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[Music] [Applause] [Music] matthew 13 let's give him a hand everybody watching us around the world thank you i want to welcome a new country that's that's listening to us you met him last week he's in the country of bulgaria which is right off the edge of turkey and he wins muslims to jesus over there and because of the time difference they watch me in bulgaria and then they go into their regular service so bulgaria welcome to our 73rd country in the world that we are now reaching into today i'm in matthew chapter 13 two verses of scripture for sake of time verse number 24 and 25 jesus is speaking here and he said in verse 24 another parable put he forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man which soweth good seed in his field now notice after the word field we haven't we have a english marking which we call a colon now a colon is used three different ways number one it's used in time if somebody sends you a time that says 11 o'clock it'll be one one colon zero zero we also use a colon and separating chapters from verses like when they send you a chapter of the bible it'll be chapter three colon and then the verses lifted afterward the third way we use a colon in our language is in our english structure whenever you see a colon it's going to tell you that what you're about to read is an expansion of what you have just read in the verse before so we have a man that has been a evidently a hard worker and the bible said he sowed good seed in his field now this is what happened after he sowed the seed but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and then referring to the enemy he went his way notice there's nothing wrong with the sower there's nothing wrong with the seed there's nothing wrong with the soil that he planted it in the problem is he has an adversary and the adversary even though he was having good seed he was a good sower putting it in good soil all the adversary was waiting for was to catch him asleep and while he slept is when he come in and sow tares which is nothing but what we would call weeds and sowed them among the wheat which is a type of the children of god because they're fruitful now when you study matthew 13 there are seven different parables found in this one chapter when you hear the word parable always remember that it is a story or ill illustration that depicts a lesson or a principle that god wanted us to remember there are seven of these stories found in this one chapter that you'll find the parable of the sower the tares the mustard seed the leaven the hidden treasure the pearl of great price and then drawing in the net out of this great chapter our text comes from the parable that talks about the tares and the we which covers verses 24 through verse number 30. notice again that the enemy was only active in his field when the sower was asleep had he stayed awake the field and his wheat would have never been defiled you must understand the terminology of the word sleep in our text to really get a hold of this message because the word sleep is used several different ways in biblical definitions for instance in mark chapter number four it's referring to rest in our bodies when jesus was on the ship the bible said that he was asleep on the pillow it's something called earthly sleep it's refreshing and rejuvenating the body now some people need more sleep than others if i get four hours of good sleep at night i have done a very good evening some need six some need eight but scott some of you never get out of bed we have church at 12 o'clock and you still come flying in here with your pajamas on and your hair's sticking up like a turkey and people are just sleeping their lives away now psychologically this got a hole to me years ago did you know if you sleep eight hours a day eight hours do you understand you have slept away thirty three and a third percent of your life i refuse to give sleep one third of my life but we have to have rest for our bodies the second time god uses a referral to sleep is in proverbs chapter number six and he's talking about rebuking people for being lazy he talks about sleeping in a little slumber and a folding of the hands you'll be given to poverty see all through the bible days even before adam and eve went into sin one of the first things god ever gave adam was a job see even in a perfect atmosphere god intended for people to work for a living and god said in proverbs 6 if you're sorry and lazy and all you want to do is lay around you're going to be given to poverty well let me clarify with the administration we've got now it seems like the more you lay around and the sorry you are the more checks you can get from the government now so the first one is rest for the body the second one is rebuke for laziness the third time is referring to immorality you'll find this in proverbs chapter 17 when the harlot woman come to the young boy that was void of understanding and she began to tell him how she had decked her bed with all kinds of fine linen and myrrh to lure him into her bed to have what we would call an illegitimate or an unbiblical relationship fornication adultery things of that nature you've heard people talk with somebody and they'll say yeah he caught his wife sleeping with another guy well trust me they were not sleeping they never sleep when you catch your partner cheating on you don't ask them if they were sleeping yeah and if you don't understand that we'll have a class afterwards about this but yet we use that terminology oh he caught her sleeping around her she sleeps with everybody no she's not she's very well awake but i guess out of just cure just being cautious we use that terminology sleeping together so can be referring to immorality but it can also be referring to the reality of death you remember in john 11 jesus said to his disciples lazarus is asleep and they said lord if he sleeps and finally jesus turned around and said he's not asleep he's dead and i'm glad for your sakes that i wasn't there but i go now that the father can be glorified so sometimes we that