Star Wars: The Story of Plo Koon

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello my friends and welcome to another installment of Star Wars the story of the series where I explore the tales of those in a galaxy far far away and today's tale we will be exploring the life of Pleau kun and how this unassuming Kaldor went on to become one of the most heroic Jedi Masters in the order's history Pleau kun was born on the dark and dusty plains of the planet Doran during the great peace era of the Galactic Republic as with many powerful Jedi clothes sensitivity to the four stemmed from a robust familial life most notably in his unnamed uncle and his niece sha kun who herself would go on to survive order 66 only to meet her end at the hands of Darth Vader very little is known about Koons formative years at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as neither his clan nor the logistics behind his performance in the initiate trials have ever been documented what is known is that he quickly built up a reputation for making quick and clear distinctions between right and wrong and life-threatening situations often taking swift decisive action with little or no thought to repercussions this attitude combined with kun sarcastic wit often tried the patience of his master the powerful wookie councilmember ty Baca following his elevation to knighthood Pleau sought to study the path of a Jedi Guardian the warrior branch of the Jedi Order that focused primarily on the development of martial arts training over those of the force despite this specialization kun was frequently praised for his mastery of the force more specifically in his use and application of various esoteric powers not typically associated with followers of the Jedi such as alter environment beyond yosef technique and most controversially of all-electric judgment which as the name suggests was a light side variant of the insidious if lightning technique at some point during the year 44 BBY a seat would open up on the Jedi High Council meaning atop the temple spire bakka insisted that kuhn be the one to take the position humbly declining in favor of a stronger mind like that of his close friend qui-gon jinn the Kaldor did accept a mission that his former master was leading on the world of tro keen acting as diplomatic representatives for the republic blow in a band of Jedi which included such notables as qui-gon jinn and Adi Kalia were to negotiate peace between the Trade Federation and the pirate Iago stark though he presented himself as a legitimate businessman Iago had been stealing back to supplies from cargo vessels and selling them at lower prices than the Trade Federation which obviously didn't sit well with the organisation the Jedi believed in a court can be reached however some factions in the government specifically those under the sway of the ruthless Ronald Tarkin wanted more decisive action and as such they organised an attack on Starks forces which caused the negotiations to degenerate into a firefight repelling the Pirates onslaught kun watched in horror as his former master was gunned down in the crossfire Iago using the opportunity presented by the attack to make his escape making their way back to their ship the Wookiee issued his final orders Galia was to take the Senators off planet and seek a diplomatic solution jin was to uncover the details of Starks plans and kun was instructed to rally the various cofac shion's against Starks onslaught as his last wish Tabaka insisted that kun take his seat on the High Council the Kaldor admitted that he did not want tai pocket to die but the master scolded his former apprentice reminding him of the fifth precent of the Jedi Code there is no death there is only the force with his dying breath Tabaka told kun that he was proud of him the stark hyperspace War had begun taking his teachers words to heart cloak hoon took command of the mission crash-landing on choking the forces would take refuge in mount avos inside the caves a survey by jay stalin Tarkan's aide and second in command revealed that while the cave had plenty of water the soldiers only had 10 days worth of food limited medical supplies and no doctor Tarkin and Gunray opted for surrender while valorum and kun favored a continued resistance kun was able via his above-average telepathic skill to gain access to Starks mind while the combines co-directors were in meeting all unhappy with the prospect of a prolonged battle stark assured them that the situation will not what he had anticipated was not a bad one Tarkan's forces were trapped in mount avos the republic still had no bacta and by now the nav computer virus he had designed had spread throughout many of the Republic ships crippling interstellar commerce and transport anticipating a swift surrender of both Tarkan's forces and the Senate Stark managed to convince his lieutenants to continue with the plan and prepared for a frontal assault on the mountain kun heard this however and armed with this knowledge the republic force was able to put up a stiff