The *SUPER ULTIMATE* Pokemon Tier List

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Gouri Tings but defends Michael here and about two months ago I made a video called my ultimate Pokemon tier list a list of tearless covering various categories of Pokemon specifically these categories you guys seem to really like that video so I decided to make a second installment the super ultimate Pokemon tier list focusing on Pokemon categories that I didn't cover in the first video before I get started though here are some quick important notes about the tier lists in case you didn't see the last video or just forgot number one is that these tier lists are based entirely on my personal opinion toward these Pokemon it has nothing to do with battle prowess or strength unless that pokemons battle prowess or strength affected my opinion on it number two is that these are the approximate meanings for each of these tiers and number three is that the ordering within a particular tier is meaningless it's actually supposed to be pokedex order unless I made a mistake so now that I've covered that don't forget to drop a like on the video it's very supportive of me and let's dive into the first tier list that being mega evolutions that were introduced in Pokemon X&Y there were way too many mega evolutions to fit onto one picture so I had to split them up into multiple tier lists mega Mewtwo X is just plain ugly it's just a deformed version of Mewtwo mega Mewtwo y is worse they took Mewtwo's butt and put it on its head mega Ampharos is just Ampharos with long hair so basically the same situation as a lowland Dugtrio meaning they are both extremely dumb I feel like they could have done more with mega Blastoise than just alter its gun setup and make it more hunched over mega kangaskhan is alright but I would have liked to see the mothers appearance change as well not just the kids mega Aerodactyl just has spikes added to it if I didn't have a bit of sentimental attachment to it due to using one in a draft League a couple of years ago it would be Indy tier Magus is or is alright but I feel like it's gotten too far away from a Bhagat and too close to being just a robot I wish make a hair across this horn layout change just a bit to make it look less like a garden gnome I've never really been a fan of a regular medicham so Mega Man chan just being a regular medicham with more clothes definitely isn't going to be an improvement for me I see where they were trying to go with mega Abomasnow but they made it too busy messy and confusing all of the beats here mega czar once that I think looks solid but are held back from me really liking them due to being different forms of Pokemon that I was indifferent to in the first place or having a flawed that I think holds them back for example mega Gyarados should have been water dragon and mega absol should have been dark fairy if those two Megas had those Taipings they would probably be in a tier mega venus or is a cool and logical buffed up version of Venus or and I've really enjoyed using it in battles in the past mega Gengar is terrifying and cool but it's shiny is what makes me really like it mega pincer is a horrifying mess which is exactly what a mega bug Pokemon should be mega houndoom looks like the king of the hellhounds which is perfect for it mega mall while is pretty cool-looking and I love how they took a pretty much useless Pokemon and made it one of the strongest in the game it was also very fun for me to use back in VGC 2014 mega bandits premise of the evil energy inside of it spilling out through the zippers is super unsettling and really cool mega garchomp looks like they took one of the most fearsome looking pokemon out there then did everything they could to make it look as horrific Allah murderous as possible and then made its shiny pink that is amazing mega Charizard X was my favorite mega for a long time since I adored the blue and black color combo and it was so dope to see it finally become a dragon mega Charizard y is also excellent while X takes Charizard in a completely different but fun direction Y takes the already great design of Charizard and makes it look sleeker and more combat ready it's awesome and mega Lucario is a fantastic advancement of Lucario much like mega Charizard why it looks more fearsome and sleek and I love the addition of red to its color scheme now for the mega evolutions introduced in omega ruby and alpha sapphire which unfortunately overall I tend to like less mega Slowbro looks silly and stupid if anyone likes it it is because it looks silly Megas aren't supposed to look silly I love regular Swampert but mega Swampert looks like a meathead who has only ever worked out upper body for the last 20 years to the point of not even having a neck anymore seriously how is this thing standing up mega Glalie 'he's whole thing is that it now has a mouth that never closes what mega salamence took a really cool Pokemon and turned it into a stubby leg lizard with a croissant taped to its back it is awful and mega Audino of all the incredibly cool and or deserving Pokemon from generation 5 you gave a mega evolution to Audino they gave out one mega evolution to a generation 5 Pokemon and of all of them they decided to give it to the chancy replacement that no one cares about just think about all the amazing Gen 5 Pokemon that would have been better candidates to get a mega evolution zebb strike a giggle ahthe Haxorus scolipede golurk sawsbuck excadrill zoroark archeops and plenty more if their goal was to add another feminine mega evolution than they should have chosen a feminine Pokemon from a different generation than is more liked and more popular like frost last to pair with mega Glalie or Rosa rate or freaking Milotic in the Hoenn region why choose Audino honor now in short mega audino's design is fine I guess but I hate it for existing alright rant over now on to see tier mega steelix is concept of the crystals jutting out of it and then orbiting it is pretty cool but it's Shovelhead throws me off I understand that mega Sharpedo is based on a sawfish but it still looks goofy to me mega cammer ups using