10 Illusion Products You'll Never Figure Out!

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magically roll across a bill transforming it into another bill you pretty much making duplicates making better you're making $1 in the hundreds this is really gonna help out the economy that's kind of cool hold on a second that's actually cool hey what's up cool cats welcome to Dover note the channel in which we rate products dope or no or or what tell them tell them we wear sunglasses to secretly take a nap illusion products you will never be able to figure out and yeah that's a challenge you'll never be able to figure out how any of these are done it is our job to try and fool you you fools yeah exactly ginzu I'm wearing these sunglasses I have an infection so let's go ahead take a look at that first part if you use these printable templates to make your own moving off to Co illusions I don't see it you know what you don't get it I don't see anything it's moving it's still to me that is still to me what are you talking about it's a literally just still when I put the paper over I don't see my mom smash it what do you mean kind of zany balls hey Cassie Cassie balls books over you okay I get I get I understand I didn't print all right kids kids if you go to office max you better be doing it for work hey calm down calm down is my brother illusions okay so let's take a look at what it looks like beforehand it looks like a ball that is really trippy how are the ball is doing on the whoa whoa you see it was like yeah go fast on a crooked that's weird now it's a saw blade oh it's like I'm waving weird okay next this is what this one looks like oh it spins it that one shot is good it's a little crooked you see this it's balls going down but if you tilt it looks like bugs going to come on that's trippy America this is cool I don't see any gear the gear was there before haters you know [Applause] welcome someone well dog two tenors and adzick Emporium full of illusions my next part is a mere glass Pro magic trick stage illusion a gimmick so it's a glass that looks like it's full of water that you can you can swim you can tip upside down and it won't leak water I think they may calm one a little too thin grab your discounting mirror glass Pro magic trick stage illusion gimmick well in the story launch discount is on baby can you look at the product real photo product real it's a glass with the device does that mean the other product photos aren't real so has a divider I'm not sure what the actual magic trick is yet mirror glass will check out the like if you couldn't bouncing around the page it's hard looking I hate when websites take up 25% of my real estate yes get off my lawn you go a little bit up you can check out the demo video nope down bro real estate Oh Michael why yellow and he's just gonna turn it around hands he just turned it around I see sucka he just turned his hand oh yeah I went in the back misdirect we disrespectful it it's a mirror glass requires no skill even you the stupidest of monkeys can do it here we go guys this is it so the way this works is there is a double-sided mirror in here you put one thing in this side and one thing in this side I'm sure you're looking at that Mealing while I was obviously a mirror because we can see ourselves in it but don't mind back I'm gonna put sharpie boom no played you've been playing yes sharpy oh you like that back your hand be like wow look at this look at this Wow here we go that's gonna pour some water in here all the way to the top again no I am NOT like all the way to the top look there's no more room for it bro right now it doesn't look like there's anything in it but I'm gonna I'm gonna take the water out of it okay here we go now watch this you've got no vision kid I bet you guys expected me to pour even more water is oh look at all the space I just created first off it requires some skill apparently nope you guys I want to say it's a dope I'm just dumb all right guys this next brother is a like goodbye and it is from he mature Schlemmer Hammacher Schlemmer what are you saying amateurs number it's a putting pool table so we found this product and we found another nine products cool with it so we can review ten games that should be played differently if you guys want to see us get competitive and playing these games we got a giant pool we got all kinds of gliese some are cool somewhere bit cringy but if you want to see him let us know in the comments down below alright and give this video say 115k I was make it pop cool comment down below and we'll be having next brought up rare become invisible spell cast invisible spray okay so the idea here is to become invisible we don't consume and well I guess that's it but why would you wear clothes if you're invisible ah because then you're visible but it's super uncool great where no clothes out in public even if you're invisible because what happens if the spell breaks it's just naked out in public okay details rare become invisible spell cast by my ancient Genie - have you ever wanted to become invisible the spell will give you the ability to turn on and off at will imagine the possibilities catch an unfaithful lover see things that you shouldn't why would you want to improve it