Top 6 Best and Worst Unique Typings in Pokémon

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[Music] what's going on Imperials its emperor cubone here Pokemon types are is important to defining what they're all about as much as their name or original design aspects a trick that we figured out early on is combining different types resulting in various strengths of weaknesses that can either help or hinder a Pokemon in general and as many combinations as there are not all possible type parents have even been represented yet but also certain distinct Pokemon have a type combination that is completely unique from anyone else now sometimes that can make a Pokemon almost unbeatable and other times it's kind of a letdown but in determining the best and worst it's not as easy as checking good versus bad especially in considering unique type combinations the individual Pokemon has to be taken into account take Tyranitar it's literally got just as many weaknesses as it does strengths on paper that's not so great but thanks to its stats and moves it's a force to be reckoned with so the Pokemon itself has to be taken into consideration so with that here are the top 6 best and worst unique Taipings in Pokemon number 6 worst Callay doll I don't really have anything against play doll personally it's an interesting design concept and in fact I used one once but honestly that experience was mixed as well it's got decent defenses and does have a fair amount of coverage but somehow putting all that together just results in mediocrity claydol has six weaknesses with four resistances and an immunity now I know what you're saying isn't clay doll a muted round as well yes technically it is but that's because it has the ability levitate for some reason they seem to go kind of crazy with gen 3 and levitate so while the only ground in psychic pokémon are immune to ground attacks right now that's not inherent to the combination itself and really doesn't help all that much part of the drawbacks for claydol is that this specific blend does nothing in the way of canceling weaknesses and every single one carries over to the finished product part of that is simply because the psychic-type is pretty bad defensively resisting only fighting and itself so while it may have just as many strikes for it as it does against it when you stack them all beside each other it just feels like clay dolls weaknesses are gonna be more common on the opponent's teams even with clay dolls admittedly good move fool about tagowit is weird utility moves and unfortunately those moves aren't entirely backed up by wrong stats meaning while this pokemon is arid and elevated it's literally left high and dry so again clay doll itself isn't that terrible but rather just doesn't bring its type pairing to its fullest potential number six best Ludicolo I've gone on record before on how Ludicolo sneakily became a Pokemon that I really liked so I was glad to see that it and its line seemed to have enough of an impact to make an appearance on this list as well it seems to starting type combinations together balance out a great deal of strengths of weaknesses but when I look at the end results of each of the starting type matchup side by side we can see that of all of their weaknesses Ludicolo seems to have the best advantages poison flying and bugs seem relatively infrequent compared to the likes of electric or rock and Ludicolo can learn moves to counter such weaknesses as well not to mention that it's the only one not weak to stealth rocks and has some really great resistances butter and grass just seems to be a surprisingly useful type hearing bringing up most of the game to neutral status with this happy dancing pineapple birdbath tree duck man this thing has a lot going on anyway this eclectic pokemon has decent stats and a vast enough move pool to be useful in all sorts of scenarios and thanks to its abilities it's a powerful staple on many a rain team in competitive play all this leads me to conclude that the entire Ludicolo family not only has a pretty great unique typing but also somewhat surprisingly has the clout to back it up number five worst a lowland Radek eight predicate suffers from being a later stage of a Pokemon that people get pretty sick up early on due to overexposure but unlike say crow bat that can grow past that the ugly little rat is not so lucky then perhaps to make up for that they received a lowland forms for their lime which was a decent idea but the execution didn't really do a lot of favours normal and dark is an interesting combination I mean if you're gonna get all the type combinations out there you've got to have someone use it eventually but just look at the facts we know standard normal it's got a weakness to fighting and a ghost immunity and that's it when dark type is added it does provide a resistance of dark and also another immunity to psychic and it's still got that immunity ghost but then you see that it also gets a weakness to bug and fairy and that it's fighting weakness is scratching it up two times for that doesn't sound so bad three weaknesses and three resistances two of which are actually immunities but the thing about a lowland forms is that they reconfigured some of the stats but didn't increase any of them so for a lowland a decayed they took a cut in both attacks and speed and put it in defense and HP which is a profusely