Star Wars: The Old Republic Galactic Timeline Mini Movie

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greetings I am master nos Doral keeper of the Jedi archives the Jedi Council request I perform a daunting task to revise the orders historical records in light of new revelations about the formation of the Sith Empire specifically I'm to trace the conflict between the Empire and the Republic the Sith and the Jedi to encumber the roots of the struggle which now plagues us I've chosen to begin with the singular defining event of recent years the unprecedented peace agreement between the same pyre and the Galactic Republic the Treaty of Khorasan three centuries after the death of Darth Malak and the end of the Jedi Civil War the true Sith Empire returned from deep space attacking the Republic they began a war unlike any other in the galaxy's history the great galactic war dragged on for decades thousands of Jedi and Sith were slain countless star systems were rapidly though he now controlled half the galaxy this said Emperor grew impatient he had expected his triumph to come quickly the Lords of the Emperor's Dark Council surprised the Republic Senate with an offer of peace a reprieve the Republic could not afford to ignore matters have become complicated for the Republic war effort since the critical trade route between the outer rim and the Core Worlds was recovering from a Mandalorian blockade the Jedi Council urged caution as the Senate considered the Sith offer that even they had to agree the war was unwinnable peace was the only hope Republican Imperial diplomats convened on the planet of alderaan to discuss a galaxy-wide ceasefire but the Sith still had one play to make the Imperial fleet launched a surprise assault on the Republic capital of course--it bombarding the planet from orbit and storming the city world's bottomless towers with Carson's defenses incapacitated The Imperials annihilated the Jedi Temple captured the Senate Tower and held the entire planet hostage back on Alderaan Republic diplomats had no choice despite unfavorable terms the Treaty of Carson was signed Jedi and Republic troops began withdrawing from battlefields around the galaxy leaving star systems to fend for themselves and to be quickly swallowed up by the Sith Empire the Jedi returned to Carson to find their temple and ruins and irate senators blaming the Jedi for all the Republic's troubles those still committed to defending the Republic the Jedi relocated to their ancient homeworld of Tython to rest meditate and seek guidance from the force thus began the unprecedented stalemate the Jedi reconnecting with their roots the Republic nursing its wounds thus if consolidating the power in the galaxy divided between darkness and light [Music] in retrospect this outcome was inevitable and would have come sooner but now for some of the Republic's less savory our lives I will elaborate on this theory soon [Music] [Music] after the sacking of course and the Jedi Council agreed that the Republic had been undone by the bull cunning of the Empire strategy a closer look however suggests the sacking of Carson was not the crowning moment of the Empire's campaign but rather a risky maneuver undertaken after all other efforts had failed thus if only considered turning to such measures after their efforts were undermined by an unlikely Republic Ally the criminal smuggling contingent that broke the Mandalorian blockade the blockade choked the primary trade route for providing Republic military support to the Outer Rim in the main hyper lane for bringing raw goods from the colonies to the core world's long-standing holdouts in the outer rim began folding to the Empire and critical supplies vanished from the core worlds almost overnight as starvation swept through the lower levels of Carson riots broke out planet-wide talking the Senate veered sharply to a complete surrender to the Sith Empire it was at this critical hour that a Miri Allen smuggler named I love is recognized an extraordinary business opportunity for her and her partners with the Republic willing to pay any price for raw goods high-lows plan was simple break the Mandalorian blockade loading massive freighters with all the goods the outer rim had to offer high-low and her fellow smugglers hauled their loads to within a parsec of the blockade and stopped still [Music] distracted by suspicious freighters the Mandalorians never knew what hit them a motley fleet of small starships dropped out of hyperspace and opened fire a massive space battle ensued the smugglers light freighters ran rings around the Mandalorian cruisers but even so final visitor ban were how matched fortunately republic strategic information systems was tipped off and starfighters was scrambled from nearby systems with their assistance the Mandalorians were quickly overcome the blockade broken high lavas brought freighters full of raw goods into carson and walked away with more wealth than she had ever imagined an elaborate metal ceremony was held in her honor but pilo never showed she was long gone rumor has it high Lopez was killed a year later for