Who Are The Four Descenders? [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]

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the discussion of the origins of the gentian Gods is the most fascinating subsection of Allure next to a rational explanation of why the georcon statue of Civic morax being shirtless so today I want to present my interpretation to the important Lord tidbit presented by nahida during the archon quest who are the four descenders but before I begin I have several disclaimers given that the nature of Kenshin lore is horribly volatile to the point objectivity stops being a thing this is all just a theory and nothing is indicative of the final product Furthermore with the introduction of sumeru we now know that all pieces of information in the Lord are fallible and can be manipulated by some unknown entity so please keep that in mind anyway let's begin I want to open this topic with a very important claim that will set the pretense of everything else first is that the information of there being only four descenders is fatui information why this is important is because of how fallible fatou information can be the claim that the traveler is the fourth descender is also a claim that was made by the fatoui meaning that the ultimate objectivity behind that can be completely unknown this will be important later but just keep in mind that fatoui information can be manipulated as you've seen memories be altered as well during the archon quest we also know that data can be corrupted one way or another if you are residents from devot and given there isn't proof that any of the 11 fatou harbingers aren't residents of sivat or our descenders themselves it is a fair assumption that any piece of information that circulates within the fatoui is subjected to the same rules of fallibility so with that let's begin we should dissect the current theories that nahida presents to us in the arkan Quest descenders were defined as entities that didn't originate from devot and came here from an external Planet nahida states that the two we have listed four entities but the first to third being unknown to us all we know is that the traveler was listed as the fourth and their sibling is not amongst them so let's begin theorizing first under the assumption that the patui are correct in saying that there are only four of them who would they be well the first Ascender was hypothesized by nahida to be the Heavenly principles while this is speculation on her end this isn't unfounded if we consider the Lord we have in and kanamiya according to the book before sun and moon the primordial one named fanis came to the war world to make it a new this androgynous creature birthed four Shades one of which was istoroth or the god of time this is the first Throne that battled against the old rulers of the world the seven dragonairs the reason that this may be the first Ascender is because Endra was adamant on finding the book before sun and moon as proof that Celestia is not from this world meaning that the first Ascender recorded could very well be the primordial one additionally when ahita says that the Heavenly principles have been dormant for a while it is possible that these are the shades we know based on the 2.5 story quest for e in the Ryden Shogun that the god of time was responsible for an incident several centuries and that was the most recent activity of a Celestial entity outside of the archons the god of time is also currently absent given that she was once a god-overseeing monster but that delegation was given to Venti according to nahida they have been quiet for 500 years after the incident with the traveler and what's even more fascinating is that the Heavenly principles are referred to as an entity or a creature up until this point the grand conception of the Heavenly principles is that it was an abstract law given the name principles it felt more like a commandment as though it was the laws of the world but nahid refers to them like a creature meaning that the true purpose of the title sustainer of heavenly principles is the key linchpin of what they truly are the second Ascender is connected to the first one's tale given that in the book before a sun and moon we get word of a great Calamity that predated the arkhan war this was the war that came after the dissension of the second Throne we know next to nothing about the second Throne except that it could be a creature at a similar catastrophic power to fanis this is because this War caused a Calamity that destroyed several ancient civilizations one of which was the Sealy Kingdom the moon sisters Arya sonnet and Canon also mourned the laws of their Hall of stars thus showing a clash between the heavens and the Earth it is important for me by the way to mention that it is unknown who the current Celestia is whether it is the first or the second the second Throne is not confirmed to be Celestia in the current lore it was even stated that the second Throne Was Defeated according to the authors of the book before sun and moon and this is the largest piece of current confirmed in-game knowledge that we have about the Thrones while the book isn't gospel it is not confirmed on any other sources that the second Throne is the current ruler of Celestia additionally it is more plausible that because is the Roth has an Arts Geisha name similar to the demon gods in pymon and israth is the shade of the primordial one naming conventions would argue that the current Celestia venti jongli a and ahida answer to is connected to the first Throne that descended not the second one but again there is no Cutthroat confirmation on either of them if the sustainer of heavenly principles turns out to be a shade of the primordial one and has an Arts gowasha name then we can safely theorize that the current Celestia is held by the primordial one and its four Shades and it just so happens that they are very inactive for some reason now we go on to the fascinating and unstable part of this Theory who is the third descender if such even exists our current knowledge of genjen lore is too limited to make any confirming guesses and there's not a lot of characters that are guaranteed to have interplanar travels I do have four potential candidates for this but it's important to keep an open mind given that we know next to nothing about the descenders in the first place first is a much more plausible one it's a character that we personally have never seen before given that hardly any of the other characters would satisfy the current theme happening with