Who Are The Grey Jedi? Grey Jedi Code, Balance Of The Force, And Star Wars Origins Explained

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I love the idea of what a Grey Jedi is supposed to represent. I like the idea that rejecting both extremes and finding "true balance" can only exist when you take the best of both worlds.

That being said, it's very "anti original Star Wars", if you will. The idea of being non-binary (for lack of a better term) goes against what the original series was about. They define "bringing balance to the force" as "destroying one side of the force entirely", which I don't agree with.

I wish they had a cooler name though. Like "The Twilight" or something. Get the name Jedi or Sith out of it. Claiming to be a Grey Jedi just defeats the purpose of finding true balance imo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ckellingc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't get me wrong, I think the name "Grey Jedi" is terrible, but until we can find something catchier than "Balanced Force User", I guess we gotta be happy with what we are given.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SketchPanic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I found TLJ to bring up a lot of ideas I found in my favorite star wars thing, kotor 2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnakeBurton67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh, I HATE Grey Jedi, from the concept up. Even more the fan perception of Jedi orthodoxy because of their pseudo-existence.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Steelquill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Balance means no dark side

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Realik πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t like the idea of the Grey Jedi. They don’t do much for the continuity beyond acting like in-universe SW hipsters.

Literally just Jedi that want to get some playtime with Sith powers/artifacts without any cost (which thus ignores the logic of the series and themes inherent to the Force and Its effect upon people).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Paladin-Arda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