double-crossing the Hutts regardless through this unlikely heroes efforts your republic war effort gained a reprieve at the time many believe the empire was behind the Mandalorian blockade my research indicates a far more elaborate explanation I will share that in my next report Mandalorians trained from birth to fight in battle their bodies are honed into killing machines these independent warrior nomads have challenged the Jedi for centuries the Mandalorians embrace conflict and admire strength but they are different from our dark counterparts they are not like the Sith Mandalorians believe confrontation is required for growth on the personal as well as the cultural level war is the Mandalorian way of life combined with their thirst for conquest it makes them undeniably dangerous however we must acknowledge that their commitment to self-improvement is none unlike our own and there's even something respectable about the rugged sense of Honor but they are not our friends the Mandalorians allegiance to our enemies has cost us dearly after the Sith empires initial onslaught star systems continue to fall until the Jedi finally managed to stop the enemy's advance in the mid rim for the first time in decades the Republic Senate breathe a sigh of relief but it was short-lived in the arena's of Geonosis a young gladiator had risen to prominence calling himself the new Mandalore a title unclaimed for centuries a title reserved for the greatest warrior in the galaxy a warrior worthy to lead the Mandalorians though it had been centuries the descendants of the once proud culture had not forgotten the legends of the Mandalore's who had gone before spread far and wide working as mercenaries and bounty hunters when a new Mandalore called his loyal subjects came Mandalore's call was simple to confront the galaxy's greatest challenge and fight the legendary Knights of the Jedi Order [Music] amassing an army overnight Mandalore planted his forces in the path of the heidn way trade route cutting off the Republic's most critical supply lines we were initially hesitant to pull back from the battle with a sip in the outer rim but after several pleas from the Senate the supply crisis could not be ignored the Jedi Order answered the new Mandalore's challenge we attacked the blockade our order was defeated quite profoundly the Mandalorian blockade held strong until the day intrepid smugglers took their shot at the Mandalorians and managed to rescue the Republic Mandalore went on to lead many of his followers to seek new challenges while others again struck out on their own the true enigma and the resurgence of the Mandalorians was the rise of the new Mandalore himself I will endeavor to find clues to this enigma for my next report [Music] the arrival of Imperial allies in the Great War was a devastating blow from which the Republic never fully recovered this was the second step in the Sith Emperor's master plan recent Republic strategic information reports proved that the rise of the Mandalorians was orchestrated by imperial intelligence we know extremely little about this shadowy organization but imperial intelligence operatives are clearly just as deadly as their sifts superiors the galaxy's criminal networks wavered endlessly during the Great War debating whether to back the Republic or the Empire although the Hutt cartels resented the syph emperor for not including them in his pre-war conspiracy imperial intelligence somehow blocked the Republic's efforts to win the Hutt support scattered around the galaxy Mandalorian mercenaries and bounty hunters faced the same choice as the Hutt's some signed on with the Empire but most remained independent Imperial diplomats made repeated attempts to recruit the galaxy's most infamous bounty hunters but were turned down every time the Empire shifted its tactics mandalorian mercenaries and bounty hunters often fought as gladiators for money and glory a mark of Honor in the Mandalorian culture Imperial agents use this to their advantage infiltrating the most prominent claret Oriole arenas in the galaxy as managers and sponsors and even in some cases as gladiators themselves the Imperial agents singled out a proud young gladiator to be their pawn this young lady er had always fared well in the arena but with his new Imperial allies his rise was accelerated to unprecedented levels living arena fights is not unheard of but Imperial agents brazenly sabotage the entire system by drugging their Champions competition none could stand against him the whispers of Imperial agents became cheers in the arena mandala mandala the ancient title of ultimate warrior king was thrust upon the young gladiator his infamy grew and when he called the Mandalorians rallied to their new master the new Mandalore secretly served masters of his own however imperial agents pulled their puppet strings and the Mandalorian army blockaded the hiding way and challenged the Jedi though the blockade was eventually broken the stage was set for the sacking of coarsened and the uneasy truce which now paralyzes the Republic the Mandalorian synthol iins remains intact to this day