lava volcano is cool but it only has one volcano while its normal form has two that doesn't make any sense and I don't like it also it looks like it's wearing a goofy skirt mega diancie is alright but I never liked diancie much in the first place I don't think it's bad it just doesn't suit my personal taste the beets here Megas again are ones that I don't really feel strongly about either way they're fine but just don't really stand out I should mention primal Kyogre is here since while it's not technically a mega it is basically a mega I really like Kyogre but since primal Kyogre is just more glowy version of regular Kyogre i'm just neutral to it I really like how well mega stabilized design conveys its mischievous personality I really love this shot of it from an old horas trailer too primal Groudon is the exact same situation as primal Kyogre but I like Groudon more than Kyogre so it's a tier higher mega Rayquaza is completely insane and really fun to destroy literally everything with which is cool I do still like regular Rayquaza more though mega Gallade is a great advancement of Gallade making it look more like a valiant Knight they did a good job mega Beedrill is freaking fantastic they took an all right looking v slash wasp thing and turned it into a fearsome and clearly extremely fast wasp of death it looks like it could easily defeat you which I love and finally mega Sceptile the mega version of my favorite Pokemon of all time obviously I'm gonna love this thing the extra sharpness to areas of its body looks awesome and while its tail is a Christmas tree it's also a weapon of death Lee impalement that's dope now onto the tier lists for legendary Pokemon and yes there's going to be several since there are so many legendary Pokemon I have to split them up into their subcategories otherwise they won't all fit we'll start with the tier list for mythical Pokemon which yes or a subcategory of legendary Pokemon not a completely different category the official Pokemon Twitter account confirmed this a little while back by referring to deoxys as a legendary Pokemon meaning I was right all along we're also just gonna ignore the fact that they also claimed that water rock-type pokémon resists electric attacks which really damages their credibility as a source but hey I'm gonna take my vindication wherever I can get it Theon's existence is pointless seriously it is completely useless and has no need to exist Hoopa is my least favorite legendary of all of them due to how incredibly bad the hooper movie was and how extremely annoying the Hupa was in that movie you've heard me say this before I'm a super shut up all right you get it Arceus oh excuse me hmm our cous doesn't look godly enough in my opinion I'm not sure really how I change it but I feel like they could have created something more heavenly than a llama stuck in a fence meloetta is a fine-looking pokemon but I don't like how it's this supposed creature of myth yet is designed based on the human invention of music staffs it makes no sense since meloetta wasn't created by humans diancie like I mentioned earlier doesn't really suit my taste of Pokemon it's got too much jewelry going on volcanion x' typing and concept are cool but it just looks so strange and disproportionate mcgee erna is a robot ballerina which is just kind of whatever I guess that's fine but what bothers me is that it was the first gen7 Pokemon revealed to the public they really should have picked something cooler the b-tier Pokemon are surprised all fine-looking pokemon that I have no strong feelings about the a tier Pokemon are ones that are either really cool or really cute looking mu and deoxys are probably my favorites of this tier since they have the most full lore and history to go along with them at least from what I've experienced while shaman's sky is still technically shaming it's here because it's a drastic change from regular shaming this is something I will do for several other legendary Pokemon in the rest of this video if their form change is a pretty drastic difference that possibly might alter my opinion then they're gonna be separate entries it is an extremely cool looking Pokemon and it gives off this great vibe of being a great pal and partner Marchiano is my favorite mythical and favorite ghost type it's adorable has an awesome typing has a really cool gimmick of hiding in the shadows and it is extremely powerful just look up what its signature move spectral thief does it is absurd now for the tier list of ultra beasts which whether or not they're legendary Pokemon depends on who you ask but since many consider them to be legendary Pokemon I decided to include them here it's probably immediately apparent from the layout of this tier list that for the most part I'm not very into you be in my opinion they just looked too weird or not enough like creatures I understand that they are intentionally designed to look weird and strange and otherworldly but that doesn't mean I have to like them buzz swollen fara mosa are bugged people and they just look really disturbing circuitry is wires and Christmas lights with no face it just looks like an object sella steel is tiny head and neck really creeped me out well Cephalon is a clown with dippin dots I guess it just looks goofy and weird Niall ego is a cool concept but I don't really like how it looks like it's a dress Cortana is also an interesting concept but I really think it should have had a face cuz Lord is alright but I feel like it just has too much going on stack attack ax is alright well if being a building is a bit odd at least it has eyes and can somewhat emote kind of like a manga might also its name is pretty fun to say point Bolan nagging adel are the top tier u bees probably because they look like creatures not faceless objects or disturbing people animal hybrids their glowing eyes and body shapes are still able to convey that their alien while keeping them looking relatable enough to look like something you could befriend poi pol is adorable and nagging adel is badass there are a great combo together and also have fantastic shinies now for the legendary Pokemon like with