misguided decision if you ask me I mean the alittle inform does get some potential setup moves but with a times for weakness to fighting type with many high-powered attacks and pokemons drink through the roof your chubby little Radek eight isn't going to last not to mention and having very little ways of countering any of its actual weaknesses makes me think that the ole ole eradicate might just be one of the few Pokemon to have regional variants become a detriment number five best Toxicroak I was honestly surprised by Toxicroak making it onto this list at all but I'm actually glad that it did to give it a small in the spotlight Croagunk and Toxicroak are some cool poisonous frogs that have enhanced combat skills they are the only poison and fighting types to date toxic rope has six resistances along with three weaknesses it does resist both of its own attacking types as well as rock so stealth rocks are not a problem now it is the only Pokemon to have a quad weakness to the psychic type but really that's not a biggest problem as you might think since psychic is fairly scarce as a coverage move outside of its native type and even then Toxicroak has access to a number of dark and ghost moves to take them out including priority sucker punch I did consider salaah soul for this spot but looking at the numbers while it does have a few different resistances it also has an extra type weakness as well as its own quad susceptibility to worry about not to mention though it does have stupendous special attack and speed that's about all it has of note the Toxicroak has ten more points and it's based at total so out of the frankly impressive number of poison types with unique combinations I believe the toxic oak line to come out with the best deal when I first saw these two before the Sinnoh games came out I was skeptical that they were even real let alone that they'd be any good but I was quite stunned with the results after getting pummeled by toxic rope via Team Galactic we got to see firsthand just how strong this unassuming unique type pair of poison and fighting can really be number four worst magcargo I know what you might be thinking this is the first entry on the worst list where the resistances are actually outweighed by the weaknesses so what gives well just looking at this Pokemon it's not all bad other than it being hotter than the Sun but as you can see this Pokemon is reminiscent of a snail so as such it is very slow the shell of course drastically increases the defenses from the first stage but this is where the strengths and weaknesses come in my cargo is the only fire and rock type in the Pokemon games this gives it up to seven resistances but it does have four weaknesses but two of those are quad weaknesses man cargo is four times weak to both water and ground so it's got a fair amount of worst nightmares out there to worry about it's only possible hope for defense in that is solar beam but there's no way it'll survive that charge up turn other than that it's move fool is fairly narrow that only some ground moves as possible help against other weaknesses outside of that this painfully slow Pokemon is completely at the mercy of its two quad weaknesses that are very common attacking types water is literally the most common type in the game so if you're under the delusion that you can avoid them or even worse that you might ever out speed them you really need to think again that cargo was still such an unfortunate hand that I honestly think the only reason it still has a unique typing is because that they're too scared to make another fire rock type in case it turns out just as bad number four best Bisharp this is another one that kind of snuck up on me I've always liked Bisharp it's solidly in my second tier of Unova Pokemon and it still has a unique typing with dark and steel honestly I'm surprised that it took them so long to do it in the first place since those two types were both introduced back in June - but by sharps typing truly is a benefit since steel is quite defensive on its own and luckily just so happens to cancel out two of the dark types natural weaknesses this leaves it with nine resistances and two immunities - psychic and poison this thing would be Team Rocket's enemy number one that being said it does have weaknesses to fire ground and a four times weakness to fighting this isn't exactly the best setup or weaknesses since they are all fairly common and often powerful but while a bit sharp does have access to some rock type moves to handle the fire it's got precious few other options against that crippling fighting disadvantage however if you can count your biggest problems on one hand you're still doing all right especially when you have to enlist your toes to complete the names of your strengths dark and steel combined hit a lot of things neutrally at least so bisharp is able to utilize that 125 and attack very well and considering that it's able to resist things like dragon it is certainly a good counter Pokemon to have particularly in its home region before the advent of the fairy type fish sharp may have been one of those pokemons created just to check off the dark steel combination box but its usefulness and just downright threatening design make this unique pairing all the sweeter to use when stomping out opponents number three worst aurorus if this entry doesn't convince you that this isn't based