Who are Aether and Lumine? [Genshin Impact Character Lore, Theory, and Analysis]

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when talking about ancient impact it is almost impossible to ignore the presence of aether and lamine the story-eyed and star-stricken travelers of taibat's story being the main characters their impact on genji's tale is unmistakable but in a colorful cast of characters outrageous lore and voiced dialogue what else is there to say about them what do we really know about the two travelers besides being silent characters that enjoy saying yes to every commission and job that that citizens just always happen to be incapable of doing themselves good day my name is astor and today we'll be studying aether and lameen's personalities backstories and other little hints about their true nature if you like this kind of content please consider subscribing also comment below if you have any other characters you want me to make analysis videos on the reason i wanted to make this video is because a lot of people actually say that travelers are poorly written when in reality they're not their interactions with the cast are very vibrant and with the hints in 1.4 and 1.5 are conquests it's clear that even as a player we do not have omnipotence over either and lumines history it has been hinted multiple times before that they are much much older than they seem so i wanted to make a study of it for the purposes of this video we will be considering aether as the main protagonist because he is technically the one with all the promotional art and he's my chosen protagonist forgetting so lumine will be our abyss sibling however both are just as vital to each other's story as the other so please do not consider this as me dumbing down either of the characters everything i say about ether could also be applied to the mean narratively i just really like either let's begin with the traveler's personality a lot of people might actually chalk up ether's personality as just a stand-in for the player similar to how other silent protagonists are blank slates for the sake of the player's immersion but we know that that isn't the case a silent protagonist is not the same as a blank slate two very contrasting examples of this are frisk from undertale whose main purpose is to be a narrative tool for crafting undertale's morality system and joker from persona 5 who despite not being voiced has a clear personality based on the actions he takes and how his dialogue options are created so which one is a traveler throughout the narrative of genji impact we see a lot of snippets of aether's personality from the very beginning he is selfless and hard working for those that he cares about he often takes commissions every day from the adventurers killed while at the same time helping the leeway chasing and the knights of evonias with their own handful of works it is also seen with how he interacts with people that he is easy to assist those he has never met before a very notable example of this was in albedo's story quest where aether agrees to go south to meet someone named albedo this also leads me to another character trait reckless and curious let's begin with reckless as an adventure it is normal to seek the thrill of a high risk high reward that's why ether goes to the mates seeks out monsters and fights on a daily basis however when i say reckless i mean to say that he also has very little regard for his own safety even when the reward itself is just a gamble let's reflect on aether's actions in albedo's story quest because out of all of the others this stands out just for how little regard aether actually has for his own safety this characteristic of aether shined the brightest in this story quest when you observe how it actually plays out aether has never met either sucrose or albedo in his entire life only being known through mere coincidence of being the honorary knight next is that aether willingly agrees to assist the stranger in climbing one of the coldest harshest and deadliest terrains known to devote dragon spine essentially he is risking his own life to meet this person who he has never seen before which in all things considered is dangerous this narrative would have been very different if he was rescuing someone in mortal danger or even just meeting someone who already has close ties with like venti or kaya but no he's accepting a stranger's request to go through the harshest snows to have ever existed to meet another stranger just because the other stranger was kind of sad okay but that could be similar to ghana news story well not exactly mind you we have never interacted with albedo before in the story unlike all the other five stars and what is more peculiar about the story quest is that the other stranger is said to be a very risky individual as noted by rosario's dialogue of albedo she is wary and expects a traveler to share her suspicions she deems him a dangerous individual and that is the first time we hear another character in cutscene talk about how dangerous another character is even zhao is not spoken of in this light instead praised by ganyu jong li and even tartalia this should have set off red flags but it doesn't and aether instead opts to follow through with his plan of helping sucrose however this does not stop there as we know in the story quest albedo is a very shady character though his reputation of being the chief alchemist is commendable we have to understand that he's basically a scientist who willingly put himself in isolation away from this crying eyes of authority and by extension laws and safety protocols to pursue a cursed weapon and its origin which had the potential of cursing its wielder yeah but either still helps him and even puts himself willingly