The NEW Genshin Impact Timeline

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hey guys a lot of gunshin is ever expanding maybe even too much this is a timeline of it all from start to finish I've already made a video like this but that came out way before in Conor mayor was released so there's a lot to catch up on this video will be an updated and improved version in the first video many people are asking for the source of stuff the source will be up in the top right corner also there is gonna be a bit of theories in this video but I'm gonna clarify when its assumptions and still affects locations to the different places can be seen by the background also all the characters we've never actually seen is just going to be stigmund drawn by use truly I'll be dividing the timeline into seven Parts the beginning 6500 years ago ancient times six thousand three thousand seven hundred years ago the icon wall 3700 to 2000 years ago all times 2500 years ago the catechism 500 years ago recent years 500 to 0 years ago finally the game at zero let's get started the beginning the first and the second we don't know when the beginning of the timeline really happened but my guess is around 6 500 years ago we know it's older than Marx who's about six thousand so yeah in theory it could be like 10K years ago anyway it all begins with this thing called the old world so that doesn't exist as of now but whatever exists is ruled by seven terrifying Bishop servants they ruled over Seven Nations imagine asked her but way bigger time seven then someone called the prime module one arrives then they may or may not have been famous it is said that the model one came from an egg and had wings and a crown it created four shiny shades of themselves like clones and wage war against the seven sovereigns one of these Shades was probably ice the Roth AKA Kairos AKA tokoro Okami aka the god of time this is my top 5 favorite law character by the way the other four will come along the way the primordial one wins after 40 years and with his Shades creates Heaven and Earth some of the wishes from the time of the seven sovereigns escaped into the ocean the primordial one doesn't kill all the servants probably because they would explode and destroy everything if they died a pip didn't go serving lives in sumeru which at this point in time is one giant rainforest we know that in the time the game takes place there's a Lightroom where wish apps come from a human film and in the epistle white film the Abyssal Whiteville probably isn't created yet though 400 years after the arrival of the primordial one everything is going well a primordial one and the chase creates animals they prepare for humans which are like animals but better and the primordial one just likes them more the primordial one was probably the one to create the firmament this giant bubble around at least Tibet maybe even more area they create humanity and the great civilization known as the unified civilization I think this is the time period sillies come from a series where like Angels beautiful humanite wise forums starts with guiding Humanity the free Moon sisters existed along with the series so I will assume they were here as well the three moons is thus Arya sonnet and Canon lifted this lunar Palace they also had this cool silver Carriage which they used to go through the cycles of the Moon with the genie might also have been there the humans get pretty spoiled by their primordial one everyone is happy surely this can't go wrong right the arrival of the second Throne of heavens and the great Calamity around 6 000 years ago someone called the second phone appearance or simply the second who came arrived to Tibet they are said to be Invaders who descended from Beyond the firmament basically descenders these descendants brought destruction and plagues this war should apparently have described both Heaven and Earth one of the things it did was bury this domain in the ground poor domain I personally think Gods came along with the second who came their best order at least theorizes that godstone originate from this world and we know they came from around this time or maybe because just all spawned at that time we are pretty sure that gods are Elemental beings and Elemental beings probably came from the Lightroom also called the realm of elements Some Humans did think that a rabashi came from the human realm but my theory is obviously better so who cares about them for some reason a part of the unified civilization fell underwater during the war and survived it somehow but unfortunately for them someone else was already there under the water the refugees from the old Vision World Reliance or Urban Soul was a famous of now we don't know if they were created by the primordial one or something else but they are there and recording everything maybe even stuff from the future it was also what controlled the elements meaning that if something bad happened to the Ley lines an elemental disorder would happen we also have this thing called Celestia which is probably the primordial one Celestia is a palace on an island in the sky I'm gonna assume it's the remnants of the unified civilization Celestia rules of what's about now and they are Gods pretty much everywhere some of the unified civilization fragments like prior koku is outside Tibet in a place called the dark sea there's a lot of tiny different civilizations gathered across terrad some worship specific Gods some worship more some worship the lay lines and shark just worship Celestia some civilization was established on subrami island or when the south of Rumi Island in assume it didn't have as much water at the time maybe it was one big land mass the civilization worshiped Celestia and Celestia is said to have sent Divine invoice to humans who has firmly series but does technology advanced civilizations like the woman to whom we made breakthroughs and discovered what's this year called Solutions probably truths about this world the primordial one was scared of these breakthroughs they probably feared The Forbidden Knowledge they send the sky for snail a pillar from the heavens down to destroy the civilization it messed up the Ley lines creating a leyline disorder which made a lot of fog the civilization was destroyed but some big Thunderbird cast witnessed it this wasn't the only civilization the prime Modular One nuke though we don't know the order but they were all worthy at the same time a pep has been tampering with the abyss and their descendants she could even be the reason the descendants came in the first place the primordial one takes notes of this and enter Pip's planes by sending her a nail all assumero stronger turns into desert but their pep survives a group of people tries to escape one start which was extremely cold at the time and finds a beautiful mountain they start building a civilization of the Bountiful Mountain the Nate demanded with dagner and the civilization Salman degener salvantagner worshiped depict Urban Soul III and at some point Celestia who was right above the mountain a princess is spawned under the Urban Soul tree and she has the ability to foresee the future an outline are called Iman Barker comes to the civilization and prevents the princess he's given a sword made out of star silver and all Native surrender he then goes