Top 10 Pokemon You'd Rather Not Evolve!

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all right tickle it use dig nice good job piglet wait what's going on my dickless evolving I wonder what it could be it could be like a Super Saiyan Diggler or something well alright here we go wait are you kidding me it's just like three diglettz glued together that's gotta be like the lamest evolution ever [Music] what is going on guys this is Dom Cyr bringing you another Pokemon video and in this video i'm gonna go over tempo come on that you probably wouldn't want to evolve so yeah i hope you guys enjoy the video and without further ado let's get started now for number 10 I chose sunkern and you're probably wondering why on earth you wouldn't want to evolve this Pokemon I mean the Pokemon has a lowest base total out of every Pokemon ever it was seeing that your main goal if he had a son Kearn would be to evolve it so what is it well believe it or not sunkern has the highest possible total for all five performances in the poky a flan which means that it can compete with legendary Pokemon like Arceus Gary Tina and mu and if you don't know what the pokey Athlon is it's basically the Pokemon contest of Gen 4 where the Polka wants speed power skill stamina and jump are rated and apparently sunkern is a rocky of Pokemon because it can literally out-compete every Pokemon up to Gen 4 and yes if you have all son Kurt into a sunflora its tasking worse which doesn't really make sense but you know you know what sunkern has hearts that's what it has that no other Pokemon have it's sudden seed heart so if you feel like outperforming a freaking Arceus and then pokey Athlon you probably wouldn't want to evolve your sunkern but this is only number 10 now for number nine I chose Abra yes the pokeball that can only learn teleport through levelling up now up until generation five before my afew evolved I came around Abra was the reigning king of the baby Pokemon you see what makes a Burris so powerful is this glass cannon like aspect with the high special attack and speed this pokemon can wipe out basically any baby pokemon in existence and yes even dark side Pokemon are at Amber's mercy because it can just learn dazzling gleam and fire it off to oblivion now the main reason why I chose a burr as number nine for this list is due to his presence in Pokemon Stadium twos little cup Abra was so powerful in this league that it got to the point where if he transferred one for Pokemon right or blue with a few stat boosters on it it would carry you like mute you would in the Elite Four not submission that the elemental punches were considered special attacks back the day and that the gold berry would heal a bird a full health when it would get damaged oh and they can learn thief which at the time was a special attack so even ghost-type pokémon had no chance to get system on needless to say aberrant was a legendary Pokemon when it came to baby Mons so if you feel like punching babies in a little cup league you probably wouldn't want to evolve your Abra because it is a pretty scary Mon now this may seem like an obvious pic but I had to include it for this top 10 so for number 8 I chose the mascot of Pokemon Pikachu now of course as the mascot Pikachu has a lot going for it as a nun evolved Pokemon like for instance it's been given different cosplay forms with signature battling moves enhanced stats in the Lesko series and even a version where it's wearing many of Ash's hats but these are all scenarios where Pikachu is unable to evolve therefore you had no choice but to keep it as a ton of all Pokemon so I guess real question is when would you rather not have all Pikachu when you have the opportunity well for one the light ball the sole item that makes Pikachu competitively as good or even better than right shoe you see Pikachu and right shoe are both special attackers but with the light bulb Pikachu has a higher attack and special attacked and right shoe and even though right - is more bulky and has a higher speed Pikachu has boobs like volt tackle that make up for his lack of stats secondly there is Pekinese pika pika neum z Dragon Ball Z which is an item that only Pikachu can use which upgrades is volt tackle into a special Z move called catastrophic ax and lastly this is kind of nice but in pokemon stadium if you transfer a Pikachu from the generation 1 games you can fight one of the hardest trainers in the game and be rewarded with a serving Pikachu which is kind of cool not sufficient that you get a cool serving Pikachu minigame and pokemon yellow which is way better than the surfing minigame and pokemon ultra Sun and Moon so in the end Pikachu is as competitively good as right shoe gets cool exclusive moves like serve and pika catastrophic car whatever you call it and also gets cool exclusive minigames in the Pokemon games so yeah for all those reasons you probably will rather not evolve your Pikachu [Music] now for number seven I really want to decode a Pokemon they would rather not evolve in a pokemon speedrun can let me tell you it was super hard trying to find a Pokemon for the situation because in speedruns you're trying to go as fast as possible but I thought it'd be interesting and I was up for