that could change if the original ruse was brought to light but the Imperial intelligence covers its tracks too well Mandalore was slain recently and his killer the new Mandalore has taken his place whether or not he's another Imperial puppet remains to be seen but we must watch him closely imperial agent success in bringing the Mandalorians into the war was the counterplay to the Republic's first string of victories the subject of my next report [Music] when the Emperor planned the Republic's destruction he did not foresee the need for alliances the Sith would sweep through the galaxy systematically exterminating their age-old general enemies and dismantling the proud Republic but the Emperor's vision was cynical he did not count on the brave sacrifices the Republic's heroes were willing to make after the Sith offensive seize this issue in a sector of the outer rim the Imperial Armada turned its sights closer to the core the mid rim believing the Republic was still recovering from its heavy losses the Imperial forces charged in a bath and space where they were caught off guard by the full force of a republic fleet the Republic fleet obliterated the Imperial squadron and a Battle of Buffalo II became the Republic's first major victory in the war the news spread across the galaxy rekindling lost hopes and re-energizing exhausted defenders the Republic fleet moved on but a courageous force of Jedi and Republic soldiers remained on Mathari to await the Empire's return the vengeance of the Sith came swiftly Imperial battle cruisers from around the galaxy closed in on bathroom space to recoup their losses a high-powered planetary shield protected both away from bombardment forcing the Imperial forces to engage on the ground Jedi Master baltha lusus seven dozen of the order's finest knights and four thousand Republic soldiers dug in to defend the shield generators or die trying' the disparity was staggering an unprecedented appear eel army 50,000 strong descended on mother Louise brave defenders the defenders were undaunted with no expectation of survival you termination their lines were whittled away until only a handful of soldiers in Jedi remained they rallied to the Jedi Master a losses for a final stand Imperial Grand Moff celos offered to spare master losses if he and his brave comrades would surrender neither pride nor fool hardness drove the defenders decision they were guided by the force they had passed beyond the fear of death they're glorious Last Stand will never be forgoten hallucis and his men fell but not before the Imperials were driven to retreat the Battle of Buffalo II was a draw the heroes above will be inspired while New Republic strategies that eventually halted the Empire's advances in retrospect though the Republic had lost too many systems in the early years of the Great War the execution of the Emperor's brilliant strategy was flawless survival was the best the Republic of hoped for I've spent much time now piecing together the puzzle of the Emperor's initial designs and I have a theory that is quite surprising I'll develop that for my next report [Music] the onslaught of the Sith Empire was an event unlike any other in the history of the Republic the synth materialized from nowhere and launched an offensive of colossal proportions horrifying reports from the outer rim seem to portend the utter destruction of the Republic the rapid onset of galaxy wide terror and panic was part of the Sith Emperor's meticulous calculations his plan was flawless SIF battlecruisers first appeared on the fringes of the tingle arm unaware of the ships origins we dispatched a diplomatic convoy with a small star fighter escort the Emperor wanted us to witness the full might of his forces before he attacked the diplomats had just enough time to transmit images back then they were dilated immediately thereafter the Sith began a full assault on the Republic allies in the Apollo sector which fell before the Republic fleet even arrived then our allies turned on us the Sith had secretly established puppet government's on belkin on serpent Owen ruia Republic fleet suddenly found itself in enemy territory fighting desperately on all sides the Republic rallied every available ship to support the fleet leaving only a handful of Jedi security ships to patrol Korriban regrettably Corbin fell back into the enemy's hands without the Jedi Council even knowing about it overwhelmed and desperate the Republic fleet scattered fleeing from the tingle arm to avoid complete annihilation elsewhere in the outer rim the Sith staged more targeted strikes destroying our shipyards in the slowest sector blockading the rimma trade route and seizing control of the rich resources of the - cluster confused and in complete disarray Republic forces were unable to respond Republic leaders and members of the Jedi Council arranged an emergency meeting in the Senate to prioritize the galaxy's defense but the session quickly became mired in politics irate senators stormed out in protest over decisions which left their representative sectors exposed to attack many of the republic's diplomatic