in danger for the sake of albedo's research on him he glides across the winds of monsta he drank a mysterious potion without precaution and albedo's disregard of telling him its effects he fought stragglers with the cursed weapon for albedo and that's what brings me to my next point because even though aether has been reckless his relationship with albedo is actually quite neutral despite seeming like albedo is taking advantage of his kindness the entire time we know that aether is curious about who he is what difference does he have anatomically with the people in tavat who is pymon and is she a potential source of his power or a potential limitation of his power what is the limitations of his body in terms of the elemental blessings gifted to him by the archons ether is interested in the knowledge that albedo could provide and throughout the lore we know that aether is a very curious individual he is a traveler most of his dialogue options are questions to the people and it's very indicative of what kind of character he is he seeks out strangers because they are potential sources of knowledge for him and he goes to places because he wants to learn and experience tevant when he first came to this world the first thing he did was ask he was never a passive person always active and looking for information his goal in the beginning was asking about his sister and though his motivation has changed his methods stayed the same he asked venti about the seven arkhans which led him to ligue he questioned john lee's motivations for working with the fatihi he asks albedo about findings the alchemist has of his origins he talks to his companions about their lives and how they go about devote every day in order to learn more of his culture and history he participates in festivals customs and even rituals in tavats to integrate himself into history despite being an outlander and he openly reads books and did his research on conrie in the sidelines aether is naturally curious a reason why i also said that his friendship with albedo is mutual and not parasitic is because aether himself is not a pushover though he helps everyone every day with the most mundane of tasks he and paimon are very straightforward when they feel like someone's bullshitting them hyman and aether have a form of street wisdom from their time adventuring that no other character can replicate most of the time he gives others the benefit of the doubt like how he gave tartaliga the benefit of the death despite being a two harbinger but there are a number of times where his own street smarts shine the brightest here are just a few examples johnny is more in a situation where he tells john lee how maura works despite being an outlander zhao's people situation with mortals shin chow's story quest where he calls out that he's doing all the work while shane chose was reading a book bennett's story quest where he openly calls out royce's chong yoon story quest where he openly calls out a scam tortalli is the request for he is aware that the brothers are conspiring against him venti is one point for story quest where he makes note of vendee's alcoholism yanfei's story quotes where he and paiman acknowledged that they're just going to be asked for help in one sentence sooner or later and many many more where he lacks historical intelligence he makes up for in awareness and wisdom another good way of saying who he is as a character is how he interacts with other people ether is extroverted and is an amazing conversationalist in all things considered he's a very well-rounded optimistic and communicative person the plethora of personalities that he talks to daily just shows how charismatic he actually is extroversion does not equate to good communication skills but it's safe to say that aether is not part of that equation he is able to befriend and convince certain people to go with him by lore each character in your party is taking time out of their day to assist you let's also use the other characters as analysis points to connect their interactions with ether each character clearly has preference on who they deem as their friend so we can reflect on this characters like zhong li xingcho lisa sucrose jan fake and mona hardly provide him with factual and historical information about the world because of his curious personality noting that he is a good student of some sort bedo rosaria xiang ling kaching ninguan ganyu chichi and jin appreciate a hard worker and reliable person to take care of them and their work amber kaya venti hutao shinyan and klee like those that they can have fun with and are easy to bounce off of in terms of energy and mischief yula barber official deona noel d look bennett and chong yoon need good listeners because of their own personal problems and gravitate towards aether's patient nature of listening to their troubles kazuha razer and albedo are interested in aether because he is different from anyone that they have ever seen before as well as because of his outsider perspective that not a lot of people could provide pretalia enjoys his company because aether is a family man who also has his sibling to protect as well as a remarkable fighter who does not back down despite the odds being stacked against his favor zhao though reluctant finds a friend who is accepting of his heavy karmic debt and enjoys aether's company because he is forgiving and non-judgmental of his character just seeing what kind of friends aether has made along the way through the playable characters is very telling of his personality especially when characters in the roster have openly disliked working with others for personal reasons namely xiao albedo dilook yula and rosaria the reason why i think that aether is a very well written character is because