The Real Reason Yoda DESPISED Dooku's Unique Lightsaber (CANON) | Star Wars Explained

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I don't think so what was the real reason that the Grand Master of the Jedi Order Master Yoda hated the lightsaber built by his last Padawan Dooku of Serenno why did you build such a unique hilt and what was it about the design that caused Yoda to worry so much about his jedi padawan powerful you have become Dooku the dark side I sense in you today we are looking at the relationship between Count Dooku and his master Yoda and talking about why Yoda despised Dooku's lightsabers so much before we answer that I wanted to say that most of this information comes from the audio book Dooku Jedi lost which is available on audible and because I was covering the audio book they were kind enough to actually sponsor this video and offer a free audio book and one month free to all my friends in the lore star community so if you do want to listen to this audio production yourself you can either click the link in the description go to slash lore star or text lore star 2 500 500 you'll also have access to their audible originals for that month as well as their entire library of books podcasts and well pretty much everything if an octave deeper than our remote it's not exist the code is good for any audiobook you like totally free but if you're like me you'll probably end up spending every last credit on their massive Star Wars library knowledge is home knowledge it is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the force a bio skills were the lights now in order to talk about why Yoda held Dooku's lightsaber in such disdain we must first understand the purpose of its design Count Dooku was first introduced in Star Wars attacked the clones as an elegant dignitary a former Jedi political idealist Dooku had a regal presence and carried himself with dignity and charm much in part thanks to the acting of the late Sir Christopher Lee has very powerful face doesn't he of course this was not all Dooku was remembered for hanging from his belt and keeping with his anachronistic elegance was a lightsaber of an old design a design that evoked images of the Jedi's ancient heritage and history the lightsaber was curved at the hilt producing unorthodox angles of attack and allowing the wielder to more deftly manipulate the blade with the single-handed lightsaber style Makka XI or more simply known as form to Ava's emphasis was always on form 3 this lightsaber style was favored by Dooku for its elegance and precision favouring quick clean strikes that were pleasing to the eye and more energy-efficient for prolonged duels form 2 also favored disarming strikes rather than fatal blows allowing the duelist to more nobly disarm their opponent however unlike most lightsaber forms Makka she was not designed to be competitive against enemies with blasters while a skilled swordsman could still use the form to deflect blaster bolts the form was refined to masterfully combat lightsaber wielding opponents almost exclusively this focus was compounded when combined with a curved hilt which was again designed specifically to be a duelist weapon more accurately designed to be a weapon used in duels against other lightsabers Dooku was not the first Jedi or Sith to make use of a curved lightsaber hilt as the design had been favored by many Jedi during the era when duels between Jedi and Sith were common which we use simple print the cut of the prep as all lightsabers are unique so - were curved lightsabers with no tube curved hilts having quite the same angle or curvature Dooku's lightsaber was crafted with painstaking intentionality refined over decades to create the perfect weapon while we do not know if his first lightsaber was curved the audio book Dooku Jedi lost confirms that he was in fact already using a curved hilt by the age of 15 a full year before he was selected by Yoda to be the Grand Masters final Padawan on Dooku's lightsaber the curve below the emitter ensured that the blade left the hilt at an unorthodox angle relative to the wielders hand making the strikes more difficult to anticipate and counter likewise the elbow on the back of Dooku's hilt served two functions first as a counterweight to properly balance the blade in his hand and second the angled pommel could be used as a leverage point by placing the off hand against it now by the age of 10 Dooku was already recognized as the best duelist in his class receiving consistently high marks in all of his classes but especially swordsmanship he was one of the most brilliant Jedi have the privilege of knowing the young Duke who fed obsessively on the praise and recognition of his elders not allowing himself to become stagnant or content simply being better than his peers he continued to push himself far beyond never satisfied with his own skill good so much so that he was almost late for his own tournament where he would be selected as a Padawan pushing himself to train and practice until the very last minute however at this point in Jedi history the lightsaber was considered a largely ceremonial weapon with little real combat value the Jedi of this era rarely used their lightsabers in actual combat with the mere display of the weapon on their belt usually being sufficient to de-escalate most threats the Jedi of this era would often travel to Republic Worlds and perform ceremonial demonstrations and mock duels to entertain and amuse the Republic citizens Dooku however was not content with this status quo believing that the Jedi needed to take real action to protect the people of the Republic not simply be performing for their amusement or make appearances at high-profile events having been exposed to the power of the dark side at the age of 10 Dooku realize that the threat of the Sith was not over he began to suspect the Sith had held out in secret for the past nine hundred years and began to search for the proofs of their continued existence even before he selected Dooku as his Padawan Yoda condemned Duke you for this reprimanding him for not accepting the knowledge that all Jedi