on personal preference nothing will because I absolutely love aurorus it's a beautiful majestic brontosaurus with ice powers what's not to love it's one of my favourite fossil Pokemon to date unfortunately it's typing does it no favors because as it turns out ice and rock is pretty atrocious somebody had to take the hit and beat this combination first just to see how it would turn out but let's just look it does have four resistances so that's good but it also has six weaknesses two of which are tons for weaknesses if you get anywhere near this thing with a biting or steel move it will just instantly crumble and you might think that at least four resistances aren't bad but the first two are a poison a normal which okay another is flying but I don't know who's going to use a flying type against the Pokemon with stab rock and ice moves and the last of course is ice and while it can take out some of its own weaknesses with the ice it really has nothing much for the rest and precious few options against its dual quad weaknesses pair that with its low speed and even its high HP and special attacks aren't enough to save it believe me I wish this tundra Pokemon was better suited for battle and that's not to say that it can't be used effectively I used one in my second playthrough of Kalos and quite enjoyed it but that didn't stop it from dying more than I would have liked honestly I can't see them ever attempting this combination again unless they just really have a stellar idea for the design and crank the stats up to the max because ice and rock together leaves a lot to be desired number three best mimic you huh and the queue is on yet another list can't say I'm surprised but let's just take a look we know that ghost only has two weaknesses and ferry also only has two weaknesses and with mimic you being the only ghost ferry Pokemon it gets to have the best of both and as it happens the ghost cancels out the poison and the ferry cancels out the dark leaving the McCue with only two weaknesses that alone is probably enough to get it on the list by itself but we haven't even gotten to resistances this combination results in three immunities to normal fighting and Dragon it also results in a times for resistance to bug which might as well be a fourth immunity this unique typing is pretty great having more immunities than weaknesses but when you remember that mimic you has one of the best abilities in the game with disguise it really makes the only ghost ferry type a Pokemon that has almost too many advantages and little if any downsides number two worst crabbleman Abal car Bominable is just the worst it's one of my biggest problems with the Aloha region's date and it just really was a big letdown for poor critter Oller but not only is its design questionable its typing also drops it down a few pegs after leveling up this feisty crab in the snow it becomes much worse off it does have three resistances but it also doubles that in weaknesses with a total of six yeah that's not so great there Bominable resists dark and ice which is good and can be taken out by fighting but then also bug which isn't exactly the most threatening of types to worry about I would say that it has a chance to take out some of its weaknesses with its stab attacks but it's pitiful speed stat of 43 doesn't lend to making that a reality it actually got slower when it evolved which is really a shame to waste its massive attack but it truly is a waste on a Pokemon that has such a terrible combination of types resulting in it being weak too literally a third of the game with almost nothing to show for it are Bominable having twice as many negatives as it does positives just makes this already questionably designed Pokemon that much more of a hassle to try and use maybe the first Sun and Moon had the right intentions in mind sparing us from being able to use this pokemon until the very end of the game because we would have been better off without it number two best in Polian anyone who's been keeping track will probably not be surprised but lien is my favorite Pokemon of all time but that's not the only reason that it's here because water and steel is a solid typing on its own and pullian does have three weaknesses but it's also got ten resistances and in immunity to poison and when it first debuted it also resisted Ghost of dark four steel randomly lost its defenses to those two types probably from the ultimate weapon and infinity energy that's my guess anyway now some people might be saying that in Polian sucks because you can get oh code by the other two starters and it's native games but that's not its fault that those who happen to have two of the only three types that this pokemon might be weak to but it has its own moves to take them out by having access to both flying and ice type modes respectively not to mention other tricks like aqua jet and defiant as a hidden ability and it's one of those coveted few stealth rockers and defog users for the competitive folks playing at home water and steel may have a few common attacking types as weaknesses put the sheer boatload of resistances for I'll be back especially when the soul pokemons to have this typing is able to handle itself in a byte the reason I feel in Polian beats the last two entries is because that it has far more resistances than mimic you and can actually handle its weaknesses unlike Bisharp and without