Why The Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles Isn't Stopping Hydro Dragon! Scared Of Skirk Master Theory

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where is she where is the sustainer of heavenly principles the unknown God because if you've played up to 4.2 you will already know that the Hydro Dragon Sovereign descendant nuet inherited the role of Lord and protector of Fontaine the hydro archon destroyed herself and the Very idea of a hydro archon and restored power to its rightful place the dragon Sovereign but this isn't part of the deal this is against the rules you can't just go and promote your own successor not under Celestia's watch because we've seen what happens to people who defy her King desert or obashi inera the original Hydro archon cona when you defy the Heavenly principles we can see what happens as Riot and Shogun States but I've seen a nation strike forward and lose everything to the Heavenly principles perhaps only if time stands still will the Lightning's glow Never Fade so why hasn't she done anything because right now noises are getting snatched left and right by the fouille harbingers the serit is pretty much an open Rebellion morax is allegedly dead the hydro archon just demoted herself and promoted someone in her place without your permission and you got people running a muuk so where is she well there's two possibilities the first being she can't do anything and the second she's choosing not to both are likely let's talk about them this is somewhat of a two-part video as I want to talk more in depth about the nosis and the fatou harbingers overall goal in the next video that's going to sort of relate to this one but as of right now why isn't she intervening well let's talk about option number one she can't she can't because she's very badly injured or corrupted and I think it has everything to do with these unknown beings from other planets how could it not because we know Rin daughter from cona experimented Unleashed a bunch of different monsters and entities that are not from tavat we know descenders are not from tavat and we know that gods for the most part are not Immortal they're just regular beings that ascended into godhood and descenders are more or less just aliens visitors that are looked at as Gods by ordinary Mortals I mean think about it in our own world if we had some unknown being come to planet Earth with crazy abilities we would probably worship them as a God as well most people would but whoever they are we know that descenders can be harvested into nosis and these are powerful artifacts that resonate with the elements but I also think they do more than this I think they're a key I think they're a key to outside worlds and this is a big problem for the Heavenly principles which is why she gave them to her most most powerful lieutenants if you will cuz they all work for Celestia and we know who's trying to gather them this is a problem for her and in most cases the sustainer doesn't really have to intervene personally there's all sorts of ways to get the job done you know we even seen this in suo with the withering elazar Forbidden Knowledge and Corruption her archons can do the dirty work for her for the most part but with cona it obviously looks like she had to get her hands dirty and went well out of her way to stop the travelers from leaving and ironically enough did not kill us but one of the siblings was captured for 500 years while the other got to live out their journey and for some alleged reason even though we both look similar and have similar abilities in the opening cut scene one of us isn't a descender curious now conre we know wasn't just a nuisance they were a threat they took on all of tavad and almost one they killed a couple archons in the process and the sustainer obviously had to get her hands dirty to solve this problem cuz you have beings who knows from outside worlds and other universes such as herself and it was a problem it was a threat she was able to deal with it but I think it cost her a lot of energy and she was injured or corrupted in some form that is why for 500 years we have not seen her and it is even stated that you know no one has seen the Heavenly principles for a little while even nahita says that she was going to threaten to destroy the nosis when she was confronting dor and awaken the principles and that would totally Fort their plans but then she admits that that was a bluff and to be honest there's perfect examples in the game that already relate to this exactly it's been a long time since we've been in monat but remember the whole story line with theen how he got corrupted and how the traveler was actually able to purify his teardrops and help out big time with this and actually Cur devalen of this corruption well how was dvalin corrupted well venty told us it was his fight with Duren and guess who created Duren Rin daughter The Alchemist gold from cona who the sustainer had to get her hands dirty with and Rin daughter was specifically mentioned by skirk and was used as an example to help tell the traveler Pon who her master is so we can assume that Rin daughter not only took on tavat but her along with con were able to kill a couple archons in this process so it's not a stretch to say that the sustainer could have been injured during this conflict to quell them now I believe in a sense like dallen was corrupted maybe the sustainer is experiencing the same thing being that both the Ven and the sustainer had similar encounters but the sustainer encounter would have been maybe on a bigger scale so perhaps it's sort of like devent and we've seen corruption in many different forms in genion like the withering like we talked about orob Bashi on yashiori island his remains cause people to go mad and seep into the land the decaying remains of a dead God can have bad effects as well there's a lot of different forms that this takes but I believe what we see with devalen kind of can tell a little bit of what the sustainer