonna just press the pull down to get my computer back he's coming I'm already too close oh well dropping it I'm definitely gonna sink one of you that's that's my plan here oh I hit the ocean oh no no you're just too fast that was like an inch off if you didn't turn oh are you also flipping that we're good we're good I need to like get the timings right under him oh he really poked out and hit him I actually looked like it was going to hit him nearly went straight up under me did it crash yeah no my internet went out Dan just rage quick guys no no I I did it 1080p down the line just Rage Quit uh no all right well there's only one target left and I see Batman and you're going down my friend I can't I can still join oh come on come on come on come on oh no no no it's your feet are down I can even use these Torpedoes as a bomb if I wanted to I could just drop it from midair onto you you know what that's what I'm gonna try and do right now it's probably pretty effective it might be here we go oh I think I put my landing gear down instead of dropping the bomb that's a pretty big Miss click oh Batman hey he's coming oh yeah he's gone yes oh yeah finally that didn't feel very good oh actually it is still floating no no no no no you're not oh foreign I'm gonna go for one very very last torpedo run hopefully I can hit you comedy pot I'm coming hot I'm coming in very low as well you seem to be oh yeah I knew what you guys are doing you're changing yeah I'll help you let's go see if we can no no well okay oh it's okay well there you have it there you have it guys that's uh pretty successful wins he usually wins I definitely think uh we all had very unique ideas especially you Dan I have no idea thank you you was trying to make but it seemed it seems cool okay but in the end if you're going after a boat I think a torpedo is the one to use yeah I think we learned that pretty well we left that the hard way try it and test it yeah at least we know now all right guys well thank you so much for watching if you liked it leave a like and why not consider subscribing and you know what why not check out Dan online and Overlord Batman's Channel as well if you like this video they're doing some pretty cool Trail makers content as well but anyway that's enough from me and I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Yzuei
Views: 86,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailmakers, youtube, gaming, xbox, multiplayer, console, games, builds, pc, tutorials, gameplay, letsplay, yzuei, content, stickylizard, littlecorndogs, scrapman, Kosmo
Id: 4ayzPut3y8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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