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I fight battles we can win [Music] with swords we can live oh don't say some of us have been running on sell-side run races too long when I see those fat strong [Music] and then here's a love thing so we go to the river you want I'm fine for the anymore that need the ballotine come right now [Music] you all move to fighting I'm fine all you have to do is [Music] [Music] the blood is by Wow test yourself a mystery we Oh and he is Oh see the size and we'll be baby and the weird [Music] hold that time you are the probably shopping centers and she welcomed you with that quality stores and on your way home early because it's mistaken with yourselves it is kind of like the Christmas Eve before Christmas Eve front in my family and really we are I'm in the midst of working so always not very holiday in my house but um nevertheless we are here and go still basking all from last night word and still just going over in my head what God spoke yesterday and he released the prophecy last Sunday that bears to be repeated this past Sunday I was at a friend's birthday and gum they were were we celebrating her and the Lord released the prophecy and the prophecy was confirmed through several of the prophets that were there and the prophecy said in the next three months that January February and March and that the Lord was going to begin to clear out the debris that everything that have been a hindrance or things that's not needed in your life to proceed and just things that cause you hardship things that become a hindrance to where you're trying to go are me and God spoke that world and he said in March the things that the completion of what God has promised it will be made manifest in the month of March and golly so last night when the Lord gave that that word that the answer is already here and the answer is yes it was just confirmation and that's how you can be assured that God is talking because he continues to confirm and I just think that God is bringing us to a place where we were talking about the scripture at the table the other day about how the angel of the Lord you started slaying and down and when David had repented properly the scripture said and God said enough is enough and I believe that today I believe that's where we are we are in a place now where enough is enough we're in a place now where some things that you just used to tolerate you can't tolerate it anymore you're in a place now where that change is necessary because if you don't make that change you'll never reach your goal so sometimes you have to make a decision between people and your goal sometimes you have to make a decision between you know what is really really really your heart desires and what is not what is not somebody saying yes that's a word and so we're in that last week stretch and we embed that meant that labor pains and stretch where you still pressing and you still you're still pushing and and some things you got to leave behind and some things you just got to sit over here until you do what God has called you to do and when you look at it and you look at all of what God is saying even in the scripture and continue to say I didn't finish that scripture last night I've had to stop where I was I'm not going to be on here long today I'm not going to be on your long today I probably won't be only in my four hours but that's where my burden is today if I must say is that we won't put ourselves in a position well we take advantage of the moment and we take advantage of the time that God has given you and the season that the Lord has put in front of you to make all the wrongs right and to correct some things even now when you you know you when those changes are coming it's not even personal it's not even personal people that you may have been disconnect from it's not it's not personal it's not personal it's seasonal it's what you have to do for right now is what God is calling you to do for right now why because all of your prayers the things that you have been praying for they have been answered and the answer is yes and so then I ask you today what are you going to do with that yes are you going to take that yes and go sit it back in a no zone and I just said something like them are you going to take your yes and fit your yes back into an ozone and when you sit your yes back into an ozone then what you're doing is what is the no zone the no zone is your false dependencies on everybody can make it happen for you the no zone is a false dependency that you have because you don't think you can do it but you can't but you can the vision is in you this is the last week this week coming up to the new year you only have this week to go ahead and decide whether or not you want to take your yes and skip your nest your yes in the no zone in the zone of everybody feeling around trying to figure out what it is you trying to do instead of you getting in there yourself and saying God has called me to do this and I'm going to do it the Lord has directed me to do this and I'm going to do it the scripture that I didn't get a chance to finish and I wanted a Berlin sir I want to show this to you it said in second Corinthians 18 and 22 first chapter 18 and 22 I got to read it again but as surely as God is faithful and means what he said our message to you is not yes and no we're not sitting in that to love that Tulane syndrome anymore everything around you have to be again you can't even afford to work around people just got a yes and I know are yes and I know yes I want to do this for you but I want to do something else too we're talking about focus now and we're talking about one focus I preach that message a long time ago when I was pastoring at the warehouse in Atlanta and and and one of my friends Canon sent me a picture of a little a little plastic stick that I gave that with the finger up with one focus and she said boy do I remember this one focus you can't afford to even have a lot of relationships with people that's got sixteen seventeen different focuses that you know one focus one focus one focus a scatter mine is contagious I want you to know that a scatter minded person is contagious that thing loved us rubs off on you before you know it and before you know it you scatterbrain and don't