10 Products Only CRAZY Cat People Would Get!

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how're we gonna do this thing you want me to try to the human I need a cat what is up welcome to dope or nope the show where we rate products dope or nope or when we lose our voices we ride in comic sans to our friends to express our thoughts that may be not correct I don't know what he wrote but assume it's something mean about me okay can't trust that guy today's video is something special it's a video called ten products only crazy cat people would get featuring someone named cat actually guys from here on out this is a rule or else you're banned from the Shadow Realm you called her rose and if you see anybody not call her rose let me know her name is rose guys she is one of our most exquisite talents she has a blog channel here called Rose she also just had a new single drop it is called closure go check it out it is absolutely down with the sickness just like I am yeah Maxie missing his voice actually this is a blessing in disguise for me so occasionally I will be using this in lieu of my voice was that in Spanish let's go ahead check out that first product cat wine cat wine mmm wait that's just how most mumble rappers rap they just say the same word twice with like a space and wine relatable it's not like you're mumbling all the time I know the crowds gonna be upset but we all agree this looks like urine yeah it looks a bit disgusting I don't understand why you would want to feed wine to your cat I think it's because like the title suggests crazy cat people generally drink a lot of wine alone with some cheese and I think the cat sure your voice is user enjoyable I'll drink it for $100 oh is gonna bargain on the board one steal I don't need a flat number are you kidding me I'll take 99.9 I was at a radio station basic didn't sense here's what it consists of catnip wine for cats non-alcoholic that's important organic cabinet infused and said enriched with organic salmon oil I heard cats do like salmon what about your cat would it like yeah probably but my cat's already psycho as it is so if I gave like okay yeah there's that insane dude or cat literally run like over the place kinds of things like he's crazy what's this Mowgli is it wearing one of those things to blocking privates no that's besides the point I'm gonna add two great toss was here thank you this is what it looks like looks so disgusting do we have any wine glasses we have a giant one do it ingredients filtered water salmon oil organic cabinet organic food coloring that's not good why am i more afraid of the food coloring than the salmon oil we're catnip yeah honestly catnip and cat food are not the same thing dinner Katniss is like drugs for cats catnip is a plant we're gonna test it on the cat first and see if the cat even likes it oh my gosh whiskers what's his name okay so this is chanel she knows one of our production assistants here on Dover no she is great let's go ahead with the sweet comments in the comments down below wow this cat is not in love about but wait the cats like where's the darkest corner we know star see a shot but maybe this is just poison drink you drinking all right I'll do it I drink the whole thing how much that might kill me actually $1,000 really only Mon I could I'll be honest with you that's a lot of oil you throw it up you think so worth it give this guy to the page like we were talking about here three two one go I can't do this did you end up it's literally just like fish oil but like worse like grassman yeah can't get bad I'm gonna give that a note Darcy the cat did not like it and Tanner the cat also did not like it yeah this is like a flashback to high school when I hated reading out loud yeah I can't do doll bed with bed linen linen bag so this bed is actually meant for dolls but people keep buying them for their cats wait it's not meant for dolls look right here recommended for children 18 or older yeah it encourages roleplay it's a cat put yourself to sleep in time I'm guessing this is what we're going for oh dude it likes it Wow Oh No my voice came back so just that wow I want to do two tests I want to put the cat near the bed and see if it calls up to it and then if that does not work I would like to put the cat in a bed and see if it goes for I just don't think the cat likes being on display he's a shy kid and what if we all look away let's try alright everybody look away cats a little too scared she's just gone under the couch I'm a cat whisperer so no way it's doing it cats crawl like that Wow no no wow it's got a little ducky in its arm like like they're married come on tell me that's not cute now we can roleplay is it a doper no blink twice near me I mean I can see this being really cool for role-playing I understand that the star see is just not big enough because of you your voice sounds like a dog's voice there you go yeah that's a note for me not cool it needs a little bit of a mattress in my opinion I'll say it's a dope before the next product before the next product no it's time for the like to live what does that mean that means if you guys liked this video daddy's gonna get his voice back no you guys like this video we're gonna go live when I do have a voice how many likes 110,000 Wow and here's why and that like to live we will be reviewing a product and in that case if this hits hundred ten thousand yeah Rose is gonna perform 30 seconds up for a new song okay 30 seconds I would sing it make sure you like this video hundred ten thousand times and hit us in the comments with the wonderful word rose with the Z oh my gosh it's a leash use a toy you can train cats to do that but you can't train dogs to do that alright search it dog going into the bathroom toilet got the second weirdest thing I've type today umbrella with leash for small dog puppies 20 inch you know what Robert can you just do the robot voice and I'll pretend it's me kept dog of Briella we leash for small dogs puppies 20 inches back lens replace remove the uncomfortable dog raincoat remove the uncomfortable dog ring covered there's a giant gust of wind going straight down is what this looks like why couldn't they have thought of one that was an umbrella for your dog but also came up over you it was an umbrella out of their waste Margaret problem number two with this rain hits the ground but it doesn't just disappear after it's gonna start getting it all over itself wrong mud dogs boat dog boat