What if Ahsoka Raised Luke and Leia? (Part 1) – Star Wars Elseworlds

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[Music] this like all of my fanfiction what ifs is one that i've been really excited to tell especially since it's focused mainly on ahsoka tano who's one of if not my favorite star wars character and this is the first story that i get to tell that features luke and leia now i had to wait until season seven of the clone wars concluded so that i can properly tell the story i researched the ahsoka novel to get a good understanding of what she was doing after order 66. though some of the novel is slowly getting retconned i want to respect what's been established while tweaking it just a little bit due to the circumstances of this what-if timeline so with that being said let's enter an alternate universe of the star wars timeline in elseworlds on what if ahsoka tano raised luke and leia [Music] if ahsoka raised the skywalker twins this would drastically change the star wars timeline all the way through the original trilogy and possibly the sequels for this what if story we're going to journey through the star wars ellsworth's timeline and dive deep into detail on what would change at least what i think would change and how it would change regarding ahsoka the twins and the wider galaxy around them with the conclusion of the clone wars i thought it'd be fitting for this tale to start where ahsoka's journey concluded so our story begins here this is the moment everything changes for ahsoka moving forward the moment she lets go of the last thing tied to her jedi past and identity because as we already know she is no longer a jedi she understands that the jedi order has fallen with that she drops the last thing connected to her previous life as a jedi [Music] ahsoka takes one last glimpse at the graves of her men she turns around and makes her way to the y wing she climbs the ship with rex and the two leave the planet since we don't know exactly when the venator stopped during the hyperspace travel to coruscant i'm going to take some creative liberties for this elseworlds timeline in this alternate reality ahsoka decides to stay away from the core worlds such as coruscant due to order 66 at least for now she goes into hiding on an unspecified backwater world in the outer rim region later on ahsoka and rex fly to a planet named brental this is where she gets a ship to journey on her own before rex leaves for celos the planet where we met him in rebels the two wish each other may the force be well you may the force be with you they then split up and go their own separate ways ahsoka ventures to the world of thibaska the outer rim planet that she settled on in the ahsoka novel since we don't know where this planet is on the map we'll say it's on the heidi and way which is close to polos masa this will play into our story very soon after ahsoka settles down in a remote area she takes time to relax and meditates in a cave she stumbled upon she sits in front of a fireplace ahsoka's whole world just got flipped upside down her own men turned on her rex almost killed her and there's a good chance that anakin is gone from her understanding you can imagine how heartbroken ahsoka must be feeling right now she's essentially lost almost everything important in her life the young togruta closes her eyes reaching out with the force as she tries to sense anakin while this is happening we cut to polos masa during this exact moment in revenge of the sith there was a deleted scene where yoda communed with qui-gon on becoming a force ghost yoda had followed the spirit of qui-gon jinn through many trials working with the sacred force priestesses in order to become worthy of learning the secret to eternal consciousness yoda sits in the quiet chamber room of the polis massa asteroid installation he allows himself to meditate deeply on all that had transpired in just a mere number of days as he goes deep into his trance he can hear the words of qui-gon jin again echoing throughout his mind he knows that this visitation is not the product of his mind going to waste but the very same qui-gon the conversation is silent not a word leaving yoda's mouth as he communed with his old friend through the force master yoda my old friend qui-gon good to choose to hear your voice again upon us grave times are wisdom i require i'm relieved to see you are still alive as well master the boy you found god he is failed we have maybe so but failure has our greatest teacher time to complete my training i believe so it is imperative that everyone learns the secret as well but first you must make contact with anakin's former apprentice padawantanu alive she is make contact how will i focus deeply old friend i can show you where she is when you find her bring her here of importance padawan who is oh will be clear soon may the force be with you my friend farewell qui-gon guides yoda's consciousness to ahsoka's as he is meditating ahsoka feels a shift feeling the presence of the jedi master who once brought her so much hope and wisdom tentatively she calls out his name master yoda ahsoka taking you alive and well a relief agent master i we were all deceived lied to what happened to the other jedi i can't sense any of them i can't sense master kenobi or anakin alive master kenobi is and anakin the answers you seek with me they lie to paula's master you must go much explain there is to do paul is massa the asteroid facility indeed eagerly await your arrival i do now however you must dark times liar head okay okay polish massa i can be there soon it shouldn't be too far from where