or hear what people really say about you when you're not around this spell will also help you if you have social anxiety do things like take the dog for a walk without other things you'll get looked at more because your dogs walking with Alicia this ability is very easy to use just concentrate on becoming visible in the darkroom for about 3 minutes that's it get this incredible ability now the card lets thing in the dark kids okay three minutes fast forward Robert hey man that's cool dude where are you guys you can't see me right here dude what do you mean right here we're checking out this next project no you just sat on me what are you someone salad me maybe i sat on myself cuz I'm invisible who would know are we still in the real world yeah think about me look I'm seeing ghosts you know kids to go sometimes kids see ghosts sometimes it's gonna be honest we're not being able to see you guys's face little lamzy divey a kid I you know I wish they had a mute you forever spell yeah I was supposed to last eternity safer 92 are we dead wait I feel like I'm coming back wait I can start to see you guys you guys are a lot uglier no I like being invisible you couldn't tell if I was here or not honestly I liked you guys better when the lights were off gotta be honest with you I was taking a nap do you think they have opaque spells just make you thicker well I say that's a dope kids yeah kids going by spells cuz it totally worked and there was no no mess around with the dark magic though thanks Bradley alright well it's called the invisible card deck 14 count I only paid something like what 10 20 bucks we bought it and they took down the listening yeah they took down the listing they don't want us to see it because we already bought cat but we're going to show you guys what it is we're here today so I'm gonna have to just select one randomly we'll go with ten arts just conveniently use the one I pick the card I picked something else what you would only what's the card in the deck it's not even invisible good trick what keep making great videos what the heck you guys all of the cards in the deck are supposed to be funny I need a deck cards okay do the trick I don't know how it works do the trick on me yeah in a manner where cars are back-to-back impair dance but give me my crutch to do the trick on this deck works every pairing equals oh don't tell me don't tell me I don't want to know I want you to perform the magic on me this is such a battery okay just do it on me now you have a big brain right so I'm sure you can think of a card who says I think you do so I'm sure you think of a card what yeah sure I'm sure I can - okay cool so think of a mental mentally think of a card like in that deck just think of an just like this guard know any card eight of shovels 8 of spades it's gonna be the only one that's facedown in the entire deck here we go are you doing dog I found it is so stupid 16 and not 40 hold on - wait I figured it out no you didn't BAM got your aide of shovels easy Michael it's shown you there's no way you got it I already figure it out baby saw the trick bigger you pick a card any card okay that was an easy one wait was that yeah it is okay so I'm not feeling any of these one it's not not anywhere anyway why are you doing it so lenient spread them out more bro why should I hide them [Music] impossible to separate these cars it is legit like so hard so the way this works the cards are always set into going to 14 so they always add to 14 front and back and then also the suit of the card is always opposite to another so like diamond is always going to be opposite to clubs and so on so forth right so the whole thing is as a michael says hey i want to see a five of hearts that i know i need to go to spades because all the way up to the spades are always hearts and then i just need to add 2/5 14 so 9 plus 5 is 14 so i go to 9 of spades 5 of hearts the problem with this is is you need to like have real side of hand but also when you get deeper into the deck you have to kind of like really push like look how hard I'm pushing to even get these a separate so like you have to kind of naturally do it I couldn't do it I technically did that the trick it's just like not a great trick hey viewers pick a card is that it let me know in the comment below okay all right we've got a 3d printed paradox illusion I got one photo to go with it Tanner I didn't do anything he farted no I hate that sound effect you sound effect sound effect is just a sound happen in my life it was like a sound like an added sound effect what are you doing Michael what is it all right so we got a 3d printed paradox illusion what's elusive about it pretty much depending on the angle that I will show you this 3d printed object it will look as if it is a whole piece and then you won't be able to solve it and then once I change the angle of it then you can see how it isn't a real fully connected 3d illusion it's an optical illusion you might say yes one could say that government that's what that's not what I bought you just have to look at it from if you've seen those apps where you have to like rotate something to like make it a line Michael you bought it yeah let me show you dog I'm not together right now you know I'm sure