Who Are The Dragon Sovereigns | Genshin Impact Lore and Theory

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With the reveal in the 4.1 archon quest that Chief Justice Neuvillette is the current Hydro Dragon Sovereign, some people may be wondering what or who exactly a dragon Sovereign is and why is it important that Neuvillette is one. So in this video I'm going to perfectly explain what this particular chunk of lore means and why we should all care about it. This is the UnlikelyGenshinGamer and welcome to a lore explanation about The Dragon Sovereigns of old. The Dragon Sovereigns are a fairly old concept that has been trickled to us bit by bit since Enkanomiya and its corresponding world quest were introduced back in version 2.4 and that's because of how closely connected they are to Enkanomiya's history and the very very early history of all of Teyvat. That history is important because it reveals some of Teyvat’s dirty hidden secrets that may very well come back to haunt it later. In the absolutely ancient history of Teyvat before any people lived there, before the seven Archons, the land was inhabited by Vishaps.; Land, air and sea dragons. And these vishaps were ruled by all powerful elemental dragons called the Dragon Sovereigns. Each Dragon Sovereign resonated with it's corresponding element and ruled the region of the world where that element was most bountiful. Sometime after this, perhaps thousands of years later, an outsider, a completely new entity from somewhere else entirely, named the Primordial One or Phanes arrived in Teyvat. They were described as being androgynous, and are therefore referred to as they. This Primordial One made war with the Dragon Sovereigns and their subjects the Vishaps, to conquer the land for Humans. It is left unclear whether they made humans or whether they brought them to Teyvat from somewhere else. But they were determined to create a paradise for them in Teyvat and that meant the Dragons and their Vishaps had to go. After the first defeat, which led to the rise of Human civilization, the dragons decided to fight back again, much harder. We learn alot about what happened at that time from three very important sources. One is Apep who is the original Dendro Sovereign. We meet her in Nahida’s second Story quest and she is able to clarify quite a bit about what happened during that war. According to her, the dragons fought bitterly to take back the world they saw as rightfully theirs and when they realized that they needed more power to defeat the Primordial One and it's helpers called Shades, the Dragon King, Nibelung left Teyvat completely to find help and came back with Forbidden Knowledge, the Power of the Abyss. This is the Second Who Came or the Second Throne of Heaven. The second source of information is the Mistress of Flowers who was an ancient Seelie from the earliest history of Teyvat before she ruled alongside King Deshret. She was a first-hand witness to the war between the Primordial One and the dragons as well, and certain artifact set descriptions tell of her account of what the Primordial One did to win and how badly the world was damaged by it. And the third source of information is an ancient book created by those early people in the Enkanomiya civilization. This book called Before Sun and Moon Is our most important source of information for a few reasons, which I’ll explain shortly. Now, According to Apep, When Nibelung returned to Teyvat with renewed force, The clash that came from these two mighty enemies, devastated the entire continent so badly that the world was nearly obliterated. And the Mistress of Flowers tells us that part of the reason why is because The Primordial one used the celestial nails to stamp out Abyss corruption, which had gone completely out of control, but all the life around them became collateral damage. These massive glowing crystalline missiles were dropped from the sky in specific locations to completely turn back the enemy. An example of its destructive force is the desert of Sumeru which before the nailing was a complete rainforest and was afterwards turned entirely to desert. The small section that is rainforest again was the handiwork of the Dendro Archon Rukkadevata later. Another one was dropped in the Mountain of Mondstadt known now as dragonspine. Before the nailing it was a lush green and fertile mountain and afterwards it was shrouded in perpetual ice wind and snow. After fighting to their last, the dragons, lost the war and some of the Vishaps were cast into a strange region outside of Teyvat known as the Dark Sea. These are the Bathysmal Vishaps we encounter in Enkanomiya. The fate of most of the individual sovereigns remains a mystery. And lastly the people who lived on the surface before the war, were largely demolished with a very small portion being knocked into that strange Dark Sea as well. This was the city of Enkanomiya, perhaps the actual capital of that