A BOOK Revealed the Truth of the Gnosis YEARS ago (Genshin Impact 4.2 Lore, Theory, & Speculation)

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hi it's me roozevelt! Welcome to my video on Gnoses,  Descenders, and Xingqiu's Story Quest. Yes, Xingqiu's  Story Quest. Because there's an item we received  during that quest all the way back from the   beginning of the game that may have held the truth  of the Gnoses. Let me explain. Back in the Sumeru   interlude, Scaramouche deleted himself from Irminsul, erasing  everyone's memories of him. But Nahida preserved the   memories of Scaramouche using a fable she created. So in  theory, fables and fiction can preserve the secrets   of the world. So this is about Xingqiu's favorite  work of fiction. "Legend of the Shattered Halberd" is   a book written by a mysterious author named Mr.  Nine who also later wrote "Flowers for Princess   Fischl." Both are central to early game characters,  similar to how "Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies"   is a huge part of Lisa's Story Quest. "Legend of the  Shattered Halberd" is a part of Xingqiu's Story Quest   and "Flowers for Princess Fischl" is essential  to Amy's character stories and voice lines. Amy or   as we know her, Fischl, basically roleplays as  the titular Prinzessin der Verurteilung. In "Legend of the   Shattered Halberd," there are nine realms. The gods  went to war, and the realms were razed by the   God King, but eventually sprang life a new, but  with the realms disconnected from one another.   In the present, we have two main characters: Mir,  a young man looking for answers about his father,   and an unnamed spirit who possesses the body of an  imperial envoy. The spirit is the daughter of the   Celestial Emperor or the God King, and a princess  of judgment. The two are collecting nine Ominous   Swords forged from cursed meteorites. But these  meteorites are actually fragments of the titular   Divine shattered halberd that was created by the  God King. The princess needs to collect them to   save the world from catastrophe. So the volumes we  have are just snapshots of this epic journey, and   I made a video where I retell the plot in more  detail. With illustrations! In the final volume   we learn that the spirit Mir traveled with is the  Last Divine Halberd created to pierce the God King,   as he created her knowing he'd one day go nutssss  and destroy the world again. So the takeaway from   this is that the halberds are not just literally  weapons or meteorites, but also sentient beings.   Characters with names. Given the nature of fable  and fiction within Genshin, I've wondered for a while   if Shattered Halberd holds some secret truths.  Especially since it contains some choices names.   For example, in the book ,there's a cursed sword  that once burned the world to cinders and it's   going to do it again. It's called Laevatain and  in Norse mythology it's the only sword that   can slay Víðópnir. Víðópnir is a bird that sits atop  another bird on top of the world tree. Funny enough,   in other sources there's a nearly identically  described bird, and it may be the same one(?), and   it's called Veðrfölnir. You know, like the Visionary.  So I've wondered what might Shattered Halberds be representing, potentially. I've thought perhaps  Celestial Nails, which are weapons or instruments   dropped from the heavens. I've also wondered if the  fragments are memories or Spirit fragments like   the case with Liloupar and collecting her memories.  But there's another idea that's floated around   for ages and that I've only mentioned briefly in  previous videos. It's that the Ominous Swords are   like Gnoses, and the princess collects the swords  or halberd fragments just as the Tsaritsa collects   the Gnoses. I've never explored this in more detail  because I always got caught up on a small detail   that I couldn't reconcile. If halberds are sentient  beings, and halberd fragments are gnoses, how could a   gnosis possibly be a sentient being's fragments?  Oh. Well. I guess Gnoses are exactly that. Huh. Anyway   Skirk revealed the Gnoses are the remains  of the Third Descender, so suddenly this old   idea hits very differently. And now I can't stop  noticing parallels. Let me explain just how well   some things work... and some mind-boggling and  contradictory implications. As a disclaimer, this   is just speculation. I'm of the opinion that many  stories and books in Genshin (particularly those   by Mr. Nine) have multiple layers and there's likely no  single correct interpretation. This is just one. So   with that onward we go. So let's delve into some of  the comparisons and how the halberds may represent   descenders, and the swords made from a halberd represent the Gnoses. First, the Ominous Swords made   from the halberd fragments are very powerful but  also hella cursed. The Gnosis is also described by   Skirk as being cursed, and that's why she advises  Neuvillette to get rid of it. Given how much Skirk says   about the remains being cursed, that seems like a  pretty defining feature of the Gnosis. Secondly, of   the swords we know of, there's like one of flame  and one of mist, so they may be able to carry an   elemental alignment like the Gnoses do. And third,  the Divine Halberd from which these swords are   forged from is mistaken for a meteorite. You know...  like a falling star. There's even more looking at   the Last Divine Halberd, the princess. In the story  The princess pretends to have forgotten her name   but Mir suspects she's withholding it. This is  because knowing someone's true name gives you   power over them, similar to what Liloupar told us. And  here's a minor detail you may have forgotten: so   everyone calls you Traveler or your nickname, right?  