out on an adventure in one Locker is my third favorite law character the princess has a dream about the black terrifying Dragon destroying everything and gets scared the people of seven Darkness begins Christians last year but they don't get an answer they start to top Celestia and Celestia nukes the civilization with the sky for a snail the civilization survived the nail but it split into fragments one of which killed the Urban Soul tree this created a big leyline disorder and everything began freezing the tree the princes and all of the field of Silence died when even Locker came back from his Adventure he got really mad and started fighting a lot of people conveyor a Godless civilization said to be near sumuru is created around this time but I'm sure they aren't important another civilization came from a piece of the original unified civilization this civilization was underground and apparently decembered a little too much with the abyss and the nail got sent down to repel the abyss and destroy the civilization the nail also uplifted this domain it really just can't get peace a bit later a Celia and their traveler from afar fell in love and got married at the Moon sister suno Palace it was said that chili shouldn't Fallen up with a stranger and that a terrible curse will hit them if they did 30 days after their marriage and disaster hits them which causes almost all cities to wither away into unintelligent barely life beings we still need to have a couple tried to escape from the Calamity but it called out to them and punished them with eternal separation and memory loss This calamity might have been this at silly curse it might have been the destruction from the second one who came but the moon sister saw it they didn't have much time to be sad though because it hit them as well the silver Carriage was overturned and the three Moon sister starts fighting each other they all die and one cops remains in the night sky yes our moon is dead also there are other moons like in the spiral abyss and in the starscreen but we don't know anything about them oh yeah and while the scenes were pretty much all dead these guys survived somehow at the same time which you know was about 6 000 years ago a solar Chariot or a giant meteor occurs down in leeway and it became the chasm a fragment of it became Daniel ruins we also happen to know that Marx was really young when the chasm was created so God started to appear around this time anyway the people on the water were constantly trying to survive the Bishops and they pray to the primordial one but the primordial one couldn't use maybe they were pissy fighting or maybe they are dead some smart guy had seen the sun before and he created a torch people began to worship the light they then found out that the Bishops hated light and they barely survived using it they didn't even have permission to go up when they tried the heavens wouldn't allow it some people think it's because they know the true history of Tibet after three years of suffering kieich had ice to broth the god of time and shade of the primordial one held the underwater people and she gave some wisdom to the smart guy called Apex or aperaku Apex created the danishimikoshi an artificial sun that made the underwater civilization survive they began calling themselves birakuyakoku human civilizations began to appear in other places than the unified civilizations somehow maybe they originated from separated pieces of the unified civilization like the ruins of the chasm a lot of these early civilizations and our domains which you can find ancient times the age of gods 6 000 to 3700 years ago okay so the big kilometers over and everyone isn't dying anymore great even though the ancient times lasted for over a thousand years not much really happened there was one teeny tiny problem though for better knowledge bought by the second who claims to the existed but we'll get to that later gods were building and advancing civilizations and some cities had actually managed to survive somehow a certain wolf King met unbefriended a silly this was probably good old Andreas who also happens to be my fourth favorite locator Andreas is said to have gained his powers from some unknown God and those things match pretty well at risk it Blizzard's powers and begins to fix the entirety of monsters safe from old monsters old monstart was fooled by the tyrantic Arabian the god of storms another surviving Sealy meets two new guards one is an incarnation of Herman's soul lord vrukovada and another one has a really cool name kid desert the silly was called the goddess of flowers and she had a lot of Gene friends together the three Gods created our column or CD of the Moon Maiden remember that really old God Mirage was probably alive when the old cataclysm happened he was known as Lord of Geo and he found the region of leeway he started to terraform it creating mountains like malcianhing and draining oceans creating Julian casts he also made friends with the god guishan the god of dust with Gresham he created a new civilization called Greely assembly which is probably named after the first Chinese character in question plus the second inchong Li Marx also made friends with machosius the god of stove and several other powerful beings that would soon become the adeptide meanwhile in anasuma many sources saw that in the Sumo was once one big land mass and that the big third Swept Away most of it the flat destroyed some civilization ruled by a foolish ruler later the tsunuki evolved against sentience they were having a good time but like everything else in Genji low it quickly stopped some katuna from mainlands have had colonized in the summer and a really long War Began Gods like Aiden Makoto also appeared around this time in puercoyo koku people had begun to worship the big light Tower danishimikoshi children were chosen to become Sunshine rulers of the place a little late people know that it was other plot planned by a group of nobles who used the sun children as poet rulers to get what they wanted once a sunshine got to an age where they could realize they were being manipulated the Nobles threw them into the danishimikochi and the burnt to death the three rooms were all really close to biakoyokoku and people built three towers to stabilize the borders but hey at this Celestia's nuking civilizations anymore nothing worse could happen right the Akon War the biggest battle royale ever 3700 to 2000 years ago seven seats opened in Celestia seven gods can become the only God the best Gods akron's so naturally every God fought for the title of archon in their respective regions and actually the Akon War wasn't really a war but a lot of different roles but before that that one civilization Conway was up to something they built their first field tour and many more it was supposed to be used for war maybe against the abyss maybe against Celestia and since Kanye is underground they developed the out of came here which could create life the earliest of the archon war was in leeway 3700 years ago machosius Marx and krishang were having a good time when suddenly a battle occurred the battle destroyed greedy assembly and goshon was killed by a guard the God looks very similar to Chi a godmara exceeded within the leader named Changi Village after quilly assembly was destroyed