Which Try Guy Knows Zach The Best?

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- What's up KornBuddies and welcome to Try Guys Game Time. - Try Guys Game Time! - We can do that better, come on. - Yeah. - We never nail it. - Try Guys Game Time! - The videos where we hang out, play some games, have some fun. Today we are playing which try guy knows Zach the best. Wow. Me. Oh my god. *upbeat intro song* - I believe our contestants have a greeting message for me. - We do. - I think I know hot ankles Kornfeld the best. - They out to play today! - I'm pretty sure that I know our little Korndiddy the best. I drew him kneeling near a cat. - As usual, I think I'm going to lose again. But please welcome Jewish Kitty! *laughter* - *meows in the tune to Hava Nagila* - Jewish Kitty, hey! - This is is the Kornbuddy buddy test to see who is the most Kornbuddy of all the Kornbuddies. We have three Kornbuddies here playing today; Who will be the most Kornbuddy? - Oh god. - We're all little Korn Buds! - We're going to be splitting this into three rounds, easy questions that all of you may know. - This is probably a medium question, but I wanted to give you guys a juicy nugget to start off In middle school, what body part did I almost lose? Ned what body part did I almost lose? - Your head. - Oh god! - I mean, I thought it was a bit much for the first question. - Yikes. - Cuz of the car accident. - Yes. That's dark. That's true. - That was elementary school, that was. - He gotcha there! I guess testicle then I blurred the testicles out because it's a family show. - I also wrote testicle, parenthesis one of them. - The answer I was looking for was testicle my left testicle more specifically. I was in a car crash when I was a kid, that was in fourth grade - I think you should give him a point. - I'm gonna give you a point because it is true. But wow, that's horrific. I'm sorry for starting it off that way. Let's make this a little easier, huh? What is my middle name? *laughter* Don't you dare. - Andrew! - Andrew, Sandy Andy. - Andrew! Sandy Andy, Fanny! - You are all unfortunately, correct. *chorus of yays* My middle name is Andrew! Points for everyone! - Sandy Andy! Sandy Andy! Sandy Andy! Sandy Andy! - What is my most potent food allergy? - How do you have so many? - The one that makes you shit like the dickens? - Yeah, the one that makes me shit my brains out. - They all make you shit your brains out. - Zach, what makes you poop your pants is Dairy. - Dairy. - Well, I went with something really specific, red bell peppers. - Those also fuck him up. - I'm gonna give points to everyone dairy and bell peppers! *laughter* What is my only tattoo? Bonus points for drawing. No bonus points. *laughter* Pens down, answers in! - Zach, You got a little smiley face on your butt. - You got a smiley face on your butt. I believe its small on your right cheek - Also happy face on butt. - Damn right! I got a smiley butt! - Whoo! - Yeah! - Lil cutie. It was actually one of the first and most like dumb things I did on camera, and I'm like, yeah, I can make this a career. - Prove it now! - Show your butt! Show your butt! - It's gonna be hard to get to. No regrets. - Your parents like it? - You know, they got over it. What is young Zachary's favorite drink? - Tea! - Tea! - Green tea! - Tea! Points for everyone! - He likes all the teas. Different teas at different times. - At the end of the first round everyone's tied. *cheering* 5 points for everyone. - Jewish kitty! - Alright, round two. Points in this round are double and the questions are harder. What is my biggest phobia? - Ohhhh! - Uh oh, I didn't have a moment of recognition. Oh, oh, oh! I got it. Fish slash open water. - Medium slash little fish in the open water. - Open deep water. - Swimming in the ocean with fish! It's just the fear that a fish could be hiding somewhere. I'm gonna say you're all right. - We're all right! *cheering* - Kornbuds! - Let's heat it up a little bit. I may get this one wrong too - a year ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Spell the disease that I have. - So is this gonna be whoever gets closest? - No, man, you gotta spell it right. - Ankylosing spondylitis. - Hot Ankliospondelitus Kornfeld. And then I also wrote bone-itis. - I wrote Ankylosis spondylitis, so I'm probably wrong. - Unfortunately, you are all incorrect. Ned is very close. It's actually 'ankylosing' not 'anklyosing'. Ankylosing Spondylitis. Ned you came the closest so you get a half point. - Yeah! - I appreciate you guys knowing and caring. - I was just gonna write crippling bone-itis. - Which is a Futurama reference. - Yeah. - What is my all-time favorite band? What's like the music version of being a foodie? -A music snob - There it is. *laughter* - I said Vampire Weekend with the two bonus answers as Radiohead and Coldplay. - I kind of want to give you negative points for guessing Coldplay. - No way is Coldplay, I was gonna say there's not a chance it's Coldplay. I also went with Vampire Weekend because you've gone to see them twice in the last month. - I went with Vampire Weekend, but with no question mark. - My all-time favorite is Vampire Weekend. I've actually seen them three times in the past month, which is a lot. - Are you allowing the Coldplay to slip through? - I think, Ned, I have to give you a negative half point. - Come on! - I'm a little insulted by it. - Coldplay's a great band! - Not in my pantheon. How and why did I start making movies? - This is something that we share it's lego movie maker. - I believe it is in fact lego movie maker. - I said watching the hit TV show Lost. *laughter* Okay, I'm gonna give it up cuz Lost is definitely my all-time favorite show. But no, I got the lego movie maker kit for Hanukkah, and