i am may the force be with you as yoda and ahsoka cut their connection through the force bill organa walks in to inform yoda about obi-wan's arrival excuse me master yoda obi-wan kenobi has made contact good to hear that is also on her way another friend is familiar with padawan tano you are since ahsoka is in the same sector as yoda and obi-wan it'll take her a few hours to get there we don't know the exact passage of time that padme was on polos masaphor it takes about 18 hours max for a woman to give birth so we'll say this is what happened in revenge of the sith during the passage of time when padme was giving birth and when vader was going through his cybernetic surgery this gives ahsoka enough time to arrive before the twins are born assuming that the basket is in the same region as polis massa thibasca was not far off from the asteroid facility of polis massa as ahsoka punched the coordinates of the facility into the nava computer hermione swirled with possible answers to all the questions she was ready to ask it was a silent intense trip to the asteroid facility when she arrived she was greeted by the familiar face of her friend and mentor obi-wan kenobi stepping off of her freighter she gave the battle damaged jedi master a hug vocalizing her relief that he was alive obi-wan allowed himself a smile equally glad to see his young friend was not hurt the two begin to walk towards the medical facility for a brief moment ahsoka believes the medical facility is being used to treat anakin why are we here is anakin inside it's best you see it with your own eyes what happened on mandalore is maul he escaped i i let him escape my own troops turned on me i managed to bring rex back to his census but the entire ship was destroyed the clones were controlled by an inhibitor chip they were created to kill us from the beginning darth sidious is the one who manipulated the entire war he planned all of this based on the statements that maul made and the recordings regarding the chips that rex recorded it's safe to assume that ahsoka pieces this together i know the same happened to all jedi everywhere as far as i'm aware we're all that's left i know he's not to be trusted but maul told me secrets about the sith concerning things about anakin what did he tell you he told me sidious was grooming anakin to become his new apprentice after dooku he told me that soon anakin would fall to the dark side when the clones turned on me just beforehand i felt something dark something i couldn't understand is anakin alive at this moment the two round a corner just outside the medical wing where padme is lying ahsoka recognizes veil organa and master yoda she forgets her question for a moment and rushes towards the glass she is simultaneously confused disappointed and saddened at the sight of her longtime friend padma madala lying on the table she could feel something wrong with her she turns to master yoda and obi-wan her face quietly conveying how desperately she wanted answers it was obi-wan who spoke with much sorrow in his voice sidious did indeed take a new apprentice a new sith lord by the name of darth vader vader took an attachment with the clones to confront the remaining jedi at the temple it was there he struck anakin down in obi-wan's point of view when anakin slaughtered the younglings is when darth vader took over completely anakin was gone no that can't be true that's impossible obi-wan attempted to place a hand on ahsoka's shoulder and comfort but the tagruta stepped away from him placing her hands over her eyes trying to take the information in she didn't believe anakin was dead how could he be he was the greatest jedi the order had her teacher her older brother the chosen one before she could turn entirely to grief asuka was interrupted by the medical droid medically she's completely healthy for reasons we can't explain we are losing her she's dying we don't know why she has lost the world to live we need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies babies she's carrying twins [Music] ahsoka whips her head around in shock things were starting to fall into place ahsoka's mind had been racked with questions as to why padme had been here now it was starting to make sense as she looked at the half-conscious senator she softly murmured to herself anakin the twins were anakins and their father was dead and their mother soon after padme and madala was happy to see her young friend ahsoka alive and well as the medical droids induced labor a sickle was there for her the entire time holding her hand in whispering encouragement as the twins were born it took many hours but as the cries of the firstborn child a boy filled the room ahsoka allowed herself to process the situation she vaguely heard padme named him luke not long afterward the second child was born a baby girl asuka weakly smiled at padme telling her that the second child was a girl she took the small child in her arms from the medical droid and held her close to padme on her opposite side padmet gets to see both of her children up close even as her consciousness fades looking down at anakin's daughter in her arms ahsoka becomes overwhelmed with emotion after a few moments ahsoka hands the baby back to the medical droid and steps out of the room in this instance far away in the core worlds on coruscant darth vader's helmet slowly descends from the arms of the medical droids over the charred face of anakin skywalker as the mask begins to seal over anakin's face he lets out a small pained sentence begging for padme's help [Music] on paulus masa as ahsoka stood outside the medical wing tears