allies refused military support for the greater cause it was every system for itself this was perhaps the greatest genius of the Emperor's plot he had turned the Republic against itself while the Republic played politics the Emperor used the time to reconfigure his forces for the long push into the galactic core all might have been lost in those early years had individual Jedi Masters and Republic military leaders waited for the Senate's orders by taking matters into their own hands they managed to slow the Empire's advances the attack of the Sith Empire was the most well orchestrated and carefully coordinated military maneuver in the galaxy's history indications suggest the operation took centuries of planning and preparation I'll elaborate in my next report [Music] the centuries preceding the Great War were a time of peace and growth for the Republic dozens of new star systems joined the Galactic Senate for the synth Empire however these centuries were marked by a rapid acceleration in the preparations for war an effort in which the Sith showed surprising corporation and sacrifice I have long suspected that during this extended period the Sith spent generations infiltrating Republic political circles and the even the Jedi Order reviewing historical records I haven't covered strong evidence of one such case even Gynt was a fourth generation Jedi widely considered to be the most promising Padawan in the order having a similar heritage that venerated Jedi scholar master peril affair took Gynt as his apprentice together over and in travel the galaxy studying the mysteries of the force over the years the pair became more and more ambitious eventually undertaking a daunting mission they set out to explore the ancient Sith temples on Yavin floor their goal was to investigate the final resting place of Naga Sadow one of the most powerful Sith Lords who ever lived arriving on Yavin 4 over and get discovered that Naga Sadow twisted masazi warriors had survived the centuries the masazi originated as a sith subspecies forming the backbone of the earliest sith armies but Naga Sadow subjected his Musashi followers to heinous experiments turning them into dark force wielding monsters the end and master ovair fought bravely against the Musashi but they were defeated and forced to flee deep into the temple there they encountered the dark energy still lingering in Naga Sadow two weeks later master ovair returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant alone wounded and half insane from the tortures he had endured after a lengthy recovery master ovair told a tale of the horrors he faced and against tragic death several years passed then one day he soon began mysteriously reappeared on Khorasan wearing the garb of the Musashi warriors and bent on killing master ovair possessed by the dark spirit of Naga Sadow into tactus fallen master in broad daylight the brutal battle between the two was staged with watching gets borrow powers were formidable but master ovair won the day all there's triumph over darkness was celebrated and the Jedi Council assumed that all was well the question no one asked was this why would Nagisa douse spirits seek vengeance specifically against master ovair the answer has become clear after a closer look at 'auvairs Jedi heritage his father and grandfather also went out of their way to visit the tombs of the ancient Sith Lords they were a family of SIF infiltrators 'auvairs mission on Yavin 4 was not for the jedi it was on behalf of his true master the dark emperor of the sith the Emperor knew the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords could be a threat to his power when he returned to the known galaxy a century later 'auvairs tripped the oven for was a preemptive strike to seal Naga Sadow stoom and ensure the emperor's only enemies when he returned would be the Jedi and the Republic how unfortunate that we've only learned the terrible truth about mesto affair more than a century too late of course this revelation only raises further questions what other acts of dark subterfuge were ovair and his family involved in this will be the starting point of my next report [Music] Sith infiltrators we are now certain that the sifrits returned as far back as the Jedi Civil War in fact it's clear that the origins of the Jedi Civil War itself were not as simple as we once believed the Sith Emperor's first representatives to return to Republic space are well known names Darth Revan and Darth Malak revenues remember now as a legend a great hero of the Jedi Order but that was only after his Redemption Revan and Malak first rebelled against the Jedi Council by ignoring orders and assisting the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars reven success in defeating the Mandalorians caused the council to question its orders but none realized how far revin had already fallen after the crushing victory on Malachor five Revan and Malak chased the Mandalorians into deep space it was there on drum and cost that they encountered another enemy entirely the Sith Empire reborn we know nothing of what transpired when Revan and Malak meant