have to know what you do who am I talking to the dead he said that the message to you the message that was sent to us last night if not yes and no it's not yes and no at the same time for the Son of God Jesus Christ who was preached among you by us by me Havana's and Timothy was not yes and know the gospel is not yes and no he said I didn't come for you no yes and I know I didn't come prophesy me yes and I know he said but has proved to be yes has proved to be yes in him true and faithful the divine yes affirming God's promises other words this yes is somebody dying place but because it's from a divine place it is already connected to divine things which means this this one yes is pulling divine things out of the spirit realm to you right now while your teeter-tottering over in a yes and I know and if you don't stop that you're going to find yourself tilting over into a no when your yes is present and you're going to miss it Who am I just talking to like this who am I talking to right there who am I talking to my dad Norman I'll bring somebody that's why you can't afford you can't afford to teeter-totter back and forth with a yes and a no you have to stay in the lane of the divine prophecy and how do I know this is not a one either binding prophecy it is not me speaking you know off the top of my head this is God just giving me the scripture and telling me what I'm supposed to read before I come on on this this page I feel or what is it that you would have me to say what is it that you would have me to say to your people because these are your people they're not my people you drawing them to this page for a reason and so what is it that you would have me to say and I speak what he gives me I speak what he gives me and last night all the way up until a quarter to ten I was still contending with whether or not I was going to still go live and God said you have to you have to because I need you to deliver this word because they need to sleep on this word they need to go to bed with that in their subconscious they need to go to bed with that word in their spirit that the prayers is answered and I have told them yes I have told them yes they need to lay down in a yes answer are you hearing that if you have not had an opportunity to see last night's video you need to see it you need to see it is a prophecy and I'm not talking about prophecy and by the seat of my pants it is a script or prophecy that God came from the scriptures from the scriptures and so he says here that the divine yes is affirming God's promises for as many as are the promises of God as many of you that is on this page that the Lord has promised something - it says that the promises of God in Christ they are all answered yes and then there's a period there is no if you believe it there is no 10 three slips and you will get it there is no no prerequisite there is no know beforehand if you do something then this is what it is no you got to understand when the scripture is asking you to do something in order to get something that's one thing there's nothing connected to this but the fact that God just said it now whether you want to remain in him to receive it it's up to you but it's already done he has already entered it so now what's left is that I must now put myself in a position in the right position for the yes to deliver me all of my yes the yes is going to deliver to me all of my yeses the yes is going to instruct me to where I can make my divine connections to the yeses are you hearing that watch this I'm going to prove it I'm going to prove it it says as many as the promises of God in Christ they are all answered yes so through him we say are a man to the glory of God it is through him that I am a to agree with him I cannot agree with him outside of him I cannot agree with him in a corner place I cannot agree with him in a lower dimension I can only come to an agreement where I say I agree with that if I'm in that realm it just like my house um excuse me is like my house I can be asking my assistant to do something and she can stand outside on the front walkway and say I agree all she wants but if I'm in my house at the door shut and I got the worship music on ten I don't hear her saying she agree if I say to her um let's go get something to eat are you hungry because I need to go to to the Container Store and get some containers from the house and I need you to help me to carry some banks well if I say that to her and she don't hear me saying that and I'm saying that to her and she's outside on the sidewalk and the doors shut and the music is loud I'm not gonna get an agreement and guess what I'll do I go out the side door into the garage and get in my car and pull off and she could be standing out on the side well wonder what if he can pull off like that why don't you just pull off and let the garage door down I'm standing out here in the cold because if you're not there was a man of God that put something the other night and I'm telling you I say but I think his name is bishop Armstrong I think that's but he's out of Chicago he puts the message on proximity my god I'm sorry that I had to save that video let me let me look because I and you know what I'm gonna post back I'm a post at this weekend because that's that's something you all need to hear you know it he preached this and um and he talked about proximity he talked about being present like your feet being in the Prok see I went to sleep with that on my ears that's really where I am I go to bed with that on my ears that night when I woke up and it was going off I started all over again in the middle of the night and put it back in my ears and just went to sleep listening to proximity listening to how we need to be present in that prophecy we can't be distance from the prophecy or we don't have the authority over that jurisdiction when I tell you he taught that banks and I'm going to post that tonight I'm going to post that word tonight I'm going to post that word tuna and y'all know I don't do stuff like that I don't I don't I don't post other people's stuff on my page or whatever whatever I'm just in a flow of what God has given me to do and I'd do it but when the Lord takes me off course and said put this on the page and put that on the page I do it I do it but when I tell