What books was this concept in?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
ever since the release of the Star Wars the last Jedi trailer the interest in who or what the great Jedi are has taken the internet by storm with Luke Skywalker claiming that the Jedi must end people were left wondering what that meant for the Star Wars universe for longtime fans and those familiar with the expanding universe now known as legends this seemed to be Disney's way of fully introducing the concept of grey Jedi into the new Canon with that being said we'll be looking at both legends and new cannons to help define them however before we delve deep into what makes an individual great Jedi let's first take a look at both the light side and dark side users of the force to better understand how balance can be achieved with the existence of these two extremes whenever the force is brought up people immediately think of two groups the Jedi and the Dark Jedi or Sith there is no emotion there is peace there is no ignorance there is knowledge there is no passion there is serenity there is no chaos there is harmony there is no death there is the force this is the code of the Jedi Order now the Jedi live in almost monastic way of life abiding by dogmatic laws and principles they remain the store defenders of the galaxy doing their best to uphold order and justice while their beliefs dictate that only by being devoid of emotion and attachment can one truly be one with the force although Jedi may restrict what aspects of the force are learned and used they let it flow through them following its will as they believe this is the intended natural order of things history has shown us however that their methods can be quite flawed the practice of taking young force-sensitive children from their homes to be raised and trained as Jedi is a perfect example of this by forcing these children to follow the path of the Jedi it's believed that the chances of one turning to the dark side in their later years is greatly reduced this is also why it's very rare for an adult to be considered for training the Jedi want followers her loyal of such traditions without question this is much easier to achieve with a child who has never given the opportunity to experience life to its fullest beyond what has been taught to them or what they're allowed to see the issue with this is when someone who was brought up this way experiences such strong emotions or attachments in the future they're much more likely to turn the dark side than someone who is matured and reached greater understanding without being cut off from their feelings and the rest of the galaxy it doesn't get better from here the Jedi Order is react in nature typically only pursuing a threat after it already has grown and strength and acted switched by that point are they too late to keep events from spiraling out of control putting the entire galaxy at risk this is why the neverending cycle of war with the dark side persists throughout most of Star Wars history the dark side grows in power but the Jedi refused to act because it goes against the Jedi Code and belief of maintaining peace either due to arrogance or apathy they choose not to strike first avoiding aggression out of fear of what strong emotions could have spawned from such conflicts or feeling that it's not their place to get involved they are instead certain that their belief in the force and the power of the light side will help ensure their victory with or without their direct involvement to make matters worse the Jedi were so restrictive in what knowledge could be sought that some members would leave the order to find their own path or exiled for even entertaining the idea of dabbling in the dark side of the force this is actually what caused the great first schism of 24,500 BBY and legends in the creation of the early Jedi to say that there would be no Dark Jedi without the Jedi as a logical fallacy but the Jedi's rigid system certainly did not help matters which brings us to the Dark Jedi not to be confused with the Sith although both the Dark Jedi and the Sith command the dark side of the force this is where most of their similarities end not all Dark Jedi are inherently evil unlike the Sith Dark Jedi our force sensitives typically form a Jedi that turned away from the light side of the force for a variety of reasons instead choosing to embrace the dark side they believe that the force is a tool to be used to further their own agenda masters of their own destiny bending and shaping the force to submit to their will they tend not to conform to a given organization or belief system or form structure groups of their own it was thus it that stuck to a specific ideology peace is a lie there is only passion through passion I gain strength through strength I gain power through power i gain victory through Victory my chains are broken the force shall free me this is the code of the Sith what some may not realize is the Sith originally were species of being strong with the dark side until they were subjugated by Jon T'Pol and the exiled Jedi that arrived on Korriban and 6900 BBY forced to mix with these dark jedi over thousands of years sit Kame nothing more than a term used to identify those that follow the teachings of old and Sith holocrons of the first Dark Jedi that referred to themselves as such the Sith or darkside force users that are constantly at war with the Jedi as the Jedi are commonly their greatest threat other than themselves to galactic conquest it is their addiction to power and their own hubris that typically leads to their downfall although the darkside grants power it comes at great cost to those who completely tap into it it corrupts the users body mind and soul slowly consuming them during their everlasting quest for more power very few have been able to return from fully embracing the dark side but all were changed by the experience the destructive nature of this corruption is what leads to sitt fighting amongst themselves and a misguided attempt to strengthen their own order or succumbing to Darkseid degradation this is why they are eventually defeated by the jedi resulting in a temporary peace until other sit rise to power and in cycle begins again this brings us to the force users that fall somewhere in between neither fully committed to the light side nor the dark side of the force the great Jedi great Jedi find balance in the force more proactive and far less restrictive and knowledge and abilities than the Jedi but not fully embracing the dark side and bending the Force to their will instead they form a symbiotic bond between the two drawing from both sides is needed giving and taking from the force despite the fact that great Jedi serve as this balance the term Jedi still remains as part of their name due to the fact that their morals still tend to align with that of the Jedi even if their methods and overall beliefs may differ this term has also been applied to those who disagree with the Jedi Council distancing themselves from it and working outside of the Jedi Code or even leaving the order all together without turning to the dark side a force user however does not need to be a Jedi or former Jedi to be considered a great Jedi again it all comes down to how the force user interacts with the force itself a great illustration of this is the gray Jedi Code flowing through all there is balance there is no peace without a passion to create there's no passion without the peace to guide knowledge stagnates will have strength to act power blinds will have the serenity to see there's freedom in life there's purpose and death the force is all things and I am the force this is the most accepted fan version of the grey Jedi Code but many more exist as one has never really been truly stabbed neither legends or new canon the closest thing the canon we have is from legends more specifically the comic dawn of the Jedi there is no ignorance there is knowledge there is no fear there is power I am the heart of the force I am the revealing fire of the light I am the mystery of the darkness and balance with chaos and harmony immortal in the force this is the Jedi oath the Jedi are arguably the first great Jedi in existence dating as far back as 36,000 453 BBY also serving as the foundation of what would eventually become the Jedi Order they were formed after the throw your starship to the callout to force sensitives and served as transports brought barry species throughout the galaxy to Typhon to study the force it's this focus on maintaining a balance in the force that kept - and check and allowed the Jedi to thrive at least until outside influences forced to schism resulting in the light side and dark side force users to battle one another and go their