7 FUN FACTS about Arlecchino! [Genshin Lore]

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arlino is finally here and today let's celebrate Father's prosperous coming with seven Arley Kino facts number one being a fatou Harbinger you sometimes question her motives for Manning an entire orphanage but while she does um send out young adults to important missions and maybe death defying tasks she still does have a soft spot for the children of the House of the Hearth even if it isn't so easily seen with her cool demeanor one of these special moments was when she assists the kids in a big surprise party The House of the Heth has an event known as founding day and it's a beautiful and colorful celebration for all the children to the residents outside festivals and events were cold and emotionless things but this event was special everyone worked in concert to execute Lenny's plan with Lynette purchasing large ornaments and stringing up cold streamers and hanging handwritten festive greetings REM was making sure the props were all working well and everyone else was setting up the banquet but Lenny was the most busy of them all because he was laying the final groundwork for a grand unique Magic Trick and thus was the banquet successfully held with everyone's support the children danced to the joyous music playing from the grand Hall's phonograph and enjoyed delicious food this was the birthday of no one in particular but this was the day that they all felt they had gained new lives the finale of course was Linny Lynette and fremin's founding the magic show the magic box was at the center the room and all waited with baited breath to preserve the secret behind the magic trick he Linette and finey knew not what was within the paper firecrackers burst and the one's empty box suddenly opened by itself the crowd cheered amazed then suddenly fell into stunned silence what stood on stage was no present nay that was the hotel's manager its owner and their father her image was one of unsmiling dignity and thus though she did not come by often no one dared to horse around whenever she was around surely Linny had gone completely mad to have her make her appearance in such a frivolous way yet upon seeing the crowd's reaction father did not snap at anyone apping merely that Lenny had kept the secret perfectly just as a magic show should declaring it worthy of Praise that night the children and their father delighted in the various desserts together and she personally SED a serving of cake for each of them but she herself enjoyed some of as well perhaps the most amazing aspect of Lenny's founding magic show was its ability to have even father lay down her heavy burden and enjoy a brief moment of familiar love I don't know if it's just really sweet but moving on from that problems within the foule aren't exactly limited to just their external feuds with other political parties and devat with what the tends order around their relationships with each other and arino is no exception to such scrutiny from her fellow comrades and EXC comrades wander and Talia directly point out their distrusting of her look I've got nothing against people who have their own agendas I myself join the fouille to get more experience in combat but I don't like her at all if she stood to benefit from betraying others she'd turn against the Serita in a heartbeat there is an aane bone in her body a wolf and sheep's clothing to exert a higher level of control over people she puts on a great ful and cordial front most of those who have seen her true crazy self have gone poof how the FI are appointed their current positions vary with some being directly appointed found and even trained and purposefully factored to be the weapons that they are today but arino is a unique case because unlike her other harbingers she fought and usurped the previous arino the previous arino was known as the Director and was cruel and downright sadistic but then several years ago there was a serious Clash that occurred between the previous Nave and a certain child this led to the latter replacing the former but that is assuming that the source of this information is true this Revelation however would also mean that arino and finey lived in the house of the Hearth as children at around the same time this is because when finey was still a child the director would often times tell him that he was abandoned at child birth the director would often times say that he was abandoned by his mother and she threatened threatened him with his mother's safety but we'll get to that later this also means that arino has a mortal age instead of someone like the Thor and Pio being initially humans but being centuries old but again that is to assume that the source was true and that she was a previous member of the House of the Heth arino could have easily just been an external person altogether who usurped the original one and was appointed by the Serita I'm not quite sure either but there's not really much information that we have going on for them did you know that arino is one of the many characters in gench in fact that the localization team got the gender of wrong when she was first mentioned in A world quest called a very special Fortune slip arino was actually referred to as a male and as Lord arino different titles in ghin's culture have different gendered or non-gendered versions like for example lesser Lord kusali and greater Lord Ruka being consistent regardless of the gender with Lord and God being a gender neutral term for the archons in the fatou however that is not the case Lord Scaro and ladies Sora for example some people pointed out that this is because the original Chinese translation had no concrete gender so the localization translated it as male this was fixed however in the later patches she is now referred to as lady arino with the she her pronouns though that doesn't make her any less of a father following from the previous fact about arino and femin the connection she has with fine is actually quite special after Arley K replaced the previous director Remy assumed that she would just be as callous and cruel but but fine would soon realize that aro's methods were different the home was a place of Refuge for all the family's children and such required a collective effort to maintain even if they failed they wouldn't be subjected to the searingly painful punishments that they had been previously so with this new found Freedom FY began to search for his mother's whereabouts it was with arleo's intervention that he actually found her last traces arino gave him a pendant that she found at a base of operations of dis that took his mother Arina realized that the previous director had been telling femin lies that his mother abandoned him and then told him the truth arino told finey that his mother hadn't abandoned him but had acted to protect him that year the debt that Fine's family owed finally reached the point where they could no longer be able to repay it those greedy money lenders had not only forced F's mother to hand over the house that they lived in but had also demanded that she hand over fate as well so his mother had no choice but to entrust femin to the house of the hear arino appointed Linny as her successor in the event that something were to happen to her this could be for a myriad of reasons such as Lenny's Talent leadership skills Charisma and relationships with the house of the Hearth ours is a kingdom consisting only of children and father is our King no King rules forever of course and I know that one day I will be chosen as father's successor but that also terrifies me please don't mention this to anyone especially my sister and frem and last but not the least arina's methods and demeanor has been known to be cold and sometimes brutal especially to her enemies but there are lines and regulations that she does not cross one of them was from giving Lenny a delusion around the time that Lynette received her vision Lynette had been assigned to more dangerous and difficult missions that required her expertise this meant that Linny had to operate separately from her however his protective nature and desire to work beside her Drew him to a very Reckless conclusion to this end he solemnly sought out father expressing his belief that he needed the mysterious and perilous might of a delusion to operate alongside his sister father was silent for a long time till at last two slanted crosses pinned him in place with a wrath rarely shown to the children of the hotel she asked Lenny if Lynette would want him to do this to obtain a delusion with Lenny's silence father stood up and left but not before reminding him that this was not the first time he had lacked power that he had found an answer before why I find this fact important is because aro's cruelty is reserved only for her enemies and those that cross her but in her own way she knows that the children of the house are not the subject of such cruelty with them already being foui Asians I believe that she holds a strict but just relationship with the children make of that what you will but nevertheless I'm excited to have my Full House of the Hearth team soon and my name is atin thank you for chilling with me [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 29,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin 4.6, genshin impact, genshin harbinger, genshin arlecchino, genshin new character, genshin lore, new character, arlecchino, genshin impact arlecchino lore, genshin fatui, genshin fatui harbingers, genshin impact fatui harbingers, genshin impact arlecchino, genshin new release, genshin impact new character
Id: tAULwVpCEjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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