a tongues for water and steel is a pretty amazing combination and I would be perfectly okay with this typing remaining unique for the rest of time and this excellent combination stay reserved for this regal penguin number one worst Abomasnow well here we are at the bottom of the barrel and we found none other than Abomasnow it's not that I hate Abomasnow I really don't in fact I really appreciate it spree evolution Snowbird and when they were first revealed I really liked the idea and thought that they did an exquisite job and balancing out these two types that seem so at odds with one another and their designs but as much as I might admire their ability to pull off disparate elements blending together that alone cannot save it from being a horrendous pairing grass and ice by themselves are often considered very weak types and combining them together only goes on to highlight this Abomasnow does have four resistances but also has seven weaknesses one of which is a times for weakness to fire now that alone is not so bad bug and steel pokémon are also quite weak to fire but that's the only thing that they have to worry about they don't have to worry about fighting poison flying bug rock and steel on top of that like Abomasnow does now remember as we said before these placements are determined by actual numbers on type matchups but also how individual Pokemon are able to handle themselves in the battle and for whatever reason Bava snow just tends to get outclassed most of the time it's only saving grace is that it can learn earthquake which could potentially help it against four of its weaknesses and of course it's got stabbed eyes to take out flying but I'm afraid that just isn't enough and if you were thinking of using its mega don't bother it actually loses speed so it's even less likely that you able to survive anything I've tried using this thing to set up hail on ice teams and that's about all I can get done and really only because of its no warning ability because it usually dies on the first turn as beneficial as it might seem to have in theory Abomasnow is even a liability to other ice types it is simply too feeble to make use of the few good cards that it has left and its frailty makes it far too unreliable to ever consistently perform which to me undoubtedly makes grass and ice the worst unique type combination to date number one best aegislash this haunted sword Pokemon is one of the best in the game there is no denying if you don't believe me just check out the competitive field oh wait you can't because it got banned for being too good now this is largely due to its ability stance change which I just realized makes another one that's on both lists it's really not fair that they keep giving out great abilities to type combinations that are already inherently wickedly strong again if you don't believe me just take a look at the facts aegislash is a ghost and steel type both types that we've already seen on the best side of this list so it's no surprise that together they would become extreme Aegis lashes weak to ground fire ghosts and dark which might sound bad until you see that it has eight resistances and three immunities it's like the best of the last two entries combined matching mimic use immunities but also sharing in Poli ins cascade of other resistances but there's even more reasons why I think Aegis lash should be number one as we've already mentioned it's got a signature ability that is almost unfair letting it swap between two forms to alternate whether it has sky-high attack or defense and its own brand of protect and King shield that alone makes it a potent threat but it can also handle its opponents that would dare to strike it with a weakness ghost is the type that's weak to itself so while aegislash might be weak to ghost it can easily tank those hits and hit back much harder even with priority and it also has the option to learn the powerful fighting moves sacred sword which used to be reserved for the legendary swords of justice so I don't think dark types are gonna be much of a problem either naturally high stats that can change to fit any occasion due to a masterful ability powerful stab attacks with wonderful coverage options and a slew of inherent resistances exceeds any shortcomings that might arise from a few little super effective attacks that is why I believe Aegis lash makes the absolute most of its ghost steel typing and makes it the best unique type combination in Pokemon that we've seen to this day so those are the top six best and worst unique typing's in Pokemon if you have a problem with the perceived imbalances on this list such as too many ice or steel types on one side or the other just remember that that's more of a complaint to the people that assign to these matchups to the types in the first place which combinations do you think clash or blend with their execution let me know down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an appeal today and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 1,315,656
Rating: 4.7459521 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Let's Go, Galar Region, Gen 8, Switch, Nintendo, Favorite Pokemon, Type Combos, Type Pairings, Dual Type, Super Effective, Immunity, Signature Abilities, Version Exclusives
Id: tc3Xdubou3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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