the other three descenders take note of the usage of the word throne and principles and what the three theorized ascenders have in common they have connections to Angels according to Wikipedia The Thrones also known as of Adam are creatures that function as actual Chariots of God driven by cherubs they are characterized by peace and submission God rests upon them Thrones are depicted as great Wheels containing many eyes and reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape they chant glorious the god in remain forever in his presence they meet out Divine Justice and maintain the cosmic Harmony of all universal laws furthermore The Travelers have resemblances to a Seraph a Seraph is a type of celestial or Heavenly being originating in ancient Judaism best characterized by their six wings it's even possible that the word Heavenly principles has ties to another kind of Angel the principalities they are the first category of angels and Celestial hierarchy to come to Earth and interact with human beings the principalities rule Nations groups of people and institutions but they also rule some groups of angels in heaven or on Earth they appear as Messengers between the higher spheres and the lower Angels however to say that the Heavenly principles are principalities can be a stretch given that we do know that they referred to as Thrones so it's possible that the third descender could be another Angelic creature altogether that we've never met before however it is important to note that this is just a speculation and we have a rapid fire for the second third and fourth candidate for who the third descender could be my personal candidates are first of all Alice given she has extensive knowledge of Worlds hopping and the borders of devant it is also partially confirmed through the scattered information we know about her that she has the ability to Traverse worlds as evidenced by her 1.6 dialogue in which she always tells Clee about other Distant Worlds the third candidate is Dane sleeve given his curious title as the bookkeeper and his consolation the snake ring having ties to the oroboros however I'm less inclined to believe that Dane is a descender considering the snickering constellation could simply have ties to his curse of immortality while his bookkeeper title ties him to the Urban Soul this would also explain why he has extensive knowledge about the characters given that he has access to the Urban Soul the fourth potential one is pymon but that's more of a stretch All Things Considered there's no conclusive evidence at the moment and from what little we have seen about pymon she is more in tune with Celestial Inspirations than another Motif entirely her design and space manipulation is in tune with fanus and the sustainers motifs so who's to really say but honestly at this point anyone could be a descender god what if the KK in the Traveler's profile is just kinda harakazaha Kazu is a third descender easy now I do have some several notes that I want to point out about the descender conversation one is about the sibling if the sibling's history as a far traveler was erased from existence then it would make sense by the fatoui an organization that would have only been formed after The Travelers were trapped into vat would not have knowledge of the Traveler's sibling my biggest guess is that they did have knowledge of The Sibling being a descender but similar to The Rook of the Vada situation such information was overridden by an external Force thus reducing the current data to only depict 4 instead of five kind of like a Cognito Hazard that manipulates existing data or more possibly the sibling's history was just erased before anything could happen or before the fatoui were even founded or researched into the matter second is what if Thanos wasn't the first this would actually help fill in the gaps a lot more consider this this planet has already existed before fanis meaning that it's possible that fairness wasn't the original creator with the fatoui by extension count the first creature that arrived to devat as it Ascender by their own criteria the god that created not Humanity but the dragonairs and the old civilizations of the Bishops but they also count by extension that would mean that fairness would get pushed to Second Ascender and the second Throne the third but that's just another consideration for the future last point is how would the fatoui know about this information consider the fact that most of the current knowledge we have about the time before the arkhan war comes from books more specifically the encanomea books and Joe even admits that this book has lost a time and it became amongst the abyss missions to locate the book well to answer this question I do think that the fatoui would have access to this information given their status and the longevity of their current members currently if you look at the fatoui harbingers we have a character that is theorized the hail from conoria given his lore at least two characters that were approximately several hundred years old to other characters that were referred to buy an archon as being on par with the gods and tartalia okay maybe one of these things is not like the other regardless not only is the fatouli privy to massive information networks they're also certified Abominations that defy mortal laws they'd have the resource forces and the Time in the World to investigate so if there's anyone in the current state of tabat that would have knowledge to this kind of information it would be the fatoui Oh and about Eloy we can always just say she's a fifth Eli's just happy to be here you know but that's it for me today who do you think the three other descenders are if there are only three descenders anyway my name is Austin thank you for chilling with me also before I end I just want to do a quick plug of gamersup's waifu Cups get 10 off your next order of gamer Subs by using the quote Esther and embrace of the generacy alright bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 252,858
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Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact story, genshin impact, genshin impact khaenriah, genshin 3.2, genshin impact 3.2, genshin impact 3.1, genshin impact lore, genshin 3.1, genshin lore, game, video game lore, sumeru archon quest, genshin story, abyss sibling, lumine, genshin lore theory, genshin theory, dainsleif, aether, traveler
Id: N3Wzl_qZnm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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