sleep in jesus first thessalonians if we're asleep in christ when our body dies the body refers to that as sleep so i'm persuaded after in-depth study that the sleep that is found in our attacks is due to just being weary from work and labor literally being exhausted there is a danger of becoming exhausted mentally physically and spiritually when that happens we can thank pass out go unconscious or become numb to the things of god paul warned us this in galatians chapter six and verse nine here's what he said he said let us not be weary let us not pass out let us not drive ourselves to the ground in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not if you don't give up if you don't go to sleep so there's a warning here that if we spiritually close our eyes we're going to get in trouble and the enemy is waiting for you to just doze off and the moment your eyes are closed and you are unconscious he will begin to sow things that are ungodly into your life and into mine i found out through reading in the bible 91 people in the bible are recorded as sleeping i will choose five of those stories to comment on the message that's at hand i'm preaching on the subject while you were sleeping there are things that are happening why we are very unconscious and unaware of what's going on i will show you men in the bible that went to sleep and paid a supreme price for doing so and me women as well and i'll be done number one while you we are sleeping our churches are changing now if you'll study sampson in the book of judges chapter 16 you'll find that he is an identical typology of the last church out of the seven churches that john wrote to in revelation chapter number three in revelation chapter 3 john deals with seven churches in chapter two and three all of those are a period of time in which god deals with the church in a particular way the last of the seven is called the church of laodicea it's a powerless church it's a church that's controlled by the people it's a church where they wanted a puppet and not a preacher it's a church where they wanted scratch instead of scorched it's a church where they wanted to sleep instead of stand up it's a church where they wanted to be light instead of being loved for obeying the word of god and samson is a perfect type of that in the old testament it is there that samson laid his head in a dirty woman's lap and the bible said that he went to sleep and when samson fell asleep he woke up and he didn't even realize that he had lost all of his power all he had to do was take one nap and one nap one day of laying down one moment of being unconscious to the things of god and when he woke up the church had changed like it had never changed before the power of god is he knew it was gone and it was never going to be the same in isaiah chapter 56 god said i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to give you watchmen these men will walk around the wall of the city and when they see something coming that's not right they're going to warn you ahead of time they're going to blow the trumpet and they're going to tell you exactly like it is but the bible said they became dumb dogs and they would not bark anymore they did not want to be offensive they did not want to disturb the people because they were fast asleep let me say to you something church you are only one pastor or one situation away from an apostate liberal controlled dead church taking over emmaus of kingsport just one situation away i don't know if you understand it but pastors have to daily stand up rebuke guard protect watch pray reveal warn expose lest the enemy slips in and plant seeds of evil and wickedness among the wheat now let me tell you the difference between tears and wheat fairs look exactly like wheat the only difference is they never produce fruit they never produce anything they look like they're real but they never have anything real come out of their life am i preaching now [Applause] sometimes you've got to understand all i'm trying to do is be a faithful watchman to god don't you ever allow straightforward bold plain strong loud forceful committed alarming edgy controversial breathtaking in your face dare you to blink preaching don't you ever let that make you mad i'm standing between heaven and hell while i'm trying to keep the presence and the anointing of god on the house of god you ought to be saying amen thank god the bible said in first samuel chapter 3 eli was the priest of the temple and the bible said his eyes grew heavy with sleep and when he went to sleep and the bible said when he woke up the lamp of god had went out in the tabernacle of the lord i don't have time to lay down i don't have time to take a break i don't have time to close my eyes ignore and get wore out we've got to have a watchman i don't want things to change while we go to sleep and wake up and god be gone while you're asleep churches are changing number two while we are asleep according to the word of god conviction is leaving if you'll read song of solomon chapter number five there was a woman that was asleep in her bed and the bible said the beloved of god came by while she was asleep and knocked on her door this is a type of conviction of the holy ghost knocking on the heart's door and the bible said when he knocked on the door she began to give excuses on why she didn't want to get out of bed she said i have washed my feet i'm already clean and i'm already in bed and the holy ghost just kept knocking on the door in the old testament days on the door there was never a latch on the outside so if somebody left their home and closed the door there was a hole and they would put their hand in it and the latch was on the inside so they would put their hand through the hole open up the latch and the door would open it could never be opened from the outside here's the holy spirit of god knocking on our hearts door the holy ghost doesn't force himself on anybody he wants you to open up because you want to open up he wants you to respond because you want him [Applause] but instead of opening up the door brother guy the bible