Unboxing a GIANT Amazon Return Crate Full of Tech Gadgets!

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this is a big claim TV ears saved my marriage wow that's definitely not legal the last person to be alive wins what's going on guys welcome to dope or no the channel in which we great products dope or no or we get giant shipments of boxes that we have no idea what is inside them a white kid I sent you back hey man you're stuck with me for life now it's official okay we bought a enormous return crate from Amazon just huge look at this thing gigantic you've never seen anything like it I guarantee it it's full of items that people have returned that they bought from Amazon so we're gonna look and see if they're worth keeping after the return or if they just should just get returned again yeah and a little heads up I want to be changing clothes out of this video quite frequently and don't ask why it's just Joe like hey don't even mention it they wouldn't even notice yeah not not a chance basically he spills a lot yeah I tinkle sometimes they call me tanner tinkle back in school hey this is the first product I found it's made by the Discovery Channel what it is is it looks like it's an electronic lie detector whoa oh so we're gonna be getting a little bit personal here so it has electronic pads that you seem to strap to your hand I believe and then it'll check your pulse to see if your heartbeat it raises or not first install batteries next head and finger bands boom heart rates going alright if you go wait wait ask a question and press the analyze button what about baseline it tells your ear okay ask him a question like ask him his name first okay like test that's a good idea they do that they do that is your name Matthias no ding dong ding dong ding dong you're lying no that's it's green it's rose it's true you're telling the truth do you like me more than you like Samantha yes do you love your wife yes I don't want to be that guy but this is literally no matter what we say it's gone true Falls yeah it's not real this is not real put it one on your finger and one on my finger and then watch this all it cares about his connection see you see how school all I cares about is connection it's not actually reading my heart it's almost like this is me here's why I think this is a dope though imagine having a kid and you can easily have a kid I don't need to imagine them know but knowing I have a second one on the way i doubly don't need to imagine but imagine this you can bait your kid when they get to that age of five or six be my kid yes indicating the answers in life I don't know what to tell you but like my kid does not lie my kid is not aware of what lying is you want to know something every parent thinks then no no learns to lie no my kid doesn't lie to me little smack me in the face will be like did you just try to smack data and she goes yes I don't like did you just hide eating food she like pops up she's like yes no for me next probable you live what you got in there big boy alright mini-drone oh okay tiny little Joan and I got all the space in the world here to fly it around honestly all drugs would be millions in this big space perspective oh yeah it's actually pretty cool it looks like a little racing drum [Music] this guy's a drone expert by look at it oh so one doesn't work yep that's a problem right off the bat what in the heck sorry you can gonna look she's trying to move a tire hold on I think you gotta give it like a like throw it wow they're all spinning there's potential there where is it I just don't understand what it wants to do it's just not flying maybe it's it's like a glider like it's a drug lighter I think it's trash I'm not expecting a lot of professional products coming through here gonna be honest with the air Bob I mean these are returns aren't they okay smart aleck maybe that guy dude look at this Super Nintendo classic mini you got some Mario in there zel door Maria Maria Maria the box is so beat up no TV no this is all like beat up I'll be shocked if this works look how tiny it is comparatively speaking to like when it came out before Sam was born HDMI out so this is part of a little product line that like Nintendo and like even Sony's been taking on where Sony recreated the PlayStation 1 yeah I don't camp recreating all their stuff wait what all for it okay ready I'm turning it on oh I see something look at this look at this this looks like whoa dude look at all these games I don't feel like you are you don't know how to play Mario that's why that's your problem we take turns as a turn-taking fan Yoshi come here buddy hey dude this this brings back memories dude I'm telling you a man who would absolutely love this Oh remember the five days of dodgeball Samantha dodge duck dip dive dog the mushroom hi you have to run and jump Sam or you can jump off that pipe that sounds like so much worse are you complaining about doing nothing just it's why and then just run and then B Y and then B all the way up this hurts oh I did it but she got halfway so I'm sure now eat that show Oh