Marek's the adeptide and his people spent 10 days moving they found a place South for Mount Genting which would become leeway Harbor Morris teaches his spiritual economics and how to build houses along with creating the currency of Maura at some point machos used the god of stove sacrifices himself to save the people little did anyone know he wasn't entirely dead yet Weiss decides that the only good thing he can do is to absolutely destroy every God in the way he kills one God after another a lot of them being sea monsters he Shields the sea God osail on the bottom of the water with giant Stone Spears the gemstones peers are now known as kunu Stone Forest I got destroyed Mount chanhing and an adapters named skypers I had to sacrifice the antlers to repair it skypers eventually died fighting against the God and their blood became visually River around this time Daniel was born a very weak God of salt named Harrier wants peace but can't get it she tries to create a paradise for humans but ends up giving most of it away to not die eventually when she only has Salter airlift a human from her civilization decides to put her out of her misery Harvey explodes killing all the people in Salisbury the three gods of sumo didn't want to fight they were just chilling as friends got an offer from Celestia about gaining a noses but he declined he would rather chill with his friends and hated Celestia with passion he even tried to find ways to rebel against Celestia the goddess of flowers and King tips that became lovers and the goddess of flowers told you this would stop that she shouldn't have forbidden knowledge about the stars and their Abyss later the goddess of flower dies this is firmly due to the curse of the city as she is said to wither away like a rose before she died the goddess of flowers gave lucrada some Spirits called kevarna which had the abilities to purify business stuff King District becomes suppressed and the two remaining Gods Pathways to build their own civilizations they should uses the power of the Divine nail to make a place called The Eternal Oasis stopping the time there it's kind of a cemetery for the goddess of flowers Lord Rook invala traveled to the east of the desert and built the ravuna contraption which had the ability to create brain with it she created the rainforest she raises the wall of Samuel to objective rainforest from the desert she creates sumero City on top of the Divine tree and with it sumuru Academia ruket Valley also creates the Akasha system to gather all her people's wisdom it was probably around this time report almost was created but most importantly she creates the aranara and they chill in their home for now while Rook revada built her civilization Kate desert was doing the same he convinced the genie that the goddess of flowers is actually alive just in a deep Slumber in the Eternal Oasis and that he could only get her out if the genie helped him the genie agreed to be trapped in bottles and became servants for deshred helping him build all the big pyramids like the mausoleum of King District but the PIP didn't do those Urban thought it was just unfair of District to build a civilization on her ground like that she made a deal with desert that when he died a paper would dissolve all of this Rich knowledge and just eat him whole a guy called Almost was like by King Desmond and Genie lilupa AKA lilupa with the help of lilupa he built a great civilization known as screw robot little power was like let's go so you can abolish slavery like you promised but almost changed his mind and decided to go the same way Julia's family did if you know what I mean I'm not gonna tell everything about Guru bed because it's long and kind of unimportant to the overall plot but basically a big famine started by Lilo pant almost tried to take the film from each other a billion times people got killed lelopark killed them all and the entire city the entire city was basically lillopa's playground and she killed them all in the end King desperate civilization in the desert seemed to be going well though until it wasn't the Forbidden Knowledge he got from the goddess of flowers finally backfired a plague of Destruction spread through sumaru Mirena started to appear and so did the illness of illusar these things were mainly caused by humans while being sick because of the Forbidden Knowledge it all got worse and even with the herbivada the true Gods couldn't stop the plague finally lucerevado spent all her power walking desperate sacrificed himself promised the shirt got eaten by a pip but this fruit was a giant Forbidden Knowledge bomb making a pep extremely weak and minimizing the big threat she was destroyed had the last laugh Amazon was healthier but not cured he desperate civilization splits into many human-led city-states rookie developed through the cover in the spirit she got from the goddess of flowers and turned them into a bird called the sumeric she tested the simple stuff like guardianship of the border between new birth and death but one day it might do something more for Suburu in monstadt there isn't as many gods fighting only two arteries and the Caribbean they can't let a scratch on each other though 2 600 years ago a group called The Gun Hill decline was sick of the Caribbean's tyranny and they decided to Live Oak monster they couldn't survive for long because of Andreas and his blizzards and they prayed for help a tiny little insignificant wind spirit named barbato soap and probably the god of time too Barbados is probably the god of time sun as his one of the Thousand wins and eisnerath is called the Thousand wins of time Leonard probably lived at this time and he both invented the wind glider and explored a big part of Tibet later the wind spirit indirectly created monstat's wine he also befriends to name this part who also happens to be sick of the Caribbean they start to plan a rebellion against the Caribbean I bet he had Warrior and the Caribbean's former lover Amos Johnson along with the nightgown Hilder the Rebellion starts and they actually manage to slay the Caribbean the nameless button ammo starred in the process though Barbados Essence to go through it after defeating the Caribbean and now only him and Andrews just left Andreas realizes that he wouldn't make a good icon since he doesn't like humans and his blizzards killed too much he commits kind of suicide where his soul as her life but his body isn't Barbados becomes the animal icon because of this he takes the form of his old bad friend and immediately begins to terraform monsters he destroys mountains one of them being the giant Pilot's Peak now the place is called Musgrave a mountain drifted off in the ocean becoming the malicious island in the hall Islands the base of spools and move all his people into new monsters inside the lake redhead Warrior leaves monster for some reason and there are three major Clans to this point the Gun Hill the clan the Lawrence Clan and somehow the A1 local Clan yeah immune local is the sentence somehow started a clan in Monster the Lawrence Lane builds a giant statue of Barbados and the people of monster and worship both him and the god of time building the table of the Thousand wins a festival called the wind Bloom Festival is established to remember those who died in the Rebellion against the