Which of the Sidemen knows Vik the best?

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welcome back to what my side has it's already gone wrong Harry's confident okay well we're gonna dive straight into it this is another episode watch the other people's we did Ethan and Harry's previous location so yes in the episode okay we're gonna start you off with a two-point question - yeah get you going there's two parts of the questions video so this is a two stage question you get a point for each part of it so the question is what was my first ever YouTube video and you get one point for getting the game that goes on and another point for what happened roughly in the video and they say no books I'd let it book okay don't have to be super specific what it was yeah you can also find this out in the Seidman books I'd member : UK if you want to pick it up still still flying hot off the press so are you shot good I know hey we got tweeted that actually yeah that's put some respect on our book stop with Harry I went for Cod as that is that one or two okay okay I'll give you I'll give a knife okay okay okay all right Cod and throwing stuff okay Claud common three okay the only one that got two points is Josh triple quickscope kill cam with a quadrant yeah Evan got card here and was it modern warfare 2 ah that's one point against one point it was a 3 question I'm timing my second video question 2 quickfire what is my favorite gin how do you Brandel flavor cuz I've gone with rhubarb Jim Bob vodka ok pink gin Hendrix okay yeah yeah yeah ooh Bob come on I run a rapport I would probably would have given Gordon's it's all put Gordon Bombay Sapphire dad dad James how frizzy like [Laughter] for one point what for a little subjects did I study which for a level subjects one point [Laughter] [Laughter] how do you know if you get three out of four I'll give you a point can see how what what what to do you cricket an economic past unique thanks history apology English you got tr4 we all put the same chemistry maths biology or physics yeah us point formation kid I saw all allowed to do is maths inside I did I would have given you science and math whiz continent have I not traveled to where unincluded Antarctica so other than Antarctica which continent haven't I been to oh I'm right Europe it has to be no I mean okay Central America is in North America so North America is North and Central America South America was the answer I always check that I was like oh yeah there's no what is my favorite pizza yeah babe it wasn't quick by the end [Music] what is Hawaiian for you yeah yeah can i play not you're both I'll give both of you the point but it was violin drums hope is merely an oddly-shaped private eye what do you guys that you perspire yeah yeah yeah don't keep order to say no yeah I'm giving Josh - I'm getting Josh and Harry the point that's fine triangles are triangles how rare do I like my steaks cook house okay question anyone that doesn't like it this is not medium well-done okay okay medium okay medium rare medium wait yeah a medium or did you mean there is more good night now that's slightly different what type of channel was my minecraft channel originally before it was a minecraft channel what a style of channel was it yeah before before it became a minecraft channel yeah what genre you can you can also there's less there's two ways of saying it it's the same there's two ways of saying what it was there's two different ways to describe it alright we're gonna start with JJ gaming next brand against us buried okay that compilation games I had that I put real-life /blog okay back up in case you got hacked it was it was a let's play / walkthrough channel Josh Josh you're right young you [ __ ] okay it's not it's not the content it was like you know like the rad-brad light yeah it was like a let's play walkthrough like I would just sit and play I played the whole far cry like GTA or that back in the day next question where was I born wait city was I born I'm busy put it can be seen as a trick why have you guys read our book random start with Ethan Sheffield me okay Harry okay Guilford it is if they didn't get it I would have given it favor I swapped I mean I mean I said well I said where I was born and then I what is my favorite music festival starting 100% I probably mention it like in conversations yeah okay okay Miami all in a few weeks okay okay how is the highest the one that got it yes tomorrow yeah but I went I went to Miami ultra three times and it was great but then when Tomorrowland and it was bad and EDC was EDC was too hardcore easier it's not how model was my first car I know this I know it because I with you when you is a horse the wheel boy that's what you are mr. parsall of that yeah okay yeah sure okay anything done a Goren yeah crashing into a car Thanks yeah oh so tired I went that was a note posted on a roll what is the only exam I ever got a B in it's multiple choice so it's between stats English and French statistically two of you will get this right French French French yeah I feel like he gave it away again statistically I'm impressed that you knew that it was a like like a coffin module that I didn't really do I memorized it for the exam and I forgot it the next day yes what is my favorite part Aikens part a kiss does not these bosses partaken we'll start with salmon swimming ok ok ok squash ok cricket swimming was a good show it's skiing oh I love skiing I don't even go swimming anymore I used to swim a lot when I was young that's a good technicality because yeah I did swimming as a sport yeah ok final question what was what was my favorite TV series what was my favorite TV series what is it what is it right now was it was it ok fine what is my favorite TV series of all time of all time I don't think I was gonna get this I swear yeah it was until it got [ __ ] that route the last season growing the whole thing it's not game with drones the whole last season ruin the whole it was Game of Thrones was my favorite so imperative a guest got to Breaking Bad's Harry I used to be Prison Break ok ok house of carbs okay so if we're doing if we were sticking with what it was before Game of Thrones it was Prison Break yeah but my favorite of all time is actually - no no I did scoff that last question but the test the question change how do we order five [Music] seven instrument okay almost on my [Laughter] that was the app so hopefully you guys enjoyed stay tuned for the next one subscribe turn notifications and we'll see you on another video now she wanna call me asking favors still want mundo home for different flavors why my mind is here this side and right or wrong then I messed up all alone as I scrolled up looking through my older pictures [ __ ] was another fun for me or just my riches now I get suspicious all for being so ambitious now I see the Sun cool fishing session for satisfaction only get enough freshen up I feeling like this [ __ ] love my intuition now they wanna
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 4,192,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rFz7xy-UkVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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