No go up to it no God no what happens when you try and talk to me dude I think this is a dope I absolutely say this is a dope we have a mysterious unmarked box don't open it it's gonna be something good mr. Ely what Sam what spit it out what what Sam what's the music box it's a DIY music box and I only know this because I bought one of these like two months ago why don't I feel like a shoutouts coming you do DIY Thanks this isn't about totally trendy does it rhyme with smote Alicia Mende no so it's essentially just a custom music box you do have to have some musical skill to find the note on the sheet of music Boyle boy do you although you're saying and then you punch them so I can make it play backwards [Music] well it looks like we already have a song punched out oh wow over here what is it back so you can literally punch this out yourself yeah and that music box will play it so the team the Dipper Knope team has punched it out or did it come like that it came with one fully punch so we don't know what its gonna be it could be everyday bro let's open up any moment well if you're not playing at the right temp I'll never guess it yeah she's never done I'm trying to figure out what the tempo is it's just this it's just 120 beats per minute so I'll play someone first time playing a piano or a bunch of sounds death no but it also sounded like it was in the wrong key yeah not even close happy birthdays in a major key yeah no you're gonna way too fast you see the revolutions for a minute he's done it's cuz we don't know whose name they put in the middle if you guys want to see what our own song sounds like go and hit that join button down below become a member because that is where we're gonna post it cuz I don't think anyone else besides members wants to watch that yeah it's exclusive content share punching holes for 20 minutes I'm gonna say if you're an avid music box fan I would say it's a dope it works well it's made well I'm gonna say it dope as well what you got okay bye eggs more spy stuff it helps you spy on your ex did it come like this came all broken came broken and beaten just like me oh is that what kind of tube is that where's that supposed to go what that's it you put on your mouth oh no what it looks like is it's night mission goggles but beat to snot I just heard an elephant behind me I like literally if you just sneeze I wouldn't have even looked over but you're like so it's a little tricky for this reason it's supposed to be the Tilley wig toi awards top fun award winner top fun we'll see it will be the test of that it's you can see up to 25 feet in the dark so there's supposed to be for like night-vision super-bright LEDs for spying in the dark well wait spying in the dark but they're super bright spy in the dark what's super bright light but you also get a spy's north it goes I can see right up in that desert yeah I do Oh what I don't have that second piece that's what I'm missing because you're not like me can you even look through it yeah I can't like I said I could see up Sam's nose really yeah you have to boogers left nos it's kind of funny though because if she you can like her mouth is really big but you can see the rest of her face kind of he's got a really big mouth and the rest of the face is normal that's an insult dude big monster cool bro big mouth good let's go ahead and take this into red base and see it in the darkness black car keys I can't see anything through this cuz it's dark can you see anything Samantha the green is effectively useless but like look at this wall like [Music] [Applause] yeah so these pretty much works so I'm gonna read these a job because this is a really good lighting in the dark yeah but it's not sneaky by any means because you can literally see where the lights pointing what is this dude it's a king it's a little itty-bitty video game machine most likely with all the knockoff stuff on buttons 82 in one please press Start key I don't think there's anything good that happy Barrio wow that's definitely not legal so I've just found Batman love that this is legit a Batman game dude that guy just took me out what the heck what the heck Batman you're supposed to be invincible where's my special abilities to Batman all I have it's fists why is his head a square that's an actual Batman game how do I turn the ball like that I think it broke I barely dropped it oh now trying to connect to the internet that does not bode well for are you backing didn't we progress no I did this is the Start screen of the entire system oh yeah all right well it works you could just download roms on your phone though and yeah plus it's illegal so don't so this is illegal so I'm never gonna suggest that you buy illegal things okay ye legality isn't know I'm gonna say no yeah if you're breaking a lot urine oh you here to here you this has been a message from doper no here we go yes hey guys guess who's back it's me alright sorry I had happen all right so this here is the keyboard waffle iron this is extremely heavy probably do some of these with it it's not Thor's hammer one hundred