Which Website Has the BEST Mystery Boxes?

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all right so pretty much you got go which propelled you forward I'll let's see what you got rookie yeah rookie mistake what's up guys welcome to Dover note the channel where we channel where we rate products that some you say don't burn up or or a stop offer worse because you can't even say the title of do I thought I struggled with same words and then I met him I'm concerned for you I think it's just when people are in front of me they struggle on their words I just stress you out yeah cuz when you know I don't like trouble as much to speak with you like we just talk and we like joke around and it's like well we wait you guys we're gonna be checking out which website has the best mystery box the dope Renault team by five mystery boxes man is on eBay at 19 just a puppy in there dude don't worry about it right here at Dover dope you guys we believe in finding the absurdity in just about anything even in meat sticks mozzarella wrapped in salami I'll take one who you like the face that's your breakfast clearly no you think already cleaned up the entire street y'all are attacking me alright let's get started why do you get to pick that 19 it felt right the color was nice orange those are my favorite colors blue and orange holy Moyles reminder colors blue and orange um since I was born my favorite color is green and it's also purple because I like Barney vomit all right we got a 4-pack to add any drink that's a lick of bubble create flavored bubbles pour beverage into this like add any drink into the bottle it has a sticky blow and then you can eat the bubbles this might taste kind of good yeah I wonder what is in this was it's a scientist Matt a bunch of things I don't know what they are alright so pretty much gives you just the bottle and inside of it there's this clear illusion and then you put like soda in I guess yeah whatever drinks you want so the dopa nope team put some in here so we have to try to guess what drink isn't I don't want the urine one looks a little bit says here's an honest sign for how I know this is Coca Cola I opened it anyone carbonation missed oh yeah yours for sure coke I just how many bowls wait stand your own bubble seriously this guy's not my bubble bro buddy oh there you go oh I just saw the coolest interaction with your tongue my tongue through the bubble it didn't pop pierced it I was like wow I'm like oh heck yeah like a button do you remember that when we hit five mil oh yeah all those crazy party brothers oh I just have to hit it really hard yeah I suppose me the promise of you give me someone a high five at a party give me a high five brother sure man how am I getting it only on me what are you gonna win to Coachella so awesome I'm gonna give myself a high five like Lady Gaga does pull the middle back a little challenge here no no no I've tried that oh it's spicy no it's ghost pepper popcorn ghost pepper alright so we're gonna go ahead and throw it in the microwave and microwave now nice first off the most dangerous looking bag of popcorn ever look at all the flavor on the side poured out let's see Oh too much here you go take it I barely licked it and my tongue kind of hurts you take a bite I'm waiting for your reaction that's fine you're faking your reaction you're faking a non reaction again it's for sure spicy should we go see what connivance let's get my hands full see if it takes the bottom all let's give them three bags three different kinds of popcorn we have us that we have a spicy we like regular popcorn downstairs with the seasoning on it we can give them three different bags okay let's do it Shambo alright we have four different kind popcorn we just wanted if you can tell the flavors okay what she just did there does it taste like the den sweet yeah I don't know it just tastes like sweet popcorn normal sure what are the other final one the right side of my tongue is doing something weird starting until I tingle a little bit yeah peppery yeah yeah but there's a ghost gross no okay if you like spicy things it's a joke alright so taste test number two ready for this no rotisserie chicken flavored or candy canes I hate meat flavored things mi amour kind of good what do you mean kind of good I like what's history chicken if I eat the popcorn brother you're definitely a nerd I'm losing it well hey on the plus side it's fresh never frozen why does this have a wart on it like there's like a little white wart right there then there's one on there and not exagerating that smelled like rotten chicken smell no please no I smelled it I'm kind of tempted to know what the taste is like dunno just mean I'll touch up my tongue it's so bad oh yeah exactly like it's nice oh wait what if we take this around and see if they can guess the flavor all right yeah smell oh that's she goes in for a second wailing weird would you say is that I don't know you can't be heard I would she keeps tasting it or no I definitely didn't know how okay how's it going just taste it see you can get it only gives it a left and what's kind of janky sweet chicken ah Thank You flame I feel like this product right here is the thing that vat19 I swear is famous for it's a gummy worm the big boy I've done too many videos of that looks moist in the bag worms are this kind of weird name imagine oh that's how he describes people looks moist in