resistance as the day's wore on the fighting became more intense Clos Kuhns tactical mind leading to a number of victories despite their lesser numbers after yet another loss stark changed tactics deciding to stop attacking and maintaining a siege in order to starve the Republic's soldiers out kun again used his telepathy to learn of this strategy while tending to the wounded soldiers in action that helped convince many humans all chosen by Tarkin who was steeped in human centric prejudices that there was no difference in compassion between aliens and humans the war would finally come to an end following a multi-pronged assault devised by Pleau and the famed Jedi tactician Oppo Ren cissus qui gonn and his then new apprentice obi-wan Kenobi would apprehend stark the Republic would broker a deal with the Trade Federation to break the pirate blockade and kun would use the confusion to defeat the remaining forces within the caverns at mount avos the republic force retreated out of back entrance while the combine forces swarmed in from the front kun plan to seal both entrances once the republic soldiers had evacuated thus trapping the Khan vine soldiers harmlessly inside the mine the plan failed how when determined to kill off both the Jedi who had stolen his glory and the enemy he had been unable to vanquish Tarkin stole the last detonator charged and used it to open a chat Eater cave to devour all forces within the mountain killing himself in a blast while securing for himself a self-styled immortality as the hero of choking the man who indeed destroyed the start combine and won the war in one fell swoop of self-sacrifice Pleau managed to escape just in time using the force to seal the mine unfortunately trapping the majority of the condign soldiers inside the insect infested mine where they were eaten alive as the Jedi made his way out the few surviving ground forces of the combine surrendered ending the conflict once and for all returning to Coruscant Pleau kun was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master and was given a lifetime seat on the Jedi High Council in honor of his master's dying wish though initially uncertain about his place on the council as the years went on Pleau became very accustomed to the position his compassion was greatly prized by his fellow counselors as was his tendency to make snap decisions by viewing issues in black and white both traits would be put on full display during 33 BBY a year that would begin with happiness but end in tragedy during a mission to shall I would discover a youngling a force sensitive to Garuda named ahsoka tano taking her to the temple for training the Kaldor kept an eye on her progression through the academy nicknaming her little soka and maintaining a close bond with her that would last until both became one with the force during that same year the Jedi Order became embroiled into what would become known as the yin chori crisis which was a multi-system uprising spearheaded by the powerful reptilian race known as the ensure he that had been secretly instigated by the Sith fighting alongside his close friend and fellow council member myke aghia to blow would repel yin chori forces on multiple worlds both physically and through the force though the Jedi ultimately emerged victorious suffered another devastating loss when master Guyot was gunned down by a sniper then lost his life by sacrificing himself to buy the Kaldor and his allies time to escape in honor of his fallen friend pluck my cos then Padawan boltar swan under his wing and trained her to blend her unique teres kaze and Veridian sliding hand styles with a strong lightsaber defense eventually seeing her to the completion of her trials and her ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight one year later Koon would sit in on the council's evaluation of Anakin Skywalker after qui-gon jinn brought him to the temple though he said little in these proceedings the Kaldor ultimately acquiesced to the body's ruling to train the young boy after jin lost his life at the hands of the Sith apprentice Darth Maul on Naboo another friend of clothes coming to a tragic end as the years went on and the Republic continued to slide into decay Clos kun continued to perform his duties both physical and diplomatic to the best of his ability shortly after the Battle of Naboo the Kaldor would travel with fellow council masters mace windu yadda Evon peel adi Galia ki-adi-mundi and moon DS then padawan asher at head to the world of Malastare to negotiate a truce between the lana Croyle xand a terrorist group known as the red arrow during a lull in the mission the master gave a shred had some advice on how he could spend time by looking at the artwork that was all around them in essence advising the young Tuscan to have his thoughts be piloted by the acknowledgment of the subtle beauties around them rather than the possibility of violence sadly the caldor's wisdom would be ill-timed as shortly after the first round of negotiations the red arrow attempted to assassinate the Atlantic