thousand three hundred thousand it's actually pretty how do you feel that the way this waffle press works there's a little button in there pop it open oh so you pretty much pulled the waffle ingredients into here that's a real pattern you slam her down oh oh you got some shake and pour you gotta know Sam loves waffles I don't laughs oh oh cuz they're sweet she likes the sweets I like I like the sweets this looks really cool though I've never used this shake and pour it's not somebody gargling glue it smells like pumpkin it's not like a pumpkin this guy's never made pancakes no I have that does not so I think it does not smell right thinking no you're right that does not smell right yeah I know how to smell food I eat way too much food fired what we just need to see if it works we're not gonna eat it yeah oh my gosh you're gonna cook that and it's gonna smell even worse I'm lucky how's it supposed to work bring it down town and you throw it on top so we're just gonna wait I guess unbox the next product my it's on it's on I said it was on is it on reamed it you see you wouldn't burn yourself going Tanner it's on you did it like three times I did not recall cap or no cap what nice product check this out suckers that's right now to open boxes or something in it pardon me dad it's laser battle blue know what Ella green we all want to see yeah we're all pretty - chattering now it vibrates - oh that's cool well you look like the most budget version of Robert Downey jr. dude you couldn't play teams on that mean you'll be on team again Sam what did my boss but feels good keep shooting me massages your chest so here's what we're gonna do guys the last person to be alive wins against Matt oh I'm sorry come on the last person to be alive wins on hit you no no no I'm just a you're covering it you realize yourself you gave yourself another why'd you one-up do I passed away I'm already dead I got chopped I think you for my your costume no I shot you okay let's try it again let's trigger turn it off oh you can change your team right here oh that's cool okay now we just didn't know what we were doing yeah I don't know where he is am i dead it said one more life but I can't fire I'm dead so I would definitely have to say that was fun I think that's a doe I think so too if you're young and restless I don't think it's young I just had fun and I'm old yeah so now let's check to see if there was if the waffle iron is done okay [Music] wait we're supposed to Pam is we didn't Pam it we didn't butter or Pam the waffle iron yeah bad though sure okay so it is expired so not necessarily a loss on the waffle side yeah I mean like I'm sure this works it's just a waffle iron yeah like I'll give it a dope yeah I think it's really cool and I'll let you play with your food nothing is better than playing with waffles with your fingertips I gotta came in here to really see them all yeah I know this one's good Matt you coming to an age okay oh no she was gonna insult me I thought she was asking for help yeah you're getting old you're gonna die soon man need a little help when it comes to volume and watching TV oh there you talkin hair oh wow Shay okay so TV ears original wireless TV ears on TV years two speakers no TV TV ears this is a big claim TV ears saved my marriage problems are you having TV years is hurting your marriage this is a complicated box and I opened it up oh that's a lot of work can't you guys just like agree on a volume is this really necessary I think it's for a heart of here I mean I'm sure it's used for that you're right maybe way it's absolute is that you can listen to it at a different volume than the TV itself is playing in this picture the woman doesn't have them in and the man has them in so basically what this is saying is men like their TV volume way lighter than the ladies do is this accurate it's it's accurate from my parents oh it's also accurate for me and my wife she's always like turn it down and I'm like I can't hear it yeah this was a return I was gonna have you put these on but they have been used you put them look at will they find my marriage rings an ear disease but there's like foundation foundation looks like there's like makeup on them do I look like a princess you look like the Pope the idea behind this is that you plug in your TV into this thing and then this goes Wireless to that it looks like something that tracks for alien movement nearby or for ghosts well I feel like this would definitely be beneficial like you said for like anyone hard-of-hearing possibly I'm gonna say nope though you know have the volume as long as you want and let the cards fall where they may communication will save your marriage not this before we get into that next product big shout out to Casey in the squee de for clicking that join button and being a member want to say thank you very much shout out to all the members that are supporting the doper Knope channel if you wants to brother do burn up channel check out that join button there's multiple tiers you get all sorts of crazy fun things you get livestream you get people