Which Pokémon Types Could Replace the Starters?

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[Music] what's going on Imperials it's a burr cubone here recently I made a video postulating about the possible Pokemon that might be able to replace the starters in their native region and a number of people then suggested that I should have made the video about what types could be used instead okay with rare exceptions starters are either grass fire or water these are not only common elemental forces but in the world of Pokemon they form a perfect triangle of effectiveness water beats fire fire beats grass and grass beats water so to find other starter trio's we'll have to look for similar relationships I'll get the obvious one out of the way first many people have vehemently campaigned for a group of starters that were psychic fighting and dark and they got their wish with the Kalos starters delphox is psychic is good against chestnuts fighting which in turn is good against cringes dark witch is good against the psychic so this trio has two separate circles running at the same time and the most impressive part is that none of their effectiveness over left meaning their pairings didn't interfere with their strengths and weaknesses making it a perfect circle well almost if you ask me it's just ever so lopsided since the dark is immune to psychic instead of just resisting it it gives a slight edge that the others don't have but it's a good start so let's see if we can find some others and competitive the starter types form what is commonly referred to as a core meaning that having them all on your team would be a strategic benefit another common one is a dragon fairy steel core but this doesn't exactly work for our purposes since fairy is immune to dragon but steel also resists dragon so to me it almost sounds more like an offensive defensive and support relationship although steel is super effective against faerie so they do form a linear type chain that's another wrinkle in the system it's pretty easy to get a group of types that are super effective against each other but they don't always circle back around a perfect example of this would be the starters from the ole Ola region pre marina is a fairy type which is super effective against in señores dark-type which in turn is super effective against deciduous ghost type but ghost has no special relation with fairy so it doesn't quite make a neat triangle while that's fine for additional types I'd like to have it complete in any alternate primary types for starters personally if I were to make my own pokemon region I would probably make the starter at ground electric and flying which works to a point but doesn't have the perfect effectiveness so we'll try and find something more fitting one triangle that I found that works well is fairy fighting and steel fighting trump steel drums fairy Trump's fighting I honestly didn't even put together that these three shared a similar relationship to the starters viewing them all in isolation however I doubt this would ever work as a valid set up for starters mostly due to outside factors since a steel type with starting stats so early in the game would resist pretty much everything in sight and the same could be said of a fighting type which could easily take out the numerous normal and/or rock types that fill the start of the game so unless they change the game around it even more and in this particular setup might be fairly unbalanced fighting is also in another potential circle with brock and flying the only hiccup with that is that pokemon doesn't believe in the flying type on its own only ever having one pure flying type in the franchise so it's likely that any flying-type pokémon would be normal and flying causing the fighting to change to neutral or most other secondary typings would change the relationship so that the circle would no longer be pure but an interesting point is that you could change out the rock type for ice and still have at work since it's weak to fighting but super effective against flying the only problem there of course is that ice only resists itself but I was honestly surprised at how many setups ice could be a part of sea-ice is super effective against ground and ground being a great type is super effective against a number of the weaknesses for the ice type you could have a trio of ice ground and steel or you could even have ice ground and rock although I doubt having a ground and rock starter would work since they share weaknesses but interestingly you could even do the same setup with ice and ground but also add fire up until now we've tried to avoid the classic starter types since the whole point of changing them up is to get something new but and you can correct me if I'm wrong I think we've already covered every potential trio that can be made outside of the starter types but if we do include them we can have a lot more like another combination with fire steel and rock somehow I always forget that steel is super effective against rock but it does make sense and rock and turn is good against fire which can melt steel so this grouping could work but again logistical reasons make it unlikely to have rock or steel as a beginner Pokemon due to their natural resistances one of the matchups that includes a standard type that entices me the most is water ground and electric this is actually the only way electric could be on the list because it's solitary weakness is the ground type and the only one of electric strengths that ground is weak to is water so for this being the only option electric has to get in on the action it's not half bad and I would personally have a lot of fun with these possibilities since these types don't really overlap weaknesses as much as some other combinations one of the most potentially boring changes you could make would be to have grass and fire but then to toss in rock or even ground it's funny to me that I never noticed that water starters could seemingly be interchangeable with either rock or ground although really at doubt anybody would care for this setup simply changing one of the types while keeping the other two the same but I was honestly surprised by how many combinations the grass type could make or I guess specifically grass and rock first I'd like to show off the only shining light the bug type can have and this exercise being the in-between for grass and rock that's just how it works out for the for bug types advantages but I also found that the same scenario would work if you had the ice type in there or even if you had a flying type so if you're like me you've probably never noticed that all but one of the grass types weaknesses are susceptible to rock which seems kind of like a balancing issue but it just means that you have the potential for a number of different setups if you're a professor in a pinch then we have what might be my favorite combination that I found and that is grass poison and ground poison only appears here due to it only having two weaknesses and only grass will fall to one of its strengths I just love how pure it seems the poison type eats away the grass while the ground diffuses the poison within the ground is overgrown by the grass and this is something that I've largely ignored until now but a very integral part of pokémon battling is not only weaknesses but resistances and while many of the combinations we've listed hit each other hard they don't all resist it going the opposite way which i think is vastly important for any true group of starters and again you can correct me if need be but I believe the only matchups that fully resist each other out of the ones that we've mentioned are flying fighting and rock fire rock and steel psychic dark and fighting if you count the immunity and this one of grass poison and ground and out of those options I would have to go with the latter as my favorite so out of every possible type pairing where each one is super effective against and resists the others respectively I think grass poison and ground would be the best setup for a new trio of starting types now this whole exercise was assuming all pure types and adding in any secondary ones would of course change things but which relationships would you most like to see maybe you just want to make things easy and have your ghost types instead let me know down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 695,003
Rating: 4.8583899 out of 5
Keywords: Gen 8, Smash Bros, Switch, Nintendo, Digimon, Star Wars, Avengers, Endgame, Let's Play, Sports, Video Games, Type Chart, Type Trio, Type Triangle, Strengths and Weaknesses, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield
Id: 2pxe7l4lSks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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