to sit Emperor one thing is certain when they returned they did so on behalf of their new Dark Master the fall of Revan and Malak to the dark side was complete the Emperor sent them back to the Republic to make preparations for a full-scale Sith invasion their mission was to recover the maps leading to the ancient star Forge constructed by the Rakata more than 25 centuries ago with the star Forge the Emperor plan to accelerate the construction of the new Sith Armada he would exact his vengeance against the Jedi and the Republic centuries ahead of schedule the ambitions of Darth Revan and Malak grew quickly though as they drew closer to the star Forge the two Sith Lords began to have visions of their own Empire [Music] fortunately for the republic Malik's thirst for power drove him to betray his master he attack reven ship and left his former master for dead the Jedi found reven wounded and unconscious after much debate the council made a controversial decision do you race reverence memory and refrain him as a Jedi working with Jedi Master Bachelor Shan revin recovered his strength he then rescued the Republic and defeated his former apprentice the Jedi civil war was over the star Forge destroyed and rather not only redeemed but celebrated as a hero deep in revans lost memories however hid the knowledge of a booking Menace far greater than Darth Malak indeed the Emperor's plan to accelerate his return was thwarted but the construction of the Sith Armada continued it would only be a matter of time with the war over reven returned to deep space in search of the great evil what happened after that is unknown [Music] the revans ultimate fate remains a mystery we've learned much about the events that preceded his fall the Mandalorian Wars will be the subject of my next report [Music] Revan and Malak did not fall to the dark side in a single moment they turned after years spent in war and in defiance of the Jedi Council Revan and Malak descent into darkness actually began with compassion the compassion that compelled them to enter the Mandalorian Wars of all wars in Republic history the war with the Mandalorians was the bloodiest due in large part to the Mandalorians ambitious leader Mandalore the ultimate sought to create the most powerful army in the galaxy to achieve this he had to defeat the Republic and its Jedi protectors calling together the Mandalorian clans and recruiting new warriors as neo Crusaders Mandalore began conquering unaligned worlds in the outer-rim the Mandalorians fought republic allies on many fronts but the Republic military wasn't fully mobilized until Terrace was threatened in the first series of battles the Republic proved victorious several heroes emerged including the dedicated soldier and talented pilot lieutenant kartha nasi but on now see and the rest of the Republic's defenders hadn't faced the true challenge Mandalore the ultimate was secretly holding the bulk of his forces back to test the Republic's strength unleashing their full might and then DeLoreans devastated the Republic's defenses and began terrorizing systems from the tingle arm to the mid rim the Jedi Council refused to be baited into the battle despite the Mandalorians brutal aggression the council decreed that no Jedi should take part in the fight as the war grew worse however a splinter group of rebels formed within the order determined a rally to the Republic's defense the splinter group was led by Revan and Malak joining on NASA and the rest of the republic's troops Revan and Malak turned the war around reven let the republic's forces in a powerful push to drive the Mandalorians from republic space in the final battle revin single-handedly slew man alarm he then activated a super weapon which destroyed an entire planet and everyone on it reven zack destroyed the Mandalorian armies and ended the war but sacrificed the lives of thousands of Republic troops and Jedi in the process with the war over dutiful Republic soldiers like Carthon RC returned to their posts but Revan and Malak pursued the remnant of the Mandalorian armies into deep space it was there of course that Revan and Malak found the Sith Empire and upon meeting the Emperor their fall to the dark side was complete though it became a boon to the Empress plan none suspected at the hand of the darkside played a role in the Mandalorian Wars a closer analysis of history suggests otherwise story of Exar Kun expert the infamous if Lord Exar Kun had no relations with the true Sith Empire but his fall to the dark side set the stage for the Mandalorian Wars and the eventual fall of Revan and Malak as a young Jedi Knight Exar Kun exhibited a strong connection to the force through long practice he achieved unparalleled prowess in lightsaber combat seeking to expand his knowledge as well the young Jedi delved deeper into his studies of the force and ignored his masters cautions believing himself to be immune to the draw of the dark side the Jedi Council grew concerned observing that XR Coons thirst for knowledge was starting to resemble a thirst for power but he was already beyond their reach travelling to the