the back haha way too deep I hated that I've done a lot of these with the gummy worms too much even I took a small bite I like small gummies you know you like small gummies in bulk not bulk gummies small yeah that's it keep it were me if it were me I'll sit at the dope though that's a fatty dope alright so that was bad 19 she gone now I'm gonna move on to some would say a cult classic Amazon Amazon can you actually play a ukulele er like a guitar yeah I can play guitar well it's blue dope or no color dope Renova snedecker there's maybe a beautiful say I don't know if I ukulele there you go you're doing it oh the rainbow how I do with these little frets isn't good enough I definitely grade that enough there's actually a pretty nice ukulele though like it feels pretty quality can you play I used to be able to we're gonna mix things up and you potentially wanna win I couldn't hear you I couldn't hear you over my ukulele boy we are doing I like to give away guys as part of today's hype triggers so be sure to tweet us at high fives Oprah nope using the hashtag doper nope giveaway and a random winner will be selected within 24 hours and we'll contact you and should we sign it as we give it away heck yeah let's start it is my signature now it's circles so I'm sure this will fetch a mean 20 bucks on the Internet honey but we do this while the rest of the dopant herb team sent us as well just so you guys get a fool little guitar from us to you what did you find Michael could it be what I think it is American mullet socks yeah what just a mole and then you said socks at the end Oh some kid literally just grabs his girlfriend's weave and just so did I and flying a kid can have a girlfriend with these socks if you get a girlfriend with these socks on you're way better at spitting game than I am that's big facts oh that's wow that really looks like they intended it to put one of your shoes up here on a camera wow he looks like the kind of adult that goes to an elementary school and plays dodgeball with third graders nope I'm gonna read it a note because it still is more hair than I do next product the original tiny hands I just want to do that happens to the best of us I can just see the boldest part of your hands though your forearm alright so the dopa nope team put together some trivia questions whoever loses this game of trivia you have to unbox the rest of the video using tiny hands I suck at trivia this is fast trivia so you have to be ready this person is building a tiny town in their backyard woods next question all right how am I supposed to know that who knows that I know that this person is a vegetarian DJ this person once rode two stacked skateboards down a hill into a laceration Joe Katherine Alex Zach will Matthew Robert Ashley Ashley - skateboards into a light pole see that sounds pretty she okay why'd she stop them this person is backpacked from Alaska to Canada see Cole Sierra Ashley Anna Dave Dave the man in the room in Seoul how do you know you had a backpack this person's had the same pair of Converse for eight years CJ everybody at the office I don't know if the target Rose Sam what gunner yes nasty pair of Converse yes this person chipped a tooth and how to get it glued back in Pat yes really Mathias has one point you both have two points this person has walked the red carpet the Academy Awards here Joe Kevin Dave Noah Jake you helped set up you got one guest from now on Michael Cain does ramble off every name of the student yeah one last question these two people speak a dead language Mike in Dona Ana winds so mad amount of points yeah you can still hold him normal yeah you don't show your hands you could say hi yeah like you'll have to show your I love being next hey guys welcome to MTV's next what's in the black box you might say I don't care pokemons wait Digital monsters what came with Amazon the UVO so it's a case for pokemon cards I wanna see if there's any rare cards in here yeah give me give me like one of those holographic ones I'm gonna give you guys each a card that I think best resembles you so I'm gonna pick one for me gate there's the one for sure just the really lame loop and then here's another one alright I'll pick yours then nope I already picked mine here's what I pick okay what's it look what you eat fly yeah okay some attacks are meditite and that leaves Michael to being okay I found manky has a manky it's a monkey like a monkey okay mine are gonna be way more accurate unlikely michael is a Geodude I thought about that one this is absolutely Tanner shook scraggy mrs. robot you can't even pronounce that you ain't that cool brother here's an advice how are you because you like recklessly charge into new obstacles brother let's see what you think of yourself you made yourself a lobster cuz this also relates like my sign of cancer so it spoke to me zodiac weak Michaels are discarded guys nothing about her minor Matt so kappa thises nope bad switch fast but I think this project was a dope I love pokey name cards if you need this space it's but pay soap oh it's literally just one force yeah it's one bar of soap one side you scrub your butt with one side you scrub your face because you get poo flakes on your butt sides so they try to hide it if you get the brown side on your butt you get the poo flakes on the brown it doesn't look so bad but when you get the poo flakes on a nice thing a dove on the face white