civilization. There are more remnants of that civilization in the Chasm, where another spike can be found, and far out in the desert. The only Sovereign we definitely know the fate of is Apep, who was directly corrupted by the Forbidden Knowledge and remained sickened by it until Nahida heals her in Act 2 of Nahida’s story quest. Dvalin is also a vishap dragon but Venti has described him as very young, so he may be the current instead of original Anemo Dragon Sovereign. Azhdaha is another powerful Vishap Dragon, who is described as King of the Geovishaps but it isn't clear if he is the original Sovereign of Geo or a descendant either. Nothing is known about the Pyro, Electro, or Cryo Sovereigns thus far, which brings us to the last one. Hydro. According to a prophecy left by the Vishaps in the Dark Sea, the new Hydro Dragon Sovereign would be born in the form of a human because the lineage of the current Bathysmal Vishaps had become unpure. This was something Orobashi found out through experimenting on and studying the Bathysmal Vishaps when he took over Enkanomiya, and he was determined to stop that from happening But it did, and that person has now been confirmed to be Neuvillette. This makes him a powerful, controversial and potentially dangerous individual. So what does this all mean. Time for me to come back to the book in Enkanomiya. The history of Enkanomiya is very interesting because of the lengths the Primordial One has gone to to keep it secret. None of the history I just explained about the dragons, the war and the destruction of that time is accessible knowledge. The reason no one, except very special individuals, knows anything about the Dragons or the fact that the Primordial One isnt from Teyvat or that there was a people that were cast aside and forgotten out in the Dark Sea is because everyone who finds out gets killed before they can share that information. Case in point is Orobashi, the Watatsumi Omikami. Allow me to briefly explain his history. Orobashi was a contender for a gnosis during the archon war who lost to Morax and was cast into the Dark Sea as well. While there he found the people of Enkanomiya suffering under tyranny and agreed to be their god. But while there he inadvertently read that forbidden book which lists all of Celestia's embarrassing secrets. Now as long as they were tucked away in that lost region, he and the people that wrote that book, it didnt matter what secrets they all knew, but when Orobashi proposed to bring those people out of the depths and back to the surface world, a sacrifice had to be made. Orobashi would have to take all their supposed sins unto himself and he would die with the secrets while they would be allowed to resurface. Those people became the inhabitants of Watatsumi Island and Orobashi went to his death at the hand of Raiden’s Musou No Hitotachi under the pretense of invading Yashiori Island. This indicates that almost no one is allowed to know about anything found in that book. I feel as though the contract that Zhongli says he made long before the events of Khaenri’ah which prohibits him from speaking of the events of the Cataclysm also covers these sorts of old world secrets. Especially since Zhongli is one of the few entities that existed back then. Celestia needed to be sure that everyone stayed in the dark. If you would like to check out all the cryptic messages in that book which are too much to read here, check out the link in the description to the Genshin Wiki page about it. Some of them haven't been touched at all yet, and it give us a glimpse into the secretive meddling from the god of time in Teyvat's history Now having understood all this you can begin to see why it's quite a big deal for the Sovereigns to be making a comeback and why its important for the traveler to keep what they know a secret. If the Dragon Sovereigns main goal is to take back the power and rule that the Usurper took from them then this makes the appointed Archons, if not exactly their enemies, at the very least obstacles on the path to establishing their rule again. Neuvillette has told us some interesting new things which on one hand lends some substantiating content to a theory I have about the Archon War and on the other we also learn about this mysterious title of Supreme Judge that Neuvillette apparently inherits as the newly born Hydro Dragon. If a dragon of old now possesses the ability and right to judge the entire world including the Archons and deliver a verdict on every injustice that he will observe including the unjust treatment of the Dragons, who do you think will end up on top? Neuvillette, though compassionate,is also perfectly impartial. The archons will not escape judgment. Add to this what he said about his diminished power due to the Usurpers intervention and things get very interesting indeed. Now we can all safely assume he is talking about the gnosis. Meaning when the Primordial One suppressed the dragons for the