the challenge and believe it or not I actually found in a courious where you would rather not evolve your Pokemon for a certain battle but just a heads up this isn't a popular strat and it's not that big of a deal but hey it is quite possibly the only occurrence where you don't have all the Pokemon in a pokemon speedrun so it has some kind of value to it I would I would say but anyways the Pokemon firered and leafgreen in the very beginning of the game there's a strat where you don't a fall squirtle until level 18 so that learns bite for Missy's Staryu and Starmie and that's it you would run it out of all of your squirtle at 16 or 17 but at 18 it's cool I told you it's not that big of a deal but hey it's nice and I like nice and top tens are neat now for this top 10 I wanted to include a Pokemon from the Pokemon Trading Card Game so with that said for number 6 I chose trubbish from the black and white Plaza storm set now on the trading card game there are pokemon cards called Pokemon Tools which is basically a parallel to the held items and the video games and so the reason why you wouldn't want to evolve your trubbish in a pokemon card battle or whatever you call it is due to its really powerful attack known as tool drop which does 20 damage for each Pokemon tool card attached to any Pokemon in play now here's the thing Pokemon can only have one tool card on it at any given time and so at rubish you wouldn't expect to do that much damage because there aren't that many tool cards on the field but thanks to a very powerful sigilyph card with the ability to box which allows it to have 4 pokemon tool cards on it at a time trubbish can do not just 20 damage but 80 damages Spurs with every single of car with 4 Pokemon tool cards on it and keep in mind they can have up to 4 copies of the same card in any deck so trubbish is sigilyph are gonna do some crazy damage so yeah who would have thought that trubbish is to glyph will be the perfect pair that's the beauty of the Pokemon Trading Card Game [Music] now this was gonna be strong and sweet because I feel like we can all agree on why you wouldn't want to evolve this Pokemon so with that said for number five I chose stuff now out of all the sudden boom pokedex entries I feel like B where's is the most terrifying as stated in Pokemon moon this Pokemon has a habit of hugging his companions many trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug yeah why would anyone wants to have all their stuff old knowing that beware his hugs could kill them that is asking for a death sentence and I mean hey stuff was a pretty cute pokémon so you know just not evolving it has a lot of pros especially the pro about staying alive because if you bond with your stuff hole and it involves them to a beware it's gonna kill you man it's gonna kill you so for those reasons I chose Tuffle for a Pokemon will drive not evolved okay now if you're someone who likes to troll in Pokemon battles you're definitely gonna love this one so for number four I chose Ryland now i'm pokemon black and white all poke him all were given hidden abilities and with riolu it was given a very powerful hidden ability called prankster and what disability does is that it gives a priority a +1 to any status move so as you can see on this priority chart it moved like roar with a negative 6 priority will become a plus one priority move now the reason why it shows riolu has a pokemon that you wouldn't want to evolve is for the fact that it's the only poke ball with prankster they could learn the move copycat and roar so imagine this a pokemon like Ferrothorn coming into battle and setting up entry hazards like spikes stealth rocks and toxic spikes and this was you got to your Pricer riolu who knows copycat and roar who just roars a copycat it's roar every single time and since Riley's Pricer gives R or +1 priority it's most likely to go first every single turn therefore you're just roaring here opponent's Pokemon until they die from the entry hazards basically meaning that you just win you just win and funny enough this exploit with riolu got so out of hand that Game Freak actually nerf copycat and Pokemon X&Y we're copycat is a work with certain moves like roar so sorry if you wanted to do this a Pokemon Sun and Moon you can but if you want to troll the elite for a pokemon black and white with your riolu you can so yeah I know it's a nice Pig but that is why I chose riolu for number four this list now I've mentioned this Pokemon in the past but I couldn't resist adding him to this list because well he just his fits perfectly so with that said for number three I chose Garchomp now you're probably asking yourself Garchomp doesn't evolve so what is tops talking about and what I'm talking about is not regular evolution but I'm talking about mega evolution and with Garchomp he is definitely not a Pokemon you would want to mega evolve you see with Garchomp when it mega evolves his speed goes from a really good 100 to a mediocre 92 which at its level of play is a very big deal for two reasons the first reason being guard shops whole said revolves around it being very fast and secondly it opens a door to a ton of Pokemon that would normally not be able to speed it in its regular form not only