All Vocations Ranked In Dragon's Dogma 2! - Which Dragons Dogma 2 Class Is Best?

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the vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2 are vastly different not only from each other but from the Dragon's Dogma 1 vocation So today we're going to rank all 10 vocations from worst to best and then in the comments you can tell me how wrong my opinion is let's go let me know your rankings in the comments down below I'm going to rank these from worst to best and give you my reasoning talk a little bit about both as an Arisen and a porn vocation and I will say here up front that every single vocation is pretty damn good some are obviously better than others but they're quite unique and you can definitely have success with every single one of them so if I put your favorite vacation at 10 don't sue me and speaking of number 10 the trickster is number 10 now I I really wanted to like the trickster I honestly did but it's not versatile enough to really be fun to play to put it bluntly like the idea of manipulating enemies to have them attack each other jump off cliffs and you know it it sounds great in principle and it definitely looks great in the short marketing videos that they release but realistically at least half the time you're not next to those Ledges and cliffs that allow you to use those parts of the kit and essentially other than that you're basically operating as a tank that forces enemies to attack your simlr your illusion and then otherwise you have one buffing skill to buff your allies damage and then you kind of just stand there and and you know like the downside to that is that there these fights go for a really long time because the pawn AI while it being quite good don't get me wrong it's it's not as good as the play themselves focusing on weak points and enemy mechanics and the taunt is just so easy to get off once your simum is active and you've either latched it to an enemy with latching Effigy or cast suffocating shroud to like have everything in a massive AOE essentially just attack your illusion and then once you've buffed your allies you kind of don't have to do anything until the enemy dies and in some fights you know that's fine like it's a fun class to play around with especially when you're in those open spaces and you can manipulate the enemies and throw them off edges and like move things around but then in those tied of quarters or against boss fights you're sort of just like waiting for the fight to end which is really disappointing it's a really unique vocation and I I really like the concept here that they have tried to pull off it's just missing a couple of things in my opinion like it it needs some other skills like you know like at least like a single heal or another buff for pawns or even just any kind of damage like I really think the trickster literally all it is missing is some sort of AOE like poison skill that you can use very similar to like suffocating shroud that will just like poison enemies and do a damage over time effect on them right that's basically all the classes missing it's just one way to do damage right to give you something to do other than just make sure that your simil crumb doesn't die right that's the main issue here I think in my opinion right like I know that there are people that are massive trickster stands and I can totally see why this class is fun to play but just on its own in a vacuum it's not for me and it just doesn't have enough going for it to be one of the best vocations in Dragon stma 2 number nine on this list is the warrior this is the most controversial opinion I will make in this video I think but for for me to rank this like something has to go here and I think it is the warrior for a couple of reasons now some things I like about the warrior I'd love the the higher damage numbers you can get from its massive weapons there is something cool about playing these sort of vocations and classes in games where you've got giant weapons and you smack things with them and like they have that massive knockback potential and the Damage it can do but then conversely as the warrior the animations are very slow and it requires quite a high skill ceiling to be played properly because of being able to combo those animations together with that perfect timing to lower the animation Cycles when you're using it now partly because of that as well and having those big weapons and the big armor their carry weight is very high which is a massive problem in Dragon stock to that the carry weight is so low across everything and the class does take a while to get good going especially once you've got the dwar and smithing style and you get that knockback power and the knockback resistance so you can essentially stand there and tank everything and just throw enemies around with all that knockback power it does see a lot of success and is quite a good vocation in that way and if that's what you're going for but they are lacking some of the utility that a lot of the other vocations have especially compared to say The Fighter for example but it also comes into play a little bit when you think about the porn vocation as essentially like porn being a warrior they're in a way they're a little bit of a worse fighter as often like I've noticed if when I've had Warrior pawns that they miss their attacks so much because the enemies move quite fast and they're like loading up this massive swing and the enemy has moved by the time they've actually triggered it now like that's okay if you're using the warrior as sort of a