How STRONG is the Traveler in Lore? [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]

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welcome to the how strong are the gentian characters Series where today I'll be investigating a character's strengths and abilities beyond their gameplay capabilities I want to appreciate and celebrate a character's Feats that are usually untranslated into the gameplay because of balancing reasons it is important to appreciate how we remember a character in writing because you know how feeble memories can be but while our memories and the Airman cell can be overwritten you know what can't be videos so if you've ever wanted to share your ideas videos or just memes online then I've got just a thing for you if you're looking for a program to cover everything you need for video making then I present you a demo Creator demo Creator is a really easy to use software that comes with a variety of features for you to enhance and display your ideas I personally use this for editing school projects since it's really easy to pick up and it comes with a lot of assets and you can do whatever you want with it video presentations are super easy to make and they come with a variety of backgrounds virtual avatars Tech X Transitions and even arrows see told you beat you braster was a thing demo Creator comes with a built-in screen recorder a virtual presenter a recording scheduler and my personal favorite a video editor this fella comes with a lot of templates for captions and texts and also fillers effects sounds and other elements you need to make a great video but if you're like me that just likes messing around they also have a voice changer the sfx store also comes with plenty of resource packs for you to mess around with my personal favorites are the pixel gaming sticker pack and the cute loading stickers but you can use all sorts of gaming effect packs to stylize your stream and videos also a really neat feature that they have are virtual humans they're virtual models that record your movements and render it over a 3D model of your choosing so if you like cute anime models on your screen demo creators got you covered demo Creator is free to try so go right ahead and start creating by clicking the link in the description and I've got a challenge for you use the wondershare demo create your effect packs to instantly add a vaporwave aesthetic to your designs at once create designs with vaporwave elements then share on social media with the hashtag crate with wondershare and tag at wondershare so you will have a chance to get 200 creative fun and become a wondershare Ambassador so download demo creators today and thank you to wondershare demo creator for sponsoring this video alright let's begin the purpose of this series isn't to compare the characters with others but rather just list down notable abilities that we've seen them perform in Canon considering that the traveler goes through a really big power down during the lore I should separate the Traveler's powers pre-sevot and postavot additionally when I say strength I'll be considering not only power but other notable abilities like intelligence wealth Charisma and other things while I will go for conventional power I will also go for more mental aspects of a character's strengths and with that let's begin prior to their concealment we know that the traveler is a being of the Stars according to the lore they have been around since the birth and death of celestial bodies and their connections to the sky are consistent throughout the story both they and the Lord suggest that they're shooting stars and they've been referred to as Eternal Travelers over the course of the game pre-concealment The Traveler is able to achieve extra planar and Interstellar travel as they've allegedly been to countless of Worlds or as Zhang Lee says across the celestial Atlas The Traveler is a warrior first and foremost and their skills with the blade has been seen even before their time adventuring into vat prior to their arrival The Traveler has also shown abilities to read faiths through the constellations in their old world they comment that the sky is in devot are much different than the ones in their home now we get to the opening cutscene where we see so much more about the traveler we see that they're able to conjure weapons and are able to fly with a pair of wings we also see them be able to condense energy into a singular Point The Traveler can conjure golden bolt-like energy condensed on their hands and emit massive melee ranged explosions we also know that their element is white and with the introduction of the 3.3 live stream I theorize that this is the Omni element the culmination of all elements combined into one vessel this theory is based on the fact that white light when passed through a prism splits into the waves of the rainbow we also know that this element is something that the abyssibly has after they've went through the world once so there's that but this is as far as we know ever since their fight with the sustainer of heavenly principles now we go on to the current abilities that they have that we know of let's start with our fighting style and base combat knowledge the traveler in lore is a pretty knowledgeable sword user if we inspect their fighting style they're hardly passive their swings are very aggressive with a lot of force and they hardly play on the defensive side The Travelers and lore fighting style is a front heavy melee fighter that is actually very reminiscent of their old powers of close range explosion based offense furthermore The Traveler has increased dexterity strength and resistance more so than a regular human would I also love how agile they are in combat and how quick they are to jump from platform to platform to maneuver around tight spots their speed is definitely an amazing asset of theirs that is often undermined in their gameplay but the cutscenes really emphasize how crucial their maneuvering is for fighting it is also important to note that the traveler has received battle Knowledge from the people of sumeru and while we can't completely quantify all of this we do know that it was a substantial amount enough to beat Scaramouche now we go over to their more Divine abilities first is their ability to absorb Divine energies this can be both Elemental or otherwise but nevertheless the traveler has been able to absorb the energies of others for their own this is what we see in leeway with the adeptide and the chi Singh WHO Channel their energies into traveler The Traveler is able to resonate with any vessel that has a high concentration of energies we know if the traveler has any need sensitivity to anything Divine or non-human in tivat we also know that they're able to amplify their attacks both in size and power when they release a certain amount of energy such as enhancing the size of their sword this is actually one of the strongest Feats of the traveler the ability to siphon energy from an existing Source like a sponge no other being in tivat has been able to do this without either needing a vision or already being an elemental creature in and of themselves the lack of this limitation and the magnitude of which The Traveler can siphon are what makes a traveler very special the The Traveler is also able to control 4 out of 7 elements as well as simultaneously control them as far as we are aware besides imbuing their attacks with a specific elements we know that each allow for the creation of an element-specific Boon animal has allowed the traveler to create vortexes and tornadoes but has