separate ways jump forward to the time of the Old Republic and we have the vos mystics who were discovered by the Galactic Republic and sit Empire around three thousand six hundred and fifty three BBY the voss were ruled by these force wielding mystics who served as both seers and healers to other people and were considered gray by both the Jedi and the Sith the Sith tried to conquer the box while the Jedi attempt to defend them but the voss were able to successfully repeal both forces going further in time to around 25 ABY there's the Gennesaret a group of force atoms that previously aligned themselves with the Sith and galactic empire but if since reformed and lied themselves with the New Jedi Order although they aided the Jedi against the Yuuzhan Vong and trained as members of the New Jedi Order they were still considered great Jedi for the use of light side and dark side of the force in battle then there's the Imperial Knights founded around 44 ABY an order of force users that were loyal to the fell Empire they swore loyalty to their Emperor serving as a balance to the force that the Emperor was meant to stand for if the Emperor were to succumb to the dark side it was their job to either remove him from power or attempt to bring him back to the light aside from organizations and species of balance force users there are many characters that exist throughout both legends and new Canon that can easily be considered or even outright claim to be great Jedi one of the most powerful and memorable characters from legends being revin who is both a Jedi and Sith Lord many times over before eventually leaving both sides to forge a path of his own Julie bindle also served the Jedi Order against the Sith and Exar Kun during the great Sith Wars of 4000 BBY who was during this conflict that his wife fell to the dark side and attempted to turn him as well leading to a battle between the two Julie won but wasn't able to strike her down instead allowing her to leave only to find out later that she slaughtered numerous Jedi before meeting her own end rather than punish Julie for his actions the Jedi Council stated that a hard lesson was already learned and finally seek to promote into the title of Jedi Knight it was at this moment that he lost faith and felt betrayed by the Jedi leaving the order to go into exile Calchas harren started out as an imperial stormtrooper who deflected to the rebellion learned of his force sensitivity and taught himself the ways of the force during his journey he was forced to confront the darkside within himself ultimately finding balance and becoming a great Jedi it was his belief that the force had no side and instead it was the person who wielded it the decided of the force was being used for the light or dark gala Marik was an exceptionally strong force user that was abducted and raised by Darth Vader only ever taught the dark side of the force over time we found a greater purpose as well as balance during his mission to form the rebellion only to then assist in this destruction Galen instead turned on Vader and the Emperor sacrificing himself to save the rebellion using the training and abilities from RAM Kota and the dark side of the force sadly characters from legends have not been added to the new Canon but the influence of the grey Jedi that was created from and has certainly worked its way in sin the new Canon this may come as a shock to some but qui-gon jinn was actually considered a great Jedi by many of his peers due to his constant questioning in the Jedi councils wisdom and even acting against their will such as when he chose to train Anakin to be a Jedi despite being told not sooner this could very well be due to the training of his former master Dooku who later became a Sith Lord but qui-gon jinn always remained true to the force and fought alongside the Jedi to the very end in the Clone Wars series Anakin meets the one known as the father on mortis he's a powerful force that claims to be the balance of the force as he keeps his two children each representing the side side and darks have the force in check in Star Wars rebels we're reintroduced to ahsoka tano former Padawan am anakin skywalker who left the Jedi Order during the end of the Clone series she adds the rebels under the alias fulcrum later revealing her true identity to the crew of the ghost she used her powers and abilities to fight against the Galactic Empire and even against her former master and friend Anakin Skywalker now Darth Vader it's also making a brief appearance in Star Wars rebels a force sensitive entity known as Ben do not to be confused the die Ben do monks encounters kanan jarrus and ezra bridger helping the to resolve their personal issues during a discussion between Kanan and men do it has revealed that the being for claims that it represents the center of the force acting as a balance between the light and the dark side of the force so with all these characters groups that follow the greater teachings and even species that are balanced within the force that exists whithin alleges a new canon it's only a matter of time before the gray jedi are fully acknowledged from the new canon or at least given another proper name i know there are some out there that are against this concept and prefer to cling to the ideas of only having the light side and dark side of the force but the Star Wars universe has already shown much like our reality that things aren't always black and white sometimes there are shades of grey the biggest criticism I've seen against gray Jedi is that they are cowards or too apathetic but we see numerous examples of how that isn't true examples of Joly Bindo and Ben do who remain in exile are used as proof of this but that is never the end state of either of the characters but rather a time little growth and reflection on their journey towards meeting their full potential as great Jedi as I mentioned before it's not the gray Jedi who are apathetic but rather the Jedi themselves when the Mandalorian Wars raged on in 39 63 BBY it was revin who questioned ultimately defied the will of the Jedi Council of the old republic who refused to face the Mandalorian threat without revans tactical genius and skills to defeat them the Mandalorians would have decimated much of the galaxy an old republic when Kanan called Ben duel coward for not assisting the rebels in their fight against the Galactic Empire and enraged the being who unleashed their wrath on the Imperials on the planet but also threatened the rebels to leave as well although not as grand of an act as reven men whose actions did help the rebels on that day I mean without qui-gon jinns influence and teachings obi-wan likely would not have been the same kind of Jedi as his throughout Star Wars and the knowledge of being one with the force to become a Spectre or Force Ghost will not have been passed on to Yoda or other Jedi he also played an active role fight against the rise of the Sith during that era ahsoka tano was also a valued member of the early rebellion routing the Galactic Empire at every turn acting as an agent of change rather than staying out of the conflict altogether with all that being said I could honestly go on for hours about the great Jedi as they are an interesting concept and both theory and an application but this video is probably already long enough what do you think of the great Jedi would you like to see the great Jedi become a major part of the new Canon do you think that Luke Skywalker array fit the profile of grey Jedi let me know down in the comments below also if you enjoy this video be sure to like share and subscribe dinging that Bell to remain notified of future videos feel free to join our discord server and discuss all things Star Wars gaming comic books and tabletop with the rest of the ready comet roll crew and other rollers today follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and all other forms of social media that can be found in the video description below if you'd like to see us grow head over to our patreon and become a patron I'm Anthony and as always may the force be with you you
Channel: ReadyComicsRoll
Views: 3,211,606
Rating: 4.8968887 out of 5
Keywords: Grey Jedi, Gray Jedi, Who Are The Grey Jedi, Who Are The Gray Jedi, What Are Grey Jedi, What Are Gray Jedi, Grey Jedi Code, Gray Jedi Code, Luke Skywalker Grey Jedi, Luke Skywalker Gray Jedi, Grey Jedi Explained, Gray Jedi Explained, Rey Grey Jedi, Rey Gray Jedi, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Ahsoke Tano, Qui Gon Jinn, Kyle Katarn, Bendu, Jolee Bindo, Imperial Knights, Jensaarai, Je'Daii, ReadyComicsRoll, ReadyComicsRoll Podcast
Id: hDo1Km4bMys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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