Prince as well as the Jedi working together the council masters were able to subdue the terrorists and save the prince though any hope for a peaceful anak was lost some years later a similar but thankfully less violent diplomatic it's it took place at the heart of the Jedi Temple when a group calling themselves the people's inquest very creative held an open protest outside the Jedi Temple in an effort to force the Jedi Order to be more accountable to the government clos headed the Jedi's rebuttal and was ultimately forced to defend the temple from the group by persuading the group to disperse after a minor incident in the public atrium in 22:00 BBY after Count Dooku revealed himself as the leader of the newly minted Confederacy of Independent Systems Clos kun was one of over 200 Jedi that accompanied mace Windu to rescue Jedi obi-wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker and senator Padme Amidala from execution on Geonosis once again fighting alongside ki-adi-mundi the pair attempted to raid a nearby Droid control ship that appeared to control all of the droids on the planet unfortunately for them the CIS had a backup control device and kun and Mundi were captured they were marched to the execution arena where the surviving Jedi awaited a seemingly imminent death clothes stood ready to die with his allies when several Latu gunships dropped from the sky piloted by the newly formed Clone Army of the Republic kun boarded a ship alongside master Stossel II Aegon Kohler Shakti Luminara Unduli cyi Seaton and Roth delmas ona landing on the desert plains near the Trade Federation starships kun helped lead the grand army against the remaining separatist droid army during what would become known as the opening battle of the Clone Wars taking up the mantle of a Jedi general pokken was assigned to lead clone troopers on many important fronts throughout the war due to his extraordinary tactical mind as well as his notable piloting skills kun was often assigned to either an overhead commander or starship fighter pilot role though this by no means made him ineffectual on the frontlines and he was often quite willing to get down and dirty when the situation called for it after information leaked to regard a massive CIS stronghold on the accurate world of Brent l4 Pleau alongside shakti an egg and coal are led an all-out assault on the planet as shock and egg and commanded forces on the ground Kuhn commanded from on high directing the flow of battle and methodically dismantling the enemy's forces though the battle was won the effort would have a profound effect on Shakti who during a trip into the CIS stronghold would come face to face with the criminal like Shah the murderer of her former Padawan sensing his friends conflict of mind the Kaldor would enter shocks quarters during their trip home and meditate with her in an effort to clear her psyche following his mission to Brent al for platoon would cross paths with Jedi Master Kit Fisto during a prison riot on the aquatic planet of minbari as the two masters rounded up their inquiries the engaged in a rather heated moral debate kun saw little reason to pull his punches with the prisoners citing their past actions as criminals as condemning enough Fisto took a more compassionate stance believing that second chances were admirable and that no one deserved to be bereft of them before more discussion could be had the Jedi were ambushed by the powerful gendai bounty hunter dirge after temporarily sealing dirge in the catacombs beneath the prison with the help of one of the inmates the Jedi bargained with their newfound comrade for his cooperation in helping end the riots the Jedi would petition for his early release and the lessening of the sentences of the prisoners who accommodated the Jedi shortly thereafter Koon would be assigned to the position of chief negotiator during the battle of Ren deal where he would monitor over masters cyi seat in obi-wan Kenobi and the newly knighted Anakin Skywalker as his commands worked in the field to stabilize the Republic ships Koon was joined on the bridge by captain jam dodona as he boarded a Rendell dreadnought to open peace talks with his old comrade J Stalin during the negotiations Lieutenant Mello Yago of the Rennes deal home defense fleet arrived along with a security force to take and placing Dahlan kuhn and dodona under arrest because Yaga was planning to turn the republic fleet over to the separatists Master tin was prepared to open fire on all of the dread-nots to prevent them from falling into enemy hands however Jedi Skywalker was able to lead a crippling attack against the fleet until masters Kenobi and the uncovered boss could rescue the captive Republic officers and Jedi and kill Yago and his men taking the ships for the Republic and securing Renn deal in 21 BBY cloak hoon would lead a patrol fleet of three vanator class star destroyers to uncover an unknown separatist super weapon that had killed many fleets of cruisers and left no survivors while the Kaldor was initially unsuccessful