like who's not wiping well yeah it's a bit concerning I think they're called dingleberries if you have dingleberries you need some wet wipes for your life brought make sure you're getting everything cleaned out nothing sounds better than a dingleberry salad no I'm saying it's a note I don't want any part of this conversation anymore usually properly wipe yourself and cleaning yourself flawless advice out of microwave also make sure you wipe it was on done next I'm opening you can't just throw in a two-footer at me like that who this thing dude it's a Midway classic arcade Mosley one with the joystick on it yes I got a joystick it's got some classic games in it I'll have gauntlet nice good this thing hey you didn't boxes with your tiny hands everybody make sure you boom with ice in the comments down below thank you I'm gonna play joust be careful little ostrich got him dude five hard pointers alright next wave get at oh no I lost the light so what are those little things that are those mosquitos no dude it's Joe sing them alright the stage is getting smaller last week they all came out before you and then you arose reset I'm a boy defender oh it's like got a Galactica Galaga Galaga what are these things I think you can go as low as you want I think you go below the mountaintops get out of here baby who you calling beat oh oh dodge that whoa that good you got teleported oh there's people down there protect those people oh how can I tell the difference between shrapnel and their bullets annoyed this is pretty cool though outfit is a joke for sure I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take this home - cuz Amanda loves joust so I first played the game in their planet I don't know I said it's so weird maybe gaming okay it's our favorite game on the planet I'm gonna use two products for this one - count them two products one - got it this one is from the person who sent to us - the mystery box hacked specially for doper nope thanks guys hope you enjoyed the unboxing PS the toilet paper is a free gift Thank You Jessie for your contribution to the dopant up Family Center so we're still even get a fan mail inbox look alright so he sent us this toilet paper for free this is Scott comforta plus he does have lunch let's get a little weird that's what you got to do take this now here go Ashley have some TP the other project we have it's an X solar charger solar AC combination power bank this matter Michael what buckle buckle is this waterproof let's find out it definitely has he actually missed it so as you can see the water deflected off of it it is waterproof just a day in the life of science it's just a power brick next product a teener so asking on TV we got magic tracks our seat so pretty really landed like that I don't know why that's why he talks better when I talk at him they did so yeah I didn't talk to them they give you different colored tracks and you can piece them together the different up teams built some tracks so let's throw something we're good wow wow wow that is aesthetically pleasing whoa this works impressively well this is good look at it go can you take a left here all right so pretty much you got go which propelled you forward you got this little like turbo wheel it makes it go a little bit faster this blue one makes you let it back it up so the cool thing about this track is that it like changes shape and it'll follow the shape now it looks like a tadpole but a really sad tadpole a sad pull you might say why you keep going backwards switch it up on them yeah I'll let's see what you got rookie yeah rookie mistake alright that's it for the eBay mystery box now is the Etsy he said it I'm gonna bring out the whole box here because it's all the same thing it's just a bunch of shirts from Etsy heipiess Etsy says the seller of the mystery box like they can have different themes and this one's Heidi wow dude you finally got your first supreme shirt super keen see here's the thing that's what's the irony right is because anyone who doesn't wear this isn't impressed by it only the people that buy this are impressed by the people that wear this I think people involved in the fashion world and will know about it but if you're just like a casual everyday citizen who just wears whatever then probably not casual everyday citizen for the casual everyday suit are you Batman the dobro team instead of a game that we're gonna play and see if we can guess what the real values of items should price is wrong let's see if we can guess that price welcome everybody tonight a fortune and fabulous shirts may go to our contestants if they can guess if the price is right first we have a supreme long-sleeve cotton white shirt please place your bids on your respective whiteboards tell me how much you think it is whoever guesses the closest wins the round which means you get to keep the shirt Michael a hundred and ten okay cuz it's a pre-baby streets pricey oh it says a hundred can shake what does that mean it's a hundred a thousand one hundred dollars you put the call in the wrong place No oh you did put 800 $1 800 pizzas the pizza is worth $2,000 but I'm pointing to one slice Kaiser is an eighth eighth and eighth of $2,000 so his answer is 250 parade the answer is 1288 commander dish so I can you a closer eye on what even is that number why is it moving on to the Fendi aroma t-shirt this is a black short sleeve we'll start with Tanner