you he tweets that about being present about your feet being near the prophecy so that you can have authority over it so she's out there on the sidewalk and she's not in proximity of what I'm saying then though I kept fit this is what I want her to do with me and as a result of her helping me I'm gonna take you to dinner she would never hear none of that even though it was for her even though it was in my heart to do it she would never get it and that's the problem that we are having we we have to really dissect everything around us to see who is really in truck simile of what God is saying to you who is really present who is really near enough to be able to comprehend where you trying to go so that they won't end up being a hindrance instead of a help does anybody listen today is anybody listen I wrote my feet to be present I want to be standing where God desires for me to spend so I can hear all of what my yes has produced I'm telling you since the other night the yes has producing stuff the yes has producing stuff and some of you are still too far away you still at a distance you you still hanging in the balance what is hanging in the balance is like in a vision I can see like you sitting on the edge of the third dimension with your legs still swinging down in the second dimension like you ain't came all the way up you haven't you haven't stood up in that thing yet you still it's like that dangling with your legs on the side like just in case it don't work I got this over here no you can't do it just in case when God has given you a profound word you can't do no back up told y'all bout when we were when I was when I was fast in my younger days and my grandmother would cook cakes or my mother would cook pies and all of that night limb up taking a whole plate with pies and cakes and and greens and macaroni and cheese and I wrapped it all up and put it in containers and put my name on and putting in refrigerator and said don't nobody touch my mother came in there she saw that and she said what is all this stuff they said doesn't need is that's her name on it come on mother said well engine fast and I say yes ma'am she said well you don't say food then you didn't fast you just waited that ain't fast it she said fasten it when you pass up the opportunity to eat it not because you put in the refrigerator and favorite can you come off the fast you didn't sacrifice that you ain't sacrifice nothing you just saved you some food and that's where your mind was in the whole fact when I come off my bags I'm gonna eat big Mama's time came when I come off my bed I'm eat my mama's sweet potato pack when I get off this fast I'm gonna eat my mom and my groaning Jesus her collard greens oh I can't wait to this pants is over with no I think how that work you miss the opportunity you give up that right and that's where some of us are right now we'll show yes Lord you still hold a known as so just in case that ain't hard at work that's not how that work you let go of the lower ground and you fully come into what God's saying is anybody listening to this you fully come into it you act as if there is no other alternative and that was wrong we have a back-up plan we said we trust in God but we got a backup plane we got a back-up plan you got to be willing to let it go I told you last night this is after what I did I just came and sat down I had opportunities to be on other networks the Lord said no he said if you're gonna wait on what I'm going to do then you're gonna have to let go all the way you don't have to let it all go you don't have to not ask nobody else can you be on just let it go and come and sit down here on Facebook and still there is no other alternative and that's what I did and that's what I did I said right here I said right here I let it go and I was offered to come back on the world network I said no I was on PCP and I called him and said this is what the Lord is leading me to do he's leading me to come off and just be still and I just went and sat down as if there was no other alternative I had an application presented today start ago and they stopped nope God said pull it and he said just wait on me and Here I am Here I am today being offered a partnership I'm just saying people you don't get the fulfillment of the yes until you let go all of the alternative until you let go all of the crutches until uses until you release all the what is when if it don't happen at least I got this no do you know what I've done I position my life with the Lord in a place now that if it don't happen I'm a sitting duck if it don't happen there nothing else will i hearing nobody talk to me right their hearts getting a little low come hard getting a little low them like getting a little low no there is nothing else so the Lord says to me do this and do that and do that and do that and don't do this and don't do this and don't do that okay if that don't come true then there is no other this over here so it causes you to wait on the Lord what a dependency on him and I just spoke something right there it causes you to wait on him watch this what a good tendency on him because what stirs the board if you want to get God stirred up if you really want to get God stirred up you want you what you want to get that yes activated before the year is out let God know that you are he is your only hope that he is your only help that God if you don't do it it won't be done thank you Jesus thank you Jesus if you don't bring me out I won't come out and if you don't bring me out I will come out and if I don't come out then I know this is where you got me sitting and you got me sitting here for reasons oh my god is anybody listening today does anybody listen today he's your only hope for watch this watch this why should for as many as are the promises of God in Christ they are all answered yes so through him we say our amen to the blowing of God now listen now it is God who establishes and confirms us and joint fellowship with you in Christ and who has anointed us empowering us with the gifts of the Spirit it is God that confirms us and establishes us watch this it is he who has also put his seal on us that is he has appropriated us and certified us and he and has given us the Holy Spirit in our heart and a pledge watch this Russia's had given