Caribbean Ludi hapustum is also made to celebrate something just as important monster swine Barbados meets an animal bishop and defensive the bishop is called the Valen and it becomes the first of the Four Winds protecting monstad along with the spirit of Andreas Barbados has an extreme idea of freedom for Monsters and he chooses to depart from the city to not become a tyrant and with that the Alcon war and monstad ended now back to leeway Marie she is the cause of someone on the ground and raises them up that someone was a star a big deal Bishop Maurice gives age to her eyes and they fight together a problem begins to rise in leeway the dead Gods everywhere had hit with towards morax and the hatred creates wild mutation in planes and other scary monsters Molex fights an evil God who has enslaved someone named elitos after defeating the god Marek's fears editors and gives him the name Xiao Xiao becomes an adeptide and joins to the actions powerful adeptide whose mission is to defeat the hatred of the Dead Gods at some point in time a disease made by the hatred spreads way too fast even for the reaction a doctor finds a way to kill the disease somehow and they become the first director of function Funeral Parlor because of all the massive fighting the meteor that created the chasm fuel up into the sky again and from that day the previous viewer used to cast him to mine Marx creates joins after the defeat of the many gods the aircon 1 leeway finally ends and Barracks become the icon of Geo in sumuru King deserts people were still there scattered but rookievada was the only God so naturally she must have won the icon born tomorrow instantly that she erased other gods from the Roman soul in Inazuma quite a few things were going down the Twin guards have found that area and the kojo is dominating all of the Gods a snake god named arabashi fled into the dark sea to escape on savumi island a new civilization was built and it worshiped the Thunderbird unlucky for them though that Thunderbird did not like them at all but the Thunderbird made friends with the Human boy named through Roo gave the Thunderbird the name kanakapatia some people were traveling to the other islands of Inazuma but the people on subumi didn't know about the other islands and thought they were dead they got scared and sacrificed the person to make the Thunderbird Happy the person happened to be rude and then Thunderbird got so angry it destroyed everyone on some roomy Island it wanted to hear Ruth singing voice again so it created a leyline disorder which made the entire Island relive the day of of their destruction forever the Thunderbird escaped for about a thousand years 1600 years after it began the war between the Tanuki and the Kitsune finally ended it was almost as long as the Akon War The Unofficial winner became the Kitsune as they got ownership of the Sacred sakura tree a tree which has been there forever takushinclair also existed it was a race of Kitsune that took care of the shrines around Mount Hugo both Makoto and a had won their Alcon War but only one could become icon they decided that although it was the better fighter Makoto would be a better ruler they sacrificed herself and Makoto became icon the Koto then revived there with her new alkan powers and it became her body double they also made some friends the tengo General Sasa Yuri the kitchen saigu and the Oni mikoshi Chio the kitsuna saiku was a descendant of the hakushin clan but the Akron one in Azuma wasn't totally over yet see when urobashi fled to the dark sea it found it hit there but some child founded and asked it to become the god of the nation herobashi agreed that it became their God it stopped the corrupt Nobles and the sun children it also stopped the threat of the Bishops living there and started research on them even though arabashi was a snake it was quite smart fubashi now decides to get the civilization above water but on the day before they got up kanvias sent rule machines to search for something they forbidden knowledge in the book before sun and moon which overbashi had read they didn't succeed and the robashi races the civilization of puyukurikoku above the ground it uses coverage growing from its own body to build watatsumi Island the people started calling themselves the sangana Milken and they called The Old Nation in kanumiya the people of atatumi Island lived peacefully under the twins rule but they had a problem the Dane grown from a roboticious body was infertile plants couldn't grow robashi agreed to his previous plan of taking over yashiro Island to and its Army were met with a and her Army before the long battle and his friend Sosa Yuri died they finished the fight off in a big slash killing orobashi and creating the mushigen gorge now was it a good idea for robashi to invade Joshua Island obviously not but there's probably more to the story it's said as last year forced the robashi to move into war and die if he didn't want all his people to get killed probably with the sky for a snail this could both be because urobashi read the forbidden knowledge of before sun and moon or that it had earlier flight from the Icon wall poor robashi but yeah all other gods were slain and now the Alcon War concluded the seven seeds of Celestia were filled and the rest of their lifeguards fled to the taxi and became evil Gods this was about 2 000 years ago but after that you ask old times the middle age 2000 to 500 years ago a horrible thing hasn't happened for some time now this is the old times and not much happened that's why I called at the middle age it's in the middle of two greater points in time kanvi has sent out spoon machines to gather information or power from the sky Frost snail invent acne but they fail some people somewhere get stuck on their High islands and they survived there for a long time at some point in time in leeway an innocent girl gets caught in the middle of a battle between the actions and monsters she got a vision but died the adventure revives her with adaptable energy but she turns into a zombie and goes berserk from said energy and their tips I had to imprison her in Amber corpse turned into tatoregami the same kind of deadly stuff the dead gods of view abroad to cleanse the filth acreage forts called narukami pillars the tatoregami continues to person on Joshua Island even today the hydro icon sends out oceanics to spy all over severed the Pyro akan murata holds a Martial Arts Tournament in Netherland between tribes oh yeah monsters somehow just completely forgot about one of their guards the god of time Andreas moved toward the dump with all his Wolves at some point the first filter somehow ended up in woven them and Andreas mistook it for a challenger he folded and it escaped nearly destroyed it then went up to the Caribbeans and Burdon Tower and fight explosives everywhere the people of monsters believed this to beat the Caribbean's final Fury against his people in the desert of sumuru the PB thought that rookie devada had betrayed desert the Thunderbird was found and killed by a on sayrei island people said what's up and say right to suppress the thunderbird's lingering power you can actually see where the Thunderbird was slain at the island yes that's how big it was the kitsuna saiku also moves to narokami Shrine first of the Drake terrifying