we actually see why the other characters like him through the dialogue options he has and what he does in the story here are just a few examples he jokes around with kaia and venti but doesn't disregard their secretive nature during the development arcs he listens heavily when he needs to but steps in when the situation calls for a more vocal and honest opinion like in bennett and chong-woon's dilemma he never dismisses fischel's acts in any of his dialogue options he expresses great care in indulging the younger characters in games and tricks like a 1.5 story event with klee he reflects on albedo's questions in his story quest and shows a great appreciation for albedo's craft and handiwork he gives zhao the personal space he asks for when zhao states his discomfort in coming with him to the lantern right despite aether's best efforts and he respects john lee's contract to celestia despite spending months finding his sister and conriya and how can we forget that aether has a smug personality to him no wonder bendy likes this guy so that's a good rundown of aether but what about lumeen but let's talk about the abyss sibling we have to understand that the abyssabling has been through a lot of trauma as seen by lumine when she first woke up alone during the climax of the arkhan war fear paranoia and especially loneliness does something to a person lumina was a character that existed with her brother similar to ether and this is the first time while traveling through different worlds that she's alone but we need to understand that from her point of view she was in a very different situation that will have morphed her perceptions unlike aether's giddy excitable and cheerful pymon lumeen's traveling partner once daisy who had also recently witnessed the massacre of his home nation lumen was also in a time of tribulation and war so the friendly and caring atmosphere that ethernet vat had was almost impossible for her to even fathom it's almost apparent when we hear how coldly she regards devat despite us seeing it as a bright and colorful place so that should give us more perspective on the meme so let's begin we mean like her brother is a hard worker her hard work however did not come from commissions or jobs her hard work most likely comes from survival at the time of war it was probably her best priority to understand the more violent and dangerous side of tevat for her own survival she most likely had to go through her own mission of the seven to regain the power she had lost which is why in the story we see the mean with her own moon sword we can also make an educated guess that the luminous mutant has near access to her power unlike aether due to her travels we know that just like her brother she is willing to go the extra mile she led the abyss and revived the nation that was deemed abandoned by the gods we also know that in the main story the abyss is a very active threat to tevad's piece as hinted by bee requires a long-standing animosity with the mages rameen is curious we do not know much about her own reckless behaviors as a leader or even as a traveler on that but we do know that information for the twins is as essential as the food they eat every day as an outlander knowing everything is key to survival and lumine makes sure her underlings can gather as much information as they can about the enemies she has every day we see this when the abyss mages report their findings of her brother to her or when the abyss herald restrains and locates the different deities of monstat for her mission another good note to point out is lumine has knowledge of how to operate the ruin hunters and ruin guards she also has extensive knowledge of how to tap into a statue of the seven's elemental power and blessing for her own purposes needless to say lumine is intelligent her ability most likely bypasses albedo and lisa's knowledge of tavat but she has centuries worth of personal experience over them this ties in with lumine being as wise as her brother lumeen is also very charismatic like her brother she has a plethora of creatures at her disposal she is a leader and a good one at that the heralds lecters and mages clearly show immense respect for her and i also believe that since they are sentient beings and they are capable of common knowledge their consciousness has not fully dissipated and therefore almost akin to human devotion the mean is able to command these creatures to her will so now we understand just a little bit more about the twins this video has gotten a little longer than i thought it would so we'll be cutting this into another part for the next video we will be talking about how strong the twins are in character lore because in all things considered they are currently the strongest beings at rome te fat despite only being a five-star character with that i hope to see you in the next video in this three-parter series with the teva twins this is turning out to be a three-page script so i do hope in the future okay never mind scratch that it's a six-parter script okay i have to go but anyways my name is astor and thanks for studying with me
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 108,974
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, inazuma, fatui, genshin impact lore, inazuma leaks genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, genshin impact 1.6, genshin impact good, genshin impact wiki, genshin impact 1.7, genshin impact pc, genshin lore, aether, lumine, genshin impact aether, genshin impact lumine, who are aether, who are lumine, genshin leak, genshin impact travler, genshin impact travelers, genshin spoilers, genshin impact spoilers
Id: FZqVUp3GB70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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