yeah he's got it Michael no you do not not on camera dogs matter dude we really paid seven dollars so that's what it's supposed to look like what it's like whoa how do I get it there that is the dumbest thing this channel is ever saying I'm a little disappointed to be honest what makes you think that well I'm gonna say this probably yeah I found it wow I love that can we paid eight dollars that's in and out we just wasted on this we just wasted that's like to burn heels I go meals I'm more curious about like these other things like it kind of could be a handlebar sometimes maybe also oszi look at that Z paradox illusion guys what's paradoxical about this you're using it but you hate it okay look so this is the app that I'm talking about poly sphere I literally just downloaded this now for the first time ever so I'm not like standing by it it's just like a very similar kind of experience but you can get this without paying a bucks or maybe not eight bucks a week in and out every week you're wasting yes okay so watch see the idea here is that you can like sort it a unicorn yeah when it's a game no you get like points why do I really like that so this way you can go down low it's a tree yeah exactly and you go really mesmerizing you know if you want to spend more time in your phone said no one ever do that I think that is a dope I think this is literally the dumbest thing I'm saying - nope Oh master next product okay magic maker is a money maker illusion bye-bye magic makers currently unavailable we don't know when or if it'll be back but that's okay because we think Philebus just in time so we have it and it is here with us you magically roll across a bill transforming it into another bills you pretty much making duplicates making better you're making $1.00 in the hundreds you're making ones in the huns one even a honey oh yeah it's like it's like $1 in the hundreds when the paycheck don't come in this is really gonna help out the economy so this has to have some kind of like stake where like the hundreds like rolled inside and maybe like it presses it on to the hundred and then you're like wow yeah it's like inside it collects one and disperses the other I imagine that's a money-making machine one customer view this thing looks cool but it sucks it only does fun and magic fake tricks roll your own money into TriPollar then lay down another dollar bill on the pad and it changes it to the dollar that's already rolled up this crap don't work like everyone says it doesn't they're live it's actually changing money this guy's like wait a second I put my dollar in and nothing came out I mean I have $100 to make on dollars defeats the purpose the worst illusion ever I have to actually supply everything alright let's bring it out okay so here we go it's setup we got the single bill here I can't I just never seen that much money Michael I cannot replace it if I break it hold on a second that's actually cool that is really cool it will go back the other way it's pretty neat that's pretty cool hey man I'll be the judge of what's cool I don't know what Darnell's problem was it worked perfect for us who's Darnell Darnell is a guy in the comments you have a hundred all you get is a dollar no skill Tanner so get hippy slap in the face it ate it you just traded it for a dollar don't go back keep the dollar keep the dollar should I come back I'll be ten to the club whoa go so this has to be like laying down two sheets of paper and it's just flat it it's just like it's not I'm gonna turn your trash into money well the paper inner needs a little bit flat now I did not understand I thought it was rolling out a card this is the most dope promise we've had so far today this is really cool wait I see the dollar I wanna see mine disappear I mean I'm impressed it took us a few times to figure this one out I like this trick I'll say this is a dope this would trip people out if you want I like this trick I like this trick is it a doper it's a doper nice product 3d 3d 3d printed 3d printed pretty it's another paradox gum not even the title is an illusion for me 3d printed Penrose triangle illusion so it looks like it's similar to the other one but it looks like a bit bigger I'm curious to see what the optical illusion portion of this optical illusion is it looks like it's 3d but it's yeah exactly oh I do see what you guys I said corners are in it's really hard to see that though alright let's go ahead and buy it now oh yes young mine you can definitely see yeah yours is really good yeah mine looks like it's always going up so if you go over here we're going this way it's going on top but then it's going on top and it's going on top it's going on top there's a picture that yi Robbie you can put up that that kind of shows this a little bit better but this is supposed to be in real life it kind of really looks cool but in reality it's empty yeah and like I can change the perspective of it a little bit to see like to get a different idea of where that depths coming from like like these all look kind of like the white one will get way better look how deep those shadows are look at that look at that so you can almost get old you can almost get a perfect star in the middle yeah that's way this nailed it my just put