said that he took some myrrh and frankincense in his hand and put it on the inside of the door handle and the bible said when she began to smell that myrrh and frankincense she remembered days gone by when he would pass by her and he could she could smell his presence and she knew that he was near and he left that on the door but she went to sleep she didn't want to get saved at that time maybe she said to him come back tomorrow and i'll get saved come back next sunday and i'll get saved come back later on in my life and i'll get saved i don't know brother nick how long she laid in bed but the bible said in song of solomon chapter five that she woke up and she smelled that myrrh and got to thinking about all the times that god had really dealt with her about being saved like god has been dealing with some of you about really getting saved and she decided all of a sudden she's changed her mind and she's going to let him in and the bible said when she got up no doubt when she put her hand on that door handle our brother jack no doubt the murder drift off her fingers and she thought about the times of how close she had been to getting saved but never was and the bible said when she opened the door to let him in the bible says he had withdrawn himself and was gone that word withdrawn me been pulled away with an attitude of never coming back again all of a sudden brother ed she's concerned she said i want him to deal with me i want him to knock on my door i want him to pass by again and the bible says she ran up and down the streets of the city looking for him but he could not be found oh you better listen to me children if the devil can get you to go to sleep and tell the holy ghost not now bother me some other time come back next week bother me next month sometime let me get a little bit older here's what's going to happen one of these days you'll wake up to the reality that you've been a fool by putting off being born again and you're going to open up your heart's door and he's not going to be there you better call upon the lord while he is near you better seek him while he can be found i'm telling you brother god is after you today and you better respond while you can [Applause] while you're sleeping churches are changing while you're sleeping conviction is leaving while we are sleeping our country is being taken away from us you remember one day belshazzar had went to jerusalem and destroyed the city under nebuchadnezzar what we call the babylonian captivity and nebuchadnezzar had passed off and now belshazzar was the king in babylon and he took the gold vessels out of the temple and poured wine in them and they were eating and drinking and having parties and illicit lifestyles and the tabernacle of god the instruments were used to serve them and it brought out the wrath of god and the finger of god came down and wrote on the wall they brought daniel in and said daniel can you interpret this for us he said sure i can god said he's sick of your nonsense and he's going to destroy babylon and give the kingdom to somebody else the bible said belshazzar got so scared that his knees were loosed and begin to knock together and the word of god said while he slept that night the mede and the persians came down and took his country right out from under him if i was a king and i'd been warned by god that my kingdom could be destroyed i'd have had my army up i'd had my watchman up i'd had an all-out attack ready to go but all the enemy wanted to do was to get him to lay down and go to sleep and the kingdom was removed and crushed in one very night the bible said in matthew 24 can i give you something to think about because i don't know what you believe politically i don't care what you believe i'm not a republican or democrat i think they're all idiots i don't have any confidence in any of them i think we ought to clean out and start over so don't don't leave here and sound political but i'm i'm not but i tell you one thing i do know this country is slipping out of our hands while we're laying up sleeping you better quit acting like everything's all right you better wake up and smell the coffee buddy this country is being taken away from us while we're laying back thinking it's all right it's not all right i saw something in the bible today i'd never seen before that's what i love about an inspired book you can read it a hundred times and find something new every time matthew 24 says this in the last days they will be marrying and giving in marriage now wait a minute brother mark i thought marian is an honorable thing to do the bible said in the book of hebrews marriage is honorable in all but and whoremongers god hudge so marriage is a good thing so why is matthew 24 saying in the last days it's going to be so wicked that people are going to be marrying and giving in marriage to me that's a positive thing unless it's same sex [Applause] and what makes god so mad in matthew 24 is not that they're marrying but he's upset because they have defiled the marriage that he instituted in the garden of eden one man from one woman that's the way god always intended it and he always will intended to be that way now this is where i'm going to shake you a little bit you can't even watch a commercial without two two kissing each other or two lesbians holding each other's hands you can't watch a commercial it's on every television program you get a halfway decent show it'll start out right and i guarantee you within two months there's going to be some perverted lifestyle coming to that screen now here's what the devil's doing exposure brings acceptance the more you see it all of a sudden the less it bought oh yeah i know what i'm talking about and what the low down devil has done is why we're sleeping on the couch here comes all this perverted lifestyle men with men and women with women and god said i've turned them over to a reprobate mind that they might consume themselves on their own lust i'm telling you ladies and gentlemen 25 years ago if two men would have kissed on television they'd have burnt the television station down and we would