this time what is your bid I put $1.00 Santana which are you trying to lose dude who wasn't aware that come on dude all right Michael what is your bid 500 all right well except that not a fan of Fendi no you missed it in the fine print 701 you what you didn't want that's America all right congratulations to Matthias moving on to the palace which obviously means Co tool Michael you look like you have a bit what is your bid maybe for Matthias it's a power dry pretty quick see the fine bring your bid is 4 into $20 defense I'm for 20 I like that all right so the winning one is the $101 sorry do I want to get one again this is property of Matt alright so missions to Mathias for wearing two shirts Michael for winning one I feel like I'm the bigger winner it's like golf I came out with the less fake t-shirts so I think I came out on top all right next product we're looking at pause now what is pause so pause is a nonprofit organization that they're pretty much trying to reduce exiling of dog the amount of animals in the world oh well I am proud because I'm starting off with jewelry all right so this is kind of cool it gives you a pop ray slit and also I was like planets and stuff on it charms maybe and so then I also have this bracelet here which is also a paw now here's where I'm confused what creates the sentiment for this you can't put it on your pet no it's for you to know that you're helping save the lives of dogs oh so this is what I get for being a dog Savior yes when you pretty much purchase their mystery boxes you're like donating to their nonprofit charity do they use Sarah McLachlan's I can't say that do they use that they do you have my support if you don't you still have my support because I love pups I'm guessing this necklace is for like a five year old that's a choker lucky girl man guys let me know down below if you'd swipe left on this or right on this on tinder yeah I probably yeah oh shoot guys so this isn't necessarily from this mystery box but we want to share it in this video that the dog walks and a previous video titled 10 products humans that treat her know in a previous video tiles I bought the first 10 products Instagram told me to we pitched it like to buy this a few no need to wake you up we fish their previous like to buy in which we said that we would pretty much make a clone out of Zeus do you think that looks like Zeus no to light what you like to look like well he's like he's too brindle like oh why like toned Oh like light no no no it's like a taxidermy I don't like it you know it's just stiff like you can't even cut with it that's gonna get clipped if you get upset about someone beating up a stuffed animal there's a special place for you it's called the common oh do you just cook the comments-section woke me up I'm gonna say it doesn't look exactly like him but it still would though honestly you should videotape them and seeing each other yeah we'll see that all right let's go meet him so as you guys know the dopes Renault team made a clone version of Zeus Zeus is already kind of staying himself down a little bit so let's introduce them and see what Zeus thinks okay this seems right all right first things first I thought dogs read each other just enough each other clones news doesn't really sneak them back do you like him Zeus Zeus is uninterested real Zeus is just showing while clones use they'll exactly look like one I'm sad to note this is the last bit in this little thing there's got some stickers here pause do they do good stuff I don't know anything about pause that is the ultra non-profit t-shirt you know what I'm saying just that font it's just like it's like the color and the design is just like nonprofit I just think there's a bit of just like misguidance with the mystery box like I was expecting to get dog products yeah not human products I must say no on that mystery box yeah no I'm saying a dope for the car yeah a dope for the cause and note for the products I like you thought it was gonna be dog products who would you guys say had the best mystery box about 19 is my boat Sam for number one about 19 my boat is Amazon well you lose cuz we say 290 number one I'll say eBay number two what wait ukulele Amazon oh I said yeah you just scared whoever's loudest what if I started getting loud no all right guys if you enjoyed today's video be sure to click that video right over there that is a video that YouTube recommends just for you and this oh and this video right here is the last of mystery Amazon return crate that we unbox there was a lot of good gadgets in there so you gotta check it out and it's right here in the middle that's the subscribe button so be sure you subscribe and in the comments down below let us know what your favorite part of today's video was I just ripped it off do your next so red don't show I'll see you next time peace page
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 3,593,408
Rating: 4.9132004 out of 5
Keywords: mystery box, mystery, ebay, mystery unboxing, hypbeast mystery box, amazon, vat19, mystery boxes, from, opening, etsy, gummy, candy, strange, in real life, unexpected, bought, funny, video, fun, comedy, new, challenge, how to, top 10, prank, buy, buying, I bought, unbox, unboxing, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios
Id: 7pfIY0WEyKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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