supplement to a fighter and having them taor with Bellow and that sort of thing but the overall kit here isn't as flexible as the fighter or as defens iive as the fighter as a pawn vocation and it's definitely got its limitations and the overall damage output that it does doesn't outweigh these limitations in my opinion which is why it ends up nine on this list next is number eight and that is the Archer now I quite like the Archer the Archer can do a pretty insane amount of damage with its basic attacks right the default light attack is pretty average but when you steady shot it's actually fantastic cuz you can snipe enemies you can always hit weak points and that is like one of the critical Parts about this game is being able to hit weak points or deal just an absolutely insane amount of damage with basic skills so there is some really solid skills here right from like exploding shot that does great damage it also knocks back enemies the deathly Arrow that's also quite good here with some good Birch potential options as well from barrage shot to torren shot there is flexibility in the type of Arrow types you can use but conversely that flexibility doesn't come with any UT utility otherwise right like you don't have any ways that you can support your allies or even as a Pawn vocation you do typically want your pawns to have some sort of utility skills and here as a pawn they don't really have any options here and the pawns don't use like steady shot all the time to always hit the weak points either so it is lacking some of that utility in that aspect as well it's definitely a solid range DPS option with one of the best augments like being just The Archers endurance to increase Max stamina but like I think that that skill utility that they are missing here is why it ends up a little bit lower on this list compared to some of the other porn vocations and player vocations because you've got things like the Mage having healing and buffing the thief having stealing and snaring and the fighter having taunting and all those benefits outway just the potential of having a raw damage dealing vocation like this for the player and the oppn number seven The Fighter the Fighter's role in combat is essentially to play as a tank right you'll be in that Mill range you're the only class that can have a shield which is one of the best parts about that kit is the defensive aspects of it conversely though that does lead to some of the difficulties the fighter does have is because you're going to be holding your Shield up all the time stamina management is quite tough if you are playing as a fighter yourself but it is a fun vocation to get your hands on now I believe in my personal opinion that is a little bit stronger than the warrior because it does have a bit more flexibility in terms of its attack animations its defensive capabilities like you know not only Shield drum from taunting but also having augments like metal for physical defense and th for extra carry weight which is beneficial for porns across the board as well as yourself like there's a a little bit more flexibility in the fighter kit I feel than in the Warrior and being able to play as a defensive role and and if I was trying to pick between say a fighter Pawn or a warrior Pawn I'll typically lean fighter because of those benefits and I also like their weapon flexibility which is the same for the warrior too right you've got slash and Strike weapons but the fighter has some really quality weapons in the late game like a bunch of them that just like appear out of nowhere so it's really good in that aspect as well number six is the Warfare now this is a tricky one the freedom of this vocation is what makes it really beneficial and what makes it stand out but it's also what is sort of its main limitation right as being able to use any weapon whil it's not incurring all that carry weight as well for every single weapon and being able to wear any single armor and have every single core skill and basically any augment you want right like and all the weapon skills there is so much flexibility with the Warfare that it's almost its main crit ism is that it's hard to find what really works now because of that like you can find those combinations as well that actually work for you and even things that are just fun to play right like I think the key thing with the Warfare and if you're wondering about this vocation is to just pick vocations that you think are fun combine them together pick skills you like and just have fun right this game isn't that hard that you need to have like a perfect mid Max build all the time like I think the Warfare is just fun in that way but the main criticism here is that because you got all of that freedom it is hard to find things that really work and for the most part you're only going to have access to three skills cuz that fourth skill is being used by rearmament just so that you can simply switch between those weapons right and you're you're leaning on all the other vocations best parts about their kit or for the most part the best parts about their kit which means the Warfare doesn't necessarily stand on its own right like you know if you're thinking oh you know what basic attack or light attack is you're going to use you're really worrying about what other vocation you're using which means the war area isn't the main part of what makes that kit good if that makes sense right so I I really like the freedom here and you can really make some insane combinations like the Sorceress flare with the magic Arch's basic attack for just that insane exploding