What Happened To The Electro Dragon? | Genshin Impact Theory

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Have you ever wondered where the Electro  Sovereign is?... Well, I have… After all,   across every nation up to Fontaine,  the Traveler has had an opportunity   to interact with a major Elemental  Dragon… Yet somehow we went through   all of Inazuma without a single  word about the Electro Dragon… So,   I decided to look for an answer amongst the stars,  and that… Lead me to the Moon… In other words…. There is something wrong with the  Moon in Teyvat… Uhhh, hehe… Actually,   I take that back… There are MANY things wrong  with the MOONS of Teyvat… Since Genshin has   multiple Moons, and they are all Sussy for  their own reasons… … Take for example this   picture of the Moon in the game… At first  glance, nothing looks out of the ordinary…   It’s just another normal depiction of a  Moon in the sky that we are all familiar   with… Y-You know what? It might be a bit TOO  familiar, perhaps even more than it should be   because this isn’t just a random depiction of  A MOON… This is THE MOON, OUR MOON ON EARTH. Now, if you go to the Spiral Abyss and take a  look at the Abyssal Moon found there, you will   notice that it is not the same as the one visible  from the surface of Teyvat… AND BOTH OF THOSE, are   also different from the Crimson Moon present in  Beelzebul’s Realm of Consciousness… MEANING that   the choice of making Genshin’s Moon identical to  the one seen from Earth was deliberate… But why? Well, lucky for me, I didn’t have to  wonder about it for too long… A couple   of hours after I got that idea, I was  rummaging through the furniture items   in my Tea Pot which is when I found this  piece of Wall Decore called Replica Mural:   Ancient Ritual in a Sea of Fog… And as the  name suggests, the artwork is based on a mural   found on Tsurumi Island depicting its ancient  inhabitants performing a ritual toward the moon. The ritual showcased was done before the  Thunderbird Kapatcir would descend on   the Island of Tsurumi through the Sea of Fog  but what caught my attention is how the Moon   appears in the mural… You’ve got this vaguely  crescent shape to indicate that this is indeed   the Moon we are looking at, except it’s not  a real crescent since the outlines make up   a full circle and then you have the fact  that a portion of it is completely hollow   and see-through with a couple of stars visible  behind it and a few lines passing through it. The reason I am emphasizing this particular  depiction of the Moon is due to the fact that   the art is based on the murals of Tsurumi  Island, which means that this is what the   people of Tsurumi would have seen thousands of  years ago back then… And the Moon visible from   that Island is not the Abyssal Moon or any other  variation… It is the Moon of the Human Realm,   the one we care about right now… The one that  looks identical to the real Moon of Earth. Based on the description of the furnishing item,  these lines leading into the Fog, should in theory   represent the path that Kanna Kapatcir took as  she descended on Tsurumi… And considering that   this path traverses the Moon, it holds the  potential to unravel the mystery behind it. But this is where we need to stop and ask  a very important question… What exactly   is the Thunderbird of Tsurumi  Island… What is Kanna Kapatcir? You see, depending on who or what she  is, we can end up with considerably   differing outcomes… Therefore, it would be  beneficial for us to determine her identity,   at least as close as we can get to it  based on the information currently at   our disposal… And… Unfortunately… We don’t  have much at our disposal… Because somehow,   even Hoyoverse themselves don’t seem to know  what the hell she is with official in-game   sources contradicting themselves across different  languages… Some calling her an Eagle, or a Hawk,   or even an Owl in Chinese… Which by the way, how  the heck is this an Owl?... And then you also have   her undeniable resemblance to Oz, so we can add  Ravens and Crows to our list of Birds of Prey. Sooo, I am gonna have to run purely  based on mythology in addition to a   few other clues found in-game… And  fingers crossed, I get it right… OK… Given the tremendous scale of her  power along with her size and age,   Kapatcir is either a God, a Dragon, a powerful  Elemental Lifeform, OR even… A Star Beast,   just like the Narhwal of Surtalogi… These are  the most likely options I found, anything else   either doesn’t work or can be simply considered  as an extension of the aforementioned four. But hold on a sec, I know what some of you  are thinking… I just suggested that the   Thunderbird could be a Dragon, and believe  it or not it’s not just a potential option,   it is