monster starts to terrorize monster but also the Drake is nothing compared to what leeway will face guhua a martian Nomad from leeway who may have been another Thai accepted to Celestia his friends started a big organization called the kuhua Brotherhood to honor him the guguab Brotherhood became smaller with time and it became today's Guru Acclaim over a thousand years ago a version begins to take its toll on ashtaha evolution is basically getting old for beings that doesn't age it can lead to things like memory loss or Worse ashta have becomes unable to recognize the people around him Mars tries to help us to help by sharing some of his power but it doesn't work Asta had becomes both angry and forgetful the miners in the chasm overexperts the resources causing the Ley lines to Quake ashtah happens to be such stand and nourished by the Ley lines and that causes him a lot of pain he becomes enraged and attacked the chasm to make it stop here that domain that couldn't catch a break becomes fully unveiled ashta had then destroys a settlement in changshu Valley Marx Mountain Sheba moon cover and another adapters imprisoned as to her in the pocket Dimension under the tree now called the dragon cradle but after high is not done he continues to suck power from the tree and she grows stronger fun fact by the way in this behind the scenes video about ashtaha they mentioned that the trees actually asked her as Tale and now to what I would consider the biggest point in time of the Middle Ages the rebellion and monstart no not that Rebellion this Rebellion the Rebellion offenders are a thousand years ago the aristocrats in one start mainly the Lawrence Clan had become tyrants just like their formal ruler a group of adventurers and musicians called the Wonders group traveled to monster and tried to overthrow it a person from the Wonders group The wield of the bill came from the launch Clan the plan didn't work and both the wield of the woodsith and the wielder of the stringless were killed the wield of the food became a gladiator and met regenbinder at the center of the redhead Warrior Dragon Winder became a kind of Batman and took up the title of thorn night a wield of the flute eventually died from the Gladiator battles the wield of the bill was the only surviving member of the wondrous troop he was bad because of his Origins he then built an underground organization that was against the race to crashing let me introduce you to my second favorite law character ever ibrahart now iPad was not by any means a good guy he was an absolute Minister society and I think it's a shame almost nobody knows about him firstly he wasn't arrested cat and had two brothers Percival and inkbot ingbert had a vision but ibrahart was not blood related to the clan he was in and both of his brothers had priority over him to become leader he owned the Gladiator mentioned in the Gladiator set and even though the Gladiator gained his freedom Eva had manipulated him to keep going at 5 from that land was constantly getting terrorized by Ursula Drake and they escaped to monstart only to become slaves for their Aristocrats Vanessa was among them and she became a gladiator she eventually killed the Gladiator owned by Eberhard ibrahart's brother Percival was an innocent person but Eva had manipulated him into becoming the Phantom Thief a kind of Robin Hood who would steal from the aristocrats and give to the poor he fell in love with the witch who created the Crescent Pike Eber had also betrayed philosopher in some way causing him to flee to leeway with his only weapon the iron sting Percival lost his life and alcohol until he was recruited by a skipper who wanted to take revenge on the sea monster possible and the skipper kills the sea monster but they die too Eva had studied under the witch who created the Crescent Pike he also knew that the witch was in love with passifo and he used this to get close to the Witch and kill her taking the polar later Eva Hart started an expedition team on the mountain of fin techno and he took a lot of aristocrats with him including his vision wielding brother ingbert but what there is to cats didn't know was that Eva had already had a plan to lower the amount of people little by little with traps everywhere eventually it's only him ingber and some other guy named Luther even though ingbert has a vision evil had surprisingly attacks him and Luther with Christian Pike and they both die later Eva had returned to monstad but we don't know what happened to him afterwards but yeah he weakened the monster there aristocracy a lot which helped a certain Rebellion all the poor people and the slaves suffering are hurt by Barbados who awakens after over a thousand years he disguises himself as fancy the bad and defends Vanessa Vanessa has annoyed back in Lawrence the heirot of the Lawrence clan for quite some time now and he just wants to get rid of her but she just keeps winning the Gladiator fights the head of the Lawrence game then comes up with the plan if they sacrifice Vanessa's tribe to Ursa the Drake it would stop terrorizing monsters so Vanessa is faced with the last Daily Apple against the giant dragon Barbados then reveals himself and grants Vanessa power to chase us to the drag away it starts the giant rebellion and both wagon winter and the wield of the Bill Johnson along with all their First Citizens Barbados tells everyone that the aristook had sold everything including the military tomorrow is Owen leeway the truth naturally begin turning against the aristocrats and the Rebellion is eventually won all the corrupted evil people are excited from monsters and the good guys remains like they couldn't heal the claim and the newly established in Winter clean Vanessa established the Knights of felonious and she also kind of becomes one of the four wins which are made around now the followings are probably envious the violin Vanessa and the Knights of erroneous after all that Vanessa is chosen by the gods and descends to Celestia this summer spawns a giant tree at wind Vice and now everything is good right yeah nobody believes in good things anymore no don't say that the catechism hell on Earth 500 years ago okay so I know the cataclysm refers to the big one country and stuff but this is just about everything that happened in the period 500 years ago in andazuma a whole lot of things are going on here Miku is born and she moves to narokame Shrine just because she likes katsuno psycho that much as fancio adopts a guy called nagamasa a shrine Maiden called hibiki was in love with this Samurai dude and she moves to maricom Shrine nakamasa and hibiki trains under the Tengu along with my favorite law character kamone haronosuke just to give you an idea of how cool this guy was he did all kinds of magic stuff like creating the art modern day kairaki uses to infuse the swords with elemental energy these three cool guys trained under the great Tengu racing ball together and became stronger they became known as the Yogo 3. now the Hugo 3 is like the root of all in assuming history from this time they're all connected to everything in monstad two knights stood out from the wrist these were worse than becomes the Grand Master of the Knights of evonius earning the tale of lion of light worst time earns a much cooler title wolf while Iranian does Grandmaster