Alderaan system could encounter the spirit of the ancient Sith Lord freedon Nadd the spirit directed the young Jedi to where he might find the powerful secrets he sought venturing into the Sith mausoleums on Korriban kun face tests from the Fallen Sith Lords when he emerged he had passed the point of no return his fall to the dark side was inevitable to complete his indoctrination Exar Kun journey to Yavin floor there like others who came before and after he encountered the fearsome Musashi warriors created by Naga Sadow the musasat captured Exar Kun and offered him as a sacrifice to an ancient Sith worm facing death kun fully embraced the dark side and channeled his hatred and killed the worm empowered the young Sith Lord then enslaved the Massassi and recovered an ancient symbol abandoned centuries earlier by Malka Saddam [Music] seeking to establish himself as the undisputed Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun attacked the Kraft cult of the Empress Tita system among the crass Exar Kun came face-to-face with another fallen Jedi whose strength matched his own you laquelle drama [Music] held Roma had fully embraced the dark side after unsuccessfully trying to infiltrate the craft and dismantle their called from within after a long duel quel drama and Exar Kun join forces excel kun is the undisputed Dark Lord of the Sith quel drama has his apprentice their armies grass and Musashi combined to form the infamous Brotherhood of the Sith the Brotherhood then waged a ruthless war against the Republic and the Jedi after winning several battles the Sith attack the Jedi Library enosis their Cal dramas struck down his own brother osis was destroyed at the battle the Sith were victorious but their triumph was short-lived remorseful for killing his brother killed Romo abandoned the dark side and betrayed Exar Kun the republic drove kuhn back to Yaman for where the Dark Lord enacted a ritual sacrificing his armies to keep his spirit alive though unable to defeat him entirely that Jedi were able to imprison Exar Kun spirit in the temples on Yavin floor from what we know it remains there to this day we can learn much from Exar Kun story of greatest interest is simply the fact that he was not aligned with the Sith Emperor in exile and from accosts the fact that the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords supported Exar Kun suggests that they did not and perhaps do not support the Sith Emperor we face today we have very little information about the emperor or his efforts to rebuild his empire in exile I will reveal the details we do have in my next report [Music] for more than a thousand years the resurrected Sith Empire advanced unchecked in deep space all the while we Jedi believe the Sith were extinct though several self-proclaimed Sith Lords challenged the Republic they were all fallen Jedi not true Sith the true Sith were the biological descendants of the ancient race native the coralline the true Sith were extinct except those who fled into exile nine hundred years ago the success of their reincarnated civilization is testimony to the dark genius of the Sith Emperor but the dedication of the Imperial people must be acknowledged as well in our brief glimpses into the empire secret history one name stands out Grand Moff odile Vikon the founder of the modern Imperial military as a child Vikon was one of the few hundred survivors and fled the carnage on Korriban at the end of the great hyperspace war to escape their enemies the Emperor led a small fleet of six ships and a hyperspace jump into uncharted regions [Music] the Exile fleet wandered in deep space for many years thereafter during this time black and learn navigation it became one of the fleet's most respected pilots the survivors finally settled on the jungle world of drunken cos there the Emperor revealed his vision to build a new civilization of unrivaled efficiency and he promised his people vengeance he promised them an empire destined to dominate the galaxy an empire destined to bring about the Republic's destruction the Emperor's role in reconstruction was as visionary alone he said well vajura and isolation and left the logistics to a newly formed Dark Council and two loyal Imperial leaders like Odile Vikon while the Dark Council debated long-term plans of the Sith power structure the young Vikon took on the monumental task of establishing order Vikon drafted every non force user of age into the new Imperial military he then developed the Imperial military training regimen that remains to this day with his army well-trained Vikon led a campaign to carve a footprint into the wilderness of drum costs to create room for the Empire's new capital to flourish records suggest that during the campaign he personally slew a rabbit to rant attack on the site where the imperial citadel stands today after establishing the Empire's Dominion on drum and costs Vikon turned his attention to constructing a new Imperial Navy [Music] dividing his troops between engineering mining and manufacturing he laid the groundwork for an ambitious plan the creation of the Imperial Armada by his