one of the more likely  options as you will see later. In case you are unfamiliar with Kanna Kapatcir, I  will give you a very brief rundown of her story…   The Thunderbird later known as Kapatcir came to  exist on Teyvat thousands of years ago in an age   long lost to the annals of history… She inhabited  Mount Kanna as her nest on Tsurumi Island and   would travel the sky back and forth between that  point and Seirai Island… According to Kapatcir   herself, she originally had a different  name, although, by the time we met her,   she had already forgotten it long ago  along with the one who gave her that name. Following the Great War of Vengeance, the  Usurper King was wounded severely and the   Heavens lost their ability to suppress  the world with absolute authority… So,   the Usurper King sent down Divine Nails to mend  the land which was on the verge of collapse…   And according to Kapatcir, a Celestial Object  fell on Tsurumi Island… She doesn’t clarify   what that object was, but until we get further  information, let us just consider it a nail. At any rate, not long after a  thick Fog began to form around   the Island of Tsurumi and eventually blotted  out the Sun… And even though the Thunderbird   was fully capable of dispersing the Fog,  she never actually cared enough to do it. And that’s basically all you need to know about  Kapatcir… Now back to the main topic, what is she,   and what is her connection with the Moon? OK, let us start with the first and most   obvious thing that we can point out  about the Thunderbird… And that is,   her size… Because, heh heh… She was very,  very, VERY BIG… So much so that if you take   an aerial view of Seirai, you can trace  her exact shape through the incision   carved into the Island from the impact of  her fall after being killed by Beelzebul. Furthermore, to support the previous observation…  If we go to where Kapatcir’s head would have been,   we will notice that there is a giant hole in  the ground leading to some ancient ruins… And,   yeah… Heh, this hole was formed  by Kapatcir’s beak… That’s right,   her BEAK… Going through the ruins when she fell. And judging by the sheer magnitude of energy she   unleashed after death and how much it  altered the surrounding environment,   it is safe to say that Kapatcir was at least  God-Like in Power if not a God-in-Truth. Thus, it should be to no one’s surprise that  a being like that would eventually end up as   a recipient of worship from some tribe of  puny mortals at one point or another… And   worship her they did, for after their Island  was engulfed by a blinding Fog, the people   of Tsurumi became isolated from the world and  generations later they would forget the Sun,   the Moon, and the Stars… Out of foolishness and  desperation, the people began offering their own   kin as human sacrifices to their deity… But  the Thunderbird would heed not their cries,   nor answer their prayers… In other  words, she didn’t give a shit about them. Don’t get the wrong idea tho… At that  point, the Thunderbird did not hate humans,   she simply DID NOT CARE about them whatsoever…  That is… Until she was captivated by the singing   of a young boy by the name of Ruu… Who  unbeknownst to her was next in line to   become a human sacrifice for his tribe’s  god… Yeah, kinda awkward if you ask me. Soon, the Thunderbird grew fond of young Ruu and  he in return became her friend, giving her the   name Kanna Kapatcir… Which means the “Great Eagle  of the Storm”... Where it should be apparent that   Ruu got the first part of her name, Kanna,  from the Mountain which she used to inhabit. As you know, Inazuma as a whole is directly  inspired by the Yamato Japanese with some   Greek influence carrying over from Byakuyakoku…  However, the Thunderbird Civilization of Tsurumi   is inspired by an indigenous group known as the  Ainu, who inhabited the Japanese archipelago,   in particular the island of Hokkaido,  prior to the arrival of the Yamato. And I wish I could talk about the Ainu  more because their story IS SO COOL…   But unfortunately, that would send us off on a  long tangent from the main topic… So instead,   if you are interested in their history, there  is this extremely well-made documentary by   Kings and Generals detailing the rise  and fall of the Ainu people across   Northern Japan… I am gonna leave  a link to it in the description. Now the reason I am bringing them up  is because the name of Mount Kanna on   Tsurumi Island is derived from the  Ainu God of Lightning and Thunder   Kanna-Kamuy… Which is apparently one of the  main characters in Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid,   and while I haven’t seen this anime it is  a cool easter egg for those who did… Thus,   it should be obvious that the Thunderbird  Kanna Kapatcir in