dance footage you get emotions you get love I'm compassionate passion from the Evernote team yes something very much next product now so this right here Jabra wireless headphones Wow oh this is a potential dope oh that's some major oh let me see it I don't want to look but I do uh-uh honey did they use teeth you clean that that's a I can't say that's a dope like I have a pair of these these said they're $250 they're really really good headphones they don't noise cancel but they block out a lot of sound because it's like suction and they stay in your ears really well so therefore like running and stuff like that yeah there's Parmesan cheese inside that looks so nasty yes and if you figure out how to clean them then they're all yours I already have a pair how does Amazon thing is okay to sell these videos that's so gross but seriously they might be worth cleaning I know that's what I'm trying to think through right now hey if you want to clean off someone else yeah we're like the internal struggle and conversation I'm having with myself honestly I'm not gonna let me show ya tell me how expensive they are Jabra wireless earbuds this exact one $149 because you could like just take a ton of alcohol wipes to it Samantha you were thought of one throw away that that part all I know is I hate everything about it so far some I saw Parmesan cheese on the ears no go for me so Sam you got to decide right now you taking these home or not cuz if you're taking these home it's a dope if you're not it's a note and this is this is what all comes down to we've got now I know for sure can you clean the parmesan earwax I can can you beat it I think we're off like a talk show up you're so brave live another years I can't believe it hey it's my turn is it you can go if you want i gift you my turn yeah why you're tall just what you do that was a product that was a product probably an oaf anyways yeah I was supposed to protect your Apple watch they should have made a protective cover for the protective cover yeah it's not gonna work looks kind of nice it looks really nice it looks like nonstick dude I actually want this like none of these are worth taking down there so I'm just gonna I just want this do no I want that I need that you guys want to ride a plane I'm gonna use these notes for what that's right give you a ticket too cute $30 charge people for being good let's see they're used what does this one say no on do you guys write that it came like this now I'm curious about it this is just it's just a phone case dude lightning cable wait what let's turn into his Christmas I know I wanted it to be my Christmas see if you can figure out what this is but it extends it back into a USB I think it's just a longer cable that's what she said these are two different cables that goes come like micro post-it man shows up for the day no these are just two they're just two extenders bro you got a bunch of stuff to make tamales these are price tags their garment price tags those look like the like hipster thrifter in me is like those look thick do you go Sam we should make like clothing a lot of us you know I'm saying like this would be this would be like a cool thing on a t-shirts like have we here Tagg to know how much it cost like which one is it gonna be so these can kind of like dual work dual purposes like a fan wasn't my biggest fan don't choke me again I love being tall if I can reach all the way in I thought you said broad the arms alike look help broad arms he's like three years older than maybe this one too I got some art here this is made by Vincent van no I got a calendar of flowers I'll give you guys a quick rundown and what all the flowers are without reading yeah the names of the yeah yeah I'll open it up and you name it okay name that flower daffodil peach boy that is not a man that's a lilac no that is a blueberry scone yeah that's true that is a dandelion that is a blue tongue a blue tongue daffodil the Horned blue tongue yes that is a lavender Lily that is a sunflower without all the happiness you're welcome for all that knowledge I learned a lot from bra bra bra bra I learned a lot from broccoli Rob Rob thank you very much for watching this video guys if you enjoyed it make sure you click that video right over there that's the last Amazon unboxing create pretty fire pretty hilarious this video over here is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy will you I don't know if you trust use you if you don't trust YouTube then click the video I suggested okay maybe not you do
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,881,679
Rating: 4.8951907 out of 5
Keywords: mystery, surprising, unexpected, bought, funny, video, fun, comedy, new, how to, top 10, prank, unbox, unboxing, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios, trending, haul, on amazon, irl, amazon, amazon return, amazon returns, pallet, mystery box, mystery unboxing, crate, gadgets, cool tech, best tech, tech, tech under
Id: bos3nfWbUPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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