Pokémon with Unexpected Sizes (Feat. Ozzymitsu)

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Pokemon's sizes sometimes they're completely understandable other times they're surprising and other times they're absolutely ridiculous of course everyone knows by now that Charizard on average is only five foot seven but Charizard height is far from the most unbelievable which is why in this video I'm going to be looking over Pokemon that are either much bigger or much smaller than expected or should I say we are going to be looking at Pokemon with Heights you probably wouldn't expect joining me today is awesome it's sue hi everyone my name is awesome it soon and today I'm very very honored to be here today so thank you so much for having me Alex it can anything like me you probably don't pay attention to a pokemons height so today I'm very very excited to be very very shocked or very very surprised about some of these sizes we've also done a club over on AUSA's channel so be sure to check that out at the end of the video but for now Ozzy how tall would you say Nidoking is hmm my first guess would be six foot seven but maybe it's a little bit you love maybe it's as tall as Charizard you know what I thought near the king will be around that height as well but it turns out that ninja king is a less menacing four foot seven inches what four foot seven that's so much smaller than I initially thought I'm five foot nine so that means noodle king wouldn't even reach my shoulder well if neither King is only four foot seven does that mean Nidoqueen is even smaller that will be correct as someone else who is five foot nine Nidoqueen comes up to around armpit heights coming in at only four foot three inches so it's Giovanni only five at 7:04 for three speaking of Pokemon only four for three drapion who was made to look like a towering monster is also four for three sorry to interject here Alex but Frost laughs I freaking love frost less so much but it is quite peps well as to I've included frost last frost last is another Pokemon that's four for three now unlike drapion and needle Queen is much more believable for a pokemon like frost laughs to be this fight but to be the same height as needle Queen and drapion seems rather strange from completely honest well it's about to get even stranger Ozzy you know about gusty right of course everybody knows about gasps need a floating ball of gas and one of the original girls types it's such a cute yet such a medicine scary little thing I just love it so much I wouldn't call it little because believe they are not gusli is the same size as drop young wait wait wait what four foot three that seems way too big especially since in the anime caste only seems like he'd be a foot or so ghastly increases in size even more when he evolved into halter becoming 5 foot 3 which is the same height as Slowbro who's also the same height as Blastoise hang on you're telling me that Haunter is the same size as Blastoise both Charizard and Blastoise are shorter than us well then it looks like we're told in all three fully volt Kanto starters actually we're not because venusaur is actually 6 4 & 7 inches wait what that doesn't seem right at all does it Venus o is always shown to be on all fours so it's been a source height measured from head to toe or a flower tiptoe alright let's go back to haunt her how much does haunted grow in size when it falls into Gengar well funnily enough water doesn't grow at all when evolves if anything it actually shrinks down to 4 foot 11 when it evolved into game card it gets smaller hang on how tall is clefable if Ganga is clefable shadow surely it means that clefable is also 4 411 right actually - fabulous 4 foot 3 a similar height - ghastly so clefable isn't same high as Ganga well I guess that methods busted then although shadows are Heatley shown to be bigger than the person casting the shadow so maybe it makes sense that Ganga is actually taller than 4 fable maybe but seeing our gang gars the same heights Dunsparce seems a little bit hard to believe we're over the worry what Dunsparce is 4 foot 11 yep I couldn't believe it either that's crazy that's the same size of Michy's why better form indeed with what you to start tougher appropriate six or seven and it's X Mecca for increases in height is 7 plus 7 but for some strange reason the Y mega form shrinks to a measly 4 foot 11 you'd think that after a Pokemon bigger evolved it would increase in size rather than the other way yeah you would you'd also connect as I got would increase in height going from its 50% form to its 100% complete form I mean this is basically only half of zygarde compared to the full package so I got 50% form is a respectable 16 foot 5 inches and it's a hundred percent form 14 foot 9 inches it loses almost 2 feet that doesn't seem right at all if anything you think could be double in size not become shorter alakazam is another pokemon victim was shrinking when it changes into a stronger form going from an already shot for 411 to losing an entire foot in height when Moger evolving competitor us 3 foot 11 is about the size of a kid hey Alex did you know that the carry is also 3 foot 11 really yeah how might even be slightly shorter than us Fred you're funny you're very funny Lucario and you three for eleventh no I'm not joking it's true he is actually 314 yeah yeah whatever let me research shakarez real height 3 foot 11 what a joke what's up 3 foot 11 Lucario is under 4 foot yeah I can't believe you either that means that Lucario is the same size as vileplume no no really it is and it's also the same size as perfect Oh telefax no smegal no no Lavinia no burning well that makes sense as well no just wait wait what yanma what and vivillon ok enough of that what off is this nonsense Lucario is the same height as a fricking butterfly but I don't and how how is Lucario an entire foot shorter them Dunsparce I'm starting to think that maybe some pokémon aren't measured from head to toe and rather head to tail instead and that Park on the are stood on all fours are measured as if they were stood up on two feet that my explain Dunsparce is high of 4 foot 11 so that might suggest it's being measured from the tip of its head to its tail making it height the length of its entire body the same goes for snake like Pokemon like dragon air impressive high of over 13 feet which is more than ho-oh regigigas and both QM forms but how do they decide which Pokemon are measured from head to toe and which ones are measured from head to tail Charles tail it's obviously longer than this legs unless it's head to tail