Genshin serves the same   function as the Ainu God Kanna-Kamuy…  Which in Japan IS DEPICTED… As a Dragon. So, does this finally answer our question… Is  Kanna Kapatcir the Electro Dragon?!?... Weeeeell,   not quite… And don’t get me wrong, while  she could very well be An Electro Dragon,   I would have a hard time justifying her  as THE Electro Sovereign for a variety of   reasons… And even then there are other clues  hinting towards her not being a Dragon at all… But, for the sake of argument, let us humour the   idea that she IS a dragon… What  else can we add to support it? Several things, actually… The first is the fact  that the Elemental Dragons we have met so far   are not the conventional giant T-Rex-like flying  lizards that you would normally expect… Instead,   they tend to share features and attributes  from various other animals in their appearance.  For instance, Azhdaha has horns and a body posture  akin to that of a Bison or an African Buffalo,   while his general body shape resembles  that of a Chameleon with an inflated belly,   prominent bony and overlapping scales, a large  and very strong tail… And also his ability to   change colour after absorbing other elements… Then  you have Apep, who is described as an enormous   Sandworm and bears similarities to a snake…  And then there is Dvalin who shares the most   in common with Kapatcir, with bird-like limbs and  claws, a mouth that is shaped like a bird’s beak,   along with many feathers scattered around  his body, most notably on his tail. Finally, when it comes to Neuvillette, well… If  these Leisurely Otters are anything to go by, then   his Dragon form likely has some Otter features…  All this to say, that Kapatcir’s appearance   as a Bird of Prey does not automatically  disqualify her from being a Dragon… Although   I have to admit that she would be extremely  stretching the definition if that is the case. Another reason for as to why Kapatcir cannot be  the Electro Sovereign even if she was an Electro   Dragon is because of… Uuuh, do you remember  earlier when I said that someone gave Kapatcir   her original name?... Kapatcir refers to that  someone as a “She”... And interestingly enough   if we go back to the Ainu God of Lightning  and Thunder, Kanna-Kamuy, it is said that he   descended from heaven along with another Goddess  known as Apemerukoyan-mat Unamerukoyan-mat… Who   happens to be one of the most important deities  in Ainu mythology, serving as the Keeper of the   Gateway from the Human Realm to Divinity, along  with governing over the Souls of the Dead before   they would be assigned new bodies… Which is  yet another callback to Teyvat’s Cyclical   Nature and Samsara Cycles… BUUUUUT, the point I  am trying to get across is that Apemerukoyan-mat   Unamerukoyan-mat seems to correspond to  the “She” who gave Kapatcir her true name. Also, Apemerukoyan-mat Unamerukoyan-mat has  two other names, those being Iresu and Fuchi   and I am going to refer to her as Fuchi from  now on because it is cuter… Therefore, Fuchi,   who supposedly descended from heaven with Kanna  would be a much more fitting candidate for the   title of the Electro Sovereign, with Kapatcir  being one of her creations or followers. But now, we have another problem…  In one of my older videos,   I suggested that the Electro Sovereign is  sealed beneath the Island of Kannazuka,   with the Thunder Sakura Trees acting to suppress  it… And to this day, I still hold this belief   since we know for a fact that something is beneath  Kannazuka, and from the reaction of Kuki Miyuki,   Shinobu’s older sister who helped us fix  the seals, that thing seems very powerful. FURTHERMORE, I have another idea for as to  what Fuchi and Kapatcir are… It has to do   with Fischl… And I am NOT talking about Amy,  I am talking about Princess Fischl… You see,   it is no secret that Kapatcir bears  a huge resemblance to the Raven Oz,   who happens to be the familiar of the  girl that cosplays Princess Fischl,   Amy… As ever since Amy got her Vision, Oz became  her companion… Just like Xiangling and Guoba! Both Xiangling and Guoba are what you would  call Character Foils, which means they are   contrasting characters used to highlight specific  traits or qualities of the main character… And in   Genshin’s case, Xiangling and Guoba are foils  for the Traveler and Paimon… Think about it,   just like the Traveler, Xiangling spends  her time exploring Teyvat in search of   great delicacies to improve her cooking, while  her companion Guoba used to be a God known as   Marchosius and the Traveler’s companion,  Paimon, is VERY likely a God as well. However, Oz is not like Marchosius  and Paimon… He is not a God, rather,   he is a product of Amy’s Vision,  a manifestation of her ambition… A   manifestation of… Her Fate… Ahhh, now