burst potential even using something like the trickster's like Pawn damage buff like we touched on earlier and then actually being able to attack with another vocation as your active vocation then right so you can remove some of the limitations of the other vocations but it doesn't stand on its own because it's reli playing on all the other vocations and you're actual having leveled them up having those skills Etc so that's why it sort of fits somewhere in the middle of this pack number five is the Mystic spear hand now it it it pains me a lot to put my favorite vocation so low on this list but truth be told it's definitely not the best in the game for a couple of reasons now it's a really fun vocation it's very stylish and it looks cool and it comes with one of the best aspects being that you can do both strength and Magic damage which is really really benef beneficial now it does have some limitations in terms of its armor resistances for such a mil Focus class though you can use the mirror Shield as one of the best protection skills in the game but it does lack some of that high damage potential that some of the other vocations have and some of those supporting skills other than mirror Shield that these other ones have as well now I think its lack of skill variety and flexibility is one of the downsides here now it does have plenty of skills right but they really boil down to either movement skills like being able to dash forward or Dash upwards or ranged spells like being able to throw stuff at enemies which aren't really any different to the basic kit of just the basic skills and the redoubted bolt which you're pretty much going to lean into heavily anyway it's not until you get the MAA skill wild Fury that you can deal an insane amount of damage with this vocation and the part of that downside is that the damage potential of the Mystic spear hand heavily relies on its maer skill and it's one of the hardest maer skills to get in the game fun fact Nick our editor was actually in charge of doing the Mystic spear hand vocation guide and he couldn't beat the Drake to unlock the skill all right don't tell him I told you guys even though he's editing this video You're mocking me aren't you but it's funny because you can get this vocation so early and then it takes forever to get that Ma skill and it just doesn't feel great without it when it's it's interesting because the maer skills for some of these vocations you just get them like immediately as getting the vocation for some especially some of these later ones so it just feels really weird that this one has such a obtuse maer skill in order to actually get compared to some of the others but anyway moving on to number four that is the sorcerer now this top four I really struggled with getting the order that I was happy with so I'm really interested to see what you think about this but so the sorcerer lands at number four because they have such a high amount of damage potential right now meteoron suming like that meteor shower just deals so much damage it's absolutely insane and like obviously you can use a skill outside because their meteors falling from the earth and if that's the case you can just use the flare skill which explodes for even more insane damage as well the only downside here is that they do lack some support skills but their damage capabilities outweigh that in my opinion plus the utility of levitate is definitely not to be understated either just being able to deal with some of the platforming in Dragon stet 2 like being able to move around there are some platforming challenges here but then there's a lot of chests and stuff that are you know hidden up on Ledges Etc and being able to use levitate just as a good way to get around those situations is really beneficial and it can't be understated how good that is plus there is some great augments here that are beneficial for other classes too like asperity to increase the likelihood of applying dehabitation Catalyst to increase your damage dealt when exploiting a target's Elemental weakness as well as sjcity to increase your magic damage as well like there's a lot of value in a sorcerer even though they are lacking some of the support aspects of you know the Mage for example or some of the other vocations I did also think it's weird that the sorcerer gets two maester skills than the other vocations technically I guess the thief but like it's really only one but it's also weird how in-depth this quest line is for both the Mage and The Sorcerer's ma skills well a lot of the other vocations either don't have a quest or they just give you the vocation ma skill or they're very obtuse like the spear hand one I just thought that was a weird a weird detail that sometimes it feels like some of these vocations have a lot more love put into them than some of the other ones and even though the sorcerer is missing a lot of skills from the original Dragon stle one it's still absolutely an incredible vocation the thief is our number three here now the thief is an interesting one right you've got the helm splitter attack which is your main burst damage that you'll deal on bosses and everything now I was originally sleeping on the thief right especially Helm splitter did not think that it was as good as it was it absolutely is incredible so it's really good for large enemies cuz you can hit all of that attack on them they also have some surprisingly large amount of utility that I didn't realize at first either right you've got the steel skill piler or plunder that essentially can take items off all of the enemies