the mega evolutions there are way too many to fit into one image so I'm splitting them up into two tier lists one for the legends from Jen's 1 through 4 and another for the legends from jens 5 through 7 we'll start with jens 1 through 4 Zapdos looks like it's made of construction paper Heatran looks goofy and has a weird mouth regigigas is expressionless and strange and slow-start is even more of a reason to ignore it the lake Guardians aren't bad looking Pokemon but they aren't unique enough both in regards to each other but also to past legends it just looked like recolored Muse with more people like heads Palkia has a strange body shape like seriously how does it hold its NECA Cresselia is kind of boring to me again all of the beats your Pokemon are once that I'm pretty much neutral toward however it should be noted that the Reggie's would be lower tier if not for my strong positive nostalgia toward them if you'd like to hear me explain that in more detail I recommend watching my video about ten Pokemon that I like that you probably hate I talk about the Reggie's in that video Moltres is a majestic fire Phoenix which is awesome and it's the reason I pick steam valor in Pokemon go and because my brother told me to since he downloaded the app two hours before me Mewtwo is a classic and an epic force of nature you can't dislike Mewtwo Reiko is an electric saber-toothed tiger that's dope ho-oh shiny is my favorite shiny of all legendaries so of course I'm gonna like the regular one to Kyogre is one of the mascots of my first Pokemon generation ever and it's a really cool representative of the scene Dialga is the mascot of my first Sinnoh game and was on my team for it dragon Steele is also a really cool typing and I love it's deep blue coloring lugia is freaking awesome and I adored Pokemon the movie 2000 as a kid want EOS is cool like lot EOS but its design is sleeker and it's my favorite color Groudon was the first legendary I ever caught and it just looks so cool rayquaza is my favorite legendary pokemon it's such a classic formidable dragon and my first rayquaza back in ruby was either the first or second pokemon I ever got to level 100 I can't remember whether my very first sceptile blade or whether my very first Rayquaza Rayquaza was the first pokemon i got to level 100 it's been too long but I do know that one of them was first and the other one was second and Giratina is a Pokemon that's really grown on me recently I love the design of both its altered in origin forms it's got an excellent shiny and I loved using one on my team in the metronome Nuzlocke I did with Pokemon 7 now for the legendaries in gens 5 through 7 well they understand the origin of the genies that doesn't change the fact that they look like ugly men with weird hair sticking out of clouds they're simply not good looking Pokemon Landorus therian is also indeed here both because Landorus is weird head on a tiger which looks strange and because it was everywhere back in VGC when I played which upset me tornados therian is a step up from regular tornados since I like the more animal-like body but the head still looks too much like regular tornados here m is fine but it just seems a bit dull to me I get that it's supposed to be a husk but that doesn't change that it still seems dull I don't think Titan all's mask looks that great the other island Guardians look like little fairies but Taku bulu looks like a strange Bell with arms and are really tacky nose ring Cosmo is an eye that does nothing there's not really much to be into the crows mess suffers the same fate as most of the other u bees it just looks too weird the beats here Pokemon are the same story as all the other beat ears so I don't need to say much about them however I do want to mention that thunders therian is my favorite genie since the distances itself the most from the original awkward man design cabal ian is my favorite sword of justice both because I have used it quite a bit and I adore it's shiny yveltal oh excuse me gobble tau has grown on me due to all the fun references and mean surrounding the Pokemon tock episode that focused on it everyone please give a warm welcome to yveltal got all what my name is awful tall zygarde complete form is my favorite zygarde form since it looks like an insane Decepticon which is awesome Tabu cocoa is my favorite Island Guardian since I love the electric typing and its mohawk Tabu finis is my second favorite Island Guardian since I just think its design looks really good I really like the swordfish shape of its shell so Gallio grew on me due to using one on my team in my first playthrough of Sun alternate crows ma is a terrifying dragon of light which is awesome I should note that I did not include dusk main or dawn wings Nick Rose MA in this tier list because they just look too similar to soul Gallio and loon alone Zek rom is a really badass looking electric dragon which is of course awesome and it also rocks the blue and black color scheme really well which is my favorite color scheme and finally xerneas is a majestic blue d and a really unique representation of the ferry type it was actually my favorite fairy type for a long time before a lowland ninetails was introduced so there we have it there were some more of my Pokemon tier lists I do plan to do more installments of this series so let me know down in the comments below what other categories of Pokemon you'd like to see me make tier lists of also if you enjoyed this video and want to watch some more my fun Pokemon stuff I recommend this video right here alright that's all I have for now so don't next time be fans got to catch the MA
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 3,079,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, Pokemon switch, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, New Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Top Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Top 5 Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, tier list, pokemon tier list
Id: iOfKeGqpxXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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