we have  something we can work with… Listen carefully. In the description of the Wings of Merciful;  Wrathful Waters, it is written that the Shade   of Life created Egeria from materials completely  native to Teyvat as a Heart for the Primordial   Sea, to replace the fallen Hydro Sovereign  before her… The developers go on to add that   Egeria possessed a heart with nobility akin to  that of a dragon, which when combined with the   information that she was made without the use  of any outside matter, leads me to suspect that   Egeria was quite legitimately fashioned out  of the heart of the deceased Hydro Sovereign…   This is backed up by the fact when Egeria died, a  Third Heart was then born to replace her… And who   was this new heart?... Was it the next Hydro  Archon?... NO, it was a Dragon, Neuvillette. Egeria, kind as she was, felt sympathy for  the Dragons and thus shed the first tear   to create the Oceanids… And the author of the  Ancient Natural History Excerpts found in the   Institute of Natural Philosophy, has this  to say about the birth of the Oceanids   “The lizard's bones dissolved into mud,  from which swans emerged”... It doesn’t   take a rocket scientist to realize that the  “Swans” in that metaphor are the Oceanids,   while the Lizard… Well, there could only be so  many Lizards with bones big enough to create an   entire race… And you best believe that money  is on the Previous Hydro Dragon Sovereign. This explains why Hydro Mimics from the  Narzissenkreuz Adventure Questline go on and   on about how the Oceanid in the Sealed Tower  is an Evil Dragon to which Paimon protests…   It is because the Oceanids were made out of the  carcass of the Previous Hydro Sovereign and thus   would be fittingly Draconic to some capacity… And  surprise surprise… When Kapatcir died, her power   summoned the Thunder Manifestations, which are  almost identical to the Oceanids in appearance. And even tho what I said makes it sound as  if Kapatcir is comparable to the Hydro Dragon   Sovereign… In reality, I am highlighting her  similarities with Egeria… Notice that Egeria   was created by the Shade of Life to fulfill  the role of the Previous Hydro Sovereign… While   Kapatcir is connected to an Unknown Female, who  for the sake of this video I call Fuchi based on   Ainu mythology, that gave Kanna her original  name… Therefore, I assume that this Fuchi is   likewise one of the Shades of the Primordial  One, probably also the Shade of Life, who   created Kapatcir to fulfill the role of the former  Electro Dragon that was put out of commission. But what could that role possibly be?... Well,  it brings us ALL THE WAY BACK, to the Moon. In the opening chapter of the Book, Flowers  for Princess Fischl… The author of the story,   Mr Nine, writes about the Beasts of the World  that reside in the center of the Universe… He   names one of them as Gesamtkunstwerk and states  that it will appear in the Opera Theatre of the   Apocalypse and fight the Laevatain… At  this point, we know that Gesamtkunstwerk   is the Star-Devouring Nahrwal… But what is  interesting is that Mr. Nine mentions how   all the other Beasts of the World will start  to appear in turn… And based on the fact that   the Narwhal is Tartaglia’s constellation…  Then we know that the other Celestia Beasts   are going to be the constellations  of the rest of Teyvat’s Inhabitants. Now, hold that thought for a moment… I will shift  the topic slightly, and we will get back to it… You see, based on the words of the  Fatui Harbingers Zandik and Scaramouche,   we know that the Sky of Teyvat is  fake… And if the Sky is not real,   then everything on it should be put  there by design… INCLUDING THE MOON. Now, if we take a look at the Murals of  Tsurumi Island, and in particular this one,   the words inscribed onto it roughly translate  to “You are called the powerful Trivia,   and you are called the Moon by your  borrowed Light”... And if we go back   to the Mural Replica which kickstarted  this entire video, we can see what is   presumably Kapatcir’s descent path going  THROUGH the Moon and into the Sea of Fog… But hold on… Remember that the Moon of Teyvat  looks identical to ours on Earth… Which brings   me to the final piece of information we get  from Flowers for Princess Fischl… There it   is written that those powerful enough will  possess their own Domains of Consciousness   where various parts of themselves and their  power are stored… And in the Electro Archon,   Beelzebul’s, Domain of Consciousness,  what do we find?… We find the Moon. However, the Moon in Beelzebul’s Domain  is not real… Just like the one in Teyvat’s   sky… But if the Moon of the Human Realm  isn’t real… Then what is it?... Well,   think about it this way… What does a Moon do?...  