the Holy Spirit in our heart as a pledge like a security deposit to guarantee the fulfillment of his promise of eternal life now that right there will preach our back sucks he has given us the Holy Spirit as a security deposit to guarantee us that this ring is going to be fulfilled is anybody listening so let me help you with something when you're feeling the presence of the Lord and when the presence of the Lord is sitting on you and you having a visitation moment of the presence of the Lord that's not for goosebumps and that's not to make you feel better what that is come to do is to assure you that there is a yes still in operation with your name on it and that such Spirit of the Lord is your security deposit oh my god oh my god well let's look at that let's look at that when you go to get a house when you go to get a car when you go to get an apartment they ask you for a security deposit and they say we want you to give us a security deposit because when you release the first portion of your money which of a man's Treasuries there also lies on wherever so every man's treasure is there also lies at heart when you give us your finances upfront then what you are saying to the owner is that I'm interested enough in this that my heart is in it so now I give you my treasure I'll give you my treasure because my heart is in this decision and though I don't have all the money right now this very precious second my heart is in this decision so what I will do I will give you the security deposit and then the landlord says I'm going to keep this security deposit until you move because if none of my property is damaged you gonna get to keep it I will give it back to you are y'all seeing this so the security deposit of God is that I released my holy spirit to you and if you don't walk around damaging what I said I'm gonna do for you then you get to keeping my god you get to keep it but the next apartment you get to keep it for the next dimension you get to still embrace my anointing for the next miracle that I'm going to do for you because my spirit is your security deposit that having done all of these promises as many as the promises that were made by God he has answer today and his answer is yes Wow Wow Wow are you hearing that me read them one more time he has appropriately us and certify us as his and has given us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a pledge like a security part our deposit as a pledge as a promise that I have said yes and that my spirit is here which means the life of Who I am has now been given to you to hold on to until the life of what I said is made manifest through the life of Who I am said again my spirit said the Lord is a life in the breath of Who I am and so I give unto you this day the spirit and the life of Who I am until my spirit that is with you make manifest and bring it to life of what I have saved and so now my spirit is your confirmation my word is your promise but my spirit with you is my confirmation that I told you yes my god my god the backwash has some water some sentiment God bring the increase cara de Buci anonymous Andy Thank You G thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Thank You G God I love you do you hear that did you hear that well I'm getting ready to go and I want all of you to have a Merry Christmas a great Christmas and um just be thankful just be grateful for what God has done for you always remember somebody is sitting somewhere less than you whatever it is you don't think you have whatever it is you didn't think you can buy your kids always remember somebody's children don't have anything they don't even have a place to lay their somebody's children is still sleeping under by on filling in boxes and in hobo life a hobo lot is where you got a lot of homeless people living in boxes and stuff and eat not a garbage can I want you to know that I want you to know that that you're blessed you're blessed you may not get a little the time back but you're blessed you may not get a Gucci purse but you're blessed you may not get not one gift but you're blessed I'm blessed I didn't I didn't I didn't look for all of that this year my Christmas gift to myself is preparing my notebooks to produce what God said that they were produced that's my Merry Christmas my Merry Christmas is the gift that I give to me that would be made manifest in 2007 not what I go to the store and buy me is what I store in me that becomes my gift remember that remember that remember that thank you the latter the first of the years I've been preaching the numerator battle ministries for the New Year's Eve service and also that Sunday night be ministering to night bringing in the new year with the new year's world and also that Monday night in van beginning on the 5th through the 8th in Philadelphia Pennsylvania we're going to be doing to bring back the glory conference in Philadelphia with Pastor Baez and being the 18th through the 21st are going to be in Fort Lauderdale Florida doing bring back the glory and then in March we're going to be with Bishop strong so this thing is on the move and God is moving by his spirit and I look to see some of the bumblebees at some of these events and you would be hearing about the advertisement and then you will be joining me on January 12th for the new luncheon of me being invited to be a part of the impact television family and if you don't have DirecTV or Comcast you need to do it I didn't have it I had some off-brand thing called optimum so I wanted to order the red TV myself so that I would have DirecTV and Comcast in my house so I'm just not doing it myself so that would be a good reason for you to do it so that you can watch yours truly and see what the Lord has done and see how God these are fulfilled his promise and he would do the same thing for you and I want you to go off of this program today knowing that the Lord did answer you he's already answered you and what you were prayed about the Lord gave us the answer and he said the answer is here he said the answer is yes god bless you and have a Merry Christmas
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 7,352
Rating: 4.9103141 out of 5
Id: JQV6wKedW7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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