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hello and welcome to Southern react today we have vixstar's most iconic slash funniest moments of all time yeah big star here himself to uh gaze it himself and appreciate His Eyes Josh I don't want to make an eight minute video there isn't enough Clips yeah you know I I actually couldn't do this if I was Nick I couldn't watch myself why am I here why have you done this I enjoy it by someone else to sit there person is here to watch themselves I sometimes laugh at my own jokes to make it sometimes I often love all the time India [Laughter] okay okay this is a good video if you had to have sex with an animal yeah what would it be I'm so glad I'm not answering them oh my God yeah number three your mum she's the right dog yeah I bet you feel bad about it JJ's face whenever Vic says something like that is always Priceless like he's so shocked he's a shot he even shot to himself did you see my contemplation because it was in my head yeah you thought about it you wrote it down you repaired for it and he was like can I say this yeah I can dance [Laughter] do you think this is your most iconic moment Vic to be fair though the most viewed one is me doing the Wipeout Course yeah to be fair though might be [Laughter] who is the repeat of this penalty at some point I don't want to take a penalty in the charity match ever again you have to if we get one you have such a good penalty records I know I don't want to [ __ ] it up we got one in one two two I did the scored one past 50. oh true yeah you did against the kids yeah and there was a bang on that one there's like 10 goalies four nil to the sidemen Vic looks up to this moment it's all been downhill since then I didn't mean to shoot them there is no cause you wouldn't you and Simon are the impossible you're just you're tripping oh no this made me really angry because you and freezy were both crew weren't you were you both crew in this and you just decided to to think for no reason yeah I think crazy message on the ground before we we wrongly accused you and you got angry so far yo just wind him up more this round I took the bait of the biggest bite shut the [ __ ] up skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip [Laughter] wait wait did Harry vote for me please he didn't so Randy and Harry are my boys I did hurt myself this is good when you kick it oh I didn't see another penalty Josh he did it too easy [Laughter] [Music] we made it three times didn't we no no I waited for ages I was waiting for like four minutes for the uh with the right timing and everyone's you're getting so annoyed everyone's like you're gonna fall off anyway just [ __ ] just [ __ ] do it that's why it smells at the end as I [ __ ] you guys the flip but that's impressive you know attackers I love how JJ just picks up the weight like that and then I nearly die picking up the same weight [Music] [Laughter] is it just me yeah I really want to do this thing more something to be easy to do that's the way I saw it it finds magnets really attractive oh I forgot about this one Z1 PC crash this is the the stool flip I'm just trying to play H1Z1 with my boys six videos I've lost like six videos this week he kept his [ __ ] crashes and I've restarted my computer I've got back on Skype and my boys all right I'm ready it's working I'm still with it [Laughter] it's the way he comes back for the stone my leg walks past and goes no you know what oh boy to be fair though what Vic did I I thought it was Harry that said that did I think I said you literally said oh oh wait and I was agreeing with Harry Harry said uh Harry said that it doesn't exist over here and I was like yeah to be fair though it doesn't yeah miscommunication okay JJ you should have stalled I thought he was gonna split I thought that was gonna be like the end of his evil character split it was reveal [Applause] he felt bad though straight away look he really did his face I think it's the carpet [Laughter] this is actually ethic that we did this you know I'm so upset how ill I was like how quick I got ill because we never had to do this ever again now [Music] oh this was a rough day I hated it how many do we have to do I think ten seven maybe seven I think seven yeah oh no I was literally in my head I'm like if you land this you can stop you can stop you can move on with your life you can carry on with your dad always balls on this same [ __ ] side because the bottle's [ __ ] dented five four or five I reckon he doesn't do it you know oh [Music] you know lockdown was rough and that video was just stuck inside well it did well I think but I just hated the whole day like the card in the apple as well do you think we could do that video again but bigger and better bigger and better and outdoor and with each other I never had it though let me let's look uh two two and a three you have to go learn a skill together and you gotta learn like 10 skills it is 13 mil that's good but then like everything slapped Tick Tock challenge side men 20 mil you know oh that was everything banged in lockdown video though Vic literally despised I didn't mind it but I you know what I feel like actually I would hate it less nowadays now back then like it was just like there wasn't as much like stuff you could do thank God thank God this camera's rolling by the way I'm so happy actually I was really excited the videos [Music] it was so unnecessary because if this camera wasn't on he's literally just bullied yeah literally but he was because you know the camera's on it's just brilliant yeah but at least you know clip was out suck your mom you're [ __ ] suck your mom 3pm he's done you suck your mum you are huge this video is so funny you know because we're just [ __ ] we've got Logan Paul we're on some [ __ ] dollars he comes to the UK if he's taking fishing I love it though it's sometimes Simplicity just to catch little ratty fish as well oh my good fish can we call that little mini sharks what you have no ass it's fabric more like you suck dicks oh my God oh my God an outro and that is the end of the Vlog oh [ __ ] that's that right there that's a prime hey guys it's me hi again it's me for you guys oh [ __ ] as if it's not him that's done yeah I thought he hurt himself probably didn't give a [ __ ] about you I don't know why you know exactly there you go we take those my humble seven minutes there was a lot of good Clips a lot most of them are by accident left wow all right leave a like and vicstar will make more funny moments I'll try my best
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,626,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ksQci1owW2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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