and having this on a porn is exceptionally good like you'll often get wake stones and Fairy Stones just randomly because they've stolen it from enemies like I found that to be just a really valuable part of having a thief porn and also got in snare which is a fantastic CC ability to rip enemies out of the air or knock larger enemies off balance like there's a lot of Versatility in that plus a great basic attack for fast attack Combos and solid damage plus they can dodge which you know is very unique to this kid as well so there's a l here it's like what's not to love like they have a very versatile kit both as a player because of the amount of damage you can do with Helm splitter focusing on those weak points because they can hold on to enemies for much longer than the other vocations plus as a pawn you've got all of that utility from the steel skill to in snare and then just having the damage skills that they also have plus their maer skills which is also quite good so it's really a high damage High utility vocation that is good for both the player and the Arisen number two is the Mage now this is the best support Pawn available in the game hands down and they have a ton of very valuable skills and there's a lot to love here so you've got things like the support skills like pum that just prevent damage from coming to all of you and your pawns like can't go wrong there you've got great healing skills you also imbue your weapons with all sorts of Elemental damage and focus on those weaknesses plus you've got the ability to do holy damage with imperion which is quite unique as well which you know is only good at night like it's very situational but it makes this kit a little bit unique as well and the MAA skill here Celestial PN like you can't go wrong here with having like essentially unlimited stamina and the Damage reduction it does and everything as well like it's absolutely one of the best vocations and the reason it it sits here as well at so high is because it's also one of the best as a porn vocation because of all that flexibility right like I think every party should have a mage in them whether you're playing it yourself or a pawn is playing it and it's one of the only vocations where I pay so much attention to those four skills that it uses right like if I either having my porn use it or picking one off the rift like I want to make sure they've got the right skills that I actually want to use and cuz there's so many that are really valuable to have whereas a lot of the other vocations it's sort of like you know three or four of them are really good and you're like as long as they've got them it's fine whereas a mage it's like ah you know like it's so much tradeoff between which ones you're using because they're all so valuable to have in your party which is why I think it's really good and it's you know it's also got levitate just like the sorcerer so you've got that freedom as well even your porns can use levitate like that's something that happened to me a couple of times that my porn was able to get me chess because it was a mage like very very valuable vocation to have in your party regardless number one is the only vocation left you may have guessed that is the magic Archer now this is in my opinion the best basic attack in the game because it heat seeks enemies and you can always hit weak points with it which makes it more powerful than the archer in that way it also has some really great supportive skills like life take a arrow to suck life from enemies into one of your allies as well as Bon to prevent some damage it's also got some really great damage skills like Mar's bolt might be the most OP ma skill in the game followed closely by meteon essentially even though you lose some of your max Health here the amount of damage it does at such a fast rate is like really hard to sneeze at it also has some great knockback potential with things like Arctic bolts you can knock the larger enemies off balance and knock knock them down to then follow up it's also quite versatile with its augments here too right like you've got the ability to recover some stamina when delivering killing blows you've got the ability to buff your pawns with physical defense and Magic defense like sustainment or their strength and Magic on the pawns from ascendency there's flexibility in this kit both in terms of a supportive role and a damage role for the Arisen that I think this is one that sees a lot of success for the Arisen even though it is an Arisen specific vcation compared to something like the main both of these like I think are almost equal number one right like the Mage is absolutely the best porn vocation and in my opinion this is one of the best Arisen vocations and that's why it lands at number one but let me know your thoughts in the comments Down Below guys thank you for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great [Music] day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 26,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2 vocations ranked, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 vocation guide, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 vocation tier list, dragons dogma 2 best class, dragons dogma 2 which class to play, dragons dogma 2 which vocation to play, dragons dogma 2 all vocations ranked, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 beginners guide, dragons dogma 2 guide, dd2 vocation guide, dragons dogma 2 class, dragon's dogma 2 vocation guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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