length is 5 4 7 which I doubt because then it's standing how it would only be about 5 foot so we can definitely presume that Charizard is measured from head to toe another Pokemon most likely measured from head to toe is Golduck who despite looking quite short in the anime since it was actually shorter than misty it's the same size as a Charizard which seemed pretty baffling but then there's a pokémon like gliscor who's 6 foot 7 and I think we can definitely assume that is measured from head to tail also remember in the anime how Ash's Glasgow went up against Paul's drapion yep that's apparently a 4 foot 3 drop yawn fighting a 6 foot 7 Gliscor but hang on remember that height in the anime are shown to be quite different to the pokedex entries in the games and ash's charizard were shown to be quite different to other Charizard in the terrific valley if Pokemon heights were the same in the games then Ash's Snorlax would have looked quite small compared to the frontiers great as Hariyama weight are using Hariyama is taller than a 6 foot 11 Snorlax well yes as Hariyama wishes out a surprising 7 foot 7 speaking of Snorlax being 6 foot 11 that's the same height as Monty hey I just had a thought if Venus alt is at all is that of the Kanto starters that might mean that Meganium would go Tara are the Tories are there stars Rios - well you're half right Feraligatr is actually the tallest of the gen 2 starters with Typhlosion at 5.7 Sammy's Charizard and Meganium at 5 for 11 the same height as a forits and a dratini and then for alligator towels over both of them as 7 foot 7 well it's not as towering as you'd think since the average length of an alligator is around 13 feet making it seem quite small front alligator or how about this with the sinner starters Infernape is actually the shortest out of all the starters at the previously mentioned 3 foot 11 Empoleon is at 5 or 7 Sam is charged out again and then tilt era is an impressive 7 foot 3 which might make you question how they're measuring tour terrace heights from the ground to the tip of the tree or from its head tail oh wow that is bigger than I expected I didn't think port arrow would be as big as Jellison what gel since over seven foot yeah the same highness for alligator and megameter X other Pokemon who don't stand on two feet that seem way taller than you think is hip pow done surprisingly it's six foot and seven inches ooh and Lapras who stands a not standard I should say lays at eight foot high well Lapras origins ARF dinosaurs and apparently the Loch Ness monster so I guess Lapras height shouldn't be that surprising or an X let's take a look at the regional birds strap to unfasten and tala flame under four foots swallow two foot four Pidgeot for 411 it's kind of funny how the fourth fifth and sixth gen birds are the same heights then swellow is just like a baby compared to them and then Pidgeot is an entire foot over hang on hang on hang on what about Joe toes regional bed Noctowl oh yeah I almost forgot well I think I'd expect it to be around three or four foot the move five foot three Noctowl is the biggest regional bird knocked out is apparently the same height at a Blastoise some other Pokemon who also shared as high are already mentioned for example hometown matter tentacle dusclops hypno Volcarona bouffalant Metagross and run for dos it just goes to show that some Pokemon who think would be towering monsters are actually quite short compared to the average person or I think we've listed more than enough Pokemon let's take a look at one more okay so Hooper well I'd expect it to be only around a foot or two what about you was he yeah a couple feet sounds about right I can't imagine it being overly massive all very very tiny well Hooper's official height is one foot eight inches oh well that wasn't very surprising hey doesn't if you per have an unbound form yeah it does okay let's look at that as well okay so I definitely see this being a lot bigger than its previous form it could be around Mewtwo's height like six seven maybe eight feet yeah it looks pretty big when used in the game so I'm guessing about nine or even ten foot all right ten foot sounds reasonable maybe a foot or two off but it turns out that unbound Hooper's official height is actually twenty one Camille that's big huh that's is huge that's bigger than most average-sized houses now some of you might be saying that it should be that surprising that unban Hooper's over 20 feet in height because it was also massive in the Hooper movie but let me ask you this when you saw Hooper's unbound form for the first time did you honestly think it would be double the size of a Groudon in fact Hooper and bound form is officially the third largest non Megan on primal legendary only behind Giratina Zorich inform and rayquaza only being a couple of feet behind an average person would bear to come up to around knee length on something that big what made me scratch my head even more is that onyx is over five feet longer than Ric phaser and it gets even longer as it evolves what it you know what I think now is a good stopping point so bottom line a lot of heights in the Pokemon universe just don't feel right there are so many Pokemon that are smaller than you'd expect all the other way around some Pokemon are measured from head to toe others are measured from head to tail some are measured vertically others horizontally and if you want to be even more surprised to check out some other Pokemon heights for yourself I also wanna say a massive thanks to Ozzy for joining me today well just like you Alex I think my brain hurts I think I need to stop but thank you so so much for having me here I was really really honored thank you so much you must have hated how much I butchered me all of those Pokemon names so I'm gonna go watch your other videos about how to pronounce certain pokémon names because I think I need to learn until next time be sure to check out his channel in the description and also be sure to check out the club that we did over on his channel and if you did enjoy please leave like and subscribe if you like to see more Pokemon related videos in the future but until next time thanks so much for watching
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 2,737,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokémon, Sizes, Ozzymitsu, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Freak, Role-Playing Video Game, RPG, Gaming, Pokemon Size, Pokemon Height, Pokemon Length
Id: uUj1If8Kc8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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