But do you remember that in We Will Be Reunited your sibling uses the actual character name? If you  play Aether, for example, Lumine calls you Aether. To   my recollection, no one else even knows your name,  except for Paimon and Dain after that scene.   So perhaps traveler like the princess is withholding  their true name. There's actually a lot of   parallels between Traveler and the princess. This  princess in "Legend of the Shattered Halberd" is not   only a halberd, but is also actually the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. She's Fischl. She's literally Fischl. So   Fischl appears in both of Mr. Nine's books, although  Mr Nine explains that he reworked her character   in "Flowers for Princess Fischl." For example, in "Flowers,"  she's a traveler of worlds. In Amy's voice lines   she's LARPing as Flowers-Fischl and compares  herself to you quite a few times as an outlander,   even down to the fact that you both have familiars -  Oz and Paimon. But she isn't the only one who does   that. In Inazuma there's an NPC named Sumida who asked if you're just like Fischl and a traveler of worlds. You're actually kind of taken a back by the comparison. Also side note fun fact: some   of you might recognize Sumida because I recently  mentioned her in my Holy Blade video. It's funny   because this Fischl reference is almost directly  after the reference to the sword found by Kaeya's   grandfather, which may also be about the Traveler  as a Descender as a Holy Blade. HMMM interesting.   This was my contractually obligated Kaeya mention.  Anyway, there are a few other minor connections.   For example, Liloupar makes a comment about us being a  prince or princess from a far away land. And in one   of Fischl's stories it says that Fischl and Oz are World  Beasts who will swallow all dreams. In retrospect   this now reminds me of how Canotila describes  Traveler as a beast who could swallow the world.   So despite the fact that these comparisons are  with Flowers-Fischl, Halberd-Fischl is still also   the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Besides that, this is  the most direct connection between halberds and   Descenders you can probably get without being too  obvious. So halberds being Descenders is starting   to look pretty compelling, to me personally. It does  get slightly deeper though when you throw in Holy   Blades. In my video about the Holy Blade, I made an  argument that a Descender is comparable to a Holy   Blade, mostly because Rene said so. If the Third  Descender could also have been a Holy Blade, just like   Traveler, the Gnoses are thus fragments of a Holy  Blade. Now, the Ominous Swords are notably able to   drain intellect. This specific wording reminds me  of a feature of the Holy Blade of Narzissenkreuz, which was used to literally split the mind from  the body. And also it'd be kind of on the nose   that they're both swords and there's this duality  of holy and ominous or cursed or evil. There are   a few details that I'm still trying to reconcile.  Previously I've drawn comparisons of the God King and the Primordial One, especially given that in  "Shattered Halberd," the war between the gods feels   reminiscent of the war of the Second Throne, and  how it was similarly destructive. The problem here   is that the halberds were created by the God King. If it were a one-to-one metaphor, this shouldn't be   the case, and the God King and the halberds should  more or less be equals. This could simply be a   matter of Mr. Nine changing up the details to Irminsul-proof it, though. Or he's just taking some   fun creative liberties! But there's one great  struggle I'm having and that's with the First Divine Halberd. This is the hardest to speculate  on but also the most interesting, in my opinion.   Obligatory speculation crack theory warning.  The last volume of the book has a line that   reads: "the First Divine Halberd, Irmin, once pierced  the Axis Mundi and connected the nine worlds. Now,   its replicas had proliferated across the heavens."  There is obviously a very big red flag here, but I   will get to it, let me just break some things down  first. Taken in isolation, and keeping in mind the   equivalence of Descenders and Holy Blades with  a will that rivals a world, the language makes   a lot of sense. Instead of cutting, the Holy Blade is piercing the Axis Mundi. And instead of severing,   it connected the realms. Now, thinking about the  actual world or realms is rather challenging for   me. The book has nine realms but according to Enkanomiyans, in Genshin there are three: the light, human, and void   realms. And we can only really assume that the  human realm was created by the Primordial One   AKA the usurper, the Heavenly Principles, the  First Descender, by beating up the dragons and   using the eggshell it was born from to separate  the microcosm from the universe. But perhaps the   book realms aren't really comparable to the Genshin  realms. In "Shattered Halberd," there are nine realms   and nine Ominous Swords, so perhaps the nine realms  are actually more representative of nations. Like   seven gnoses for seven nations. And remember the  timeline: long before the seven nations, there   was a unified civilization. So perhaps connecting  the realms here compares more to the creation of   the unified civilization, and this is when humanity spoke directly to the celestial envoys   and seelies guided society. Then the war of the  gods that disconnected the realms in the book   was the war of the Second Throne. This is when  the unified civilization fractured and Enkanomiya sank   Sal Vindagnyr disappeared, and the celestial nails  turned rainforest into desert, and lush mountain to   desolate snowstorm. With that interpretation, you  can start drawing a comparison between the First   Descender and the First Divine Halberd. And perhaps,  then, the replicas of the First Divine Halberd that   proliferated through the heavens, represent the  Primordial One's Four Shades. Speculation reminder but   I want to take this specific idea even further.  