on land yes put a dog in flow you put wheels on it car oh yeah a robber just put cat okay the car are you wielding like it's a weapon oh it is do you get the opposite of bad luck when you open that inside yeah how many two satellite TV stations do you get with that loads open less than my regular ears how do I attach the chain so it does the chain come with it there's supposed to be a bar that hooks through this they're gonna show you that you're stupid right now oh I have to do that copper Dave the position okay so we're gonna put a fake out on this because I don't think it's good because you mean if it's a cat I don't think it's cat nein Gucci may cut out using it with another cat get on your fours I'm a cat what have you seen a cat do what did you do at work today anyone have a glass of water no it's raining my hair is not getting wet this is working okay never run away oh I told you I rate that product elope from a cat's perspective yeah yeah trying to put your thing over that Robert I'm a cat and I thank that man oh that's right the computer translation yeah right beat pet carrier backpack anti escape what's the two words I hate to see next to each other anti escape cat carrier backpack dog travel carriers base capsule what is this product I want it like you God what kind of cat pokemons oh eight seven meows and it makes sense because they always get hit into space Team Rocket oh yeah this is just to keep me out safety wait what you ever seen Pokemon no my mom didn't let me evolution my dog likes it and is okay being inside and you're skipped because this isn't a dog product yeah this cats only I would never yeah put my pet in this for fear of hell 300 come on heat the reasons chocolate farther in there my bowling bag is here [Applause] yeah I want to say no cats were harmed in the making of this so I don't think we're gonna throw the cat in there this is what your cat looks like if I was carrying around Tanner in the bag let's see if Starseed wants to climb in yes he wants to do it herself she's thinking about it though she's like I'm out like where's that couch attic hey I don't blame her guys we're gonna ask you there's a pole would you put your animal in this and if you don't have an animal dog where they at where they go from dog and then kangaroo okay yeah that's in there well they give you ears so your cats like okay mama that's actually super cute I'm more interested in the cat not a dog I said a dog like that names Sherman he bit my friends Sherman sound like a shirt small pets will love snuggling up in the fur line pouch suitable for cats and small dogs what about kangaroos what a kangaroo pouch it's like anchor babe kangaroos I know a kangaroo pouch works it doesn't open up sideways and opens up look it's opening up sideways hang on no the side things are for your hands no so you can as a car this is perfect because we had an issue this morning when you showed up copying me oh you had to read through the rest of Shu what is this you just like get in there I'm being real to your rose you gotta put this on okay and try to stick that Kitty in you I like it all right now if we stick a kitty in here you got to make sure you close it really oh look those things are the cat play with them oh the cat is gonna love it just remember I'm your friend not your enemy and just slowly slider down okay hurry she's purring oh my gosh it works it's got toys you know what she's a trooper I just imagine a crazy cat lady at the DMV right and the cats inside of there longer you this is a cat just try and cut in line and somebody gives you sass you just take your cat out Adam is it cozy it's pretty okay pretty okay so is that an Oprah dope it just became cooler it's too meta for me I already got a fat fatty McPhatter said oh yeah I will say dope like but Pat acoustics FET acoustics get tuned hey bet acoustics Pet Tunes Bluetooth speaker preloaded with calming feline music great so what environment stress what no yes dr. Lewton you sound like bad things feline music for behavioral balance ah so the idea here is it's preloaded with special frequencies to calm the cat with frequencies calm your vocal chords out full I have honey and water for that I can beer honey with lemon it's not just honey in water that'd be weird Bluetooth compatible can you play anything yeah like Drake those are those call me Tunes your cats just like do you think this is gonna work in terms of what is it gonna play sound you think it's gonna calm the kitty now the kidney stone in the couch oh yeah maybe the cat will come out and we play the music what I'm gonna ask is for you guys to not move if you guys to be very silent while we play this okay ready [Music] the cry from the abyss guys like that music it was very soothing and serene I don't me like I'm gonna sleep kind of a cute speaker it's like a little cube right so now draw me out of underneath the couch for sure like cats don't like me so the way this works it looks like a little kitty laptop it has the scratch board at the bottom as you're looking right there a mouse a literal Mouse what it looks like when I photoshopped cabin put next to it it's running a line OS it's pretty much just a sick little cat scratch boy one thing I'm really excited to see is the easy slide in customizable desktop wallpaper custom wait rose I didn't know you've submitted a question is the person of his item dot the same as admitting one will forever be LM asking for a friend well no Jen you're so nice yeah if you buy this you are admitting to being for everyone add to cart' let me tell you why one product of these are smarter than the other literally a scratch track yeah that one has a mouse yeah you can Lily have a DJ cat you could have a computer wizard and compete little this I'm excited to see this works I'm gonna practice scratching on it and then we're gonna try and find star see you see a mr. Beamish I really want to address the lack of laptop chargers how am I supposed to use it you ever seen the movie cat vs. dog no the movie was called cat cats and dogs where the cats and the dogs hated each other the Maine cows named fluffy this what I imagine Fluffy's laptop look like I have to assemble it so I'll give you guys that sweet Aang it we got Kitty contacts plans tour a little her phone I got a cat the USB Drive is pen Mouse Drive I'll even have the vignettes how does it know and this is just how it's used I like it sorry you wanted the scratchpad sorry how that works she's