tasks rustam works in the shadow doing the Dirty Work he uses the secret organization created by the wield of the bill all those years ago roster Falls enough with Rosaline a very innocent girl who goes to study at Subaru Academia it's probably around this time sending his spawn in sumuru sandik was a crazy scientist who left the concept of creating an artificial God he was banned from the Academia because he did Forbidden research it was probably because of a lot of deaths to say the least and that one Old Nation called kanria stuff starts to happen a guy named Piero tries to convince the sages to not do whatever they are doing but they ignore him Dane slave gets promoted to be night Captain the scientists called gold or vinodation experience with the other comia and she creates horrible horrible things remember Celestia who has a habit to Nuke stuff they didn't like yeah Kanye just accidentally invaded all of tevet with abysmal monsters as last year is pretty damn pissed meanwhile a certain of travelers from afar has landed in so bad either and Lumin I refer to the one you picked as the trailer and the other The Sibling the twins fell asleep or something when they landed on surveyed and The Sibling will work before the traveler The Sibling found Kanya to sum it up two different wars happened during the cataclysm the one with the Divine against Conway let's read against the Abyssal Monsters the fatouli is probably also created around here by the saritsa with Piero being the first member died in all sorts of ways because of the Dead God disease the two yaksha were ciao and porcetious somehow the catechism increase the giant iron meteor that crashes into the chasmine creating an army of Abyssal monsters Marek since the middle if his trusty military into the chasm to evacuate the miners postages and some random mine are used to Fantastic Compass to seal the monsters deep inside the chasm but the combats needed a human and an adapter to work and facetious along with the random minor sacrificed himself to seal away the monsters very few people survived that war including someone who lost all four limbs who then taught themselves to be a famous doctor gaining a vision and shall survive too of course then your ruins also got completely destroyed by the fight Abyss monsters continued to invade leeway and Phoebe needed weapons a member of the June family teamed up with their creator of the black Leaf weapons and created the Prototype weapons and that was all for leeway in the catechism at some point giant Kanye and wound Golems were fighting abyssalm monsters in sumaru we don't really know why though maybe Conway was also against the abyss the giant Golems were also Gathering near the Fallen city of gurabad perhaps to find something of value convey was pretty close to sumeru and then the bezel with called the tunigi hollow orbit with a lot of Abyssal monsters coming out of it Lord and the hydro Acron came to fight the monsters but the hydro icon died she became a big pool of magical water known as therm Ritter who could have had a real tree from the amaretta which I'm not even trying to pronounce the oceanic stoneborne recognize the new Hydro archon Focus as their God so they cut off the ties to Fontaine in one State roster and the rental in are going to conveyor to fight the abyss I guess whilst then along with many others stand their battle and even though our vendoline survives he becomes so depressed after frosterman's death that he can't fight another person who heard of his death were his love of Rosalind who just got back from studying at sumaru she got so much she turned into a crimson Witcher Flames killing friends and foes alike Piero came and recruited her into the fatoui which she accepted giving her a cryo delusion so that the Flames wouldn't kill her after sending was banned from Subaru Academia Pierre recruited him too giving him the name the Towery The Alchemist winner dojaya created her biggest scariest creature yet the big black dragon Turin Turin attacked the mountain of antagonia and since the only two people in Monster powerful enough to fight it was dead and depressed but Betos had to take it upon himself and here walk for the first time since Vanessa's Rebellion fun fact the princess of seven dagner dreamed about the big black dragon destroying the mountain this was during which have been thousands of years after pretty cool but betos and his Dragon thread to violin fights during and with dagner and even though it's a tough battle Barbados and develon eventually win during dies and spreads his personal blood to everywhere on the mountain which somehow revives the dead Urban Soul tree turning it into the first bearing tree the mountain now gained the name of dragon spine but turin's Blood also poisons the villain which probably won't become important later on right right that was about the catechism for Monsters next up is senazuma minasuma was completely overwhelmed by all the southern Europeans creatures and they are constantly fighting the kituna cycle will treat the big tandoku yurai to not go fighting in the Raw a hibiki samurai lover and Chio over in the fight when the Samurai 2 dies shio gets followed by giant monster and even though she survived it she became corrupted afterwards with her corruption she begins to fight a The God Who sliced an island in half and discretely defeated she then escaped into the forest never to be heard from again the katsune saiku also dies which makes Makoto the only friend he has lived Makoto then goes to Conway alone and dies they came just in time to hold her dead body when she gets back to Inazuma mysterious 3 appears that everyone claims to always have been there a takes over as the Electoral icon but almost no one notices they didn't even know there was two Gods to begin with that was almost everything for innazuma and the catechism but the story will continue soon enough in sumaru things sound looking great not only because of the invading Abyss creatures but also their forbidden Memories with Miranda splitting even more because of the catechism there was too much in tomorrow the big Magic Guard pool on Britta was being corrupted by the abyss the simmeric awakened after a long time and that drank some of the pool superify it because of the Abyssal corruption the samurai split into a lot of Corona the powerful ones becoming Parry Creator Lord vokadivada then came up with a plan she was the person holding the Forbidden Knowledge and the Incarnation of Urban Soul so she chopped out the part of the urban tour with no for better knowledge and planted it who could have rather now kind of dies but I knew that though I couldn't respawn oh yeah most icons aren't the original anymore the only Originals lived up by Beethoven morax the wrist has been replaced at some point in time the sages of sumeru Academia finds the new Deadpool archon kusan Ali and kanuria and brings her home remember those twin Travelers The Sibling was done checking out convier woke up the traveler and of course tried to know about the fair instantly but before that the sibling in the place did call me and flower entered in the trailer's hair or in their own hair depending on what trailer you chose when they were escaping from this hill of her world they got met with a really mad sustainer of heavenly principles