In comparative mythology the Axis Mundi can be   anything representing the connection between  Heaven and Earth: the center of the world, for   example, or even a world tree. And we do have a bit  of a world tree with Irminsul. So I wonder if this goes   back to the idea that a Holy Blade can destroy  or create a world or universe. Perhaps piercing   the Axis Mundi was cutting the strong will of  the old world - ruled by dragons - and creating a   new one, whose laws are dictated by Irminsul. Remember,  Teyvat basically runs on ley lines and memories, and   stars and constellations (which are potentially  the fruit of Irminsul) dictate the fate of   everyone and the world. And perhaps ley lines  are just reflections of said constellations   or vice versa. Either way, they seem intrinsically  linked, so perhaps the First Descender had created   Irminsul when they arrived. And that explains  the naming convention of Irmin, Irminsul. But   there's there's a little snaggle in all of this.  Teeny tiny detail. It's that major red flag I   mentioned. We already know of a specific character  named Irmin, and that's King Irmin, the King of Khaenri'ah. For those of you not familiar with my content, I've  spent an egregious amount of time thinking about   who King Irmin is based on "Shattered Halberd," so it  may be understandable that the mere suggestion of   the First Divine Halberd Irmin being linked to  the First Descender or the Primordial One short   circuits my brain. Because here's the thing: King  Irmin, or at least his kingdom, did connect the   realms, and this is implied to be a root cause of  the cataclysm. So Nasejuna says that the Dahri or   Khaenri'ahns built a facility to connect the realms. In  an abandoned note, the writer attributes Khaenri'ah's  prosperity to spying upon the secrets beyond the  skies. And this is echoed in the Evergloom Ring where some underground people caught a glimpse of  the outer universe, and even tried to travel there   and bring pieces back. So here, piercing the Axis  Mundi could have been literally puncturing the   false sky or that eggshell. But more metaphorically,  maybe this piercing was penetrating Irminsul to learn   the truth of this world, one that is hidden by  Irminsul. The Silver Twig speaks of a sage who gained   cosmic knowledge from a tree and followed its  roots to the underground kingdom. Perhaps that   sage was King Irmin, and that could be the simple  connection between the names. Regardless, these are   two very wildly different interpretations, with the  First Descender and King Irmin. But if we go really   hard on the copium, maybe Mr. Nine is squishing  two characters together. Like how when you're 10   and you make an OC named Serena Videl Lunartemis, and she's a moon princess with a power level   over 9,000 but she's definitely not Sailor Moon  or Goku! I mean, Mr. Nine kind of does that anyway   with his world building. He made the Asura, who are  figures in Dharmic religions, come from Jotunheim, which   is a realm from Norse mythology, and it's all in a  book with a Liyue setting, so why why the heck not?! Okay, sorry, uh, but seriously. The last important  thing here is the potential implication about King   Irmin if the Halberd-Descender thing holds any  water. Is, uh, Mr. Nine... trying to imply that the King of Khaenri'ah was a Descender? The only explanations  I can come up with are creative and desperate, at   best. And the only Descender I can think of that  would fit the description is maaaaybe the Second?   Keep in mind we're still in Crazy Town USA right  now. Like Khaenri'ah was probably established around the   time of the Second Throne's war, and I think it's  Neat that the Goddess of Flowers describes the   war as destructive, but also breaking the shackles.  And this wording is very similar to the breaking   of shackles in an abandoned note. None of this  is any evidence nor is it new or groundbreaking   information, so for now I'll just add it to  my running list of who is King Irmin is anyway   because if I make a video for every possible  angle about King Irmin I'm eventually going to   have to to get it right... right? You may have noticed  I didn't actually even try to guess who the Third   Descender is. Truth is I have no idea and this  garbage book didn't even help me with that. So   here's my guess. It's none other than Serena Videl  Lunartemis herself. I'm just kidding. Capitano is the   Third Descender. This has nothing to do with the  book. He's faceless because his body was used to   make the Gnoses, and now he's actually a ghost  in a suit of armor. And he's going to Natlan   to resurrect his body since Natlan has the final Gnosis,  and the theme there is the Ode to Resurrection. I'm   also kidding about that. or am I? okay now that  I'm done psychologically unraveling thanks so   much for watching! uuuh I clearly lost my mind  towards the end there. Please like, comment, and   subscribe. Leave a comment with your own theories  about "Shattered Halberd," or Capitano personally   suplexing Celestia. And have you checked  your smoke detector batteries recently? okay BYE
Channel: roozevelt
Views: 54,240
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Id: hq8D4ObMa94
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Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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