doing it was a voluntary err she was like sitting on it she doesn't like it she likes the trash can kitty just has too much attention right now I mean like me cannot perform under pressure I read it I I read it no the fact that the scratchpad is about this thing not so cool I'm gonna give it a know what hot item limited stock that's how they get you to buy it I was gonna say I feel like that's a ploy to just like hook your cat or kitty uh will love you with funnies cap that scent will love you and I skip and no it's like it doesn't make sense with the lessons with it's funny cat pep said that's the product so they're gonna love you and the problem you know it's got catnip lavender thyme just kidding it's time no I thought it was funny I'm really funny rosemary is the worst just terrible we ever had rosemary bread terrible oh you're such a life spice rosemary is garbage I'm never gonna invite you over to my house it tastes like a headache it's so concerning that your headaches taste the same he goes every time I taste like metal like just lower my voice Robert just more my voice Robert first one drink it no don't drink it wins $5 how much you pay me to drink it funny cat oh this makes your cat funny safe pet products created by Mia at age 7 know me as the cat no you're a cat no you're a cool cat they all right oh I can kind of talk like this if I do it like Russian that's not right that's Russian yeah this is Russian as the clearest sentence you said today it is maybe I should just always talk like these I into work actually okay okay so do we give the cat then you have to put it on yourself put in your eyes it's an eyedropper put on my hands and the rubber on a cat yeah but you're just gonna alright let's put on our hands but the ice is allergic to kittens that's why his voice is all messed up I'm allergic to cats but that's not my pinch if I do to break the lid the whole thing I'll just do a few drops for each of us maybe do one two and three oh you're not a bartender calm down this actually smells great smells like Matt's house this house is only just one giant essential oil he's making fun of my wife I mean not beautiful she's beautiful she's beautiful and kind I'm going with the grain this time like first time he's ever met an animal are your hands burning a little bit it's just the feels ticking what you think I feel a little weird Oh mister she's so sweet yes he's like the most polite way of declining me I just don't want to be me how about you you're a cat you're funny huh like not be like I'll fake the dope because it makes your cat smell really good when you pet it agreed solve the whole problem of cat boobs is that song I think it is it's a cat activity center with hanging toy balls my sport best cat toys cat mag the best one it's five just the light you know I put loon in one of these things once these are humans they're originally designed for babies how do you know because I had one big cat toy with for hanging cat toy pieces encourages cats to bat roll and reach I did it card wow that was graceful this is like identical to the one Luna had it was much nicer Claudia we get it Lunas a cat Luna is bigger than a cat what are you doing I'm totally not for humans breath do this thing you want me to try to the human I need a cat a willing participant I don't think Starsky star C star C is gonna like this she doesn't even want to go on the table again this deserves five stars now probably an overwhelming amount of hands she's just nervous she's chillin you liking it she likes it I think it's gonna see has the hands she's like hey what the heck it's not the deal the deal with pets and pets only I rate that a dope it works hey Jane Timothy in a previous video titled ten products single people wouldn't want to get caught using we asked you guys for an insane amount of likes and you guys beat it down absolutely just destroyed it so due to your guys the overwhelming response we have purchased it and it is here let's go ahead and check it out everybody cat it's just up the cat exercise wheel running toy leopard play Kitty indoor treadmill Fitness new leopard anyone else hate leopard print things no I actually love them I will rub it yeah me too so in order to be properly tested Katherine bangin grab blows she has a cat that is an absolute maniac so we feel like it's gonna be way better for her to take this home and test it so she's gonna blog that portion and we're gonna stick it right here what's up guys okay so I'm back at my apartment I brought home the cat wheel that's the box in my cat mobile they say hi say hi or don't that's fine anyways I'm gonna try and build it and I'll get back to you so finished up took me about 10 minutes really really easy Wow I'm good at this oh man it's walking right up to it I didn't even do anything do you think dude are you going just more interested in the box that it came in cool that's fine okay so I know my cat super well and I know that his kryptonite is a laser pointer so I am gonna get that a shot I even have to turn on the laser pointer he just knows check this out mm see if we can get him to do it right here to work is he gonna do it I don't know just get the laser you know you want to know I'm just gonna watch it luckily work with me here okay no just get on here just get on here okay I'm gonna try this all right I tried thank you very much rose for that's insightful review I'm talking like this because it hurts my throat to talk any other way Russians proven to be superior Thank You Ana Hernandez for hitting that joint button down below and becoming a member and if you guys want a shout out just like Ana Hernandez make sure you guys do that as well now this is the end of the video but if you do not want the fun the end go subscribe to Rose she's fun on this both beat you up so if you want to check her out you know you click this video card right there and this video over here is a video from dog no it is a dog you are a dog goodbye
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 3,043,710
Rating: 4.9486732 out of 5
Keywords: cat, pets, pet products, cute animals, in real life, shopping haul, reacting to, react, 2019, unboxing, comedy, funny, fun, best, irl, reaction, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios. amazon, cool gadgets, hilarious, trending, hacks, life hacks, cringe, cringy, unbox
Id: UffISIP32tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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