began flowing down her cheeks freely as her far sight allowed her to feel and hear the words anakin fearfully said she couldn't pass it off as anything other than his dying words it sank in fully she had failed him as ahsoka let out all of her grief she distracted herself from padme's situation concerned with having failed her men the galaxy and anakin her sobs of agony distract her from padme's dying words which are only heard by obi-wan inside the medical wing outside of earshot padme let out her dying words as well she looked painfully at obi-wan as she whispered breathlessly that there was still good in her husband she knew there was her head fell to the side limply and padma madala queen senator and mother passed away obi-wan grief stricken turned his head to the window to meet master yoda's sorrowful gaze and catch sight of ahsoka crying as she rushed to the window upon feeling padme's life slowly fade away they had all failed the crew compartment on the tantive 4 had been modified into a makeshift nursery for the skywalker twins in the darkened room luke and leia skywalker were sleeping peacefully though they weren't alone standing above them ahsoka watched with deep sadness in her heart for the children barely a few hours old and yet their parents were both dead the questions settled over the three force users what would happen to the twins now ahsoka imagined her former teacher's thought process she realized they would likely want to train them as jedi quietly she stopped at the idea look what being a jedi had done for the galaxy had done for her even her thoughts were interrupted when the boy luke began to let out small wines disturbed as they entered naboo's atmosphere he moved his hands around and jostled his sibling awakening leia the two infants were set to start crying at any moment now ahsoka's heart sank as she realized the woman they would be calling for was gone now in that moment she reached her hands out and gently allowed the siblings to grasp her index fingers the newborns seemed to enjoy her touch and rather quickly settled down after receiving some attention it was here that ahsoka knew what she had to do how about a change of scenery little ones the twins didn't seem to mind as yoda bail and kenobi took a seat to discuss the future of the skywalker children asuka entered the room carrying the two of them in either arm swaddled with their heads against her chest when approaching the room she had heard master kenobi in yoda state we must take them somewhere where the sith will not sense their presence split up they should be ahsoka walks in the room she interrupts master yoda they're coming with me padawan they need me their parents they're dead i can't trust their lives to anyone else not even you ahsoka be reasonable these children are only hope that's exactly why i can't let you separate them we all failed anakin i refuse to fail his children but if the children stay together it is possible the sith could find them they'd be in danger not as much danger as they'd be in with you watching over them arnican was my brother too i understand how you're feeling ahsoka i really want what's best for them with ahsoka the children will go ahsoka looked to yoda surprised communed with qui-gon jin i did instructed to bring ahsoka here i was believe this to be the will of the force i do master qui-gon the one who found anakin indeed training years for obi-wan and i qui-gon qui-gon spoke to you go with ahsoka the children must until the time is right disappear we will i'll take good care of them obi-wan i promise i have no doubt that you will i only ask that you'd be safe do not hesitate to contact me at the first sign of trouble ahsoka anticipate qui-gon contacting you i do meditate on this you must i will not fail out of sight of thied's palace guards ahsoka carried the children in a makeshift sling leia strapped to her back in peering over her shoulder luke was strapped to her chest tiredly cooling and nuzzling against ahsoka as she stepped towards the landing ramp to begin her new journey she turned back to her former teachers obi-wan held his hand outward and asuka was surprised to see anakin's lightsaber obi-wan insisted she take it as she no longer had her own to make use of seeing as she had left hers behind to fake her demise utilizing it would not give her away tentatively she reached out and grasped it placing it in her travel bag giving them a smile she bowed to them one last time there was a good chance they would never see one another again in the darkness of alleyways asuka watched the funeral march somberly while feeding the twins it was only right that her twins be here even if they likely wouldn't recall it in the years to come hidden on the tantive four obi when kenobi took a different approach he would follow the training master yoda and qui-gon had given him but deep down he wanted to ensure the safety of any remaining jedi bailor ghana offered him sanctuary on alderaan hidden away in its beautiful mountain ranges the senator had promised kenobi he would inform him of any possible jedi activity as the years passed obi-wan vowed quietly to himself that he would do his part against the empire general kenobi wasn't finished just yet far away hidden in the field of wormholes and black holes that made up the maw darth vader and emperor palpatine watched the construction of the death star palpatine watched with glee vader with which somberness deep down in the pit of his soul anakin skywalker knew that he had failed as well however far far away ahsoka tano had vowed to not fail the children of anakin skywalker in