that but mega Garchomp snoo ability is more situational than garchomps regular ability normally Garchomp has rough skin which is very good for taking physical attacks but when it mega evolves this new ability becomes sand force which sounds like a Star Wars spaceship or something and what this new ability does is if a sandstorm is active mega garchomp ground rocket steel type of tags are multiplied by 1.3 which is very situational to say the least and finally it's item slot when mega garchomp evolved zit has the mega stone which really does nothing after a mega evolves but with an herbal Garchomp it's item slot opens and with a life orb it's basically an all around better Pokemon than its mega forum so is safe to say that mega garchomp leet downgrade which is why it's number 3 on this list now number two is more of a personal preference but I still want to add it to this list because it's kind of funny so with that in mind for number two I chose SHINee slugma now guys slug most normal form is based on magma but as SHINee form is absolutely brilliant you see the metallic color and that slugma has is based on solder which is a liquid metal that's extremely hot and hard as when it cools and with slugma it makes complete sense because if it stops moving it's gonna hard it and die it's gonna die it even says it in this pokédex issue that has to keep moving because if it stops the mag will cool and Harden so the solder a speck of a shiny form is really cool no pun intended but thin Chinese slugma evolves into this thing a freaking pink monster which could be melted play-doh or something I even looked at this orange section on bulla pedia and there's nothing about it being pink so basically it just became peat because why not and what really bugs me is that in Jin 2 is shining for it was was better it was like a smurf magma thing you know what no it actually looks pretty terrible too I actually went animation a mcCargo looked like shiny slugma and i gotta say it looks pretty amazing because I am a master at Photoshop but yeah anyways for those reasons I chose shiny slugma as a pokemon you would rather not involve [Music] now this was gonna be very short and very sweet so get your ears ready because this is gonna be awesome so with pets in for number one I chose an Evo like chance now all I have to say for this Pokemon is one word Evo lights the EMU light is what makes Chauncey a tremendously better pokémon than blizzy comparing Chauncey and blizzy status Chauncey has a base special offense of 105 while blizzy has 135 but when he put the Evo light on Chauncey is special defense goes from 105 to 150 7.5 now you're probably telling yourself that isn't that big of a deal I mean Lizzy still is better with his learning set and all that no blizzy and Chauncey both learned all the moves that you practically need for a battle and this is hunting taking the Eevee's into account when you max out the Eevee's and Chauncey and Lizzy's special defense and defense stat you really start to see a big difference a 40 60 stat difference really the only thing Busey has going for it is hoping Chauncey uses his lucky punch item which is literally an item specifically made for Chauncey the boost is critical hit ratio which really wouldn't help at all because you never use chance you know offensive stuff so yeah Chauncey is by far and better pokémon than blizzy wins holding the Evo Lite item and that is why I chose it as number one for a Pokemon that you probably would rather not evolve and there you go the top 10 Pokemon you would rather not involve I hope you guys enjoy the video this top 10 is my first time being a full time consecrated so I hope you guys liked it and if you did be sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more videos like this and if you want to get notifications for the channel and all be sure to hit that Bell because that Bell does something also be sure to follow me on Twitter and Ethan dolls because Twitter is is cool and I'm tweet and you should follow my tweets and subscribe to my gaming channel because we are so close to hitting 100,000 over there we're like we're like 2,000 away or something oh and also I made the discourse server for the dobbs nation so you guys should definitely join that and finally for the question of the day what Pokemon would you rather not have all be sure to let me know down below in the comments because I would love to see the ideas that you guys come up with and yeah that's all for this video and I'll see you guys next time see you [Music]
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 692,898
Rating: 4.7414622 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 pokemon you’d rather not evolve, top 10 pokemon evolutions, top 10 pokemon evolutions that don’t make sense, top 10 pokemon evolutions that you wish were real, ash top 10 pokemon evolution, top 10 strongest mega evolution pokemon, top 10 pokemon that need evolutions, top 10 new pokemon evolutions, top 10 pokemon that you wish didn’t exist, top 10 pokemon you’ve probably never caught, top 10 pokemon you didn’t know existed, pokemon sword and shield evolution, dobbs top 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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