the sustainer overpowers them quickly and The Sibling gets cooped immediately afterwards The Traveler gets cooped to sealing away their memories and power along with putting them in a long sleeve the king of kanwya Yeoman Falls sick and the noble Albert claim takes Allah to help recent years peace peace just a little bit 500 to zero years ago and in a Zuma there's still several problems all of his friends died so she spread it down depressed he never wants the World to Change like that again and so she gets the goal of creating eternity she does this by logging herself in the magic mind room to meditate while the puppet is doing her work she learns how to create a puppet because of some ancient Arts but her first attempt failed to hold her noses the first attempt was thrown out of the window and yeah you know who he is she successfully creates the radiant Shogun that gives her noses to yamiku who she now apparently is friends with all this is actually pretty smart because a manages to not get hit by erosion that aging thing for Immortal beings it's probably around here the three clients along with the Trico mission is created 10 video commissioned led by The crucial Clan responsible for being head of public security the cardio commission led by the Iraqi Clan responsible for being the financial arm of innazuma and the yeah sure commission led by the kamisato clan responsible for being the cultural representative of finisuma the biological son of Chio michihiro fled due to his Clan's name being scarred because of their betrayal he ends up meeting terrorial the daughter of the great Tango risenberg he judged ivakura Clan and becomes Master for a merchant who later start all the business in Rachel Island yes there's a lot of characters in enosumalo some person saw michihiro and modeled a warrior puppet after him he speaking the macro kinky which hero kind of started the ibakura adding Clan and I'm sure nothing bad is gonna happen to that clan in some hundred years the Hugo three leaves never to meet again he became moves to SSS Shrine Carmona harunosuke moved to leeway because the depths are stronger than the Tengu and nagamasa became a samurai for the shogunate trying to clean the Clan's name just like his brother akudomaki a pirate who wielded the catch and owned me to borrow did not like the shogunate he visited as a sahibiki and her cat Nikko a lot and they became good friends anyway monster surprisingly hadn't had the rebellion in quite a while and now it was in the Zuma's turn akudumiki started the Rebellion against the shogunate which is pretty stupid considering it's the military and The God Who sliced an island in half but he did anyway and install a macro Kanki doll because he was cruel and rebellious like that akudomeaki convinced as a sahibiki to help him and she described the seeds on sairai island releasing the Thunderbird slingering power this was first the soaking the chips and kills hibiki all the people are evacuated from the island except the cats for some reason some people in academic his crew were blown all the way to her Islands later known as the golden apple archipelago they find the people living there and together they all find a way to escape leaving behind the magical king forever aku's ship with saboru also kind of stays there at least it sold us I don't know I could omaki somehow returns to save by Island only to fight it in Ruins he wish to see the world in his place and sails away once more The Traveler sibling wakes up and meets Stein's life who is now cursed with immortality because of Celestia they travel together through David and at some point The Sibling helps the aranava fixing the Verona Contraption The Sibling meets clotha and Albury cursed with immortality like dance life clotha is trying to kill her son kiribat who was turned into a Hills roll when doing so cleuthan meets the great sinner is currently unknown who this is but it's a powerful Abyssal entity the Center Square power Works in kiribat a kill thought starts to follow the sinner like he's a code member Kariba had rolled up from his long sleeve and ends up seeing what's under his mask in the mirror he wants away and releases a big amount of Abyssal energy his fate left unknown but clotha isn't that sad about this because Kariba the loom of Fate which has something to do with rewriting fate itself cloth on still worshiping the great sinner finds the best order and The Sibling joins padding with Dan slave and having realized the truth of this world after many years but he somehow managed to get bit of his immortality curse maybe because he relieved his fate nagamasu retires from his Samurai position and becomes the blade Smith at tatarasuna his servant katsuraki finds Ace puppet in shakay Pavilion with the help of the smart people from Fontaine including Isha and the Sumo boosts the mikake furnace on Saturday which harvested the energy of saturagami the radioactive stuff from urubashi's Corpse the people of tatulasuna didn't know the furnace was radioactive and people started dying the puppet goes to Wyden for help but can't find her since she is still the person in her pocket Dimension when he returns he found out that his friend Nira killed one of his subordinates in reality it was Isha who killed niwa but they probably doesn't know he was so angry he fled tatarasuna he became friends with the boy who then died to an illness the puppet took the name kuniku Sushi and wandered around aimlessly Akshay was actually a disguised to Tori and Piero the head of the three habit just recruiting Kushi giving him the name of Scaramouche since niwa was that the responsibilities what apparently had happened later on dakamasa but nagamasa didn't want to die since she still had to clear his Clan's name so his subordinate katsuraki died for him nagamasu was the one to execute him and his sword became known as the katsurati Slayer the Gigi said come on returned to inosuma and the big Tanuki uroai was destroying everything he was angry with the kitchen as I go pranked him come on harunosuke turns him into stone easily he also kids out of unmuto fusing adeptide and Tango magic with that he creates the Mystic unmute chamber along with Shiki taishu with the purpose of training Shogun the soldiers in the end kamunaki Chad harunosuke moves to some other place I think that place is Celestia like the two turned into Stardust and there's no way a cool guy like him wouldn't Ascend to Celestia and that my friends was the end of the Yogo 3. Ronaldo survived the catechism somehow and at some point she creates her best creation yet Albedo they explore Urban Soul and domains together a group known as the Hixson circulus also established and winner does Master and Ellis is in it along with several other witches less than 200 years ago and oceanic moves from Fontaine to a small village in Monsters and blesses its photos The Village gains the name Springvale Scarborough moose was still pissed about what happened back then so he came to an assume to sabotage some bladesmiths the ones he believed to have been the evil guys 400 years ago it's a long story but basically he ended up sabotaging most Clans including Castle so badly that kaso has best option was just to wander away from it all and become a traveler their best order also steals the statue of the seven from