their infancy asuka would use money provided by bailor ghana to fund baby supplies and shelter for many months during her travels hopping planet to planet she would find herself looking over her shoulder for any sign of danger she trusted no one after all how could she when she had the fate of the galaxy clinging to her at all times she would use the name ashla like the one in the ahsoka novel luke and leia had the luxury of keeping their normal names many times throughout their travels ahsoka found herself reminded of her first grand adventure with anakin four years ago she had taken a baby all the way across the stars to save the galaxy now here she was again with two babies and the same mission in mind that being said luke and leia were much easier to deal with than the hutt had been as they grew older luke and leia often tried to find ways to make ahsoka pull her non-existent hair out luke was very curious and loved to explore though often ran back to mama soka at the first sign of something unknown leia was incredibly talkative even as an infant she could babble for literal hours it was all very motivational dialogue and leia made very good points in her baby speeches in this timeline seeing as ahsoka is busy raising the saviors of the galaxy she will not be approached by bill organa to help create the rebellion as her callsign fulcrum a year later instead i believe this task will fall to the jedi master hidden on alderaan obi-wan kenobi becomes a figurehead for the rebellion under the alias of old ben instead of fulcrum we agree that the time for diplomacy in politics is passed it is now time for action and with you leading us we have the power of the force on our side therefore let this be an official declaration of rebellion today we all vow to change the galaxy and one day the galaxy will indeed be free [Music] they came look how many there are this my friends this is our rebellion obi-wan would guide the fledgling rebellion from the shadows bail organa was not the first to create a small militia of his own all across the galaxy people were coming together to fight for what was right in the galaxy it would be modern mothma and her rousing words of heroism many years after the first declaration of rebellion that would create a full-fledged rebel alliance that's how these two speeches can co-exist with one another without contradicting themselves kenobi not brave enough for politics would leave the speeches in political battleground to the other rebel leaders kenobi's input would be in military tactics and strategies proper places to hide how to strike quickly without bringing the full might of the empire on them etc old ben would also lead small missions of his own taking ahsoka's place in rebels means that kenobi would soon stumble upon the abandoned padawan caleb doom now known as kanan jairus along with the ghost crew as the kids grew older ahsoka had to have the difficult conversation with them that she was on tisoka and not mamasoka she respected padme too much to allow herself to replace her when the time was right luke would pout and ask out loud why he wasn't allowed to call her mom leia would delve into an argument saying but you act like our mom the twins hold a deep affection for her by all means she had been caring for them since they had been born she was from a certain point of view their mother and because of that they cared for her as one asuka would gently pull them both onto her lap and pull a data pad out from her travel bag the bag contained many images that asuka had downloaded from r2's memory banks just before leaving the tan tip 4 on naboo and just a quick side note the reason r2 isn't with ahsoka during this is because he's obi-wan's new astromech droid images of battles senate meetings and various occasions danced across the screen before ahsoka settled on the image of anakin and padme on their wedding day she explained to them that the twins parents loved them very much and she didn't want to replace the real mother leia understood sort of luke didn't and stubbornly insisted that asuka was more their mom than the lady in the picture was they began very basic force training when they were five though it was clear they were talented telekinesis came very easy to them as they worked to grasp the basics ahsoka wished she had a way to teach them how to wield lightsabers though she imagined kyber crystals would be incredibly hard to come by all she had was anakin's saber and not much else she longed for the days when she was their age and training sabres were plentiful she made sure to teach them only in isolated areas far from most civilizations as to not alert the sith to their presence it seemed to be going well despite ahsoka's best efforts to avoid any imperial activity the empire was taking great strides in injecting themselves everywhere amongst the galaxy when situations got tough asuka took risks and would try to call in favors from allies she once had across the galaxy she had a brief run-in with lux bon terry who was operating as a smuggler to make ends meet briefly leia and luke thought they were being sneaky when they watched how ahsoka and lux interacted just before the two old friends settled in for a potential makeout sesh luke interrupted the two of them with an incessant giggling while leia remarked that ahsoka got a boyfriend they were both promptly sent to the rooms another time asoko required medical supplies when the twins got sick dangerously she called in a favor from her friends on coruscant she was happy to see trace and rafa alive and well and not dead especially since they were carrying