own estimates the task would take centuries Vikon knew he would never see even a fraction of his plans success nonetheless he garnered the support of the Dark Council and started the work it was this act which earned Vikon the honour of being the first Grand Moff recognized in the new Imperial military Ranma Vikon was eventually killed during an imperial campaign to conquer an alien system in deep space he died in battle on the bridge of a prototype Star Destroyer a fitting end to the first Imperial Grand Moff the Vikon was lost all those centuries ago his plan and his name lived on to inspire countless generations who marched under the Imperial banner [Music] lykan story represents the surprising loyal to the Imperial citizens show to an empire in which they will always be subservient to the Sith I believe the roots of disloyalty lie in the events of the great hyperspace war I'll explain my theory in a subsequent report [Music] among past threats to the Republic the great hyperspace war stands above all other wars in galactic history in fact the battle we fight today is in many ways an extension of this same conflict the Sith Empire we believed we had destroyed in this war has now returned to avenge its defeat the historical factors have set the stage for the modern conflict their close examination I believe the greatest factor of all have been the way the Republic concluded the great hyperspace war the great hyperspace war began at a time when the Republican enjoyed millennia of peace growth and consolidation in contrast the Sith Empire was ending its centuries long adolescent period undiscovered by the Republic the Sith had conquered all the star systems near Korriban they were now seeking new opportunities for expansion at this time a brutal power struggle had broken out following the death of the Sith ruler among the contenders was the Dark Lord Naga Sadow whether by chance or destiny it was at this time that two Republic explorers stumbled onto Korriban Naga Sadow seize this opportunity to gain political advantage the explorers were imprisoned as spies but Naga Sadow staged an attack to liberate the explorers he left evidence suggesting the attack was a republic military operation leveraging the widespread fear of an impending republic invasion Naga Sadow rallied the Sith to unite behind his cause a preemptive strike against their newly discovered enemies eager for war the people embraced Naga Sadow as their new ruler his first act was to launch a vicious assault against the Republic the Sith armies attacked on several fronts including Khorasan itself Naga Sadow commanded all his forces from a meditation sphere suspended over a giant star the initial onslaught overwhelmed the Republic's unprepared defenses the Sith empires victory was almost assured but as happened so often the dark side turned upon itself Naga Sadow was betrayed by his apprentice though the apprentice was defeated the attack did succeed in breaking Nagas announced battle meditation the tide of the war turned the Seth were lost without the leaders direction and Republic forces who chased the invaders back to the very doorstep of Naga Sadow ximena tations fear recognising his imminent defeat the Sith Lord abandoned his horses and started a chain of events to destroy the nearby star and everything in its vicinity Naga Sadow fled back to Korriban only to discover renewed opposition to his rule civil war broke out whittling away what was left of the Sith empires already weakened armies Naga Sadow defeated the upstarts but the Sith were defenseless when the Republic fleet attacked shortly thereafter as the Republic fleet wiped up with remain of the Sith military Naga Sadow fled again this time into permanent exile on Yavin 4 it was at this moment the Republic made what might now be considered a mistake the Sith no longer posed a threat to the Republic but the Supreme Chancellor was unsatisfied Jedi and Republic forces were sent to Korriban and other sip limits to ensure no remnants of the Sith Empire remained it was this action which drove the surviving SIF to flee into deep space with the new Dark Lord who rose to take Naga Sadow splice the same Dark Lord they continued to call Emperor to this day I believe this was why he led his people to rebuild their civilization on drummond cause and this was why they returned thirteen centuries later to get revenge against the Republic one must wonder how things might have been if the Republic had handled the end of the great hyperspace war differently [Music] we mustn't forget though the conflict at the heart of the great hyperspace war and the war we fight today began even before the Sith Empire rose to power I'll elaborate in the next hall record
Channel: The Gaming Library
Views: 1,672,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars the old republic galatic timeline, swtor timeline, star wars old republic mini movie, star wars old republic cutscenes, star wars old republic galatic timeline, star wars galatic empire
Id: iGBvgClhjWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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