monstad and now in the really recent times this is mostly just love for characters not all of them obviously but the ones I found important the famous Adventurer Sheamus pick settless in monstadt and joins the Church of fevonius he gets together with someone from the gun Hilda Clan it gets two children Barbara and Jean Sheamus and his wife splits apart Jean staying with her mom and Barbara staying with her dead a 10 year old dealer wagenwender gets a vision a couple of years later the abandoned care is taken in by the lusted creepers what they didn't know was the chaos into Monster by his death because of some secret blood involving conveyor Kia's full name was Kea Albrecht ayato becomes the head of the camisato claim and Tomah from once that drifted to ensuma because the sport was hit by a giant wave who gets the job of being the kamasato Clans housekeeper 14 year old tlu becomes Cavalry captain and 15 year old teen becomes the dandelion Knight International 14 year old AJ's fell into a hole in their base he was saved by an extremely powerful woman down there and learned how to fight Ajax were later recruited into their Factory by pushinella and he greatly became the 11th aperture Wang XU in is constructed a new way with his real purpose being to provide covered support for Xiao Chichi still in the Amber gets found by humans who want to bury her she escapes eventually finding baishu who kind of adopts her little Chang Ling finds a cute little bear in a cave who just so happens to be a vegan matricius until Luke's 18th birthday the rest of the Drake comes back after a thousand years and kills creepers Kira beats his kamian Origins to d-look and they fight this fight gives Kea a vision Ronaldo and their Beto finds the heart of neberius and winner daughter disappears only leaving a letter so Random tests and the note for Albedo the letter was for Alice Ronaldo's friend telling her to kind of adopt a Beethoven monster the note said your final assignment show me the truth and the meaning of this world a better one to monster and became the adoptive big brother of Lee Alice's daughter a year ago the fertility begins to influence in the summer from the inside they get the Reagan children to Institute The Vision Hunt decree which hunts visions and captures them in this dying statue and the sakoku degree which isolates in a swimmer from the west of the world the people of watatsumi Island starts a rebellion against division 23 naming themselves the sankonomia resistance the trailer finally wakes up after 500 years and begins to wander this unknown world now the events of the manga occur basically this little girl with LSR collie is taken from sumuru and experimented on by the story she gets some icon residue inside of her which is kinda like a part of some radioactive God Spirit she comes to much that a lot of things happened the monster characters chases the fatoui out of monster Sino comes to see the icon residual monster inside kale kale moves to sumaru and meets tanari six months ago Dhaka and a lot of other Knights thrown your sleeves on some Expedition taking every horse and monster with them some months ago traveler suddenly fished pieman up from the sea they begin their big adventure pymon cheat to travel a language of Tibet and the plan to head for all Seven Nations to meet all the icons to rescue forever's sibling about this time the sibling becomes the princess or Prince of the Abyss the game the Traveler's time several years ago and onward this is the first summary of what happened during the game without any details you should know this already pymon and Trevor hits from one state where they meet the Knights of vivonius devolen has now been fully corrupted by turns blood and epismatists and he attacks monstart gaining the name of storm Terror to Avila beats storm Terror with the help of Barbados disguised as 20 and everyone is happy when the traveler arrives in the way Marx dies he didn't actually though he just wanted to retire so he faked his death Trella meets child AKA Ajax AKA Tokyo the 11th of the three harbingers and some other unimportant stuff happen we fight child and he unleashes osahil From the Bottom of the Sea the adapter and the traveler seems up to fight it and it ends with the Jade chamber a big house in the sky owned by a really rich woman being used as a new to deal the final blow lasagnura and Marais made some contract to get his noses everyone is heavy The Traveler meets time's life who tells them about convey and their disorder the abyss order wants to call off the first field killer to create a mechanical God but we find it first and stop them we then meet our a step is Princess or Prince and they say that we will understand it all once we reach the end of our journey we then go to enosuma by the help of the Crossfade where the vision heart decree is still going on we meet Toma and save him from division hunt decree we then joined the Sanko and Mia resistance so random dude does and we see Scaramouche yeah Miku saves us from him and betraying the third to defeat Raiden we go into Raiden's house but say Nora is there we then defeat her and fighting kills her castle uses two visions at the same time and we get into battle with Braden using the powers of friendship and people submissions with defeat Raiden she becomes a good person at abolishes division her degree and everyone's heavy oh and also the trailer like hits every single person from the Iraq Lane because of Primal gyms I guess Raiden then gets a seat from a message left by her sister and with the help of esteroth and her sister she planted in the past that tree grew up to become the sacred sakura tree we enter sumuru and the first thing we do is to smell the weird plants we pass out and hear a message from the Urban Soul say the world forget me we meet like 10 characters and go into a Time Loop and we figured all out with the help of closenali we go to the desert for answers make it plain and rescue crucials we then balanced garamush which turned into a God by the Tori we win and everyone sebby except we need one more thing we have to raise rookie watan from the deadlines because of the Forbidden Knowledge stuff we do it and only the thrill of women go through now he didn't get some Forbidden Knowledge from tutorial and everyone is happy traveler then find out they are the sender and that the sibling is not as of right now scary moves then also erases his former self from the Ley lines and now he's a good guy The Traveler meets Stein's life yet again in Subaru and they see the siblings memory of what happened to klothian Curry bread and that my ladies and gentlemen was second Shin impact timeline branding over 10 000 words on my script Jesus I obviously didn't include every little detail that happened this video is long enough already but I had the most important parts if I did miss something you really think should be in the video let me know in the comments so the next version in like a year can get even better also please please please do subscribe I spent way too much time at this video and if you made it this far you might as well you know see ya
Channel: CakeCrab
Views: 177,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NwMiiq5owjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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