mine down and it looks like that these are slightly these are way cooler than the other ones yeah that random stick looking thing that was way less cool yeah that stick once sucked hiding this is joke just falling asleep together it's a doper product check this out what cats magic makers coin through car through card magic trick what is this device this is a suction cup for cards what is a suction cup of cards mean other side your fish this is one of those tricks where it's like there's no coin you put it on and then it just falls through magically amazing spectators as you magically make coins pass through a card for intermediate to advanced magic performance so pretty much yes these two suction cup Reno's are supposed to take one coin from one end of it to the other end but let me tell you what I think it's already gonna be there's gonna be two coins one on each side you draw on the other the other one falls out and it's gonna be like no way to coins coins you can't have two of them that's 50 cents yeah I would just recommend you just buying some candy instead of this trick with $35 for this trick holy Toledo a lot of coins do you buy a lot of candy it's got four out of five stars so I'm real real interested ok here we got some instructions here all right so you put both teams on top of the card top is empty one retained underneath shocker yeah you it we knew it the Cardinals you mean one Blanes hiya buddy mother's ass yeah look at that man where there's magic right now we make it more than magic oh my gosh look at that's a dollar fifty that's ice cream right there I pay you at the end of the month right they give you a card that had really horrible holes in it so you put this through the holes like that why don't they just make this magnetic how do you do that sleight of hand Wow the card in the middle of the tubes check this out now make it go through dang you're the worst at this part hey man I haven't even tried yet the tubes with the card in the middle will retain a coin when it is turned upside down at an angle not theirs nope are they high it's gotta be better it's really that easy what I what I got to do here is I gotta like hide a coin and like the cream like literally like that and then hold it like this and then be like you want to see a coin go through oh my goodness gracious it's just like it's the dumbest process ever and then someone's like you know let me see that a magician never reveals that he's single but you know what that is that it's uncool I miss Kisha next product oh wow that's a really bad name floating ring magic tricks play ball pen floating effective invisible soup powerful magic yo this was 40 bucks and that was only 20 we bought it for 40 that's a steal okay so I don't understand he's just like floating or the levitating ring it's a levitating ring oh this is so easy you propose with it it's as light as my heart is tries to grab is just an illusion huh I don't get it is there video like I don't understand why they're storing attach to it you have it attached to two fingers you pull apart it's just like it's just like the car is when I when I levitate it there's strings on your fingers yeah you're probably like oh it's like sitting on it you literally can put it on your finger then you could take it off and I love it I don't think that's it I'm just saying I just know stipe easy to do Maggie alright there you go we got hold on let me ask you that is my prior grip yo let me read the front let me read the front why does it come with all this stuff what is all this garbage because that's what you got a tie to your fingers oh my god because guess what there's string look I'm gonna make this flow but I want to do with my hands hey what's up cool cats wow this is hard to watch so sorry hi this is you know tripping this on the wrist rings aren't evenly spaced so that I can't like do it right check this out hey man relax relax oh so I was complaining about your work they make you assemble it yourself I see the ring of and she's not a magician what does she know I just like that Noah let Mathias fail for that long knowing he was like her do keep it why they were you especially you yeah that's so much work for like you want to see me float this ring what if someone says no to ours on the easy ones please sir please I'll pay well if you love this video if you liked this video go and check out that one that is a magic video super sick also if you want to check out another video that's one of you to recommend specifically for you do what he said I hope you guys love it and make sure you guys hit that subscribe button up around there and that like button and everything else because we love you so love us to America that's dealer
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,301,514
Rating: 4.9293938 out of 5
Keywords: 2019, top 5, top 10, fun, funny, funny reviews, reviews, comedy, friends, friendship, family friendly, unboxing, mind tricks, pranks, reacting to, try not to laugh, puzzles, games, toys, illusions, tricks, magic, when you see it, hi5, hi 5 studios, matthiasiam, matthias, dope or nope, dope, shopping, haul, trick your brain, iq test, puzzle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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