second time, they needed to ensure that they wouldn’t rise up again right? So what if they took portions of each dragon's elemental authority and focused it into their newly chosen Sovereigns through these Magical Foci called gnosises? That would mean The Archon war was a contest instigated by Celestia to gather from humanity extremely powerful individuals to give the dragons’ stolen elemental authority to, to ensure it was locked away from them and I think the method used to solidify the boundaries of this new authority, we're the Statutes of the Seven. Allow me to borrow from Island XD’s genius theory about the towers not only depicting the original seven but also the idea that they are basically giant gnosises that resonate with celestia, and let me take it one step further. I think these Towers actually depict the moment when each original Archon received their Gnosis with the glowing relic they each hold being a divine item containing the gnosis itself. The stream of light they project up into the sky seems to support the idea of them being some sort of beacon and if we read the description of the portable teleport waypoints of all things, you’ll will realize that humans didn't build the current teleport way points because they don't understand leyline technology enough. Check out this description: The Portable Waypoint deployed here implements a degree of teleportation functionality. As a human-built replica, however, it has all kinds of restrictions when compared to a bona fide teleport waypoint. This means these towers which also utilize teleportation technology aren't human built at all. Now as for them depicting the original seven, you may be thinking of the statutes in Sumeru which seem to rather convincingly depict Nahida instead, but I disagree. Rukkadevata is indeed the one sitting on that leaf. Sumeru’s section of the archon war was unique. Instead of fighting each other as the other nations' gods did. Deshret, Nabu Malikata and Rukkadevata remained close friends and shared their rule and because Deshret was scornful of Celestia’s laws he declined their “gift”. Which was very likely the gnosis. Celestia wouldn't give out one until there was only one contender standing for each region so as long as the three remained alive, none could receive the gift. But Rukkadevata eventually ended up alone anyway. First Nabu Maklikata sacrificed herself to give Deshret the forbidden knowledge he sought and eventually when the consequences of that event grew to an untenable level, he was forced to sacrifice himself as well to quell the disaster with Rukkadevata’s help. And in that event enough of her power was spent to turn her into a child. We all know this story. But then amidst the chaos of everything that had happened, after losing her two friends, she was awarded the dendro gnosis and the image on the statue depicts her sad form as she rests her head on the orb she received it in, wearing the ceremonial robes that were now too big for her. And if you look very closely, that figure, although far smaller than a grown woman, is also proportionately taller than Nahida with longer hair as well. All the archons, in matching robes received their gnosises after no one else was standing to challenge them and those towers were created in tandem, marking the boundaries of their rule and resonating with the gnosis which focused their elemental authority into themselves. For the dragons to take back this power, not only would they need to take the gnosises, but each archon as Neuvillette said would also need to relinquish their elemental authority as well. Many of the archons are now bereft of their gnosis but still retain authority over their element. Perhaps when Neuvillette rises to the point of being able to judge the entire world he will be able to take that authority away. It's too early to say what Neuvillette’s true role in the rest of the archon quest will be, but the convoluted situation regarding Fontaine’s archon and the whereabouts of the Gnosis means we could very well end this chapter with a Sovereign Dragon ruling a piece of Teyvat again. Thanks for watching, like subscribe and share if you found this helpful or entertaining and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: The Unlikely Genshin Gamer
Views: 34,464
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Keywords: Neuvillette, genshin impact, Genshin impact lore from the beginning, Genshin impact dragon sovereigns, who are the dragon sovereigns, is neuvillette the hydro dragon, genshin impact theory about the archon war, genshin impact elemental dragons, is neuvillette a dragon sovereign, is azhdaha a sovereign, genshin impact lore easy to understand, where are the dragon sovereigns in genshin impact, what is a dragon sovereign in genshin impact, genshin impact theory about the dragons
Id: rHrd6my2IGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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