in his quest he would eventually come face to face with the malevolence commanded by General Grievous as the powerful ship wiped out his Patrol flee leaving the Kaldor commander Wolffe sergeant snicker and boost trapped in an escape pod thanks to a combination of his Kaldor heritage and the clones pressurized armor Koon and the survivors were able to hold off the pod hunter that destroyed all the other pods and were picked up by Skywalker and ahsoka tano in the Twilight after tano drawing on her close friendship with master Koon was able to sense his life force amongst the debris after being rescued the group managed to evade a wave from the deadly ion cannons of the malevolence and Koon United with Skywalker's fleet and prepared the counter-attack on the separatists warship it was during this event that Koon was given the blade of Doran a delta 7b Starfighter a gift from Jedi Skywalker as anakin led his starship squadron through the dangerous Balmorra run of the colleague nebula kun realized too late the peril they were in as a flock of niibori mantises posed a threat to their ships losing several star fighters the group made it out and arrived at their destination ahead of the malevolence losing half their squadron to the ships ion cannon and tonneau were able to persuade a stubborn Skywalker into attacking the ships ion cannon causing it to misfire and destroy itself leaving the endangered Medical Center in the clear as reinforcements arrived kun met up with the Republic ships and watched as the malevolence was eventually destroyed as the war raged on close next trial would involve an intense engagement on the icy plains of the planet quorum once more teamed with master Fisto the two would work tirelessly to free the enslaved core my people from the invading separatists and their battle droids fighting alongside Kor my resistant forces kun was reluctant to sacrifice the clones in a direct assault on a vital strategic mine and therefore decided to destroy the weather control station to lessen the amount of casualties on their way up to the weather control station Count Dooku's dark acolyte asajj ventress ambushed kun and brought down an avalanche on top of him wounding kun and breaking his left arm despite his injury kun still maintained a willingness to continue the mission and eventually faced off against Ventress again inside the mine the duel between them was spectacular both combatants giving everything they had to overcome the other ultimately despite fighting only with his right arm kun was able to withstand Ventress his dark side attacks and prevented the Dark Jedi from destroying the mine by force pushing her detonator away destroying it as Ventress made her escape the two masters regrouped and fought off the invading battle droids therein by liberating corn from the sea is letting them live free of fear once again years passed and cloak hoon would continue to serve on the battlefield and whatever role was required of him most notable amongst his accomplishments in the conflicts latter period was his service in the Second Battle of Felucia the assault on kadavo and the liberation of forsee however it would be the year 19 BBY that would see some of the most critical events in the caldor's life yet also tragically is after a so katana was framed by the dejected Jedi Knight Barriss offee in the bombing of the Jedi Temple Koon was one of five Jedi along with obi-wan Kenobi ki-adi-mundi mace windu and Yoda who made the decision to expel tano from the order though the Kel door was troubled greatly by this turn of events his sense of duty overcame his personal bias and he sided with his fellow masters in her expulsion shortly thereafter Koon attended tonneaus trial in front of a military tribunal where the charges against her were ultimately dropped after Vera Sophie confessed that she was the actual mastermind behind the bombing afterwards Koon and several other Jedi Masters apologized to tano for not trusting her and offered to accept her back into the order but tano having felt that the Jedi betrayed her trust chose not to rejoin for now after leading a short campaign on Boz pity Koon returned to chorus aunt in order to complete some of his duties on the High Council during this time the skies of galactic city were filled with separatist fighters and warships as a sneak attack on the capital fell into full swing taking to the skies during the fighting Koon provided leadership and chorus on orbit as Anakin and obi-wan rescued the captured Supreme Chancellor and killed Count Dooku after the fires of Khorasan subsided Koon was assigned to lead a campaign on Cato Neimoidia charged with maintaining control of the Numidian purse world while the Republic forces drove out the last remnants of the separatists droid army weeks later Clos would sit in on several council meetings via hologram revolving around the Jedi's plan to capture Darth Sidious though he said little in these proceedings the Kaldor would acquiesce to the council's decision to remove Palpatine from office following the