I started making Lego movies and from there, I just, this love erupted. Unknown fact about me, I had a brief stint as a child actor. What television show was I on as a kid? And who was the host? - Oh, I know this! - I don't have the host written down, this is not it. - As a kid you were on SNL hosted by Bruce Springsteen! - I believe the host was actually Hugh Grant. I think the host was Elijah Wood. - I was a background actor on Saturday Night Live, and the host at the height of Lord of the Rings was Elijah Wood! *cheering* - Two points to everyone and a bonus two points to Eugene. I had surgery to correct my almost lost testicle, then I was on Saturday Night Live with Elijah Wood. It was the craziest two weeks of my life. - Would you say the two weeks were nuts? - Good thing he's still got wood. - Ayyy! And that's the end of round two, the points are... Really, even with my bullshit half points? - Because of your bullshit half points, Zach. - Making the entire previous rounds irrelevant. These are things that only the closest people in my life could possibly know. I was never officially bar Mitzvahed, but what is my Hebrew name and what does it mean? - Is it in Hebrew? - Yeah, you won't get it. I would just guess like what's a fun meaning for a word. - Your Hebrew name is Zalojai Shalom, which means what's up Zach! - Your Hebrew name is Andy and it means covered in sand. *Zach laughs* Look at the art here. Your Hebrew name is Levi and it means jeans. *laughter* - You are all unfortunately incorrect. I chose the coolest word I could find Rakdan, which means the dancer. - Both of those are not you. - Wow. - Ned's is the most Jewish, at least. - Yeah, let's give Ned one point. - Yay! - Who was my biggest childhood crush? - Your biggest childhood crush is Nic Cage. *laughter* - Natalie Portman. - One of these answers was beautiful and yet not in the right era; One of these was funny and yet not correct. Zach you are America's Next Top Model - Tyra Banks! - Wow. I was like, middle school, I think, crazy obsessed with Tyra Banks. Was it from that, um, that Life-Size Disney movie? You know, it wasn't from Life-Size. - She was hot in dat. - There's a moment in Life-Size where she got out of the shower and she's wearing an oversized Jersey. Oh, damn. - Yeah. What body part makes me the most squeamish? - On your body? - Yeah. If you were to touch it, I would freak the fuck out. - The top of your head. You think I have a soft spot, like a ba-- like your baby? - Back of the knee because I haven't touched you there! - I'm gonna quote what you call them, your pepperoni nipples! Is it your pepperoni nipples? - The thing I am most squeamish about being touched is my bellybutton. - Oh! - It freaks me the fuck out. One thing me and the Pillsbury Doughboy have in common, we both hate our belly buttons being touched. - No, he likes it! - He loves it! - He goes "Woohoo! - In college, I owned and only watched one DVD. What movie was it? - Oh! Oh my god, Wow. I talk to you more than I think I do! *laughter* The Fast and the Furious! I believe it's Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's Billboard Dad. *chuckling* - Oh man, Josie and the Pussycats? - Josie and the Pussycats! -Yeah! Here's the deal, I had a dvd/vhs combo player and the DVD player got jammed, So Josie and the Pussycats got stuck in there. Honestly, one of the most underrated films of all time. - Their dad is so single they make a billboard for him, and it works - Final question if you know me, you know this is something I am very passionate about. Rank the Fast & Furious movies in order from best to worst. I shall do the same. - Oh no. - How many are there? 8? - Number one Furious 7, number 2 Fast Five, number 3 the original, number 4 Tokyo Drift, number 5 Furious 8, then number 6 number 2, number 4. - F 2, F 8, F 1, F 3, F 4, F 7, F 6, F 5. I dunno, Fuckin' just numbers. - I put 7 at the top, then 6 then F8, then 3 controversial opinion, then number 1 because you added the original, 5 2 and at the bottom 4. - The correct and only correct answer is... 5, 7, 6, Tokyo Drift, 1, 8, 2, 4. 4 is trash, 5 is the best movie ever made. It's when they introduced Dwayne the Rock Johnson and decided to just push it off the rails. Ned. Congratulations, you are the closest. I just -- I want -- this is canon. Ok, if you disagree with me comment below but I will block you. This was a tight race. Unfortunately in last place, Keith Douglas Habersberger. You're my best friend, but apparently it's not mutual - Wow. - I don't care about your movies and your order of what movies you like. That's so stupid to care about. - My very best friend, the number 1 Korn buddy of them all, - I don't want to be -- - The TOP Kornflower, the Korn seed, The kernel of my life! The absolute favorite boy! - I rescind my -- I don't want to be a contestant Eugene Lee Yang, my best friend! - Congratulations! - Why did you phrase it that way? *cheering* -Wow! My best friend! Thanks for watching, Eugene's my best friend, he loves me so much. This is been Try Guys Game Time. - Try Guys Game Time! - Oh God Eugene! Oh fuck, you okay? You alright? - Not what best friends do. - Try Guys Game Time! Jewish Kitty, Jewish Kitty, meow meow meow! I am Jewish Kitty. I am Jewish Kitty. Meow meow meow! Here's a brisque.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 8,719,763
Rating: 4.9674153 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, buzzfeedblue, worth it, unsolved, tasty, ariel, ned & ariel, as is, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, TGGT, game, quiz, time, animals, onesies, trivia, best, friend, giraffe, tiger, rooster, turtle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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