also allowed them to resonate with animal creatures like the violin the vortexes are able to repel other creatures or weapons furthermore they are able to Glide with the wind with the same proficiency as their old wings with Geo they're able to create structures and spikes these structures are able to barricade or Crush entities under their weight or shoot up from a flat surface towards a creature with Electro they're able to perform short-term teleportation as well as enhanced speed this was seen during The arkon Question in the Zuma multiple times but was prevalently in their first fight against the Raiden Shogun with dendro they're able to resonate with the genes and mental states of other entities with the help of nahida however even without nahida's help we know that the traveler is more sensitive to Consciousness hopping entities they have a much tougher resilience though to mental manipulation as opposed to regular humans Additionally the traveler has Elemental side that while not completely wearing devot is still a useful perception tool that boosts your overall ability to Scout and search for enemies I also want to cover the fact that the traveler is privy to certain powers given their history as an otherworldly being the traveler has the ability to purify Abyssal energies and potentially reduce the effects of karmic or corrupting forces on a person Xiao explains its mere presence of the traveler has been adversely reducing the pain of his karma while the traveler has purified the tears from the violin during the monstat arconquest it it does seem that this ability is limited to Abyssal effects considering that in the inazumargan quest the Traveler's purification abilities didn't activate when they themselves are afflicted this could be because orabashi's power isn't necessarily Abyssal but instead Celestial given that this is the curse of a god regardless at the moment it seems the traveler is only able to purify other entities and objects affected the traveler is also able to surpass tivat's limitations such as memories being connected to the urban cell and Powers being limited to Visions furthermore The Travelers gain a fascinating ability to use the waypoints under normal circumstances most devotion citizens are not able to use this kind of technology for whatever reason as we are aware that people have to travel by foot ship or cart to transport themselves across the vat we also know through the lore of the waypoints that they're an enigma to regular folks and the only other creature that knows of their existence is Catherine a creature that isn't an organic human being to begin with as such The Traveler being able to use them is a really good ability that in the lore we haven't seen replicated that much now let's get on to the theorizing part how strong can the traveler be as I've stated the reason the traveler is so powerful is because of their ability to siphon this in and of itself is what makes them near Divinity now I use the term Divinity Loosely while their appearance and powers are reminiscent of divinity Radiance and gold the term Divine in genjen doesn't really have a lot of weight to it besides being inhuman I say this because the current Gods we know now aren't necessarily gods in the sense of omnipotence and omniscience but instead of authority the gods Barbados and morax for example are Elemental entities that are able to concentrate highly on animal and Geo but it doesn't mean that the element is completely very for the taking prior to their status of the archons their already Elemental creatures which means that their status as archons is not tied to their abilities to control the elements the elements are instead of force outside of the Gods a much bigger constant in nature that are used but not owned the traveler operates in that same way but to a smaller extent The Traveler is less of human and more of an elemental creature that serves as a catalyst they're an elemental sponge that can absorb energy from an external place and concentrate it into their powers a feat that is absolutely powerful if mastered properly their true strength lies and how Limitless their ability to siphon appears to be in Inazuma it was an entire statue of several Visions all concentrated into the traveler in leeway it was both the power of the Gods and humans used to plunge the entirety of the day chamber in regular Play It's the statues of the seven using the traveler as a vessel for its blessings then we move on to the abyssipling which is the most fascinating of them all the abyss sibling showed the ability to control Abyssal energy which was the blast that was directed at Dean the reason this is important is because Abyssal energy has been known to be horrendously corrupting and antithetical to Elemental and Celestial magic the fact that it's even possible for the traveler to control it while retaining their humanoid form is amazing we know that tartalia who used it for his foul Legacy underwent an immediate lethargy in transformation I also want to discuss the Traveler's potential completion and power and what that would actually entail if the traveler gains their old powers back that could spell several important Feats further enhance speed access to flight and most likely larger Elemental abilities Amplified by the Traveler's previous Powers prior to devot consider this The Traveler prior to VOD was already pretty powerful while they weren't able to defeat the sustainer possible that in the future their ability to control the elements becomes Amplified by their previous Powers at the point that they'll be able to dish out the same magnitude as the seven demon Gods now what about the other elements in devat this is going to be a difficult question to answer but let's start with the last three of the seven Hydra would most likely give the traveler access to Healing malleable and shapeable water constructs or even just Proficiency in underwater combat pyro would be an easier upgrade for damage and explosion similar to what we saw in the opening cutscene become more prevalent and last is cryo I can see cryo being somewhat similar to Geo in which a traveler creates solid structures with them on top of the ability to freeze and Dish cryo attacks out now what about other elements outside of the seven chronology spatial control Abyssal energy control social energy while there is no confirmation The Traveler can control any of these we do see multiple times that gold is used to reference Celestial energy or at least radiant energy to the bare minimum but that's it for me today feel free to write down in the comments for any that I've missed I just really really love the traveler so much and I'm so excited to continue this series on how strong are the genjin characters the Traveler's fighting style and cutscenes is what's always shown and I've grown to love their fighting style so much but yes anyway thank you to wondershare demo creator for sponsoring this video and my name is Austin thank you for chilling with me [Music]
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 111,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact story, genshin impact, genshin impact khaenriah, genshin 3.2, genshin impact 3.2, genshin impact 3.1, genshin impact lore, genshin 3.1, genshin lore, game, video game lore, sumeru archon quest, genshin story, abyss sibling, lumine, genshin lore theory, genshin theory, dainsleif, aether, traveler, #PresentwithDemoCreator, #Wondershare, #DemoCreator
Id: jNIb7pEUooY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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