destruction of General Grievous as well as denying mastery to Skywalker on the basis of his emotional instability on the eve of the jedis confrontation with Palpatine the Chancellor revealed his identity as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and after a titanic struggle in the chancellor's office killed various council masters including close close friends mace and KITT and succeeded in turning Anakin to the dark side of the force renaming him Darth Vader as his new apprentice led a charge on the Jedi Temple Sidious would send word out to all clone commanders to execute the contingency order 66 unaware of the danger he was in Koons craft was struck by a volley of laser fire as his clone escorts opened fire on their newly assigned target his starboard wing in flames the crafts engine exploded consuming the caldor's body and forcing the craft into a spinning crash into a nearby structure Jedi Master platoon was dead all right guys now that we finished sharing cloak kun story let's end off with some fun facts about the character cloak kun wears what is known as an antioxidant asked over his eyes and mouth due to Doran having a unique atmosphere composed of helium and a gas unique to the world blow like all caldor's is forced to wear these masks and protective goggles whenever in an atmosphere of a different composition this equipment protects him from carbon dioxide nitrogen and oxygen which are quite lethal to a Kell door the breathing mask also helped to amplify his species voice as they were forced to shout to produce any sound when out of their native atmosphere without his protective goggles kun is basically blind though blindness to a Jedi isn't really blindness at all the Jedi Master is also able to survive in a vacuum of space for a short time though it is unknown exactly how long he can withstand it while directors artists and animators are usually pretty consistent with keeping close masks on in oxygen-rich environments there is one instance in the short comic practice makes perfect written by Jason hall and published in 2002 where he's literally just standing next to mace windu on Khorasan unmasked like it's no big deal incidentally this is actually the first time the character has ever been shown unmasked the entire franchise though the first time in shall we say sensible Canon was in the comic purge seconds to die written by John Ostrander and published on November 11th 2009 over the course of the prequel trilogy platoon is played by two actors in Phantom Menace he is played by Alan Russo who some of you may recognize as the lead suit on in the Doctor Who episode Rose and in attack of the clones and Revenge of the Sith he is played by Matt Sloane who some of you may recognize as the lead animatronics technician for both films one of the longest-running jokes in the Star Wars fandom in regards to plow is that the character never spoke a single line while on screen or in early animations yet is actually something of a windbag in the comics while many fans and even a few official sources credit his appearances in TCW where he is voiced by James Arnold Taylor as the first time plough has ever spoken on screen this isn't technically true as the actual first instance of the character speaking on screen came in the video game Jedi power battles released in April of 2000 where he is voiced by Craig burger Haut Koon has long been noted as a fan favorite character for TCW showrunner Dave Filoni as seen by the extras for the Star Wars the Clone Wars DVD he has a bust of Poe Coons head a model of Plotkin ship an autographed portrait by the actor who played platoon a replica of platoons lightsaber on his desk and his personal cloak in costume on display which he wore to the opening of Revenge of the Sith what a nerd finally while platoons lightsaber color is officially canonized as blue the character has wielded a total of four different hues over the course of his creation in the films and TCW he wields a blue blade his original toy along with jedi power battles and the comic emissaries and assassins too picked him wielding a yellow blade in various early republic comic arcs such as the stark hyperspace war and the yin choy uprising he has drawn with an orange blade and finally in the Star Wars republic dreadknots of Rendy larkey is shown utilizing a green blade personally i think orange suits them best well guys I hope you enjoyed this exploration into the story of platoon as always please leave your thoughts and questions in the comments section below may the force be with you stay safe and I'll see you guys later you
Channel: EvanNova95
Views: 132,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Plo Koon, The Story of, Luke Skywalker, Tale, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Lightsaber, Palpatine, Darth Vader, Count Dooku, Clone Wars, Dave Filoni, Mace Windu, Jedi, Sith, Han Solo, Film, Blue, Dual, Fun Facts, Comic, Novel, Fire, Episode
Id: Ksiop_WmiB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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