medicine for the twins however asuka was quick to see them off as well when rafa offered to show the twins how to pit pocket when the twins turned to six years old ahsoka realized she needed cash by now ahsoka is much older she is in her mid-20s bill organa had given her a hefty sum though he must not have anticipated how expensive the skywalker twins were raising children maintaining a functioning ship and avoiding the empire was hard work deciding on a non-occupied farming planet ahsoka decided the planet of rada was ideal to stay for a few months get in get some money and then get out simple or at least it should have been only after a week or so of working the skies became blotted out with the distinct shape of an imperial star destroyer as soon as she caught wind asuka wanted to flee though she quickly found out that stormtroopers had locked down the landing platforms and trapped them there she ordered luke and leia to remain indoors and to not go outside under any circumstance she made sure any jedi paraphernalia was safely tucked away in case any imperial inspections happened she told young luke and leia to be brave even though they were scared asuka would figure out a way out of this mess while ahsoka quietly worked each day luke and leia did as she asked to an extent as the days went by luke and leia could feel the suffering of the townsfolk and could also feel ahsoka's anxiety as she tried to figure out what to do to luke the answer was simple kick the empire's butt leia knew it would be a bit tougher than that while ahsoka was at work luke and leia noticed rioting from the townspeople near their home sensing that it wasn't going to end well luke rushed to help them and leia not wanting her brother get himself killed followed after him this shows how ahsoka's empathetic nature had been passed down to the twins the stormtroopers were prepared to fire on the people should they not heed their warning and disperse luke called the identical soldiers ugly and proceeded to throw a trash bin in their path with the force lei in the meantime used the force more precisely flipping their helmets around on their heads blinding them she then shouted for the riders to run away which they did luke and leia dashed after them while the stormtroopers were trying to make sense of the situation unbeknownst to the twins a probe droid had been monitoring their every move and as they ran their identities as force users were being sent back to the empire an inquisitor was on his way the town was put into lockdown ahsoka worriedly wanted to leave work and return home to the twins something told her that the lockdown had to do with them she could sense it stealing herself she prepared to find a way out of her facility and make sure her children were safe the riders were quick to hide in their individual homes luke and leia made a break for their house to hide and make sure they weren't caught however there were only two children against a platoon of imperial soldiers they were quickly cut off trapped just outside their home and held at stun point over their heads an inquisitor ship arrived which for most signaled their imminent doom for the twins however this unnamed inquisitor adorned an imperial armor that masked his identity this signaled that they would be simply interrogated against luke and leia's cries of outrage the two were taken into the imperial base mere moments before ahsoka successfully sneaked away from her farming facility only to find her home completely abandoned realizing that her children must have gotten caught and that they would try to use them to find her she quickly came to terms with what she had to do next reaching into her stash of imperial contraband she produced anakin's old lightsaber the weapon of a jedi knight though ahsoka was no jedi she let the whiff of nostalgia pass over her for a moment before remembering what she had to do next placing it on her hip she stepped back into the town to locate and rescue her children luke and leia were cuffed to heavy metal chairs in the holding area of the base the room outside their cell was spacious the imperial presence here was small so their holding facility was also not very imposing as they sat defiant but terrified the inquisitor walked back and forth menacingly asking them questions concerning where they came from and who their master was this mysterious inquisitor then removes her mask revealing a familiar face that the twin's mother would recognize that being the face of barriss offee former jedi now an inquisitor and what happens after is a tale for another time as always it's a joy to share these what if tales with all of you i look forward to continuing this story sometime in the distant future with my two good friends more what if stories are well on their way follow me on instagram and twitter for any future updates so thank you again for your support and i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Star Wars Elseworlds
Views: 282,925
Rating: 4.9634547 out of 5
Keywords: what if ahsoka raised luke fanfiction, what if ahsoka trained luke, what if ahsoka trained leia, what if ahsoka raised leia, what if ahsoka raised luke and leia, what if ahsoka trained luke and leia, what if ahsoka raised luke, Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Star Wars what if, star wars what if fan fiction, star wars theory, star wars elseworlds, star wars explained, anakin skywalker, yoda, obi-wan, revenge of the sith, clone wars ending, order 66, what if ahsoka
Id: 7ACbgbBrmsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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