It reflects the Light of the Sun… And the Mural   on Tsurumi goes a step further to hammer  in that point… So, perhaps… The Moon is an   Imaginary Mirror created by the Primordial one to  reflect the image of the Star Beasts beyond the   False Sky onto Teyvat… And use them to govern the  destinies of the puny mortals beneath the Heavens. And since the Murals of Tsurumi  display the Moon in conjuncture   with Kapatcir’s flight along with  Beelzebul’s connection to the Moon,   it isn’t outlandish for me to suggest that  this process, is likely sustained through   the Authority of the Electro Sovereign…  After all, remember what Beelzebul says: And this makes me wonder… When Kapatcir tells Ruu  that she heard the Songs of the Rabbit, the Fox,   the Boar, the Fish, and the Worm… Was she talking  about the animals of the wilderness… OR THE BEASTS   SHE SAW, BEYOND THE REFLECTION OF THE MOON. —- Buuuut… We still have a problem, you  see depending on the true identity of   Fuchi that gave the Thunderbird her name,  Kapatcir could be either a Dragon, a God,   an Elemental Lifeform or even heck  maybe a Star Beast that was brought   down from the Heavens by Fuchi just  like in the Original Ainu story. And as much as I hate closing things off on  such a note… There are other things which   I haven’t mentioned about Kapatcir for the sake  of time and if you bring those into the equation   you can make a very good argument for her being  any of the aforementioned creatures… So… What is   Kapatcir… Is she a God, a Dragon, a Star Beast?  I don’t know, you tell me, What do YOU think? But for the sake of having some degree of closure,  I am gonna give you my take on what’s going on   with Kanna Kapatcir… Earlier, I talked about  how the text we have from the Ancient Natural   History Excerpts along with the description of  the Fontaine Wind Gliders: Wings of Merciful;   Wrathful Waters, heavily imply that the Shade  of Life created the Goddess Egeria from the   Heart of the Previous Hydro Sovereign after the  latter perished… And Egeria herself then went on   to create her Oceanid Familiars, likely from  the carcass of the deceased Dragon Sovereign. Following that same line of logic…  Remember that the Thunder Manifestations,   which are essentially just Electro Oceanids,  were formed from the remnants of Kapatcir’s   power following her death at the hands  of Beelzebul… Therefore, the “She” who   presumably created Kapatcir would either be  the former Electro Dragon Sovereign OR the   Shade of Life… And I am currently leaning  more toward the latter for a few reasons. You see Gods are the manifestations of  their own Constellations, they are the   incarnations of their destinies, hence why each  God is associated with an ideal to which they   follow and adhere… This means Morax is the  Constellation of Zhongli for example… And   many Gods such as Morax and Amun are depicted  with a Sun behind them… The Sun, is a Star and   since Gods are their own Constellations then  Star Beasts might be the God form of morals   when they ascend to Celestia… Which explains why  Vanessa became a Falcon following her ascension. This means that arguing on whether Kapatcir is a  Star Beast or a God made by one of the Shades of   the Primordial is kinda redundant because the  Gods might be Star Beasts themselves… With a   few extra steps of course… And finally, based  on Skirk's words where she tells Neuvillette   that he is one of the Primordial Dragons of  “This” Planet when referring to Teyvat… Along   with Neuvillette being constantly shown by  Hoyoverse with imagery heavily associated   with Stars… I Think Dragons might be Star Beasts  that inhabit various Planets and give them life…   But that is a topic for another time… Because  now, we have reached the end of this video. And to close off with some food for thought,   do you know how Egeria and Kapatcir  created the Oceanids and the Thunder   Manifestations respectively?... Well, you  know what else looks like those creatures? Seelies… Seelies look almost identical to  them… And we have Egeria and Kapatcir with   their Draconic connections along with  the Oceanids being likened to Dragons   in the Narzissenkreuz Adventure Quest, so  what does this say about the Seelies… What   do you think?... Could Seelies also be  aligned with the Dragons to some degree? I wonder what this implies regarding my  previous theory about the Khaenri’ahns   being Seelies… I might have to revisit that  at some point in the future… But for now,   thank you all for watching  and take care, until the next.
Channel: My Name For Now
Views: 27,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xblNwxds6i8
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Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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