not have put up with this nonsense [Applause] women preachers marrying men the men and women the women no wonder god's sick of this mess and turning this country into a hell hole congress is now making national decisions in the middle of the night whatever happened to broadcasting their voting during the day now they're voting at three in the morning five in the morning you know what they're doing they're taking our country from us while we're sleeping [Applause] h.r ones being promoted by the democrats it's designed to do nothing but to hinder and afflict the ministry of god and our outreach of getting the gospel to the world liberalism socialism humanism and communism philosophies have become common sounds in the halls of our congress they control manipulate and lion are the leading qualifications to even thinking about being a popular politician the american people seem to be rocked asleep in the cradle of government dependency we don't care what the government does what direction it's in you keep those cards and checks and letters coming and we'll let you do what you want i'm telling you i don't want the government i don't want their stinking money i want them to get their hands out of my life and leave me alone [Applause] my god what has happened to us ladies and gentlemen we have traded courage conviction determination heart solitude resolve willpower grit confidence sobriety temperance toughness moral fiber bravery fearlessness daring boldness stability truthfulness and honor for a bunch of generic sexless mr potato heads are you out of your ever loving mind are you kidding me you worried about mr potato man being a man i mean you got to laugh to keep from crying these people are idiots saying that dr seuss books warp our children's mind you read them i read them we seem to turn out all right i think we ought to keep the books and get rid of the idiots that's trying to get rid of the books but tell how stupid this government is you've either got to be 16 or 18 to buy a pack of cigarettes you got to be either 18 or 21 to buy beer or liquor but at the age of eight you can understand choice enough to change your sexuality that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life [Applause] leaders have become soft sorry spineless let me tell you something let me just remind this generation coming up you teenagers take a good hard look at this preacher cause i'm gonna tell you something i don't ever want you to forget when we were boys we didn't have to buy jeans with the knees ripped out of them we were boys we ripped these out of our own genes we didn't need a company doing for us we ripped the knees out of our own blue jeans but now you have to buy them that way because boys are such pansies they're so soft and they're so lazy you know i'm right [Applause] so now these dumb parents go and pay 125 for a pair of jeans that look like a family of piranhas have eat on them you think your kid's crazy for wearing them you crazy for buying them [Applause] we're ripping these out of our jeans we wore them out i remember we'd ripped these out of our jeans mama couldn't afford another pair and back in them days they had blue jean patches that you could iron on because they knew the boys are going to rip the knees out of the jeeps because they're falling out of trees they're falling off skateboards and they're fighting all the kids in the neighborhood and mama would take them blue patches and iron them onto the front of my knees i'd walk like this for two weeks you know what i'm talking about in patches were so stiff you couldn't even bow your leg bend your knee but now we've got such a pansy group of young men coming on that you have to order them that way they're special order now they're designer jeans are you out of you have a loving mind if your boy such a pansy that he can't rip a pair of jeans you need to tighten up on that boy and throw him out in the yard you listen to me young people when i was young we carried sticks and made guns out of them we got pocket knives when we were 10. we said yes sir and no ma'am we played cops and robbers we saluted the flag stood for the national anthem and honored everybody that was in the military that's what we did when i was a boy oh yeah we're asleep and there's countries being taken from us i remember when girls were shy i remember when they wanted to be ladylike i remember when they played with dolls while they followed their mom around i remember when they played on their fake cook ovens to learn how to cook i remember when they were proud to be a woman i remember when they followed their mom around and they were trained by their mother how to sew how to cook how to clean how to be a wife to her husband and a mother to her children those are days that i remember as a young man i'm about to say something here and i know i'm out of time but i'm about to say something here have you looked at little girls now all they talk about is getting their first tattoo taking hormones and growing a beard who does sam hell wants to marry a woman with a beard [Applause] i'm talking little girls they want eyelashes as long as their fingers they want their lips all bright like an orangutan's rear end they got fingernails like bigfoot claws they have dresses that's shorter than their train of thought and they're sexually active before they even reach puberty and we don't even think there's anything wrong with that anymore you better believe there's something bad wrong with it and as long as i'm pastor i'm going to tell her from this pulpit let's give the lord a hand i'm out of time but i've had a time [Applause] so for those of you that are visiting this is the kind of preaching i do in this pulpit these are the days and these are the days of your servant oh says righteousness being restored and all these are days of great trials [Music] [Music] of the lord
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 2,092
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Id: cirxt3yFuHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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