might be feeling right now which is why we haven't seen her and she's not intervening with all this craziness going on and this goes into my next Poss ability perhaps that's why she didn't kill the traveler why she needs us perhaps being able to harvest a nosis from a descender and also the fact that the traveler can purify this corruption like we seen with devalen maybe that's why she needs us and this directly goes into my second part of the video that she's actually allowing all of this to happen on purpose so that's option number one she's resting and regaining her power sort of like being in the Odin sleep option number two is that she's fully aware in allowing this to play out kind of like how Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time lets link travel around awaken all the sages so that he can eventually lure out Princess Zelda who he wanted all along so he kind of had to let link just run around and run a muuk for a while in order to get what he wanted so what does the sustainer want if she's doing this well I believe that she wants the traveler to resignate with all the elements and then she can collect the nosis from him harvest the same way she did with the third descender whoever that might be cuz we know the nosis the elemental powers came from the third descender and the sustainer used these so what's to say the fourth descender can't do the same we know that we can resonate with all the elements so it makes sense and perhaps she also gets to see who is loyal what's all going on if she lets us play out kind of get a feel for everything before she makes her final verdict so she's going to have to do a massive overhaul of tavac when this is all said and done because you got open Rebellion left and right maybe she's just letting this play out to see where all the pieces fall before she makes her decision because if the traveler wasn't important why would she not just kill us right away maybe she meant to do the same thing with lumine but it didn't quite work out and lumine kind of went rogue or something happened and her memories were implanted into to manol through these outside sources and maybe she needs these noses harvested to help combat outside and external forces like the abyss skirk Master the fowl and other entities that might try to breach the borders of tat but I kind of feel like the truth somewhere lies in the middle perhaps it's a bit of both she's letting this play out but is still very injured from her battle with cona and cona was able to summon help from God knows where outside of the world of tat the abyss and everywhere outside Celestia's control and gaze they're all a threat so she had to take matters into her own hands but was Gravely injured because what she's fighting isn't just Mortals from tat but people like skirk her master the Narwhal and other ancient Abyssal or other dimensional creatures these pose a threat to her because like I said even though you're an unknown God at the end of the day a descender is really only another being from another planet they're not Immortal and has been long speculated that the Heavenly principles is the second descender so any other descenders would PR a threat but I don't think that she just wants to kill the traveler I think that she needs us for something we serve a purpose whatever the case she'll need to act soon because things are going out of control from her own perspective you got Visions being given out by people whose positions were just granted without your knowledge you got people in Rebellion everything's going to more or less so she's eventually going to have to do something and the biggest problem yet to come which is what's going to be the next video's topic the harbingers and the fouille they are collecting these nosis pieces and I believe it is to summon that external help that we talked about because it appears that summoning external forces like Rin daughter and cona did can hurt the Heavenly principles and Pierro more than anyone would know this he was there now they're going to do it but they're going to do it right this time and they're going to also relinquish her control over the seven archons and perhaps that's why the fouille aren't being so cautious cuz they know the sustainer is injured and that she can't really act right now so they're carrying out this plan knowing that she's not going to come down cuz she was hurt really badly that is my theory but overall who can say exactly cuz we have little to no information on her ever since the opening cut scene we get little Snippets but there has to be a reason that she's not intervening I mean nervet just gave finina a vision and he's not authorized to do that he's not even authorized to be in control of Fontaine at all so that can't be for nothing but stay tuned for my next video as I'm going to go into depth on what the foui are doing specifically and how this pertains to the sustainer of heavenly principles but I do hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know your thoughts in the comments do you think she's corrupted by the abyss do you think she was injured badly even though she was able to defeat cona and do you think the sustainer is worried about some external forces like skirk and other beings from other universes or planets let me know and as always we will see you all on the next one later [Music]
Channel: Genshin Gamer
Views: 89,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why The Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles Didn't Stop Hydro Archon! She Needs 3rd & 4th Descenders, Hydro Archon death, Sustainer Lore, Heavenly Principles Theory, Hydro Dragon Genshin, Skirk, Genshin lore, Genshin Theory, Skirk Genshin, 3rd descender, descender genshin, the foul genshin, skirk master genshin, genshin leak, 4.3 leak, fatui harbinger, the captain genshin, Skirk explained, Skirk lore, arlecchino leak
Id: 6X0872IcBCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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