assumed to be true that the Sith threat was over and possible the Sith have been extinct for a millennium Yoda began to grow concerned that Dooku was chasing shadows hunting for an enemy that had been extinct for a nearly a millennia Yoda watched Dooku closely observing the young Jedi initiate as he continued through his training Yoda was concerned by Dooku's obsession with destroying the Sith and these fears were compounded by the style of lightsaber that Dooku built for himself when he was about 14 years old Duke whose childhood friends sifo-dyas welcome to who in the middle of the night claiming to have a journal that spoke of hidden passages within the Jedi Temple Dooku dragged sifo-dyas into the Jedi archives using him to help open a hidden door and sneak inside there Dooku found something that would forever shape the way he saw the Jedi and the Sith an entire cache of darkseid relics and Sith artifacts Dooku was trapped in there among the power of the dark side a power that the Jedi had in their hubris thought to accumulate within their very temple it would be another year before Dooku engaged in his first true lightsaber duel accusing the Jedi Master lien castano of being a dark lady of the Sith the Jedi Master played along allowing the initiate to engage her in full lightsaber combat despite being only 15 years old Dooku held his own against the Jedi Master rendering them both out of breath by the duels end castaño was eventually so overwhelmed by the young duelist that she called out in exhaustion for Dooku to stop but Dooku was convinced that she was a dark desist and continued his barrage until the two were interrupted by an outraged Master Yoda of course Dooku had misjudged castano and was simply over eager to expose the return of the Sith and this gravely concerned Master Yoda in this event Dooku was forced to realize his own pull to the dark side and the anger and passion that had already touched him Yoda began to watch Dooku even more closely than he had before and over the next year he would take Dooku as his apprentice this was no small decision as it had been over a century since he had last trained a Padawan and it was exceedingly rare for a member of the Jedi Council and much more a Jedi Grandmaster to train an apprentice but Yoda broke the status quo because he was concerned about Dooku and hoped to dissuade him from chasing these shadows but still that didn't stop Dooku from believing that the Sith threat was real Yoda even refused to Train Dooku in saber combat believing that he had already spar surpassed what was sufficient and believed it would be more prudent for him to focus his time and efforts on other matters much toyota's disappointment though Dooku continued to refine his curved hilt and trained as a swordsman Dooku focused his energy into Mikasa and studied the nuances of the curved hilt dedicated to refining the perfect saber to saber combat style this is why it concerned Master Yoda the curved hilt was ultimately designed to exploit and off-balance enemies carrying other lightsabers as far as Yoda knew the only beings in the galaxy using lightsabers at this time were other Jedi as he had decided to ignore the warnings of a remnant Sith threat even though Jedi Master leaned cast on assured and even foster Dooku's belief that the Sith were still a threat Master Yoda opted to stifle Dooku using the Force to enter Dooku's mind and actually repress his memories so that he might not be so concerned with the Sith anymore however even under the watch of Master Yoda Duke you continued to prepare for the sifts return searching for ancient relics studying their history and perfecting the art of saber to sabre combat even though Yoda did not openly forbid this his concerned turned to fear and later disdain for the path Dooku chose believing the curved hilt would lead him to crave combat Yoda did not foster this desire to obliterate the cyst instead only rebuking his desire for combat and because of this Dooku eventually came to believe more and more that the Jedi had allowed their arrogance and complacency to make them pawns of the Senate ironically being one of the biggest factors to drive him away from the order becoming the 20th Jedi Master in the history of the Jedi to walk away in the end I think he left because he lost faith in the Republic Yoda believed that Duke whose curved hilt and focus on Makka XI form two would make him crave the duel that he prepared for and feared that he would one day turn his blade towards another Jedi however the question must be asked if Yoda had listened to castaño and to Dooku if he had allowed his Padawan to train so diligently to be the first line of defense against the rising SIF threat do you think Dooku still would have turned away from the order in the end Dooku was right and he would in fact be alive to see the return of the cyst and Dooku's lightsaber would in fact see combat in a duel between Jedi and Sith however Dooku would engage in the duel on the side that he had fought so diligently to root out in conclusion Master Yoda believes that Dooku's hilt emphasized lightsaber to lightsaber combat and that this focus was not necessary because he believed that there were no sinned and this style would inspire a heart of conflict but do you think Dooku would have even turned if he believed the Jedi were willing to be vigilant for thus its return leave your thoughts down in the comments below because I want to know what you my friends have to say about our favorite galaxy far far away thank you all so much for watching and as always may the Lord be with you now and forever
Channel: Lore Star
Views: 3,649,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, yoda, dooku, yoda vs dooku, count dooku lightsaber, lightsaber, star wars explained, star wars lore, star wars canon, star wars theory, lore master, jedi, sith, build a lightsaber, audible, dooku jedi lost audiobook, dooku vs anakin and obi wan, count dooku, darth sidious, obi-wan kenobi, anakin skywalker, sifo dyas
Id: -B52i4-d1nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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